Path of the Flame Warden

by EvenTallerTree

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Primal Path: Path of the Flame Warden


Heart of Fire

Starting when you choose this this path at 3rd level, you gain resistance to fire damage.

Warden's Aura

Also at 3rd level, when you enter your rage, you can ignite your Warden's Aura, making flames race across your body and projecting an aura of heat for 10 ft around you as long as your rage persists. When you do, you also shed bright light in a 10-foot-radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet for 10 minutes. While your Warden's Aura is active you gain the following benefits:

  • Once per round when a creature within your aura hits you with a melee attack, you may cause them to take fire damage equal to your rage damage bonus.
  • As a bonus action on your turn you can flare the flames, forcing all creature within your aura to make a dex save, taking 1d6 fire damage on a failure, and half as much on a success. This damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level.

The save DC for your Wardens Aura is equal to 8 + your Con modifier + your Proficiency bonus

Warmth of the hearth

At 6th level, while your rage is active you have resistance to cold damage.

Also at sixth level, some of your aura benefits extend to your allies. When you activate your aura, you may grant some of your aura benefits to a number of creatures up to your Con Modifier (minimum of 1). While they are within your aura:

  • They are immune to fire damage you would deal to them
  • They have resistance to all other fire and cold damage
  • Whenever a creature within your aura hits them with a melee attack, the attacker takes fire damage equal to your rage damage bonus.


Beginning at 10th level, you can channel the cleansing power of flame to temporarily close wounds. As a bonus action while your Warden's Aura is active, you can grant yourself or an ally designated by your Warmth of the Hearth feature 2d10 + your constitution modifier temporary hit points, which last until your next short or long rest, or until you use this ability again. This ability has no effect on undead or constructs.

Ardent Flare

At 14th level, when you deal fire damage to a creature you may ignore resistance to fire damage, and treat immunity to fire damage as resistance instead.

Additionally, the radius of your Warden's Aura feature is doubled, and you have immunity to fire damage while it is active.

Inferno Unbound

Also at 14th level, when you Rage you may choose to activate a variant Warden's Aura which gains the following features:

  • At the start of your turn creatures within your aura take fire damage equal to half your barbarian level, plus your Con modifier.
  • When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, they take an additional weapon die of fire damage
  • Once during your rage, as an action you may transform into a raging torrent of flame. You travel up to 60 feet in a straight line, and each creature you pass through must succeed a Dex save or take 8d6 fire damage, half as much on a success.

When this modified rage ends you must make a DC 25 Con save; on a failure you gain 2 levels of exhaustion, on a success you gain only 1 level of exhaustion instead.

Marko Šiškovič | Art by: Takeda11

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