Druid: Circle of Masks

by kingstarman

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Circle of Masks

Druids of the Circle of Masks are the protectors and storytellers of nature. Each carves a set of masks and adopts the character that the masks represent channeling the elder druids creatures who wrote down and inspired the stories and work with rhythm and weapons to weave their performances.

Circle Spells

The Circle of Masks grants access to an expanded spell list, which are always prepared for you, and do not count towards the maximum number of prepared spells you can have at any given time.

Druid level Spell
3th blur, magic weapon
5th elemental weapon, haste
7th freedom of movement, stoneskin
9th steel wind strike, skill empowerment

Combat Performers

Starting at 2nd level, your affinities lay in the dance and discipline of combat, you gain proficiency with the performance skill and with the following weapons; Greatclub, Handaxe, Battleaxe, Shortbow, and Longbow. You gain the shillelagh cantrip, it counts as a Druid spell for you and does not count against spells known.

Masks of Fate

Additionally, at 2nd level, you can expend a use of your Wildshape feature to don one of the masks of fate for 1 minute. When you do you gain the benefits of which mask you choose to wear and gain temporary hit points equal to three times your Druid level.

  • Monkey. You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack the next attack made against that creature is made with advantage.
  • Rabbit. Your jump height and distances are tripled for the duration. You can make a long jump without needing a running start. When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on its next attack against you.
  • Deer. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws while concentrating on a Druid spell. Whenever you are hit with a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed. This bonus movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
  • Dragon. You add your Wisdom modifier to Charisma checks you make. Whenever a creature is the target of an attack within 5ft of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage to that attack.

Character Rotation

At 6th level, when you use your action to cast a druid cantrip, as an action, you can make one weapon attack or switch which mask you're wearing. This does not reset the duration of your Masks of Fate feature or grant you temporary hit points.

Dance of the Masked

At 10th level, donning your mask and the passion of your dance inspires the masses. When you use your Mask of Fate feature up to 5 of your allies within 10ft of you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Druid level.

Performance of many Masks

At 14th level, as an action, you can make a weapon attack against a creature and all allies within 10ft of the creature can use their reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


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