Cryomancer: A Homebrew Sorcerer Subclass

by Comet

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Artist: Jason Nguyen

Sorcerous Origin: Cryomancer

Your magic comes from a familial bond with an ice elemental, or maybe you were born during an arcane blizzard that was caused by something as such. The power of the arcane element of ice flows through your veins is empowering your connection with the Weave.

Frost Skin

The little crystals that formed under your Skin are reinforcing your Natural Defense. Cause of the arcane power of ice flowing through your veins you have resistance against cold damage. Also, while you don't wear armor you have a natural AC of 13 + your Dexterity Modifier

Cryo Magic

On level 6 the connection between you and the Weave improves you in a certain way. Cryo Magic is a form of Metamagic which lets you add special effects to spells that deal cold damage. Also, it adds special actions that also cost Sorcery Points.

Freezing Blow

If a target gets hit with a spell that deals cold Damage you can spend one Sorcery Points to half its movement speed and two Points to set its speed to reduce it to zero for its next Turn.

Small Blizzard

If a target gets hit with a spell that deals cold damage you can spend one Sorcery Point to create a small blizzard that follows the target and deals 1d4 damage per round. This effect lasts three rounds. You can spend three Sorcery Points to double the damage to this effect.

Ice Gliding

You can spend 2 Sorcery Points to glide on an platform of ice you constantly produce under your feet. While gliding your movement speed doubles. This still will provoke opportunity attacks, even though these have a disadvantage.

Ice Blockade

If you spend three Sorcery Points, you can summon a 1 Ft. Long, 7 Ft. and High 3 Ft. Wide obstacle that lasts for 5 five Rounds.

Cold Dragon Familiar

On level 14 you can summon a Pseudodragon as a familiar, that has the same alignment as you. While not summoned, the dragon appears as a tattoo on your forearm. The summoning process happens almost in an instant, so it takes no action, nor a bonus action to summon. But the summoning skill has a cooldown of one Round. Because it is bound to your Soul, the Pseudodragon will evolve with your skills as a Sorcerer. The Pseudodragon has 10 Hit Points at first, but with every Sorcerer Level from now on it will have an extra 1d4 +1 HP added. While your Pseudodragon is in 100 Ft. of you, you can see through its eyes. Other Abilities are marked on the next page.

The arcane power flowing through your veins also altered your physical form: Your hair is most likely any shade of blue to silver, and little crystals on your skin are reinforcing your defense.


Tiny dragon

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 10 + 1d4+1 per Sorcerer Level
  • Speed 15 Ft. walking, 60 Ft. flying

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws none
  • Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
  • Damage Vulnerabilities none
  • Damage Resistances cold
  • Damage Immunities none
  • Condition Immunities none
  • Senses Blindsight 10 Ft., Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 13
  • Languages Understands Common And Draconic But Can't Speak


Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage Sting Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a dc 11 constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target falls unconscious for the same duration, or until it takes damage or another creature wakes it up.

Blizzard Soul

You release a massive amount of magic, altering the surrounding terrain in a radius of 20 Ft. making it difficult terrain for your enemies. It also alters your physical appearance: Your Eyes Glow brightly, Your Skin turns light bluely to dark blue. It damages all enemies. You can specifically choose which creatures in the 20 Ft. Radius these effects apply to. The targets in this area get repeatedly hit with icicles, stones, and hail that deal 3d12 damage per round. You also get expertise in Constitution and Charisma Saving throws. You can add 10 Ft. to your movement speed. This effect holds on for five Rounds. After using this, you have to finish a long rest to use it again. A command takes one Bonus action.

Learable Skills: Pseudodragon


Your summoned Pseudodragon gets stronger with your skills as a Sorcerer. The Dragon has seven Levels. Every time you get a new Sorcerer Level from now on the Dragon gets a Level up cause it is bound to your Soul. The Pseudodragon is actually a slightly improved version of a normal one. If the dragon dies, it will be returned as a tattoo and you have to finish a long rest for it to be back.

Level One

Your Pseudodragon Is just an improved version of a normal one.

Level Two

Your dragon develops sharp edges on its wings. It adds 1d8 slashing damage to any of their opportunity attacks. It can also shoot tiny scales as an attack that deals 5d4 slashing damage. But it has to regenerate its scales for 5 rounds. During that time it has a disadvantage on constitution saves.

Level Three

Your Pseudodragon's wings get stronger: It's flying speed is increased by 15 Ft. Your dragon is developing its breath weapon: If it uses its bite attack the target takes 1d8 cold damage extra. The muscles in its tail get stronger and because of that its sting attack now does 1d12 damage

Level Four

Your dragon has completely developed its breath attack, which now deals 1d8 cold damage. Your dragon's poison has improved: It now deals 1d8 damage per Round. This effect holds on for five Rounds. Your dragon's bites now temporarily freeze a part of the targets body: The target has a disadvantage on Dexterity saves and check

Level Five

The Dragons teeth are now creating poison too. From now on, if your dragon is using the bite attack, its target going to be thrown prone. The scales of the dragon are now regenerating faster: The cooldown goes from five rounds to 2 rounds. It can also cover itself with ice, which halves its speed, but adds a +5 to its AC. While in this state, its Scales attack does 2d8 cold damage more.

Level Six

The poison in the the tail of the dragon has evolved: It now deals 2d8 damage per round. It can also create a small tornado around it shoving away every creature in a 10 Ft. radius except you. Everyone else gets shoved back 10 Ft and takes 3d8 force damage.

Level Seven

The Pseudodragon can enter a phantom form, where everything is the same except that every time that a target gets hit by an attack of it the target has to make a DC 18 Wisdom save. If it fails, the target gets inflicted with 4d10 psychic damage and gets shown its greatest fear. It also gets frightened by you and the dragon.

The end


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