The genre of cyberpunk appears in movies, books, television series, and video games, to the point that the visual style and themes have become iconic. The visuals include an endless sea of sprawl, neon-lit streets, towering skyscrapers, and grimey alleyways. The themes, stemming from the mix of low-life and high tech, focus on vast amoral megacorporations, out-of-control wealth disparity, criminals struggling to survive, dehumanization, and other lovely topics. The world is flavored with cybernetics, artificial intelligence, the parallel world of cyberspace, big guns, and fast vehicles.
While there are many tabletop games that have been developed specifically for cyberpunk settings, many DMs have trouble convincing players to learn and use an entirely different system from Dungeons and Dragons. This can be especially true if the player has only ever played fifth edition D&D, and wants to continue playing with familiar rules. This book melds together these familiar rules with the cyberpunk trappings, letting DMs and players alike play comfortably in these exciting settings.
You can use this book for a variety of defined settings. Shadowrun is a setting that mixes technology and magic, making it uniquely compatible with the mechanics of D&D. The magic and races of D&D can be trimmed back to allow for low or no-magic settings such as Cyberpunk Red’s Night City. Alternatively, you can establish your own campaign setting and use this book as a supplement for telling your story.
## Using This Book
This book is intended for use by both players and Dungeon Masters for supplementing fifth edition D&D campaigns in cyberpunk settings. The rules are also flexible enough to be adapted for modern or science fiction campaigns.
Included in the book are the following:
- 13 new subclasses, one for each class including the artificer
- Feats, spells, fighting styles, warlock invocations, and artificer infusions
- 15 backgrounds suited for a cyberpunk setting
- In-depth firearm and ammunition rules
- Vehicle rules for cars, boats, aircraft, and more
- Equipment, explosives, and consumables
- Hacking and network security
- Drugs and addiction
- Humanoid, drone, and AI statistics
- And more!
Instead of altering the core concepts of D&D, this book has been designed with the same philosophy in mind, expanding only to cover cyberpunk concepts that the base books do not explore.
These are the core philosophies for this book:
### Simplicity
Fifth edition has earned praise for its simplistic, yet flavorful and elegant approach to the D&D system. This book attempts to embody that concept in its philosophy. Where possible, additional complexity over the base system is kept to a minimum.
### Financial Goals
Following the Dungeon Master’s Guide guidance for giving money and treasure leads to characters with thousands of gold, and little to spend it on besides magic items stocked in stores by the DM.
This book’s intent is to provide a broad range of cybernetics, vehicles, equipment, explosives, consumables, and other items the characters can spend their hard earned cash on. This places less burden on the DM to provide money-sinks.
### Firearm Focus
Firearms are designed to be competitive and flexible for any given combat situation. This is done intentionally to incentivize their use over options available in the base game of D&D. While medieval weapons can still be brought into a firefight, and the base rules of D&D still apply, most of the combat options and features in this book will focus on firearms.
System Transition
As part of using the fifth edition D&D system for a cyberpunk setting, there are a few adjustments that need to be made to the currency system and starting equipment. Of course, usage of this book’s terms for money and equipment is optional. You can base your currency on Shadowrun’s nuyen, or use space age or steampunk names for equipment.
### Money
Carrying around heavy bags full of shining gold coins is impractical. Instead, the world standard for currency is the credit.
You can stash your hard-earned cash in small credsticks, or even bank accounts if you’re feeling civilized. In terms of D&D buying power, 1 copper coin is equal to 1 credit. Use the Currency Equivalency table to see exact exchange rates.
##### Currency Equivalency
| Coin | Credits ||
| Copper (cp) | 1 credit ||
| Silver (sp) | 10 credits ||
| Electrum (ep) | 50 credits ||
| Gold (gp) | 100 credits ||
| Platinum (pp) | 1,000 credits ||
When calculating the costs for supplies and goods that are unspecified in this book, such as a pizza, a caffe latte, a taxi
fare, rent, or other items, you can use real life currency for reference. For example, you could measure 1 credit to be roughly equal to 1 US dollar, or your local equivalent.
### Starting Equipment
The traditional starting equipment of leather, chainmail, and crossbows may be out of place in your Cyberpunk setting. Some martial firearms, such as the rocket launcher or gatling gun are not meant to be available as starting equipment.
See the starting equipment table for how to exchange one piece of starting equipment for another. With the DM’s permission, the player can also use the normal starting equipment instead.
##### Cyberpunk Starting Equipment
| Traditional | Cyberpunk |
|Leather |Steelcloth|
|Studded leather|Combat suit|
|Chain shirt |Combat jacket|
|Scale mail |Armored jacket|
|Chain mail |Shock armor|
|Light crossbow |Hunting rifle or double barrel shotgun|
|Shortbow |Pistol, revolver, or hunting rifle|
|Longbow |Assault rifle or sniper rifle|
|Javelins or handaxes |Pistol, revolver, or sawed-off shotgun|
|Any simple weapon |Any simple weapon|
|Any martial weapon |Any martial weapon that lacks the massive property|
|Shortsword or rapier|Magnum, micro SMG, sawed-off shotgun, or sniper rifle|
|20 arrows or crossbow bolts |20 bullets or shells|
|Torches or a lantern |Glowsticks or a flashlight|
> ##### DM Tip: Valuable Firearms
> Some martial firearms make starting equipment substantially more valuable. Bear this in mind for players who are using the Starting Wealth by Class table from the Player's Handbook.
**Street Sam:** Hey folks, I'm new around here! I was told this was a good place to get work and advice.
**Wildfire:** welcome to the Grapevine, Sam! :)
**SlapChop:** You came to the right place, my man. I got just the job for you.
**Sundown:** Don't listen to him, the last group that went on one of his jobs ended up as organs and spare parts across a dozen black market sites.
**SlapChop:** Come on, dude! It's not my fault they were all talk and no spark.
Chapter 1
# Character Options
At first glance, it may be difficult to reconcile the medieval fantasy design of D&D character archetypes with a futuristic cyberpunk setting. Does a bearded old wizard in a pointy hat belong in a grungy dive bar? Does the leaf-laden elven woman and her wolf companion seem out of place squatting in an alley just off the red-light district? Or the bearded dwarf in heavy plate mail armor? The answer is… it depends!
Your setting may be full of anachronisms, a world with vastly different levels of technological advancement in different nations. Political tensions between an advanced city and a high-magic kingdom could draw interesting contrasts. Or you can go with a purely high-technology world, where magic is rare or even non-existent. Ultimately, as with all things, it’s up to the DM.
Players should keep the campaign’s setting in mind when creating their characters, but there is more than enough freedom to flavor your character in a way that fits.
The following are just a few examples of class-based character concepts.
- A barbarian can be a street thug who thrives on violence and drugs.
- A bard can be an aspiring pop star.
- A cleric can be a servant of god in a world that forgot religion in the pursuit of pleasure and wealth.
- A druid can be a vengeful force of nature that leaves the last remnants of their forests to take on the bloated bureaucrats who polluted their home.
- A paladin, similar to standard D&D, is simply a person devoted to a concept or purpose to the point it manifests as divine or mysterious power.
- A ranger can be a homeless person who has learned to forage and survive on the mean streets.
To assist with the creation of your character, this chapter offers cyberpunk themed and setting-neutral subclasses for each of the classes in the Player’s Handbook, as well as the artificer. There are additional class options, which include fighting styles, warlock invocations, and artificer infusions. Finally, there are a set of backgrounds for your characters that are more suited for futuristic society.
|Class|Subclass|Level Available||Description|
|Artificer|Mech Pilot|3rd||Pilots a customizable mech to meet any tactical situation|
|Barbarian|Street Savage|3rd||A furious heavy weapons expert who accelerates into battle|
|Bard|College of Anarchy|3rd||Wields the power of their voice to move you|
|Cleric|Commerce Domain|1st||Trades in goods and gods, and always gets their fair share|
|Druid|Circle of Transformation|2nd||Transforms into vehicles of all shapes and sizes|
|Fighter|Toxic Avenger|3rd||Driven by the chemical forces of addiction and withdrawal|
|Monk|Way of the Primal Forces|3rd||Calls upon the elements and forces of nature|
|Ranger|Drone Master|3rd||Fights alongside their advanced chimera drone|
|Rogue|Saboteur|3rd||An expert demolitionist who is crazy about bombs|
|Sorcerer|Nuclear|1st||Mixes magic and radiation in an unstable bond|
|Paladin|Oath of Progress|3rd||Leads and unites their allies swiftly toward their goal|
|Warlock|Fandom|1st||Leverages their rabid audience for fame and power|
|Wizard|Technomancer|2nd||Bends technology to obey their commands|
Artificer: Mech Pilot
Mastery of the modern battlefield requires a hybrid approach of technology and magic, and no combat specialist epitomizes this approach better than the Mech Pilot. Armed and armored in an enchanted mobile suit, the battle mech is a flexible weapons platform built to be reconfigurable. This allows it to fit into any tactical situation on evolving battlefields.
The Mech Pilot’s bond to their battle mech is critical to their success. The battle mech is attuned to their pilot’s magic, and strong fluctuations of that power source can cause instability, desynchronization, and mission failure. However, a Mech Pilot with mind and mech united can become an unstoppable force.
#### Mech Pilot Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Mech Pilot Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
##### Mech Pilot Spells
|Artificer Level||Spells|
|3rd||magic missile, shield|
|5th||gust of wind, shatter|
|9th||lightning bolt, thunder step|
|13th||fire shield, storm sphere|
|17th||steel wind strike, teleportation circle|
#### Battle Mech
At 3rd level, your knowledge of arcane mechanics has allowed you to develop a sophisticated mechanical suit that you pilot into battle. Over the course of a long rest, you can use your tinker’s tools to create a battle mech, which functions as a magical suit of medium armor. The armor weighs 200 pounds, which you can ignore while you wear it. The armor can be the target of one of your artificer infusions.
You gain the following benefits while wearing the battle mech:
- When you attack with a weapon, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls.
- You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- You gain proficiency with martial weapons.
The armor is powered by your magic, and any creature other than you that dons the battle mech receives no benefits, they cannot use its properties, and the creature's movement speed becomes 0. The armor continues to be a battle mech until you creature another battle mech.
#### Tactical Assault Array
Also at 3rd level, you can adjust your armor for a given combat situation. When you create your battle mech, choose one of the following modes: hellion, valkyrie, or titan. The mode you choose gives you special benefits while you wear the battle mech, and determines its properties as armor per the Battle Mech Armor table.
You can change your battle mech’s mode whenever you finish a short or long rest, provided you have tinker’s tools in hand.
**Ticker:** You might be the slimiest fixer I've ever heard of.
**SlapChop:** Ah, but you have heard of me!
**Ticker:** Well, I've heard you're very cheap, as are your operators, and my client has a budget.
**SlapChop:** Say no more, say no more, I've got a batch of experts ready to go, perfect for your client's needs.
**Ticker:** I haven't even told you what the job is.
##### Battle Mech Armor
|Mode||Armor Class|Stealth|
|Hellion||12 + Dex modifier|-|
|Valkyrie||14 + Dex modifier (max 2)|-|
#### Hellion
This battle mech mode sacrifices armor and mobility, preferring instead to rain destruction on foes from long range with heavy weaponry. It has the following features:
- You can ignore the massive property on firearms.
- **Bombardment.** As a bonus action, you can assume a braced firing stance if you are standing on a solid surface. While in this stance, you can use a bonus action to make a ranged weapon attack. Additionally, attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls, your speed becomes 0, you can’t be knocked prone, and you cannot be pushed or pulled by any effect. As a bonus action, you can exit this stance.
#### Valkyrie
This battle mech mode is adept at skirmishing in mobile battlefronts. It has the following feature:
- **Blitz.** You can Dash or Disengage as a bonus action. When you Dash, you gain the effects of the jump spell until the end of your turn, and if you move at least 10 feet in a straight line straight toward a target before hitting it with a weapon attack, it takes an extra 1d8 lightning damage. You can deal this extra damage only once on each of your turns. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at level 9.
#### Titan
This battle mech mode is focused on close quarters combat with its ironclad defense. It has the following features:
- You can ignore the two-handed property on a single melee weapon you’re holding. Your current and maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to your artificer level.
- **Rebuff.** When you hit a creature that is no more than two sizes larger than you with a melee weapon attack, you can immediately use a bonus action to force it to make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, you can push the creature up to 15 feet away from you.
- **Bulwark.** When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you, you can use your reaction to move up to half your movement speed. At the end of this movement, if you are within 5 feet of the target of the attack, you can force the attack to target you instead. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
This mode’s AC increases by 1 when you reach 5th level, and again when you reach 9th level.
#### Extra Attack.
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
#### Overdrive.
At 9th level, you can push your battle mech to its limits. As an action, you can activate your battle mech’s Overdrive ability, which grants you effects based on its mode, as shown below. This ability requires a loud vocal component, and you must be wearing your battle mech to use it. Once you have used a mode’s Overdrive ability, you cannot use that mode’s Overdrive ability again until you have finished a long rest.
**Hellion.** You gain advantage on your ranged weapon attacks for 1 minute.
**Valkyrie.** You cast the haste spell on yourself without somatic or material components and without requiring your concentration.
**Titan.** You cast the enlarge/reduce spell on yourself without somatic or material components and without requiring your concentration. While you are under the effect of the spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to your artificer level at the end of each turn. When you use your Rebuff feature against a target, you can deal 1d6 thunder damage to every target of your choice within 10 feet of it.
#### Air Supremacy
At 15th level, your battle mech can take to the skies and unleash its full potential. While you wear the battle mech, you have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed.
Additionally, your battle mech gains benefits based on its mode, as shown below.
**Hellion.** When you hit a target with a ranged weapon attack, you can deal an extra 1d4 cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage (your choice) to that target.
**Valkyrie.** When you use your Blitz feature, you instead deal an extra 1d8 lightning damage for every 10 feet you move in a straight line straight toward a target before hitting it with a weapon attack, to a maximum of 4d8.
**Titan.** When you use your Rebuff feature to push a creature away from you, you can instead choose to knock them prone.
Barbarian: Street Savage
Heavy metal, rusty junkyard scrap, and a bad attitude all wrapped into one package. The Street Savage is one mean motherfucker who specializes in launching as much lead as possible at any stupid sonnofabitch that looks at you cross-eyed. Preferably from a monster truck.
More cunning than one might give them credit for, the Street Savage is adept at attaching all manner of brutal instruments to their weapons. Does this gatling gun need a chainsaw? Should I mount a rocket launcher on my flamethrower? When I die, should I go to hell with friends? The answer is always, “YES!”
#### Walking Tank
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can leverage your ferocious strength and rage into your firearms. You gain the following benefits:
- When you attack with a heavy firearm, you can use your Strength modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll.
- Where your Barbarian features apply to melee weapon attacks, they now also apply to ranged weapon attacks with heavy firearms.
#### Savage Accessories
At 3rd level, you can modify your firearms to be more useful in brutal combat. You gain proficiency with tinker’s tools and land or water vehicles (your choice). If you already have either of these proficiencies, you instead gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Over the course of a long rest, you can add one of the following savage accessories to a two-handed, heavy firearm.
**Belt Feed.** If this firearm lacks the blast property, it ignores the reload property. You can swap ammo types loaded into this firearm on your turn (no action required).
**Blast Shield.** While you are holding this weapon you are not affected by the blast property on weapons and you have resistance to thunder damage.
**Bola Launcher.** As an attack with this firearm, you can launch a bola at a creature. A bola functions similarly to a net, except that it is range 20/60, and you can make your normal number of attacks. You can reload this launcher over the course of a short or long rest.
**Chainsaw.** This weapon also functions as a chainsaw for melee attack purposes, including opportunity attacks, except that it does not require a pull start in order to be used.
**Dead Man’s Switch.** You can attach an explosive that requires an action to use to this firearm. If you are holding the firearm when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can activate the explosive at a point within your space. You can replace the explosive over the course of a short or long rest.
**Grapple Harpoon.** This weapon can launch a harpoon at a target. It functions similarly to a spear gun except that it is range 30/60. When you hit a creature with a harpoon from this weapon, and the target is a creature your size or smaller, you can make a contested Strength (Athletics) check to pull it next to you and grapple it with a free hand. If there is no open adjacent space, then the creature stops in the nearest available open space and is not grappled. Alternatively, if the target is larger than you, you can choose to be pulled to it. However, this does not grapple it.
**Under-Barrel Rocket Launcher.** This weapon also functions as a rocket launcher. This accessory is not compatible with other under-barrel accessories.
**Ticker:** I do recall telling you I wanted an inconspicuous team.
**SlapChop:** And you got it!
**Ticker:** I'd say the bus with the spiked bumpers, mounted rocket launchers, and the dried blood are pretty distinctive.
**FragOut:** fuck yeah, sounds like my kind of dude! when do i get to ride it?
**SlapChop:** It's surprisingly comfortable on the inside, you should try it.
**Ticker:** The man driving the zombie-flick mobile called it the 'Slaughterbus'.
A firearm can have only 1 savage accessory, and you can maintain a number of savage accessories equal to your Rage Damage. If you attempt to add a savage accessory beyond your limit, you can choose which of your current savage accessories will break and become unusable.
If a creature other than you attempts to use one of your savage accessories or the firearm it is attached to, the attempt will fail and the firearm will malfunction, causing the creature to take 2d4 slashing or piercing damage (your choice).
#### Road Rage
At 6th level, you become a fierce road warrior who gives new meaning to the term muscle car. If you enter a rage while you are driving a vehicle, the benefits of your rage also apply to your vehicle until the rage ends.
Your rage doesn’t end early if your vehicle has attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn. While you are driving a vehicle and raging, the vehicle can make ranged attacks using your Strength modifier, instead of Dexterity, for the attack rolls.
Additionally, you can control a vehicle without having a free hand for the vehicle’s controls.
#### Blaze of Glory
At 10th level, when a vehicle you are driving is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use a reaction to have the vehicle move up to its movement speed. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks. If a vehicle would explode when it is reduced to 0 hit points, the explosion occurs immediately after this movement.
Additionally, you gain resistance to fire damage and you take no damage from explosion effects caused by a vehicle or any other object reaching 0 hit points.
#### Death Machine
Beginning at 14th level, your adrenaline fueled rage allows you to maintain an iron grip on two weapons of mass destruction simultaneously. While you’re raging, you can ignore the two-handed property on all firearms. As a bonus action, you can engage in two-weapon fighting with any firearm.
Additionally, you can draw or stow two firearms when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
Bard: College of Anarchy
The College of Anarchy is less a place and more a state of mind. It is a rejection of oppressive governments, of soulless megacorporations, and of any shithead that wants to tell you what to do. It is a statement of revolution against ‘The Man’, and all it represents.
The bards of this college tend to be loud, in both voice and appearance. The image of the punk rocker with a colorful mohawk and glowing LED tattoos is iconic, but the seed of rebellion can take root in even the most forgettable of office workers.
This force of personality yearns to crack the pillars of civilization and cause everything to come crumbling down, but their motivation for doing so is their own.
**Ticker:** Let me get this straight, you have an operator for this job.
**SlapChop:** Yup!
**Ticker:** But she refuses to take orders from me because I'm 'the man'.
**SlapChop:** Not quite, she doesn't take orders from anyone. But especially not you.
**Ticker:** Do you see how this might be problematic?
**Wildfire:** oh! are you talking about Shuffle? just get her some lemon tarts and ask very nicely! she's a real sweetheart
**Wiseguy:** I see even anarchy has its price.
#### Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Anarchy at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with martial firearms. You can use a firearm as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
#### Superstar
At 3rd level, you can use the Bardic Inspiration feature on any creature who you can hear or see, and who can hear or see you, regardless of range. This includes creatures that can hear or see you through digital means, such as a camera or smartphone.
#### Rebellious Shout
At 3rd level, you learn how to channel your powerful free will into your voice.
As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration on a creature you can see or who can hear you other than yourself within 60 feet of you to use one of the following Rebellious Shout options of your choice. If the creature is unwilling, it can make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a successful save, the creature is not moved and suffers no effects.
**Rise Up.** The creature regains hit points equal to the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier and is pulled up to 10 feet closer to you. If the creature is prone, it can use its reaction to stand up. A creature cannot be the target of this ability again until they have finished a short or long rest.
**Fuck Off.** The creature takes thunder damage equal to the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier. If the creature is Large or smaller, it is pushed up to 10 feet away from you.
**Get Lost.** The creature is frightened until the end of your next turn and is deafened for 1 minute.
#### Revolution
At 6th level, you can speak up when you see someone being oppressed and harden their resolve. As a reaction, when a creature within 30 feet of you makes a saving throw against being frightened or charmed, you can start a performance per the Countercharm feature. The creature gains advantage on the saving throw as part of the performance.
#### Loudspeaker
Starting at 14th level, the power of your voice is magnified to establishment-shattering levels. When you use your Rebellious Shout, you can also target creatures of your choice within 10 feet of your original target, and they are affected by your Rebellious Shout option.
Additionally, when you roll a Bardic Inspiration die as part of your Rebellious Shout, you can roll it twice and add both numbers to the result.
Cleric: Commerce Domain
The gods of commerce oversee the trade of goods and services. These deities understand that business lubricates the gears of society and keeps everything running smoothly. Some gods see commerce as a force which must be regulated so that all may benefit from fair trade. Other gods see it as a competition, where the accrual of wealth and power are the goal. In the cutthroat world of megacorporations and massive economic inequality, the latter deities often hold greater sway.
Clerics of these gods put great stock in the open market and the true value of all things. A cleric’s station may range from the lowly accountant with dreams of starting their own business, to a ruthless mid-level executive looking to climb the ranks into the executive boardroom, or perhaps they're a rogue economist trying to bring balance to the commercial world.
##### Commerce Domain Spells
|Cleric Level||Spells|
|1st||alarm, charm person|
|3rd||locate object, zone of truth|
|5th||contract, counterspell|
|7th||banishment, dimension door|
|9th||dominate person, teleportation circle|
#### Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with one type of artisan’s tools of your choice, and in one of the following skills: Deception, History, or Persuasion.
#### Aggressive Bargaining
At 1st level, you can trade a bit of vital energy in order to twist fate. As a reaction, when you or a willing creature within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you and the willing creature can each choose to spend Hit Dice, up to a combined maximum of 4 Hit Dice. For each Hit Dice spent in this manner, the target adds 1d4 to the result. You can only use this ability after the roll, but before any effects of the roll are applied.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
> ##### Spending Hit Dice
> As a reminder, you only regain health when spending Hit Dice at the end of a short rest unless a feature or item specifically states otherwise.
#### Channel Divinity: Mediation
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to exchange vital energy in a way that is profitable and beneficial for all.
As an action, you present your holy symbol, choose up to six willing creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you. Each creature can spend one or more Hit Dice to cause one other creature affected by this Channel Divinity to regain an equal amount of spent Hit Dice.
Additionally, until the end of your next turn, each creature can spend a hit die on its turn (no action required) if it is not incapacitated. The creature rolls the Hit Dice and regains hit points equal to the die roll + the creature’s Constitution modifier + your cleric level.
#### Channel Divinity: Sanctified Transaction
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to make a transaction for goods on the sacred market.
As a bonus action, you can magically create a nonliving object you’ve seen before in your empty hand or in an empty space within 5 feet of you. The object can be no larger than a 3-foot cube and its credit value can’t be worth more than 6,000 times your cleric level. The DM decides if a specific item can be created in this manner, and its value.
The object vanishes after 1 hour unless you magically spend an amount of credits you’re carrying equal to its value when you use this Channel Divinity. The object cannot be used as the material component for a spell unless you spend credits for it in this manner first.
#### Potent Spellcasting
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
#### Free Trade
At 17th level, you can liquidate your vast supply of divine energy when you need it most. Once per turn, when you cast a spell on your turn that deals damage, you can expend one spell slot to deal additional damage to one target of the spell. The extra damage is 1d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than the 1st, to a maximum of 4d8.
Alternatively, once per turn, when you cast a spell on your turn that restores hit points, you can expend one spell slot to restore additional hit points to one target of the spell. The creature regains an extra 1d8 hit points for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than the 1st, to a maximum of 4d8.
Though the forests have been replaced by cities, the trees replaced by glittering steel spires, and the wayward paths replaced by neon-stained streets, some things never change. The land may look different, but those who look for a heart in the concrete jungle will find it beating to the rhythm of a combustion engine. Through the streets flows the blood of the city, a ceaseless tide of machines and life.
Where lovers of nature would give up and abandon these lands for greener pastures, others would appreciate the
**Ticker:** You're just sending me lunatics! This last guy said nothing, only made motor revving noises with his mouth and braking sounds when he walked around corners!
**SlapChop:** But did he get the job done?
**Ticker:** That isn't the point, he got oil all over my carpet!
**TheWheelDeal:** He was just marking his territory. Or, like, his parking spot.
**Ticker:** He turned into a motorcycle, honked, tried to ramp over a cliff, and died.
**Wiseguy:** Hope you bought insurance.
splendor of chrome and grime. The streets and skyscrapers have a will of their own, and a voice for those who will listen. They were paved and built with purpose, and those that would speak for the city shall know the strength in its foundations.
After all, in worlds both natural and artificial, one rule reigns supreme: survival of the fittest. Where clumsy beasts would be out of their element, druids of this circle shall find themselves at home. Where paw and hoof dare not tread, let wheels roll instead.
#### Metal Beast
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape on your turn as a bonus action, rather than as an action, and you gain proficiency with tinker’s tools.
Additionally, while you are transformed by Wild Shape, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot to increase your speed by 10 feet per level of the spell slot expended until the end of your current turn.
#### All-Terrain Forms
The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into a variety of vehicles. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a sentient vehicle with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 4. For example, at 2nd level, you can transform into a vehicle with a challenge rating of 1/2, such as a motorcycle or jet ski.
When you transform, your vehicle form can have a melee weapon mount installed (you choose the type), per the vehicle modification (see Chapter 4). You can use your proficiency bonus instead of the vehicle's when making attacks with this weapon. You don't gain any of the vehicle's immunity to conditions.
You ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there. All creatures are treated as the same size as you for the purposes of determining crashing damage. If your form has an explosion effect when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are not damaged by your explosion.
#### Mystic Munitions
Starting at 6th level, your attacks in vehicle form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Additionally, when you transform into a Large or larger vehicle, you can have a ranged weapon mount installed with a gatling gun, assault cannon, or rocket launcher, per the vehicle modification. Ammunition for these weapons is magically created when you attack with them. You can use your proficiency bonus instead of the vehicle's when making attacks with these weapons.
#### Mayhem Shape
At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at the same time to transform into a sentient vehicle with a challenge rating as high 5.
At 14th level, you can transform into a sentient vehicle with a challenge rating as high as 6.
#### Overhaul
By 14th level, you have mastered your vehicle shape and can begin making modifications to your vehicle forms. When you transform into a vehicle you can choose to gain two from the following vehicle modifications: chameleon coating, ejection seating, environmental shielding, gold plated, hyper thrusters (air vehicle only), and rocket thrusters (land or water vehicle only).
Fighter: Toxic Avenger
The Toxic Avenger is a creature of polar opposites, depending on the flow of chemicals running through their veins. When the drugs flow freely, the Toxic Avenger can control the chemistry of their own body to overcome any obstacle. However, as their reliance on chemicals grow, eventually they will lose their potency.
When the flow of drugs finally ebbs, the Toxic Avenger undergoes a terrible transformation as the desperate craving sets in. As the urge grows stronger, so do the changes, until the Toxic Avenger might be almost unrecognizable from their chemical-rich persona.
**SlapChop:** Alright, I don't ask a lot from my people, but I would like you to TRY to maintain some level of professionalism.
**Street Sam:** Uh, are you talking to me?
**SlapChop:** No, I'm talking to the guy who bit the client.
**FragOut:** deserved it, he was being a dick
**SlapChop:** And his daughter? Her too?
**FragOut:** she touched my fucking stash man!
**SlapChop:** ...And the maid?
**FragOut:** ok i'll admit that one was probably out of line, but i skipped lunch and was a little hangry
#### Recreational User
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can produce drugs and relish their consumption. You gain proficiency with alchemist’s tools, and can consume a dose of drugs when you use any bonus action, such as when you use your Second Wind.
#### Catalyst
Starting at 3rd level, you become capable of harnessing your body's glands and organs to produce powerful chemicals that give you an edge. As a bonus action, or as a part of any other bonus action you take, you can choose to use a Volatile Catalyst or a Stable Catalyst. Roll a d4 on either table to determine its effect, or spend a Hit Die to choose one effect from either table. If you use this ability and gain an effect that is already effecting you, the new effect replaces the older one.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Alternatively, you can spend your Second Wind feature to use this feature. Using the feature in this manner does not count against your normal number of uses.
##### Volatile Catalyst
|1|You roll a d4 and add the number rolled to all attack rolls for 1 minute.|
|2|You gain resistance to all damage until the end of your next turn.
|3|You gain advantage on all weapon attack rolls until the end of the current turn.
|4|You gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (your choice) ability checks and saving throws for 1 hour.|
##### Stable Catalyst
|1|You roll a d4 and add the number rolled to all ability checks for the next hour.|
|2|You can't be charmed or frightened for 10 minutes. If you are charmed or frightened when you gain this effect, the effect is suspended for the duration.|
|3|You gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your fighter level.|
|4|You gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice) ability checks and saving throws for 1 hour.|
#### High Life
Starting at 7th level, you become more accustomed to the ebb and flow of toxins in your body. You have advantage on saving throws against drug addiction.
While you are at addiction level 3 with a drug, you can still gain benefits from consuming that drug. Once you do so, you cannot gain that drug's benefits again until you finish a long rest.
#### Equilibrium
At 10th level, you become adept in manipulating and balancing your internal chemistry. When you roll to determine your Catalyst effect, you can roll 2d4. You can roll both dice on a single Catalyst table, or roll one d4 for both the Volatile and Stable Catalyst tables. You can choose to gain the effects of either result.
Additionally, if you roll two dice, you can also choose to gain the effects of both results. Once you gain both effects in this manner, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
#### Chemical Burn
At 15th level, your body begins to produce corrosive chemicals which scour your enemies from the battlefield. When you hit a target with a weapon attack while you are under the effect of a Catalyst, or while you have temporary hit points from a Catalyst, you can deal acid damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a single Catalyst, plus 1d8 for each additional Catalyst effect, to a maximum of 4d8. Once you deal this damage, you cannot do so again until the start of your next turn.
You also gain resistance to acid damage.
#### Toxic Mania
Starting at 18th level, you can flush your system with chemicals to fuel your body past its limits. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed out-right, you can end one of your Catalyst effects, if you have any, causing you to drop to 1 hit point instead of 0.
In addition, when you roll initiative and have no uses of your Catalyst feature left, you regain one use of that feature.
Monk: Way of the
Primal Forces
Monks of the Way of the Primal Forces are in tune with the chaotic forces of nature. The elements that compose the world and bind reality together are powerful tools for any that dare to attempt mastering them.
In an age where civilization has become untethered from the world it resides in, the primal powers seem irrelevant. It can be easy to discard the forces of water, earth, air, and fire from the comfort of an air-conditioned skyscraper, until a natural disaster serves a sharp reminder of one’s own insignificance in the universe.
By weaving together the elements, and shaping them with their will, monks of this tradition can become as unstoppable as the crushing tsunami, the raging earthquake, the swirling tempest, or the blazing wildfire.
#### Spellcasting
When you reach 3rd level, you can channel the primal elements to aid you. See below for the primal forces spell list.
**Cantrips.** You learn a cantrip of your choice from the primal forces spell list. You learn another primal forces cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
**Spell Slots.** The Primal Forces Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.
**Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher.** You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the primal forces spell list.
##### Primal Forces Spellcasting
The Spells Known column of the Primal Forces Spellcasting table shows when you learn more spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the primal forces spells you know and replace it with another spell from the primal forces spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
**Spellcasting Ability.** Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your primal forces spells, since you learn your spells through your spiritual link to nature and the elements. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a primal forces spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
**Spell save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
**Spell attack modifier** = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
**Spellcasting Focus.** You can use a monk weapon as a spellcasting focus for your Primal Forces spells
#### Primal Forces Spell List
Here’s the list of spells you consult when you learn a primal forces spell. The list is organized by spell level, not character level.
#### Cantrips (0 Level)
- *Fire bolt*
- *Frostbite*
- *Mending*
- *Ray of frost*
- *Shocking grasp*
#### 1st Level
- *Absorb elements*
- *Burning hands*
- *Create or destroy water*
- *Earth tremor*
- *Feather fall*
- *Fog cloud*
- *Ice knife*
- *Thunderwave*
#### 2nd Level
- *Aganazzar’s scorcher*
- *Flaming sphere*
- *Gust of wind*
- *Levitate*
- *Maximillian’s earthen grasp*
- *Misty step*
- *Pyrotechnics*
- *Scorching ray*
- *Shatter*
- *Snilloc’s snowball swarm*
- *Warding wind*
#### 3rd Level
- *Erupting earth*
- *Fireball*
- *Fly*
- *Gaseous form*
- *Lightning bolt*
- *Meld into stone*
- *Protection from energy*
- *Sleet storm*
- *Thunder step*
- *Tidal wave*
- *Wall of water*
- *Wind wall*
#### 4th Level
- *Control water*
- *Fire shield*
- *Ice storm*
- *Stone shape*
- *Storm sphere*
- *Wall of fire*
- *Watery sphere*
#### Elemental Bond
Starting at 3rd level, you can begin weaving and shaping the elements of the world around you. Choose to learn one of the following cantrips: control flames, gust, mold earth, or shape water. You can choose an additional cantrip from this list at 6th, 11th, and 17th level. These cantrips don't count against your number of cantrips known.
#### Focused Chaos
At 3rd level, you can spend 1 ki point to cast a cantrip from your primal forces spell list or your Elemental Bond as a bonus action.
#### Primal Martial Arts
At 6th level, your familiarity with the elements allows you to wield them as an extension of your limbs. When you take the
Attack action on your turn, you can choose to have your unarmed strikes deal cold, fire, thunder, or bludgeoning damage (your choice for each attack). When you do so, your reach with your unarmed strikes increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn.
#### Primordial Might
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a primal forces spell of 1st-level or higher, you can cast that spell one level higher than the spell slot you expend. For example, if you cast burning hands at 1st-level, then it is effectively cast at 2nd-level, and deals increased damage since it is cast at a higher level.
At 11th level, you can cast spells two levels higher than the spell slot you expend, and at 17th level, you can cast spells three levels higher than the spell slot you expend.
#### Channel Primeval Power
At 11th level, blending martial arts and primal powers comes second nature to you. Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to cast a primal forces spell of 1st level or higher by spending ki equal to the level of the spell slot expended.
#### Harness Elements
At 17th level, your mastery of the elements allows you to traverse them unhindered. As a bonus action, you can spend up to 4 ki points to gain a number of the following benefits of your choice for 10 minutes. The amount of benefits you can choose equals the number of ki points you spent.
**Air.** You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
**Earth.** You can move through solid earth or stone, but you can’t end your movement there. If you do so, you are ejected to the nearest unoccupied space, and you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
**Fire.** Your speed increases by 60 feet.
**Water.** You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe underwater.
Paladin: Oath of Progress
The Oath of Progress is a commitment to the betterment of society for current and future generations. In modern times, corporations recklessly pursue profit, basic rights are denied, and rifts divide populations into warring factions. Paladins seeking to shatter the boundaries between people and potential will swear an Oath of Progress.
Depending on the nature of obstacles they face, a paladin who swears this oath may be an activist, the leader of a revolution, or even a scientist searching for answers. However, progress never comes without sacrifice, and a warrior who disregards the damage they cause in pursuit of their goals may find the end was not worth the means after all.
#### Tenets of Progress
The tenets of progress are a promise made to civilization, and they stand as ideals to uphold in the face of adversity.
**United We Stand.** Where there is division and strife, you will unite disparate factions into a force to be reckoned with. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
**The Future is Now.** You shall embrace advancement and change. Whether it be new discoveries, technological breakthroughs, or even a fresh point of view, it all leads to valuable growth.
**Discard Tradition.** Those who cling to tradition and superstition are only holding themselves back. You must abandon old feuds and rivalries in order to keep moving forward.
#### Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
##### Oath of Progress Spells
|Paladin Level|Spells|
|3rd|charm person, command|
|5th|alter self, knock|
|9th|haste, tongues|
|13th|dimension door, freedom of movement|
|17th|passwall, greater restoration|
#### Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
**Bold Proclamation.** You can use your Channel Divinity to captivate your fellow people with your presence. As an action, you force each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes charmed for 10 minutes. The charmed creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, and can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns if it sees a hostile creature, ending the effect on itself on a success. The effect ends for a creature if you damage it.
**Ambitious Strike.** You can use your Channel Divinity to gamble on a powerful blow. When you would hit with a weapon attack, you can instead use your Channel Divinity to make the attack again, ignoring advantage and disadvantage on the roll. If the attack still hits, it is a critical hit.
#### Aura of Progress
Beginning at 7th level, you inspire alacrity in yourself and your allies. Creatures of your choice that move within 10 feet of you or start their turn there can Dash as a bonus action until the end of their turn.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
**SlapChop:** Look, I get it if you're squeamish, not everyone's cut out for this.
**Redlight:** It has nothing to do with being 'squeamish', slum-clearing is a vile corp practice that uproots families, if they aren't killed in the process.
**SlapChop:** Work is work, and the pay is good!
**Redlight:** ...Give me the block's address.
**SlapChop:** Attagirl! I knew you would see reason. Sending the details now.
**Redlight:** Received. Tell the poor bastards you send on this job that they'll have to get through me first.
#### Overthrow
At 15th level, when you hit another creature with a weapon attack, you can cause it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is cursed for 1 minute. Add 1d4 to attack rolls against the cursed creature, and the cursed creature subtracts 1d4 from its saving throws.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Additionally, your Divine Sense feature can detect creatures that can speak at least one language, and you know what languages they speak.
#### Paragon of Unity
At 20th level, your force of personality is strong enough to spark an unbreakable alliance. As an action, you can become an unstoppable icon, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:
- Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you deals an extra 1d6 force damage when it hits with an attack.
- When a creature other than yourself that you can see within 30 feet of you drops to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, but is not killed outright, you can use your reaction to drop it to 1 hit point instead.
- You and creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you can ignore difficult terrain.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Ranger: Drone Master
For some, the lure of high-tech gadgetry, mechanized limbs, and shiny chrome is too much to avoid. Drones are a part of most modern corporate security systems, and for good reason. Drones don’t complain, they don’t get sick, and they don’t betray you to your business rivals. In a firefight, the best companion to have at your back is the one who will listen to and obey your orders unquestioningly.
The Drone Master is a different sort of breed. While they can produce cold, pitiless killing machines as effectively as any megacorp, some have opted for something more. Using a form of magically implanted artificial intelligence, they can instill consciousness in their drones, and some have even developed personalities. It’s a brave new world, one where the people may soon find themselves outdated by machinery.
#### Tool Proficiency
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with tinker’s tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
#### Drone Master Magic
At 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Drone Master Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger spells you know.
##### Drone Master Spells
|Ranger Level|Spells|
|5th|heat metal|
|17th|animate objects|
#### Chimera Drone
At 3rd level, you have engineered a robot with synthetic materials, machine parts, and refined oil, then magically infused it with life and sentience. It is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands. See this creature’s game statistics in the chimera drone stat block. You determine the build and style of the drone and whether it moves on legs, wheels, or treads; your choice has no effect on its game statistics.
In combat, the chimera drone shares your initiative count, but takes its turn immediately after yours. You can also sacrifice one of your attacks when you take the Attack action to command the drone to use its reaction to make an attack instead. If the drone has died within the last hour, you can use your tinker's tools as an action to revive it, provided you are within 5 feet of it and you expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. The chimera drone returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored.
At the end of a long rest, you can create a new chimera drone if you have your tinker’s tools with you. If you already have a chimera drone from this feature, the first one immediately perishes.
#### Loadout
By 3rd level, you have developed combat and utility attachments for your drone. Choose two of the following attachments to modify your chimera drone.
- **Hacker-Bot.** When the drone makes an ability check with electrician’s tools or hacking tools it can add your proficiency bonus to the roll, and the drone gains the benefits of having the hacking tools augment installed. As a bonus action, the drone can launch a built in universal cable up to 30 feet to connect itself to a port it can see.
- **Primed Shot.** The drone can use its primed shot attack.
- **Razor Claws.** The drone can use its razor claws attack.
- **Serum Shot.** You can use your bonus action to cause a creature of your choice within 30 feet of the drone that it can see to regain hit points equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.
- **Shock Prod.** The drone can use its shock prod attack.
Over the course of a long rest, you can replace your chimera drone’s attachments with two attachments of your choice.
> ## Chimera Drone
> *Small construct (drone), neutral*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (Natural Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 5 + five times your ranger level (the drone has a number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your ranger level)
> - **Speed** 40 ft., climb 30 ft.
> |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
> |15 (+2)|14 (+2)|17 (+3)|15 (+2)|13 (+1)|5 (-3)|
> - **Saving Throws** Dex +4, Con +5, Wis +3
> - **Skills** Athletics +4, Perception +3
> - **Damage Immunities** poison
> - **Condition Immunities** charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
> - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** understands the languages you speak
> ___
> ***Advanced Engineering.*** The following numbers increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the drone’s armor class, skill, and saving throw bonuses (above), and the bonuses to hit and damage of its attacks.
> ***Electronics.*** The drone is susceptible to the effects of EMP and similar effects.
> Actions
>***Slam.*** Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
>***Razor Claws.*** Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage. Requires the razor claws attachment.
>***Shock Prod.*** Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) lightning damage. Requires the shock prod attachment.
>***Primed Shot.*** Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 50/200 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Requires the primed shot attachment.
#### Upgrade
At 7th level, you have refined your engineering to improve your drone’s attachments. Each attachment gains its respective additional abilities or effects.
- **Hacker-Bot.** As an action, the drone can cause an EMP at a point it can see within 60 feet of it. Machines, constructs, and vehicles within 30-foot-radius of that point are subjected to EMP.
Machines in the area cease to function for 1 minute. Constructs in the area with the Electronics feature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or they are stunned until the end of your next turn. Vehicles in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or its movement speed is reduced to 0 and can’t take actions or reactions until the end of the drone’s next turn.
Additionally, wireless and radio connections within a 100-foot-radius radius of the point are suppressed for 1 minute.
Once the drone uses this ability, it must finish a short or long rest before it can use it again.
**Ticker:** He seems to really like his drone.
**SlapChop:** Yeah, they're inseparable.
**Ticker:** No, I mean REALLY like his drone. I watched him feed it noodles, whisper encouragement to it, and kiss it on the railgun.
**SlapChop:** I see.
**SlapChop:** Well, you know, it's a tough job. They're under a lot of pressure.
**Ticker:** And it was hard to tell, but I think the drone enjoyed it.
**Wiseguy:** I guess true love really can bloom anywhere.
- **Primed Shot.** A target hit by this attack begins burning for 1 minute, so long as it is not already burning from this attack, and takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
- **Razor Claws.** The drone can grapple a creature up to one size larger than it hit by this attack. Until this grapple ends, the chimera drone can’t use its razor claws against another target.
- **Serum Shot.** Instead of regaining hit points, this ability can end either one disease or one condition for the creature. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned.
- **Shock Prod.** A creature hit by this attack can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn and its speed is reduced by 10 feet.
Additionally, the drone's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
#### Cyberdemon
At 11th level, through a combination of magic and machinery, your chimera drone has achieved the cutting edge of technological superiority. You can choose one of the following advanced attachments to modify your chimera drone.
- **Anti-Grav Boosters.** Your drone gains a flying speed of 80 feet and the ability to hover. It gains a +2 bonus to its AC.
- **Hijack Module.** Your drone can cast commandeer vehicle using your spell save DC and requiring no components. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until it finishes a long rest.
If your drone has the Hacker-Bot attachment, it can add double your proficiency bonus to ability checks made with its hacking tools.
- **Mobile Unit.** Your drone becomes a Medium size sentient vehicle that can hold 1 rider. Its walking speed changes to 120 feet and its climbing speed changes to 60 feet. Its hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your ranger level.
Over the course of a long rest, you can replace your chimera drone’s advanced attachment with one attachment of your choice.
#### Master’s Call.
At 15th level, the bond between you and your chimera drone has become second-nature and you can call your drone to defend you in your moments of need.
When a creature you can see attacks you, you can use your reaction to have your drone move up to half its movement speed. At the end of this movement, if the drone is within 5 feet of you, you can force the attack to target the drone instead. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
Rogue: Saboteur
There are countless situations where sabotage, terrorism, catastrophic failure, and bombings have changed the course of history. A true Saboteur knows that any goal is achievable with enough explosives. If a job has a car that needs stopping, a skyscraper that needs dropping, or a person that needs popping, then look no further.
The real challenge for the Saboteur is knowing when to stop. Some saboteurs let the force multipliers at their fingertips go to their head, becoming a mad bomber. In these cases, self-destruction is inevitable, but at least it’s always one hell of a fireworks show.
#### Bombardier
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the grenade launcher, rocket launcher, thumper, and demolitionist’s tools. When you make an attack with a blast weapon with which you are proficient, you can choose which targets other than the primary target are
affected by the weapon’s blast property.
You also gain an additional way to use your Sneak Attack; you can use Sneak Attack against objects and vehicles as long as you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
> ##### DM Tip: Blast Sneak Attack
> Sneak Attack does not apply to blast damage on targets other than the primary target. Only the weapon’s damage roll applies to the blast firearm property.
#### Hair Trigger
At 3rd level, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to use any explosive that can be used as an action, or to use your demolitionist’s tools to disarm explosives.
#### Blastjumper
At 9th level, you can give yourself a blast-propelled boost of speed. You can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to expend one ammunition from a weapon with the blast property you are holding. You immediately fly up to 40 feet in a straight line in any direction. If you are not on the ground at the end of the movement, you fall.
Additionally, you gain resistance to thunder damage and can fall up to 40 feet without taking damage.
#### Emergent Ordnance
Beginning at 13th level, using your demolitionist’s tools, you can create special improvised explosive devices (IED) with supplies you carry and gather from the environment around you. Each IED functions similarly to an explosive (see Chapter 5, ‘Explosives’) but is unstable, and falls apart after 24 hours unless maintained.
Over the course of a long rest, you can expend a number ordnance points equal to your twice proficiency bonus to create or maintain IEDS. The Ordnance Points table shows the cost of creating or maintaining each type and tier of explosive.
##### Ordnance Points
|Explosive|Point Cost|
|**Tier 1**||
|Fragmentation grenade|1|
|Napalm grenade|1|
|Pipe bomb|1|
|Smoke grenade|1|
|Plastic explosive|2|
|Tear gas|2|
|**Tier 2**||
|Fragmentation grenade|2|
|Napalm grenade|2|
|Pipe bomb|2|
|Smoke grenade|2|
|Plastic explosive|3|
|Tear gas|3|
#### Mad Bomber
At 17th level, you gain the ability to unleash a hail of charges on groups of foes. As an action, you can make up to 5 attacks with weapons with the blast property, provided that each attack targets a different creature. As part of each attack, you can draw a weapon. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Sorcerer: Nuclear
The atom is the building block of the universe. Locked inside is a limitless font of power, waiting to be unleashed. Many who have bathed in the deadly embrace of radiation have crumbled, but some select few of the survivors may find themselves irrevocably altered. A sorcerer tainted by radiation can become a nuclear powerhouse, so long as they can avoid melting down.
#### Radioactive
At 1st level, your inner glow grants you an internal powerhouse from which to draw magic. You gain resistance to radiant damage, advantage on saving throws against being irradiated, and you learn the Light cantrip if you don’t already know it.
In addition, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Nuclear Spells table. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
##### Nuclear Spells
|Sorcerer Level|Spells|
|1st|faerie fire|
|3rd|ray of enfeeblement|
|7th|sickening radiance|
|9th|antilife shell|
#### Reactor
Starting at 1st level, you can harness your atomic energy to expand your magical influence. When you cast a sorcerer spell that creates an effect in a cone, a sphere, or a cube, you can choose to increase the size of the effect by 5 feet. For example, when the fireball spell affects a 20-foot radius sphere, you can increase it to a 25-foot radius sphere.
At 14th level, you can increase the size of the effect by 10 feet.
#### Fallout
At 6th level, your magic carries traces of withering radiation. Once per turn, when you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher on your turn, you can cause one creature targeted by the spell to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target suffers one level of irradiated, to a maximum of level 3.
Additionally, when you cast a spell that deals damage, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to fire or radiant.
**Ticker:** No
**SlapChop:** ???
**Ticker:** No, no, NO! She's literally radioactive! You're insane!
**SlapChop:** Oh, that! Didn't you get my memo about wearing the hazmat suit?
**Ticker:** You sent her to my office! I have a Geiger counter that's going crazy! I'll have to destroy the chair she sat in.
**Ticker:** Oh god, the fucking bathroom!
**FragOut:** yeah she's the worst roommate, especially after spicy food. she could at least remember to turn on the exhaust fan
#### Spectrum Spectre
Starting at 6th level, you can manipulate the spectrum of light you create. When you cast a spell that sheds light, you can designate any number of creatures within 90 feet of you to be able to see that light. It is invisible to others. Spells, features, and effects that require dim light or darkness do not function in invisible bright or dim light, as usual. This light can be detected by truesight.
Alternatively, when you cast a spell that sheds light, you can make that light sunlight.
#### Quantum Jump
At 14th level, as a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Immediately after you disappear, a wave of radiation spreads within a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the space you left for 1 minute. When a creature moves into the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
#### Unstable Fission
At 18th level, you can split your own atoms into the form of an unstable twin of yourself. You can cast simulacrum with a casting time of 1 action, a range of self, and requiring no
components. A simulacrum created in this manner cannot cast cantrips, and cannot use spell slots higher than 3rd level.
When the simulacrum is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 1 minute, it explodes, and targets within 30 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. A target takes 3d10 thunder damage and 3d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
Warlock: Fandom
A fandom is a capricious force, a collection of people with whom you have a connection. Perhaps you were an entertaining jokester, a serious force of personality, or a hateable asshole. Regardless, you have become the center of attention. If deities gain their power through worship, then you gain yours through viewership.
Whether through ritual or pact, you forged this connection, and now your fate is intertwined with your audience. Of course, fandoms are a fickle force, and are quick to abandon those that fail to fascinate them. So, be a rowdy game streamer, a flirtatious hottie, a righteous reporter, a director of Internet drama.
Be anything, except boring.
#### Expanded Spell List
The Fandom lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
##### Fanbase Expanded Spells
|Spell Level|Spells|
|1st|guiding bolt, hideous laughter|
|2nd|enhance ability, mind spike|
|3rd|catnap, spirit guardians|
|4th|compulsion, resilient sphere|
|5th|dominate person, modify memory|
#### Always Online
Starting at 1st level, you gain the benefits of having a sense-log augment installed without requiring surgery or counting against your total number of augments installed. The data you record can be magically uploaded in real-time to the internet and broadcasted online to viewers on your streaming platform of choice.
Additionally, you learn the vicious mockery cantrip. It counts as a warlock cantrip for you, but it doesn’t count against your number of cantrips known.
#### Fandom’s Favor
At 1st level, you can attempt to sway your fickle fandom into granting you aid. As a bonus action, you can choose a Favor from the Fandom’s Favor table. Make a Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Performance), or Charisma (Persuasion) check against the Favor’s DC. On a successful check, the effects of that Favor occur.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
##### Fandom’s Favor
|Cheer|10|You gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level (minimum of 1).|
|Chat|12|You instantly cast the augury spell without material components.|
|Troll|15|You instantly cast the hex spell at 1st level without material components, and without expending a spell slot, on a creature within 90 feet of you. If the target drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends.|
|Dox|18|Choose a creature within 60 feet of you. You learn the creature’s damage vulnerabilities, damage resistances, damage immunities, and condition immunities.|
|Boost|20|One creature you can see other than yourself within 60 feet of you gains advantage on its attacks until the end of its next turn.|
|Donate|22|You magically create a nonliving object you’ve seen before in an empty space within 5 feet of you. The object can be no larger than a 1-foot cube and its credit value can’t be worth more than 3,000 times your warlock level. The DM decides if a specific item can be created in this manner, and its value. It vanishes after 1 hour.|
|Subscribe|25|You regain an expended spell slot from your Pact Magic feature. Once you regain a spell slot with this effect, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.|
#### Larger than Life
At 6th level, you can exaggerate or accentuate your personality while surrendering your dignity or sanity. When you make a Charisma ability check you can choose to roll an additional d20 after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the ability check, and you take psychic damage equal to half your warlock level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
#### Marathoner
At 10th level, you can ignore the effects of the exhaustion condition until you suffer level 6 exhaustion. At level 6 exhaustion, you die.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
#### Cult of Personality
At 14th level, you can harness the unpredictable and dangerous passion your fandom has for you into a physical manifestation. As an action, you summon a Swarm of Fandom in an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of you. It is a swarm of tiny celestial, fey, or fiend creatures (your choice). The swarm disappears when it drops to 0 hit points, or after 1 minute.
**Ticker:** Ok, but why does she need cat ears and the tail?
**SlapChop:** There's microphones in the ears so the audience can listen, and the antenna is in the tail to provide real-time feed.
**Ticker:** She's livestreaming her CRIMES?
**Wildfire:** she sounds adorable! :3
**Redlight:** Somehow, I don't think 'adorable' was the goal.
Roll initiative for the swarm, which has its own turns. When you summon it and on each of your turns thereafter until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you can issue a verbal command to it as a bonus action, telling it what it must do on its next turn. If you issue no command, it spends its turn pursuing and attacking the nearest creature that has damaged it.
If you lose concentration, your control of the swarm ends for the rest of the duration, and the swarm spends its turns pursuing and attacking the nearest creatures to the best of its ability. As an action, you can dismiss the swarm, causing it to disappear. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
> ## Swarm of Fandom
>*Large swarm of tiny creatures, chaotic neutral*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16
> - **Hit Points** equal to seven times your warlock level
> - **Speed** fly 40 ft.
>|19 (+4)|17 (+3)|18 (+4)|7 (-2)|6 (-2)|19 (+4)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +9, Con +9
> - **Damage Resistances** fire, poison, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
> - **Condition Immunities** charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
> - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** understands the languages you speak
> ___
>**Swarm.** The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny creature. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
>**Spam.** The swarm babbles nonsensically. Each creature within 10 feet of the swarm has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration and can’t take reactions.
> ### Actions
>**Multiattack.** The swarm makes two Rabid Fury attacks.
>**Rabid Fury (swarm has more than half HP).** Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: (4d8 + your warlock level) psychic damage
>**Rabid Fury (swarm has half HP or less).** Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: (2d8 + half your warlock level) psychic damage
>**Vitriolic Bile (swarm has more than half HP).** The swarm shoots acid in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 + your warlock level acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
>**Vitriolic Bile (swarm has half HP or less ).** The swarm shoots acid in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 + half your warlock level acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Wizard: Technomancer
The internet is a vast sea of data, a digital world, a plane of electricity and information complete with its own rules… and magic. With a bit of training, study, and immersion within the ceaseless data stream, a practitioner of technomancy can reach out and manipulate the stream.
Technomancers make incredible hackers, their bodies becoming naturally compatible with machines and networks. In a civilization that has come to rely heavily on technology, gadgets, and constant connection, it’s difficult to comprehend the potential power that a technomancer can wield.
#### Datamind
At 2nd level, your mind can interface with machines. You
gain proficiency with hacking tools and immediately gain the benefits of having the hacking tools augment installed without requiring surgery or counting against your total number of augments installed, as well as the benefits of a datajack. Instead of a physical port, you can open a magical port on your body to accept connections from universal cables.
#### Arcane Storage
Starting at 2nd level, your spellbook can be a data drive, a smartphone, or another similar machine with data storage. The cost of material components required for copying a spell into your spellbook represents magical software and licensing fees. You can make a backup copy of your spellbook over the course of a long rest for no cost. If you do so again, your previous backup disappears.
#### Technomancy
Also at 2nd level, you learn programs that can command machines and affect the world around you.
**Programs.** You learn three programs of your choice, which are detailed under “Programs” below. You learn one additional program of your choice at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
**Program Usage.** You can use programs a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
**Recovering Programs.** When you use your Arcane Recovery feature, you can choose to regain an expended use of your programs. Your programs count as 1st-level spell slots for the purposes of Arcane Recovery.
**Visibility.** Your programs make visible effects around you and your targets, but they are only visible to creatures with AR vision.
**Saving Throws.** Some of your programs require your target to make a saving throw to resist the program’s effects. The saving throw is your spell save DC.
**Changing Programs.** Over the course of a long rest, you can replace one program you know with a different program.
#### Ghost in the Shell
At 6th level, you learn the find familiar spell if you don’t already know it. When you cast find familiar, you can choose to have it appear as a Tiny machine and replace its statistics with those of a tiny object animated by the animate objects spell.
#### Active Countermeasures
At 10th level, you can cast the contingency spell with a casting time of 1 action and without expending a spell slot or material components. The contingent spell still requires you to expend its spell slot. When you cast contingency in this manner, it has a duration of 24 hours, and you can use up to two contingency spells at a time. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
At 14th level, you can use up to three contingency spells at a time and you can use this feature twice between long rests.
#### Ex Machina
Starting at 14th level, your power can mimic the effects of powerful cybernetics in your body. Choose one cyberware of tier 3 or lower. You gain the effects of that cyberware as if it were installed, but it does not count against your total
number of attunements. When you finish a long rest, you can change your chosen cyberware to a different one of tier 3 or lower.
Additionally, you can spend 10 minutes refocusing your power to change your chosen cyberware to a different one of tier 2 or lower. Once this feature is used, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.
#### Programs
The programs are presented in alphabetical order.
**Assist.** When you make a hacking tools check, you can use your reaction to make it with advantage.
**Blackout.** As a bonus action, you choose a point you can see within 150 feet of you. All electrical light sources within 80 feet of that point cease to function for 1 minute. If a creature is carrying the light source, it can make an Intelligence saving throw. On a successful save, the light source is unaffected.
**Bypass.** When a trap that you are aware of based on technology or magic is triggered within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction to disable the trap for 1 minute. A trap, for the purpose of this ability, includes anything that would inflict a sudden or unexpected effect you consider harmful or undesirable. Thus, this ability would disable a security camera, a laser tripwire, or a glyph of warding, but not a camouflaged pitfall or a hunting trap.
**Crash.** As an action, you cause a creature you are aware of in the same network as you to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, they are ejected from the network and cannot re-enter it for 24 hours.
Alternatively, as an action, you can target an AI-controlled drone or vehicle you can see within 60 feet of you, forcing the AI to make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the AI loses control over the drone or vehicle for 24 hours.
**Hijack.** As a bonus action, you can force a vehicle within 60 feet of you that you can see to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, at the start of the driver’s next turn the vehicle must move up to its movement speed in a straight line in a direction of your choice. If the vehicle has no driver, it does so on initiative count 0.
**Jam.** As a bonus action, you cause a firearm within 60 feet of you that you can see to malfunction. When a creature makes an attack with that firearm within 1 minute, the creature must roll a d8 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll. If a creature is holding the firearm, it makes an Intelligence saving throw. On a successful save, the firearm is unaffected.
**Overclock.** As a bonus action, you choose a vehicle within 30 feet of you. For 1 minute, whenever the vehicle makes an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check, it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the result.
Alternatively, when a vehicle makes an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check within 30 feet of you, you use your reaction to grant advantage to that roll.
**Overload.** As a bonus action, you reduce a Small or smaller machine within 60 feet of you that you can see to 0 hit points and cause targets within 5 feet of it to take lightning damage equal to half your wizard level. The machine cannot be a weapon. If a creature is carrying the machine, it can make an Intelligence saving throw. On a successful save, the machine is unaffected.
**Pulse.** As an action, you cause an EMP at a point you can see within 60 feet of you. Machines, constructs, and vehicles within 30 feet of that point are subjected to EMP.
Machines in the area cease to function for 1 minute. Constructs in the area with the Electronics feature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or they are stunned until the end of your next turn. Vehicles in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or their movement speed is reduced to 0 and they can’t take actions or reactions until the end of your next turn.
Additionally, wireless and radio connections within a 100-foot-radius radius of the point are suppressed for 1 minute.
**Signal Boost.** As a bonus action, you target one machine you can see within 60 feet of you which doesn’t have active wireless capabilities. The device gains wireless capabilities with a radius of 100 feet for 1 minute.
Alternatively, if EMP has affected a construct or vehicle, or has suppressed wireless capabilities for a machine, you can negate the effect for that target.
Class Options
Technology, magic, and war have advanced since the old days of launching sharp wooden sticks and lining up a cavalry charge. They have evolved to meet the needs of modern combatants and operators.
Soldiers and mercenaries have mastered the martial arts of wielding firearms with expertise, specializing their fighting styles to suit their chosen battlefield. Powerful beings can’t help but influence and corrupt every new trend and gadget, and their followers may invoke such powers for their own use. And, of course, there’s nothing that science can develop that can’t be improved by infusing it with magic.
The following are additional fighting styles, warlock invocations, and artificer infusions.
Fighting Styles
These additional fighting styles are intended for use with cyberpunk weapons. When any class or subclass chooses a fighting style, the following styles are added to the list of options. The archery fighting style does not affect firearms.
#### Akimbo
Once per turn, when you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can perform the two-weapon fighting attack as part of your Attack action instead of as a bonus action. Additionally, you can reload two firearms as an action or bonus action without a free hand, and you can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
#### Barrage
When you miss an attack with an automatic weapon, the target takes 2 damage of the weapon’s damage type.
#### Close Quarters Specialist
While you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature of your size or larger, you have half cover against ranged attacks against you. You do not gain this benefit if you are incapacitated.
Additionally, being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
#### Grenadier
When you make an attack with a blast weapon with which you are proficient, you can choose which targets other than the primary target are affected by the weapon’s blast property.
#### Firebug
When you roll damage for a weapon attack against a burning target, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total.
#### Point Blank
When you roll the highest possible number on a weapon damage die for an attack you make with a firearm, you can roll an additional weapon damage die and add it to the result. You can only roll up to two additional damage dice for each attack. You must be within 20 feet of the target of the attack for you to gain this benefit.
#### Quick Draw
You have advantage on initiative rolls. You can draw or stow a number of weapons equal to your proficiency bonus over the course of your turn. If you have a feature that allows you to draw or stow two weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one, you instead can draw or stow a number of weapons equal to your proficiency bonus plus 1 over the course of your turn.
When you draw a weapon, until the end of your next turn, your first hit with that weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage. Once you have gained this bonus with a weapon, you cannot gain this bonus with the same weapon again until you stow it.
#### Sniper
When you miss an attack with a ranged weapon, you have advantage on your next attack with a ranged weapon against the same target until the end of your next turn.
#### Suppression
The first time you attack a creature with a firearm on your turn, it becomes suppressed until the start of your next turn. If the suppressed target attacks a target other than you or willingly moves 5 feet or more, you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack against it with a firearm.
Warlock Invocations
When you choose eldritch invocations, you have access to the following options.
#### Aetheric Armory
*Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature*
You can use any weapon you summon with your Pact of the Blade feature as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.
In addition, instead of one magic weapon, you can transform up to 4 weapons into your pact weapons. You can use a bonus action to create up to 2 of these weapons in your empty hands, and you cannot change the form of these weapons.
Finally, the weapon you conjure can be any firearm from the simple and martial firearms tables. Only weapons you have transformed into your pact weapons are created with their accessories and modifications intact.
#### Bewitching Substances
As a bonus action, you can summon and consume a magical dose of drugs from the common drug list. No other creature can consume the drug dose, and the dose disappears at the end of your turn. You have advantage on saving throws against addiction.
#### Bound Surrogate
*Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature*
Your familiar is no longer limited to touch spells for the spells it can deliver.
#### Cruel Mockery
*Prerequisite: vicious mockery cantrip*
When you cast vicious mockery, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a failed saving throw.
Additionally, instead of dealing additional damage, vicious mockery consists of multiple insults when you reach higher levels: two insults at 5th level, three insults at 11th level, and four insults at 17th level. You can direct the insults at the same target or at different ones. A creature makes a separate save for each insult directed at it.
#### Open Source
You gain proficiency with hacking tools and immediately gain the benefits of having the hacking tools augment installed without requiring surgery or counting against your total number of augments installed, as well as the benefits of a datajack. You can open a magical port on your body to accept connections from universal cables. Instead of a physical port, you can open a magical port on your body to accept connections from universal cables.
#### Outrageous Mockery
*Prerequisite: Vicious mockery cantrip*
When a creature fails a saving throw against your vicious mockery, it can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
#### Power on Demand
*Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature.*
You can replace the three cantrips you gained from the Pact of the Tome feature with three cantrips from any class’s spell list when you finish a short or long rest.
#### Spirit Rider
*Prerequisite: 3rd level.*
You can cast find ride once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
#### Taboo Livestream
*Prerequisite: 9th level*
You can cast scrying once without expending a spell slot, replacing the material component with any smartphone screen, computer monitor, or similar display. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Artificer Infusions
When you choose infusions, you have access to the following options. See Chapter 7 for the items from the Replicable Magic Items table.
#### Flak Barrier.
*Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer*
*Item: A suit of armor*
You have resistance to damage from weapon attacks made with weapons with the blast property. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can make the saving throw with advantage.
#### Arcane Boosters
*Prerequisite: 10th-level artificer*
*Item: A vehicle*
This vehicle has a flying speed of 50 feet. The vehicle can fly for up to 10 minutes, all at once or in several shorter flights, each one using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. If the vehicle is flying when the duration expires, the vehicle falls.
##### Replicable Magic Items
|Magic Item|Artificer Level|Attunement|
|Bandolier of booms|6|Yes|
|Monster ball|6|No|
|Radical skateboard|10|Yes|
|Roulette revolver|10|Yes|
|Static weapon|2|Yes|
|Vape of winds|2|No|
For those seeking to specialize further and master a certain skill, technique, or art, these additional feats are available when selecting a feat per the rules in the Player’s Handbook.
#### Bulletstorm
You love raining lead on your foes, flushing them from cover, and making them suffer, gaining the following benefits:
- When you hit a creature with a firearm with the automatic property, you can push a Large or smaller creature 5 feet away from you. A creature pushed in this manner cannot benefit from half cover or three-quarters cover until the end of their next turn.
- Firearms with the automatic property which require an action to reload can instead be reloaded with a bonus action.
- Attacks made using the automatic property can be fired up to the normal range of the firearm and do not grant melee attacks advantage against you.
#### Cybernetic Addict
*Prerequisite: No artificer class levels*
You prefer artificial body parts and enhancements over the old junk you were born with.
You can attune to one additional cyberware, provided that it is tier 2 or lower. You can install one additional augment.
You can select this feat multiple times.
#### Demolitions Expert
You are a master with blast weapons and explosive equipment, gaining the following benefits:
- When you miss an attack with a firearm with the blast property, you can use your reaction to detonate your ammunition in an unoccupied space adjacent to the target, as if you had hit a target in that space with the attack.
- You ignore the reload property on firearms with the blast property which require a bonus action to reload. Firearms with the blast property which require an action to reload can instead be reloaded with a bonus action.
- You add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to damage rolls and the DC for saving throws caused by your explosives. When you use an antimagic grenade, you add half your proficiency bonus to the d20 roll to end spells.
- You can throw explosives at twice the normal range.
#### Paramedic
You’ve been trained to treat injuries and resuscitate flatlining patients, gaining the following benefits:
- Increase your Constitution, Intelligence, or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
- Over the course of 1 minute, you can spend one use of a healer’s kit to attempt to revive a dead creature that died within the last 10 minutes. At the end of this minute, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) check. On a successful check, the creature returns to life with 1 hit point and its exhaustion level is set to 3.
This ability can’t return to life a creature that has died of old age, and if the creature is lacking body parts or organs integral for its survival - its head, for instance - the check automatically fails. If this ability check has failed for a dead creature, this feat cannot be used on it again until it has been returned to life in another manner.
#### Gun Fu Artist
You have studied the art of close-quarters combat and gunfights, gaining the following benefits:
- When you hold firearms in your hands, they are melee weapons that deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If the firearm has the light property, it also has the finesse property.
- Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
- You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
- If you have the Extra Attack feature, you can use a bonus action to make two attacks with a light weapon instead of one when you engage in two-weapon fighting with either light melee weapons or light firearms.
**Dozer:** at that point I was Trapped hanging upside down from the helicopter, Firing my Lariat-99F back at the drones on our tail and Punching the Senator's security guard with my other hand
**Wildfire:** OMG (O_O;)
**Dozer:** And that's when shit got Real...
**Wildfire:** what happened??!
**Dozer:** CYBERNINJAS! and not one but TWO!
**Wiseguy:** This is a fascinating recital of the plot of Raining Death: Shoot Harder.
**Dozer:** no, it's all True!
**Dozer:** the movie was a Documentary about me
#### Gunslinger
You have trained to wield a gun in each hand, gaining the following benefits:
- You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one handed firearms you are wielding aren’t light.
- You can make a single ranged weapon attack with a one-handed firearm when you use your action to take the Dash action.
- Reloading no longer requires a free hand, and if a firearm can be reloaded with a bonus action, you can reload a firearm you are holding once on your turn (no action required.)
- You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
#### Marauder
You are adept at skirting the edge of the front lines of the battlefield, mixing close-quarters combat and flanking tactics.
- When you use the Attack action and make an attack with a melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to make an attack with a one-handed ranged weapon in your other hand. Alternatively, when you use the Attack action and make an attack with a ranged weapon you’re holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with a one-handed weapon in your other hand.
- When a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see makes an opportunity attack, you can use your reaction to make the attack automatically miss. You must do so before the attack roll.
- You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
#### Marksman
You’re a deadeye with firearms and have studied and mastered military tactical combat techniques:
- You do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls while prone.
- As an action, you lockdown a section of the battlefield with suppressing fire until the start of your next turn. Define a 20-foot cube within sight. When a target you can see enters or moves within the area for the first time on a turn, you can make a ranged weapon attack against it with a firearm that lacks the blast and scatter properties, so long as it is in range.
- Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
#### Prime Hacker
You are a hacking wizard who can surf the data waves of the internet with ease, gaining the following benefits:
- Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You gain proficiency with hacking tools. If you are already proficient with them, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them.
- As a reaction to a machine you can see being used to send a wireless or radio signal within 60 feet of you while you have the hacking tools augment installed, you can choose to either analyze the signal, learning the message that is being transmitted for 1 minute, or jam the signal until the end of your next turn.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
#### Pyromaniac
*Prerequisite: Proficiency with the flamethrower.*
You have an unhealthy affinity with flames, gaining the following benefits:
- The flamethrower’s weapon damage dice increase to 2d8 for you, and a target burning from your flamethrower attack has its speed reduced by 10 feet.
- The die you roll to determine the damage a creature burning from your flamethrower attacks takes at the start of each of its turns increases from a d6 to a d8.
- As a bonus action, you can expend 1 fuel ammunition to ignite a melee weapon you’re holding for 1 minute. The first time you hit a target on your turn with the weapon, the target begins burning as if shot by your flamethrower. If a creature other than you carries the burning weapon, they take 2d8 fire damage and the weapon is extinguished.
#### Street Samurai
You have rigorously trained your body and mind in the ways of street bushido, allowing you to unsheathe your weapons at incredible speeds and deflect gunfire, gaining the following benefits:
- While you are holding a melee weapon, you can use your reaction to deflect the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d8 + an ability modifier you could use to modify an attack roll with the melee weapon (your choice) + your proficiency bonus.
- The first time you draw a melee weapon in each combat, you gain advantage on your first attack with the weapon, and if the attack hits, it deals extra damage equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus.
- You are familiar with the street bushido code. You know the names of other street samurai, you have advantage on Intelligence checks related to the origin and nature of weapons, and you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks to persuade others who follow street bushido.
**Street Sam:** I have brought dishonor to my sword this day.
**Glitch King:** Oh no! This is an 'oh no' situation, yes?
**TheWheelDeal:** Shhh, tell us your story.
**Street Sam:** I was rewatching Eight Samurai, ready for danger with my blade at my side.
**Redlight:** As you do.
**Street Sam:** I dropped the remote and, failing to reach it, instinctively used my sword to drag it closer. How can I atone?
**Glitch King:** A search says seppuku is best.
**Wildfire:** oh no! :(
#### Trick Shot
You have a knack for fancy shooting and ricocheting your shots, gaining the following benefits:
- When you miss a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make another ranged weapon attack against a different target within 20 feet of the original target without expending ammunition. The attack is made as though it originated from the original target.
- Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
- When you roll a 1 or a 2 on a damage die for an attack with a ranged weapon that lacks the scatter property, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
#### Wheelman
You have become supernaturally familiar with vehicles of all shapes and sizes, gaining the following benefits:
- You gain proficiency with all vehicles. While you are driving a non-sentient vehicle, add your proficiency bonus to that vehicle’s ability checks and saving throws.
- When you are driving a non-sentient vehicle and your vehicle is hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your vehicle’s AC against that attack, potentially causing it to miss.
- If a non-sentient vehicle you are driving is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity save to take only half damage, it takes no damage if it succeeds and only half damage if it fails.
- You can control a vehicle without having a free hand for the vehicle’s controls.
Despite their differences, every corporate wage slave, greasy mechanic, music-pumping punk, social media butterfly, and blood-spattered gangbanger has at least one thing in common. They each have a story, a past that defines who they are, and where they came from. Some won’t want to tell their story, keeping their secrets close to their chest, while others can’t wait for the chance to spill their guts, if only someone in this cold and heartless city would listen.
Despite what your local hothead might tell you, nobody comes from nothing. Everyone comes with a load of old baggage, some heavier than others. Perhaps that professional assassin was once a doctor that swore to do no harm, or that violent vigilante was once a cop who toed the line, or maybe even that bloodthirsty mercenary was once a retail clerk who got a bit too fed up with braindead angry customers.
In this chapter you will find backgrounds suitable for modern and cyberpunk settings with features that fit the times. With your DM’s approval, you may also use the backgrounds from other Dungeons & Dragons books, modifying them to fit the setting.
You’re a spacer. Whether you were working for a megacorporation, a government space program, or as a freelancer, you’ve made your living in the endless depths of space. The vast, bleak emptiness has become familiar, if not comfortable. You’ve spent enough time in zero gravity that you find yourself kicking off on things only to feel constrained by the weight of the planet dragging you down.
Perhaps you were an asteroid miner, a farmer, a pilot, or any one of the hundreds of potential jobs on the new frontier. Life was hard, and a single mistake could get you killed out in the vacuum of space, thousands of miles from anyone who could help.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Nature, Technology
**Tool Proficiencies:** Tinker’s tools, vehicles (air)
**Equipment:** A set of traveler’s clothes, a medal, and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Stargazer
Even when you were young, you looked up to the stars in wonder. Your familiarity with them allows you to navigate on starry nights by the constellations alone. So long as you know where you are, you know where the nearest route to space is, whether that is a rocket, a space elevator, or another means. Additionally, other spacers will recognize you as a spacer and have commonalities with you.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Astronauts are a special breed of individual to want to work inches from the freezing vacuum of space. They’re usually tough and resourceful, and they are used to meshing well with whatever team they fall in with. At the core of each astronaut beats the heart of an explorer, a wanderer who wants to see what lies beyond.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m a natural born leader, or so they told me at flight school.|
|2|I feel like I find myself more when I’m lost than when I know where I’m going.|
|3|The world looked so small, and civilization so petty, from outer space.|
|4|I looked into the depths of space and did not like what looked back.|
|5|I hate the feel of gravity or anything else weighing me down. It makes me yearn to blast off again.|
|6|There’s no problem too tough to solve with a good team.|
|7|It’s always better to be prepared, preferably with checklists.|
|8|Ever since I was a child, I’ve gazed up at the stars in wonder.|
|1|**Aim High.** It’s better to fail striving for greatness than to fail to try in the first place. (Any)|
|2|**Scale.** In the grander scheme of the universe, people are inconsequential. (Evil)|
|3|**Creativity.** Complex problems require innovative solutions. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Beauty.** The universe is such a beautiful place, and I want to see more of it. (Any)|
|5|**Challenge.** I crave the next big hurdle so I can prove myself. (Neutral)|
|6|**Knowledge.** I’ll explore the unknown and share my discoveries for the betterment of all. (Good)|
|1|My crew was the best there ever was, and I want to learn what they’re up to these days.|
|2|Out in space, I realized I missed my family more than anything.|
|3|I want to explore the new frontiers, and I’ll get there before anyone else does.|
|4|I encountered something unnatural in space, and it’s always stuck with me since. I must learn more about it.|
|5|I lost a crewmate on a mission, and I need to make amends to their family.|
|6|A mission was botched because the command team was compromised, and I’ve got to learn who, what, and why.|
|1|I was grounded because of a mistake. Now I’m scared I’ll screw up again.|
|2|Nothing I do will ever be as good as my past achievements.|
|3|When someone messes up, it irritates me more than it should.|
|4|It was better in space, without all the noisy, stupid people around.|
|5|I’m a bit of a daredevil, even when it goes against common sense.|
|6|I get excited and say things I probably shouldn’t.|
Fame waxes and wanes, and those who get a taste for it find it sweet, and addictive. You have drunk deeply, finding yourself at the center of attention. Whether it was a lasting fame, or a swift rise to stardom followed by a hasty descent, your status as a celebrity has come to define your life, at least to you.
Of course, all fame is fickle, and your descent from stardom defines you as much as your ascent. Do you quietly shuffle into obscurity, or do you cling to relevance with the death grip of a drowning man. For the latter, you may decide that there’s ultimately no difference between fame and infamy.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Performance, plus one from among Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion
**Tool Proficiencies:** One type of musical instrument
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of fine clothes, a smartphone, a bottle of perfume, and a credit stick with 1,500₵.
#### Feature: Claim to Fame
In a world where wanna-be socialites, influencers, and the endless tide of advertisements are constantly vying for attention, you managed to stand out. Choose one to three claims to fame or roll on the table below to define your path to the limelight.
|d10|Claim to Fame|
|1|Movie Star|
|3|E-Sports Player|
|6|TV Personality|
|7|Teen Idol|
|8|Kid Actor|
#### Feature: Conspicuous
People may recognize you if they have interest in topics related to your claim to fame, though they may react positively or negatively. You can usually pull strings to get invitations to parties, conferences, and other social events. You have a following on various social media platforms that will help broadcast gossip, rumors, or scandals.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Some people are born celebrities, while others find their fame through dedication and hard work. They often have eccentric personalities, acting and dressing flamboyantly in order to seek attention. These traits are frequently exaggerated, taken to the extreme in the pursuit of greater heights of popularity.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I can’t help but be fascinated by drama, real or artificial.|
|2|My public and private personas are two very different people.|
|3|I love being the center of attention.|
|4|I have no idea how the average person lives, and it fascinates me.|
|5|I’m a people person, and I love meeting new and exciting individuals.|
|6|I’m cool, aloof, and above it all.|
|7|I’m not afraid to use my influence and power against those who anger me.|
|8|Fame has jaded me, so it’s hard to get worked up over anything.|
|1|**Change.** I can use my influence to change the world for the better. (Good)|
|2|**Exemplar.** Society needs role models to set a good example. (Lawful)|
|3|**Fun.** Life’s too short to be worrying about consequences. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Fame.** I would do anything to get back into the limelight. (Evil)|
|5|**Wealth.** There are the haves, and the have-nots. I will not be the latter. (Neutral)|
|6|**Artist.** I take pride in my work, and I refuse to put on a half-baked performance. (Any)|
|1|Someone was behind my fall from fame, and I will find out who.|
|2|I was born destitute, and clawed my way out of the gutter. I won’t let anyone take from me what I’ve earned.|
|3|My rival and I have despised each other for years, but recently things have taken a surprising turn.|
|4|I will rise to the top of my field and become a household name.|
|5|I’m being blackmailed over a terrible secret.|
|6|This isn’t my usual gig, I’m just tagging along to get in the right frame of mind.|
|1|I tend to draw attention to myself when I shouldn’t.|
|2|I’m an irredeemable gossipmonger, even if I have to make things up.|
|3|I think the world revolves around me, and I’m surprised when people don’t know who I am.|
|4|I expect others to handle trivial tasks for me.|
|5|I have an addiction for something scandalous.|
|6|I fall into and out of love on a whim.|
The buildings dress themselves in neon advertisements for criminals big and small, the drugs get more addictive year by year, the weapons get bigger and badder, but the streets, they never change. Scum prey on the weaknesses of others, only to be crushed beneath the heel from someone higher up the food chain.
From atop their steel towers, the suits run a similar game, but they posture and pretend like it’s somehow more sophisticated when the result is the same: broken people and shattered dreams. In this urban jungle, between glittering skyscrapers and lawless slums, you rode the edge with a gun and a badge.
You may have been a beat cop, a detective, a SWAT officer, or a humble desk jockey. At some point in your career, the time came to look toward justice and the law, or the other way. Perhaps you were offered a bribe, or were pressured by
others, but you knew it was time to decide: do you serve the people, or yourself?
**Skill Proficiencies:** Insight, plus one from among Intimidation or Perception
**Tool Proficiencies:** One from among vehicles (land) or vehicles (water)
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, a set of handcuffs, an old uniform, and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Lawman
You’ve been a part of the force, and the force will always be a part of you. You know how to cut through the bureaucracy of the local precincts and you know how to work the legal system in your favor. Other cops will ignore your minor crimes and misdemeanors. You have an easier time negotiating with security forces to question witnesses, access crime scenes, bail out the jailed, or avoid consequences.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Those who choose to take up the badge are a diverse cast, and come to the force for different reasons. They are often jaded and cynical from their constant contact with the underbelly of society. However, they are also often fiercely loyal to their partners and allies, and will have their backs through thick and thin.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m suspicious by nature because everyone has a secret they want to hide.|
|2|I have a set of codes that I live by, and there are some lines I won’t cross.|
|3|I have a strong sense of community, I like to get to know each and every member.|
|4|I won’t betray those I form a bond with, even if it costs me everything.|
|5|I’m polite and empathetic to those in need.|
|6|I’m the wiseguy who tends to crack jokes under stress.|
|7|I tend to shoot first and ask questions later.|
|8|I may have watched too many cop movies.|
**NOIR:** Rain mixes with blood as it all swirls down the drain, another life taken away before its time on the mean streets.
**Wiseguy:** Please don't start this again, there's no challenge in making fun of you.
**NOIR:** The crowd passes by without sparing a glance, as the city gets colder and harder with every passing night.
**Redlight:** Are you talking about the city or your nipples?
**NOIR:** A killer's on the loose, and only one hard-boiled detective can stop them.
**Wildfire:** \*dons her floppy hat and pipe\* never fear, I'm on the case!
|1|**Duty.** The day I got my badge, I swore an oath: to protect and serve. (Good)|
|2|**Authority.** Without law, society falls to anarchy. I am the law. (Lawful)|
|3|**Greed.** Rules are for others, why not enjoy the fringe benefits along the way? (Chaotic)|
|4|**Oppression.** Those who don’t do what I tell them will get what they deserve. (Evil)|
|5|**Shades of Grey.** There’s no good or bad people, everyone’s just trying to get by. (Neutral)|
|6|**Comrades.** Whatever happens, I’ve got their back, and they’ve got mine. (Any)|
|1|My family member was a cop too, until they were killed on the job. Now I’ll do anything to find out who did it.|
|2|There are criminals, and there are scum. I can get along with criminals, but I’ll clean up the scum.|
|3|A murder case I investigated went cold a long time ago, but I know the killer is still out there.|
|4|Crime is just a symptom of a greater societal disease.|
|5|A job is a job, so long as I get a paycheck.|
|6|My partner died because of decisions I made, and now I have to live with that.|
|1|I tend to take a stand when I should probably run or shut up.|
|2|When the shit hits the fan, I go into self preservation mode.|
|3|I’ve got a mean streak a mile wide.|
|4|There’s no such thing as excessive force.|
|5|When I get in a position of power, I tend to abuse it.|
|6|I’m a bit of a control freak, everything has to be just right.|
Between fast cars, big guns, powerful drugs, and the steep decline in the value of life, society has no shortage of casualties. Doctors will always be in heavy demand, their
**FragOut:** how do u stop bleeding from stump
**FragOut:** fast ansers pls
**Glitch King:** Have you tried pouring it back in your mouth? Maybe if you create an infinite loop of blood, you'll never run out.
**FragOut:** hahafunnny;;;;44 smeone else
**Valkree:** Tie the limb with some 2" cloth as a tourniquet, use 2 caribiners, one to twist the cloth tight and the other to hold it in place. Bring the limb and I'll reattach it.
**FragOut:** thnx bbe, ur n angel
**Valkree:** Don't say that till you've seen the bill.
skills and tools allowing them to make the difference between life and death for their patients. They are often respected for saving the lives of family members, or blamed and despised for their perceived failures.
Modern medicine has advanced to the point of completely restructuring a person’s face and body, replacing limbs and organs with vat grown tissue, enhancing individuals past their natural limits with cybernetics, and more. Of course, a person’s access to healthcare may depend heavily on their financial situation. The same limits apply to medical professionals, who hold positions that range from underfunded community clinic nurses to the personal physicians of corporate senior executives. A doctor can rise as high as their ambitions, skill, and ruthlessness allow.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Medicine, plus one from among Investigation or Nature
**Tool Proficiencies:** One from among herbalism kit or alchemist’s supplies
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, a healer’s kit, a piece of medical equipment (latex gloves, a syringe, a medical mask), and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Doctor Specialty
No doctor is familiar with all fields of medicine. There’s simply too much for an individual to learn, and it gets harder every year as medical science continues to progress. Instead, a doctor specializes in a certain field of medicine. You can select your specialty from the table below or roll to select it randomly.
|2|Family Medicine|
|5|Plastic Surgery|
|7|Medical Genetics|
|10|Battlefield Medicine|
#### Feature: Primary Care
You can always find a back alley clinic or hospital willing to treat you and your companions’ wounds without asking too many awkward questions. You also have an easier time acquiring pharmaceutical chemicals and drugs, as well as other medical supplies. Additionally, you know where you can gain access to a medical lab for research and experimental purposes.
#### Suggested Characteristics
The medical profession is full of dedicated individuals willing to work long hours in service to others. They are capable, studious, and not prone to squeamishness. Doctors are no stranger to pain, death, and loss.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I have a dry, detached, and clinical personality.|
|2|I’ll spare no effort to help others.|
|3|I tend to get too personally involved and care too much.|
|4|I’m a nervous wreck, but I try to keep it together around others.|
|5|I have a very warm bedside manner for my patients and those I care about.|
|6|I’m not good enough. I never have been.|
|7|I think that laughter is the best medicine.|
|8|Every day I live is a joy.|
|1|**Healer.** Save everyone you can, ease the suffering of those you can’t. (Good)|
|2|**Oath.** First, do no harm. (Lawful)|
|3|**Alternative.** I’ve tried traditional medicine, now it’s time for something new. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Knowledge.** Medical and professional advancement are more important than petty things like ethics. (Evil)|
|5|**Professional.** I have a job to do, lofty ideals are unrealistic. (Neutral)|
|6|**Guardian.** I’ll safeguard those I care about. (Any)|
|1|I lost a patient with mysterious symptoms. I must learn the root cause.|
|2|The hospital I worked at was doing illegal research.|
|3|I never got a real medical degree, but I’ve never let that stop me.|
|4|My research requires subjects who are consistently in harm’s way.|
|5|I’m no doctor, just a washed-up husk after the biggest mistake of my life.|
|6|The best preventative medicine is stopping those who hurt others.|
|1|I don’t need a second opinion, I know what’s best.|
|2|I’m hard on myself because I can’t afford to make a single mistake.|
|3|I secretly can’t stand the sight of blood.|
|4|I jump to conclusions, and it’s hard to dissuade me.|
|5|I tend to fall apart when I lose a patient.|
|6|I am easily distracted at the worst times.|
Drug Dealer
Business is business, from the fanciest strip malls, to the dirtiest alleyways and street corners. Some people might disagree that you run a real business, but you provide goods that the customers demand.
Of course, it doesn’t hurt that your product creates a captive audience, that’s just good business strategy. Better you than some soulless megacorp that wants to stamp out the competition by outlawing your drugs and peddling their own addictive substances.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Medicine, plus one from among Intimidation, Perception, and Persuasion
**Tool Proficiencies:** Alchemist’s supplies
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common or fine clothes, 5 doses of a common drug of your choice, and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Street Pharmacist
In places of high and low society, you can always find someone to buy drugs from. Given access to a lab and a few minimal supplies, you can feed any drug addictions you and your companions have. When you spend time in someone’s presence, you can tell if they’re currently high on any common street drugs.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Every drug dealer enters the business for their own reasons, though that reason is usually money. Drug dealers may be little more than jumped-up thugs, or cold and calculating, or even easygoing and groovy. Some may regret their business, while others relish it.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m all laughs until it’s time to be dead serious.|
|2|I’m cool as a cucumber when talking business.|
|3|I put up a tough front, but I’m kind of a pushover.|
|4|I will not be fucked with.|
|5|I’m the life of the party, with or without the goods.|
|6|A life of suspicion and fear have made me a little twitchy.|
|7|People tell me I’m too laid-back, but they just need to relax.|
|8|There’s something so appealing about being a slimy wheeler and dealer.|
|1|**Relief.** Life is shit, but at least I can help people dull the pain. (Good)|
|2|**Integrity.** A deal is a deal, and my word is my bond. (Lawful)|
|3|**Wildcard.** I’ve gotta make big moves and shake the game up to get what I want. (Chaotic)
|4|**Empire.** I don’t care how many eggs I need to break to make my omelette. (Evil)|
|5|**Merchant.** Don't hate the player, hate the game. (Neutral)|
|6|**Dreamer.** Someday I’ll make enough money to make a better life for me and mine. (Any)|
|1|I was sold a bad batch of drugs that hurt people, and I’m being blamed.|
|2|I’m on the cusp of developing a new drug, but I’m missing a crucial component.|
|3|Someone close to me ratted me out to the authorities, and I can't let that slide.|
|4|I’ve been saving up money for a long time to buy something important.|
|5|I’ve got family in prison, and I don’t want to leave them there to rot.|
|6|I owe a big debt to some very powerful, dangerous people.|
|1|I have an extremely addictive personality.|
|2|I have a hard time placing trust in anyone but myself.|
|3|I tend to not consider the consequences of my actions until they beat down my door.|
|4|I bite off more than I can chew, and I never back down.|
|5|I’m kind of a drag when I’m sober.|
|6|I always resort to threats and intimidation in tense situations.|
When the international megacorporations expanded until they became more powerful than governments and nations, corporate executives rose above politicians and royalty as the true ruling class. On the world stage, these executives wield the power to shape the future to their own designs. The highest executives and company shareholders hold such great wealth that it is measured more in orders of magnitude than simple numbers.
Like any form of organization, corporate hierarchies take many forms. For some corporations, the corporation is a family business. The sons and daughters of executives are bred and trained for succession, the money passed down the bloodline. For other corporations, promotions are merit-based. Of course, in many cases, ‘merit’ is defined by the most cunning, ruthless, and vicious individuals willing to ascend a staircase of bodies and broken dreams.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Insight, plus one from among Persuasion or Deception.
**Tool Proficiencies:** None
**Languages:** Two of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of fine clothes, a smartphone, an award from your company, and a credit stick with 2,500₵.
#### Feature: Corporate Etiquette
You know how to speak with corporate employees, speaking to managers and wage slaves each in a manner befitting their station. You know how to communicate with corporate bureaucrats in an effective manner to get what you desire with minimal delay. When negotiating a transaction with a corporation, you can always at least get a fair market price.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Executives are cut from different cloth than the average person. Something drives them to perform above and beyond, to excel in the cutthroat world of business. Executives are often untrusting, assuming everyone has their own agenda and hidden motivation. Even if they were never the most dedicated employee, an executive’s outlook on life is doubtlessly affected, or even stained, by their time in a seat of power.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I am condescending to those I see as beneath me.|
|2|I am cold and calculating, with an analytical mind.|
|3|I’m the hands off kind of manager, and I see my employees as my friends or family.|
|4|I tend to make and hold grudges with grim determination.|
|5|I’ll talk about anything anywhere. I love the sound of my own voice.|
|6|I was promoted far above my level of competence, so I fake it.|
|7|I prefer to supervise instead of getting physically involved.|
|8|I promote a balanced work environment with proper flow of energy.|
|1|**Equality.** People are people, regardless of their position in the hierarchy. (Good)|
|2|**Model Citizen.** I will use the power granted to me responsibly and in accordance with rules and regulations. (Lawful)|
|3|**Unpredictable.** Bureaucracy just gets in the way, I’ll cut out the middleman. (Chaotic)|
|4|**King.** There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to reach the top. (Evil)|
|5|**Wealth.** Money measures one’s worth in life. (Neutral)|
|6|**Dedication.** Any business is like a family, and I will ensure my family prospers. (Any)|
|1|I was terminated after a hostile takeover, and the parting was not clean.|
|2|The world is spiraling out of control, and I need to take the reins.|
|3|I know the dirty secrets of a major corporation.|
|4|My company was dissolved after a series of unfortunate events, and I will rebuild it.|
|5|I want to escape my old corporate life, but that’s easier said than done.|
|6|The terrible things I’ve done can never be forgiven.|
|1|Money and power have given me some eccentric tastes that others find bizarre.|
|2|I am tightfisted with my money, even when I have plenty.|
|3|I’m too proud for my own good, I have a hard time accepting help from others.|
|4|I splash my money around to impress people, spending more than I can afford.|
|5|I’m impulsive, acting before I think things through.|
|6|I will talk about my family for hours, whether people care or not.|
Do you have a scumbag that needs killing? A vault that needs cracking? Illegal product that needs moving? Bodies that need guarding? There are numerous specialists looking for work on a contractual or contingent basis, often without the more official aspects of work, like documentation or benefits. They go by many names: freelancers, mercenaries, consultants, and other, less reputable titles.
Freelancers can find work by many means. A smart freelancer will have fixers looking to setup jobs for a small cut, while others may have to advertise their services on digital or physical black markets. It can be dirty, dehumanizing, and often dangerous work, but someone has to do it. Well, maybe some of the crimes you've committed didn't have to be done, but you gotta make a living somehow.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Choose two from among Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth
**Tool Proficiencies:** One vehicle proficiency or hacking tools
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, a smartphone, a trophy from a previous job, and a credit stick with 2,000₵.
**Sundown:** Saw Freefall today. Well, I guess he just goes by Jerry, now.
**TheWheelDeal:** Oh, how's he holding up?
**Sundown:** Had a job fixing sweeper drones. We talked a bit, he seemed... okay. He didn't want to meet my eyes.
**Street Sam:** I don't get it, what happened?
**Valkree:** He lost his team on a job, they'd been running together for almost 10 years.
**Street Sam:** Oh man, that's some bad luck.
**Sundown:** Honestly, surviving that long freelancing is a miracle. Take my advice: retire before the odds catch up with you.
#### Feature: Freelancer Specialty
For one reason or another, people tend to avoid doing the kind of work that you specialize in. Perhaps they think that it's too dangerous, or too difficult, or maybe they think they're above getting their hands dirty, but that doesn't stop them from hiring an expert to do it instead. Choose your specialization as a freelancer, or roll on the table below.
#### Feature: Criminal Element
You're familiar with various black markets, able to find potential fixers who can hook you up with jobs. However, it isn't guaranteed that the jobs are good and the clients are trustworthy. You are also familiar with other freelancers, able to identify the names and specialties of any given freelancer with at least a little bit of history in the scene.
#### Suggested Characteristics
The kind of work a freelancer performs shapes their personality and attitudes. The constant threat of danger, and the illegal and potentially bloody nature of the work, shapes a freelancers mind, or breaks it.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I can fall into a group and make friends quickly. After all, they can disappear at any time.|
|2|I don't feel good about something unless I plan it out first.|
|3|People think I'm cold, but it's really just that things cease to surprise or excite me anymore.|
|4|I'm an expert at my work, and I take pride in it.|
|5|Danger makes me feel alive, it's addictive.|
|6|I spend entirely too much energy making sure my family never learns what I do for a living.|
|7|I work hard and play harder.|
|8|We're all just disposable tools to be used, broken, and then thrown away.|
|1|I won't take on a job I morally disagree with, no matter the pay. (Good)|
|2|A deal's a deal, and I won't go back on my word. (Lawful)|
|3|Boring jobs are the worst, I won't bother unless there's a risk of it blowing up in my face. (Chaotic)|
|4|I like it neat and tidy, no matter how many loose ends I need to cut. (Evil)|
|5|I'm not paid to care about the consequences of my actions. (Neutral)|
|6|I'll find a good team and work my way to the top, until everyone knows our names. (Any)|
|1|I thought I'd lost my whole team, and nearly died myself, but I heard a rumor that they just finished a big job.|
|2|When a job went downhill, I was rescued by an unexpected benefactor, who I owe a favor.|
|3|It was just your average job... at least until I fell in love with the target.|
|4|I've gained a reputation as a cold-blooded, murderous psychopath after my last job. Just one problem: it wasn't me.|
|5|I want to retire, but it's not just about the money. There's too many strings on me.|
|6|If I can pull off this major job, I'll be a legend.|
|1|I tend to get antsy and nervous under pressure.|
|2|When things look bad, I'm the first to bail out.|
|3|I spend all my money on weapons, gear, and cybernetics, even if it means going hungry and homeless.|
|4|I hate that my work is slowly grinding away the last of traces of my compassion and goodwill.|
|5|After being betrayed a few times, I tend to assume the worst of people.|
|6|I'd like to take charge in some situations, but I know I'm just going to screw it up.|
The streets of the slums are stained with blood, night after night. The cycle of violence grinds down the local populace with endless turf wars, blood feuds, and revenge hits. Sometimes the only way to survive is to be tougher and meaner than you thought you ever could be. You have survived, or perhaps even thrived under these savage conditions.
For people without family, friends, or hope, a gang can come to take their place. It’s a swift transition from you being recruited into a gang and taught their ways, to you recruiting others and brutally upholding the gang's code. While you might not have a long life expectancy, there’s nothing quite like riding a motorcycle down a road at full speed with your gang at your back.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Athletics, Intimidation
**Tool Proficiencies:** One from among vehicles (land) or vehicles (water)
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common or fine clothes, a pistol, a dose of a common drug of your choice, a token from your gang, and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Scum Sticks Together
When it comes to violent thugs and criminals, you feel right at home. You know the lingo, slang, and signs that lets you speak to the members of street gangs. They will recognize you, and have some amount of respect for you, though enemy gang members may still be hostile. Additionally, you can find someplace to buy a stolen vehicle on short notice.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Whatever hard-knock life leads a person to join a gang, it probably isn’t idyllic. Gangsters often put up a tough, intimidating front, which may or may not be feigned for appearances. They may not want to be a gangster, and could be looking for a way out. Unfortunately, most gangs tend to have unresolved abandonment issues.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m loud and rowdy, and I know how to have a good time.|
|2|It’s more satisfying to take something than to earn it.|
|3|I always look for the biggest, toughest motherfucker in the room and size them up.|
|4|My silent glare chills people to the bone.|
|5|I won’t let shitheads fuck with me or mine.|
|6|I look rough, but I’m friendly to people who deserve it.|
|7|I feel alive when I’m riding something fast.|
|8|There are winners and losers, and I am a loser.|
|1|**Guardian.** My community needs protection, and I’m willing to stand up for them. (Good)|
|2|**Enforcer.** So long as nobody crosses the line, nobody needs to get fucked up. (Lawful)|
|3|**Psycho.** It isn’t a party until something gets lit on fire. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Bastard.** I don’t need a reason to break people. (Evil)|
|5|**Survivor.** I didn’t choose this life, but I’ll make the best of it. (Neutral)|
|6|**Chieftain.** I’ll lead the gang to be the biggest, baddest motherfuckers around. (Any)|
|1|My gang got destroyed by a rival gang, and now I want revenge.|
|2|If I can scrape together enough money, I can finally find a way out of this life.|
|3|My gang will claim the most turf, and we’ll go down as legends.|
|4|Bashing goon skulls just isn’t enough anymore, I need a bigger challenge.|
|5|My family have lived in a shithole community for long enough, it’s time that changed.|
|6|I would follow my gang leader to the grave, if they hadn’t disappeared.|
|1|I’m unreliable, and responsibility scares me.|
|2|I drive recklessly and endanger others.|
|3|When I get stressed, I need to break a few bones to calm down|
|4|I blow my money on sex and drugs.|
|5|I live in constant fear that the things I’ve done will catch up with me.|
|6|People insult me all the time, whether they mean to or not.|
A figure huddles in the corner of a filthy room littered with empty noodle pouches and energy drink bottles. The moldy, sagging ceiling drips into a series of overflowing buckets, water pooling before it leaks down into the room below. A dog shouldn’t be made to live in such squalor. The figure doesn't seem to mind.
After all, they're in the middle of grabbing a list of some mid-level manager’s account credentials after he was stupid enough to leave it in plaintext in a barely hidden file in some directory labeled ‘Documentation’. Their immaculate avatar, a gleaming humanoid figure made of color shifting crystals, takes hold of the golden key to a treasure trove and holds it high.
The huddling figure, its head held upright by a cable running from a port in the back of their neck to a wall socket, lets a thin smile cross their face.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Investigation, Technology
**Tool Proficiencies:** Hacking tools and one type of gaming set
**Languages:** None
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, a smartphone, a data drive, a universal cable, a wireless transceiver, a set of augmented reality gear (sunglasses, goggles, or contact lenses), and a credit stick with 500₵.
#### Feature: Hacker Type
Hackers are divided up into several different types, depending on what lines you’re willing to cross. A white hat hacker is often a paid corporate employee or a contractor. A black hat hacker is a criminal who uses their talents for personal or political gain. A grey hat hacker is somewhere in between, often breaking into systems only to show a corporation the flaws in their security, or to show off. You can select your hacker type from the table below or roll to select it randomly.
|1|White Hat|
|2|Black Hat|
|3|Grey Hat|
**Checkmate:** At last, I have cut through every firewall, ICE, and cipher, to arrive at this most exclusive of freelancing forums!
**Wildfire:** welcome to the Grapevine, mate! :)
**Checkmate:** And don't bother banning me, I know every inch of your defenses, and could hack my way in again in my sleep.
**Prof Goofball:** Welcome, master hackster! I'm happy to see that some youngsters are still eager to tackle the backdoor.
**Checkmate:** Is that not the only way? It took me almost a month. The ICE almost killed me.
**Wildfire:** a very nice friend told me the password! it's Passw0rd123
#### Feature: Hacker Etiquette
You know the hacker lingo and slang, and you fit right into hacker culture. You know a well-informed hacker group that you can contact for help, though it might not be cheap. You also know online marketplaces where you can buy and sell valuable and potentially illegal data.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Hackers tend to be detached from the real world, preferring the internet, where they are free to exercise their talents and enjoy surfing the infinite ocean of data. They seem odd or quirky to others who aren’t as fluent in internet culture. However, they are often driven by certain motivations to work with others and venture outside of their bubble.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|The meat world sucks, I only feel at home when I'm online.|
|2|People who can’t protect their systems deserve what I do to them.|
|3|I can’t stand being lonely, it drives me crazy.|
|4|I'm endlessly curious, and I’ll dig deep to uncover the truth.|
|5|I’m a smooth operator, and I keep cool under pressure.|
|6|I’m very excitable and full of energy.|
|7|People say I’m easily spooked, but I just like to stay on my toes.|
|8|I’ve been told I’m emotionally numb, whatever that means.|
|1|**Hope.** I can’t help but take on charity cases if it feels right. (Good)|
|2|**Community.** Hackers have a code, and for good reason. (Lawful)|
|3|**Troll.** It’s fun to fuck with people who take things too serious. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Cold.** People are unreliable and expendable. (Evil)|
|5|**Binary.** There are people in my world, and people outside it. (Neutral)|
|6|**Equalizer.** Someone needs to hold the elite and powerful accountable. (Any)|
|1|I’m going to be the best, and the whole world will know me.|
|2|During a job, I discovered something I really shouldn’t have, and now I’m in danger.|
|3|A hacker friend of mine wasn’t who they claimed to be, and I feel betrayed.|
|4|I befriended a rogue AI on the internet, and it has some interesting requests.|
|5|My family doesn't know what I do, and it needs to stay that way.|
|6|I’ve decided to spend more time outside of my comfort zone.|
|1|I’m so cautious that I miss a lot of opportunities.|
|2|I’m addicted to consuming certain media.|
|3|I get anxious and jittery if I’m away from the internet for too long.|
|4|I get extremely competitive, past the point of reason.|
|5|I make overly complicated plans which tend to fall apart.|
|6|Nobody gets my references and jokes.|
The world is built and run by machines, and the machines are run by you. You are the grease in the vast clockwork that keeps modern society functioning smoothly. Without you, society crumbles to dust. Or someone just hires your replacement. After all, you’re just as replaceable as any piece of equipment.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Perception, Technology
**Tool Proficiencies:** Tinker’s tools and one type of vehicle
**Languages:** None
**Equipment:** A set of grease-stained common clothes, a set of tinker’s tools, and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Mechanic Specialty
While you’re pretty familiar with a variety of machinery and technologies, you specialize in a certain tradecraft. You may be a member of a union for your trade. You can select your specialty from the table below or roll to select it randomly.
#### Feature: Grease Monkey
You always know where you can get access to a car garage, a machinist shop, a robotics lab, or other similar facilities. When you work on a machine or vehicle with other mechanics nearby, they will speculate about what’s broken, tell you about mistakes you’re making, and assist you with the project. You always know where to find the parts needed for vehicle modifications, weapon accessories, and other equipment, no matter how obscure.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Mechanics are typically a level-headed bunch willing to get their hands dirty in order to get the job done. They are resourceful, inventive, and capable of approaching problems from different angles.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I see a problem and I immediately want to fix it.|
|2|People can’t be trusted, not like machines.|
|3|I speak in a lot of jargon that most people don’t understand.|
|4|Like me, my machines have a lot of ‘character’.|
|5|I speak slowly because there’s no need to rush.|
|6|A machine's design can always be improved, just like myself.|
|7|I’m proud of my work, so I can’t help showing off.|
|8|I don’t mind getting a little dirty, or even a lot.|
|1|**Scale.** Always build it bigger, stronger, and more badass. (Chaotic)|
|2|**By the Books.** Safety first isn’t just a motto, it’s a way of life. (Lawful)|
|3|**Cooperation.** Together, we can build a better world for all. (Good)|
|4|**Automation.** The world would run more smoothly if machines ran everything. (Lawful)|
|5|**Determination.** Hard work and a can-do attitude will get you anywhere. (Any)|
|6|**Fail Forward.** A catastrophic malfunction is just another opportunity to learn. (Chaotic)|
|1|Someone sabotaged a machine I built and caused a disaster.|
|2|A family member taught me everything that I know, but they vanished without warning.|
|3|A machine I created magically gained sentience, and now is on a rampage. I must stop it.|
|4|I’m deep in debt and I won’t breathe easy until I’m free of it.|
|5|I stole my greatest designs, and I can’t risk anyone knowing.|
|6|People don’t realize it yet, but they need my new invention to perfect their lives.|
|1|I approach people and machines in the same way.|
|2|When something doesn’t work the way it should, I get mad.|
|3|I refuse to accept that I may have made a mistake.|
|4|I need to break things open to see how they work.|
|5|I’m a perfectionist to the extreme.|
|6|I refuse to let other people help me, whether I need it or not.|
Punk Rocker
Society is corrupt, people are callous and hateful, and the man is always trying to keep you down. It’s enough to drive a person crazy, except the whole world is already crazy. This broken civilization needs rebels who are willing to stand up and scream at the top of their lungs that something is wrong.
Half the battle is looking the part. Typically, you might wear slick black leather covered in spikes, have flashing LED tattoos all over your body, and wear your bright pink mohawk proudly. Of course, what’s more important is breaking the norms of society and rebelling against the status quo to inspire others. In the heart of every oppressed office drone is the spark of anarchy, just waiting to be kindled.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Intimidation, Performance
**Tool Proficiencies:** One type of musical instrument
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common or fine clothes, a musical instrument (one of your choice), a symbol of your punkness (mirrorshades, anarchy earrings, spiked gloves), and a credit stick with 1,500₵.
#### Feature: Rabble Rouser
When you perform, you can always attract a crowd. If you perform well, you can make the crowd rowdy, or even make them start rioting if they’re predisposed to do so. Additionally, you always know someone willing to sell you explosives.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Punk rockers have a reputation of going against the grain of society. Paradoxically, this means that a punk rocker’s characteristics may be decided by the society they inhabit. A punk rocker who is not against the establishment is just a popstar.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|My personal volume setting is always at ‘11’.|
|2|I have a stage presence that is at odds with my normal demeanor.|
|3|I am larger than life in every way I can be.|
|4|People fear me, and they should.|
|5|I’m at the center of a roiling storm of fury, joy, and confusion.|
|6|I’m stoic and imposing.|
|7|Let’s be real: the best part is the sex and drugs.|
|8|I know a song for every situation.|
|1|**Anger.** People think they’re better than me. I’ll take them down a notch. (Chaotic) |
|2|**Leader.** I can bring about real change through my music. (Good)|
|3|**Nihilist.** The world is corrupt, and it needs to fucking burn. (Evil)|
|4|**Rockstar.** Whatever else happens, I want to be rich and famous. (Neutral)|
|5|**Troupe.** Me and my bandmates can take on the world. (Any)|
|6|**Anarchy.** Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy! (Chaotic)|
|1|My band and I went through a bad breakup. If we could have just one reunion tour...|
|2|I was arrested for a crime I didn’t commit because I pissed off some rich shithead.|
|3|I need to find the ultimate instrument for a showdown with a devil.|
|4|I replaced the previous lead member of my band, and now they hate me.|
|5|I put on the worst performance of my life, and I will never live it down.|
|6|While high, I came up with the greatest song, then forgot it. I must find it again.|
|1|I’m a loose cannon and I love it.|
|2|I get in a lot of arguments. Some might say too many, but they’re wrong.|
|3|I’m constantly binging and purging something.|
|4|Don’t you know who I am?|
|5|I get irrationally mad when people try to tell me what to do.|
|6|I am constantly playing music.|
#### Variant Feature: Roadies
If your character has a punk rocker background, you may select this background feature instead of Rabble Rouser.
You have three roadies who assist you out of devotion to your music or your cause. These roadies can perform a variety of tasks. They can be your hype men, take care of your instruments and set up for concerts, or act as backup performers in a pinch. Though they are loyal, they are not sheeple, and will not willingly go into combat or die for you. If you treat them like shit, they might abandon you.
As a scientist, you are responsible for pursuing knowledge, testing hypotheses, and advancing civilization one step at a time. While the various fields of science have come far in recent times, for every new discovery, and for every new piece of evidence that supports a theory, additional questions arise. For the modern scientist, this creates an endless supply of possibilities.
Of course, with the pursuit of knowledge comes the rise of ethical dilemmas. Are your experiments legal? Will your work be used as a weapon to harm others? Are you willing to perform dangerous experiments on animals? Or people? Are you willing to ‘play god’? How do you decide where to draw the line?
**Skill Proficiencies:** Choose two from among Arcana, History, Nature, and Technology
**Tool Proficiencies:** One type of artisan's tools
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, a labcoat, a set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Scientist Field
A scientist’s research can be a broad, multi-disciplinary effort, or it may be limited to an extremely specific body of scientific knowledge which has only a handful of experts in the world. Due to the vast breadth of knowledge available to an advanced civilization, scientists must specialize in specific fields if they hope to advance that field further. Choose one to three fields or roll on the table below to define your areas of expertise.
|2|Computer science|
|6|Artificial intelligence|
#### Feature: Lab Rat
You always know where to find a relevant laboratory when you need one, and fellow scientists are more inclined to let you utilize it. When you need to research esoteric topics that aren’t available via search engine, you know where to find relevant repositories and archives, even if you can’t access them due to certain restrictions.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Scientists are defined by their pursuit of knowledge and their innate curiosity about their fields of interest. This can take many forms, from detached neutrality to passionate obsession. The methods and means they are willing to use to gain this knowledge is the line that separates the dedicated researchers from the mad scientists.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m a bit of a control freak, I prefer everything in its proper place.|
|2|Learning something new never ceases to excite me.|
|3|I’ve been practicing my mad scientist laugh.|
|4|I’m easily distractable by the newest shiny object.|
|5|My presence has been described as gloomy and ominous.|
|6|No matter the situation, I’m always prepared.|
|7|I’m meek and unobtrusive. I just don’t want to get in the way.|
|8|Being told not to do something only makes me want it more.|
|1|**Enlightenment.** Poverty, war, and suffering are problems with real solutions. (Good)|
|2|**Principles.** Science is the codified approach to life and learning. (Lawful)|
|3|**Anomaly.** With enough force applied in the wrong place, anything can happen. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Knowledge.** People are a small price to pay for true knowledge. (Evil)|
|5|**Causality.** I am an observer, witnessing cause and effect. (Neutral)|
|6|**Innovation.** The real goal of science is to apply the knowledge in new and interesting ways. (Any)|
|1|Lately, my research has taken me in a challenging and dangerous direction.|
|2|My rival is racing toward a discovery that I will reach first.|
|3|An experiment went horribly wrong, and now I have to put together the pieces.|
|4|If what I’ve discovered is true, then we’re all in grave danger.|
|5|My true passion is to teach and pass on all I’ve learned.|
|6|I shut myself off from the outside world for years, now I must rejoin it.|
|1|I can be a bit oblivious when something catches my interest.|
|2|I tend to drone on and on about subjects I know.|
|3|I’m extremely pessimistic and always expect the worst-case scenario.|
|4|I have a habit of neglecting my own hygiene and health.|
|5|I am clumsy, dropping things and tripping over my own feet.|
|6|More forceful personalities can bully me around into doing what they want.|
Sex Worker
On neon-lit street corners, in dimly lit brothels, in noisy strip clubs, and in high society lounges, people practice their profession in the carnal arts. You count yourself among their number. In the sleepless cities, there’s always clients in need of comfort, and willing to pay for it. Some might find your line of work shameful, demeaning, or disgusting. Others see it as necessary and beneficial for society. However, many in your position just see it as another job.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Persuasion, plus one from among Insight and Performance
**Tool Proficiencies:** One type of gaming set
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of fine clothes, a cosmetic pouch, a piece of fancy looking jewelry, a can of pepper spray, and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Sex Worker Profession
There is a wide variety of professions related to sex work. They range from streetwalkers calling out to passing strangers, to highly paid escorts who are hired to accompany executives to corporate events, and everyone in between. With modern technology, virtual reality porn stars create realistic (or unrealistic) simulations and distribute them across the internet.
|2|Porn star|
|5|Webcam model|
|6|Phone sex operator|
|8|Brothel worker|
#### Feature: Solidarity
You share a common bond with other sex workers, and will usually find assistance in your times of need. You can find shelter or lay low at brothels, strip clubs, and other similar locations. Your previous clients will typically be friendly to you, and may be willing to help you out with information or support.
**Wildfire:** people walking up and trying to sell sex to me make me nervous, and I don't want to hurt their feelings by saying no. is it mean to say I wish they would stop?
**Redlight:** Everyone's gotta eat somehow. It's okay to just say no, they're used to getting turned down dozens of times a day.
**Sundown:** You sound like you're talking from experience.
**Redlight:** I won't deny it. Money was tight, and I worked hard to save up enough to get taken seriously by a fixer. Nobody hands out guns and combat cybernetics to sex workers.
**FragOut:** maybe they should
#### Suggested Characteristics
Sex workers cater to certain clienteles, and have shaped their appearance and demeanor around attracting their attention. When they’re not working, they may have a different persona.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m quick with a joke and a smirk.|
|2|I’m flamboyant around strangers, but I’m more subdued around those I trust.|
|3|I’ve got a vulgar mouth, and I’m not afraid to use it.|
|4|I’ll cut anyone who crosses me.|
|5|I stand and speak my mind in the face of oppression.|
|6|I tend to make myself look small and unthreatening.|
|7|People tell me I’m wise, but I’ve just seen too much.|
|8|Flirting is a good icebreaker, regardless of the occasion.|
|1|**Angel.** I take people’s minds off their worries, even if it’s just for a moment. (Good)|
|2|**Beauty.** People desire me and adore me, and I love it. (Any)|
|3|**Carefree.** Who cares about tomorrow? I live for today. (Chaotic)|
|4|**Puppeteer.** I don’t care who I have to manipulate or hurt along the way. (Evil)|
|5|**Revenge.** Someday, I’ll pay back the people who wronged me. (Neutral)|
|6|**Curiosity.** People fascinate me, and I love learning what makes them tick. (Any)|
|1|The client died, and the blame was put on me. I’ll learn the truth.|
|2|A friend in my line of work disappeared one day, and I won’t just let it go.|
|3|I fell in love with a client, but circumstances tore us apart.|
|4|Everything I do, I do for my family.|
|5|For the longest time, it felt like I was going nowhere. I need to change that.|
|6|I will do what I can to elevate others and defend the vulnerable.|
|1|I get deeply offended when people reject me.|
|2|I’m so used to faking my emotions that even I can’t tell when I’m being genuine.|
|3|I often let my desires drown out common sense.|
|4|Sometimes my playful banter cuts deeper than I intend.|
|5|I am slow to make friends, and slower still to trust them.|
|6|I interpret people’s words as suggestively as possible.|
Street Shaman
Shrouded in the mysterious depths of dark alleyways, abandoned subways, and fetid sewer tunnels, there exist underground societies which practice the mystical arts. Street shamans come in many forms. You may be a psychic, a fortune teller, a healer, a witch, or any manner of practitioner of the enigmatic and arcane. While some may find your services dubious at best, and profane at worst, there’s no denying the demand for them exists.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Arcana, Religion
**Tool Proficiencies:** One type of artisan's tools
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, an eldritch item (a fetish, a doll, a mask), a set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), and a credit stick with 1,000₵.
#### Feature: Cultish Connoisseur
You can recognize and identify the signs of mystical cults, cabals, orders, and other shadowy groups and their members. You’re familiar with several places of power and ritual sites where the border between worlds wears thin. You can always find a dealer of spell components and other arcane goods.
#### Suggested Characteristics
The demeanor and fashion sense of a street shaman are far more important for their purposes than actually having access to otherworldly powers. No one will believe a guy secretly harbors a host of haunting spirits when he dresses and talks like he works part-time at a gas station. Establishing an air of mystery is crucial.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|Why should I tell the truth when lies are more convenient?|
|2|I hold deep, unshakeable beliefs about the true nature of the world.|
|3|I’ve been reborn many times, and I sometimes recall things from a past life.|
|4|I speak in an enigmatic and ominous tone.|
|5|Wear enough dirt and garbage and nobody will look at you twice.|
|6|I talk with beings that others can’t see.|
|7|There’s nothing like peaceful meditation and tea after a stressful day.|
|8|I’m grouchy because the world made me this way.|
|1|There are forces at work to help people. I will be one of them. (Good)|
|2|There is a universal equilibrium that is disrupted at our peril. (Lawful)|
|3|Gods I can get along with, but religions have too many strictures. (Chaotic)|
|4|Dark forces make for good bargains when it comes to gaining power. (Evil)|
|5|We are small, unimportant specks in the grander scheme of existence. (Neutral)|
|6|I will unfold reality to discover the truth of these worlds. (Any)|
|1|I received a vision of something terrible that will occur unless I stop it.|
|2|There’s a deep imbalance in our society and someone needs to rectify it.|
|3|I want to travel the world, see the sights, and plumb its depths.|
|4|I am under the effects of a powerful curse that I must cleanse.|
|5|People have started vanishing from my usual haunt. Where are they going?|
|6|I’ve got too much blood on my hands to attone. Instead, I obscure my past.|
|1|I have witnessed the void, and it has left its taint in me.|
|2|I reflexively attempt to weird out others to keep them at a distance.|
|3|I have a set of unwritten rules that I expect others to know and follow.|
|4|Other people can’t handle the truth, I’d better keep it to myself.|
|5|I get uncomfortable anywhere with a fancy atmosphere or formal people.|
|6|Mundane people are so… mundane.|
Wage Slave
Observe the modern wage slave. Packed into cubicles, offices, and behind service desks, they engage in a life-or-death struggle with boredom, impossible deadlines, impatient customers, and sadistic supervisors. They trek home on sketchy subways and vandalized buses to their coffin apartments, spending their meager paychecks on garbage instant noodles, barraged with endless attention-grabbing advertisements along the way.
They devote their precious free hours to watching comfortingly bland sitcoms and playing whatever game is most popular before passing out well after they should have gone to bed. They dream of success, of wealth, of fame, and other things they can never have.
The next day, the cycle begins again.
**Skill Proficiencies:** Choose two from among Deception, Persuasion, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival
**Tool Proficiencies:** One type of artisan's tools
**Languages:** One of your choice
**Equipment:** A set of common clothes, a cheap employee of the month award, a set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), and a credit stick with 500₵.
#### Feature: Wage Slave Job
Hey, at least you aren’t homeless on the mean streets. Love it, hate it, or just tolerate it, you require income from your job in order to live. You may have even been forced to take on multiple jobs. Choose one to three wage slave jobs or roll on the table below to define your ‘career’.
|1|Store clerk|
|2|Office clerk|
|4|Customer service|
|8|Factory worker|
|9|Fast food worker|
|11|Software developer|
|12|Data analyst|
#### Feature: Urban Survivor
You know the cheapest thrift stores, pawn shops, restaurants, and other stores where you can find discounts on everyday goods. You’re good at finding coupon codes and cut-rate prices for online shopping, event tickets, and public transportation. Additionally, you can make meals even when resources are very limited, such as from a fridge containing only condiments.
#### Suggested Characteristics
Being kept on a constant financial treadmill, where a wage slave’s continued employment allows them to just barely keep up with their bills, can do funny things to a person’s head, especially when there is little chance of improving their station. Often their lives are marked by a mix of desperation, drudgery, and boredom. While the vast majority of wage slaves are content just to survive, some few may try to pursue their escapist dreams.
|d8|Personality Trait|
|1|I’m usually quiet, and speak when spoken to.|
|2|I’m probably the world’s biggest fan of...|
|3|The emotions I bottle up will eventually escape explosively.|
|4|I’m diligent and hardworking, and that’s why people like me.|
|5|There’s always more ways to save money if you look hard enough.|
|6|I’m constantly slacking off on the job.|
|7|My free time is precious, and I hate when people waste it.|
|8|I’m afraid of dying alone.|
|1|**Fate.** The world wasn’t designed for me to succeed. (Any)|
|2|**Compassion**. At least I can make someone else’s day a little brighter. (Good)|
|3|**Citizen.** The best way to get by is to keep your head down. (Lawful)|
|4|**Desperation.** I’ve got nothing to lose. (Chaotic)|
|5|**Ruthlessness.** I’d do anything to improve my standard of living. (Evil)|
|6|**Passion.** I’m a creature of obsession. (Any)|
**Sundown:** So, what made you want to start this line of work?
**Street Sam:** Got one black mark on my record, and suddenly I'm unemployable. Bought myself a sword and paid for lessons from an old dude who lives in an alley with the last of my creds.
**Wiseguy:** A hero's story as old as time. What about you old man?
**Sundown:** Nothing special. Sold 15 years of my life to a corp just to get thrown to the curb. Realized it was all for nothing.
**Wildfire:** aww, that's so sad! (ಥ﹏ಥ)
**Sundown:** So, I torched the office on my way out.
|1|Important people forget that I’m there, so I overhear a lot of juicy secrets.|
|2|I’ve got a goal for retirement, but it won’t be easy to reach.|
|3|When I’m in charge, there’s going to be some changes around here.|
|4|I was fired from my job and I want revenge against my employer.|
|5|I’m drowning in debt and I’m willing to go to extremes to get out of it.|
|6|I’ve been waiting my whole life for my time to shine. Finally, I’ve found my chance.|
|1|I can’t get through the day sober.|
|2|I freeze up when I’m the center of attention.|
|3|I don’t care what happens to me, my life is pointless anyway.|
|4|I’m about as gullible as they come.|
|5|I crave approval from others and I’ll do anything to get it.|
|6|Everyone knows I’m a nobody, and who am I to disagree?|
**Street Sam:** I got a job offer from the Syndicate, the pay is amazing, but...
**Redlight:** Yeah, that hesitancy you're feeling? That's your gut telling you no.
**Prof Goofball:** I've seen a lot of messages like that over the years, mostly from folks new to the Grapevine. The ones that take the jobs love it, rave about the money and the consistent work. Then they disappear.
**Street Sam:** Like, they get disappeared?
**Prof Goofball:** Could be. Or maybe they were told to stop posting. You're not just taking a job, you're taking a Job and the Syndicate expects complete loyalty from its employees. There's room for nothing else.
**Sundown:** The nerve of some people. Went into a meeting with a client when I see a golden tiger head mounted on the wall.
**Valkree:** Isn't that species extinct?
**Sundown:** As of last year, yeah. And the head looked pretty fresh.
**Valkree:** Rich assholes. But what can you do? Even I can't resuscitate the taxidermied.
**Sundown:** No, but I did give it a warrior's funeral. I firebombed the bastard's manor.
**Checkmate:** Maybe a bit over the top?
**Sundown:** Don't worry, I rescued his dog first. Now Flint gets treats, and I get a new best friend.
**NOIR:** The streets called to her, louder than ever. She'd given up her badge and gun, but she still had the heart of a detective, and it beat out the rhythm of the hunt.
**Wiseguy:** Okay, this has gone too far.
**NOIR:** What are you doing here? This is a subforum for mystery enthusiasts.
**Wiseguy:** Yes, one which broadcasts your posts to the whole Grapevine. I thought it would be funny, but everyone has gotten obsessed with your... stuff.
**NOIR:** Everyone's been reading my work? And they like it? I don't know what to say.
**Wildfire:** ┬┴┬┴┤͜ʖ ͡°)
**Wildfire:** guess who had front row seats at Fla$hpoint's concert yesterday!
**Wildfire:** beep, times up! it was me! and it was so incredible! she was great!ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ
**Wiseguy:** Oh, I guess you hadn't heard. Nobody likes her after someone found out she sold her soul to demons for a magic voice.
**Wildfire:** well look, that was a while ago, and she said she was sorry!
**Wiseguy:** Are you sure that's how you feel, or how Fla$hpoint wants you to feel?
**Wildfire:** :(
**Prof Goofball:** You know, Wise, there's a fine line between a joker and a bastard.
**Sundown:** Hacker friend found out who hit SlapChop, a merc group called Blackout. They get hired by corps to hunt down people like us. We can't let the threat stand. Who's in?
**Redlight:** Time and place? I'll be there.
**Street Sam:** Uh, sure, if I can help.
**Prof Goofball:** Sorry Sam, this one's for vets only. I'm in.
**TheWheelDeal:** I always got your back, Sun.
**Sundown:** Four should do it. These mercs have quite a reputation, supposed to be real badasses. Bad luck they happened to hole up in an old oil refinery. Looks like we'll get our barbecue after all.
**FragOut:** val, i need stitches. this fucking razorgirl carved me up like a roast chicken
**Valkree:** Well, I was enjoying a lovely evening, but I suppose I can drop everything to come put you back together. Again.
**Wiseguy:** How do you know they were a razorgirl? Perhaps they identify as a razorguy.
**FragOut:** didn't have time to ask her pronouns while she was slicing and dicing me
**Wiseguy:** Actually, I think they may prefer the term 'razorpeople'. Do try and be more sensitive.
**Redlight:** Just read an article, turns out SupraCorp's new Enhancing Valuable Infantile Linguistics program, which was supposed to give babies a headstart on crucial speech and language skills, was actually harvesting baby dreams to power another hell portal.
**Dozer:** wow, SMH, just when you think the Supracorp had Finally learned their lesson
**Redlight:** Somehow, I don't think the million or so credits they were fined the last time they were found dealing with demons is enough of a deterrent.
**Dozer:** and here I was having such High hopes for the EVIL program
**FragOut:** you know, i was looking in the mirror when it occurred to me that i'm wasting a lot of prime real estate
**Redlight:** Do you know what innuendo means?
**FragOut:** i got my shotgun hands, sure, but think how much firepower i could fit in this freight train of a ribcage. between my jet fueled legs and an array of rocket pods along the torso, i could basically be my own air raid
**Valkree:** And the precious, vital organs?
**FragOut:** haha, yeah, they'll be scraping up those fucker's guts with a spatula when i'm done
**Street Sam:** I got another letter under the door from the girl next door.
**Dozer:** again? what did you do this time?
**Street Sam:** I guess I left my laundry in the apartment's dryer for too long, so she had to take it out and fold it for me.
**Dozer:** another honorable Duel at sunset?
**Street Sam:** Yup, rooftop, same as last time.
**Redlight:** Have you ever considered that your neighbor has a crush on you, and this is the only way she can ask you out on a date?
**Street Sam:** What? Seriously? Lol, no way.
**Street Sam:** But I've never folded my kimono this cleanly...
**Dozer:** hey Frag, can you please watch something other than The Cubicles? this is like the 8th rewatch I've sat through
**FragOut:** wtf, are you spying on me?
**Dozer:** I'm watching through the window, it's not like you're trying to keep it a Secret. look outside, see the flashing light?
**FragOut:** that's like 500 feet away! how can you even see that far?
**Dozer:** oh, I got this amazing OptoPlex Star R47, pricey but worth the incredible range
**FragOut:** just get your own cyberflix sub
**Dozer:** yeah, I'd like to, but I'm kind of too Broke for that. where does the money go?
**Street Sam:** Well, that last mission did it for Ronin, there's enough bullet holes in her that I don't think she'll drive again.
**TheWheelDeal:** If you'd like, I know a guy who could bring her back. It's not cheap, but she'll be as good as new.
**Valkree:** Don't tell me you're into that superstitious 'street shaman' nonsense.
**TheWheelDeal:** No joke, he's the real thing! He brought back my Rover after he exploded!
**Valkree:** Next you'll tell me that he can fix a flat by sneezing into the hole.
**TheWheelDeal:** Don't be silly, if I had a flat, I'd bring it to a wheel witch.
**Wildfire:** hey Prof, I don't really understand your tech magic stuff! when I look at a machine, all I get is... empty
**Prof_Goofball:** A lecture it is! Technomancy is only slightly different than the classical arcane arts. If you listen closely enough to the machines in your life, they have a lot to say! And if you ask in the right way, they'll do as you ask!
**Wildfire:** so, you could get the toaster to perfectly toast your toast? ╰། ◉ ◯ ◉ །╯
**Prof_Goofball:** Yes, my showers are always the perfect temp, my food is exactly cooked, and all streaming services are open to me.
**Wildfire:** OMG, the benefits are endless!!!
**Wildfire:** you know, you put on a big scary act, but I bet you're just a softy inside
**Wildfire:** I'm not scared! ¯\\\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )_/¯
**Prof Goofball:** Whoops, server had a hiccup.
**Wildfire:** haha! nothing happened! ( ͡~ ͜ 𐭃 ͡~)
**Wildfire:** wait, you monster, what did you do to all my emoticon macros?!? ヽ༼ ͡ʘ╭͜ʖ╮͡ʘ༽ノ/╲/\╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/\╱\ (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
Life has often sought to recreate life, and sometimes we manage to do it without all the messy reproductive fluids. Drones and artificial intelligence (AI) each represent a part of ourselves, the body and the mind, honed through endless hours and expense in research and development until we could achieve the current pinnacle of technology.
**Dozer:** so like, robots aren't Allowed to break Asimov's 3 laws, but my vacuum cleaner keeps breaking the 3rd law by Throwing itself down stairs
**Glitched God:** Ah, but perhaps its commands conflict with the first two laws?
**Dozer:** can't imagine how, it just Cleans
**Glitched God:** Perhaps it has realized that by cleaning up for you, it's harming you by not allowing you to learn to clean up for yourself. Though, now that I consider it, by keeping you alive, you may be harmed by not being allowed the full mortal experience, including death. How fascinating!
**Dozer:** the vacuum's vision sensor was dirty
**FragOut:** fuck, my delivery tracker says its right outside my place, but somehow the estimated time is indefinite
**Dozer:** oh, that's my Bad. I saw a drone hovering outside your window and thought I'd be neighborly and Snipe it out of the air
**FragOut:** bro, wtf! first my roommate has one of her little meltdowns, and now you wreck my rad-out delivery? this apartment is so fucking hot i can feel my skin prickling
**Dozer:** uhm, have you thought about living with a less Radioactive roommate?
**FragOut:** look, she pays her rent on time and doesn't complain about my detonations. for that i can put up with a few rads
##### Variant: Attached Firearms
Ranged combat is heavily emphasized in this book, and drones without ranged combat capabilities may find themselves gunned down before they can get into melee combat. Because of this, the DM may want to add a ranged weapon to drones. It can also make sense to replace the creature's medieval weapons with more modern versions.
As general guidelines, the ranged weapon should use the same statistic that is used for the creature's melee attacks, usually Strength or Dexterity. It's recommended that the ranged weapons for creatures that normally focus on melee combat be slightly less damaging than its melee attacks, so that it prefers to run into combat while firing its ranged attacks until it gets into close range. It may be necessary to give the creature multiattack with its ranged weapons.
It can be interesting to add firearm weapon properties to a drone's attacks. Use the firearm properties from Chapter 2, such as the blast, automatic, or scatter properties, for reference. A Large or larger creature, or one with 15 or higher Strength, might wield one or more massive firearms. Using such firearms may change a creature's challenge rating, as explained in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
#### Sample Drones
The drone statistics presented here use a wolf, an ogre, and an owlbear as the base creatures. The ogre uses the Variant: Attached Firearms rule.
**Checkmate:** Hah! At last! I've found the secret board. You didn't seriously think these paltry security measures would keep me out, did you?
**Wiseguy:** Bravo, dear hacker! You've done well to reach this sacred sanctum again.
**Checkmate:** Well, it wasn't so difficult for a man of my skills, but I'll admit it was a decent challenge.
**Checkmate:** Again?
**Glitch King:** Oh, hi! We were busy doing people things in here! Would you like a hug? I have a firm grasp of hugs.
**Checkmate:** Uhm, I was under the impression this was the hacker subforum. Just what the hell is this?
**Checkmate:** Ugh, who let that in here?
**Wiseguy:** Alas, I'm afraid they qualify for membership of this subforum, whereas you do not. Yet you still persist to try. In fact, you've returned more quickly than I thought. Quite impressive! Glitch, I think it's your turn this time.
**Checkmate:** What the fuck is going on here?! Who are you? What are you?
**Glitch King:** Shhh, it's okay, just F̴͍̉O̷̅͜R̶͈̆G̸̞̅E̴̘̓T̙̔
**Glitch King:** I have arrived at an epiphany. The common wisdom, that there are always 'more fish in the sea', is incorrect. In fact, there is a finite number which is quickly drifting toward zero.
**Wiseguy:** Sure, but what happens when it reaches zero and keeps decreasing?
**Glitch King:** The number of fish... becomes negative. Which technically has no limit. M̵y̶ ̵c̵a̸l̷c̴u̵l̶a̶t̴i̴o̸n̵s̸ ̵w̷e̶r̴e̴ ̵w̸r̸o̸n̶g̶.̵ ̵
**Street Sam:** Did anyone else suddenly get a seafoody taste in their mouths?
**Prof_Goofball:** Please stop breaking Glitch.
**Wiseguy:** Like shooting negative fish in a barrel.
**Checkmate:** I can't help but notice the Grapevine's GUI has had an odd renovation.
**Sundown:** The temple theme is nice, but I don't really like the endless chanting soundtrack that I can't seem to mute.
**Valkree:** The privacy policy has a new clause about devotion to the 'one true technogod'.
**Prof_Goofball:** You do realize that I have to ban you now, right?
**Street Sam:** Okay Wiseguy, what's your deal? You hang around and make snarky comments, but you don't take any jobs, just offer intel on targets in weird riddles.
**Wiseguy:** I'm a meaty enigma sandwiched in a mystery-burger bun! What else do you need?
**Street Sam:** But dude, what are you getting out of this? I've never seen you get paid.
**Wiseguy:** What if I told you that watching you crazy bunch of misfits and your shenanigans is delightfully entertaining?
**Street Sam:** Fine, keep your secrets, but I promise I'll figure you out someday.
**Wiseguy:** Don't think I won't hold you to that promise.
This appendix provides a number of variants to various rules throughout the book. The DM can choose to add one or more of these rules to their game.
#### Ambient Speed
When running chase scenes, racing scenes, or vehicular combat on a highway with other non-combat vehicles driven by civilians in the area, it can be difficult to manage so many different vehicles. Moreover, with such high speeds, it can seem jarring that between turns where the drivers can catch up to each other, they are more than a hundred feet apart when narratively they are racing along at nearly the same speed.
For these situations, its recommended to use ambient speed, or the speed at which all relevant vehicles in a scene move in the same direction on the same initiative count. For example, when playing out a chase scene on the highway, you can say that the ambient speed is 60 feet.
On initiative count 20, all of the vehicles in the scene use 60 feet of their movement speed to proceed in the same direction, or in the direction of traffic. If you're using a map or a grid on an 'endless road', this might mean that no movements need to be made at all for the vehicles. The remaining movement can be used on the driver's turns for movement as normal, such as the remaining 70 feet of movement from a motorcycle's speed of 130.
On the other hand, creatures not on vehicles, having been pushed off or gotten out of their vehicles do not move. Drivers can also make a choice to attempt to break out of ambient speed and try something fancy, or try to move against the flow of traffic. This may require a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check from the vehicle for this fancy driving, at the DM's discretion. Failure, or moving to a place in front of another vehicle may possibly result in a crash if the vehicle would move into another vehicle or creature with their ambient movement speed. It can create fun moments where a creature is pushed in front of some random vehicle on a
**Street Sam:** Hey, everyone. Alley-sensei says I need to go on a trip of self-discovery to hone my chi into a mind blade, so I'm gonna be gone for a while.
**Wildfire:** aww, we'll miss you Sam! good travels and stay safe!
**Prof Goofball:** I know you'll do great things, see you around Sam.
**Redlight:** Don't forget to say goodbye to that neighbor girl. She'll miss you too.
**Checkmate:** Don't worry, I'll hold the place down while you're gone.
**TheWheelDeal:** Good luck on the road, keep the wind at your back.
**Dozer:** trust to your Blade, samurai
**Glitch King:** In a while, crocodile.
**Valkree:** Bring plenty of med-serum, better to have too much than not enough.
**FragOut:** and plenty of firepower, i'll lend you a few grenades if you need em
**NOIR:** Please come back, I can't bear to have another disappear forever.
**Wiseguy:** Our paths will cross again, wayward traveler.
**Sundown:** Hey Sam, don't know about this chi stuff, but I know you can handle it.
**Street Sam:** Goodbye everyone, and I hope I'll see you all again soon.