Sword of Sword Command

by NobleCuriosity

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Sword of Sword Command

Weapon (any sword), major, rare, requires attunement

While wielding this sword, you can cast the sword burst spell from it as an action, which deals damage as if cast by a spellcaster of your level.

The sword has 10 charges, and regains 1d10 charges daily at dawn. As an action you can expend any number of these charges to animate swords as if by the animate objects spell, paying two charges per greatsword (medium) and 1 charge per non-greatsword sword (small). You may target a sword that is worn or carried by another creature with this ability. If you do, that creature may make a Strength saving throw to retain control of their sword; on success, that sword fails to animate.

The DC for the sword's abilities equals 8 + the
to-hit modifier you would apply to regular attacks
with the sword.

Art and design by u/NobleCuriosity3.


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