Path of the Chain

by arcadianTomB

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Path of the Chain

Whether your condition was caused by the blessing of a war-loving god, the punishment of a cruel hag, or the machinations of a mad artificer, your body has transformed into something unlike any other. Metal flows through your veins. Whenever you're ready for battle, a chain splits your skin and shoots from your body to your weapon. The pain and adrenaline throw you into a rage and turn you into a killing machine.

Chain Bond

When you enter your rage, metal from within your body splits your flesh and leaps outwards. You form a Chain Bond with a melee weapon within 30ft of you that is not being worn or carried. This weapon cannot have the heavy, reach, or two-handed property.

When chained to this weapon, you cannot be disarmed. Your chained weapon gains the thrown property with a range of 30ft, regardless of its prior statistics. Due to the limited length of your chain, it cannot be thrown beyond its range, even with disadvantage. If your weapon has the versatile property, its ranged damage is equal to its one-handed damage.

If you are not holding your chain weapon, you may use your bonus action to yank your chain weapon back into your hand. If you use this feature immediately following a successful thrown chain weapon attack against a target of size Large or smaller, you may also use this bonus action to move that target up to 10ft towards you.

Your Chain Bond has a chain DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity modifier.

Your Chain Bond ends when your rage ends.

Chain Slinger

You gain the following maneuvers while you have an active Chain Bond:

  • Sweep the Legs: As an attack, you can attempt to sweep the legs out from under a target. The target makes a Dexterity saving throw against your chain DC. On a failure, the target is knocked prone, and can be dragged up to 10ft towards you when you use your bonus action to retrieve your weapon.

  • Chain Restraint: As an action, you can try to wrap your chain around a Large or smaller target grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple check. On a success, the target is restrained by your chain until the grapple ends. While maintaining this restraint, you can only wield your weapon with one hand, it loses its thrown property, and you cannot use any other Grappling Chain maneuvers until this restraint ends. This action counts as an attack for the purposes of maintaining your rage.

  • Chain Disarmament: As an action, you may sacrifice your Chain Bond in an attempt to take an object being held or worn by a target you can see within 30ft of you. The target must make a Strength saving throw against your chain DC. The target makes this saving throw with advantage if it is larger than you or if it is wielding the object with two hands, and at disadvantage if it is smaller than you or not actively holding onto the object. On a failure, the object is yanked from the target and into your own hand. On a success, nothing happens. Regardless, your Chain Bond immediately ends. You must enter a new rage if you wish to initiate another Chain Bond.

Grappling Chain

You have adapted to your chain well enough to use it to move around. When you do not have your Chain Bond active, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. You also gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed so long as you are within 30ft of a wall, ceiling, or equivalent surface, as you can use the full length of your chain to swing between surfaces. This movement requires that one of your hands is free to manipulate the chain.

Improved Chain

Your proficiency with your chain has caused it to exceed its former limits. Your chain now as a length of 60ft, and the range of all your chain abilities are improved as such. Additionally, whenever you use your chain to drag a target towards you, you can move it up to 20ft, rather than 10ft.

Subclass by Tom Benavides, art from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

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