Bard: College of Anarchy

by NJoshuaP

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Bard: College of Anarchy

College of Anarchy

Bards of anarchy are just how it sounds. Agents of chaos and the voice of rebellion. Bards who wield unorthodox music that seeks to stir the very core of anyone who hears them. Not to weep, but to scream, raise their fist, and rise. Like drums of war, the bards of anarchy unleash a mixture of a demon's roars and grunts with screams and rage of celestials to empower their allies.

Fear be among all tyrants, for the bard's music brings about the fury of the meek and the forgotten. Rebellion comes, and they want your head.

College of Anarchy Features
Rogue Level Feature
3rd Ally of Chaos, Through the Fire and Striking Thunder
6th Iron Shackles
14th Unchained Calamity

Ally of Chaos

At 3rd level, you can cast find familiar to summon a fiend or monstrosity as your familiar as a 10-minute ritual or instantly using your bardic inspiration.

Through the Fire and Striking Thunder

At 3rd level, whenever a creature uses your bardic inspiration for a weapon attack. That attack is imbued with fury and deal an extra fire or lightning damage (damage type of your choosing) equal to the number rolled on bardic inspiration die.

Iron Shackles

At 6th level, you can conjure wicked chains to erupt from the earth to shackle your foes.

As an action, you can choose a point within 120 feet that you can see to conjure chains to erupt. All huge and smaller creatures within 15 feet radius sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained and pulled to the point you the center of the sphere.

Creatures restrained by this ability can use their action to make a Strength check against your spell DC to break free, and you may use one or more of your bardic inspiration to subtract the result by half of the bardic inspiration roll (rounded down).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Unchained Calamity

At 14th level, you can transform your rage into a monstrous beast.

As an action, you can choose a space you can see within 120 feet to conjure a large monstrosity known as Unchained Calamity for 30 minutes. The creature takes its turn after yours and is under your mental control.

When you summon the creature, roll a d6 twice to determine your Unchained Calamities Monstrous Mutation and their Mark of Rebellion using the table below.

Whenever you take damage, make a Constitution Save (as if maintaining a concentration spell), or you lose control of your Unchained Calamity unless you use one of your bardic inspiration to maintain control. If you lose control of the Unchained Calamity, it will begin to rampage and attack indiscriminately under the control of the Dungeon Master.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Unchained Calamity

Large monstrosity, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 137 (15d10+50)
  • Speed 30 feet

18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)

  • Condition Immunities Frightened
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages
  • Challenge 6


Multiattack. The unchained calamity makes two claw attacks.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+4) Slashing damage.

| College of Anarchy by NJoshuaP

Monsterous Mutation

d6 Monstrous Mutation
1 Flight. The unchained calamity has wings with a flying speed of 60ft and Flyby (the unchained calamity doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach).
2 Climber. The unchained calamity speed is Increased by 10 ft and gains a climbing speed of 40 ft
3 Sprinter. The unchained calamity, speed is now 50ft and can use a dash, disengage and dodge action as a bonus action
4 Protective Chitin. The unchained calamity develop a protective exterior with a natural armor with AC cannot be less than 17
5 Unworldly Vitality. The unchained calamity maximum hit points are increased by (3d10+9)
6 Burrower. The unchained calamity gains a burrow speed of 30ft with tremorsense of 60 ft. If the unchained calamity makes a claw attack after burrowing for at least 10 ft, it gains advantage on their first attack.
d6 Mark of Rebellion
1 Mark of the Bloodied. Increase the unchained calamity Strength by 2 (increase claw attack and damage roll by 1) and Dexterity by 1 (increase AC by 1). Once per turn, a creature that it attacks has to make a con save or be thrown back 5 feet and is knocked prone
2 Mark of the Viper. The unchained calamity can use their attack action to make three poisonous dart attack. Ranged weapon attack: +6 to hit, range 100/150 ft, one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+2) Piercing damage and 4(1d6) Poison damage.
3 Mark of the Storm Rider. If the unchained calamity takes any damage, it then can use its reaction to create a 5 ft sphere blast of Lightning. All creatures within that area must make a Dexterity Saving Throws or take 2d10 lightning damage or half as much on a successful one.
4 Mark of the Chained Increase the reach of the unchained calamity's claw attack by 5 feet. If the attack hits a Medium or smaller creature, they must make a DC(15) Strength saving throw or be grappled. The grappled creature may use its action to redo the saving throw to escape. The unchained calamity can only grapple up to two creatures at one time.
5 Mark of the Gouged. The unchained calamity gains blindsight of 60 ft and can conjure a sphere of magical darkness as an action that you and the unchained calamity can see through up to three times. Only one sphere of darkness can be active at one time, and if the unchained calamity creates a sphere while another is active, the previous sphere is dispelled.
6 Mark of the Hound. The unchained calamity can mark one creature it can see. If the marked creature does not have the unchained calamity within its peripheral while still within line of sight of the unchained calamity. The unchained calamity can teleport 5 feet behind the marked creature using a bonus action. It can only mark another creature after the previous one died.

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| College of Anarchy by NJoshuaP

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