Sorcerous Origin: Faerie Magic

by MasterJAD

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Sorcerous Origin: Fey Magic

In your veins flows the magics of the Feywild. Perhaps you made contact with a powerful fey creature who bestowed its powers unto you. Maybe one of your ancestors is a powerful archfey, their potent magics passed down from generation to generation. Or maybe you spent a significant amount of time in the Feywild and its magics rubbed off on you.

Whatever the source of your magical power may be, the potent magics of the fey are at your beck and call. The mind-bending magics of the Feywild allow you to beguile and twist the minds of your foes and weave illusions the likes of which parallel only the most skilled illusionists.

Fey Magic

Starting at 1st level, the magic in your bloodline grant you different abilities. You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Feywild Magic Spells table. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

You can't swap out these spells for other spells when you level up.

Sorcerer Level Spells
1st faerie fire, charm person
3rd misty step, phantasmal force
5th fear, hypnotic pattern
7th charm monster, greater invisibility
9th mislead, seeming

Fey Ancestry

From 1st level, the power of your bloodline awakens within you. You gain the following abilities:

  • You can speak, read, and write Sylvan.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened and magic can't put you to sleep.
  • When a creature hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is charmed by you until the end of the current turn.
  • Your creature type is fey, rather than humanoid.

Psychic Interference

Starting at 6th level, you can empower or weaken the effects of mind-altering magics and effects. When a creature within 60 feet of you makes a saving throw against being charmed or frightened, you can use your reaction to spend a number of sorcery points (up to a maximum of 3) to grant that creature a bonus or penalty to the saving throw equal to the number of sorcery points spent.

Additionally, your spells and class features that can cause creatures to be charmed now work on all creatures, regardless of whether or not they have immunity to the charmed condition. However, creatures who are normally immune to the charmed condition have advantage on saving throws against your spells or class features that cause the charmed condition.

Fade Away

Starting at 14th level, you learn to protect yourself by stepping through the boundaries between the Material plane and the Feywild. If you are targeted with an attack roll or forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to spend 3 sorcery points and disappear into the Feywild, allowing you to avoid all incoming damage. You are blinded and have total cover against attacks and other effects.

At the end of the current turn, you return to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 15 feet of the space you vanished from. If no unoccupied space is available within that range, you appear in the nearest unoccupied space (chosen at random if more than one space is equally near).

Hidden Presence

At 18th level, you can magically remove yourself from the perception of creatures around you. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to force creatures of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature can’t see or hear you and they are unable to see any trace that you leave behind for 1 hour. Any special senses that the creature has such as truesight or tremorsense are unable to detect you.

The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of any turn during which you hit it with an attack roll, forced it to make a saving throw, or dealt damage to it. The effect ends early if you use this bonus action again. On a successful save, the target is immune to this feature for 7 days.


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