5E - Vehicles of the Realms

by Darkenneko

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Vehicles of the Realms


Vehicles of the Realms

Ship Cost Travel Pace Cargo Capacity Creature Capacity
Regular Transports
   Carriage 100 gp 3 Mph (24 miles per day) X X
   Cart 15 gp 3 Mph (24 miles per day) 0.25 tons 2 crew, 2 passengers
   Chariot 250 gp 3 Mph (24 miles per day) X X
   Sled 20 gp 3 Mph (24 miles per day) X X
   Wagon 35 gp 3 Mph (24 miles per day) X X
Infernal War Machines
   Devil's Ride X 120 ft. 100 lb. 1 crew
   Tormentor X 100 ft. 500 lb. 2 crew, 2 passengers
   Demon Grinder X 100 ft. 1 ton 5 crew, 3 passengers
   Scavenger X 100 ft. 2 tons 4 crew, 4 passengers

Vehicle Stat Blocks

To aid in running adventures where vehicles engage in combat, undertake precise navigation, or face situations where their various capabilities become relevant, the following section presents new rules and stat blocks for a spectrum of vehicles.

Basic Statistics

A vehicles stat block has three main parts: basic statistics, components, and action options. Vehicles can't take any actions on their own. Without effort from its crew, a vehicle might roll away, come to a stop, or careen out of control.

Controlling a Land Vehicle

When you are in control of the vehicle you are the one to make the required saving throw or ability checks, you can also add your Proficiency Bonus to the vehicle's AC. You must be piloting the vehicle to do this.

If a vehicle requires multiple creatures to pilot it, only one creature can add their Proficiency Bonus to the AC of the vehicle.

Vehicle Components

All vehicles share the same basic components. These components are the Hull/Frame, Control, Movement, and optionally the Weapons. A vehicle might have special components not listed here, if so it will be described in the vehicle's stat block.

Hull/Frame. A hull/frame is the basic form of the vehicle and is what supports all other components. If the hull/frame is ever reduced to 0 hit points, the vehicle is destroyed.

Control. How the vehicle is controlled, this is where the driver is located.

Movement. How the vehicle moves, the driver controls this component. If this is destroyed, the vehicle's speed is reduced to 0.

Weapon. The combat capabilities of a vehicle.

Creating Your Own Vehicle

When creating your own vehicle, there are a few things to keep in mind. Land vehicles will often rely on beasts of burden in order to move them, in which case the Armor Class, Hit Points, and Speed of those components will be determined by the beasts, as well as if they have any barding or armor.

Hull/Frame Health
Constitution modifier Hit Points Damage Threshold
+0 50
+1 100 10
+2 200 10
+3 300 15
+4 400 15
+5 500 20


A heavy two-wheeled vehicle, commonly without springs, drawn by mules, oxen, or the like, used for the conveyance of heavy goods.

A cart has the following features.

Frame. The vehicle has an open, wooden frame that can carry heavy crates.

Control. The vehicle uses reigns for its control, and they must be used to move the cart.

Cart Storage

The storage of the vehicle has the following features:

Railing. The cart has a 2-foot-high rail covered in wood around its perimeter that provides half cover for Medium creatures and three-quarters cover for Small creatures behind it.


Large Vehicle (10 ft. x 10 ft.)

  • Creature Capacity 1 crew, 2 passengers
  • Cargo Capacity 1/2 ton
  • Travel Pace 3 miles per hour (24 miles per day)

12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 0 0 0

  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


On its turn, the cart can take the move action below. It can't take this action if it has no crew.

Move. The cart can use its control (reigns) to move with its horse.


Armor Class 8

Hit Points 50

Control: Reigns

Armor Class 15

Hit Points 20

Move up to the speed of the vehicle's beast, with one 90-degree turn. If the control is destroyed, the cart can't turn.

Movement: Draft Horse

Armor Class 10

Hit Points 19

Speed (land) 40 ft. (requires at least 1 crew)

Movement: Wheels (2)

Armor Class 15

Hit Points 20; -5 ft. to speed per 5 damage taken

Speed (land) see Movement: Draft Horse


  • 0.1 - Creation, adjustments, finalizing details, added changelog.

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