Dragon Lord Epic Class

by EpicTales

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Epic Tales: Dragon Lord (Epic Class)

You have gained access to the ancient power of the Dragon Aspects.

A Dragon Lord uses this power to manifest a great Dragon Construct and can even transform themselves into one of the mythical beasts. This power has not been seen in hundreds of years and most don't know of its existence.

Epic Classes

The Epic Classes are meant to be played at a table with other Epic Classes. These are not balanced with the traditional 5e classes in mind and will almost certainly feel much stronger than those classes. The worlds, campaigns, systems and creatures of Epic Tales are made for these classes. Enjoy!

Class Features

As a Dragon Lord, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d20 per Dragon Lord level


  • Armor: All Armor
  • Weapons: All Weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom and Constitution
  • Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Intimidation, Perception
  • Known Languages: Common, Draconic


You start with the following equipment:

  • A Longsword and Shield
  • Light crossbow, quiver, and 20 bolts
  • An explorer's pack
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Dragon Aspect Selection
2nd +2 Essence Transfer
Construct Ability Score Increase
3rd +2 Dragon Scales
4th +2 Dragon Lord Ability Score Increase
5th +3 Construct Ability Score Increase
6th +3 Channel Aspect 1/Long Rest
7th +3 Shared Attunement
8th +3 Dragon Lord Ability Score Increase
Construct Ability Score Increase
9th +4 Channel Aspect 2/Long Rest
10th +4 Draconic Adaptation
11th +4 Essence Bond
Bond Modulation
Construct Ability Score Increase
12th +4 Channel Aspect 3/Long Rest
Dragon Lord Ability Score Increase
13th +5 True Aspect 1/Long Rest
14th +5 Construct Ability Score Increase
15th +5 Dragon of Legend
Channel Aspect 4/Long Rest
16th +5 Dragon Lord Ability Score Increase
17th +6 Construct Ability Score Increase
18th +6 Channel Aspect 5/Long Rest
19th +6 Dragon Lord Ability Score Increase
True Aspect 2/Long Rest
20th +6 Ancient Dragon
Construct Ability Increase
Channel Aspect at Will

Shared Feats

Whenever you gain a feat your Dragon Construct gains it as well.

Shared Resistance & Piercing

Whenever you or your Dragon Construct gain damage resistance or piercing you both receive it.

  • 4th level all Natural Attacks are considered magical

  • 5th level you and your Dragon Construct gain +1 piercing to all breath types of your unlocked aspects

  • 10th level you and your Dragon Construct gain +1 piercing to all damage types (stacking with the 5th level bonus)

  • 15th level you and your Dragon Construct gain an additional +1 piercing to all of breath types of your unlocked aspects (for a total of +2)

  • 20th level you and your Dragon Construct gain an additional +1 piercing to all damage types (for a total of +2)

Dragon Aspect

At 1st level you unlock your primary Dragon Aspect choosing from the list below. The Dragon Aspect you choose is permanent and determines the type of Dragon Construct you summon and its abilities.

Summon Dragon Construct

You spend 1 minute focusing the energy from your primary Dragon Aspect to conjure a fully formed Dragon Construct of that type. The size of the Dragon Construct is up to you, from gargantuan to small, but no larger than a dragon of its age. This change in size has no impact on stats or combat in any way. Your Dragon Construct acts on your initiative and can act immediately upon being summoned. Your Dragon Construct has an Action, Bonus Action, Movement, and Reaction like any other creature. If you ever gain the ability to take an extra attack or action of any type, your Dragon Construct gains it as well.

Dragon Construct stats can be found in the tables below. They have proficiency in Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws and all of your skill proficiencies. They additionally gain proficiency in Athletics and Perception if you do not already have proficiency in them.

The age of the dragon you summon is based on your Dragon Lord level

  • 1st level: Whelp
  • 5th level: Wyrmling (can carry you for up to 1 hour)
  • 10th level: Young (Can carry you indefinitely)
  • 15th level: Adult
  • 20th level: Greaty Wyrm

Linked Ability Score Increase

Your Dragon Construct gains 4 points that can be allocated to any combination of ability scores. Your Dragon Construct gains an additional increase in this way at 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 17th Level. At 20th Level, your Dragon Construct gains 8 points to allocate to any combination of ability scores. Your Dragon Construct has no maximum cap on their ability scores.

Ability Score Increase

You gain 2 points you can allocate to any of your ability scores as you choose. You gain this increase again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level.

Essence Transfer

At 2nd level you can use Essence Transfer ability. As an Action you can draw from the life force of your Dragon Construct. You can transfer any amount of HP from your Dragon Construct to yourself but it cannot lower the Dragon Construct below 1 hit point. This can increase your maximum and current hit points, but you can not exceed more than 2 times your normal maximum hit points. Lasts for 10 minutes.

Dragon Scales

At 3rd level your body begins to physically change to further reflect the Dragon Aspect within you. You gain hard scales on your skin giving you a bonus to your AC equal to your Proficiency Modifier.

Channel Aspect

At 6th level you unlock a second dragon aspect that can not be the same as the one you already have unlocked. This Aspect can only be used for the purpose of Channel Aspect and can not be used with Summon Dragon Construct. As an action you can empower yourself with the full power of either of your two Dragon Aspects. You immediately turn into a Dragon Construct of that aspect. You gain all of that Dragon Construct’s attacks and abilities from the Dragon Construct stat blocks, and retain your ability to speak. Your ability scores, AC, saving throws, resistances, piercing, and skills are set to the higher of yours or your Dragon Construct's (This new Construct gains all of the Dragon Construct ability score increases). Any items or bonuses that you normally get to ability scores, AC (not base armor or shield), saving throws, and skills further increase this new base level. This acts like a polymorph effect for purposes of a new hit point pool and reverting back to your original form when this form’s HP drops to 0.

You can stay in this new form for up to 1 hour and can revert back to your normal form as a free action. You can not transform again until you have taken a long rest.

You can use this ability 1 time per long rest starting at 6th level and an additional 1 time per long rest every 3 levels above 6th. You can use it at will at 20th level.

Shared Attunement

At 7th level your Dragon Construct can benefit from any of the items you have attuned. If it is a weapon all of your Dragon Constructs's attacks are able to benefit from the effects of the weapon and so on.

Draconic Adaptation

At 10th level you have embodied the aspect of a dragon for so long that you are physically starting to manifest draconic features. You grow wings that give you a fly speed of 60 ft and have the breath attacks of your unlocked Dragon Aspects. If the Dragon Aspects would normally have additional abilities or effects that trigger from breath, you do not acquire those unless in Dragon form. You also gain the extra attack class feature while not in a Dragon form.

Essence Bond

At 11th level you gain the Essence Bond feature. Whenever you or your Dragon Construct take damage you both split the damage evenly. The creature hit uses their resistances before splitting the damage. All healing received by you or your Dragon Construct can be applied however you wish across you and your Dragon Construct.

Bond Modulation

While not in your Dragon Form, Essence Bond instead distributes 75% of damage to your Dragon Construct and 25% of damage to you.

True Aspect

At 13th level you can become the true aspect of a dragon. As a Bonus Action or Reaction, you can transform into the Adult form of any dragon aspect regardless of the ones you have unlocked. If it is one of your two unlocked aspects this has a duration of 1 hour, if it is not one of your unlocked aspects this has a duration of 1 minute. When you use the True Aspect ability your summoned Dragon Construct is fully healed. At 19th level you can instead become a Great Wyrm. This acts like a polymorph effect for purposes of a new HP pool and reverting back to your original form when this form’s HP drops to 0. You can use this ability 1 time per long rest at 13th level and gain an additional use per long rest at 19th level.

Dragon of Legend

At 15th level you gain 1 use of Legendary Resistance, this recharges after a long rest. It can be used for either yourself or your Dragon Construct.

Ancient Dragon

At 20th level you gain 2 additional uses of Legendary Resistance (for a total of 3), these fully recharge after a long rest. They can be used for either yourself or your Dragon Construct.

Dragon Stats
Level Hit Points Speed Senses Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Prof +hit AC +Resistances
1st 20 + 3xCon 30ft Darkvision 60ft 14 10 14 12 12 12 +2 +0 18 +1 Physical
+1 Poison
+5 Breath Types
2nd 40 + 3xCon 30ft Darkvision 60ft 14 10 14 12 12 12 +2 +0 18 +1 Physical
+1 Poison
+5 Breath Types
3rd 60 + 3xCon 30ft Darkvision 60ft 14 10 14 12 12 12 +2 +1 19 +1 Physical
+1 Poison
+5 Breath Types
4th 80 + 4xCon 30ft Darkvision 60ft 14 10 14 12 12 12 +2 +1 19 +1 Physical
+1 Poison
+6 Breath Types
5th 120 + 4xCon 30ft
Darkvision 60ft 16 12 16 14 14 14 +3 +1 20 +1 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+6 Breath Types
6th 160 + 5xCon 30ft
Darkvision 60ft
Blindsight 10ft
16 12 16 14 14 14 +3 +2 20 +1 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+6 Breath Types
7th 200 + 5xCon 30ft
Darkvision 60ft
Blindsight 10ft
16 12 16 14 14 14 +3 +2 21 +1 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+6 Breath Types
8th 240 + 6xCon 30ft
Darkvision 60ft
Blindsight 10ft
16 12 16 14 14 14 +3 +2 21 +2 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+7 Breath Types
9th 280 + 7xCon 30ft
Darkvision 60ft
Blindsight 10ft
16 12 16 14 14 14 +4 +3 22 +2 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+7 Breath Types
Dragon Stats
Level Hit Points Speed Senses Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Prof +hit AC +Resistances
10th 360 + 8xCon 40ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 30ft
18 14 18 16 16 16 +4 +3 23 +2 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+7 Breath Types
11th 420 + 9xCon 40ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 30ft
18 14 18 16 16 16 +4 +3 23 +2 Physical
+2 Poison
+1 Disease
+7 Breath Types
12th 480 + 10xCon 40ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 30ft
18 14 18 16 16 16 +4 +4 24 +2 Physical
+2 Poison
+2 Disease
+8 Breath Types
13th 540 + 11xCon 40ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 30ft
18 14 18 16 16 16 +5 +4 25 +2 Physical
+3 Poison
+2 Disease
+8 Breath Types
14th 600 + 13xConn 40ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 30ft
18 14 18 16 16 16 +5 +4 25 +2 Physical
+3 Poison
+2 Disease
+8 Breath Types
15th 720 + 15xCon 50ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 60ft
20 16 20 18 18 18 +5 +5 26 +2 Physical
+3 Poison
+3 Disease
+8 Breath Types
16th 800 + 17xCon 50ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 60ft
20 16 20 18 18 18 +5 +5 27 +3 Physical
+3 Poison
+3 Disease
+9 Breath Types
17th 880 + 20xCon 50ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 60ft
20 16 20 18 18 18 +6 +5 28 +3 Physical
+3 Poison
+3 Disease
+9 Breath Types
18th 960 + 23xCon 50ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 60ft
20 16 20 18 18 18 +6 +6 29 +3 Physical
+4 Poison
+4 Disease
+9 Breath Types
19th 1060 + 26xCon 50ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 60ft
20 16 20 18 18 18 +6 +6 31 +3 Physical
+4 Poison
+4 Disease
+9 Breath Types
20th 1300 + 30xCon 90ft
Darkvision 120ft
Blindsight 60ft
22 18 22 20 20 20 +6 +7 33 +4 Physical
+4 Poison
+4 Disease
+10 Breath Types

Dragon Attacks
Level Claw (2x) Bite (1x) Tail (1x) Wing (2x) Breath (Cone)
1st 1d10 Slashing +Str - - - 3d10; 30ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
2nd 1d10 Slashing +Str - - - 4d10; 30ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
3rd 1d12 Slashing +Str - - - 5d10; 30ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
4th 1d12 Slashing +Str - - - 6d10; 30ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
Dragon Attacks
Level Claw (2x) Bite (1x) Tail (1x) Wing (2x) Breath
5th 2d8 Slashing +Str 3d12 Piercing
2d12 breath type
- - 8d12; 40ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
6th 2d10 Slashing +Str 3d12 Piercing
3d8 breath type
- - 9d12; 40ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
7th 2d12 Slashing +Str 3d12 Piercing
3d10 breath type
- - 10d12; 40ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
8th 4d8 Slashing +Str 4d12 Piercing
3d12 breath type
- - 11d12; 40ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
9th 4d10 Slashing +Str 4d12 Piercing
5d10 breath type
+2xStr Crit 19
- - 12d12; 40ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
10th 5d12 Slashing +Str 8d12 Piercing
6d12 breath type
+4xStr Crit 19
- 3d12 Bludgeoning 15ft Cone +Str 15d12; 50ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
11th 5d12 Slashing +Str 9d12 Piercing
6d12 breath type
+4xStr Crit 19
- 5d8 Bludgeoning 15ft Cone +Str 18d12; 50ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
12th 6d12 Slashing +Str 11d12 Piercing
7d12 breath type
+4xStr Crit 19
- 5d10 Bludgeoning 15ft Cone +Str 21d12; 50ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
13th 6d12 Slashing +Str 13d12 Piercing
7d12 breath type
+5xStr Crit 19
- 5d10 Bludgeoning 15ft Cone +Str 24d12; 50ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
14th 7d12 Slashing +Str 15d12 Piercing
7d12 breath type
+5xStr Crit 19
- 6d10 Bludgeoning 15ft Cone +Str 27d12; 50ft Cone
(recharge on 5,6)
15th 10d12 Slashing
2d12 breath type
20d12 Piercing
12d12 breath type
+7xStr Crit 18
8d10 Bludgeoning
15ft Cone +Str
2d12 Bludgeoning +Str 40d12; 60ft Cone
(recharge on 4,5,6)
16th 11d12 Slashing
2d12 breath type
+2xStr 19 crit
22d12 Piercing
13d12 breath type
+7xStr Crit 18
9d10 Bludgeoning
15ft Cone +2xStr
2d12 Bludgeoning +Str 45d12; 60ft Cone
(recharge on 4,5,6)
17th 12d12 Slashing
3d12 breath type
+2xStr 19 crit
24d12 Piercing
14d12 breath type
+8xStr Crit 18
10d10 Bludgeoning
15ft Cone +2xStr
3d12 Bludgeoning +Str 50d12; 60ft Cone
(recharge on 4,5,6)
18th 13d12 Slashing
3d12 breath type
+3xStr 19 crit
27d12 Piercing
15d12 breath type
+8xStr Crit 18
11d10 Bludgeoning
15ft Cone +2xStr
3d12 Bludgeoning +Str 55d12; 60ft Cone
(recharge on 4,5,6)
19th 14d12 Slashing
4d12 breath type
+3xStr 19 crit
30d12 Piercing
17d12 breath type
+9xStr Crit 18
12d10 Bludgeoning
15ft Cone +2xStr
4d12 Bludgeoning +Str 60d12; 60ft Cone
(recharge on 4,5,6)
20th 18d12 Slashing
6d12 breath type
+5xStr 19 crit
40d12 Piercing
20d12 breath type
+15xStr Crit 17
3x Crit Daamage
12d10 Bludgeoning
15ft Cone +4xStr
5d12 Bludgeoning +2xStr 100d12; 90ft Cone
(at will)

Dragon Aspects

Fire Aspect

Breath Save DC: Charisma-Based

Breath Types: Fire & Poison


  • Normal dragon attacks from the dragon attacks table


  • Lingering Breath: As a Free Action your Dragon Construct can cause its breath attack to leave a lingering damage over time effect on all creatures hit for 100% of the damage it deals lasting 1d4+1 rounds. Your Dragon Construct can use this 3 times per long rest.
  • Passive: All of your Dragon Construct's damage over time effects can crit. Additionally any effect involving a saving throw instead of an attack has its power doubled on a natural 1 rolled by your opponent.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Charisma


  • Lingering Breath: Now causes 200% damage as a damage over time effect and your Dragon Construct recovers 1 use of this ability after a short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct has advantage on attacks against any creature with one of its damage over time effects on them.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Charisma (total of +6)


  • Lingering Breath: Now causes 400% damage as a damage over time effect.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct has +1 critical range against creatures with one of its damage over time effects on them.
  • Passive: Critical hits from damage over time effects cause triple damage. If an effect would already cause your Dragon Construct to deal an increased multiplier on a critical hit, its critical damage multiplier increases by 1.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Charisma (total of +8)

Great Wyrm

  • Lingering Breath: Now causes 1000% damage as a damage over time effect and recover all uses on a short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct has +2 critical range against creatures with one of its damage over time effects on them.
  • Seething Rage: Your Dragon Construct creates an aura of Fire or Poison up to 30ft radius centered on it dealing 25d10 damage when a creature first enters it or ends their turn in it (Constitution saving throw for half). Any creature within the aura is considered to be under the effect of one of your Dragon Construct’s damage over time effects. Your Dragon Construct can activate or deactivate this aura as a Bonus Action.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Charisma (total of +12)

Earth Aspect

Breath Save DC: Constitution-Based

Breath Types: Disease & Acid


  • Normal dragon attacks from the dragon attacks table


  • Festering Claws: As a Bonus Action, your Dragon Construct’s claw attacks this round inflict an atrophy. A creature that takes damage from them must make a Strength and Constitution saving throw -- for each failed save, that creature takes 2 points of damage to all physical abilities scores. Max of 4 points of damage to any single ability score, and cannot bring a creature’s physical ability score below 1. Your dragon can use this ability 2 times per short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Constitution


  • Festering Claws: Now causes 3 points of damage to a max of 6 and can be used 3 times per short rest.
  • Passive: You and your Dragon Construct have advantage on all saves against affects that would lower ability scores or hinder attacks.
  • Passive: Whenever your Dragon Construct inflicts damage or a penalty to a creature’s physical status (other than hit point damage), it can make an additional claw or bite attack against that creature as a Free Action if it’s within range.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Constitution (total of +6)


  • Festering Claws: Now causes 4 points of damage to a max of 8 and can be used 4 times per short rest. Additionally your Dragon Construct can consume two uses of this effect to apply it to all targets hit by its breath attack as a Free Action.
  • Festering Breath: As a Free Action, your Dragon Construct can apply any one of the diseases from the spell Contagion to all creatures hit by its disease breath if they fail the Constitution saving throw of the breath attack -- any creature affected by a disease from this effect can attempt a new saving throw at the end of each of their turns to remove the disease. Your Dragon Construct can use this effect 2 times per long rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Constitution (total of +8)

Great Wyrm

  • Festering Claws: Now causes 5 points of damage to a max of 10 and can be used 5 times per short rest. Additionally damage from this effect kills a creature if it reduces their ability score to 1
  • Festering Breath: Recovers after a short and long rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Constitution (total of +12)

Air Aspect

Breath Save DC: Dexterity-Based

Breath Types: Lightning & Thunder


  • Normal dragon attacks from the dragon attacks table


  • Lightning Claws: Your Dragon Construct’s natural attacks arcs onto enemies within 10 ft. of the primary target (including the primary target). The arc damage is all converted to lightning damage.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Dexterity


  • Lightning Claws: Now can chain to enemies within 15 ft. of the primary target.
  • Instant Bolt: As a Reaction your Dragon Construct can teleport up to 90ft away to an unoccupied space you can see in a straight line. All creatures your Dragon Construct travels through with this teleport take 25d12 lightning damage with a Dexterity save for half (DC 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Dexterity Modifier). Your Dragon Construct can use this ability 2 times per short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Dexterity (total of +6)


  • Lightning Claws: Now can chain to enemies within 20 ft. of the primary target.
  • Instant Bolt: Now causes 50d12 lightning damage to all creatures it passes through and 50d12 thunder damage in a 15 ft. radius at its destination, Dexterity save for half. Your Dragon Construct can now use this ability 3 times per short rest.
  • Mist Form: Your Dragon Construct can dissolve into a misty, dispersed form that cannot be targeted or harmed by effects that target a single creature until the start of its next turn as a Reaction. Your Dragon Construct can use this ability 1 time per short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Dexterity (total of +8)

Great Wyrm

  • Lightning Claws: Now can chain to enemies within 30 ft. of the primary target.
  • Instant Bolt: Now causes 150d12 lightning damage to all creatures it passes through and 150d12 thunder damage in a 15 ft. radius at its destination, Dexterity save for half.
  • Mist Form: Your Dragon Construct can use its Misty Form ability 2 times per short rest and it can choose to stay in its Misty Form for up to 1 min. Your Dragon Construct cannot take Actions, Bonus Actions, Reactions, or Item Interactions while it is in its Misty Form, but it can move up to 200 ft. each round. While in this form, it can move through any crack thin enough to allow air through.
  • Passive: You and your Dragon Construct are under the constant effects of haste.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Dexterity (total of +12)

Water Aspect

Breath Save DC: Wisdom-Based

Breath Types: Cold & Bludgeoning


  • Normal dragon attacks from the dragon attacks table


  • Healing Breath: Your Dragon Construct gains a 3rd breath attack that you can use to heal all creatures for the amount equal to the breath damage in its breath cone. The Dragon Construct is always healed by this when used.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Wisdom


  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct naturally regenerates hit points equal to 8x its Wisdom Modifier each round.
  • Aspect of Life: As a Free Action, all healing spells and abilities your Dragon Construct uses this turn heal their maximum amount and are increased by 100%. Your Dragon Construct can use this ability 1 time per long rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Wisdom (total of +6)


  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct naturally regenerates hit points equal to 12x its Wisdom Modifier each round.
  • Aspect of Life: Your Dragon Construct can now use their Aspect of Life ability 2 times per long rest and it increases healing by 200%.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Wisdom (total of +8)

Great Wyrm

  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct naturally regenerates hit points equal to 20x its Wisdom Modifier each round.
  • Aspect of Life: Your Dragon Construct can now use their Aspect of Life ability 4 times per long rest and it increases healing by 400%.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Wisdom (total of +12)

Void Aspect

Breath Save DC: Intelligence-Based

Breath Types: Necrotic & Psychic


  • Normal dragon attacks from the dragon attacks table


  • Void Claws: As a Bonus Action, your Dragon Construct can imbue its claw attacks with a thread of Void energy for 1 round. Each time an enemy is hit by a claw attack, it must make a Constitution and Intelligence saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Intelligence Modifier). If it fails its Constitution saving throw, it begins taking 10d10 points of necrotic damage each round for 3 rounds. If it fails its Intelligence saving throw, it falls asleep for 3 rounds. Ongoing damage from this or any effect that was already present on the target will not wake sleeping creatures, though other damage will. Your Dragon Construct can use this effect 3 times per long rest.
  • Passive: Enemies that would normally be immune to sleep effects you create gain a +4 bonus to their saving throws instead.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Intelligence


  • Void Claws: When activating Void claws, they now last for 1 minute. The damage on a failed Constitution saving throw increases to 25d10 points of necrotic damage each round for 5 rounds and the duration of sleep increases to 5 rounds.
  • Dreaming Breath: Your Dragon Construct gains a 3rd breath attack that causes all targets hit that fail their save to fall asleep for 2 rounds.
  • Nightmares: Your Dragon Construct’s bite attacks this turn will not wake a target that is asleep from one of your effects, this is a free action. This ability can be used 5 times per short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Intelligence (total of +6)


  • Void Claws: The damage is increased to 50d12 and lasts for 1 minute, the sleep duration increases to 1 minute, and your Dragon Construct can now use this ability 4 times per long rest.
  • Nightmares: When your Dragon Construct uses its Nightmares ability it can now use its Bite attack for all of its bites this turn. This ability can be used 5 times per short rest.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +2 to Intelligence (total of +8)

Great Wyrm

  • Void Claws: Void Claws now stay active for 10 mins and the damage is increased to 100d12.
  • Nightmares: When your Dragon Construct uses its Nightmares ability all of its bite attacks against sleeping targets this turn are critical hits. This ability can be used at will.
  • Passive: Your Dragon Construct gains +4 to Intelligence (total of +12)

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