Race: Otterfolk

by HicksDude

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Art by Butter Otter


The Otterfolk are a group of creatures that decided the best way to keep themselves safe from the dangerous monsters and threats of the world is to keep moving as much as they can. They are often a nomadic people who wish only the best for their families and tribes, making sure that they stay as safe as possible, but will often help out those in need or if it benefits the tribe. The Otterfolk have a long tradition in voyaging and sea travel, making them one of the races that can be found on almost every corner of the world.

Animal Origins

The animal heritage of the Otterfolk can best be seen in their appearances, still holding on to characteristics similar to common otters. Otterfolk tend to be between 3 to 4 feet tall, weighing around 40 to 80 pounds. All Otterfolk have a set of whiskers surrounding their nose and mouth.

They usually have varying colored furs, ranging mostly from dark browns to even those who have a mostly white fur. Most Otterfolk have large black irises and pupils, but rare cases tend to have lightly colored irises for some unknown reason.

Otterfolk tend to wear practical clothes, preferably material that is water repellent or water proof as to make it easier to swim and travel. However, they will often accessorize themselves with sea shells, shiny trinkets, or any other items they might have found or traded.

Kindly Creatures

Most Otterfolk have one concern that drives them to be part of their tribe, family. While they might play tricks and pranks on those around them, Otterfolk deeply love and care for the ones that they call family and will help them in their goals and in their times of need.

Despite not wanting to be part of society and focus more on a nomadic lifestyle, Otterfolk do care about others who are in need. Whether they be the injured of the nearby human settlement who’ve suffered a devastating avalanche or an elven ship sinking and in need of rescue, these small creatures will more often than not help them.

Voyaging in Their Blood

Many tribes tend to stick to their nomadic and voyager traditions, only a few tribes having permanent settlements, and even fewer living among the same settlements with other races. Most tribes travel through the winding rivers of the land or the vast oceans in search of new land and places to set temporary camps to care for the needy and raise the young.

Once in a few generations, a group of young Otterfolk will say their farewells to their home tribe and set off on their own, charting their own paths and creating new tribes in order to help keep their traditions and sense of family alive.

In the rare cases that Otterfolk assimilate into a settlement, they will often be the premier cartographers or traders, due to their excellent sense of direction and ability to travel long distances.

For Family, Others, and the Sense of Adventure

Oftentimes when an Otterfolk sets out for the adventurer’s path, it's to help their tribe or any other creature in their time of need. However, there are cases of natural curiosity and a call to adventure that stirs an Otterfolk’s desire to voyage.

Otterfolk Names

Otterfolk names originate from their native language of Otteren. This language evolved from the series of squeaks, squeals, clicks, and other noises that ancestral Otterfolk would make. Each male and female have their own names and a tribe name they associate with instead of surnames.

Male Names: Hanaho, Ekon, Kono, Pipo, Hahan, Moa, Epon, Ohe, Inho, Seto

Female Names: Pipa, Hana, Seta, Mea, Eka, Mela, Epah, Kanda, Oha, Ina

Tribe Names: Pata, Awa, Haka, Hone, Ashita, Merina, Ehta, Baero, Aval, Ooat

Art from Silvija Stroncikaite

Otterfolk Traits

Your Otterfolk character has a number of traits in common with all other Otterfolk

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma increases by 2

Age The maturity level of the Otterfolk is quite speedy and they mature around the age of 5 or 6. However, Otterfolk tend not to live more than a century.

Alignment Otterfolk are naturally good, doing what's best for their community, family, and friends. They also tend to be fairly chaotic, loving to play tricks and pranks on others.

Size Otterfolk are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh between 40 and 80 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Creature of the Water While Otterfolk do not breathe underwater, you are well equipped to survive in watery terrains. You can hold your breath for up to an hour at a time. You also have a swimming speed equal to your base walking speed and can see up to 30 feet in murky water as if it were clear.

Claws Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike.

Innate Voyager You gain proficiency in the Survival skill

Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and Otteren, a language evolved from the series of squeaks, squeals, clicks, and other noises that ancestral Otterfolk would make.

Part of the Family You are able to lend a hand to your friends as if they were your own family. You can use the Help action as a bonus action, and its range increases to 10 feet.


Sea Otter

You hail from the nomadic Otterfolk tribes that brave the perilous oceans to discover uncharted places to call home.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1

Dense Fur. You gain an unarmored AC of 12 + your Dexterity modifier due to your thick coat of fur, and you can apply a shields bonus if you are using a shield.

Insulated Coat. You gain resistance to cold damage

River Otter

You come from the Otterfolk tribes that often surround rivers and streams. While still fairly nomadic, these otters are more prone to setting up camps and living in a stationary area for longer periods of time.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1

Hard to Pin Down. Creatures have disadvantage when making a grappling check against you. Additionally, you can ignore non-magical difficult terrain.

Swift foot. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.

Slice of Home. Whenever you and any additional creatures of your choice take a short or long rest, they gain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier as you make the area cozier to be in.

Created by Hicks

Edited and helped by the wonderful people of the Discord of Many Things server.

Art by Butter Otter and Silvija Stroncikaite


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