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# Blood Hunter Order: Order of the Witchborn Less an official order and more a collective of the lost and abandoned, the first Witchborn were children; those unfortunate souls who, through greed or carelessness, found themselves cast from their families into the care of fey creatures. Whether accepted as an offering, or stolen to be raised among the faerie courts, they were able to free themselves and return to the mortal world, but found themselves forever changed by the experience. This order uses the sinister fey magics they learned to gain power over their foes through blood and true naming, a practice that makes them among the most knowledgeable on occult forces.
##### True Names A true name is the name by which a self-aware creature identifies itself. This could be its birth name, or one it chose or earned later in life. True names can change over time, as a creature comes to embody the truth of a new name, and many have sought to hide their true names behind a pseudonym, only to realise they now embody that identity more than the original. As a quick guide, a creature has a true name if it understands at least one language or it has an alignment.
### Blood Tells All When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn to use blood magic to extract a creature’s true name. When you damage a creature with an active rite weapon, you may spend your bonus action and force it to make a Charisma saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC. On a failure, you mentally learn that creature’s true name. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, it is immune to this feature for 24 hours, though you may still learn its name by other means. ### The Name of the Thing From 3rd level, a creature has disadvantage on saving throws against your Blood Maledict curses if you speak its true name as part of the curse. \columnbreak ### Call of Blood and Bone Starting at 7th level, you craft a number of magically prepared vials equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you lose any vials, you can craft replacements as part of a long rest, and the previous vials lose their magic. A vial can be filled with a creature’s blood, and the blood will not coagulate or dry out while it remains in the vial. When you cast a curse as part of your Blood Maledict feature, you may choose not to expend a use of your Blood Maledict feature. The cast must target a creature whose blood you have stored in a vial, and the blood in the vial is used up as part of this casting. When you cast the curse in this way, you may affect the target creature regardless of distance or sight, so long as you are both on the same plane of existence. ### The Heart of the Matter From 7th level, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks against a creature whose true name you know. ### Brand of the Hidden Truth Beginning at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation now lays a creature’s identity bare before you. When you brand a creature, it must make a Charisma saving throw against your Blood Tells All feature (it must make this save even if it previously succeeded against that feature), and you automatically learn its damage vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities, as well as its condition immunities. While it is branded by you, a creature cannot knowingly speak a lie in your presence, though it may still choose to evade the question or refuse to speak. ### Face of the Faerie Court From 15th level, the fey magics lingering in your blood mark you as changeling. You may cast the *alter self* spell at will, with Intelligence as your spellcasting ability. ### The Power in the Name At 18th level, you can use a creature’s name to temporarily bind it to your will. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you takes the Attack action, you may use your reaction to speak its true name and force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature cannot attack its initial target again until the end of its current turn, and must choose new targets or lose the attack.
Design by Lexi Abbey | Based on the Blood Hunter class by Matthew Mercer: | Made with GM Binder