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Ranger: Hunting Horror Conclave
# Ranger Conclave ## Hunting Horror Conclave The hunting horror is one who has pledged themselves to hunt to the whims of the elder evils. These rangers accept and revel in the influence of beings greater than their own comprehension. Nothing in this world is as terrifying as having a hunting horror track you down for they never cease hunting. #### Conclave Spells Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Hunting Horror Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know. ##### Hunting Horror Spells | Ranger level | Spells | |:-------------:|:------------------------| | 3rd | *arms of hadar* | | 5th | *dragon's breath* | | 9th | *fear* | | 11th | *sickening radiance* | | 15th | *negative energy flood* | ### Twisted Mind At 3rd level, you gain access to the unearthly language of Eldertongue. Eldertongue sound like madding gibberish to any sane creature but a creature under the effects of a madness can understand it perfectly.
Additionally, you gain the mind sliver cantrip. It counts as a ranger spell for you and does not count against spells known. ### Target of the Hunter Additionally, at 3rd level as a bonus action, you can mark a creature as your target for 1 hour; * When you are moving towards your target you can ignore difficult terrain. * When you hit you target for the first time on your turn you deal an additional 1d6 psychic damage. * You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track your target.
Additionally, as part of the same action or as a bonus action you can extend the duration of this mark indefinitely however when you do you no longer inflict extra damage to your target. You can only have 1 creature marked at one time. \columnbreak
### Aberant Strength At 7th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, when you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution ability check in relation to a creature marked from your Target of the Hunter feature you can add your Wisdom modifier to the roll. ### Unstoppable Flesh At 11th level, while you have a creature marked, your body contorts into a mass of writhing tendrils, you can move through any space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing, and you can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from non magical restraints or being grappled. Additionally, when you are hit with a melee attack, as a reaction, you can cause a part of your body to split apart and act on its own. The mass acts on your initiative after you act and will move 15ft towards the nearest hostile creature. Any creature that touches the mass must make a Dexterity saving throw or have the mass bury itself within the creature. Creatures with the mass attached to them take 1d6 psychic damage at the start of each of their turns. The mass can be removed with a *lesser restoration* spell or can use an action to make a DC10 medicine check to remove it. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. ### Servant of Nyarlethotep At 15th level, your service to the elder evils has warped your body beyond recognition as a reward for your diligence. While you have a creature marked with your Target of the Hunter feature you gain the following benefits. * You grow to large in size. * Large leathery wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 30ft. > **ART CREDIT** > * Darkcloud013 - [Source]( > * zypherax - [Source](