Sun Wukong

by YaBoiHype69

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Sun Wukong

Medium (Celestial), Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 20 (chain shirt)
  • Hit Points 887 (50d8 + 662)
  • Speed walk 40ft., fly 50ft., climb 30ft.

22 (+6) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Strength +15, Constitution +14
  • Skills Athletics +15, Acrobatics +14
  • Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, fire, lightning, cold, poison, acid, thunder, radiant, necrotic, and force.
  • Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, frightened, exhaustion, blinded, and deafened
  • Senses Truesight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.
  • Languages Common, celestial, monkey
  • Challenge 30 (150,000xp)

Innate Spellcasting. Sun Wukong's spellcasting sbility is Charisma (Spell save DC 21). Sun Wukong can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At Will: enlarge/reduce (self only), detect evil and good

Divine Sight. When Sun Wukong sees a creature he discovers its alignment and creature type.

Immortal Nature. When Sun Wukong reaches 0 hitpoints he instead makes a constitution saving throw equal to 5 + half the damage done. On a success, he returns to life with half his hitpoints. On a failure he is unconscious but stable.

Trickster. Sun Wukong has advantage on all Deception(Charisma) skill checks

Stunning Weapon. Once a turn when Sun Wukong hits an attack he can stun the target until the end of Sun Wukong's next turn.

Feared by the gods. As an action Sun Wukong can choose every celestial or fiend within 120ft. that can see him to make a Wisdom saving throw against his Spell Save DC or be frightened as for 1 hour or until they can no longer see him.

Cloning Hairs. (Recharge 3-6). Sun Wukong as an action can pluck a hair from his head and create a clone. The clone shares his stats, equipment, and weapons but has 1 hitpoint. Sun Wukong can have a maximum of 5 clones active at a time. The clones share Sun Wukong's initiative but act immediately after him.

Many forms. As a bonus action on his turn Sun Wukong can transform into any beast in addition, he can transform into any nonmagical object that takes up a 25 foot cube or less. He can use this ability 4 times per long rest.


Multiattack. Sun Wukong casts enlarge/reduce and makes 10 attacks with Sea King's Pillar

Sea King's Pillar. Melee: +15, 10ft., one target. Hit 17 (2d10+6) + 5 (1d10) radiant damage


Cloning Parry. As a reaction to a melee attack Sun Wukong can add +5 to his AC against that attack as long as he is wielding a melee weapon. In addition, he uses his Cloning Hairs trait.

Art Credit

Art by Robcv on DeviantArt


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