Firearms & Gunslinger Archetype - v.1
Ranged Weapons
Uncommon Simple Weapons |
Price | Damage | Range | Reload | Bulk | Hands | Group | Weapon Trait |
Pistol | 10 gp | 1d8 P | 40 ft. | 1 | L | 1 | Firearms | Deadly d10, recoil 1 |
10 bullets | 1 gp | L |
Uncommon Martial Weapons |
Price | Damage | Range | Reload | Bulk | Hands | Group | Weapon Trait |
Blunderbuss (level 1) | 15 gp | 1d8 P | 15 ft. | 2 | 1 | 2 | Firearms | Cone 15 ft., recoil 2 |
1 shot | 1 gp | L | ||||||
Musket | 12 gp | 1d10 P | 80 ft. | 1 | 1 | 2 | Firearms | Deadly d12, recoil 1 |
10 bullets | 1 gp | L | ||||||
Pepperbox (level 2) | 18 gp | 1d8 P | 40 ft. | 3 | L | 1 | Firearms | Capacity 6, deadly d10, recoil 2 |
10 bullets | 1 gp | L | ||||||
Rifle (level 1) | 15 gp | 1d10 P | 100 ft. | 2 | 1 | 2 | Firearms | Capacity 4, deadly d12, recoil 2 |
10 bullets | 1 gp | L |
Uncommon Advanced Weapons |
Price | Damage | Range | Reload | Bulk | Hands | Group | Weapon Trait |
Rifle, Precision (level 2) | 20 gp | 1d12 P | 120 ft. | 1 | 1 | 2 | Firearms | Deadly d12, recoil 1, volley 30 ft. |
10 bullets | 15 sp | L |
Weapon Traits
Capacity: The ranged weapon can be fired a number of times based on the number shown before it must be reloaded.
Cone: This ranged weapon fires in a cone at all creatures in the area. Roll your Strike once and compare it against the AC of all creatures in the area. You roll damage once for all creatures you successfully hit. On a critical success, only the creature closest to you takes the additional damage. If there is more than one creature closest to you, you choose which takes the additional damage.
If a creature in this area of effect is behind another creature, they have lesser cover and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC.
Recoil: The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is increased by the number shown. On your third and subsequent attacks on your turn, it increases by two times the number shown. Recoil 1 means your second attack will be at a -6, and your third and subsequent attacks will be at a -12.
Critical Specialization Effects
Firearm: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls.
Weapon Descriptions
Blunderbuss: This firearm has a short, large caliber barrel that is flared at the muzzle. It fires a large quantity of projectiles in a short burst.
Bullet: These projectiles are the ammunition for firearms. The projectile is made of lead and is expelled out of a firearm's barrel at tremendous speeds thanks to smokepowder.
Musket: A reliable firearm with a long barrel that is fired from the shoulder. Early versions had smooth barrels and were muzzle-loaded.
Pepperbox: A repeating pistol that has 6 barrels that revolve around a central axis.
Pistol: A small firearm designed to be fired with one hand.
Rifle: A firearm with a long, rifled barrel and is fired from the shoulder. Has a reservoir to hold up to 4 bullets at a time.
Rifle, Precision: A firearm with a long, rifled barrel and has a metal tube bolted on to the top with precisely ground glass that magnifies targets - making it extremely accurate at longer ranges.
Shot: A large quantity of bullets, metal flechettes, and other projectiles are the ammunition for the blunderbuss.
RA: Reaction / 1A: 1 Action / 2A: 2 Actions /
3A: 3 Actions / FA: Free Action
Gunslinger - Archetype
A burgeoning new technology, firearms are quickly growing in power and deadliness. While these weapons are still expensive, far too expensive for most to ever dream of buying one, the claim that the firearm makes men equal has struck fear in the heart of generals and kings. Those who dedicate themselves to firearms are often viewed with a mixture of awe and fear. They have dedicated themselves to a dangerous weapon whose true power is still yet unknown.
Additional Feats: 4th Assisting Shot (Core Rulebook 145), Point-Blank Shot (Core Rulebook 144); 6th Parting Shot (Advanced Player's Guide page 126), Running Reload (Core Rulebook 172); 10th Mobile Shot Stance (Core Rulebook 149)
Gunslinger Dedication / Feat 2
- uncommon / Archetype / Dedication
You become trained in all simple and martial weapons in the firearm weapon group. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency rank in all simple and martial weapons in the firearm weapon group. If you are at least an expert in the firearm you are using, you gain access to the critical specialization effect with that firearm. You gain access to uncommon firearms.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the gunslinger archetype.
Gunslinger's Dodge (RA) / Feat 2
- Archetype
Trigger A creature that you can see targets you with a ranged Strike.
You fall prone and take the Take Cover action. You gain cover against ranged attacks, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed from being prone).
Double Tap (2A) / Feat 4
- Archetype / Flourish
Requirements You are wielding a firearm with reload 0 or has a capacity of 2 or more and doesn't need to be reloaded between shots.
You fire twice in quick succession. Make two Strikes against the same target and with a penalty equal to 2 plus your firearm's recoil. If both Strikes hit, you deal normal damage for each Strike and you gain a circumstance bonus to the total damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice from each strike. If one of the Strikes critically fails, you deal no damage with both Strikes. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after you've made both of them.
Image Credit: © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC
Artist: Wayne Reynolds
Created by: VaranSL
Quick Draw (1A) / Feat 4
- Archetype / Open
- Prerequisites Gunslinger Dedication
You draw your firearm and attack with the same action. You Interact to draw a weapon from the firearm weapon group that is loaded or has reload 0, then Strike with that weapon.
Advanced Firearm Training / Feat 6
- Archetype
- Prerequisites Gunslinger Dedication
Through constant practice and the crucible of experience, you increase your skill with advanced firearms. You gain proficiency with all advanced firearms as if they were martial weapons in the firearms weapon group.
Final Retort (RA) / Feat 8
- Archetype
- Prerequisites Attack of Opportunity, Gunslinger Dedication
- Trigger A creature Strides out of your first range increment
- Required You are wielding a loaded firearm
Not willing to let your enemies get the last word, you give one final shot for them to remember you by. You can use Attack of Opportunity against a creature that Strides out of your first range increment of your firearm.