I should begin with a few disclaimers. Of course the credit for the Twelve goes first to the author, Fred Saberhagen.
Some time ago an acquaintance asked for help homebrewing the Twelve. Though unfamiliar with the series at the time, I researched the swords and created the first draft of this conversion. It was this project that turned me on to the books, rather than vice versa. I have taken a great deal of creative license, so I offer my humblest apologies to any fans who might think I've strayed too far from the source material.
Perhaps one of the biggest changes I've made is in the swords' appearance. When first crafted by Vulcan, the swords were nearly identical, distinguished only by the sigil set in each weapon's hilt. In this version, the weapons are able to take different forms.
Thus begins my tale, of the appearance of the Twelve in this world.
Long Ago
Long ago, a great war raged. Few books remain which record the forging of great and terrible weapons to fight that war. But my memory stretches long. Write, little one, lest understanding be lost.
To a goblin, ‘long ago’ was the Great Usurpation. Bah! Twenty years is but the pause between the peal of thunder and the crack of lightning.
To a human, ‘long ago’ were the Fey Wars, when the Elves still dwelt in the Nordfast and the humans’ great mechanical cities crawled across the Gwyrddeang. To me, five hundred years is but the turning of spring to winter again.
To an elf, ‘long ago’ was the Great Conflagration, when the giants burned the land to destroy the Abomination. Those long ages are the growing of a child to a man.
Long ago, by my reckoning, when I was but a wyrmling, Long Ago were forged the Swords of Power. The races of men were still new when the fallen Titans sought to overthrow the elder Celestials. It was then the Twelve were created by crafts long forgotten.
The Twelve are not always Swords. They answer to the need of their wielder. The siege sword, Stonecleaver, has often been a battle axe or war hammer.
Each is legendary in its own right. The Stone Cleaver. The Wound Healer. The Town Saver. The Shield Breaker. The Mind Sword. The Coin Spinner. The Way Finder. The Sight Blinder. The Far Slayer. The Doom Giver. The One of which I will not speak.
But the greatest and terriblest – terror-blessed is not far off – was the Soul Cutter. No good hand ever wielded that accursed weapon. When drawn in battle, it harms not a single body, but it feeds on every soul nearby. A raging beast or fanatical warrior under its foul influence loses the will to fight, to love, to eat, to breathe. Even its wielder is not its master, but its slave.
‘Long ago,’ when discovered and unsheathed, Soul Cutter gave rise to the Abomination, who wielded it without mercy. Much was lost in that age, but finally, at great cost, the Tyrant’s Blade was destroyed.
Do you not feel it? Can you not taste it in the air? In the prickle down your tailspine? Does the earth not shift and tremble beneath your claws? The Soul Cutter has been remade.
These words were relayed from the High Priest of Dunesong Temple to the historian, Lucine. They are words of warning, from the Brazen One, the Ancient Bronze Dragon.

Image: Blackout

Who holds Coinspinner
knows good Odds
Whichever move he make
But the Sword of Chance,
to please the gods,
Slips from him like a snake.
Sword of Fortune
Weapon (longsword or rapier +1), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of chaotic alignment)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
While attuned, you are Lucky, as with the feat. You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment. You have 3 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker’s roll or yours. If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled. You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest.
While attuned, each night at midnight roll a d100. On a 1-3, Coinspinner immediately teleports away, finding a new owner and breaking attunement with the current owner.
Coinspinner is the only one of the Twelve that is truly sentient. Those most familiar with the Lore of the Twelve refer to Coinspinner as a male personality, due to his excessive gambling habits and foolish need to prove his worth. Those who have wielded and lost her, however, swear that she was ever a fickle lover.
Regardless, Coinspinner is a Chaotic Neutral personality with an Intelligence of 8, Wisdom of 12, and Charisma of 14. The sword has hearing and darkvision out to 120 feet. It can speak, read, and understand Common, and communicates telepathically with its wielder.
Thirst for Adventure
If it gets bored, Coinspinner will begin complaining to its wielder that it wants something fun to do. This desire can be satisfied by gambling, skill contests, tavern brawls, risky combat maneuvers, breaking into secure areas, or any sufficiently risky and potentially dangerous escapade. The DM decides whether Coinspinner is satisfied that the owner has pressed their luck. On any day that Coinspinner does not feel entertained, it may distract the owner granting disadvantage on the roll to retain ownership. When this happens, the save DC (starting at 3 on a d100) is permanently raised by one. If Coinspinner is lost in this way, the Lucky feat is lost, and the former wielder may even experience a greater degree of misfortune.
Image: Fantasylife
History: The Talons
Twice in Coinspinner's memory, it prompted its wielder to draw from the Deck of Many Things. The first time, the foolish warrior lost Coinspinner to the Talons card.
The second time, a rogue called Acela declared two draws. On the first, she won three wishes. But fate turned, and Acela also drew the Talons. Coinspinner laughed with glee as he disappeared from her grasp. She used her first Wish to undo the draw and Coinspinner returned. But according to the rules of the Deck, Acela was obliged to draw again, since the second did not happen.
Once again, fate decreed the Talons. For the third time, Coinspinner was lost in this manner.
Acela used her second Wish, though it cost her third as well, and again Coinspinner returned to her.
"Thrice mine!" she cried, undoubtedly the luckiest of Coinspinner's wielders.
The Sword of Justice
balances the pans
Of right and wrong,
and foul and fair.
Eye for an eye,
Doomgiver scans
The fate of all folk
Sword of Justice
Weapon (sickle or scythe +1), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of lawful alignment)
- You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
- Once per round, whenever you take damage of one of the following types – Fire, Cold, Thunder, Lightning, Poison, Necrotic, Force, Acid, or Radiant – you may add 1d4 of that type of damage to your next melee hit against the creature that inflicted the damage on you.
- Doomgiver has 4 charges and regains expended charges each day at dawn. While attuned, when you are the sole target of a spell cast by a creature that you can see, you may expend one charge to make the caster the target of the spell. If the spell is 4th level or higher, you must roll a spell check (using your spellcasting modifier or your Charisma modifier if you are not a spellcaster) with a DC of 10 + the spell’s level.
- If any creature you can see wields any of the Twelve, including Doomgiver, against a weaker target (determined by the DM), roll a d100. On a 50 or greater, the attacker takes all damage and harmful effects of the attack.
Sword of Reaping
Doomgiver usually presents as either a sickle or a scythe, a poignant reminder of the inescapable natural law: what you sow, you shall reap. Your own will return to you, in full measure.
Sickle - Proficiency: Simple - Damage: 1d4 slashing - Weight: 2 lb - Properties: Light
Scythe - Proficiency: Martial - Damage: 1d10 slashing- Weight: 6 lb - Properties: Heavy, reach, two-handed
Image: RonPaulJustice
I have long feared that my sins would return to haunt me, and the cost would be more than I could bear.
- Benjamin Martin
Twin Swords
Loremasters have long noted the similarities between Doomgiver and Townsaver. Both present themselves as tools to common folk, as though they were never intended for heroes or great warriors. Some speculate that these two were the last of the Twelve, created so the simple could stand against the great and terrible works wrought by the mighty wielders of the original ten.
However, Doomgiver and Townsaver are as distinctly opposite as any pair of twins ever was. The Sword of Fury cries out in the heat of passion, in self-sacrificing empathy for those needing to be saved, a scourge of righteous flame against danger.
But Doomgiver, the Sword of Justice, is cold, grim, unfeeling. Dispassionately neutral. Doomgiver is no better suited to an angel than to a demon, for it cares nothing for good or evil. It seeks only balance. The weak will find in it great gain, the power to undo the mighty, but often in its long history a superior warrior has wielded Doomgiver to his own downfall.
The wise would take care never to draw Doomgiver against a weaker foe. Even the wielders of Farslayer, of Sightblinder, of Mindsword, of Soulcutter, of great Shieldbreaker itself have restrained their power lest Doomgiver turn it back on them.
Dragonslicer, Dragonslicer,
how d'you slay?
Reaching for the heart
in behind the scales.
Dragonslicer, Dragonslicer,
where d'you stay?
In the belly of the giant
that my blade impales
Sword of Heroes
Weapon (greatsword +2), legendary (requires attunement)
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
You have advantage on all attack rolls against chromatic dragons and non-good draconic creatures, including drakes, wyverns, dragon turtles, (and maybe even kobolds)
On a critical hit against a chromatic dragon or draconic creature, roll a d20 with the following effect:
Dragon Slicing
Roll | Effect | |
1-9 | Normal critical damage | |
10-12 | Deep slash to dragon's flank. Add 2d6 slashing damage | |
13 | Remove hind leg. Reduce dragon's movement by 20 ft. | |
14 | Remove foreleg. Reduce dragon's movement by 20 ft. and reduce dragon's attack by one claw attack per round. | |
15 | Sever wingtip. Reduce dragon's flying speed by half. | |
16 | Sever tail. Disable dragon’s tail attack. | |
17 | Sever wing. Reduce dragon's flying speed to 0 and disable dragon's wing attack. | |
18 | Break jaw. Disable dragon’s bite attack. | |
19 | Slash throat. Disable dragon’s breath attack. | |
20 | Decapitate dragon. |
Image: Zachary Fansler
History: A Worthy Name
A terrible battle raged between a powerful, insidious blue dragon bent on destruction and the Ancient One, the great bronze, patron of the Dunesong Temple, friend of the Montescue monarchy, protector of Kalyva.
Folk in Dunesong spoke only in hushed whispers of that sword which was feared above all among dragonkind. Though the Ancient One coveted it for his collection, he also refused to name it, as did any who wished to remain in his grace...
...Until came another would-be king, seeking to take the monarchy by offering the Third of the Twelve in return for the blue's allegiance. The deal was struck; the vile usurper claimed the throne. The heroes beholden to the rightful heir faced the savage blue.
The heroes in defeat parlayed their weapons to the fierce dragon in return for their lives. Wayfinder. Coinspinner. Sightblinder. Townsaver. Woundhealer. All into the bag, given as tribute to the blue. Dragonslicer went into the bag as well, and all wrapped tightly in the dragon's claw.
But wily artificer Parch had a trick up her sleeve - a back door into the bag. Though it cost her life, her companions were each able to withdraw their weapons again secretly. Fearless and cunning, the assassin Acela forwent her own Coinspinner and instead withdrew Dragonslicer from Parch's magic hat.
Acela's feat is legendary. The ancient blue slain in a single stroke. In recognition of this victory, the great bronze now refers to the Third as the Sword of Heroes.
Farslayer howls across the world
For thy heart, for thy heart,
who hast wronged me!
Vengeance is his who casts the blade Yet he will in the end no triumph see.
Image: Daniel Kamarudin
Ammunition (ammunition), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of non-good alignment)
Farslayer is most often an arrow, but may also present itself as a crossbow bolt, shot for a sling, or shuriken.
Sword of Vengeance
Upon attunement, Farslayer arouses feelings of vengeance in its owner. The affected person relives perceived injustices, becoming obsessed with their oppressor. This obsession may cause nightmares or hallucinations.
As an action, the wielder may choose a target for vengeance. It is customary, though not strictly necessary, to activate the weapon by chanting "For thy heart, for thy heart." The wielder then fires Farslayer as part of the same action. Farslayer will pass harmlessly through any object or creature until it reaches the heart of its intended target, striking inerrantly.
If the target is a creature with fewer than 100 Hit Points, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be slain instantly (a Construct or an Undead is immune). A creature slain in this way cannot be resurrected except by a Wish. If the target has more than 100 Hit Points or succeeds on the saving throw, it takes 10d10 piercing damage.
Blood Feud
Regardless of the outcome of Farslayer's strike, the original wielder's attunement is broken. Farslayer does not return to its former owner, nor will it attune to a former owner until it has been attuned and used by another creature.
A target struck but not slain by Farslayer immediately attunes to it, due to the original wielder's hateful focus on it. An ally of a creature slain by Farslayer can spend one action to attune to Farslayer and target it against the previous wielder.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two hundred graves...
-Old Dwarvish Proverb
The Mindsword spun
in the dawn's gray light
And men and demons
knelt down before.
The Mindsword flashed
in the midday bright
Gods joined the dance,
and the march to war.
It spun in the twilight dim as well
And gods and men marched off to hell
Image: Kalifer
Sword of Glory, Sword of Madness
Weapon (staff +2), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of evil alignment)
- You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
- Poison Blade. Add 1d4 poison damage to every melee hit with Mindsword.
While attuned to Mindsword, your Charisma becomes 25 unless it is otherwise higher. Additionally, whenever you draw Mindsword, every creature of 6 Intelligence or greater that can see or hear you must make a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw or fall under the effect of charm person. You can choose not to effect creatures with this feature. If you stow Mindsword, the charm effect ends after one hour, unless you draw the weapon again.
Mindsword has 9 charges and regains 2d4 + 1 expended charges every day at dawn. You may use an action to expend one or more charges to cast the following spells: command, crown of madness, suggestion, dominate person, geas, mass suggestion. Each spell requires a number of charges equal to the spell level and may be cast at a higher level by expending the required charges. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, Mindsword breaks attunement and cannot be reattuned by the same creature.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for each of these spells. If a creature succeeds on a saving throw against Mindsword's initial charm effect or against any of these spells, that creature is immune to all of Mindsword's effects and spells (including the innate boost to Charisma) for 24 hours. Furthermore, the creature becomes aware of your evil intentions and may give other creatures advantage on their next saving throw against Mindsword's effects.
Skull Twister
Mindsword may present itself as a crown rather than a scepter with the following variants:
- Mindsword does not function as a weapon
- The charm effect continues as long as Mindsword is worn
- Mindsword may be attuned by creatures of any alignment. Each spell cast by expending Mindsword's charges is an act of domination that will gradually turn the wielder's alignment to evil.
And He shall rule them with a Rod of Iron
-Ancient Orcish prophecy
I shatter Swords and splinter spears;
None stands to Shieldbreaker.
My point's the fount of orphans' tears
My edge the widowmaker.
Sword of Force
Weapon (maul +3), legendary (requires attunement)
- You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
- While attuned, you have resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical weapons.
- While attuned, you have advantage on saving throws against all magical effects.
- While attuned, you are immune to all harmful special effects of any of the Twelve Swords of Power. You may still take all damage from a successful attack.
Once drawn in combat, Shieldbreaker cannot be removed before the end of the encounter. You cannot be disarmed, cannot stow Shieldbreaker, and cannot attack using any other weapon or unarmed strike, nor retreat from combat or end combat until every foe is destroyed. Unless you succeed a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw, you must use your action on each turn to take the attack action or cast a spell which directly attacks opponents. If you lose hit points due to “friendly fire,” including an ally's area-of-effect spell, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, DC 10 + the damage taken, or treat the attacker as an enemy for one minute.
Maul - Damage: 2d6 bludgeoning- Weight: 10 lb - Properties: Heavy, two-handed, thrown (range 10/20)
Strongest and Weakest of the Twelve
On a critical hit, in addition to the damage dealt, Shieldbreaker destroys the primary weapon wielded by the target.
Shieldbreaker is capable of targeting and destroying any of the Twelve Swords of Power, regardless of their form. For example, Mindsword worn as a crown or Farslayer as an arrow could be targeted and destroyed by a successful melee attack against the wielder's AC.
Shieldbreaker cannot be used to attack any creature that is not wielding a weapon or improvised weapon. A natural weapon, such as claws, or an unarmed attack does not count as a weapon for this feature.
Image: Jos
ShieldBreaker 2.0
I shatter Swords and splinter spears;
None stands to Shieldbreaker.
My point's the fount of orphans' tears
My edge the widowmaker.
Sword of Force
Shield (tower shield), legendary (requires attunement)
It is a common misconception that Shieldbreaker is a weapon which destroys shields. This has never been the case. In truth, Shieldbreaker is a shield which destroys weapons.
At first glance, Shieldbreaker appears to be a simple metal buckler, a small round shield strapped to the forearm. Once attuned, when Shieldbreaker is equipped for battle it spirals open like an iris, expanding both in size and weight to become a man-sized tower shield with a spiked front and bladed edges. The straps which hold Shieldbreaker to the bearer's arm encase the entire forearm and fist in an unbreakable iron grip. One does not so much wield Shieldbreaker as Shieldbreaker uses the wielder's body for combat maneuvers.
- While attuned, you have resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical weapons.
- While attuned, you have advantage on saving throws against all magical effects.
- While attuned, you are immune to all harmful special effects of any of the Twelve Swords of Power. You may still take all damage from a successful attack.
Strongest and Weakest of the Twelve
On a critical hit, in addition to the damage dealt, Shieldbreaker destroys the primary weapon wielded by the target.
Shieldbreaker is capable of targeting and destroying any of the Twelve Swords of Power, regardless of their form. For example, Mindsword worn as a crown or Farslayer as an arrow could be targeted and destroyed by a successful melee attack against the wielder's AC.
Shieldbreaker cannot be used to attack any creature that is not wielding a weapon or improvised weapon. A natural weapon, such as claws, or an unarmed attack does not count as a weapon for this feature.
Once equipped in combat, Shieldbreaker cannot be removed before the end of the encounter. You cannot be disarmed, cannot stow Shieldbreaker, and cannot attack using any other weapon or unarmed strike, nor retreat from combat or end combat until every foe is destroyed. Unless you succeed a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw, you must use your action on each turn to take the attack action or cast a spell which directly attacks opponents. If you lose hit points due to “friendly fire,” including an ally's area-of-effect spell, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, DC 10 or half the damage taken (which ever is higher), or treat the attacker as an enemy for one minute.
- While equipped with Shieldbreaker, your Constitution becomes 18, if it is not otherwise higher.
- You may add your Constitution modifier to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Image: Jon Hodgson
SHIELD BASH. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or take an additional 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
The Sword of Stealth is given to
One lonely and despised. Sightblinder's gifts:
His eyes are keen
His nature is disguised.
Sword of Stealth
Weapon (dagger +1), legendary (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
While attuned, you have blindsight to 60 feet. You also have Keen Sight and Hearing, granting advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight and hearing. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while attuned to Sightblinder automatically fail.
Dagger - Damage: 1d4 piercing- Weight: 1 lb - Properties: Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Image: Daniel Kamarudin
Sword of Deception
Despite its reputation for stealth, Sightblinder does not make its wielder unseen. Rather, you choose how you wish to be seen.
Three times per long rest, you may disguise yourself in a manner similar to the spell. Your appearance, your voice, and any equipment you are wearing or carrying will be completely disguised. You take on the appearance of any humanoid creature you wish, in a completely convincing manner. You may appear to different observers in different disguises at the same time, and you may change disguises without breaking the illusion. An Intelligence (Investigation) check, DC 25, is required to disbelieve the disguise. A creature that fails the check will believe the disguise unquestioningly, against all reason.
Sightblinder cannot fool Shieldbreaker or Farslayer. Sightblinder offers some protection (advantage on the saving throws) against Mindsword and Soulcutter. Sightblinder has never been tested against Doomgiver, though sword loremasters believe it would be unwise to tempt fate in that way.
The Tyrant's Blade
no blood hath spilled
But doth the spirit carve
Soulcutter hath no body killed
But many left to starve.
Image: Taure Taulea
Variant: Though Soulcutter was originally forged as a Sword, that form is not necessary. If Soulcutter is unsheathed for use as a “normal” sword, its psychoactive properties forestall physical conflict, the reason Soulcutter has never spilt blood. Instead, Soulcutter attacks the psyche. After the ‘soul cord incident,’ Soulcutter seemed to prefer presenting itself as a musical instrument of great sorrow, sowing its discord in the form of bittersweet music swelling to fill the battlefield.
Sword of Despair
Weapon (scimitar +2), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of lawful neutral or lawful evil alignment)
- You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Aura of Despair. When unsheathed, Soulcutter projects an aura with a radius of 120 feet. Any creature within range must succeed on a DC25 Wisdom saving throw or take no action and make no movement on its turn. On a successful save, a creature may take either one action or one bonus action, but not both. The wielder must succeed on this saving throw in order to stow or sheath Soulcutter.
Creatures within the Aura of Despair have disadvantage on concentration checks. Any creature that fails its Wisdom saving throw automatically fails its concentration check.
Any creature that makes an attack or spell attack within the Aura of Despair takes 1d4 psychic damage.
Double-edged. Soulcutter's wielder and allies are also subject to the Aura of Despair. The wielder of Shieldbreaker alone is immune to Soulcutter's effect. The wielders of Mindsword and Woundhealer have advantage on the Wisdom saving throw to resist Soulcutter.
Cursed. When you attune to Soulcutter, you suffer a permanent -1 penalty to Constitution. Each time you draw Soulcutter, roll a d20. On a 1, you suffer another permanent cumulative -1 penalty to Constitution. This reduction can be healed by a wish or by Woundhealer only after you are no longer attuned to Soulcutter.
History: The Tyrant's Blade Reforged
By inscrutable magicks, the wizard Shoo and the bard Paws 'acquired' a soul cord.
One should never be too quick to enter into a fey bargain. The fool who did, a merchant, considered himself the winner of that barter, never imagining they would have the means to collect. But collect they did. One strand of the ephemeral silvery triple-braided cord that connects one's soul to the body.
Then, most unwisely, Paws That Dance strung the soul cord upon a masterwork lyre. Thus was the Soulcutter, though destroyed eons ago, remade.
Not knowing what she had done, Paws drew the untried instrument in a moment of great need. As her allies fought bitterly against the terrible blue dragon, Paws began to play a lament. One by one the heroes succumbed, helpless even to defend themselves against the vicious teeth and claws of their adversary. But then, their foe as well folded his wings, lay himself down....and stopped.
The Sword of Siege
struck a hammer's blow
With a crash, and a smash,
and a tumbled wall.
Stonecleaver laid a castle low
With a groan, and a roar,
and a tower's fall.
Sword of Siege
Weapon (greataxe +2), legendary (requires attunement)
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
While attuned, you gain the Dwarf racial feature stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the Origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your Proficiency Bonus to the check, instead of your normal Proficiency Bonus. This check can reveal structural weaknesses in the stonework.
Greataxe - Damage: 1d12 slashing- Weight: 7 lb - Properties: Heavy, two-handed
Stone Destroyer
When attacking stone walls, fortifications or objects with Stonecleaver you may add 1d6 force damage. A successful melee attack against any object made of stone is considered a critical hit. Stonecleaver ignores the damage threshold of stone walls, fortifications, and objects. Given enough time, you can destroy any stone object no matter the size. You may choose whether Stonecleaver cuts or smashes through stone.
When attacking creatures of stone with Stonecleaver you may add 1d6 force damage, but you do not automatically score a critical hit.
Stone Shaper
While holding Stonecleaver, you may cast stone shape as a 4th level spell with no material components. You may do this 3 times per long rest.
When you speak the command word, Stonecleaver reduces to the size of an artisan's tool. You may use Stonecleaver to carve any natural stone or gemstone. You are considered proficient with mason's tools and jeweler's tools when using Stonecleaver for those purposes.
Image: Dark Souls
The cry is still “They come!” Our castle’s strength
Will laugh a siege to scorn. Here let them lie
Till famine and the ague eat them up.
Were they not forced with those that should be ours,
We might have met them dareful, beard to beard,
And beat them backward home.
-Desil Proudbraid, three hours before the destruction of his fortress and the downfall of his kingdom
Long roads the Sword of Fury makes Hard walls it builds around the soft The fighter who Townsaver takes Can bid farewell to home and croft.
Sword of Salvation
Weapon (any simple weapon or shortsword, +3), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)
- You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
- While attuned, you have proficiency in light, medium, and heavy armor. You may add your full Dexterity modifier to your AC, regardless of heavy armor limitations.
- When an unarmed noncombatant is the sole target of an attack that you can see, Townsaver will use your reaction to force the attack to be redirected toward you.
Defender of the Defenseless
Townsaver's unique properties activate only when unarmed noncombatants are at risk. If only you and your allies are at risk, Townsaver is naught but an ordinary weapon +3. It is crafted for the defense of the innocent. The alignment or moral culpability of the victim does not matter, for Townsaver could be used to defend helpless cultists or orclings or even human politicians. Any who assist or join you in combat - henchmen, hirelings, retainers, etc.- do not count, nor do pets, beasts, or other non-sapient creatures.
Once drawn in combat, Townsaver cannot be removed before the end of the encounter. The wielder cannot be disarmed and cannot stow Townsaver. You cannot leave the encounter until all foes are defeated or withdraw from battle.
Last Hope
You cannot die before the end of the encounter. Regardless of how low your Hit Points fall, you are able to continue fighting. If you are at 0 HP or below when the encounter ends, you immediately fall unconscious. If you have sustained damage equal to one quarter of your maximum total HP below 0, you are considered to have failed one death saving throw. If you have sustained damage equal to one half of your maximum total HP below 0, you are considered to have failed two death saving throws. Your allies still have the opportunity to stabilize or heal you. If you have sustained damage equal to your maximum total HP below 0, you are considered to have failed three death saving throws and you die immediately at the end of the encounter.
Sword of Humility, Sword of Fury
Though many of the Twelve are known to present themselves in different forms according to need, Townsaver is the most malleable of the Twelve. Perhaps this is due to its nature as a protector of the common folk. Often, it is one brave soul among the people moved to take up a simple weapon. For unlike the rest, Townsaver is never seen as a weapon more sophisticated than a basic shortsword. A guard's spear, a shepherd's staff, and if one ancient tale be true, even a widow's wooden spoon.
The common element is a righteous anger. Tragically, Townsaver does not often manifest before trouble strikes. When the remnant cries out for relief, when the oppressed rise to throw off the chains of tyranny or the scourge of evil, when a survivor cannot stand to see one more innocent harmed, Townsaver presents itself as the catalyst which sets the pot of fury boiling over.

When stone and mortar fail, you ARE the wall. No matter what comes through, you will hold your ground.
-Fladnag, Captain of the Guard
Who holds Wayfinder
finds good roads
Its master's step is brisk.
The Sword of Wisdom
lightens loads
But adds unto their risk.
The Glaive*
Weapon (chakram), legendary (requires attunement)
- You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
You can use a bonus action to toss this magic weapon into the air. When you do so, The Glaive begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks one creature of your choice within 5 feet of it. The weapon uses your attack roll and ability score modifier to damage rolls.
While The Glaive hovers, you can use a bonus action to cause it to fly up to 30 feet to another spot within 30 feet of you. As part of the same bonus action, you can cause The Glaive to attack one creature within 5 feet of it.
After the hovering weapon attacks for the fourth time [the fourth turn], it flies up to 30 feet and tries to return to your hand. If you have no hand free, it falls to the ground at your feet. If The Glaive has no unobstructed path to you, it moves as close to you as it can and then falls to the ground. It also ceases to hover if you grasp it or move more than 30 feet away from it.
Image: Jim Ferguson
Chakram - Damage: 2d4 slashing - Weight: 3 lbs Properties: Thrown (range 20/60)
*The Glaive adapted by Sax Carr and Matthew Mercer
Sword of Wisdom
While attuned to Wayfinder, you gain proficiency in Wisdom (Insight) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks. If you already have proficiency, you gain expertise.
Find A Path
Once per short rest, you may cast find a path. This is similar, but not identical, to a common divination spell. Casting time is one minute. No material components are required. Wayfinder acts as a spell focus for this spell. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 day.
This spell allows you to find a sure path to a goal on which you must concentrate. This path will be neither the shortest, nor the safest route, but will certainly lead to your goal, whether that be to find a creature, object, or a place. At the DM's discretion, it may also lead to a more abstract goal, such as wealth or a peaceful solution to a conflict.
Unlike the more common spell, Wayfinder does not need a specfic location known to you. In fact, it performs better when given less rigid guidelines. Wayfinder can find a way to other planes of existence, moving targets, or nonspecific goals. Upon casting the spell, you become aware of up to 3 intermediate steps necessary to accomplish the end goal, such as finding a key, obtaining payment for a service, or defeating a guardian. Wayfinder will automatically guide you to the first or nearest intermediate step. If more than 3 intermediate steps are required to reach the end goal, Wayfinder will reveal to you only the next 3 steps, but not the specific number of steps.
When you cast the spell, Wayfinder will begin to hover and move up to 30 feet away from you in the direction toward your goal. It will begin to spin faster as you approach each waypoint toward your final goal.
As a bonus action, you may return Wayfinder to your hand or cause it to recalculate its directions.
Find it yourself
Wayfinder has 4 charges. It regains expended charges daily at dawn. As an action, you may expend charges to cast augury (1 charge), locate animals and plants (1 charge), locate object (1 charge), or locate creature (2 charges), without any material components required.
Whose flesh the Sword of Mercy hurts
has drawn no breath;
Whose soul it heals has wandered
in the night,
Has paid the summing of all debts
in death
Has turned to see returning
of the light.
Sword of Mercy
Weapon (pistol +2), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of non-evil alignment)
- You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
- While attuned, you gain a temporary +1 bonus to your Constitution. If you maintain attunement for one year, the bonus becomes permanent and you gain another temporary +1 bonus to your Constitution. This feature may repeat adding cumulative bonuses for long-term ownership, up to a maximum Constitution of 25.
- On a critical hit, Woundhealer confers on the target the effects of power word heal.
Image: Qas Illustration
When you attack a willing or incapacitated creature with Woundhealer, you have advantage on the attack roll. On a hit against any living, organic creature, including organic constructs such as a flesh golem, the target takes no damage and instead regains a number of Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. The target regains the same number of Hit Points on each of its turns as long as Woundhealer remains active.
Woundhealer has no effect on inorganic constructs, or dead or undead creatures.
Blissful Agony
Woundhealer does cause pain equal to the damage dealt, even as it heals. For this reason, a creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw in order to be considered a willing target. Each time a creature is attacked with Woundhealer, the DC for this saving throw is permanently and cumulatively increased by 1.
Wholeness of Mind and Body
Each time it restores Hit Points, Woundhealer can also have one of the following effects:
- Remove any one of the following conditions: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, or Unconscious
- Remove one level of exhaustion
- End one disease affecting the target
- End one ability score reduction or maximum Hit Point reduction
- Remove one curse or end attunement to one cursed object
- Cure madness
Woundhealer can also regenerate lost body parts or missing organs, given enough time. If the severed part is held in place during Woundhealer's attack, it is restored immediately. Otherwise, the time required for regeneration is at the DM's discretion.
Uniquely Miraculous Ammunition
Woundhealer remains active, continuing to work until healing is complete or you attack another target with Woundhealer. For example, a creature drowning or on fire would experience the pain, but would be healed as fast as the damage was done. When healing is complete, the silver bullet fired by Woundhealer is expelled from the target's body and becomes inert.
Woundhealer can heal only one target at a time. If another shot is fired from Woundhealer, the previous bullet becomes inert even if healing was not yet complete. In this case, the inert bullet is not expelled from the target's body.
Acquiring ammunition for Woundhealer could be difficult. Each shot costs 1 cp, for the shell casing; 1 sp, for the silver shot; 1 gp, for the crafting; and 1 pp, for the blessing of a qualified healer.
Pistol - Damage: 1d10 - Weight: 2 lbs Properties: Ammunition (range 20/60), loading
Och! Nae, nae, nae, nae, nae. Ye cannae breach a fortification with black powder. If it could blow up the stone, it would blow up yer gun. It's the rate of deflagration, ye lout. Ye need a slow burn to fire yer weapon. Careful, it'll still blow yer hand off. See?
-Borith "Lefty" Grimsttooth, ranting again about the difference between gunpowder and high explosive.
Technical Difficulties
The Twelve Swords, if you believe the stories, are powerful enough to destroy gods. While they can be attuned and wielded by mere mortals, it would be wise to treat them with the respect and caution due such legendary powers.
Though I have tried to do justice both to the Twelve and to the DnD fifth edition, the mechanics are still not fully tested. I find us adjusting the manner of their use as we go. I love the swords as a boon to roleplaying, and I hope the mechanical power doesn't unbalance the game too much. For that reason, I would reserve or limit the swords' presence until later in the game when the expansion of magical powers reaches world-altering proportions anyway.
I hope you enjoy. I hope you adapt these to your world and find uses that neither I nor Mr. Saberhagen ever envisioned. Happy hunting, my friends!
Image: Wizards of the Coast
History: The Vilest Act
Perhaps the most evil abuse of the power of the Twelve since their creation was a scheme enacted by Matthias the Nameless, lieutenant to the Abomination itself. The frost giant King Windsisslaus led the alliance of free peoples to overthrow the depredations of that terrible age.
The nameless one, a skulking fallen celestial, lured Windsisslaus into a cunning trap. He-who-must-not-be-called-Matthias slaughtered countless legions of helpless innocents until the giant king was compelled to intervene. But the nameless Matthias, having already enslaved his victims to the Skulltwister's power, now commanded them to turn on their rescuer, who was soon overpowered. Grievously wounded, Windsisslaus' banner-bearer shot the fallen King with Woundhealer before himself succumbing. Thus the trap was sprung.
Windsisslaus, now pierced by Woundhealer's shot, was captured and bound even while the healing worked its magic. Matthias, may his name be forever forgotten, though unable to wield Woundhealer nevertheless claimed it and kept it, for the healing power continues until it is complete or Woundhealer fires again.
Thus was Windsisslaus subjected to an unending torture. For over 75 years, the nameless one and his abominable master ensured that their perpetual victim never fully healed nor ever gained the release of death. Windsisslaus was repeatedly boiled and dismembered and asphyxiated and baptized in lava and drowned in acid and ever-more-imaginative means of certain death. Yet each time he endured. Surely he would have fallen into madness, had Woundhealer not also cut off that escape.
The story of good King Windsisslaus was spread far and wide, his various torments displayed like a travelling circus from town to town, to instill terror in any who would oppose the omnipotent rule of the Abomination. This depravity continued until one day a humble peasant of the youngling race of humans beat his plowshare into a crude sword, dubbed it the Doomgiver, and Justice called the name 'Matthias.'
Campaign Starters
Gotta Catch 'Em All
The Twelve are the stuff of legend, dancing in and out of countless stories of great deeds and perilous times. Times like now. We need a bit of legendary heroism if we are to make it through this crisis
In fact, no one Sword of Power is likely to see us through. The heroes of Dunesong Temple required four of the twelve to defeat their foe. I fear our task will require no less than six.
Cast it into the Fire
Two of the Twelve are considered inherently evil, though even the best of them can be turned to evil purpose, as Matthias the Nameless demonstrated. Those which remain today are wielded by tyrants. Who will deliver us in such dark days? Where is the Townsaver? And where the Doomgiver?
The people cry out for deliverance. They must be destroyed. All of them.
One thing is for certain - we had better take Shieldbreaker before we attempt to put down Soulcutter.
Did he say 'Remade'?
Here we go again with the whole 'perilous times' business and where is our help? Some group of idiots destroyed every one of the Twelve. How in Avernus did they manage?
More importantly, might it be possible to reforge them? Better. Stronger. Faster. What would it take?
Reforge the Twelve
To reforge one of the Swords of Power requires exotic materials. Most require a rare kind of metal, though some are primarily wood, equally rare. Each also needs a special secret ingredient. Of course, forging a Legendary Artifact is not nearly as simple as hammering a hunk of iron into the shape of a short sword. Each will also require a special technique, and maybe even a quest to find those materials and methods. And don't forget a highly skilled smith. You'll need to hire one - or become one.
Primary Material: Quicksilver
Secret Ingredient: Gem worth 5,000 GP
Proprietary Process: Coinspinner requires a crafting contest to the death. A patron provides the materials and the wager. The smiths each forge the finest weapon they can. The losing patron becomes the gambler's heart eternally preserved in the winner's soulgem, which makes Coinspinner the only truly sentient of the Twelve.
Primary Material: Obsidian
Secret Ingredient: Modron computational difference engine
Proprietary Process: Requires perfectly balanced measured quantities of earth, air, fire, and water.
Primary Material: Mourningsteel**
Secret Ingredient: The ashes of at least 3 victims killed by dragons
Proprietary Process: The forge must be heated with dragon fire or lightning.
Primary Material: Asmoroch Steel*
Secret Ingredient: Aerocrystal* from the elemental plane of air
Proprietary Process: Forging must be accompanied by songs of lament and prayers of imprecation
Primary Material: Plaguesteel*
Secret Ingredient: Aboleth mucus or drider venom
Proprietary Process: Requires the sacrifice of slaves. Does it matter how many?
Primary Material: Adamantine
Secret Ingredient: Tarrasque hide
Proprietary Process: Must be forged entirely with force damage. No bludgeoning with a hammer.
Primary Material: Stellar Iron*
Secret Ingredient: Leprechaun gold
Proprietary Process: Must be forged entirely in darkness
Primary Material: Darkwood*
Secret Ingredient: Soul cord - the ephemeral silver cord that connects the soul to the body as in an astral projection. The cord is three braided strands, corresponding to three death saving throws.
Proprietary Process: The wood must be shaped and the soul cords strung in absolute silence.
Primary Material: Orichalcum*
Secret Ingredient: True Ice**
Proprietary Process: A jealously guarded Dwarven secret - Time. Stonecleaver can only be forged over the course of years, either in real-time or under the effect of time manipulation spells.
Primary Material: Mithral
Secret Ingredient: The blood of a tragic hero
Proprietary Process: Can only be forged by the desperate victims of a lengthy period of oppression and injustice.
Primary Material: Darksteel*
Secret Ingredient: Chlorophyte**
Proprietary Process: Different phases of the forging process must take place on at least 3 different planes of existence.
Primary Material: Ironwood**
Secret Ingredient: Unicorn blood (from a living donor)
Proprietary Process: Crafting requires spellcasting of healing spells from at least 2 different classes.
Image: Daimera
Description and Lore of The Twelve Swords of Power: Fred Saberhagen
Document created using Homebrewery
Cover Image: Twelve Swords of Power Wiki
*Crafting Materials: The Complete Crafter by AeronDrake
** Crafting Materials: Exotic Materials by Belithioben
5e Adaptation and Lore of Kalyva: DreadClericWesley
Shenanigans: The Heroes of Kalyva - Acela, Lucine, Mercer, Mez, Myrtle, Parch, Paws That Dance, Shaldais, Seeker, Shoo, Valtori, et al.
Adaptation to GM Binder (unauthorized): Infinity Master.