Paragon Orders; Prestige Classes Revised

by DMHavuhk

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Paragon Orders; Prestige Class Revision

A while back, Wizards of the Coast attempted to introduce prestige classes to 5th edition. This idea was met with poor reception. While the idea of prestige classes is great, the system did not work well for 5th edition. This document is an attempt to revise the prestige class system in a way that will make it fun to use without clashing with the subclass system.

What is a Paragon Order?

Paragon orders are something that exist outside of classes and subclasses. Essentially, they represent a skill set that could be gained by multiple classes, or one that could not be achieved by a class. Examples of this include:

  • Blood Magic. Any skilled spellcaster can theoretically use blood magic to empower their spells. As such, a Blood Mage makes for an ideal paragon order.
  • Vampire/Werewolf. Gaining the powers of a vampire or werewolf is not possible through regular classes. Additionally, simply becoming a vampire or werewolf does not mean that you can control their powers, so turning these into paragon order makes perfect sense, as you learn to control your powers as you level up.

One solution is simply to make a subclass for each of these for every class, but that feels like a disappointing solution to me. There is no reason that an evocation wizard shouldn't be able to use blood magic without giving up their knowledge of evocation, or that a frenzy barbarian should have to give up those features to follow the path of a lycanthrope.

Paragon orders offer a way to gain these skill sets as well as your subclass features, adding to your abilities and options rather than taking away from them. When you take a paragon order, you don't lose your regular class or subclass. The paragon orders simply gives you more than what you already had.

How do Paragon Orders Work?

Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to choose a paragon order, as long as you meet the prerequisites. You gain a feature from your paragon order at 5th level, and again at 8th, 11th, 14th, and 17th level.

You don't have to choose a paragon orders at 5th level, that's simply the earliest opportunity you can choose one. If you choose a paragaon options at a later level, then the features you gain from your paragon order are based on your current level. For example, if you gain a paragon order at 11th level, then you would gain all of the features that you should have at that rank, including the 5th, 8th, and 11th level features.

Multiple Paragon Orders

You cannot be in multiple paragon orders at the same time. If you choose to join a paragon order while you are already in one, you lose all features and benefits granted to you by your original paragon order.


Joining a paragon order is not as simple as saying "I want to be a blood mage", then suddenly gaining access to blood magic. Every paragon order has certain prerequisites that must be met in order to take levels in that class. These usually include:

  • Level. You must be 5th level before you can take any levels in a paragon order. This applies to all paragon orders.
  • Multiclassing Requirement. To take any levels in a paragon order, you have to meet the multiclassing requirements of you class. This applies to all paragon orders.
  • Ability Score Requirements. Paragon orders require that you have enough points in a certain ability score. For example, being a blood mage requires you to have a Constitution score of 13 or higher.
  • Race Requirements. Certain paragon orders may require you to be a certain race, or to be more specific, not a certain race. For example, construct races like Warforged cannot be turned into vampires, and as such, cannot join that paragon order.
  • Spellcasting Requirements. For paragon orders that deal with spellcasting, you will usually be required to be able to cast spells of a certain level, as the skills offered by this paragon order require an decent grasp on the fundamentals of magic.
  • Completing a Special Task. Every paragon order will require you to complete a special task. This can be anything from finding a tome with the secrets to the paragon order, finding a trainer who is willing to teach you, or in the case of vampire and werewolf, becoming afflicting with these curses.

Paragon Orders and Power Scaling

I'm going to be blunt about this; by offering paragon orders to your players, they will become more powerful. They will be gaining additional features as they level up, granting them more options both in and out of combat. As a DM, you need to decide if you are ok with this.

Something to keep in mind is that not every player is going to want to take a paragon class. Maybe they can't find one that fits their playstyle, or they simply feel like it's not something their character can do. Keep in mind that this may cause the players that do take paragon orders to become more powerful. Consider giving players that choose not to take paragon orders something to help even the gap, such as magic items or special boons.

Now that all of the boring rules and stuff is out of the way, how about I show off some example paragon orders? This document has five paragon orders to choose from; the Blood Mage, the Lycan, the Valiant, the Spirit, and the Bastion.

Paragon Order Option:

The Blood Mage

He seemed like just another mage. Nothing special about him, from the way he looked and dressed, to the way he spoke. There was never anything different about him. He was one of us. He was our friend.

I still remember the day. Completely average, nothing out of the ordinary. We were in the library, doing our research in silence, as normal. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the doors slamming open. A large man walked in, covered head to toe in silver plating, his armour adorned with an insignia of the sun. He scanned the room, looking from person to person, before he locked eyes with us. He began to walk over to us, his hand on his blade. As he did, Roa turned to me, a look of fear in his eyes. His eyes darted around the room, his expression turned from fear to despiration. Eventually, he simply looked down, and muttered "I'm sorry". The knight stopped right infront of his table, reaching out to grab him, when Roa pulled an ornate dagger from under his robes and stabbed the knight's arm. As the knight pulled back, drawing his blade from his side, Roa brought the dagger down again, this time into his own palm. As he did, flames began swirling around him, the blood dripping from his open wound flowing through the air, fueling the fire. Before long, the room was filled with a roaring infermo, the warm orange glow replaced with an oppressive blood red. By the time we were able to contain the flames, they had already consumed the knight, and Roa had disappeared.

I would never have expected that level of raw power from him. Roa was never a particulary gifted mage, if anything he was painfully average. Even to this day, I'm not entierly sure what he did. There was something... wrong was his magic, but I am unsure of the source of the corruption. The blade he used was ornate, and it did seem to radiate a faint magical essence, but it certainly didn't seem that powerful.

No, the power he used definately came from within him, but it was not natural. Did he gain this power through some sort of ritual, similarly to that of a lich? Or was it some new form of magic. Whatever the source of it, whatever magic he used, one thing is clear; it is evil, and it should have never been created.

Maleficars, Haemomancers, Blood Mages, whatever name you choose to give them, those who practice blood magic tap into a potent and unused source of power. When the gods first created mortals, they were overflowing with magical potential. That magic still exists, trapped within the blood that flows through one's veins. While some sorcerers and magi are able to tap into the magic of their bloodline, they merely scratch the surface of what is possible. When one is willing to open their own wounds, to let the crimson run, to let the power flow, only then can they truely unlock their full potential. Only then can they know true power.


In order to become a Blood Mage, you must meet the following prerequisites (In addition to the multiclassing prerequisites of your current class).

  • Constitution 13. Blood magic is very taxing on the body, and as such, requires a certain fortitude.
  • Ability to Cast 3rd Level Spell. In order to properly use Blood Magic, you must have a intimate grasp on the concepts of spellcasting.
  • Must be of a Living Race. Blood Magic requires the caster to be a living creature, as it uses one's blood and life force.
  • Complete a Special Task. Blood magic is a well kept secret. To become a Blood Mage, you must either find a master who is willing to teach you, or come across the knowledge in another way, such as an ancient scroll or grimoire.

The Blood Mage
Level Features
5th Blood Magic, Sacrificial Dagger, Blood for Power
8th Corpse Siphon
11th Blood Ritual, Fortified Blood
14th Blood Restraint, Puppeteer
17th Sanguine Resilience, Crimson Vial

Blood Magic

Level 5 Blood Mage feature

As the name implies, Blood Mages are powerful magi, combining their knowledge of the arcane with the raw magical power that flows through their blood.

Spellcasting Ability

Your spellcasting ability for your Blood Mage abilities is the same as the spellcasting ability for your base class. If you have levels in multiple spellcasting classes that use different spellcasting modifiers, then you choose which ability to use for your Blood Mage abilities.

When one of your blood mage features requires a target to make a saving throw, the DC for that ability is the same as your Spell Save DC.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use your sacrificial dagger as a spellcasting focus for all of your spells.

Sacrificial Dagger

Level 5 Blood Mage feature

To properly draw out and utalize the power of blood, one must use the correct tools. To use your Blood Mage abilities, you must have a sacrificial dagger, an ornate magical blade that allows you to harness the magic that flows in your blood. You gain a sacrificial dagger when you take a level in this class.

If you lose your dagger, you can make a new one by performing a 1-hour ritual, allowing you to turn any dagger into a sacrifcial dagger, including magic or enchanted daggers. Turning an enchanted blade into a Sacrificial Dagger does not destroy or distrupt the enchantment in any way.

Blood for Power

Level 5 Blood Mage feature

Yyou have learned the basics of blood magic, allowing you to harness your own lifeforce to empower your spells. When you cast a damaging spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose to expend a number of hit die, dealing necrotic damage equal to the number rolled on the dice to any creatures you hit, but you also take damage equal to half the necrotic damage you dealt. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your Constitution modifier (minimum of one die). You can only use this feature once per turn.

Corpse Siphon

Level 8 Blood Mage feature

You've begun to look into the possibility of using the blood of other creatures instead of you own. However, it is much more difficult to draw power from another living creature, and the blood of dead creatures loses its magic too quickly. But if you act quickly, you can drain what little lifeforce remains in the recently deceased.

As an action, you can drain the blood of a corpse of a creature that has blood and that died within the last 10 minutes, healing yourself. The amount of healing gained is based on the size of the creature. Once you have use this ability on a corpse, you cannot use it on the same corpse again.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (Minimum of once). You regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Corpse Siphon
Creature Size Healing Gained
Tiny 1d4
Small 3d4
Medium 3d6
Large 3d8
Huge 3d10
Gargantuan 5d12

Fortified Blood

Level 11 Blood Mage feature

Your repeated use of blood magic has hardened your body, making you more resilient. You gain proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma saving throws (Your choice).

Additionally, you gain resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against poison spells and effects. Finally, you are immune to disease and the poisoned condition.

Blood Ritual

Level 11 Blood Mage feature

You've begun to learn how to use other creature's blood to fuel your magic, if only in a minor way for now. You gain the 'Ritual Casting' feature if you did not already have it, allowing you to ritual cast spells that have the ritual tag if you know them or have them prepared.

In addition, you are able to use the blood of other creatures to fuel your spells and rituals, gaining the following benefits:

  • When you begin casting a ritual spell, you can drain the blood of a creature that has blood and that has died within the past 10 minutes, or restrained creature, reducing the cast time to 1 minute. If the creature is restrained, they must remain restrained for the duration of the ritual, and they are killed at the end of the ritual.
  • When casting a spell or ritual that requires a material with a gold cost, you can instead use the blood of nearby corpses of creatures that have blood and that died within the last 10 minutes. For the purpose of this feature, each corpse has a certain gold value, based on their size. To successfully cast the spell, the gold worth of the corpses must equal the gold cost of the material needed for the spell. For example, if you wanted to cast the revivify spell, you could use the blood of three medium corpses in place of a 300 gp diamond.
Blood Ritual
Creature Size Gold Value
Tiny 10 GP
Small 25 GP
Medium 100 GP
Large 250 GP
Huge 500 GP
Gargantuan 1000 GP

Blood Restraint

Level 14 Blood Mage feature

You've learned to better control your magic, allowing you to restrain yourself if need be. When you use your Blood for Power feature, if the damage you take would bring you below 0 hit points, you can choose to fall to 1 hit point instead.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.


Level 14 Blood Mage feature

You've learned to exert your will on the blood of living creatures, allowing you to control them like puppets. As an action, you can enter a state of extreme concentration that allows you to control the blood of others. For the next minute, or until your concentration breaks (As if concentrating on a spell), you can use your action to force a creature within 60 feet to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take control of the creature for that turn, and you decide its movement and actions. You can force the creature to make attacks, but you cannot force it to cast spells. You can use this ability to attempt to control a creature as a part of the same action as entering this state. Once a creature succeeds on this saving throw, you cannot use this ability on them again for 24 hours.

Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before you are able to do so again.

Sanguine Resilience

Level 17 Blood Mage feature

Your body has become accustomed to the repeated use of blood magic, strengthening your life force. Your Constitution Score increases by 2, up to a maximum of 22.

Crimson Vial

Level 17 Blood Mage feature

You've finally learned how to fully tap into the power of other creatures blood. You gain a Crimson Vial, a magical vial that has the ability to hold other creature's blood without the magical essence fading. As an action, you can drain the blood from a creature that has died within the last 10 minutes to add into your vial. The vial can hold up to 5 Blood Points, which is the equivalent of 5 Medium creatures worth of blood. The amount of blood points gained is based on the creatures size.

Crimson Vial
Creature Size Blood Points
Tiny 1/4 Blood Points
Small 1/2 Blood Points
Medium 1 Blood Point
Large 2 Blood Points
Huge 3 Blood Points
Gargantuan 5 Blood Points

The blood in your vial can be used as a substitute for any of your abilities that require blood. This includes:

  • Blood for Power: You can spend 1 or more blood points to use your Blood for Power feature in place of your hit die. You do not take damage when using Blood for Power in this way.
  • Blood Siphon: You can use an action to spend 1 or more blood points to use your Blood Siphon feature. For each blood point you spend, you regain health as if you had drained a medium creature.
  • Blood Ritual: By spending 1 Blood Point, you can perform a Blood Ritual as if you had a corpse or restrained creature. If the spell or ritual has a gold cost, you can spend multiple blood points, each blood point having a value of 100 gp.

You can only have Crimson Vial at a time. If you lose your Crimson Vial or it is somehow destroyed, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to create a new one.

Paragon Order Option:

The Lycan

Yesra awoke to find herself alone, curled up in a pool of blood, surrounded by corpses. Again. She let it happen again. She forces herself to her feet, her legs barely able to hold the weight of her shaking body. She looks towards the corpses that decorate the room. A family, by the looks of it; A mother, a father, and their children. All covered head to toe in gashes and bite marks, their clothes ripped to shreds along with their flesh. Yesra looks over the bodies, and lets out a pained sigh.How did this happen again? She took precautions this time. She had Salren lock her in the basement, bind her in chains. How did she get out? Was the beast that powerful, that impossible to contain? And if thats the case, was this going to keep happening? Was there even a point in trying to stop it?

Yesra quickly stopped that train of thought. She couldn't give up. She couldn't allow the carnage to go on. But there was no way to cure her. Every priest and cleric that tried to dispel her curse simply ended up as another victim of the beast. So, if she could not be rid of it, Yesra would simply have to tame the beast. Instead of treating it like a wild animal, treat it like a disobidient mutt. If she must turn into that thing again, then next time, she will be in control.

Lycanthropes, also known as Were-Creatures or Man Beasts, are people with the ability to shift into hybrids of humanoids and beasts. Werewolves are the most commonly known and commonly seen, but lycanthropes come in all different forms, such as weretigers, sharks, hawks, and more. These hybrid forms make the people stronger, faster, and hungrier. A lycantropes fangs and claws are sharp enough to rip a person apart in seconds.

However, lycanthropy is in no way a blessing, quite the opposite in fact. Most lycantropes aren't in control of their powers. Instead, they are forced to transform during a full moon, losing control over their minds and bodies and going on a rampage, feasting on anyone and anything they can find. When morning comes, the lycans change back into to their regular selves, with no recollection of the carnage from the night before.

Some, however, have learned to tame the beast, to quell its hunger. The light of the full moon still forces them into their hybrid form, but when they transform, they have complete control over their actions. Whats more, those that have tamed their inner beast can call on it whenever they like, shifting into their beastial form at any time. Taming the inner beast is no simple matter, and attaining complete control can take years of training and meditation, but in time, it is possible to leash the wild animal.


In order to become a Lycanthrope, you must meet the following prerequisites (In addition to the multiclassing prerequisites of your current class).

  • Constitution 13. The act of transforming into your beastial form is a very draining process. To be able to control the beast, your body must be able to endure the transformation.
  • Wisdom 13. Controlling the beast requires strong willpower. If you wish to tame the beast, you must be strong of both body and mind.
  • Complete a Special Task. If you wish to become a lycanthrope, you must contract the curse in some way, be it through a spell or ritual, or by being bitten by another lycanthrope.

The Lycan
Level Features
5th Curse of Lycanthropy, Hybrid Transformation
8th Howl of the Moon
11th Animal Instincts, Sharpened Claws
14th Beast's Vigor
17th Blood and Bones

Curse of Lycanthropy

Level 5 Lycan feature

You've been afflicted by the Curse of Lycanthropy. It may be a curse, but it does have its benefits. You gain the following features:

  • You gain darkvision out of 60ft. If you already had darkvision, its range increases by 30ft.
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track creatures.
  • You are immune to disease.

Hybrid Transformation

Level 5 Lycan feature

You've begun to take control of your inner beast, allowing you to transform at will. As an action, you can shift into your hybrid form. The transformation lasts for 1 hour, until you drop to 0 hit points, or until you choose to end it (No action required). While transformed, you gain the following features:

  • Your gain a bonus to your Strength score equal to your Proficiency modifier, up to a maximum of 20.
  • Your AC is equal to 10 + Your Dexterity modifier + Your Constitution modifier, and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by non-weapons that aren't silvered.
  • Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage. The die for this attack increases to 2d6 at 11th level, and 3d6 at 17th level.
  • Your base speed increases to 50 feet.
  • You are vulnerable to any damage dealt by a silvered weapon while in your hybrid form.

However, you haven't gained complete control over your transformation yet. Whenever you take damage in your hybrid form, you must make a Wisdom saving throw, the DC of which is 10 or half the damage taken (Whichever is higher). On a failure, you lose control temporarily, forcing you to use your action on your next turn to attack the nearest creature to you. At 11th level, you have advantage on this saving throw. At 17th level, you have gained complete control over your inner beast, and no longer need to make this saving throw.

You can transform into your hybrid form a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier. You regain all uses of your transformation when you finish a long rest.

Howl of the Moon

Level 8 Lycan feature

You can let out a vicious howl, frightening those around you. While in your hybrid form, you can use your action to howl, forcing all hostile creature within 60 feet that can hear you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Your Strength modifier + Your Proficiency bonus). On a failure, they are frightened of you for 1 minute. While the are frightened of you, you have advantage on attack rolls against them. A creature can repeat this roll at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Animal Instincts

Level 11 Lycan feature

You've become more ferocious, fully giving in to your animalistic instincts in combat. When you use you action to make a claw attack, you can use your bonus action to make one of the following attacks:

Fangs of the Beast. You sink you fangs into your foe. You make a melee weapon attack against a creature, dealing 1d10 + your Strength modifier piercing damage, and regaining hit points equal to half of the damage done by this attack.

Pin your Prey. You pounce on the target, attempting to pin them to the ground. The target must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + Your Strength modifier + Your Proficiency bonus). On a failure, creature is grappled and knocked prone.

Sharpened Claws

Level 11 Lycan feature

Your claws are sharp enough to cut through all defenses. Your claw attacks are considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Beast's Vigor

Level 14 Lycan feature

Your cursed blood makes you much more resilient when you enter your hybrid form. When you use your Hybrid Transformation feature, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your character level.

Blood and Bones

Level 17 Lycan feature

You can temporarily give into your beastial side, tearing into a helpless opponent and shredding them to pieces. When you land a critical hit against an enemy with your claw attack, you can use your bonus action to make an additional two claw attacks.

Paragon Order Option:

The Valiant

The battle for Fort Valaan? Yeah, I remember it. It was a bloodbath. Our soldiers were getting cut down left and right, and it wasn't long before we had to retreat into the inner part of the fort. I still remember everyone's expression. We were all so tired, and everyone just looked hopeless. No one had to say anything, we all knew it was only a matter of time before those bastards broke down the doors, and as soon as they did, that would be the end for us. No god could save us from what was about to come.

But thats when the commander entered, confidently striding across the room, before slamming a large banner into the center of the room. Everyone turned to him at once, and he simply stood there, scanning the room, looking at each and every one of us, before giving a simple command. "Open the door."

We all looked at him like he was mad. The second those door were open, we would be slaughtered. And yet, he said it with such confidence, that it almost seemed like the right thing to do. Of course, people opposed his command, calling him crazy. He simply stood there, waiting for the yelling to stop, before saying "You all think that we are dead anyways. Would you rather die like cowards, sitting still and waiting for the enemy to come to end your misery? Or will you make a stand? These bastards think they've won. They think that we are beaten. But as long as we have breath in our lungs and a sword in our hands, we can keep fighting. I have no intention of dying here today, nor do I plan on letting any of you fall. So let me tell you what we're going to do. We're going to open those doors, and defiantly stand before them, and challenge them to try and take this fort. And one by one as they flood into this room, we will cut them down like the dogs that they are. And when all is said and done, you will tell stories of this day for years to come!"

As I'm sure you can see, he was right. Almost simultaneously, we all got to our feet and lifted our blades, our broken spirits now full of valor. I can't really explain it. It was just a simple speech, yet hearing his words filled us with so much confidence. What he was saying wasn't an empty promise. He meant every word that he said, and that was enough to restore our resolve. We opened the doors, inviting our foes to enter, and we fought them back with everything we had. And right at the front of the battlefield was the Commander, leading the charge forward. When all was said and done, we stood over a mountain of corpses, covered in blood and sweat, and everyone let out a cry of victory. Everyone except for the Commander. He simply looked down at our fallen allies, a tear in his eye. He promised that none of us would fall, but that was never a promise that he could keep. Surely he knew that, right?

And that was when I understood why we believed in what he said. Why his words held so much weight. It was because he wasn't just giving empty promises. He believed every word he said. Every single word he spoke was a promise, both to himself and to us. He was more than a simple commander. He was a leader, a paragon of the battlefield. I have never seen a more valiant soul than him.

A Valiant is so much more than a simple warrior. They are a leader, a commander, charging forth on the battlefield, leading the charge and inspiring others to follow in their wake. When they speak, their words echo throughout the room, bolstering the spirits of those around them. When they fight, it inspires their allies to fight harder. And when they make a promise, they intend to keep it.

To walk the path of a Valiant is to take on all of the responsibility of your soldier. Each and every one of their lives is in your hands, and you have to make sure that every single one of them makes it back home alive. Every corpse that you have to drag home on your back is a dagger to your heart, a mistake that you will never forget.

As a Valiant, you excel at inspiring those around you. Your charisma is enough to make them march on. You lead by example, charging forth on the battlefield to inspire your allies to follow in your wake.


In order to become a Valiant, you must meet the following prerequisites (In addition to the multiclassing prerequisites of your current class).

  • Charisma 13. A Valiant can inspire an entire army with their words alone. In order to walk the path of a Valiant, you must have a strong force of will, enough to make people hang on your every word.
  • Proficiency with Persuasion. To inspire your allies, your words must hold weight. A Valiant who can't inspire the people around them is no Valiant at all.
  • Complete a Special Task. The symbol of a Valiant is the banner that they carry, the symbol of their promise and resolve. To become a Valiant, you must construct a banner that holds some meaning to you. Perhaps it bears the symbol of your kingdom, or of your family, or simply a mark that holds some meaning to you and your allies. Regardless, you must create this banner, as it represents everything you are as a Valiant.

The Valiant
Level Features
5th Charismatic Leader. Banner of Command
8th Follow my Lead
11th Protective Banner, Symbol of Hope
14th Get back up!
17th Banner of Victory, Never Fall!

Charismatic Leader

Level 5 Valiant feature

Your status as a Valiant gives your words more weight, as you truly believe everything you say. You gain expertise in the persuasion skill if you didn't already have it. Additionally, you have advantage on persuasion checks against creatures that regard you as friendly.

Banner of Command

Level 5 Valiant feature

You've constructed your Banner of Command, a symbol of your resolve and the mark of your status as a Valiant. You banner inspires those around it to keep going and fight harder.

You wield the banner in one hand. As a bonus action on your turn, you can plant the banner in the ground. You can pick it up as a bonus action if you are within 5 feet of it. While you are holding the banner or have it planted in the ground, you can choose one of the following effects at the start of your turn (No action required). Allies that start their turn within 20 feet of the banner gain the benefits of the effect you chose until the start of your next turn.

  • Forward Charge!: Your banner inspires your allies to charge into the fray. Allies that start their turn within the banner's radius have all of their movement speeds increased by 10 feet. This bonus increases to 15 feet at 3rd level, and 20 feet at 5th level.

  • Strike Them Down!: Your banner awakens the fighting spirit of your allies, giving them the strength to fight harder. Allies that start their turn within the banner's radius can add a d4 to their attack rolls. At 3rd level, this die increases to a d6, and at 5th level, the die increases to a d8.

  • Stand Tall!: Your allies look to your banner for guidance, and the mere sight of it is enough to lift their spirits. Allies that start their turn within the banner's radius gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Proficiency modifier.

At 11th level, your Banner of Command's radius is increased to 30 feet. At 17th level, it is increased to 40 feet.

You can use your banner features a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all expended uses at the end of a short or long rest.

Follow my Lead!

Level 8 Valiant feature

Your efforts on the battlefield call others to action, beckoning them to follow you. When you hit a creature with an attack, or they fail a saving throw against one of your spells or effects, the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage.

Protective Banner

Level 11 Valiant feature

You gain two new options for your Banner of Command feature:

  • Defend Yourself!: Your banner reminds your allies how important they are to you, and rallies them to defend themselves. Allies that start their turn within the banner's radius gain a d6, and can use their reaction when they are hit with an attack to roll this die and add it to their AC for that attack. This die disappears if it is not used before the start of your next turn.
  • Don't Falter!: Your banner is a symbol of protection, bolstering your allies body and mind against their foes attacks. Allies that start their turn within the banner's radius gain a d6, and can use their reaction when they are forced to make a saving throw to roll this die and add it to their saving throw. At 5th level, the die increases to a d8. This die disappears if it is not used before the start of your next turn.

Symbol of Hope

Level 11 Valiant feature

Your banner is a symbol of hope to all, no matter who holds it. Allies can pick up your banner as a bonus action, and while they hold the banner, you can still use its effects and abilities as normal.

Get back up!

Level 14 Valiant feature

Your banner inspires your allies to get back up, even when their bodies fail them. Allies within your banner's radius have advantage on death saving throws. Additionally, they regain 1 hp on a roll of 19 or 20. At 17th level, they regain 1 hp on a roll of 18, 19, or 20.

Banner of Victory

Level 17 Valiant feature

Your allies see your banner, they already know that victory is theirs. When using your Banner of Command features, you can choose two effects at the start of your turn instead of one. Doing so only consumes one use of your Banner of Command feature.

Never Fall!

Level 17 Valiant feature

Your allies look to your banner for hope, refusing to die while it still stands. When an ally within your banner's radius is reduced to 0 hit points, they can use their reaction to fall to 1 hit point instead.

Once a creature uses this feature, that creature cannot be affected by this feature again until they finish a long rest.

Paragon Order Option:

The Spirit

Selian looked down at their body, battered and broken, a streams of blood pouring from every wound forming a pool around them. They raised their hands in front of their face, and stared in shock and horror at their spectral form. This was real. They were dead.

Elevar, the large goliath man, their murderer, stood over their corpse, and chuckled to himself. "All that talk about revenge, and look where it got you. You shoulda known this would happen." Selian felt rage burning in their chest. It wasn't enough that he murdered their husband. It wasn't enough that he murdered them. He had to gloat about it too.

They took a step forward, balling their hand into a fist to strike at the bastard, even if it wouldn't do anything, when they suddenly felt something pulling them back. They turned around and saw a bright light, a gateway beckoning them towards the other side. Standing within the golden gate, they could see their husband, smiling, welcoming them with open arms. And for a second, they considering walking towards that beautiful light.

But then they heard the sound of snapping bone, and turned around to see Elevar kicking their corpse, snapping their bones beneath his feet. The rage in Selian's chest began to burn again, and they took another step forward, walking defiantly away from the light. They reached down and grasped their sword, and to their surprise, managed to pick it up. They looked up to see Elevar's face, giving off a look of shock and horror, as Selian's spirit appeared before his very eyes, drawing their blade. They weren't done here yet. Not until every single person that played a role in their husband's death could join him on the other side and beg him for forgiveness. Starting with Elevar.

Life is cruel, and there are many people who die long before they achieve everything they wished to in life. Death is an inescapable part of life. But sometimes, death is not the end. For those with a strong will and unresolved business, death can simply be another event on the road to their destiny.

Instead of passing over to the other side, you're grit and determination allowed you to stay behind, forcing your spirit to reform on the material plane. As inconvenient as it may be, your new spectral form certainly has its perks, granting your new powers and abilities.


In order to become a Spirit, you must meet the following prerequisites (In addition to the multiclassing prerequisites of your current class).

  • Constitution or Charisma 13. To force your soul to remain on the material plane, you need a strong connection, whether it be physical fortitude or force of will.
  • Have an Available Soul. If for some reason you do not have a soul, or your soul is taken upon your death, you cannot come back as a spirit.

  • Complete a Special Task. To become a spirit, you have to die. This means falling to 0 hit points and failing 3 death saving throws. Once you return as a spirit, you cannot be resurrected by spells such as raise dead.

Ghostly Form

Level 5 Spirit feature

Your death has left you with nothing but your spirit to bind you to this plane. You've taken on a new ghostly form. Your type is now both humanoid and undead, meaning you are affected by any features or abilities that affect either of those types. For example, you can be targeted by hold person or turned by turn undead. The exception to this is healing: any spell, feature, or ability that restores hit points and normally has no effect on undead instead restores you for half the number of hit points it would normally restore, rather than having no effect. Additionally, you gain the following features:

  • You are immune to fall damage.
  • You are immune to poison damage.
  • You are immune to the grappled, petrified, poisoned, and restrained conditions.
  • You can move through creatures as if they were difficult terrarin. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside a creature.
  • You no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. You still need to take long rests to avoid exhaustion.
  • If you fall to 0 hit points, your soul begins to shatter. You make death saving throws as normal, and if you fail 3 death saving throws, your soul is destroyed. You cannot be resurrected by anything short of a wish spell.

The Spirit
Level Features
5th Ghostly Form, Hidden Amongst the Living
8th Flesh Puppet
11th Living Host
14th Spectre of the Night
17th Fused Souls

Hidden Amongst the Living

Level 5 Spirit feature

A memory of your old form still lingers inside of you, which you can use to make yourself appear normal. As an action, you can create a magical disguise which resembles your old body. You still retain all the features of your Ghostly Form, and the changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection, however you appear to others as a living creature.

You can maintain this form for a number of hours equal to your proficiency modifier. This time does not need to be consecutive; you can enter and leave your disguise as you see fit.

Flesh Puppet

Level 8 Spirit feature

You've learn to inhabit the bodies of the fallen, using their corpses as a shield. As a bonus action, you can force your spirit the corpse of a humanoid creature. When you do so, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level plus your Constitution or Charisma modifier (Whichever is higher).

You retain all of your features while inside of the corpse. Your Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability scores remain the same, as do your Strength and Dexterity scores, unless the corpse's Strength and Dexterity scores are higher than yours, in which case you replace you scores with theirs.

You can remain within the corpse for 10 minutes, or until you lose the temporary hit points granted by this feature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Living Host

Level 11 Spirit feature

You can enter another creature's body, using them as a host to protect yourself. As an action, you can enter the body of a creature that is within 5 feet of you, provided that they are not undead or a construct. While you are inside of a host, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to all damage, and cannot be targeted by any attacks or spells.
  • You are able to make attacks and cast spells as normal, and you attack and cast spells as if you were in the host's space.

If the creature is willing to be your host, they gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level plus your Constitution or Charisma modifier (Whichever is higher). If the host loses all of the temporary hit points granted by this feature, then you are forced to exit their body.

If the host is unwilling, they make a Charisma Saving Throw at the start of their turn (DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Constitution or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher). On a successful save, you are forced out of their body.

Regardless of if the host is willing or not, you can only remain inside of a living host for 1 minute. When you exit their body, you reappear in an unoccupied spice within 5 feet of the host.

Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Spectre of the Night

Level 14 Spirit feature

You've become used to your spectral form, and begin to exhibit more ghost like properties. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet, and can hover.

Additionally, when a creature hits you with a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to temporarily shift into the Ethereal Plane and back, causing the attack to miss.

You can use this feature twice, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Fused Souls

Level 17 Spirit feature

When you inhabit a creature's body, your souls fuse slightly, making it easier to hang on to a willing soul, and allowing you to violently tear at an unwilling one. When you are forced to exit a willing creature's body when using your Living Host feature due to the creature losing their temporary hit points, that creature can make a Constitution saving throw, the DC of which is the amount of damage they took plus five. On a success, that creature regains a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher), and you are able to remain within their body.

When you are forced to leave the body of an unwilling host, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Constitution or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher). They take 8d8 necrotic damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.

Paragon Order Option

The Bastion

I'd like to make a toast, to Marla. The strongest woman I ever know. She was bold, bullheaded, and a bastard, but by the gods she was great. No matter what kind of shit we found ourselves in, she always had a way to get us out of trouble.

I remember when we first started out as adventurers, all cocky and full of ourselves, and went off to kill ourselves a dragon. I'm sure you can all guess how well that went, eh? I still remember that thing staring down at me, its giant maw open wide, ready to burn me to cinders.

But Marla, that idiot, she wouldn't let me die. "GET DOWN!" she screamed, as she ran in front of me, slamming her shield between us and the dragon and holding me tight. I still remember the warmth, but I can't tell ya if it was from her or the dragon. She saved my life that day, and a hundred times after that.

So a toast, to Marla! To the greatest warrior of our time! To the bravest woman any of us have ever met! To the kindest soul on this plane! To my savior! To Marla!

A Bastion is a warrior dedicated to one goal, to defend their allies at all costs. They are selfless heroes that stand before their friends, staring death in the eyes and daring him to try and take those they care about from them. To a Bastion, there is nothing more important then ensuring that their allies never come to be harmed.

To that end, Bastions use a special kind of weapon, made specifically for them, known as a War Shield. This behemoth of a shield acts as both weapon and shield, blocking their enemies blows before quickly being used to crush them under its weight.

Using their mighty War Shield, a Bastion is able to protect those around them, blocking attacks and spells directed at their allies, and even going so far as to block dragon fire. As long as a Bastion has their shield, there is nothing that can stop them.


In order to become a Bastion, you must meet the following prerequisites (In addition to the multiclassing prerequisites of your current class).

  • Strength 13. You need an enormous amount of strength to carry the weight of a Bastion's shield.
  • Constitution 13. A Bastion's body must be strong and resilient, able to take many blows before they fall.
  • Complete a Special Task. To become a Bastion, you need the weapon of a Bastion; the mighty War Shield. Creating this shield requires proficiency with Smith's Tools, 500 gp worth of materials, and to succeed on a DC 20 check with your Smith's Tools. Alternatively, you can have a master blacksmith create the War Shield for you, but most Bastions choose to create their shield themselves or earn it as part of their training.

The Bastion
Level Features
5th War Shield, You'll Have to Get Past Me
8th Stand Behind Me
11th Courageous Charge
14th Spell Magnet
17th Vigilant Defense, I Can Take It!

War Shield

Level 5 Bastion feature

You've created or gained your War Shield, a mighty weapon built for both offense and defense. The War Shield is a martial weapon that deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a hit, and has the following properties; defensive, heavy, two handed. You gain proficiency with this weapon when you gain this feature. You cannot gain proficiency with this weapon in any other way.


While wielding this weapon, the user gains a +2 bonus to their armor class.

You'll Have to Get Past Me

Level 5 Bastion feature

Your training as a Bastion allows you to interject yourself between your allies and enemies, redirecting their attacks. When a creature makes an attack against an ally within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to redirect their attack towards you. If the creature has multiattack, all of the attacks they would have used against your ally are directed towards you.

Stand Behind Me

Level 8 Bastion feature

You can defend your allies against spells and effects with a large area of effect. When you are within the area of effect of a spell or feature that has an area of effect, such as the fireball spell or a dragon's Breath Attack, you can use your reaction to slam your shield down, directing your allies to hide behind you. You and allies within 5 feet of you gain 1/2 cover against the spell or effect. At Level 14, you and your allies gain 3/4 cover from this feature.

Courageous Charge

Level 11 Bastion feature

Your instincts allow you to predict when an enemy is going to strike, and to move to defend your allies before they can harm them. When a creature makes an attack against an ally, or an ally is within the radius of an AOE spell or effect, you can use your reaction to move up to your maximum movement speed. As a part of the same reaction, you can use either your You'll Have to Get Past Me, Stand Behind Me, or Spell Magnet features.

Spell Magnet

Level 14 Bastion feature

Your defensive prowess has grown enough to the point where you can even redirect spells towards you. When a creature within 5 feet of you is targeted by a spell that is not also targeting you, you can use your reaction to force the spell to target you again.

Vigilant Defense

Level 17 Bastion feature

You are always ready to defend your allies, whenever they need it. You gain a second reaction, which you can only use for your You'll Have to Get Past Me, Stand Behind Me, Spell Magnet, or Courageous Charge features.

I Can Take It!

Level 17 Bastion feature

You've grown accustomed to taking blows for your allies, and have learned to endure anything your enemies can throw at you. You gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution, up to a maximum of 22.

Paragon Orders

Created by DM_Havuhk
Created using GMBinder
Art Credits:
Blood Shaman - Conor Burke
Bloddy Mage - Musketeer Studio
Blood Magic - Dmitry Desyatov
Lorna - Elisa Serio
Blood Mage - brezs

Ravager of the Fells - Chris Rahn, owned by ©Wizards of the Coast LLC
Werewolf - Ömer Burak Önal
Teen Werewolf - Besar13

Rising Sun - Mila Pesic
Personal Work - sanghyun kam
The Last Standard Bearer - Justin Usher

Spirit of the Wild - AlexanderExorcist
Spirit - Tsabo6
Doomed to Walk the Earth - Christos Karapanos

league of legends Face off contest entry - Ignuton1994-X
I will protect you!!! - Wang Ling

Landscape Concept Art - Ming Fan

If you like what you see, you can find more of my homebrew content over on my Reddit or my Tumblr page.

Reddit: u/DM_Havuhk
Tumblr: Elizabeth's Homebrew Emporium

Special Thanks

I would like to give a special thanks to the Haven Discord server for both the inspiration to create this all of their help with balancing and proofreading. This project would not have been possible or anywhere near as polished without their assistance.

I truly cannot express with words how much help the kind people of Haven were to this project. From the bottom of my cold, dead heart, thank you so much!