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Crawlers of the Earth

“The queen has decreed.” The caretaker of the hive called upon the workers. “She, the Great Mother, has decreed for the wall to be built, as tall as the trees, as tall as the dragons that we have killed and now call home”.

The aarakocra looked upon the sky that she thought was her own. But in front of her was yet another flier, a strange sight it was. With clear wings that looked as brittle as paper, and jaws that protruded out in an odd way, the creature landed next to her, looking just as confused as she was.

-Tall Tales for the Small

Sectnids are insect-like creatures, having many variations that are carpeted with the name that others chose for them. In reality, each subrace call themselves by a different name, and almost never call another kind of sectnid as their kind.

Strangers to Outsiders

Sectnids almost never commune with others that are not sectnids themselves. In most cases, they don't even talk with other subraces unless they had a good reason for it, such as a life debt or a needed treaty between two groups. Because of this, sectnids do not know of other cultures except for theirs, and others don't know their culture either.

Reasons for Adventuring.

Most sectnids are either solitary or in a tight knit group in a settlement or a town. When one chooses to leave such settlement, or subject themselves to the danger of questing, they must have an extremely good reason to do so. One of the most common way of this is due to their home being destroyed, whether it be the classic dragon attack, a loss of a war with a rival group, or maybe the terrible humanoids came and burned their homes to the ground. As for the solitary ones, the most likely reason is greed, greed for money, fame, or land. Others might do it as a last ditch attempt to make money for food and shelter.

Diverse Subrace

There are many subraces of sectnid, each almost completely different from one another in both looks and culture. They almost never call one another a far relative, similar to how not all humans are family just because they are the same race. Each and every subrace have pride in their culture, and will fiercely support it if one is to talk behind its back.

Sectnid Traits

While they're more different than alike, there are a few traits that all sectnids share.

Ability score increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age. Sectnids hatch from an egg, and go through multiple molting process, where they usually go through a drastic change in looks. This process usually takes about 3 years, and lives for about 60 years after reaching maturity.

Language. Most sectnids can only speak in Crittling, a language that is spoken not just by using sound but also certain pheromones produced using certain glands. However, some teach themselves common as well.

Size, Speed, & Alignment. Due to their diversity in shapes and cultures, sectnids differ in traits depending on the subrace. They will be listed on the subrace traits

Drawn By Gabe Mcalpine


Dreiflies are a subrace of sectnids that roam the world. They fly from place to place, almost never settling down for longer than a week. They are also the most friendliest of the sectnids, sharing their stories in turn for others', and never seeking to actively harm other unless in extreme circumstances. However, there is one time in their life when a dreifly willingly stop their journey and stay at a place, when they mate and take care of their children.

Ability Score. Dreiflies are the most graceful of the sectnids, and are known for being able to make twists and turns Your dexterity score increases by 3 instead of 2, or choose another ability score to increase. You cannot increase any of your ability scores above 20 this way.

Powerful sight. You have compound eyes that can see all around you. You have proficiency in the perception skill.

Four winged. You have four wings that allow you to fly at the maximum speed. You gain 35 flying speed and 20 walking speed.

Alignment. Dreiflies are beings that long to be free, and strip themselves of the binds of rules and laws. They are more likely to be chaotic.

Size. Dreiflies are about 5 to 6 ft tall. Your size is medium


Crawnts are diggers of the earth, creating large maze-like homes that only they themselves can travel through. They never give up, and have strong wills that are empowered by a queen, the leader of the colony, and the mother of the entire hive.

Ability Score. The crawnts are powerful despite their size and tough due to their environment of stone and earth. Your strength or constitution increases by 1. You cannot increase any of your ability scores above 20 this way.

Call the Earth Home. You have darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Size. You are about 3 to 4 ft tall. Your size is small.

Alignment. Crawnts are accustomed to taking orders. They are more prone to being lawful. They also don't see the world in a good or an evil way, simply survival and benefits for their nest. They are usually neutral.

Choose one of the abilities listed below

Poison Bite/Sting. Your bite is poisonous, and can cause painful wounds. Once per short rest, whenever you make an unarmed strike, you can have the target make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 poison damage. On a failed save, they take half as much damage.
The damage die increases by 1d6 on lvl 5, 9, 12, and 16

Pack tactics. You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Tough beings covered with armor, these are the bulkers. Walking through the earth alone, they will tough through anything and continue on surviving.

Ability Score. Having lived through deadly encounters and difficult circumstances of the wild, your ability to tough through your way has grown. Your constitution score increases by 1.

Chitin Armor All sectnids are covered in a unique kind of skin called chitin, a hard and durable material. However, bulkers have the thickest of them all, and can count them as protection in danger. Your AC equals 8 + dex mod + con mod. However, due to the shape for your body and shell, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. You cannot gain any benefit from wearing armor. You can apply the shield’s bonus if you are using a shield.

Rolling Strike. Bulkers can use their armor and weight to their advantage in battle. Once per short or long rest, as an action, you can move in a straight line up to 30 ft, and anyone in the way must make a dexterity saving throw, with the DC of 8+prof bonus+dex mod. On a failure, the targets take 2d6+strength mod bludgeoning damage and, if medium or smaller, are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren't knocked prone. All opportunity attacks done against you while you use this trait suffers from disadvantage. You use up all of your walking speed with this trait.

Speed. You have the walking speed of 30 ft.

Alignment. Bulkers are usually self caring, not asking for help unless they absolutely need it. However, if they make a true friend, then they will go down to the pits of hell with them. You are most likely neutral.

Size Bulkers are about 4 to 5 ft tall, but are broad and heavy. Your size is medium.

Bulker Variant:

Instead of being able to roll into their enemies, some bulkers obtained horns, using them to pierce their enemies. Others gained claw-like appendages, grabbing and crushing their targets.

Instead of the Rolling Strike feature, choose one of the following features to replace it.

Piercing Rush. Replace the damage type with piercing damage, and the target is restrained by you instead of knocked prone, if the target’s size is medium or smaller.

Clawing Charge. Replace the damage type slashing, and the target is grappled by you instead of knocked prone, if the target’s size is medium or smaller.


Ambushing hunters of the deserts and coasts, crunters hunt through the sand, hiding for prey to fall into their traps and nests. They are known to wait for hours without moving in the same spot, until they find their meal close to their lair, before striking it with a kick of earth and sand to blind their enemy and finish the job with their fearsome jaw.

Ability score. Your dexterity bonus rises to a +3 instead of a +2, or your strength increases by 1.

Hunter’s Trap. You can spend 5 minutes creating camouflage for yourself. You must have access to fresh mud, dirt, plants, soot, and other naturally occurring materials with which to create your camouflage. Once you are camouflaged in this way, you can try to hide by pressing yourself up against a solid surface, such as a tree or wall, that is at least as tall and wide as you are. You gain advantage to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and melee attack rolls as long as you remain there without moving or taking actions. Once you move or take an action or a reaction, you must camouflage yourself again to gain this benefit, but take half the amount of time if you moved less than 15 feet away and less than 1 minute.

Sand Kick. You have learned how to kick up the earth and blind the enemy in front of you. As an action, as long as there is dirt or sand around you, you can kick them up and blind the enemy that is up to 5 feet away from you. They must make a dexterity saving throw against DC which is equal to 8+your proficiency bonus+dexterity

Crunching Jaw. You can use your bonus action to use your jaw to attack your enemies. When you attack, the enemy takes 1d6 piercing damage. On level 5,9, and 16, the damage dice increases by 1d6.]

Size The crunters find themselves in a wide variety of sizes, from 3 feet to 5 feet tall. You are either small or medium.

Alignment Crunters don't restrict themselves from survival, and do whatever they can to find their next meal. You are more likely to be chaotic.


Hunters that live in the woods, blatids find themselves the most comfortable out in the wild. They live away from civilization, in their small village settlement, taking what they only need from the forest, leaving the rest to be of the Earth Mother’s choice.

Ability Score. Your strength or wisdom score increases by 1.

Bladed Arms. Blatids have sharp blades attached to their arm that they use during a hunt, or perhaps combat. If you make an unarmed strike with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Strangers to the Sky While blatids have wings, they prefer to simply jump down or run through the ground in search of prey. You have the flying speed of 20ft and walking speed of 30 ft.

Alignment. Blatids tend to be neutral, letting fate pick their course of life. They, however, are extremely protective of the forest, as it is their home, and always will be.

Size. Blatids are about 5 ft tall. Your size is medium.


Spies and assassins that hide in the shadows and hunt their targets, spidows are among the best espionage that one could hire. Using their sleek and flexible body and the ability to poison their victims, they usually eat their victims as a meal while also being paid for their work.

Ability Score. Your dexterity score increases by 3 instead of 2, or your intelligence increases by 1.

Night Eye. You are accustomed to hunting in the dark to conceal yourself. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Web Trapper. Shidows have a secret weapon of being able to shoot webs at their target. Once per long rest, you can cast the web spell without needing the somatic, verbal, or material components.

Venom Fang Spidows can use their fangs that secret venom that digests the target from inside out. Once per short rest, you can use your action to make an attack with your fangs. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 poison damage. The target then must make a constitution saving throw of dc 8+proficiency bonus+constitution modifier, and become poisoned on a failure.

Speed. You can climb walls to position yourself for an ambush. You have the climbing speed of 25 ft and walking speed of 30 ft.

Alignment. Shidows tend to be evil, known for capturing weak prey to fill their stomach. However, they can be convinced of mercy with a good enough reason, or perhaps reward.

Size. Shidows are about 4 to 5 ft tall, slender and light weight. Your size is medium.


Artwork drawn by Ess Double-yew


Warriors that take the sky, the ones that hunt down their prey ruthlessly, maulters are the only sectnids known to actively hunt others down.

Ability Score. Your strength score increases by 1.

Death in the Sky Maulters are capable fliers, making home in tall trees and cliffs. You gain the flying speed of 30 ft and walking speed of 25 ft.

Venom Sting All maulters have a venomous stinger on their abdomen. Once per short rest, you can use your action to make an attack using the stinger. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 poison damage. The target then must make a constitution saving throw of dc 8+proficiency bonus+constitution modifier, and become poisoned on a failure.

Alignment. Maulters are war makers, always attacking things that can be eaten. They never leave a survivor alive, and will take as much as possible back to their home, a large hive made of the skins of their prey. You are most likely chaotic and/or evil.

Size. Maulter are about 6 to 7 ft tall, muscular and powerfully built. Your size is medium.


Curuntulas are the sectnids that most common people see in their lives. Once wild beings that hunted and gathered for their home, now work as guards and the city watch in the cities and towns, realizing the safety they provide also provides for themselves. Powerfully built and having unlikely weapons, they work to uphold the law, and will make sure it is put in its place.

Ability Score. Your strength score increases by 1.

Hair Shower. Curuntulas have weaponized the hair that grows on their bodies. Once per short rest, you can fling your hair in a 15 ft cone. Anyone in the range must make a constitution saving throw with the DC being 8+prof bonus+con mod. On a failure, they take 2d6 piercing damage and are blinded. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren't blinded.

Web Trapper. Curuntula have a secret weapon of being able to shoot webs at their target. Once per long rest, you can cast the web spell without needing the somatic, verbal, or material components.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Speed You can climb walls to position yourself for an ambush. You have the climbing speed of 25 ft and walking speed of 30 ft.

Alignment. Having grown accustomed to the civilization they serve, Curuntulas are mostly lawful. However, the few that still uphold their barbaric ways are chaotic.

Size. Curuntulas are about 7 to 8 ft tall, rivalling even other beasts above their weight class in sheer power. Your size is medium.



Top art by James NG Art, Bottom art by Andrew West on DeviantArt

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