Innune Campaign Setting - Covered

by Shruubi

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World of Ravia


About this campaign setting

The approach I have taken with the world of Ravia is to provide a campaign setting that features elements that can be referenced in the Players Handbook for fifth edition, as such, things such as deities and some major locations are taken directly from the Forgotten Realms setting, and other things will feel somewhat familiar if you are familiar with other fantasy settings such as Paizo's Golarion.

The world that the players find themselves in is one that finds itself at the peak of a great upheaval of the world order, a being calling themselves The Primarch has finally reached his goal of taking over the entire continent of Innune, bringing the vast majority of the world under his iron-fisted rule. Those who have not bent the knee to The Primarch remain within their homes, not wishing to journey beyond their borders and into the lands controlled by The Primarch.

Under the rule of The Primarch, the world has become a very humanocentric place, using propaganda to convince the wider population than the non-human races are either inferior to humans and should be subjugated, or are vicious barbarians that are held back by the brave soldiers who serve in The Primarch's armies.

Not all who have suffered under the rule of The Primarch intend to stay that way however, as quietly, in the depths of The Wastelands, where The Primarch's reach does not extend, a coalition of various people from all walks of life are coming together. Orc's, Goblins, Firbolgs, Hobgoblins, Hags and other races are rallying behind the missing princess of Almorea, Shyalla, in a last, desperate attempt to form a rebellion against the tyranny of The Primarch.

Will you, the players, join this rebellion and free the land from the oppressive rule of The Primarch? Or will you join him in dominating the last holdouts, this giving him full control over the entire continent. Perhaps you will journey far to the east and explore the strange, mystical cultures of The Shu Province, or head into the grim remains of The Lich King and face the infinite undead hordes.

Whatever it is you decide, this is your world to explore, and your fate to shape.

Welcome to Ravia.

Calendar of Ravia

The calendar in Ravia follows the same structure as our real-world calendar, with 12 months and each month having a number of days matching the number of days in the same-numbered month from our calendar, and with the passage of twelve months marking the passing of a year.

Time in Ravia begins at year 0, and since then 13,020 years have passed.


The months are each named after one of the primarily worshipped gods, or as is commonly referred to amongst people the prime pantheon.

  1. Eldathis (Eldath, goddess of peace)
  2. Lilir (Lliira, goddess of joy)
  3. Mystrum (Mystra, goddess of magic)
  4. Savra (Savras, god of divination and fate)
  5. Tormus (Torm, god of courage and self-sacrifice)
  6. Kelem (Kelemvor, god of the dead)
  7. Tymor (Tymora, goddess of good fortune)
  8. Miel (Mielikki, goddess of forests)
  9. Lathan (Lathander, god of birth and renewal)
  10. Deneirus (Deneir, god of writing)
  11. Chaun (Chauntea, goddess of agriculture)
  12. Selune (Selûne, goddess of the moon)


There are seven days in a week, each day is named as follows.

  1. Moonday
  2. Toilday
  3. Wealday
  4. Oathday
  5. Fireday
  6. Starday
  7. Sunday


Some cultures on Ravia refer to the passage of time by the marking of different Era’s, this is most commonly found amongst the people of the Shu Province. In fact, it is an Oracle that has lived since the formation of the Shu Province who documents the passage of era’s and titles them, most of the time giving them names based on events that have yet to occur. The documented era’s are as follows.

  • The Dawn Era (0-20)
  • The Era of Cataclysm (20-80)
  • The Era of the Rising Dragon (106 - 1238)
  • The Era of Empires Rising (1238 - 1243)
  • The Era of the Demon’s Throne (1243 - 2372)
  • The Era of the Bloody Blades (2372 - 2406)
  • The Era of Falling Sands (2406 - 4680)
  • The Era of Decline (4680 - 7631)
  • The Era of Elven Blades (7631 - 8217)
  • The Era of Humanity Reborn (12300 - 13000)
  • The Era of of Ebon Crowns (13000 - Current)


Scholars and clerics mark the passage of time through ages, while similar to the passage of era’s, these ages are chosen mostly by what scholars deem most important.

  • The Lost Age
  • Age of the Osmant Empire
  • Age of Rebuilding
  • Age of The Primarch

Holidays & Celebrations

There are a number of holidays celebrated across Ravia, the most common are as follows.

Winter Solstice (1st of Kelem)

First day of Winter

Spring Equinox (1st of Lathan)

First day of Spring

Summer Solstice (1st of Selune)

First day of Summer

Autumn Equinox (1st of Mystrum)

First day of Autumn

Night of Many Blades (14th of Savra)

Commemoration of the first political purge of the Osmant Empire

The Day of the Burning Wolf (28th of Miel)

Commemoration of the destruction of Wolfwater during the War of Elven Blades.

Duskfall (12th of Kelem)

Commemorating the appearance of the meteor in the sky that brought about Duskfall.

Mornrise (19th of Chaun)

Day of remembrance for those killed in the meteors strike on Ravia, and a celebration of the end of Duskfall.

Manyfolk Day(6th of Lathan)

Celebrating the end of the War of Elven Blades.

100 days of Magmarr (2nd of Tormus - 10th of Miel)

A holiday celebrated by the giants to remember King Magmarrs journey across the tribes of fire giants to unite them under one banner, eventually uniting all the giants in the War of Elven Blades.

Timeline of Innune

The following is a basic timeline of major events that occurred over the 13,000-year history of Innune, this timeline does not cover every event or include every detail as to do so would make this document hundreds of pages long.

Creation Dawn of Time The universe is created.

Elves Arrive on Ravia (Year 5)

Elves use the Aiudara to teleport from Castrovel to Ravia, this marks the beginning of Elven civilization on Ravia.

Appearance of the Host-Tower of the Arcane (Year 16)

A strange tower magically grows on the northern shores of Almorea, seemingly inhabited by mages, however, not too long after, the mages seem to abandon the tower, leaving it empty.

Arrival of the Ebon God on Ravia (Year 19)

The Ebon God arrives on Ravia

Dawn War begins & Start of the Lost Age (Year 20)

The gods join forces to combat The Ebon God, this also marks the beginning of the Lost Age.

Elves retreat below ground to escape the Dawn War (Year 28)

The elves that came from Castrovel, looking to escape the cataclysm of the Dawn War escape to underground caverns where they build makeshift cities to protect themselves from the warring gods and their collateral damage.

The story of Diayou spreads (Year 43)

The tale of a young boy who placed himself in between an injured Bahamut and The Ebon God spreads throughout the land, the story goes that during a fierce battle around the Shu Province, Bahamut was injured by the Ebon God, and as the Ebon God approached to land the killing blow, a young child of about five years old ran out and placed himself in between the two gods, The Ebon God paused as they could not comprehend why a fragile human would attempt to stop him, this gave Bahamut enough time to gather their energy and blast the Ebon God, injuring them enough to give them cause to flee.

The grateful Bahamut named the boy Diayou and declared him as his chosen and adopted son, granting him eternal life and enough power to be considered a demi-god.

End of the Dawn War & Lost Age (Year 80)

The Lost Age ends with the Ebon God defeated by the combined strength of the gods, but not without the landscape of Ravia being sundered by the cataclysmic battles.

The Shu Province is united by Diayou (Year 106)

Diayou, with the power bestowed upon him by Bahamut, decided to use this gift to better his home region and unite the warring east and west of the nation into what is now called the Shu Province, this effort proved successful and Diayou was declared the emperor and given the title of The Dragon Emperor due to his ability to transform himself into a dragon.

Ataxia Invectus spreads across Herfuria/Feigrheimr (Year 356)

A disease of unknown origins spreads across Herfuria (locally called Feigrheimr), the disease is given the name Ataxia Invectus and causes rapid weight loss, hair loss and the skin to fall off before causing death, at which point, a creature who dies of the disease is reanimated as a zombie. Many of the infected were exiled to the large forest to the northern part of the nation, the infected and reanimated zombies shambling in the edges of the forest led to the forest being called The Forest of the Draugr.

Elves return to the surface (year 430)

A majority of the elves that sought shelter from the Dawn War return to the surface world and begin rebuilding their homes, this marks the beginning of the construction of Allanteas.

Some Elves do not return to the surface, and instead opt to expand upon the home they built for themselves underground, calling themselves Deep Elves.

Civil War breaks out amongst the Deep Elves (Year 438)

The deep elves, unable to decide who will lead them and becoming more affected by some form of corruption located deep in the earth devolve into a civil war, with most combatants fighting merely for selfish reasons.

A group of females who have been mistreated by the power-hungry men and looking for any escape to regain power and teach the men a lesson gather together, and, led by a female named Yvonnel beseech the power of Llolth, who offers her power and blessings so long as the Deep Elves swear their undying and eternal loyalty and faith to her. The females agree, and go on to dominate the Deep Elves, forcing all to worship Lolth and establishing the city of Menzoberranzan and the ruling council, with each of the original group of females forming a noble house and gaining a seat on the ruling council, as such, the Deep Elves became the Drow.

Rise of Humanity (Year 1238)

Humanity suddenly and violently spreads across the lands, and the name Osmant is first heard across the world.

Unification of Humanity (Year 1243)

A human by the name of Osmant marches a band of warriors across the continent, defeating and bringing all human tribes under his banner.

Order of the Unbending Faith founded in Witchwood (Year 1244)

Lord Tythus Wisengamot gathers a coalition of knights and paladins and forms the Order of the Unbending Faith to act as a defensive military force against the dark creatures that lived within the Witchwood.

Formation of the Osmant Empire (Year 1247)

Osmant names himself Emperor and deems the continent under his rule.

First Expedition to the Forbidden Lands (Year 1486)

The first expedition ordered by Emperor Osmant to the Forbidden Lands sets sail, the ship and the crew are never seen or heard from again.

Capital of the Osmant Empire Completed (Year 1857)

Construction on the capital city is completed, located between the nations of Almorea and Gyaralus with a strange tower nearby.

Aerilon Astarthe finishes construction (Year 2020)

A great pyramid is built around the strange tower on orders of Emperor Osmant, named Aerilon Astarthe.

First Political Purge (Year 2165)

Emperor Osmant, under advisement from a number of power-hungry nobles, believes that the current political structure in his empire are plotting some sort of coup to overthrow him, in retaliation, on the night of the 14th of Savra, 2165, a vast majority of nobles and politicians are assassinated by order of Emperor Osmant.

Attempted coup on Emperor Osmant (Year 2167)

The first political purge had been orchestrated by a number of power-hungry nobles and politicians by claiming the then-government had an internal plot to overthrow the emperor, in actuality, this was a plan to have the government removed and these power-hungry nobles put in places of power so they could execute their coup. Their attempt failed due to a number of original conspirators deciding against the plan once they were put in positions of power, leaving the remaining culprits to undertake a failed assassination attempt for which they were punished with public torture and executions.

War with the Shu Province Breaks Out (Year 2372)

Emperor Osmant, unhappy with the Shu Province not pledging fealty to his empire, declares war on the Shu Province.

Second Political Purge (Year 2572)

Nearly four-hundred years after the first political purge, Emperor Osmant orders the purge of a large portion of the nobles and government officials, most of whom are descendants of those put in place from the first political purge. In the place of those removed are a number of political power-brokers and kingmakers who have been operating at the behest of Emperor Osmant.

War with the Shu Province Ends (Year 2406)

declares the Shu Province a renegade state and it becomes forbidden to acknowledge the Shu Province exists.

The Withering Tyrant slips through the Aiudara (Year 2783)

An ancient fey dragon named Nyrrinteol, The Withering Tyrant manages to pass through the Aiudara from Castrovel into Ravia and begins to attack Elven cities.

Elandorr Cramys kills The Withering Tyrant in single combat (Year 2785)

An elven warrior named Elandorr Cramys hunts down Nyrrinteol and single-handedly battles the dragon, after two straight days of battle, Elandorr lands the final blow, killing the Withering Tyrant. Death of the Elven Sages (Years 3164 - 3678) The Elven Sages, four of the five original travellers from Castrovel that arrived in Ravia pass away and are buried in Morenial Ath Tel'ihar (Tomb of the Elven Sages), only the Elder-Seer remains as part of the original travellers from Castrovel. Elandorr Cramys, hero of the Elven folk, swears his eternal soul to guard the tomb.

Emperor Osmant removes all government (Year 4006)

Emperor Osmant, no longer trusting even his close advisors, collapses all government and forces all politicians and nobles to give up their titles and assets or be executed. This year would be known as The Year of the Iron Tyrant.

Osmant Empire Vanishes (Year 4680)

The Osmant Empire suddenly, overnight, just disappears, the capital city itself has vanished, in its place is an enormous desert.

Ingomarr Volcano Erupts (Year 5412)

Ingomarr Volcano, a volcano deep in the Edge of the World mountains erupts, wiping out many tribes of Goliaths and Giants, it is believed that a city of Fire Giants is responsible for this event.

The rise of King Magmarr (Year 5422)

The Fire Giant, King Magmarr journeys to the halls of all the Fire Giant clans and defeats each Jarl, becoming Jarl of each clan and unifying the Fire Giant clans under his banner, a feat that he completes in 100 days, a holiday celebrated by Fire Giants as “The Hundred Days of Magmarr”

The Polimus Barony secedes from the Kingdom of Gyaralus (Year 5547)

Tensions between the people of the Polimus Barony and the ruling Kingdom of Gyaralus reach a boiling point, King Typhus XIII decides that rather than facing a civil war he would most likely lose, and have The Polimus Barony become its own nation he would allow them to secede and become an independent nation without any bloodshed, thus appearing to be the magnanimous king who cares for the woes of his people rather than an iron-fisted ruler.

The Polimus Barony chooses Baron Asmar Altreus to be their elected king and becomes the nation of Altreus.

The Dragon Prophecies are Recorded (Year 5621)

An ancient platinum dragon lands in Talenvet and speaks a prophecy before dying, the cause of death or why the dragon left the Edge of the World mountains and landed in Talenvet are unknown to this day.

The Dwarves begin the “Journey for Sky” (Year 5961)

The Dwarven people, who have always lived in underground cities, begin a journey to discover what is beyond their underground tunnels, calling it the Journey for Sky.

Mithral Hall is built (Year 6013)

The dwarves, in their “journey for sky" discover the Mithral-rich mountain in the north of Gyaralus and claim it as Mithral Hall, the new home of the Dwarven people.

The Sorcerer-King appears in Altreus (Year 6491)

A mysterious figure appears in Altreus claiming to be the Sorcerer-King, the greatest and most powerful magic-user in all of Ravia, and declares themself king of all Altreus, the citizens and the actual king generally ignore them as nothing more than a rambling lunatic.

The Sorcerer-King claims Altreus (Year 6500)

The Sorcerer-King breaks into the royal palace of Altreus and magically forces the king to decree that the Sorcerer-King is the new king of Altreus before forcing the king to kill himself.

The Sorcerer-King becomes the Lich King (Year 6541)

The Sorcerer-King completes the ritual of Lichdom and becomes a lich, naming themselves the Lich King, ruler of Altreus and renaming the entire nation the Domain of the Lich King.

The Lich King raises a small island off the coast of their new domain and constructs a tower from which they would rule their domain, this tower becomes known as the Dead Tower.

Vampires appear in Herfuria/Feigrheimr (Year 6552)

Rumours spread amongst the locals that a brood of vampires had made their home in the Forest of the Draugr, and were amassing the zombies and infected into an army.

Bone Dragon attacks Rocinante (Year 6557)

An undead Bone Dragon appears in the nation of Gyaralus, laying waste to the city of Rocinante before flying back in the direction of the Domain of the Lich King.

The Crusade of Graves begins (Year 6558)

The Order of the Unbending Faith decides to deal with the rising threat of the undead, both from the Domain of the Lich King and The Forest of the Draugr, they begin their march from Embercairn in Almorea down towards Herfuria.

Battle of Thordinslond (Year 6560)

The vampires, hearing of this crusade, send their army of undead across Herfuria and are intercepted in the region of Thordinslond, which becomes the location of the first battle of the Crusade of Graves. The crusaders are routed due to sheer numbers and retreat back to The Einarjar Peaks.

The Vampires use the mass of dead bodies to perform a ritual known as the Ritual of Eternal Night, blocking out the sun and shrouding Herfuria in eternal, wintery night, allowing the vampires to come forward from the forest and join the battle.

The Battle of Einarjar Peaks (Year 6562)

The Crusaders had managed to hold their ground in the Einarjar Peaks due to the fortified position, but they were slowly losing ground to the unending swarm of undead who did not need sleep or sustenance to maintain a war. In a last ditch effort to gain a position of power against the vampires and their undead army, the crusaders beseeched the aid of the Einarjar spirits of the mountain, who agreed to help get rid of the threat of the undead in their sacred lands. Bolstered by the aid of the Einarjar, the crusaders cut through the undead and drove them back to the Forest of the Draugr, where a magical seal was put in place to prevent them from leaving the forest again.

The Einarjar spirits following the battle undo the spell, ending the Eternal Night in Herfuria.

The Crusade of Graves ends (Year 6563)

With the undead sealed in the Forest of Draugr, the Order of the Unbending Faith were left with a fraction of their fighting force and their resources were all spent, as such, it was decided that they would have to settle for the liberation of Herfuria and thus the crusade ended.

Dwarfholme is founded (Year 7210)

The Dwarven city of Dwarfholme is founded in the south-west corner of Almorea in the Edge of the World mountains.

War of the Elven Blade Begins (Year 7631)

The elves of Allanteas march from their home towards Dragon Spine in the beginning of a war between elves and giants.

Battle of Dragon Peaks (Year 7638)

The elves who marched from Allanteas encountered their first major battle at the base of the Dragon Peaks with the giants maintaining the advantage of the high-ground to keep the elves from pushing into the mountains and attacking the homes of the giants, the skirmishing occasionally gained the attention of the dragons who roosted in Dragon Peaks who would fly down and indiscriminately attack any beings they saw.

Battle of Oaths Crossing (Year 7712)

By 7706, the Elven army had not been able to gain a strong foothold in the Dragon Peaks and were pushed back towards Oaths Crossing, the giants sensing a chance to push the elves back into Alvengrove pushed their attack all the way back to Oaths Crossing, led by a young and upcoming general of the giant armies, General Eilgr.

Siege of Allanteas (Year 7801)

After the success the giants saw in the Battle of Oaths Crossing, the giants had indeed managed to push the elves back to Alvengrove, and as far back as the borders of Allanteas, placing the elven city under siege for the next three years, the siege is eventually broken but the elves still struggle to escape Alvengrove and skirmishing around the borders of Alvengrove continues for many years to come.

The Crusade of Wyrms Begins (Year 7802)

The Order of the Unbending Faith convened a new crusade to combat the dragons who had been awoken by the warring elves and giants, and who were now raiding and destroying farms and villages across Almorea.

The Siege of Embercairn (Year 7808)

The giants believe that the newly formed Crusade is nothing more than a cover for the humans to march from Embercairn and take the rear of the force camped outside of Allanteas, and as such, split their force to lay siege to Embercairn in an effort to keep the Order of the Unbending Faith focused on defending their home rather than coming to the aid of the elves. The siege breaks four years later when General Eilgr shifts troops to the west to battle the elves around Alvengrove.

The Sacking of Wolfwater (Year 7824)

The Fire-Giant King Magmarr, seeing an opportunity to not only defeat the elves but to take over Almorea splits his army further, and begins to target the nearby cities of Alvengrove and Embercairn, the first casualty is the city of Wolfwater which is reduced to cinders overnight on the 28th of Miel, a day which is remembered as “The Day of the Burning Wolf”, and is respected as a day of remembrance even now.

The Invasion of Herfuria (Year 7846)

With the great success King Magmarr has in his domination of Almorea, he turns his attention to Herfuria, and, using Almorea as his staging ground, begins invading the southern nation.

The First Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse (Year 7850)

The Herfurians do not take the invasion of the giants lightly, however, the Frost Giants, feeling right at home in the cold south of Herfuria push deep into the nation, reaching the Grimfrost Expanse which played host to the largest battle of the War of Elven Blades, and after a day of fighting, the Herfurians had pushed back the Giants but suffered heavy losses, the losses sustained in the First Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse are commonly pointed to as the reason why Herfuria fell to the giants.

The Fall of Herfuria (Year 7872)

Lacking the numbers to hold back the invading giants, but refusing to surrender, the Herfurians make one last stand at the city of Klofningar, where Jarl Hrothgar is killed by General Eilgr, with the defeat of the king, Herfuria falls under the rule of King Magmarr and the giants.

The Herfurian Rebels join the War of Elven Blades (Year 7881)

The small number of remaining rebels from Herfuria fled into hiding, taking years to cross the dangerous land of the Lich King before coming up north to Gyaralus and then east into Almorea, entering into Alvengrove and meeting with the Elder-Seer who foretold that a great hero would appear from within the ranks of the Herfurians who would turn the tide of the war.

Ulf Halfdan battles General Eilgr in single combat (year 7904)

An Herfurian by the name of Ulf Halfdan, a human of exceptional size and strength saved a retreating force of humans, elves and Herfurian rebels by challenging the Storm Giant General Eilgr to single combat, much to the surprise of the giants who witnessed this battle, Eilgr was vastly overpowered by Ulf and slain, the other giants, fearing his great strength retreated out of fear, this earned Ulf the name of Giantsbane.

Ulf Giantsbane killed in battle by Volstus (Year 7926)

Ulf Giantsbane, believed by many to be the great hero who was prophesied by the Elder-Seer, and who had led the elves, humans and Herfurians in many successful battles against the giants, was challenged to single combat by a storm giant named Volstus, who was the son of Eilgr. The battle ended quickly with Volstus overpowering the mighty Ulf Giantsbane and killing him. In honor of his fallen foe, Volstus ordered the giants to carry his body home and build a tomb fit for the strongest warrior of all the small-folk.

War of the Elven Blade Ends (Year 8217)

While Ulf Giantsbane was dead, his memory and the damage he had caused on the moral of the giants had left the giants on the back foot and on track to lose the war, believing the only way to ensure the giants weren’t wiped out, Volstus convened peace negotiations, with the Elves, Humans and Herfurians agreeing to peace, the giants returned to the mountains, returning Herfuria to its people.

The Second Crusade of Graves begins (Year 8998)

The Order of the Unbending Faith, having not learnt from their mistakes in the first Crusade of Graves, march into Herfuria to attempt to purge the undead presence from the nation, and continue on into the Domain of the Lich King.

The Second Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse takes place (Year 9003)

Much like the first Crusade of Graves, The Order of the Unbending Faith vastly underestimates the sheer numbers of the undead in Herfuria, and the fact that dead crusaders become new undead, the crusaders are pushed back to the Grimfrost Expanse where the second Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse takes place, seeing the frozen plains turn into a sea of undead bodies.

King Myrrtul of Talenvet assassinated (Year 9361)

King Myrrtul, a greedy and inept king, had arranged a marriage between his son (Yarvis) and the daughter (Belle) of the king of Almorea (Reginald), however, this marriage was to be leveraged by King Myrrtul to have his son become the next king of Almorea, from which Almorea would be swallowed up into the Talenveti Kingdom. King Reginald, not wanting to see his people become swallowed up by the Talenveti Kingdom arranged for the assassination of King Myrrtul, for which The Guild of Whispers was hired, the assassination was successful, and Yarvis took the throne of Talenvet when the marriage was cancelled.

Bai-Gu-Jing Blight spreads across the Shu Province (Year 9789)

The Bai-Gu-Jing Blight (roughly translated to White-Bone Demon Blight) spreads across the Shu Province, destroying crops and grain stores and bringing the Shu Province into a famine. Those who consume food infected by the blight become affected by a curse that becomes known as “The Weeping Agony”, a curse that causes numerous bleeding and puss-producing sores to appear across a persons body, putting them in immense pain, with many either dying from their bodies being unable to deal with the pain or opt to end their own life rather than continue to suffer the pain. The east and the west both blame each other for originating the blight as tensions rise between the people of the Shu Province.

Civil War ignites in The Shu Province (Year 9791)

Tensions between the East and West of the Shu Province boil over, incited by a revolutionary from the east named Fang Long who believes that the Dragon Emperors united Shu Province is a failure and the reason for the Bai-Gu-Jing blight and that the nation should return to the old days of the east and west being split as he believes that the blight originated in the west, and splitting the nation in two would allow the east to keep out those of the west who, according to him, are bringing the blight in to the east.

Fang Long becomes the avatar of the Fire Spirit (Year 9793)

Fang Long, having built his revolution to a fever pitch, invades the city of Fenikusu, and performs a ritual to bind the Fire Spirit - the Phoenix Meizha to his body, becoming the avatar of the Fire Spirit, his intention is to use the Fire Spirit to gain the power necessary to fight and defeat the Dragon Emperor Diayou.

Diayou battles Fang Long, creating the Emperor’s Sea (Year 9794)

Emperor Diayou, in his ancient dragon form battles Fang Long, in the form of an enormous phoenix, the battle culminates with Fang Long being struck down by Emperor Diayou, the resulting blast creating an enormous crater in the land which eventually fills with water and becomes an in-land sea known as The Emperor's Sea.

Cure for Bai-Gu-Jing Blight Discovered (Year 9796)

A wandering female arcanist appears in the Shu Province and concocts a cure for the Blight as well as the resulting curse, Emperor Diayou mass-produces the cure and sends it across the Shu Province, eradicating the disease and curse in the nation. The female arcanist disappears before any thanks or acknowledgement of her work can be given.

The Duskfall occurs, shattering Kithis into the Kith Archipeligo (Year 10424)

A giant meteor appears in the sky on the 12th of Kelem, shrouding the sun and turning the entire continent into a perpetual night, five months later on the 19th of Chaun, the meteor crashes down onto Ravia, landing on top of the continent of Kithis, shattering the continent.

Unbeknownst to the people of Ravia, the meteor carried on it a brood of Aboleth Larvae, who, post the crash of the meteor spread across the ocean depths of Ravia.

Celebrating 2,500 since the end of the War of Elven Blades (Year 10717)

The elves and the giants convene a celebration to mark 2,500 years since the end of the War of Elven Blades, the celebration is held at Oath’s Crossing on the 6th of Lathan where the giant Volstus and an emissary of the Elder-Seer symbolically recreate the signing of the peace treaty between elves and giants.

A small detachment of giant emissaries is sent to Herfuria where a ceremony is held jointly between the Herfurians and the Giants in honour of Ulf Giantsbane and his status as a great warrior, this ceremony takes place at the Giantsbane Cairn.

Elturel is teleported to Avernus (Year 11342)

Through unknown means, the city of Elturel in Gyaralus is magically teleported into Avernus, the first layer of hell. The only known citizen of Elturel who was not teleported was found weeks later in a near comatose state, simply muttering the words “Graazt” and “Agtho'zoth”.

First Mention of the Abolethic Sovereignty (Year 11412)

The first documented evidence that aboleths had arrived via Duskfall, is documented via what is referred to as the Abolethic Sovereignty, the documentation originates from a journal kept by an adventurer who was never seen or heard from post the journal washing up on the shores of Herfuria.

The journal describes the Aboleths as arriving in anticipation of serving their “Ebon Master”.

The Primarch appears (Year 12300)

A human calling himself The Primarch appears, seemingly originating from Herfuria, and begins single-handedly invading and taking over the various nations.

Fall of the Lich King (12312)

The Primarchs conquest truly begins in The Domain of the Lich King where a furious battle at the top of the dead tower takes place between the two powerful beings, the Lich King is bested and imprisoned in his phylactery on top of the dead tower, unable to reconstitute or escape.

Siege of Mithral Hall (Year 12840)

Drow armies, led by Yvonnel the Eternal make an unsuccessful attempt to invade Mithral Hall using underground tunnels, Yvonnel is killed by then-king Bruenor Battlehammer as they repel the invaders.

Almorean Royal Family Betrayed (Year 12950)

The royal family of Almorea are betrayed by a general named Vecna Tyranus, who opens the gates to let in the forces of the Primarch, for his betrayal, Tyranus is named Archon of the North. The young daughter of the king, Shyalla, manages to escape with the assistance of a few people still loyal to the royal family.

Primarch Controls most of the Continent (Year 13000)

The Primarch has taken control of most of the continent, the Shu Province still remains Independent.

Bruenor Battlehammer abdicates the throne of Mithral Hall (Year 13007)

Bruenor Battlehammer becomes the first king of Mithral Hall to abdicate the throne, with little fanfare he sets off across the land to become an adventurer again.

Aerilon Astarthe becomes home for the Almorean Rebellion (Year 13014)

Shyalla who, since escaping Embercairn had built good relations with the persecuted races of Almorea brings all of her allies to Aerilon Astarthe and establishes the ancient structure as a home and sanctuary for all the persecuted races to be safe from The Primarch.

Campaign Begins (Year 13020)

This is where we are in the campaign.

Races of Ravia


Humans are as varied as they are wide-spread, generally viewed as a fierce and proud race that have no interest in stepping outside of what they know and what is comfortable to them, their short lifespans and propensity for resolving conflicts with violence and war make them a common target of contempt amongst the other races, but, underneath all of that is an undying spirit that has allowed the human race to survive through numerous trials and tribulations and still stand as the dominant race on Innune.


When the gods came together to shape the various forces of creation into all that we know today, not everything went as planned. While these powerful deities could freely wield the powers of the positive and negative energies, and bend them to their will, they could not control the chaos of the elements, and in that chaos, the first sparks of life were found.

As far as even the most learned scholars with access to the deepest of secrets know, the first humans stepped forth into the land of Herfuria and from there, spread across the world, reaching the farthest corners of every land they stepped foot in.

Initially, the gods were unsure of the humans, as they were aberrations that existed in their otherwise perfect creations, and as such, were content to leave them to die in the harsh reality of their new world. However, the chaos that gave the humans life had also given them free will, and from that free will came an intense instinct to survive and endure against all odds, and eventually, the humans were not just surviving, but were beginning to thrive.

This fascinated the gods, who, for them, had previously been unable to comprehend an existence that they could not directly influence and control, and as such, decided that rather than fight against the humans, to present themselves to the humans as divine beings that should be worshipped and revered.

What the gods did not expect was how well this plan would work, as despite the humans free will granting them the will to endure against all odds, it also granted them an intense fear of the unknown, especially the unknown of death and beyond, and as such, the humans accepted the gods as divine beings deserving of worship and faith almost immediately and without question.

It was at this point that the gods discovered the fundamental link between the life that had been created and them, as the gods realised that the more creatures placed their faith and worship in a particular god, the more powerful that god became. With the realisation that the gods now needed the beings they created more than these beings needed the gods, the gods became much more invested in the lives of these beings, creating a pseudo-arms-race of gathering up followers to increase their power and influence on the world.

As the gods built up followers and gained power, they also became more concerned that should mortals realise the truth of the relationship between the gods and the mortal beings, the mortals could do away with the gods and continue on without them. As such, the gods began to convince their followers that fervent faith and worship would be rewarded, and those who were the most pious and faithful would be granted a portion of the gods divine power, thus trying to, at least in appearances, inverse the power dynamic between gods and mortals so that the mortals would believe that they need the gods more than the gods need them.

Over the course of 13,000 years, this approach has been incredibly successful for the gods as even though mortal civilisations have risen and fallen, the mortals faith in the gods has remained unwavering and steadfast, ensuring that the gods power and control over the world is secure.


Human culture is incredibly varied and mostly dependent on the surrounding location as well as the history of the people in that region.

In general, due to humanities short lifespan, they live in a strange mix of nostalgia and futurism, simultaneously enamored with past glories and wistfully seeking to relive “golden ages”, while also quick to discard with tradition and the past if it means striking off on a new venture. Nowhere is this more present than with relics of the past, both treasured items that are worthy of keeping as a record of the great successes of the human race, and old trash that keeps humans rooted in the past and unwilling to adapt and evolve with the times.

Humans have a fascination with older races and cultures, although more often than not this is superficial in nature and not born out of a true fascination or respect, but rather, based in an unspoken jealousy and desire for humans to present themselves as equal to or better than other races or cultures, even if it means stealing parts of other cultures and adapting it into their own.

Human culture has a long history of intolerance and xenophobia against other races, perhaps in part encouraged by the gods who did nothing to dissuade humans from their great fear of things they did not understand or comprehend, but this intolerance and xenophobia has existed throughout all of human history and has led to all other races viewing humans as small-minded and uneducated, and beings that would rather perform horrible violent acts than grow as a people and learn from their mistakes.

However, like in all things, humans are a study in extremes, and while there are many cases of human bigotry and small-mindedness, there are a number of examples of humans who have fought tirelessly and given their lives for the cause of peace and unity and with a belief that the human race can truly make the world a better place.


At the end of the Dawn War and the Lost Age, the god Muradin engaged in a fierce rivalry with Gruumsh One-Eye. Gruumsh travelled deep into the earth of Ravia, very near to the prison of the Ebon God and molded the earth and stone that had been corrupted by the Ebon God’s presence into creatures that he named orc’s, and unleashed this new army upon Muradin, Clangeddin and Dumathoin. Muradin gathered his two brothers and together they built a great forge, and using their combined might, trapped an elder fire primordial within this forge to power it, naming this forge Gauntlgrym. From this forge, Muradin smelt strange metals and gave them humanoid shapes and imbued them with life, Clangeddin forged arms and armor and bestowed upon them honour and fighting spirit, and Dumathoin imparted wisdom and the secrets of the earth, and thus, the first dwarves were given life.


The Dwarves initially, using the knowledge of Dumathoin, built their home around Gauntlgrym, and from the great forge created powerful arms and armor from which they battled the orc’s of Gruumsh.

For many thousands of years, the Dwarves were thought of as myths to those who lived on the surface as few, if any dwarves had journeyed beyond the deep caves of their home, and it was not until king Taargick of Gauntlgrym that the dwarves decide that they wish to know more of the greater world and begin the “Journey for Sky”, a 52-year-long quest that culminates with the dwarves discovering the mountain that would become Mithral Hall.

Over the years, as Dwarves integrated into society in the surface world, some attempts were made to retrace their steps back to their ancient home of Gauntlgrym, however, none are ever successful, and the ancient home and forge of the dwarves is considered lost forever. Since then, the Dwarves have created massive cities underground and in mountains with the goal being to recapture the beauty and allure of Gauntlgrym, but always falling short.

As the Dwarves spread across the world, the unification of their people under one king began to crack as each citadel chose to rule itself and establish its own royal line, thus further fracturing the unity of the dwarves. However, amongst all the things that have divided the dwarves, the one thing that still unifies them is their hatred and desire to eradicate all orc’s.


Dwarves have always been headstrong folk who believe first and foremost in their gods and their way of life. This has led to long-standing feuds with other folk such as the Elves, for whom they see as “uptight, pointy-eared know-it-alls”.

Dwarves also have a deep-seated hatred of orc’s and a burning, innate desire to kill any and all orc’s they come across, and while this hatred does not extend to the more common half-orc that exists alongside modern society, dwarves cannot help but look down upon the half-orc as unnatural abominations that should be killed out of pity for having filthy orc blood in their veins.

Dwarves have a great reverence for their history and tales of dwarven legends, something that they interweave into almost every aspect of their life and culture, dwarven buildings commonly include carvings are artistic depictions of tales from history or legend, and many houses include the same for the achievements of members of their family or clan.

All dwarves, irregardless of age and gender are trained and prepared to defend their home and family in the case that either are threatened, with most dwarven children begin their training from the moment they can stand and hold a weapon in their hands, and while not all dwarves end up serving in some military or combat capacity, it is a fundamental part of their culture that they are ready to battle, most likely harkening back to the days when fending off orcish attackers was an almost-daily part of a dwarfs life.

Dwarves on the surface do not come across as highly religious folk to observers, however, dwarven culture has developed where the worship of the great brothers, Muradin, Clangaddin and Dumathoin are interwoven into the everyday lives of dwarves, whether it be through their crafting and blacksmithing, to their battle chants and even to the sharing of stories over mugs of ale, each act is in its own way done so in reverence to their gods.

Major Locations


The ancient, lost home of the Dwarves and the location of the great forge of the gods from which the first dwarves were forged in the fires of the titanic and ancient primordial by Muradin. When the Journey for Sky happened and the dwarves set forth to discover the world beyond the underground caves, the way back to Gauntlgrym was lost, and has remained so for over five thousand years, however, all dwarves, in their quiet moments of contemplation, still hear the beckoning call of home from Gauntlgrym, and ever yearn to return to their hallowed halls.

Mithral Hall

Mithral Hall’s discovery marked the end of the Journey for Sky and became the new nexus and centrepoint of dwarven civilization from which the dwarves journeyed forth across the world to establish the various dwarven citadels and kingdoms.

Mithral Hall is most famous for its vast deposits of mithral ore, making it economically significant not just to the dwarves, but to the Primarch who uses the mithral mined from Mithral Hall to forge powerful weapons and armor.

The current sitting king of Mithral Hall is Connerad Brawnanvil, son of Banak Brawnanvil who was a famous dwarven general and commander of the Battle Ragers.


The only dwarven citadel located in the nation of Almorea and a major supplier of arms and armor across the continent of Innune.

The current sitting king of Dwarfholme is Thelgrom Dragonsbane, Son of Baergrom Dragonsbane, 35th King of Dwarfholme and Head of the Legendary Dragonsbane Clan, made famous by Magmir the Dragon-Slayer, first of the Dragonsbane Clan.


A citadel built into the mountains southwest of Mithral Hall, Sundabarr is the spiritual home of the famed Gutbuster Brigade, a battalion of some of the fiercest and most respected warriors in all of Dwarven history.

The current sitting queen and commander-general of the Gutbuster Brigade in Sundabarr is Lesthiel Firehelm.


Elves are not a native race of Ravia, rather they were born and originated on the Feywilds where they built a large, thriving civilization. As the Elven cities grew and the Elves became more powerful, they started looking to spread their influence beyond the Feywilds, and as such, built large teleportation portals called Aiudara, which allowed the elves to travel to the world of Ravia, where they began establishing the first colony of elves on the Prime Material Plane.


Long ago, in the time where nothing but the gods and their realms existed, Corellon created the Eladrin as beings that represented his will, and gave them a home in his realm of Arvandor. There, the Eladrin lived for a long time, until Corellon’s then wife, Lolth betrayed him and tried to gain control of the Seldarine (the elven pantheon), for this crime she was banished, however, she did not go peacefully, and in a fit of rage, cast out the Eladrin from Arvandor and saw to it that they could never return, this caused her to warp and mutate into a spider-like creature, and this event has been the source of Lolth’s hatred and motivation.

The Eladrin, now cast from Arvandor, made a new home in the Feywilds, but still kept their traditions they developed and worshipped Corellon.

Over the course of hundreds of years, many Eladrin spread from their original settlement and formed their own settlements, which had the unpredicted side-effect of exposing different settlements of Eladrin to the various magicks found in different regions of the Feywilds, and thus, transforming the Eladrin depending upon where in the Feywilds they ended up.

One such settlement was named Castrovel, where the magic of the region caused the Eladrin to transform and become what we know as Elves, who developed an affinity not just for more practical magic than the Eladrin, but also developed more modern architectural tastes and construction abilities which led to Castrovel booming into the largest settlement in the Feywilds.

As Castrovel grew into an enormous city, it was decided that the citizens should elect leaders to guide the growth of their city and its people, and so the original council of sages was elected, and it was determined a new council would not be elected until the last member of the previously sitting council had passed away, meaning that eventually the elves would be ruled by one singular person.

Eventually, the elves decided to look beyond the Feywilds to grow their influence, and created the Aiudara rings, large teleportation portals that would allow them to cross the planes and discuer potential new worlds for them to inhabit, the first of those travellers would be the sages themselves.

The Elves ended up in Ravia, specifically the nation of Almorea in what would eventually be the city of Allantheas within the Alvengrove. From there, one sage chose this place as their home while the other four spread across the world to create other elven settlements and create more Aiudara in different locations to allow ease of travel between the elven cities.


Elves are a people who believe strongly in the expression of emotion, but otherwise are very kind and peace-loving folk. For them, given their extended lifespans, they look at life differently than most folks, choosing to follow the motto of “live and let live” above all things.

As such, concepts such as gender and identity are annoying labels that humans obsess over because they can’t exist without putting a name on everything. A vast majority of elves do not present as any one gender and can freely change between genders as they wish.

Despite all of the above, generally look down on other races, especially humans as beings who require a more developed and superior people to guide them towards the right thing and believe the best way to achieve that is to shape the world to the Elven vision, while this comes across as arrogant to everyone else, the elves themselves see it as nothing more than being good neighbours helping to bring civilisation to a world ruled by backwards savages.

Elves primarily worship the Seldarine, with their major deity being Corellon, however, other deities such as Mieliki have become rather popular as of late, especially after Mieliki created the holy unicorn Anhaern (translates to Wealdheart) to watch over and protect Alvengrove.

Elven language has evolved as originally, the elves spoke the language Castrovellian, however over time, younger elves developed slang and contractions which eventually became modern Elvish, which in practicality, is a much less formal version of the original Castrovellian.

Since the arrival of the sages on Ravia, only one of the original five sages still remains, The Elder-Seer, who still lives in Allantheas to this day and oversees all of the elves on the material plane. It is estimated that the Elder-Seer is close to 15,000 years old at this point, and has since merged with the Shanta Ath Tel'entodel (The Tree of the Sun & Moon), where he has become part of a smaller tree growing from the top of the great tree.

Major Locations


The current primary city of elves on the world of Ravia, hidden within the forest of Alvengrove.


A large forest to the west of Almorea, nearby the town of Witchwood, the forest is home to a number of fey creatures who have managed to reach the Prime Material Plane, the forest itself is protected by the goddess Mieliki and her divine unicorn Anhaern. Any creatures who wander into the forest uninvited and manage to avoid the creatures and guardians, will eventually become magically lost in the forest, never to be seen or heard from again.

Shanta Ath Tel'entodel

An enormous tree that stands at the center of all of the Alvengrove and the center of the city of Allantheas, the name, translated to common, roughly translates to Tree of the Sun and Moon. It stands approximately 1,700 feet tall (approx. 518 meters) and 528 feet wide (approx. 160 meters). The tree itself has become the basis of many buildings and homes that have been carved into the wooden body, with the top forming a platform from which the Elder-Seer looks across the entire city, it is said that from the platform, the Elder-Seer could see every other elven settlement in Ravia, however, that rumour has never been confirmed.

Morenial Ath Tel'ihar

Translates from elven to common as Tomb of the Elven Sages is a large crypt built under Shanta Ath Tel’entodel where the bodies of the Elven Sages reside, the entrance and first rooms are treated as a temple and rooms of prayer and worship to the Seldarine with further rooms containing various traps and guards to protect the bodies of the revered sages.

Of particular note, is the spirit of the Elven hero, Elandorr Cramys who most famously single handedly fought and defeated an Ancient Fey Dragon - Nyrrinteol, The Withering Tyrant. When the Tomb of the Elven Sages was constructed, Elandorr pledged their body and soul in protection of the tomb and sealed themselves within the tomb, this was over twelve-thousand years ago, and while Elandorr has long since perished, his oath keeps his soul bound to the tomb forever more to continue guarding the Elven Sages.

Morenial Ath Tel'aryathil

Translates from elven to common as Tomb of the Giantsbane. This tomb was built by the Storm Giant, Volstus in Herfuria for the hero of the War of Elven Blades, Ulf Giantsbane. This tomb is revered by Elves as a place of honour for a human and Herfurian who fought to defend the elves from the giants, and is a place where many Elven warriors make a pilgrimage to pay their respects and hopefully gain the blessings of the spirit of Ulf Giantsbane so that they too may have courage and strength in battle.


Inquisitive, fun-loving and averse to conflict, the Gnomes of Ravia tend to prefer staying close to civilization if they can help it, usually only travelling as part of a larger caravan if they absolutely must travel.


When the Eladrin were cast out of Arvandor and subsequently split into various settlements across the Feywilds, they sought a way to create more of their people now that they did not have the magics of Arvandor to assist in the procreation process. To account for this, the Eladrin created a ritual that would create the first sparks of a soul, which would then be placed into a crystal where it would grow and mature into a proper soul, and from there, a body would be created using the natural magic of the Feywild and the soul would be placed within this new body, thus, a new Eladrin was born.

This process served the Eladrin well, who remained unable to procreate naturally unlike the Eladrin who had been changed by the magic of the Feywild, and now referred to themselves as elves.

When the Aiudara were created, a nearby band of roving Kobolds became curious and travelled from Ravia into the Feywilds, as they explored, they discovered the hidden nest of crystals with growing souls in them. Greedy and not understanding what they had discovered, the Kobolds stole a large number of these crystals and fled back into the underground caverns of Ravia with the crystals. The crystals, now outside of the Feywilds magical energies, could not properly develop, and began to crack and open, spilling forth a small humanoid creature with the underdeveloped soul that had resided in the crystal. Thus, the first gnomes were born.

The Kobolds were at first shocked, but quickly took advantage of this unexpected situation by enslaving these strange new creatures and using them for their own ends. The gnomes, not fully comprehending their situation went along with this situation for roughly 120 years before realising that they desired to be free and not serve the Kobolds, as such, the gnomes secretly hatched a plan to cave in the underground tunnels while they were mining, and use the cave-in to escape. This plan was successful, as many of the Kobolds that had enslaved the gnomes were killed with the surviving few trapped in the underground caverns, unable to stop the gnomes from ascending to the surface and leaving to establish their own life.

The gnomes found human civilization and offered to work hard in exchange for food and shelter, the humans, initially seeing the gnomes as strange, diminutive humans, agreed, and thus the gnomes became part of the world. Growing in numbers thanks to being able to reproduce naturally, unlike the Eladrin they were originally intended to be, and spreading across the world as a major race and one of the few races that are generally accepted alongside humans.


Gnomes themselves don’t really have a culture unique to them, as their close ties to humans mean that they share a culture with the humans they live with. However, gnomes are often curious, fun-loving and inventive, meaning that gnomes are naturally predisposed to certain fields or activities such as running a tavern or tinkering with machinery.


Gnomes do not have any locations that are unique to them, as gnomes prefer to exist alongside humans in their cities and villages, preferring the safety and security of having someone else worry about safety and security while they focus on working hard and enjoying fine food, drink and company.


Both timid and quietly courageous, the Halflings are a race that go almost entirely unnoticed by the taller races, allowing them to build a simple life for themselves almost completely untouched by the politics and wars of the surrounding world.


No one knows how the Halflings came to be on Ravia, with most scholars never having considered to talk to them and ask what they believe, all that is really known about Halflings is that as humans spread across the lands of Innune, they encountered small Halfling villages that had seemingly existed for a number of generations.

The halflings remained cordial with the humans and other races they encountered, always quick to offer hospitality in the form of food or shelter, but never leaving the borders of their villages with the exception of the occasional Halfling who would venture out into the world and experience what was beyond their home.

During the time of the Osmant Empire, Emperor Osmant would occasionally forget that Halfling villages existed in his lands. This allowed the Halflings to remain completely unbothered, and outside the influence of imperial law. This was especially underlined when even to this day, some Halflings will occasionally ask “what happened to that emperor guy?”, unaware of the fall of humanity thousands of years ago.

Even under the rule of The Primarch, the Halfling villages are left alone as most soldiers and advisers find that involving themselves with the issues and ruling of Halflings is a waste of time due to them being entirely contained within their communities.


Halfling communities are incredibly tight-knit with no laws true laws, rather, the Halflings live by a strict code of “decency” and “good manners” which has been so successful in keeping the peace in Halfling communities that there is virtually no crime to speak of amongst Halflings that is not brought from outside their communities.

Halflings have a strong fondness for stories and legends, making them unwittingly the most detailed record keepers of the entire history of Ravia, having passed down the oral history of long forgotten people and civilizations simply by matter of these stories being popular amongst Halflings.

A Halfling life well lived is considered to be a life where nothing unexpected or unwanted ever happens and where a person can come home from a day of work and enjoy a fine meal before coming together with your neighbours to tell great stories and share good mead.

However, a Halfling that journeys out into the world is considered a prized adventuring companion, as burning beneath the surface is a quiet courage and unquestioning loyalty to those they befriend, as well as a natural ability to pass unnoticed through even the most heavily guarded of locations. The Halfling race is also legendary for their seemingly constant good luck, leading to “lucky as a halfling” being a common expression across Innune.


There are small Halfling communities all across Innune, with the largest being no bigger than 250 people. These locations are often not marked on any maps as they are either not known about or were not considered remarkable enough to be mentioned. The villages themselves are found most commonly in fertile farmland and close to a water-source so as to allow farming and agriculture, a common profession amongst Halflings.

Halfling villages themselves look exactly like human villages, just scaled down to suit the smaller stature of the Halfling folk, although Halfling houses are more likely to sacrifice overall room size across the house to allow for larger kitchen and food storage space.

Within Halfling villages, there will often be at least one building which is scaled to the size of a Halfling, these are usually built not because the Halflings want outside visitors, but because their innate tendency to be hospitable and “decent” to visitors drives them to go out of their way to create comfortable conditions for their visitors.


Cruel and cunning, the drow are a people that excel at anything they do, drilling their minds and bodies to perfection in their never ending quest to prove their racial superiority to any and all other races of Ravia, that is, of course, when they are not scheming and plotting against each other.


When the Dawn War broke out, many elves sought refuge underground to escape the cataclysmic battles between the titanic gods, they would stay there for a number of years after the end of the Dawn War, unsure of whether or not the fighting had stopped. However, a small number of elves refused to return to the surface, whether this is because they did not want to leave the home they had established underground, or whether it was because they were unsure of whether the battles on the surface had ended, no one really knows, but these elves remained underground while the majority returned to the surface, with those that remained unaware of how close they were to the newly created prison of The Ebon God.

Over time, the elves' proximity to the prison of the Ebon God slowly began corrupting the surrounding area, this corruption evolved these elves, changing their biology to better suit the underground and slowly changing them until they had lost their original elven beauty and could no longer remain on the surface without feeling negative effects. This corruption also turned these elves into cruel, malicious beings, all of whom were power-hungry and greedy and fighting amongst each other to rule over their underground home, and be the one true ruler of this new breed of elves, which they called Drow.

A small group of females banded together, and used their combined power to seek aid from The Spider-Queen, Lolth. Llolth was delighted to see that these females were not only beings after her own heart, but were willing to subjugate the entire Drow population and force them into her service. As such, she granted these females her blessing, and the females brought the Drow population to heel, each of the group of females formed a noble leading house and sat on the ruling council, thus giving rise to modern Menzoberranzan and establishing the Matriarchy that defines Drow society.


Drow culture is built entirely around two key pillars, the absolute worship of Lolth and ensuring that the Drow are superior in all ways to any other beings. This combination makes fanaticism in their faith as well as every other part of their daily life a central component of Drow culture, combined with their natural cruelty and cunning, the daily life of a drow is navigating the knife's edge of ensuring you are seen as appropriately devoted to Lolth as well as not finding yourself stuck in the middle of two powerful drow houses and the plotting and scheming that see’s many drow killed or tortured on a daily basis.

Drow society is a matriarchal one, and as such, being born male in drow society means that in all things you are secondary to the females of the house, and are at all times considered disposable when it comes to a females wants or desires.

Drow males that belong to a noble house have two paths available to them if they do not wish to be killed or sacrificed for being useless, and that is study to become a wizard and serve the house as a house-mage, or study to become a warrior, and hopefully prove yourself skilled enough to rise to the rank of weapons-master in a noble house - the only position a male can take that commands even a small modicum of respect, although, still lower and worth less than any female irregardless of rank amongst a noble house.

Amongst the females, it is a requirement that any female who wishes to become a person of power or influence must be trained and devout in their worship of Lolth. There is no path for ascending in rank or influence outside of plotting and scheming against those of a higher rank than you, and no means by which to maintain your rank outside of out-maneuvering those below you and defeating them by whatever means necessary. As such, it is not an uncommon event to see lower ranking houses in Menzoberranzan rise and fall, while the higher ranking houses that make up the ruling council very rarely change, with a small number of the uppermost ranks having never changed and remained the same since the founding of the city.


The drow live in the underdark, in a massive city called Menzoberranzan. The city itself sits on a large rocky platform that sits over an enormous casm called The Claw-Rift, and is generally broken into tiers. The topmost tier is reserved for the ruling houses of the city, and is the most exclusive location in the city, the next tier down is where the minor houses are located and is frequently a location of inter-house battles. Below that is the main city where the vast majority of the population live and spend their days, and is also the location of Arach-Tinilith, the drow school where females go to learn to be a priest of Lolth, and males can go to learn arcane or martial arts. Finally, the lowest tier is called “The Stench-Streets”, and is the slums of Menzoberranzan where many criminals and rogues hide and where crime and murder are as common as breathing.

The city itself, despite being underground does have a day/night cycle, which is artificial and maintained magically by the Arch-Mage who every day magically empowers the central stone pillar of Narbondel, a magical clock that emits varying degrees of light across the city, thus creating the day and night cycle.


A race of half-blooded giants who were created by the cross-breeding of humans and giants during the War of Elven Blades, the Goliaths have since taken it upon themselves to establish their own life and culture away from the influence of the giants who scorn Goliath-kind for not being pure-blooded giants.


During the War of Elven Blades, raiding parties sweeping through small villages were not an uncommon event, most of the time, the Giants would come in, kill, loot and burn the village to the ground more so for the pure enjoyment of it than for any tactical reason, however, some giants would not stop there, and would forcefully take humans as their mates.

The offspring of these pairings were Goliaths, or Smallbloods as the giants called them. Initially the giants sought to use this new breed as a means of bolstering their armies, however, the giants could not help but treat the Goliaths with derision and scorn, and eventually, a Goliath would be exiled, usually by the giant-blooded parent for bringing shame upon the clan name, and the human-blooded parent would be killed for daring to bring about corrupted giant blood.

The exiled Goliaths would band together and establish their own tribes and culture on the outskirts of The Edge of the World mountains, far away from the influence of the giants.


As much as Goliaths have made conscious efforts to separate themselves from the influence of giants, Goliath culture and Giant culture are very similar.

Goliaths break their society down into Tribes, and within each tribe is a number of clans, the clans are those related to each other via blood or marriage, and the tribes are a collection of clans who have come together in mutual benefit.

Goliaths are very spiritual in nature, they concern themselves with the flow of nature and with the natural order of things, and see events that go against the expected natural order to be ill omens, foretelling terrible events that will fall upon the tribe or clan.

Goliaths are also natural warriors, their innate size and strength lend themselves well to focusing on combat, and it is a right of passage for a Goliath child to fight one of the adults of the tribe in front of the tribal elders, where it is not about winning or losing the fight, but about showing courage, heart and strength in the face of battle.


Edge of the World Mountains

Goliaths are only known to be found in the Edge of the World mountains, and it is incredibly rare for a Goliath to journey beyond the mountains and into wider society.

Most people know of Goliaths due to their relationship with the Giants, but rather than fear or hatred, people often feel pity for Goliaths due to the nature of their birth.


At the beginning of the Dawn War and the Lost Age, the gods sought the aid of the powerful warrior-god, Gruumsh One-Eye, who agreed to aid the other gods on condition that he be accepted amongst the pantheons and given equal treatment. With this promise in place, Gruumsh battled ferociously against the Ebon God, in many cases saving the other gods from certain death and frequently driving off the Ebon God.

When the Dawn War ended, and the Lost Age came to a close, Gruumsh approached the gods to claim what he had been promised, however, the gods scorned Gruumsh as a vile beast for whom no creature could put their faith in, and Muradin cast him from the halls of the Godmoot, barring him from ever returning.

Gruumsh, furious and this betrayal, traveled deep into the earth of Ravia and found the Ebon Gods prison, and noticed the corrupted earth that surrounded the Ebon Gods cage. Gruumsh took this earth and from it created the first orc’s that would act as an army and emissary of his hatred and destruction.

Gruumsh guided these first orcs towards Muradin, and sent wave after wave of blood-crazed creatures at the god who had betrayed him so. This led Muradin to gather his brothers and create the forge of Gauntlgrym which gave birth to the dwarves.


When the city of Gauntlgrym was founded, the orc’s were directed to destroy the city and all of its inhabitants by Gruumsh, who told the orc’s that the dwarves were evil creatures forged from the corruption of an imprisoned god (and not revealing that in truth, the orc’s were these creatures), and as such, the orc’s channeled their ferocity and blood-thirst towards the dwarves, nurturing a racial hatred between the dwarves and orcs that exists to this day.

When the dwarves left Gauntlgrym in the Journey for Sky, the orc’s gave chase, not wishing for the dwarves to escape alive, this chase led to the orc’s coming to the surface around the same time as the dwarves did, with the end of the Journey for Sky marking the arrival of both dwarves and orcs into the wider world.

Since then, Orcs have never established a true home for their people, preferring instead to travel in tribal groups, surviving off of hunting and gathering and whatever they can obtain from the few people who will trade with them, and occasionally, when times get tough, from robbing merchant caravans on the roads.


The perception of orcish culture differs wildly from the truth of orcish culture. Many people, especially humans have been led to believe that orcs are nothing more than savage barbarians who kill the innocent and eat babies and enjoy bathing in the blood of those they kill.

In truth, orcs are creatures who enjoy travelling across the world, discovering new things and living within their tribe. They tend to keep to themselves due to the fear that they unwittingly instill in most folk, and only interact with others if it is necessary, and while they have been known to rob travelling merchant caravans, in actuality, they only take what is necessary for the tribe to survive, leaving the rest to the merchant.

Despite their peaceful nature, orcs don’t shy away from their warrior heritage, and continue to practice the art of warfare, even going so far as to learn other fighting styles from various cultures around the world, as such, it is not uncommon to encounter an orc who is well versed in the martial stylings commonly found in the Shu Province.

Orc’s are also very superstitious people, and take special care in ensuring they perform many various rituals designed to appease their gods and the spirits of the land.

Major Locations

Orc’s have no single major location unique to them, as they live primarily a nomadic lifestyle.

Assorted/Less-Common Races

The following are brief descriptions of some of the less-common races found across Innune.


Naturally curious explorers originating from the Kith Archipelago across the sea, they are usually wont to travel and learn/experience new cultures and bring these experiences and ideas back to their home, as such, modern Tabaxi culture is a strange mish-mash of things from various cultures across the world.


Ancient documents show that the Kenku were an avian race that originated from the Azurecgos Forest in Gyaralus, originally having the ability to fly. The Kenku in the forest lived under the protection of the ancient blue dragon, Azurecgos, for whom the forest was given its name, leaving only to sneak into surrounding farms and villages and steal anything and everything they could get their hands on, with Azurecgos protected the Kenku from retribution from those they stole from.

The Kenku eventually got too greedy for their own good, and decided to try and steal from Azurecgos who slept upon a vast hoard of treasure, however, Azurecgos caught them trying to steal from him. Furious that those he had protected and killed for would attempt to betray him by stealing from him, Azurecgos cursed the Kenku to forevermore live as warped, flightless birds, consumed by greed and selfishness and forever seeking to undo the curse.


Changelings are a race that are not necessarily native to the Prime Material Plane, and are instead beings born from the Shadowfell. Many Changelings that have since made their way into the Prime Material Plane have done so by accident through one of the many portals that randomly appear throughout the Shadowfell or were tricked into coming to the Prime Material Plane by those who would seek to use their powers to their own ends.


When the first conscious minds came into being, so too did the Dreamheart, a strange place from which all dreams and nightmares are born and go to die. The Kalashter were once humans who, through learning to Dreamwalk, got too close to the Dreamheart itself and became changed by the proximity to this fundamental force of the metaphysical universe. The Kalashtar became innately attuned to the Plane of Dreams, but also, unable to ever reach it again.

Nations of Innune

Travelling between nations and across borders is a very rare thing in the current age, this is due to The Primarch strongly discouraging people from going beyond their homes and experiencing the wider world and seeing how those outside of their own nation live. This is enforced as a form of control on the population as the people are less likely to become disatisfied with their way of life if they have no concept of what alternatives are available.

As such, most maps of the entire continent of Innune have been destroyed, and any maps that still do exist are incomplete, outdated and mostly cobbled together from different maps all coming from different sources.


Almorea is a nation to the north of Innune, and is the latest nation to have fallen to the rule of The Primarch after the royal family was betrayed by a general who let the invading forces into the capital of Embercairn.


Almorea has been a nexus point for a number of major events throughout the history of Ravia, being the location that the Elves arrived on the Prime Material Plane as well as the location of the ancient building Aerilon Astarthe.

At the end of the Lost Age, human civilization flourished in Almorea, with the villages of Witchwood and Wolfwater being the first villages to be established and to still exist to this day.

The village of Witchwood became the founding location and original home of the Order of the Unbending Faith in 1244 with their original mission being to defend the village of Witchwood from the Hags and other creatures that made their home within The Witchwood, the order is then moved to Embercairn in 1267 as a means for consolidating the military might of the new kingdom around the capital.

Almorea officially became a kingdom under the rulership of the Osmant Empire, and established a royal line in 1257 with each village offering a single candidate for king, with Baron Otelin Lancenor of the former Lancenor Barony being elected as the first king, and the capital of the Lancenor Barony, Embercairn, being selected as the capital of this new kingdom.

With Almorea's proximity to Asteria, the capital city and heart of the Osmant Empire, Almorea became a central part of the Osmanti Empire, with Whitehorn becoming the central trade hub and economic centrepoint of the entire continent due to its coastal location and proximity to Asteria, giving rise to the Royal Merchants Guild, an institution that still exists to this day.

After the construction of Asteria finished, Emperor Osmant conscripted large numbers of Almorean citizens for the construction of a strange pyramid structure around an unknown tower that existed in what later became The Wastelands. The construction effort took roughly 160 years to complete, and saw 7,482 deaths during construction. Very few people knew what the true purpose of this structure was for, with most people only knowing that the new structure was to be Called Aerilon Astarthe.

During 2165, a number of mid-level politicians and nobles met in the city of Whitehorn and conspired to see Emperor Osmant overthrown in the hopes of expanding their power and to take over as rulers of the empire. The plan was to begin and spread rumors that the emperors closest advisors were conspiring to overthrow the emperor, this would cause the emperor to doubt his closest allies and have them removed, thus elevating the true conspirators into positions close to the emperor, from which, once the emperor was killed, they would be able to move in and assume power.

The plan worked, as many of the closest advisors to the emperor were sent to Whitehorn, unbeknownst to each other that they were all in the city. And, on the night of the 14th of Savras, 2165, they were all assassinated.

Two years later, in 2167, the original and true conspirators had moved themselves into position and began to implement their planned coup of the emperor. However, a number of the original conspirators began to become afraid of undertaking the plot they had set out do implement, and decided instead to remain content with their positions, as such, only a small number of the original conspirators attempted to follow through on the coup. The plot failed, and those who had followed through on the plot were caught, and publically tortured and executed as both a means of entertaining the public, and as a message to those who would try such things that the emperors power is absolute.

In 2783, The Withering Tyrant, Nyrrinteol escapes from the Feywilds and emerges into Alvengrove, and from there begins wreaking havoc across the surrounding area, with the village of Amrough being nearly entirely destroyed in the rampage of the dragon, before it made a roost within the deepest part of Alvengrove. The Withering Tyrant remained a threat that rained death and destruction on the western regions of Almorea and Alvengrove until an elven warrior named Elandorr Cramys hunted down and slayed the Withering Tyrant in 2785.

In 4680, the catastrophy known as The Fall of Man occurs when suddenly, overnight, the city of Asteria and all traces of the Osmant Empire suddenly vanish, leaving in its place an enormous expansive desert that had not been there previously. Many ventured into the desert to investigate this strange occurance, however, none who ever ventured into the desert ever returned, and thus, this new desert was called The Wastelands, and became an area on Innune that none ever traveled to.

With the disappearance of The Osmant Empire, humanity became the minority existence on Innune, with other races vastly outnumbering the remaining humans, as such, besides the few remaining major cities, many of the once thriving towns were reduced to small villages, most struggling to survive.

In 6558, the Order of the Unbending Faith, one of the few remaining major military forces in Innune began what was known as The Crusade of Graves, a crusade begun by the order to wipe out the undead menace of The Forest of the Draugr in Herfuria as well as the Lich-King and his undead forces that had taken over Altreus. The Crusade of Graves lasted until 6563 when the Battle of Einarjar Peaks took place, with the Order winning what was essentially a token victory and returning to Embercairn having lost more than 85% of their fighting force.

Around 7631, The War of Elven Blades began between the Elves and the Giants, with Almorea stuck in between these two warring factions and suffering the brunt of the collateral damage as villages were looted and destroyed and innocents were slaughtered in various raids and battles that occurred nearby.

The situation was made much worse for the Almoreans as the battles had moved through The Dragon Peaks, stirring the attention of the numerous dragons that made their homes in these mountains. These dragons would retaliate by flying down from the mountains and burning and destroying anything that had not already been destroyed by the giants and elves as part of the war.

Eventually, The Order of the Unbending Faith gathered what little fighting force they had available, as well as a number of conscripts and marched forward as The Crusade of Wyrms, in an attempt to defend their homes and the surrounding villages. Unfortunately, this makes the situation worse for the humans as the giants see this crusade as a cover for the humans to march forward and attack the rear flank of the army laying siege to Allanteas, the Elven home city, and as such, the giants split their force and begin laying siege to the city of Embercairn as well as Allanteas.

The hostilities between the humans and giants escalates until the giants enter the village of Wolfwater, destroying the village and slaughtering all who lived there in one of the most brutal and violent events to take place in The War of Elven Blades, this event is remembered to this day as The Day of the Burning Wolf.

Nine years after the fall of Herfuria in 7872, those that had fled Herfuria arrived in Alvengrove. When they were brought into Allanteas and told of the war between the elves and humans against the giants, the Herfurians enthusiastically joined the war, bolstering the allied forces against the giants.

When the Herfurians marched in their first battle as part of the allied forces, a young Herfurian named Ulf Halfdan challenged the general and leader of the giant armies, General Eilgr, in single combat. Ulf easily overpowered and defeated the legendary giant general, the scene striking such fear into the hearts of the giant army that Ulf earned the name Giantsbane.

Under the leadership of Ulf Giantsbane, the allied forces began scoring victory after victory against the giant forces who were now reeling aftering losing Eilgr, until, 24 years after the death of General Eilgr, his son, Volstus, strode onto the battlefield and challenged Ulf Giantsbane to single combat, the same as Ulf had done all those years ago. The battle was over quickly as Volstus easily bested the great Ulf Giantsbane.

Volstus did not revel in his victory, instead, he mourned the death of a man who had become a respected warrior, even amongst the giants, and as such, as a show of honor to the fallen warrior, had his body transported to Herfuria where a great tomb was erected in his honor so that humans and giants alike could pay their respects to the legendary Ulf Giantsbane.

The allied forces, rather the crumbling at the loss of Ulf Giantsbane, who had led their forces since his victory against Eilgr, rallied together to continue their fight in honor of Ulf and free both Almorea and Herfuria. In 8217, the Elder-Seer of the Elves and General Volstus met at Oaths Crossing and signed the peace treaty that would mark the end of The War of Elven Blades.

After the end of the war, The Order of the Unbending Faith sought to flex their military might and convened the Second Crusade of Graves, a crusade that to many showed signs of the order not having learned from the mistakes of the past. The Order of the Unbending Faith marched their forces into Herfuria, intending to once and for all eradicate the undead presence in the nation.

Much like the first crusade however, the order had vastly underestimated the sheer number of undead that existed in Herfuria, and had also not accounted for the fact that every dead crusader was another undead they would have to contend with, as such, the crusaders were pushed back to The Grimfrost Expanse where the battle ends with no clear victor, both sides retreat back to their homes, leaving a sea of bodies littering The Grimfrost Expanse, forever buried under ice and snow.

By the 10th century, human civilization had recovered, not to the degree that it was under the Osmant Empire, but enough so that humans would no longer have to barely cling to resources to exist. As such, international politics had become an important part of ruling nations. To that end, King Myrrtul of Talenvet proposed that his son, Yarvis marry the princess of Almorea, Princess Belle. King Reginald, ruler of Almorea could not publicly decline such an offer for political and trade reasons, so, the save his kingdom and his daughter, King Reginald arranged for the assassination of King Myrrkul. The assassination was successful, and Prince Yarvis ascended to the throne of Talenvet, thus causing the arrangement to be cancelled.

2,500 years after the end of the War of Elven Blades, in 10717, General Volstus of the giants and an emissary of the Elder-Seer meet at Oaths Crossing to recreate the signing of the peace treaty as a show of good will. Simultaneously, a small detachment of giants is sent to Herfuria where a joint ceremony is held between the giants and the Herfurians in honor of Ulf Giantsbane at the Giantsbane Cairn.

Around 12950, the Almoreans are caught off-guard by an invasion led by a being calling himself The Primarch. The Almoreans have no time to organise a defence and are relegated to securing themselves behind whatever fortress walls and barricades they can, in the hopes they can outlast a siege. However, the Almoreans are betrayed by one of their own when a general named Vecna Tyranus makes a deal with the invading forces of The Primarch and opens the gates of Embercairn, allowing the invading forces into the capital. The royal family and all loyal to their line are killed saved for the princess and daughter of the king, Shyalla, who escapes the capital and flees.

As a reward, General Tyranus is named ruler of Almorea, second to The Primarch and named as Archon of the North.


Since the fall of the Almorean Royal Family after the betrayal of General Tyranis, General Tyranis was named Archon of the North and made ruler of Almorea.



Whitehorn is a city that existed before the Osmant Empire, originally as nothing more than a coastal town. When the Osmant Empire established Asteria, Whitehorn became a convenient location for trade and commerce due to its coastal location and proximity to the empires capital, as such, Whitehorn quickly developed into a major city and economic centre of all of Innune.

After the fall of the Osmant Empire, Whitehorn was spared the worst of the fallout due in large part to their vast stored fortune in both coin and necessary resources. To this day, Whitehorn remains the economic foci of all of Innune and plays host and home to a number of major international organisations.


Embercairn was originally the capital of the Lancenor Barony, eventually becoming the capital of all of Almorea when Baron Otelin Lancenor was elected king. Embercairn in of itself is less of a city and more akin to a giant fortress, with the name Embercairn being derived from the large pedestal in the centre of the fortress that contains a flame that has been burning since humans first arrived in Almorea.

Embercairn also currently serves as the home of The Order of the Unbending Faith and contains a number of temples and churches that exist in honor of the prime pantheon deities.


A small village that sits next to The Witchwood forest, the location has seen a number of strange occult occurences throughout the years, all believed to be directly related to the forest as it is believed to be a home to a coven of hags. The Order of the Unbending Faith was born in Witchwood as a means of defence against what horrors lived within the forest should they ever venture forth.


Small village to the south-east of Almorea, recently destroyed in a demon attack.


When the dwarves completed their Quest for Sky, most settled in Mithral Hall, while others continued on through various tunnels that eventually led underneath The Edge of the World Mountains and into a large cavern system that eventually was built into the Dwarven citadel of Dwarfholme.

The Dwarves of Dwarfholme are famous for their blacksmithing and crafting abilities, creating arms and armor that are more akin to works of art than tools of war, with many containing strange and magical properties.


A large forest that hides the city of Allanteas, the home of the elves and the location where the elves arrived from Castrovel.


A large, dense forest that acts like a naturally-ocurring wall between Almorea and Talenvet.

The Wastelands

The Wastelands did not exist until the fall of the Osmant Empire, where once there was an enormous thriving city, overnight became an immense desert where those who journey in, are never seen or heard from again. Legend tells that within the desert is a strange, enormous pyramid containing secrets from The Lost Age.


A small farming village to the west of Almorea, has become a waypoint for soldiers of The Primarch who travel between the two military bases at the north and south of western Almorea.


A small village that sits at the form of the Serpents Run river, primarily a waypoint for boats traveling via the river and a location for much of the fishing that supplies the outer villages and Embercairn. Is most well known, however, for The Day of the Burning Wolf when the giants reduced the village to cinders and slaughtered all who lived there. Some say that the spirits of those killed by the giants still haunt the village to this day.


A small island off of the north coast near Whitehorn, is the staging ground and primary base of operations for The Primarch's navy forces.

Cutlass Cove

A small island with naturally occuring fortification in the form of rocky outcroppings and reefs that make it almost impossible to sail into without knowing the exact path through. Currently the home of The High-Captains and the various pirate crews that serve under them.

Oaths Crossing

The location where Giants, Humans and Elves came together to sign the treaty that ended The War of Elven Blades. Every year to commemorate this occasion people from all walks of life travel to Oaths Crossing where they recreate the event and host a large celebration.


A nation to the east of Almorea, having a long history of trade and political alliances that have allowed the nation to enter a recent industrial revolution that has been highly profitable for the noble class.


When the Herfurians journeyed forth to explore lands outside of Herfuria, a large contingent of these people traveled to the east, with half settling in the lands that would become Talenvet while the other half continued through the Eastern Horn and made their way to The Shu Province.

Those that stayed in Talenvet established small communities and focused on farming and fishing, content with their simple life of living off of the land. When the Osmant Empire rose and united all of humanity, the people of Talenvet were enthusiastic about the idea as they saw this new empire not only as a means of protection from the dangerous elements of the world but also a means by which they could trade their goods and develop new crops and farming techniques that were developed in other lands.

Talenvet thrived under the Osmant Empire, becoming what many considered to be model citizens of the empire, and as such, the nation flourished and went through an intense boom period that saw rapid expansion of many small settlements into thriving villages and the small town of Estanelion turn into a bustling metropolis with hundreds of thousands of people calling the city home.

At the fall of the Osmant Empire, the Talenveti, once proud members of the Empire, adapted and focused on the vast development and resources they had built up under the empire, and through this, quickly pivoted to an independent monarchy. For many citizens, this change happened seemingly overnight and for many people, they did not even know this had occurred or the reason why.

As the Talenveti found their footing as a newly independent state, emissaries were dispatched across all the known lands and trade deals established that would see the Talenveti Kingdom through for thousands of years, some of these trade deals were basic agreements for the exchange of goods and services, however, some deals involved the trading of land, such as the deal struck with the Herfurian priests of Kord that saw the settlement of Stormhall established.

When the Quest for Sky ended in the mountains to the north, the king personally met with the dwarves and a deal was struck that saw that the dwarves would be granted ownership of the mountains both in the north-east and in the center of Talenvet (Mithral Hall and Sundabarr Mountains) and they would be free to live as independent from the Talenveti or join the kingdom if they wished, but in return, the kingdom would collect a small tax on all profits made from mining within the mountains. The Dwarves, satisfied with this deal, agreed, and since then, the profits from the Dwarven mining operations have been the primary source of income for the treasury of Talenvet.

When the War of Elven Blades occurred, Talenvet made a point of establishing their neutrality in the conflict, partially to keep the war from entering their nation, but mostly so that they could continue trading relationships with the Elves, Humans and Giants throughout the course of the war. Due to their neutral position, many people from Almorea fled to Talenvet to escape the war.

In 9361, King Myrrtul attempted to arrange a marriage between his son (Yarvis) and the daughter of the Almorean royal family, Belle. The reason for this marriage was political in nature as with a Talenveti prince becoming the king of Almorea, King Myrrtul believed that he could absorb Almorea into the Talenveti kingdom. King Reginald of Almorea, not wanting to see his daughter used in such a manner, but unable to outright refuse due to political and trade reasons, arranged with the guild of whispers to have King Myrrtul assassinated. The assassination was successfully carried out and Prince Yarvis ascended to the throne, thus ending any potential talks of an arranged marriage.

In 10424, Duskfall occurs, shattering the continent of Kithis and plunging most of the world into perpetual night as the dust and debris that was blasted into the atmosphere block out the sky for three years. During those three years, any and all trade with Talenvet ceases and those who journey into the nation are not seen or heard from until the dust and debris disperses, at which point, those that went investigating reappeared with no memory of what happened and no concept of how much time had passed.

Shortly after the fallout from Duskfall disappeared, Talenvet began an industrial revolution that persists to this day, and, in a short amount of time becomes one of the wealthiest nations in the world in part, due to their continued success in industry and manufacturing.

When The Primarch began rising to power, King Alden Lennon opted to peacefully join The Primarch in his forming empire, in return, Talenvet is mostly allowed to operate as they always have (with some laws changing to reflect the laws laid down by The Primarch), and the once Kingdom was restructured into a Duchy with the Duchal Council.


Talenvet was originally a monarchy, and during the rise of The Primarch, the then King opted to surrender and join forces with The Primarch rather than fight. As such, Talenvet went from being a Monarchy to a Duchy.

The current leader is Duchess Ariane Genest, who is chair of the Duchal Council. The Duchal Council is a small collection of wealthy nobles and business-people who advise the Duchess on matters of state and national policy, there are six members of the Duchal council who may vote on matters (there may be other members, although they have no voting power), with the tie-breaker vote being given to the Duke or Duchess who chairs the council. While the number of voting members of the council may (and has) increase or decrease, the council constitution states that there must always be an odd number of voting members to ensure that there can never be any tie votes.

Known members of the Duchal Council are:

  • Bastien Cochet (Male Human)
  • Darius Abu Bakr (Male Human)
  • Fortunata Sacco (Female Human)
  • Wilryn Vandek (Male Gnome)
  • Fayzana Springbrook (Female Halfling)
  • Stretas Taraes (Female Tiefling)



A small village set up nearby The Still Sea, mainly a fishing village.


A village set up by Herfurian priests of Kord, whenever there is a storm, the villagers gather on the highest peak and pray, hoping to be struck by lightning which they believe is a sign of being blessed by Kord. Many villagers have been killed as part of this ritual.

Sundabarr Mountains

One of the original dwarven citadels to be established since the dwarves surfaced in the Quest for Sky. Is a primary source of weapons and armor for much of Innune as the dwarves of Sundabarr are famed for their blacksmithing and crafting abilities.

The current sitting queen of Sundabarr and commander-general of the Gutbuster Brigade is Lesthiel Firehelm.

Tarrinian Feymarr

A strange, ancient tower that researchers have determined predates The Dawn War and The Lost Age, no one is quite sure what its purpose is or what is inside as no way in has ever been discovered, and the tower seems to be warded against magical intrusions.

Mithral Hall Mountains

The original home of the dwarves after they surfaced from their Quest for Sky, a citadel famed for its mithral deposits and is the central location of mithral mining in all of Innune.

The current sitting king of Mithral Hall is Connerad Brawnanvil, son of Banak Brawnanvil who was a famous dwarven general and commander of the Battle Ragers.


The village of Reykalin is nothing more than the ashes of a burnt and destroyed city, it was recently destroyed by the Arbiters, leaving no survivors, the reason given for the destruction of the village had something to do with a group known as The Cult of the Ebon God.


Estanelion is the capital city of Talenvet, a large city with buildings densely packed and rising high into the sky, with the tallest buildings disappearing into the smoggy haze that now hangs over the city. Estanelion has become famous in recent years as they have been at the forefront of industry and manufacturing. The majority of citizens who live in Estanelion work in some kind of manufacturing or factory job with the noble class being made up mostly of factory owners or business-owners who leverage industrial manufacturing for their products.


A town that sits on the border of the Pastiche Forest. Pinemarr is a Halfling settlement that feels very removed from the goings-on of the world. Travellers who visit Pinemarr often comment that everything feels slower and more relaxed in Pinemarr where the most interesting thing that happens would be a disagreement between families over whose farm grew the largest pumpkin during the last harvest.

Pinemarr is well known amongst some circles for their Ibea Root, a popular pipe tobacco that is described as having a smooth, smoky flavour to the smoker, although emits a pungent odor when burnt and smoked through a pipe.


Stratengrove is a forest to the north of the nation, wrapping around the shores of the Deranthil Cove and the western side of Mithral Hall Mountains. The forest is home to a number of small villages populated by elves and gnomes who frequently trade goods (usually wild game, furs and various fruits/vegetables/herbs) with the surrounding villages and cities of Talenvet.


Gyaralus is a nation to the far western shores of Innune that was founded during the time of the Osmant Empire as a nation that has thrived on political one-up-manship and the confusing intricacies of noble culture and social status.


Before the nation of Gyaralus was recognised as its own independent nation, it was considered “free-lands” by the people where laws did not apply and all were free to farm the fertile lands. When the Osmant Empire unified humanity, the lands were taken and made a vassal kingdom to the Osmant Empire, given to the Imperial Advisor after they had made a great show of eliminating apparent insurrectionists, in truth, the Imperial Advisor had planted evidence of an insurrectionist movement on their political rivals, using the legal system to eliminate their enemies.

With the nation of Gyaralus established, the once-advisor-now-king set about using the lands as collateral to barter political favours and as a way of rewarding close friends or paying off favours, as such, the land became a nation of noble houses, powerful politicians and rich merchants, with the only common-folk being those who served the nobles, politicians and merchants or whom, followed them out to this new kingdom in the hopes of gaining power or wealth.

As Gyaralus grew, the capital city of Rocinante was established, a city of decadence, wealth and power where living in the city meant that you were someone of note, or served someone of great importance. At the height of the Osmant Empires power, one could murder another in broad daylight in the middle of the street in front of numerous witnesses, and continue on their day with no-one batting an eyelid, with most just ignoring the scene and reminding themselves “that’s just how the rich and powerful are in Rocinante”.

When the Osmant Empire fell, Gyaralus was thrown into utter chaos as the anchor that ensured status, power and riches no longer existed. The common-folk who had been forced to live under the thumb of these power-crazed individuals finally saw their chance at freedom and revenge, and the nation of Gyaralus was thrust into anarchy and open revolt, with thousands killed and the city of Rocinante nearly burnt to the ground, the only structure still truly standing were the city walls, which were decorated with the hanging, mutilated carcasses of the murdered nobles and merchants.

With nowhere left to turn, and in fear for their life, a small group of nobles gathered together in secret and performed a ritual, summoning a powerful devil and beseeching the devil's aid in restoring their city and way of life back to how they were used to. As with all bargains with devils, nothing ever comes for free, and some deal was struck between the nobles and the devil, resulting in order being restored to Gyaralus and the city being returned to its original state, and those who had been looting and killing magically forgot why they were angry or with whom their anger should be pointed towards. However, the devil warned that even the great dukes cannot control a nation’s free will, and as such, should the people ever be given reason to revolt and rise up against the powerful elite again, there is nothing that can be done, and with that, the devil vanished.

Over the years, a new king was elected and the wider public were treated much more fairly due to the elites fears that should the public rise up again, they will begin to remember the rage that had been taken from them previously.

Since that time, devils have operated within Gyaralus and in particular, Rocinante with varying degrees of openness, some devils have kept their identity secret and disguised themselves as nobles, while others have operated out in the open and in full view of the public, something that has come to be treated as normal by the citizens of Gyaralus.


Since the rise of The Primarch, Gyaralus has not had a king, and the elected mayor of Rocinante has acted as the de facto leader of the nation. The mayor of the city is currently Gutenor Holway, who, it is believed, struck a deal with the devil Thalzar to gain his position.



The capital city of Gyaralus, a city that appears to be built extravagantly, but on closer inspection, is very worn down and dated, this reflects the city in its original state and the changed attitudes of the nobles who try not to make noticeable displays of power or wealth. Many families live within the city that lay claim to nobility, but do not have the means or influence that nobles do, however, no one really doubts their claims as it is probably more likely than not that any claims of noble blood are true.


A small village on the eastern edge of the nation that is given its name due to the stories that the original Kalashtar lived in this village before they were affected by the Dreamheart. This story is disputed by the villagers of Vallishaar who claim that their village is in fact the original home of the Kalashtar.


A small village established to act as a waystop between merchants, traders and travellers going between Rocinante and Osmuth, currently also has a large criminal presence and a thriving drug trade.


A large city that sprung up many years after the re-establishment of Rocinante as a city where people could live away from the strange sense of unease and anger that comes over people who spend time in Rocinante. Osmuth is a much more well maintained city and does not have the same problems of poverty as Rocinante.


A village to the south of the nation, next to the Azurecgos Forest that claims it is the original home of the Kalashtar. This story is disputed by the villagers of Kallisheer who claim that their village is in fact the original home of the Kalashtar.

Azurecgos Forest

A large forest that long ago was inhabited by a blue dragon named Azurecgos, who has lived there ever since, thus giving the forest its name. The forest also plays home to many Kenku, where it is said that they were originally cursed for attempting to steal from Azurecgos.

Weeping Grove

A large grove that spreads through the center of the nation and lies on the edge of Lake Tychondrius. The Weeping Grove was given its name by human explorers who ventured into the grove and found that the trees would begin “weeping” sap as the humans journeyed further into the forest. It is believed that the forest itself is “alive” in some manner and the grove itself is the home of a powerful order of druids.

Shu Province

The Shu Province is one of the oldest civilizations on Innune, dating as far back as before the Dawn War and the Lost Age, it has always been ruled over and led by Emperor Diayou, The Dragon Emperor, who as a boy, saved the dragon good Bahamut from the wrath of the Ebon God, and as a reward was adopted by Bahamut and became a Demi-God.


The history of the Shu Province begins in the cradle of civilization in Herfuria, when a group of humans choose to travel from the surrounding lands towards the east, eventually finding the lush and fertile lands that would become the Shu Province, and settling in the north-east of the nation, in the location that would eventually become Diayou Village.

During the Dawn War and the Lost Age, a fierce battle erupted between the dragon-god Bahamut and the Ebon God, who battled across half the planet, leaving nought but destruction in their wake. The battle came to a head when the Ebon God struck a heavy blow on Bahamut and sent them crashing into the lands of The Shu Province, The Ebon God approached, looking to land the killing blow on the god, until a young boy from the nearby village ran out and defiantly stood in front Bahamut, attempting to protect the dragon-god from the Ebon God. The Ebon God stopped, confused by this scene and the idea that the most fragile of all these weak creatures was attempting to stop him from killing a god, however, this was just enough time for Bahamut to gather the last of their strength and let fly a devastating breath attack that caused The Ebon God to flee. Bahamut, admiring the young boy's courage, blessed the boy and adopted him as a child of Bahamut, thus turning him into an immortal Demi-God.

At the end of the Dawn War, the people of The Shu Province, no longer having to worry about the cataclysmic destruction of gods battling one another turned on each other as civil war broke out amongst the east and west of the nation. Diayou, having seen more than enough death and destruction for one lifetime, set out to unite the people, succeeding in only a few short years, as such, the people declared Diayou as The Dragon-Emperor due to his innate ability to change his form into that of a mighty ancient dragon.

The Dawn War had left its mark on the region, the cataclysmic battles of the gods had created small tears between the Prime Material Plane and the Elemental Chaos, linking the elemental planes to the material plane. Over time, these links morphed and manifested into sentient, powerful elemental spirits that the people began to worship as gods.

The spirits became benevolent and protective of their worshippers, and encouraged them to build their homes around the spirit, and even began sharing portions of their vast elemental power with their worshippers, who began incorporating the elemental powers of the spirits into their martial arts, thus creating the different schools of martial arts, one for each spirit.

The four spirits and their associated order of monks were named:

  • Meizha, the phoenix - spirit of fire
    • Monks of the Phoenix
  • Tam-Kung, the dragon-turtle - spirit of water
    • Monks of the Peaceful Tide
  • Huang Chong, the great elder - spirit of earth
    • Monks of the Eternal Stone
  • Fujin, the eagle - spirit of air
    • Monks of the Four Winds

During the years of the Osmant Empire, Emperor Osmant demanded that the Shu Province become a vassal-state of The Osmant Empire, something that Emperor Diayou refused to do, as such, Emperor Osmant gathered his vast forces and in 2372, marched east, into The Shu Province with the intention of overthrowing this “upstart emperor” and subjugating the people of The Shu Province.

However, Emperor Osmant vastly underestimated the people of the Shu Province, and did not know the power and history of The Dragon-Emperor, and after 34 years, in 2406, the Osmant Empire was soundly defeated, only taking as long as it did due to the Osmant Empires ability to retreat back into the border mountains where battle was next to impossible.

Post the fall of the Osmant Empire, The Shu Province remained largely removed from the world at large, with not even The War of Elven Blades reaching the borders of The Shu Province.

Over the years, there were numerous attempts made by individuals to stoke the flames of the civil war between the north and the south, and to use that conflict to attempt to overthrow The Dragon Emperor, these attempts usually never amounted to nothing more than a few hundred disgruntled farmers, fishermen and blacksmiths banding together over minor disputes with another village that snowballed into rallying calls for the people to rise up against The Dragon Emperor. In reality, most of these attempts never even reached the notice of Emperor Diayou as these disputes were usually resolved by the emperor's imperial counsellors. The few that did reach The Dragon Emperors ears were usually personally attended to by the emperor who sought to resolve disputes and foster peace between the parties and never resorting to violence to quell unrest.

In 9789, the Bai-Gu-Jing Blight (roughly translated to White-Bone Demon Blight) began sweeping across the province, destroying crops and grain stores and bringing the Shu Province into a famine. Those who consumed food infected by the blight become affected by a curse that was known as “The Weeping Agony”, a curse that causes numerous bleeding and pus-producing sores to appear across a person's body, putting them in immense pain, with many either dying from their bodies being unable to deal with the pain or opting to end their own life rather than continue to suffer the pain. The east and the west both blame each other for originating the blight as tensions rise between the people of the Shu Province eventually resulting in a man named Fang Long travelling across the east and placing the blame for the famine and blight at the feet of the Dragon Emperor and convincing the people of the east that had the old ways of the east and west been maintained, this blight either would have never happened or would have been isolated to the west and not struck the eastern villages.

Fang Long turns unrest into a full-blown uprising over the course of two years, eventually invading the village of Fenikusu and performs a ritual to bind the fire spirit to his body, becoming an avatar of Meizha, the phoenix, and begins marching his force towards Diayou village and eventually on towards Diayou Fortress.

The Dragon Emperor tries on many occasions to reason with Fang Long and return peace to the Shu Province, but Fang Long, now corrupted by the power he has obtained insists that he will use the power of the fire spirit to reduce the legacy of the Dragon Emperor to ash, even if it means reducing the western portion of the nation into a scorched wasteland. Left with no choice, the Dragon Emperor battles Fang Long, a fierce and titanic battle that spans the entire nation, with blows so great that the earth heaves under their weight and the shockwaves are felt across the continent. The battle ends when The Dragon Emperor lands the decisive killing blow on Fang Long, the resulting blast shattering a crater in the land that over time fills with water and becomes The Emperor’s Sea.

The Fire Spirit is extracted from the body of Fang Long, but the spirit's power had been burnt through, and as such the great phoenix Meizha burst into a cloud of flames and feathers and in its place was a pure, glowing phoenix egg, which was returned to the village of Fenikusu to be watched over by the Monks of the Phoenix. To this day, the egg of Meizha has yet to hatch.

Shortly after the civil war, a travelling arcanist arrives in The Shu Province, bringing a cure to the blight that had ravaged the land for so long, the identity of this lady was never uncovered as she continued on her journey not long after, however, it is known that she freely gave away the cure and on orders of the Dragon Emperor, the imperial court began mass-producing and spreading the cure across the province.

Since the great battle against Fang Long, the gates of Diayou Fortress have been closed and The Dragon Emperor has not been seen since then, some believe that The Dragon Emperor was gravely injured or even killed by Fang Long and the imperial court is covering up this fact, however, the truth of the matter is still unknown.


The Shu Province is led and has always been led by The Dragon Emperor, Emperor Diayou, however, since the end of the civil war and the battle with Fang Long, The Dragon Emperor has not been seen. As such, the day-to-day running of the nation has been left in the hands of the imperial court.

The Imperial Court is made of three lords and nine ministers. The three lords are:

The Chancellor

The highest ranking member of the Imperial Court and primary advisor to The Dragon Emperor, currently held by Chancellor Liu Zhou.

The Imperial Secretary

Is the main conduit from the nine ministries to the emperor, while the rank holds little in the way of influence, no document or conversation can be had with the emperor until it is approved and potentially edited by the Imperial Secretary, thus meaning that the Imperial Secretary controls what the emperor sees and hears about, giving a cunning holder of this position an immense amount of power and influence in imperial affairs. The position is currently held by Hu Weiyong.

The Grand Commandant

The Grand Commandant is the supreme military commander in The Shu Province, second only to the emperor himself. All military policy decisions and deployments can only be requested by The Grand Commandant and approved by either The Grand Commandant, or the emperor. The current Grand Commandant is Lin Wei.

With the nine ministers being:

the Minister of Ceremonies

Usually described as the chief priest, selected by The Dragon Emperor personally from the various priesthoods who worship the Dragon God Bahamut. The Minister of Ceremonies also maintained control over the various schools in The Shu Province. The current Master of Ceremonies is Katsura Kisashi.

the Supervisor of Attendants

Oversaw the various government employees including Diayou Fortress guards, the Supervisor of Attendants would perform an annual review of all government employees to ensure that they fulfilled the four qualities necessary for their duties - simplicity, generosity, modesty and virtue. The current Supervisor of Attendants is Lang Shui.

the Commandant of Guards

The Commandant of Guards oversaw all guards in all locations except for those stationed within Diayou Fortress, the guards were allocated to the Commandant of Guards by the military on order of The Grand Commandant from those who were undergoing training to join the military, and serving as a guard was required for all undergoing military training for a minimum of one year. The current Commandant of Guards is Sanada Kanetoki.

the Minister of Coachmen

The Minister of Coachmen oversees all travel, roads and the Imperial Stables, is responsible for enforcing road tolls and providing public transport. The current Minister of Coachmen is Bai Ya.

the Commandant of Justice

The Commandant of Justice handled all matters of justice and law that could not be dealt with by the provincial governors, or, should the Commandant of Justice not be able to address an issue themselves, will direct the issue to the emperor along with all relevant information and articles of law for the emperor to issue a ruling. The current Commandant of Justice is Yamamoto Takayoshi.

the Grand Herald

The Grand Herald operated as the master of ceremonies for all events involving the emperor and the imperial clan, and was also in charge of overseeing the various noble houses and allocating fiefdoms and noble titles. The current Grand Herald is Minamoto Hiwame.

the Director of the Imperial Clan

The Director of the Imperial Clan oversees all matters relating to the emperors family and relatives as well as documenting and recording all events of importance relating to the imperial clan. All who take this post also take with it the name of Baogun (Keeper in common), with the apprentice always having the name of Chaoxie (Lore-Scribe in common), when the Baogun dies, the Chaoxie immediately takes the name and role of Baogun, and as their first act must immediately select a Chaoxie, this is to ensure that there is no point in time where a Baogun is not available to the imperial clan.

the Grand Minister of Agriculture

The Grand Minister of Agriculture is responsible for the public treasury and tax collection as well as overseeing the major granaries. One of the more underlooked roles of The Grand Minister of Agriculture is handling salary for the military and government officials that do not fall within the purview of The Small Treasurer. The current Grand Minister of Agriculture is Zhang Tai.

the Small Treasurer

The Small Treasurer oversees all finances of the emperor and the imperial clan, is responsible for collecting tax relating to mountains, seas and lakes which are considered the emperor's property and as such are the primary source of income for the Daiyou Fortress treasury. The current Small Treasurer is Saitou Hiroyori.



Home of the Air Spirit and famous for the Sutomushinga Shamans (Storm-Singer Shamans) who are able to affect the weather through strange rituals and songs.

Emperor’s Sea

A large inland sea that was created from the destruction caused by The Dragon Emperor and Fang Long battling at the end of the most recent iteration of the civil war between the east and west of the nation. So named in honour of The Dragon Emperor who ended the civil war and brought peace to the land as well as freely giving away the cure to the blight that had brought about famine and disease to the people of the Shu Province.


Home of the Water Spirit and through coincidence is located between the Emperor’s Sea and Tu-Fong Inlet, as such, is the primary source of seafood and sea transport in the Shu Province.


A large-sized village whose primary focus is hunting, gathering and woodcutting through their proximity to the western region of the Wujin Forest.


Home of the Earth Spirit and famed for the talent and skill their people hold in crafting and construction.


The largest city outside of the Imperial Fortress, and the home to the Fire Spirit. Fenikkusu is known primarily as a central point of trade and commerce between the many villages of The Shu Province but also has a long history of art and culture, with the city playing host to many public theatres and art galleries that showcase local and national talent on a daily basis.


A small village most well known as being the location where Fang Long rallied those of the east and set forth in what would become the latest occurrence of civil war between the east and west of the Shu Province.

Wujin Forest

An enormous forest that spreads almost from the far east to the far western border of The Shu Province and is home to a number of strange animals as well as flora and fauna. It is rumoured that there is an elven city within the Wujin Forest, although no one has been able to find and locate this city to date.

Fyubou Village

A small village just north of Wujin Forest, very little is known about those who live there as they are very reclusive people, however, it is said that the people of this village have strange magic that allows them to manipulate nature.

Diayou Village

Diayou village built up around the location of the farm where Emperor Diayou grew up and is the location where Diayou protected Bahamut from the Ebon God, while the land is fertile and prime for farming, many people have moved into the village in the hopes of either being blessed themselves by the emperor or by Bahamut or hoping that their children will be born with the same powers as The Dragon Emperor.

Diayou Fortress

The imperial capital and home of the Imperial Clan and the Dragon Emperor. Very little is known about what happens within the fortress as those who are not lords, ministers or members of the imperial crown are allowed within the walls of the fortress, although many ex-soldiers who have served guards duty in the imperial fortress tell of extravagance within wing belonging to the imperial clan, and for all other areas, very subdued and plain, apparently on orders of The Dragon Emperor who does not like living as though he is above the common people.


Herfuria, or Feigrheimr as it is known in the local tongue is a nation to the south of Innune that seems to exist in a state of eternal winter.


For some historians, it is hypothesized that Herfuria was the cradle of civilization across the continent of Innune, before humans spread across the land and established the various nations, this is given credence due to the number of words that appear in the common tongue that seemingly originated from the Old-Herfurian language.

Very little is known about the early years of Herfuria due to the effects of the Lost Age, the earliest definitive records from the region describe a disease of unknown origins spreading across the land which was called Ataxia Invectus. Symptoms of the disease included rapid weight loss, hair loss and the skin to fall off before causing death, at which point, a creature who dies of the disease is reanimated as a zombie. As an attempt to curb the spread of the disease and to prevent the risen zombies from wreaking havoc across the land, those who were infected, or at least suspected of being infected were exiled into a large forest to the north of Herfuria, where the sounds of the afflicted and the sightings of shadowy undead corpses shambling on the edges of the forest led to the forest being named The Forest of the Draugr.

During the rise of the Osmant Empire, the Herfurians were officially recognized as part of the empire, however, the people of Herfuria largely ignored the goings on of the empire and Emperor Osmant himself found it best to just leave the Herfurians to their own devices, viewing them as nothing more than tribal savages, and believing that bringing them in line with the empire was a waste of time and effort given that all he would gain in his eyes was a large number of uncultured barbarians. As such, the Osmant Empire came and went without so much as a cursory acknowledgement of its existence within the lands of Herfuria.

During the year of 6552, vampires appeared in Herfuria and began rallying the infected and sick of the Forest of the Draugr around them and unifying them as an army of undead and soon-to-be-undead. To the people of Herfuria, this was an unexpected and terrifying prospect as there was no way of knowing just how many people now wandered the forest as undead creatures. In truth, the vampires that appeared were ordered there by the Sorcerer-King of Altreus, who, just 11 years before-hand, had killed the previous king and taken over the land. The vampires were intended to rally the undead as an army and take over Herfuria so that the Sorcerer-King could expand his lands into Herfuria. The undead hordes began sweeping across the lands of Herfuria in night-raids, destroying villages and killing many across the land, before moving under the cover of night into neighbouring nations.

Six years later, in 6558, the undead hordes had begun moving into Almorea, and were being pushed back and killed by The Order of the Unbending Faith. Disgusted by the appearance of the undead, the Lord-Commander of The Order of the Unbending Faith, Nebu Iddin-Ninshubur ordered the First Crusade of Graves and declared it the holy mission of the order to eradicate any and all undead across all the lands.

The crusade made its way into the nation of Herfuria and marched west towards the forest. The vampires, hearing of this crusade, send their army of undead across Herfuria and are intercepted in the region of Thordinslond, which becomes the location of the first battle of the Crusade of Graves. The crusaders are routed due to sheer numbers and retreat back to The Einarjar Peaks. The Vampires use the mass of dead bodies to perform a ritual known as the Ritual of Eternal Night, blocking out the sun and shrouding Herfuria in eternal, wintery night, allowing the vampires to come forward from the forest and join the battle.

The Crusaders had managed to hold their ground in the Einarjar Peaks due to the fortified position, but were slowly losing ground to the unending swarm of undead who did not need sleep or sustenance to maintain a war. In a last ditch effort to gain a position of power against the vampires and their undead army, the crusaders beseeched the aid of the Einarjar spirits of the mountain, who agreed to help get rid of the threat of the undead in their sacred lands. Bolstered by the aid of the Einarjar, the crusaders cut through the undead and drove them back to the Forest of the Draugr, where a magical seal was put in place by the Einarjar spirits to prevent them from leaving the forest again. The spirits then sacrifice themselves to end the curse placed on the land by the vampires ritual, thus ending the Eternal Night in Herfuria.

With the curse ended, and the undead and vampires now magically sealed within the forest, the Order of the Unbending Faith chooses to end the crusade aftering suffering terrible losses in the various battles fought against the undead, thus marking the end of the First Crusade of Graves.

When the War of Elven Blades began, the Almoreans beseeched the Herfurians for aid against the giants rampaging across their lands, however, the Herfurians decide that this is not their fight and ignore the situation. As a result of their indifference to the plight of the Almoreans, King Magmarr see’s tremendous success in his campaign against the Almoreans, and such, turns his attention to invading Herfuria as well.

The invasion of Herfuria is handed to General Skirkatla, a female frost giant and one of the most feared of all the giants in King Magmarr’s army. General Skirkatla leads her horde of Frost Giants into the frozen south of Herfuria where they feel right at home, and using that advantage, begin cleaving through the resistance that the Herfurians put up. The back and forth between the Herfurians and Skirkatla’s frost giants leads to the biggest battle of the War of Elven Blades and the First Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse. Both the Herfurians and the Frost Giants suffered a large number of casualties in the battle, with the Herfurians succeeding in pushing back the Frost Giants at the cost of most of their fighting force, these losses are commonly pointed to as the reason that Herfuria eventually fell to the giants during the war. After the First Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse, the invasion of Herfuria became a war of attrition with the significantly weakened Herfurians fighting desperately to hold back the onslaught of giants, and while the Herfurians managed each time to hold back the assault of the giants, they also took one step closer to losing the war of attrition. The Herfurians managed to hold out for 22 years, a long time by human standards, but relatively short compared to the incredibly lengthy lifespan possessed by a giant, but in 7872, Herfuria finally fell when Skirkatla and her Frost Giant forces broke through the barricades at Klofningar and killed Jarl Hrothgar, mounting the decapitated head of the Herfurian forces leader on top of the Skirkatlan Battle Standard for all to see.

The small number of remaining Herfurians who had managed to escape the slaughter at Klofningar, retreated to the border of the Domain of the Lich King, where even Skirkatla and her giants refused to go. They snuck upwards into the Edge of the World Mountains which they used as cover to sneak through the Domain of the Lich King, up into Gyaralus and finally around in Almorea, a journey which took nine arduous years, the Herfurians unknowingly entered Almorea around Alvengrove and by happenstance found themselves meeting with the elves who had initiated the war that had bolstered the giants into invading Herfuria. With the promise of getting revenge on the giants and reclaiming their homeland, the Herfurian rebels enthusiastically joined the elves in the War of Elven Blades.

It is around this time that a child is born to famed Shield Maiden Thorhalla Svalfidottir, and given the name of Ulf and given the last name of Halfdan in honour of the child's father who had sacrificed his life so that the starving and pregnant mother would have food to eat. Ulf would grow quickly, even by Herfurian standards and by his thirteenth year was as tall and strong as a regular Herfurian warrior, and by his eighteenth year was as tall, fast and strong as a goliath vikingr. Ulf would join the War of Elven Blades by the time he was 23 years of age, where in his first battle he defeated over a hundred giants by himself before coming face to face with the Fire Giant, General Eilgr. Ulf, unphased by this powerful Fire Giants reputation as quite possibly one of the most skilled warriors the world has ever seen, challenged General Eilgr to single combat.

The battle between the two, both much larger and stronger than the rest of their kind lasted for five hours of unrelenting combat that devolved from intricate swordplay to brutal hand-to-hand combat, before Ulf Halfdan landed the final blow on General Eilgr, killing the famed Fire Giant, and fulfilling the prophecy handed down by the Elder-Seer that a great hero would appear during the war and be the turning point that eventually wins the war for the humans and elves. Tales of Ulf Halfdan’s great victory spread across Innune and he was eventually given the name of Ulf Giantsbane.

For the next twenty-two years, Ulf Giantsbane led the humans and elves in battle against the giant armies, scoring key victories in many large battles and further cementing the legacy of Ulf Giantsbane as a legendary hero and warrior. Eilgr’s adopted son, Volstus the Storm Giant, who had taken up his father's position as a general in the giants army, sought to regain his father's honour by challenging Ulf Giantsbane to single combat, a battle which Volstus won with little effort. Volstus however, mourned the death of Ulf Giantsbane as even the giants had come to respect him as a great, powerful and honourable warrior, and as such, Volstus took the body of Ulf Giantsbane and ordered that he be returned to his home in Herfuria where a great tomb befitting the greatest warrior of all the small-folk be erected in tribute to the man. The tomb is still visited by warriors wishing to pay their respects to Ulf Giantsbane to this day.

With Ulf Giantsbane dead, the small-folk banded together rather than falling apart and the giants fell onto the back foot and began suffering heavy casualties and losing much ground against the reinvigorated armies of the elves and humans. Recognising that the giants were sooner or later going to be defeated, Volstus convinced King Magmarr to end the war and sign a peace treaty with the small-folk so that the giants would not be wiped out.

The Elder-Seer and Volstus meet at Oath’s Crossing on the 6th of Lathan, 8217 to sign a peace treaty agreeing to return to the Edge of the World mountains and return Herfuria to the Herfurians, the signing is a solemn occasion and would not become the celebration and day of remembrance it is considered today until 2,500 years after the War of Elven Blades ends.

In 8998, Lord Commander of the Order of the Unbending Faith, Naseera el-Hammad initiates the Second Crusade of Graves believing that the continued undead presence in Herfuria can no longer be tolerated. The crusade marches into Herfuria and heads straight for the Forest of the Draugr, with their plan being that once they purge the forest they will continue into the Domain of the Lich King and reclaim the land from its undead master.

Much like the first Crusade of Graves, the Order of the Unbending Faith vastly underestimated the sheer number of undead they would have to contend with, and come to the horrifying realisation that the bodies of the crusaders who had died during the first crusade that had been placed into the forest out of fear of possibly spreading Ataxia Invectus outside of Herfuria should the bodies have been returned to Almorea have been reanimated as zombies, irregardless of whether they had been infected or not.

The numbers overwhelm the Order of the Unbending Faith who are pushed back to the west towards the Grimfrost Expanse, the undead legions being constantly replenished by the crusaders killed during the various battles fought with the undead. Eventually, the crusaders make a last stand in the Grimfrost Expanse, the battle results in massive casualties on both sides of the conflict, turning the Grimfrost Expanse in a veritable sea of dead bodies, all buried under the ice and snow in a number of days, forever lost to time. This event became known as The Second Battle of the Grimfrost Expanse.

In the year 12300, a young Herfurian human calling himself The Primarch first appears in Herfuria, this man is charismatic and begins rallying people to his cause of uniting all of humanity under one banner of rulership and protection. In just three years, The Primarch conquers all of Herfuria, and becomes the first nation to become part of The Primarch’s domain.


Herfuria has no direct leadership, each city/town/village is free to rule itself and make its own laws, although given these laws are based upon the laws of the gods, most, if not all locations share the same laws, just enforced separately.

Each city/town/village is ruled over by a Jarl, and each location is free to determine amongst itself and with its own laws how each Jarl is chosen, whether that be by birthright or by election.

Each Jarl is required to represent their city/town/village in the Jarlbord (Jarl’s Table in common tongue), the Jarlbord is a meeting of the Jarls in the Krigerhallen (Warriors Hall in common tongue) where issues that extend beyond any individual Jarl are discussed as a collective.



A village that sprung up around the area where the Edge of the World mountains and Kordfell meet. Known primarily as a location that produces the finest trackers and scouts in all of Herfuria due to the necessity of hunting within the mountain ranges.

Given its location, Hofsfell is also considered the spiritual home of worshippers of Kord, with the villagers being fanatically devoted to Kord. There is a temple built into a cave at the base of the mountains that the locals consider the primary temple of Kord worship, and a location that many other followers of Kord pilgrimage to.


A small village built in the Grimfrost Expanse, over the years has suffered through numerous snowstorms, wars and undead hordes and is still standing, this is a testament to the hardiness and battle ability of those born in Klofninsgar.

The village itself was founded when an elder of Kambr named Klofnin became disgusted with the people of Kambr for turning the once humble village into a city built in the image of the other nations and believed that those who lived in Kambr had lost the true Herfurian way, as such, Klofnin gathered a number of followers and they set out to establish a village in the harsh environment of the Grimfrost Expanse so that the people would never forget the true spirit of Herfuria.

The Grimfrost Expanse

An enormous, flat wasteland of snow and ice that has a high occurrence of snowstorms, considered an incredibly dangerous area to travel through by most locals but has also played host to a number of major military battles throughout history, it is said that tens of thousands of dead bodies are buried in the ice and snow, and are somehow being used to increase the number of undead in The Forest of the Draugr.


A mountainous expanse to the east of the Grimfrost Expanse, so named for the famous legend that during the Dawn War and the Lost Age, the god Kord was struck from the sky and crashed into Herfuria, the resulting impact creating the mountains, the story continues as the Ebon God attempts to take advantage of the fallen god and wreak havoc on the nation, Kord gathered the last of his strength and battled back against the Ebon God, eventually driving them off and defending the land of Herfuria, as such, the mountains created from Kords fall have been given the name Kordfell.


The largest city in the nation and the closest thing that Herfuria has to a capital city as it is also the location of The Krigerhallen and plays host to The Jarlbord.

Kambr sits on the southern shores of the nation and has become somewhat of a major trade and import hub into Innune as of late.

Kambr over the years has adopted a mish-mash of other cultures and architecture styles making it very much an unfamiliar place for native Herfurians, but has become a very comfortable and familiar place for those of other nations, as such, those who are not native to Herfuria very rarely travel outside the walls of the city into the wider nation.

The Forest of the Draugr

An enormous forest in the north of the nation that stretches from Kordfell all the way to the eastern edge of the nation. The forest was given its name due to being used as a location to exile all of those people infected by Ataxia Invectus as the disease was not only highly contagious but also ended up with the afflicted individual being turned into a zombie shortly after their death from the disease.

Since the first Crusade of Graves, the forest has been magically sealed to prevent the undead, and the vampires leading the undead horde from ever breaking out and rampaging across the land.

These days, the exact number of undead who exist in the forest is unknown and estimates vary wildly from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands.


Kollavik sits on the edge of the Forest of the Draugr, and is a very dark and grim village where death and dealing with the undead are a daily part of the villagers lives. Many villagers have come to worship the concept of death to an unnervingly fanatical degree and look upon those who have risen as undead as those who have been given the blessings of an unknown god, this fanaticism has led to an incredibly high rate of suicide amongst the villagers most fanatically devoted to this belief as they seek to gain the same blessings of undeath.

The Einarjar Peaks

A place of sacred worship for many Herfurian Shamans who frequently make pilgrimages to the mountains to pray to Kord and the Einarjar who serve as his soldiers and emissaries. Most famously was the location of the last stand of the Order of the Unbending Faith during the first crusade of graves where the crusaders begged the Einarjar for aid. The Einarjar spirits appeared from the sky and led the charge against the undead hordes, winning the battle, before ending the Curse of the Eternal Night.


A small village to the south of The Einarjar Peaks and a place of spiritual significance to Herfurian culture. Many spiritual figures, including clerics, shamans and even druids make their home in Einarshofn so that they may be close to the Einarjar Peaks which, in Herfurian culture, is the place where mortals may be closest to the gods and the spirits.


A small encampment surrounding the tomb of Ulf Giantsbane, established by a number of warriors who have come to the tomb seeking to become stronger and establish themselves as heroes and legends on the same level as Ulf Giantsbane. The encampment is frequented by many who are not native to Herfuria, including Elves, Dwarves and even Giants.

Domain of the Lich King

The farthest point to the South-West of Innune, the Domain of the Lich King was once a thriving barony that established its independence and became one of the most progressive kingdoms in the history of Innune until a great and powerful wizard appeared in the land, killing the king and claiming the land for himself, later turning himself into a Lich and declaring himself the Lich King.


The Domain of the Lich King was originally known as The Polimus Barony and a region that lived under the dominion of the kingdom of Gyaralus, in 5544, tensions began to rise between the citizens of The Polimus Barony and the kingdom who felt that the taxation being collected by the Kingdom was not being invested into the Barony, with what little investment that was made into the barony and its people coming directly from the personal wealth of the Baron, Asmar Altreus.

By 5547, the tensions had reached a boiling point with the barony on the brink of civil war with the kingdom. To avert a civil war that he would most likely lose, King Typhus XIII elected instead to allow the barony to secede from the kingdom and establish itself as a new nation altogether. The former baron, Asmar Altreus stood down from his position as baron and de facto leader of this new nation in favour of the people being given a free election, in response, the people overwhelmingly voted in favour of Asmar Altreus to become the elected king, and chose to name the new kingdom after him as the kingdom of Altreus.

The Kingdom of Altreus continued for nearly one-thousand years in peace, prospering as a nation that focused on what was best for the people first and foremost. That was, until 6491, when an unknown wizard appeared in Altreus, calling himself the Sorcerer-King, the greatest and most powerful wizard of all time, and as such, the rightful ruler of the nation.

The kingdom initially treated the appearance and claims of this newcomer seriously, but over time, began to realise that this man seemed for all intents and purposes mentally ill, and attempted to secure assistance and aid for the man. However, the man refused all attempts at aid and would frequently escape from any medical facility or hospital he was placed in, often through unknown means. As such, the people collectively decided to allow the man to live as he wanted to, and chose to play along with the man by giving the appearance of being loyal subjects of the Sorcerer-Kings court, with many traders and merchants offering food and clothing to him a “tithe to the Sorcerer-King” and city guards bowing respectfully as he wandered about the city.

This continued for nine years, until the Sorcerer-King gained an audience with the current sitting king of Altreus, King Wendyll Valderas, and used magic to order the king to abdicate all rights of rulership to the Sorcerer-King before subsequently killing himself.

The Sorcerer-King rules Altreus for the next forty years, turning the land into a grim tyrannical dictatorship where any disobedience to the will of the Sorcerer-King is punished severely. Many of the citizens attempt to flee over the borders to Gyaralus or Herfuria, with most being caught and publicly executed before having their mutilated bodies put on display across the borders as a warning to others who would attempt to flee.

The Sorcerer-King disappears from the public around 6535, and for six years, the nation lives unsure of whether the Sorcerer-King had died or had simply retreated from public view, however, the imposing presence of the Sorcerer-King remained across the land. In 6541, the Sorcerer-King successfully completed the ritual for attaining Lichdom, renaming himself as The Lich King and renaming the nation to be The Domain of the Lich King. As part of establishing this new rulership over the nation, the Lich King abandoned the capital, magically raising an island off the southern shores of the nation and having an enormous tower built from which, it is said, the Lich King can see all who exist in his lands, this tower became known as the Dead Tower.

Since the construction of The Dead Tower, the nation has become little more than disparate, small villages who struggle desperately to survive and who live a hopeless existence, long ago accepting that there is no escape from the cold gaze of The Dead Tower. The best that a person can hope for is that the undead hordes controlled by the Lich King will one day sweep through their village and kill them, thus, finally ending their suffering.


The Domain of the Lich King has been ruled over by the eponymous Lich King for the past six-and-a-half millennia who rules from the top of The Dead Tower where it is said that he can see all who exist in his domain.


Since the rise of the Lich King, only the Dead Tower is of any particular note within the nation, with all other cities and towns having mostly crumbled and decayed from the constant attacks of the undead hordes roaming the lands and the years they have gone uninhabited.

Kith Archipeligo

A strange and unknown land to the south of Innune, originally the continent of Kithis, but was shattered by the events of Duskfall and the remains are The Kith Archipeligo.


No one knows exactly where The Kith came from, only that long ago, in the days before The Dawn War and The Lost Age, a strange tower fell from the sky in the north of Almorea and crashed into the land that would become the city of Whitehorn, from this tower emerged a number of human-looking creatures who began travelling across Innune, before eventually leaving the shores of the continent and arriving on a small island continent to the south, calling this island Kithis.

These people developed technology and magic at an accelerated rate, far outstripping all other existing cultures, including the elves, who had countless millenia to develop magic and technology, within a short period of time.

The Kith, as they called themselves, did not involve themselves with the affairs of the people of Innune if they could help it, only occasionally trading with the mainland continent when it suited their needs, but otherwise remaining entirely self-sufficient and isolated from the rest of the world.

No one knows how it happened or why, but in 10424 a meteorite appeared in the sky, blocking out the sun and plunging the world into perpetual night for five months. On the 19th of Chaun, 10424, the shroud of night ended when the meteorite crashed into the island continent of Kithis, sundering the island and wiping out most of the Kith people.

What remained after the cloud of debris and dust dissipated was a shattered collection of islands and the few remnants of the Kith, now separated across the various islands.

With their home shattered, and their people scattered across the islands, the advanced society of The Kith crumbled leaving only a basic, tribal culture, with some groups becoming nomadic as they travel between the islands of The Kith Archipeligo, looking for any remains of their culture and home.


There is no central leadership amongst The Kith, with each tribe and village having its own structures and leadership.


Since Duskfall, there are no major locations that still exist within The Kith Archipeligo, with any civilization being small and easy to move as The Kith no longer wish to tie themselves to one place after the events of Duskfall.

Throughout The Kith Archipeligo there are a number of ruins and remains of the Kith civilization, although there exists no documents or records as to any of these locations as any that are known of are guarded by The Kith to prevent treasure-hunters or adventurers from defiling the remains of their culture.

Beyond Innune

Innune is just one continent on the world of Ravia, with much more to explore and discover. The lands beyond Innune can be whatever you want them to be, however, if you would like ideas as to what lies beyond the known world, see below.

The Forbidden Lands

To the south, beyond The Kith Archipeligo, are The Forbidden Lands. Islands and Continents that, during The Dawn War, became corrupted when the god Tempus slashed The Ebon God with his flaming blade, casting the blood of The Ebon God across a number of islands and continents to the south of the world. Over thousands of years, this blood corrupted the creatures and beings of this land, turning them into warped and cruel mutated creatures.

There have been attempts by numerous adventurers to travel to these lands in the hopes of finding lost treasure or lands that can be claimed and colonized, however, no person who has ever traveled to these lands has ever returned. As such, it is believed that whatever is there, is not for mortal eyes, and as such, these lands have been dubbed The Forbidden Lands.

In actuality, there is no magic or divine intervention preventing anyone from exploring these lands, it is simply that all people who have traveled to The Forbidden Lands have been attacked and killed by vicious ocean creatures, or, having survived the journey via boat, been hunted, tortured and killed violently by the mutated creatures who live in these lands.


Council of High Captains

The Council of High-Captains is a collection of five of the most powerful pirates in the world who take residence in the island of Cutlass Cove off the north shores of Innune outside of Almorea. Each fleet belonging to a high-captain is between 400 to 1,500 crew strong, and with available ships numbering from 15-60 per fleet, depending upon crew compliment etc.

The most well-known and powerful of the High-Captains is The Water-Lord and their Red Skull crew. Only the most high-ranking members of the crew know of the identity of the High-Captain, who is a mysterious figure that is only seen during important council gatherings, preferring instead to send their first-mate in their place where possible.

The full list of current High-Captains is as follows.

  • High-Captain Barksdale Shadow of the Risen Demons Crew [Human Male]
  • High-Captain Lassnia Wavecarver of the Electric Dwarf Crew [Dwarf Female]
  • High-Captain Lak’tar of The Ravagers Crew [Orc Male]
  • High-Captain Berelith Aleiryn of The Spiders Bite Crew [Drow Female]
  • The Water-Lord, High-Captain of the Red Skull Crew [Unknown???]

Within Cutlass Cove, the pirates have collectively established a shared fortress and taken advantage of the natural rocks in the water surrounding the cove entrance and mountains that surround the island, these natural defences mean that no one has ever been able to successfully invade Cutlass Cove or threaten the pirates that live there.

The city in Cutlass Cove is divided into six sections, four of the five make up the city proper with the fifth being built above the city in the cliffs of the surrounding mountains overlooking the rest of the city.

Each of the four sections are exactly the same size and have a large central building that exists equidistant to the other three buildings. Each section belongs to the crew of one of the high captains with the central building being their base of operations, the fifth section, overlooking the city, belongs to the Waterlord and is placed in a position that overlooks all the other sections belonging to the high captains.

There is a final, sixth, section which exists in the centre of the four surrounding sections, this is the location of the Long-John Silvers Tavern which is neutral ground and shared amongst all the high captains and their crew, the owner, Gwynevarr strictly enforces neutrality and punishes any and all who bring trouble into her establishment.

Laws of Cutlass Cove

Within Cutlass Cove, there are a number of strict rules that are in place which ensure peace between the various crews.

  • No crew member may enter the district of another crew unless by invitation and must be escorted by a member of the district's crew.
  • Within a crew’s district, they have absolute authority and discretion as to what laws and punishments are enforced.
  • No crew member is bound to any crew and no high-captain can force a crew member to stay as part of their crew against their will
  • Being able to join a crew is at the sole discretion of the High Captain
  • The following locations in Cutlass Cove are neutral ground and any actions taken on these locations that threaten peace and neutrality will be punished by the owner of these locations
    • Main trade routes throughout Cutlass Cove
    • Long-John Silvers Tavern
    • The Docks -Any meeting of the collective Council of High-Captains can only occur in the neutral ground of Long-John Silvers Tavern These meetings may only be attended by the High-Captains and their respective First-Mates, all others including non-essential tavern staff are required to leave.
  • If there is a dispute between two people, that matter is considered resolved if one person kills the other.

Magi of the Host-Tower of the Arcane

The Magi of the Host-Tower are a group of wizards, sorcerers and warlocks who have made their residence within the strange magical tower in the city of Whitehorn. While initially the Magi were a disparate and unaffiliated group of magic users purely interested in researching the strange tower and its contents, they eventually, over time, formed a formalised group.

There are many rigid rules that come as part of being a Magi of the Host-Tower, with most being about establishing rank and hierarchy between the Wizards. One of the primary rules in the Host-Tower is in regards to residences and studies as one's rank within the Magi of the Host-Tower is directly related to how close their residence and study is to the top of the tower, with the Arch-Mage taking residence in the top-most space. Beginner apprentices usually share the lowest floor given only a small amount of floorspace to sleep and a small desk and chair from which to work. Only apprentices of spectacular note and skill are allowed to take residence with their master.

The leader of the Magi is given the title of Arch-Mage and is responsible for overseeing and approving any and all research conducted by the others who take residence in the tower, as well as dictating what lower-ranked members can and cannot have access to, especially around the Central Library and the secretive Host-Vault.

While there have been tens of thousands of magi and thousands of years of research into the secrets of the Host-Tower, new discoveries are made at an astounding pace and it would be impossible for any mortal being to know every detail about the Tower.

The Central Library is a strange location within the tower as it is actually a collection of numerous and variably sized shared Demi-Planes. Each member of the Host-Tower is given a key to the door, with each key opening the door to one of the Demi-Planes relative to how much information they are allowed to access in the tower, the smallest Demi-Plane is reserved for the lowest levels of apprentices containing books and scrolls in the mundane basics of magic with the largest being reserved for the Arch-Mage and the highest-ranking magi of the tower. While each Demi-Plane contains all the Demi-Planes that are below it in size, each Demi-Plane is separate from one another, meaning that even if two people were standing next to each other in the same meta-physical space, if they were in different Demi-Planes they would be unaware of each other's existence. This is intended to allow higher ranking residents of the Host-Tower to conduct their business without having to interact with anyone of a lower rank than them, something that is viewed by most Magi of the Host-Tower to be an utter waste of time and mental capacity.

Order of the Unbending Faith

The Order of the Unbending Faith is a group of devout warriors and clerics for one of the gods of the Prime Pantheon, the collection of gods that are most commonly worshipped around Ravia.

The Order was founded by Lord Tythus Wisengamot in the village of Witchwood in 1244, the original purpose of The Order was to stand as a defensive force for the village against the strange and vile creatures that lurked in the darkness of the Witchwood. Eventually, over the years, as The Order expanded both in their military might and their sphere of influence, they became concerned more with the affairs of the wider world and spreading/enforcing the faith of the Prime across the lands, eventually moving their headquarters to the capital of Almorea, Embercairn where the Temple of the Prime was established, a massive structure containing a large church dedicated to each of the Prime divinities.

The Order of the Unbending Faith has had a long a chequered past when it comes to its duties and how it discharges those duties, as the order is not controlled by any nation or head-of-state, the direction and actions of The Order are solely at the discretion of the Captain-Commander of The Order, with some Captain-Commanders focusing solely on humanitarian and charitable efforts to help the poor, sick and disaffected in the world, whereas other Captain-Commander’s have been more concerned with wielding military might, sometimes for questionable or downright tyrannical reasons.

Of particular note, are both instances of the Crusade of Graves, an effort undertaken by a sitting Captain-Commander to muster the forces of The Order and march into another nations lands and wage war against undead and other creatures who are not approved of by The Order or the church. Both instances of the Crusade of Graves end with massive casualties and were catastrophic failures of military leadership, tactics and strategy.

In modern times, as the Prime Pantheon has become the official approved collection of deities that may be worshipped by the Primarch, The Order has begun using its military capabilities at the request and behest of The Primarch.

Royal Merchants Guild

A guild initially established by the royal family of Almorea for the sole purpose of administering all trade within the nation. Since The Primarch took control of Almorea, the Royal Merchants Guild has been used primarily as a vehicle for political maneuvering with bureaucracy vastly affecting the ability of those who are not connected politically from being able to do anything while those who are connected are able to bypass most, if not all restrictions the guild puts in place.

In recent years, the guild has also begun operating as a central bank that all merchants are required to use, however, many of the members of the guild who wield considerable power and influence do not use the guild as a bank as they are aware of the exorbitant amount of interest and fees that the guild charge for using the guild as a bank, even if it is a mandated requirement, with most of the most powerful members using a secondary entity as a secret bank to store their vast wealth.

The interest and fees charged by the guild do not just extend to the banking services, but to any and all services offered by the guild including registration and licensing to operate a mercantile business as well as tariffs and tolls for using certain trade routes controlled by the guild. All of this money is funneled through the guild and directly into the pockets of the powerful and high-ranking members of the guild as personal profit, with a small portion split off and paid to the Primarch and to the Archon of the North to ensure that they approve of the continued operation of the guild.

To operate as a merchant or trader in Almorea requires a special license issued by the guild, the licenses vary depending upon the size of your business and what goods you trade in as well as overall operating profit.

  • Basic Trader
    • Cost: 10gp per month + 10% of all annual profits over 10k Gold
    • The standard license issued for most people, covers operating a small business of roughly 1-5 employees and includes general trade goods as well as any taverns, food stalls and restaurants. Farmers who operate as a small wholesale provider are also covered by this license, this license can only be claimed if your monthly profit is under 10,000gp.
  • Standard Trader
    • Cost: 100gp per month + 10% of all profits
    • For those who operate a business whose profits exceed 10,000gp a month, the same terms apply for the Standard Trader license as do for the Basic Trader.
  • Enterprise License
    • Cost: 100,000gp per year + 30% profits, or 38% profit, whichever is higher
    • For major trade businesses with international reach, those that fall into this category are usually major goods traders, weapon dealers and resource magnates (mine owners etc)

The Arbiters

A group who are sworn to uphold the laws and judgements given by The Voice of Law, who exists so that they may enforce the Primarchs laws and edicts and pass judgement on all criminals who violate these laws.

The arbiters travel the lands controlled by The Primarch and make judgements and carry out sentences within the towns and villages that do not have an Arbiters Hall.

While performing this duty, they operate almost entirely without oversight and are more or less free to rule and sentence as they see fit, so long as they can justify their actions in the context of the laws of The Primarch.

The arbiters also exist as the first line of bounty hunters, tracking down criminals across the lands, however, over the years they have begun delegating this job out to others who work as mercenary bounty hunters as they feel that this task takes away from their primary duty.

The Arbiters are also the only beings besides The Primarch and the Voice of Law who are allowed to read edicts.

The Guild of Whispers

A guild with locations across the continent of Innune, and potentially in other lands as well. The structure of the guild is a mystery as each guild chapter exists entirely independent of each other and is each led by a chapter leader. If there is a central guildmaster, then that person is a mystery, even to the members and chapter leaders.

The Guild of Whispers primarily specializes in thievery, standover work and assassination, however, depending on the chapter they may also be involved in organised crime, kidnapping, blackmail, infiltration and drug dealing.

Each member of the Guild of Whispers has a single tooth replaced with a fake tooth hiding a cyanide capsule, and should a member of the Guild of Whispers be captured by anyone, in particular by law enforcement, then they are expected to bite down on the cyanide capsule, killing themselves. Should a guild member choose not to do so, they usually end up killed in strange circumstances within 24-48 hours.

Once a person becomes a member, they are a member for life. Usually part of the initiation process is that the initiate must convincingly fake their own death and disappear, from then on, they live entirely within the hidden headquarters of their chapter and only leave when on guild business. However, many high ranking members and chapter leaders lead double lives as regular members of society and are usually married with children, a cover that is useful when casing a job or gathering intel.

It is believed that the Guild of Whispers has been used by the Primarch as a training and recruiting grounds for his personal assassins, The Marked Ones.

The Marked Ones

The Marked Ones are assassins and spies who serve directly at the behest of The Primarch. In general, they are considered a myth as any person who has actually witnessed a marked one was probably their target and is no longer alive.

The Marked Ones are so-called due to the red handprint that is marked across the porcelain white mask of a featureless face that they always wear, it is believed that this mark is the direct handprint of The Primarch himself.

No one knows what is under the mask, although rumours abound that the mask covers a truly featureless face which is the result of genetic manipulation and bodily mutation that each Marked One undergoes to ensure they are the perfect obedient killer.

It is somewhat of a known secret that The Marked Ones usually at one point were high ranking or highly skilled members of the Guild of Whispers.

The Archons

There are four Archon's in the world, each personally selected by The Primarch and given a portion of his power so that they may oversee the lands of Innune on his behalf. While the Archon's have names, they are referred to by their titles as very few people know their actual names, and those who do still use the title out of a show of respect and fear for their immense power and influence. The titles are:

  • Archon of the North
  • Archon of the South
  • Archon of the East
  • Archon of the West

The Archon of the North, Lord Vecna Tyranis, is currently in Embercairn in Almorea, and is the only Archon for which their name is publicly known due to their betrayal of the royal family of Almorea that led to the nation falling to The Primarch.

The Archon of the South has built a fortified location within the city of Kambr in Herfuria, while they do not involve themselves directly in the politics and leadership of Herfuria, it is believed they have spies that attend the Jarlbord and influence the meeting of Jarl's to their own ends.

The Archon of the West has not been seen in some time, and in truth, has actually vanished. The wider public are unaware of this, and those who do know, do not speak of it for fear of undermining The Primarch's power in Gyaralus. The current belief is that The Archon of the West was killed by either the demon who has overtaken Rocinante or by a reconstituted Lich-King.

The Archon of the East is believed to reside in Estanelion in Talenvet, however, this is a decoy, with the true Archon of the East travelling across the nation of Talenvet as a nondescript cloaked traveller, always on the lookout for people spreading rebellious ideals and quietly dealing with them and anyone they may have talked to.


Demigods are beings that are not true divinity, but have achieved power that could be considered bordering on godlike, if not being actually godlike. While demigods are immortal, they are not unkillable, and as such, there are cases where Demigods have been killed in the past.

Fey Lords

Berchta, Grandmother of the Woods.

a fey lady beloved of fate. She walks the world in different guises, sometimes a maiden, others a beautiful swan, but her true form is that of the splayed-footed crone. In either of her humanoid forms, she dresses in a simple, pure white dress or robe. Mothers and children in need welcome the sight of her, and any who do those innocents harm look on Berchta with well-earned dread.

Reynard, The Fox-Lord

a man-sized hybrid creature that blends a humanoid form with the features of a fox. In his true form, his body is covered in short, smooth red fur, and he has a bushy tail with a white tip. In any form, his eyes are the bright yellow-green of spring buds. He delights in leading hunters on merry chases, leaving them hopelessly lost in the woods surrounding his home. He sometimes makes it a game to strand such a group indefinitely, until they starve to death

Mesikammen, The Bear King

Dressed in hunting leathers with a thick bearskin cloak around his shoulders, the bearded king sits upon a throne carved from a whole tree trunk. A crown of holly leaves wreathes his head, and a blackened maul rests near his hand. An ornate clay pot filled with honey hangs at his hip at all times

The Lord of the Hunt

Astride a midnight horse sits a shirtless elven huntsman. His broad chest is thickly muscled and sports tattooed knot work. Great stag antlers crest the huntsman’s head, curving above his rich brown hair. The pale green glow that shines from his eyes obscures the elf ’s strong features, and a massive spear twined with glowing green vines drives forward in his clenched fist.

Ludomir, The Moonlit King

Dressed in archaic nobleman’s finery, this elf lord has wildly unkempt bluish hair and pale, almost luminous skin. His eyes bulge slightly from their sockets as they stare vacantly. The lord’s shadow moves slightly out of sync with his body, which appears solid in some portions and nearly transparent in others.

Sarastra Aestruum, Queen of Night and Magic

A fey lady of stunning beauty with hair the color of midnight stands before a shining field of stars. A gown seemingly woven from the night sky drapes her flawless ivory skin. Bright lights glitter like diamonds in her crown and raiment, and some drift about her body and dance near her hand.

Nicnevin, The First Witch

This statuesque woman towers over any tall man, and most ogres. Her hair falls in a cascade of curls and looks as if it is spun from copper. Her eyes are the color of moss beds, with no iris or pupil. A billowy robe of forest green enshrouds her body, and she grasps a great ring of etched silver in one massive fist.

Ulorian, of the Original River

This powerfully-muscled elf lord wears a cloak of foam-trimmed dark blue and a vest of woven green reeds and willow branches. His crown shines like the sun on a lake, and his flowing hair curls and moves even when there is no wind. An orb of blue light that ripples like water circles his hand.

Morrinn, The Frozen Mantle

This severe elf has pale, almost white skin and tightly braided blond hair. Her gown is exquisite, fashioned of luminous blue fabric that catches light and shines from within. Lacy ice crystals accent the gown, and a snow-white mantle cascades from her shoulders. Icicles radiate in a crownlike halo behind her head, drifting gracefully through the air.

The Elder-Seer

One of the original elves who travelled from the Feywilds to the material plane, and the only one of the original elves still alive. The Elder-Seer is an elf that has spent thousands of years in still meditation, so long in fact, that a tree has grown around his body, fusing the elf with the tree and connecting him to the forest and to his home of the Feywilds.

Animal Lords

The Bat-King

Sworn protector of creatures from the influence of various demon lords, while not physically powerful, the Bat-King spends much of his time researching demonkind and devising strategies to defeat them without resorting to drawn-out combat.

Brother Ox

A reserved and wise humanoid creature with the head of an ox. Well regarded across the Shu Province as a wise being and is revered amongst a sect of monks who live in the Wujin Forest.

Sampati, Lord of Vultures

A being of curiosity, Sampati often makes his home amongst high peaks of mountains and offers aid to those who seek him out, Sampati often travels the world disguised as a human or a vulture, seeking to find places of shelter and sustenance for those who offer devotion to him.

The Mouse-King

Sly yet honest, The Mouse-King is about the size of a dog and always appears in regal dress despite his rodent appearance. He is rumoured to be at the centre of many bands of thieves for whom he commands and gathers wealth and power in an effort to protect the rodents of the world.

Vashnaya, Queen of Birds

It is said that deep within the clouds resides a grand city inhabited by many birds that surrounds a palace that is the home of Vashnaya. She is kind and protective of the birds who offer their devotion to her, however she is commanding and proud to all others, and those who do not offer the appropriate degree of deference and respect suffer terrible fates.

Khastiri, Queen of Cats

Adventurers across the world have at one point in time experienced the sensation of being watched by some strange and unknowable creature existing within the shadows of dark corners at the peak of the night. The story always ends the same, with the feeling of the creatures leaving when a large black cat appears in the street or alley. This black cat is Khastiri, the Shadow Guardian who protects the mortal realm from the creatures who cross from the Shadowfell into the material plane.

Shahmaran the Wise, Queen of Serpents

Known only to a few, those who do know of Shahmaran know her as an ancient and wise oracle on par with the legendary Elder-Seer. She does not bother herself with the issues of the world as she prefers to keep to herself and look after her beloved serpents. Many beings who have heard rumours of her come seeking her out, which has caused her to leave Innune and travel across the sea to the Forbidden Lands where it is rumoured a land dominated by serpents and reptiles exists.

Dragon Lords

Seggo’tan, Lord under the Waves

Seggo’tan is an ancient sea dragon that is worshipped by various intelligent sea creatures and sailors as it is believed that she provides protection and safe passage across the ocean.

Narga’debyr, The Astral Weaver

Narga’debyr is said to live on the moon (Selune) that orbits Ravia, and stories tell that the dragon is responsible for placing the light of the stars in the night sky.

Neber’kenezer, The All-Seeing Eye at the Edge of the World

A strange gem dragon that is seemingly made up of multiple different crystals and gems who lives atop the highest peak of the Edge of the World mountains from which it is said that he can see all things that happen across Innune.

Diayou, The Dragon-Emperor

Ruler of The Shu Province and chosen of Bahamut.

Demon Lords


A mixture of shark and octopus in appearance, with a fang-filled mouth and many tentacles, all covered in rubbery black skin, Dagon was one of the most fearsome demon lords


Pazuzu appeared similar to a human, but with avian feet, four feathered wings, and a bird-like beak. He was an expert at subtly corrupting mortals.

Pale Night

Pale Night was believed to be the mother of many other demons, including other demon lords, and appeared as a humanoid woman covered in a white shroud.


Also known as the Dark Prince, Graz'zt was a guileful, cunning demon lord that appeared as a handsome, muscular humanoid with obsidian skin, six small horns on his head, pointed ears, and six fingers on each hand.


A little known Demon Lord and sworn enemy of Graz'zt. This demonic creature made almost entirely of fire has dedicated his life to the destruction of Graz'zt and their battles are legendary amongst the creatures of the lower levels of the abyss.


The Prince of Beasts looked similar to a gigantic minotaur with coarse black fur that covered his body. He was widely worshiped among minotaurs as well.


the Faceless Lord, was a monstrous, multi-colored ooze covered in red eyes. He was mainly concerned with causing destruction.


Was a monstrous demon with a humanoid, scaly body, two mandrill-like heads, tentacles in place of arms, clawed feet, and a tail. Many Demon Lords have no knowledge or memory of Demogorgon who seemingly just appeared as though they were always there.


Also known as the Demon Queen of Fungi, and the Lady of Rot and Decay, she appeared almost alien and inhuman as a skeletal-thin humanoid shape draped and veiled in mycelium and lichen.

Miska, The Wolf-Spider

Very little is known about Miska, other than her name and title.

Archdukes of Hell


Originally an angel of Celestia, continued exposure to Avernus where she was tasked with monitoring the Blood War caused her to forsake her duty and became a fallen angel in service to Asmodeus.


Ruler of the Iron City and one of the original angels who became the first devils. Even by those standards, Dispater is ancient and is rumored to have been one of the few who witnessed the final moments of the birth of the universe.


The utterly selfish lord of the third layer of hell, who has let his realm fall into a murky, miserable mire plagued with toxic rain, this however, did not bother Mammon as he still had his enormous hoard of gold and treasure.


Fierna is the daughter of Belial and the only creature along with her father who was allowed to share rulership. She oversee’s Phlegethos with her father, who seeks to eventually seed control of the realm to her as he chases his grander goals.


Ruler of Phlegethos along with his daughter, who he is grooming to eventually take full control. Belial is one of the original fallen angels, with desires of achieving true godhood to rival Asmodeus, and eventually claim the throne of hell.


The most hated of the archdukes, Levistus rules Stygia from within a magically sealed ancient iceberg which is both his prison and his tomb, placed in there by Asmodeus for his treachery.


The rarely seen and strange archduke, appearing as a insect-like monkey with the bottom half of a serpent, Amon travels across Stygia exploring the deepest depths of the realm where he collects ancient artifacts from the creation of the universe.


The daughter of Asmodeus and ruler of Malbolge, she has inherited all of her fathers power and cunning and combined it with the ambition of a young upstart that has seen her rise as one of the most influential archdukes of hell, and be given the title of The Dark Prodigy.


Cursed alongside Levistus for his treachery, Baalzebul was one of the most feared and powerful archdukes until Asmodeus became aware of his plots to overthrow him, as such he was turned into a horrific slug and given the title of The Slug Archduke.


Of all the Archdukes, Asmodeus feared none more so than the cunning and powerful Mephistopheles, the first of the fallen angels to be taken by Asmodeus and, at least on the surface, the most loyal of his Archdukes. However, Asmodeus has always claimed (at least, not anywhere that this information could get to the other Archdukes) that should Mephistopheles challenge for the throne of hell, he is not sure that he could defeat the Archduke.


The powerful consort of Mephistopheles, originally a powerful Celestial Paragon (the angelic opposite of an archduke of hell), who became infatuated with Mephistopheles and threw her power and position away to be with the one she loved, taking a host of celestials with her, corrupting them into the service of her beloved.


Small and weak compared to the other Archdukes, but what he lacks in size he makes up for with ancient and forbidden knowledge of magics and the universe. Adramalech is not only Asmodeus’s most trusted advisor, but also one of his greatest accomplishments, as Adramalech was an Inevitable that was taken and corrupted by Asmodeus so that he would have access to the knowledge that the Inevitable contained.

Planes of Existence

There are a number of planes that exist alongside the Prime Material Plane, the plane of existence that the planet of Ravia exists in. The planes themselves are ordered into layers, with the topmost layers being based upon the concepts of Good, Law, Order and Positive Energy. Conversely, the bottom-most layers are based upon the concepts of Evil, Chaos and Negative Energy, with the planes that exist across the median line dividing these planes being entirely neutral.

The Neighbouring Planes

The Prime Material Plane is not the only plane that exists within the center of the planar model, as there are two neighboring planes that orbit around the Prime Material Plane, which exist in some manner as an echo or clone of The Prime Material Plane.


The Feywilds is the home of the Fey and the transplanted home of the Eladrin and the Elves. It is a place steeped in powerful natural magic, which makes the entire plane a vast and verdant land filled with forests of unimaginable beauty and strange and fantastical plant and wild life.

Compared to the Prime Material Plane, the Feywilds are an echo of the Prime Material Plane were it to be primarily dominated by positive energy.


The Shadowfell is the home of many dark creatures and is a dark and cold place that entirely lacks in colour. The dark energies that dwell within this plane make it a place where there are pockets that do not behave according to the laws of physics, making it a strangely morphic place.

Compared to the Prime Material Plane, the Shadowfell is an echo of the Prime Material Plane were it to be primarily dominated by negative energy.

Elemental Planes

The elemental planes are unique in that they do not divide along the metaphysical borders of order and chaos. They exist as pure expressions of elemental energy, unbeholden to the concepts of order and chaos, and yet occupy a strange position between the inner planes dominated by free will, and the outer planes, organised according to the fundamental concepts of order and chaos. It is theorized that the elemental planes and their existence between the inner planes and outer planes are what create the differentiation between the free will and concepts of “good” and “evil” found in the inner planes, and the rigid adherence to the governing concepts of order and chaos in the outer planes.

Titans and Primordials

It is believed that at the beginning of time, when the storm of energies were crafted into the universe by Lord Ao, that the elemental chaos formed four beings, beings that were so intrinsically tied to a particular element that they depended on each other for continued existence. It is said that these four titans reached out to the energies of the elemental chaos and dragged all of their linked elements around themselves, creating the elemental planes around their bodies, and fell into a deep slumber, nested deep within the heart of the elemental chaos.

Over time, the essence of the titans leaked out onto their linked plane, growing the planes until they were pressing against each other and could not grow anymore. When the planes could not grow any more, the energy needed to go somewhere, and so that energy was channeled into creating beings that could exist on the plane, and thus, the Primordials were born, enormous beings of pure elemental energy tied directly to the titans.

While there can be only one titan per elemental plane, there can be a number of Primordials, although the energy required to create one is quite large, and as such, it can take hundreds, if not thousands of years to create a new primordial from the energy exerted by the planes pushing against each other, the consequence of this being that there currently only exist at most ten primordials per elemental plane.

Currently, one Primordial of each plane exists in The Shu Province via a small tear in plane-space that has created links to the elemental chaos from The Shu Province, these are referred to as the elemental spirits of The Shu Province.

Plane of Air

A plane of unending storms, hurricanes and tornadoes. Enormous winged creatures sail through the howling winds, desperate to avoid the chaos and whatever larger prey may be lurking, hidden in the clouds of the storms.

There is one city that exists in the Plane of Air, built on top of the back of a gigantic flying turtle, the primordial Nebuchadnezzar, that sails through the winds of the Plane of Air, and keeps the beings that live within the city safe.

The titan of the Plane of Air is named Suhlamu, and is believed to reside within the heart of all the storms that rage on the Plane of Air.

Plane of Fire

A plane consumed by unending flames and ceaselessly erupting volcanoes, strange reptilian creatures crawl through the rivers and seas of magma with little, if anything, that is not innately suited to this plane being burnt out of existence to make way for the ever-growing fires and ever-deepening pits of lava.

The City of Brass is the primary city in the Plane of Fire, a place that is home primarily to the Efreet, and the occasional devil. The city itself is ruled by the primordial Eupolis.

The titan of the Plane of Fire is named Phorbas, and exists inside the heart of the largest volcano in the plane, believed to be the center of the Plane of Fire.

Plane of Earth

A plane almost entirely bereft of any space that had not been filled by earth, rock and various other minerals and gems. Although lacking in space, that does not mean that the plane lacked in movement as various tectonic plates of earth and stone constantly pushed and rubbed against each other, causing terrifyingly powerful earthquakes that could be felt from almost every corner of the plane.

The only space that existed in the plane of earth was either the tunnels dug away by the creatures that lived in the plane, or the Sevenfold Mazework, a mess of tunnels and caverns so circuitous and confusing, by both design and magical means that even the most powerful of minotaurs could not escape being lost and confused within the unending corridors. Only the Dao were immune to the effects of the Sevenfold Mazework. At the end of the twisting maze was the city of Koh-Nur, the home of the Dao and the location of the primordial ruler, Khan Kabril Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil, Great Khan of the Dao, the Fountain of Wealth, the Perfect Compass, Atamen of the Mountain's Roots. The titan of The Plane of Earth was named Anshar, and is believed to be buried in the deepest level of the Plane of Earth.

Plane of Water

A seemingly endless sea with the topmost area illuminated by an unknown source, providing light for those who exist near the surface of the water. However, beyond the reach of the light is pure inky blackness dominated by horrifyingly gigantic monsters, just waiting for a creature to swim just that little bit too far away from the safety of the light, and be consumed by the creatures of the abyss.

Within the plane of water is The City of Ten-Thousand Pearls, an enormous city surrounded by a strange magical barrier that makes the city habitable by all beings, irregardless of their ability to breath air or water or anything in between. The city itself is home to a number of Triton’s as well as the Marid and a number of other ocean-dwelling creatures.

The City of Ten-Thousand Pearls is currently ruled over by The King of the Tritons, King Virzis. The abyssal regions in the depths of the plane are controlled by a gigantic being known as Haeloc, who is believed to have killed all the Water Primordials and built a fortress out of the carcasses of numerous Kraken and other power creatures that live in the depths of the plane.

The titan of the Plane of Water is Tangaroa, and it is currently a mystery as to where the great titan slumbers, with some believing Haeloc killed and consumed the titan, although if that were the case, then the Plane of Water would have ceased to exist.

Planes of Law & Good

The Planes of law and god exist towards the top of the planar model, heading outwards towards the Plane of Positive energy, and exist as a manifestation of the universal constant of Order, which, through free will has been interpreted to mean “good”.

The Planes of Law & God are actually a collection of various planes which are usually the domains of various deities that have aligned themselves with the concept of good or order. The planes that exist there are:

  • Arcadia
  • Mount Celestia
  • Bytopia
  • Elysium
  • The Beastlands
  • Arborea
  • Ysgard
  • Arvendor

There are two other planes that exist partially within the Planes of Law & Good, although they are also shared evenly with the planes of Chaos & Evil, and they are the neutral planes of Mechanus and Limbo.

Planes of Chaos & Evil

The Planes of chaos and evil exist towards the bottom of the planar model, heading outwards towards the Plane of Negative energy, and exist as a manifestation of the universal constant of Chaos, which, through free will has been interpreted to mean “evil”.

The Planes of Chaos & Evil are actually a collection of various planes which are usually the domains of various deities that have aligned themselves with the concept of evil or chaos. The planes that exist there are:

  • Acheron
  • Nine Hells
  • Gehenna
  • Hades
  • Carceri
  • Abyss
  • Pandemonium

There are two other planes that exist partially within the Planes of Chaos & Evil, although they are also shared evenly with the planes of Law & Good, and they are the neutral planes of Mechanus and Limbo.

Planes of Energy & Creation

The outermost layer of the various planes before the Far Realm, and a layer that acts as the source of all energy in the universe and a barrier that protects the universe from the most dangerous entities of the Far Realms.

There are two planes of energy, the Positive Energy Plane and the Negative Energy Plane, these energies are polar opposites of each other and the interactions between the Positive and Negative energies, along with the elemental chaos, were the catalyst for the creation and continued existence of the universe.

To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the three fundamental energies were the remnants of the end of the previous universe, when that universe collapsed in on itself, the various layers of the planes no longer existed to keep these three energies separated from each other, and as such, when they interacted, the combined to explode outwards, filling the empty space with the spark of life and creation.

No being can exist within the planes of energy, as the raw unfiltered energy would erase a being at the metaphysical level. However, there are entities, called Inevitables, that do travel through the Planes of Energy, these beings generally exist outside the laws of the universe and seem to exist for the sole purpose of ensuring the balance and cycle of the universe, they are outside the influence of gods or mortals, and in fact, generally see both as the cause of all imbalance in the universe.

Inevitables do not have a fixed physical form, instead existing as a coalescence of fundamental energies that can interact with the universe, however, should it suit their task, Inevitables can take on forms familiar to creatures they interact with as otherwise their existence and form could cause problems for many beings, especially mortals, who could break from seeing the truth of Inevitables.

Far Realms

The Far Realms exist as the infinite space between space, where the rules of existence no longer apply and the gaze and protection of the gods can not reach.

The physical space of the Far Realm is divided into infinite layers that sit next to each other, with each layer varying in size from a couple of feet wide to hundreds of thousands of miles wide. Each layer is separated by a viscous-like barrier of unknown material. Larger and more powerful creatures can perceive across layers, with each layer becoming slightly more distorted than the previous one until all that is visible is a blurry blackness. Along with being able to perceive across layers, many of these creatures can also freely travel across layers, although it seems there is some effort required to pass through the barrier.


Apophis is a strange world that exists deep within the Far Realms that is home of the Aboleths. Very little is known about the world of Apophis and what little is known is dubiously verifiable at best, usually included in the mad ramblings contained in journals of mad-men.

What is consistent across these various scribblings is that Apophis was once one of a pair of twin living planets. Both of the twins were home to seperate, yet allied races of advanced means and technology, these races had united together in a war against the aberrations of the Far Realms, and had the planets travel deep into the Far Realms to press the attack.

What happened next is unknown, but the end result is that the living planet Apophis was killed, and the surface and all beings on the planet annihilated and reduced to a barren wasteland. The Aboleths then moved into the planet, terraforming the dead surface to suit their needs and claiming Apophis as their home world.


The second of the twin living planets, when the allied races travelled deep into the Far Realm to fight the aberrations, Apophis was killed, which, compared to the fate of Atropus, was the much kinder fate.

Atropus was driven insane by some entity deep within the Far Realm, and in their insanity, Atropus burnt their own surface, killing all life on the planet and reducing themself into an inhospitable surface of magma and molten rock.

Atropus now travels the Far Realms aimlessly, broadcasting the last desperate cries of pain and death into the infinite emptiness and consuming everything that comes near.

Diagram of the Planar Model

The following image is a rough diagram that displays the approximate model of the various planes of existence, the dividing line across the median is the Equator of Neutrality, which does not exist within the Elemental Chaos.

The Solar System

The Solar System consists of seven planets orbiting the central star, the star itself has the name Phardonis Prime when looked at from a universal scale, otherwise it is just known as “the sun”.

The seven planets, in order from closest to farthest in proximity to the sun are:

  1. Aorus
  2. Numia
  3. Vanerth
  4. Ravia
  5. Mithophus
  6. Aria
  7. Demyria

Ravia, as noted above, is the fourth planet from the sun, occupying what is known as “the goldilocks space”, or, a space that is just the right distance to support and maintain life.


A world that is approximately 38 million miles from the sun, Aorus is a rocky, cratered planet that is largely inhospitable to life due to maintaining temperatures between 400-900 degrees celsius on the planet's surface. Aorus has a rapid orbit period, doing a complete orbit of the sun in roughly 63 days, however, its axial orbit is rather slow, giving it a day-night cycle of about 172 days.

Aorus is the smallest planet in the solar system, mostly given to the fact that its proximity to the sun have rendered it commonly in the path of orbiting asteroids, causing the surface to be blasted off.


A planet of tropical jungles and very little sea, maintaining a hot climate followed by a storm season that see’s torrential rain and lightning that can destroy portions of the jungle. Numia is the native home of the Leng, a small species with a natural disposition towards dishonest mercantile practices. Numia has an orbit period of 186 days and an axial rotation period of 243 days. Numia is unique amongst the planets of the solar system in that it is the only planet in the solar system that rotates backwards, with the sun rising in the west and setting in the east.

Numia is orbited by two moons, Thoth and Anaid.


A planet very similar to Ravia, with a climate variance that oscillates slightly further than that of Ravia, seeing hotter summers and colder winters. Vanerth also remains close to Ravia in its day and year cycle, having a day cycle of 26 hours and a year cycle of 389 days. Vanerth given its hospitable nature to various creatures has a diverse population, with it being one of the other planets occupied by Elven travellers from Castrovel, and a large native population of Viera as well as Lizardfolk, Loxodon and Tortles.

Vanerth has a single moon, Migina.


The primary planet of life in the solar system. Varying climate that falls within the parameters for supporting a varied degree of different creatures. Ravia has an orbital cycle of 365 days and an axial cycle of 24 hours.

Ravia also has a single moon, Selune.


The largest planet in the solar system, big enough to fit 14 Ravia’s in it and still have some room left over. Mithophus is a gas giant, meaning it has no true surface, just a core roughly the size of Numia surrounded by a swirling storm of various gases. Mithophus has an orbital cycle of 1642 days and an axial cycle of 39 hours.

Mithophus also has 17 moons:

  1. Ambika
  2. Celena
  3. Chaundra
  4. Jocasta
  5. Neomea
  6. Meztli
  7. Iamar
  8. Ambika
  9. Lucine
  10. Jyotish Alpha
  11. Jyotish Beta
  12. Dubras
  13. Ilvolenn
  14. Unbarrger
  15. Ambonura
  16. Covayuris
  17. Sandallasheen


The second of two gas giants, roughly about ¾ as large as Mithophus and with a swirling purplish/blue storm of gases making up its surface. Is noted to have two angled rings, forming an X-like pattern. Aria has an orbital cycle of 2487 days and an axial cycle of 13 days.

Aria has 8 identified moons, although it is theorized that there could be hundreds that are within the rings that are not directly visible.

  1. Xamborus
  2. Warben
  3. Omerta
  4. Ilvarter
  5. Rentora
  6. Bandura
  7. Phantorus
  8. Jaltira


A small planet that exists on the outskirts of the solar system, roughly in between Aorus and Numia in size. Its surface is a frozen wasteland with a number of cavernous cracks across the surface that often spew forth half-melted ice in large geysers. Demyria has an orbital cycle of 4102 days and an axial cycle of 42 days. Demyria has one moon, Parsus.

Demyria also displays a strange orbital pattern that seems to indicate that there may have been two more planets in the solar system that no longer seem to be present, there is no scientific record of these two planets but occasionally planetary and lunar orbits seem to indicate that perhaps these planets were flung from the solar systems orbit and passed by a number of planets as they left orbit.

Outer Ring

The Outer Ring is a large ring made of rocks, believed to be pieces of shattered planets, moons and asteroids stuck in the orbit of the sun. These rocks vary in size with the smallest ones being roughly the size of a horse-drawn cart and the largest ones being the size of the planet Aorus.

Occasionally, one of these pieces of rock will break free of it's orbit and become a free-floating asteroid. Usually, in this case, the asteroid will make a loop around the sun and use the momentum and gravity to fling itself back out towards the Outer Ring and beyond, beginning it's wide orbit towards the Oort Cloud, where it will collide and shatter with another large asteroid or continue looping on it's orbit forever.

There have been a few occasions where these asteroids have collided with Ravia, the most notable of which was the event known as Duskfall. However, all other impacts have been from small asteroids causing minimal, if any damage, and have been prized finds due to asteroids containing the raw metal Astranium, which is not natural to Ravia and is only found within the contents of these Asteroids.

Oort Cloud

On the very edge of the solar system is the Oort Cloud, a large sphere that wraps around the solar system made up of icy pieces and shards of rock varying in size from as large as mountains to as large as moons. It is impossible to estimate just how many pieces of debris there are in the Oort Cloud, but scholars have theorized it to be somewhere in the region of trillions.

Within the Oort Cloud is a number of strange creatures, able to survive the vacuum of space and travel through the dense and dangerous field of ice and rock. The most well known of these creatures is the Star Ray, a creature that has a shape similar to a Manta-Ray with bluish-white skin and is roughly the size of a mid-sized island, but can grow as large as a continent.

Another creature that lives in the Oort Cloud are the Vampire Squid, creatures that grow to be the same size as large pieces of ice in the cloud, and allow themselves to freeze over to camouflage themselves to other creatures, waiting for them to pass by, at which point they grab them with their tentacles, drag them in and drain their life-force and heat to melt the ice around them so they can eat the body of their captured prey.

There are many other strange and dangerous creatures that live within the Oort Cloud, most of which have never been seen before.

Beyond the Solar System

Beyond the Solar System lies deep space. A place that is dangerous to travel due to the fact that within the darkness, hundreds of thousands of small, invisible portals to the Far Realms manifest and disappear every second, and a creature that travels blindly through the deep space regions is more than likely to unknowingly step through a portal to the Far Realm, where they would become trapped and lost for all eternity.

Within this space are countless stars, planets and other objects both beautiful and dangerous, as well as strange creatures beyond the comprehension of mortal minds that travel through this dark space, feeding on the energy of stars and consuming stray planets whole.

The Borealis Great Wall

At the very edge of space and the Prime Material Plane is Borealis Great Wall. Sitting roughly 48 billion light-years in length and wrapping around all of space, this strange cluster is made up of a combination of raw energy from the formation of the universe as well as clouds of unknown substances.

Observation by any means, scientific or magical has never been able to bypass the threshold of this structure, and the best guess is that the structure itself is a meta-physical constant of the universe that demarks the seperation between the Prime Material Plane and the various planes of existence, and perhaps exists as a last line of defence against any incursions from outside the universe and from the Far Realm.

Higher beings of existence have reported that the structure itself is maintained by beings known as "Monitors", who are created by the Inevitables to maintain the wall and prevent anyone from passing beyond its threshold.

Diagram of the Solar System

The following is an approximate diagram of the solar system, each planet is shown but is not including the moons as planets like Mithophus and Aria have too many to dedicate to a diagram.

Assorted Facts of Innune

  1. There is a secret underground newspaper published in Whitehorn called “The Truth-Keeper”, it is published by a rebel faction in the city and spreads anti-Primarch propaganda.

  2. Two of the moons of Mithophus were discovered on the same night by a couple from the Shu Province who practiced amateur astronomy, the moons were Jyotish Alpha and Jyotish Beta. unbeknownst to each other, they discovered the moon and both called their discovery Jyotish, this caused confusion for 120 years as astronomers could not explain how the moon could orbit the way it does, not realising there was, in fact, two different moons. Once this fact was discovered, astronomers named the moons Alpha and Beta to differentiate them.

  3. Most tobacco products found in Ravia are grown and cultivated in Halfing villages, this has led to a Halfling named Orson Sureroot becoming one of the wealthiest people in Innune, although neither the wider public or himself know this.

  4. The Museum of History in Estanelion boasts the largest collection of artifacts and items covering the history of Innune, however, there are some questions about the authenticity of a number of the items in their collection, and whether or not some items are just made up.

  5. The Pastiche Forest in Talenvet is where you can find the largest wildly-growing fruits and vegetables, with some wild pumpkins growing as big as wagons.

  6. The Still Sea was given its name as a joke, as it is usually one of the rougher sea’s to traverse. Many older fishermen still recommend The Still Sea as a quiet place to fish or boat to the inexperienced as a joke or hazing ritual.

  7. The Kyubin Swamp in Shu Province has a large population of Mud Golems, and no one knows how or why they formed.

  8. There is a small family of Megalodon in the Tu-Fong Inlet. The local fishermen like to throw fish into the water to feed the family, and seeing the family is considered a sign of good luck for fishermen.

  9. Toshonori has the highest population of cats in all of Innune, and they have become a part of everyday life in the town.

  10. Legend states that deep in the Eastern Horn mountains lives a faceless leper who has lived since the unification of The Shu Province, and is an oracle who prophesied the coming of Ulf Giantsbane, the War of Elven Blades and the Dragon Prophecies.

  11. Rocinante has the most advanced medical facilities in Innune, and has been at the forefront of developing medical technology for 50 years.

  12. Rocinante also has the most progressive social security system in all of Innune, ensuring that those who struggle the most have a safety net to ensure they have food, shelter and money to live

  13. Weeping Grove was given its name due to the fact that the trees spontaneously form what looks like crying faces and sap begins excreting from the faces like tears. Rumours say that when inside the grove at night, you can hear crying coming from all around you, as though the trees are crying.

  14. Wellahm’s Green was named after Wellahm Sturgis when the town of Kallisheer was threatened by a large group of bandits. One night, Wellahm Sturgis got incredibly drunk and marched off into the nearby woods, proclaiming to any and all he passed on the way that he was going to deal with the bandits. When he did not return the next morning, the town assumed he had been killed by the bandits, and so held a funeral for the poor man. During the funeral procession, Wellahm emerged from the woods drenched in blood and still drunk, proclaiming that the bandits had been dealt with, and promptly passed out, falling into his own grave. A local woodsman who went to investigate the voracity of the claims found the bandit camp and the brutal scene of 45 bandits horrifically massacred. When Wellahm awoke, he could not remember what happened so the town just never spoke of the incident again, instead, just named the woods Wellahm’s Green.

  15. There is a secret tunnel in Lake Tychondrius that leads into a cave in the nearby mountains. The cave has been fashioned into a strange paganistic shrine to an unknown being. Whenever someone explores, it looks like the shrine has been recently used, but no one is ever seen entering or leaving.

  16. There is rumoured to be a massive underground market in the sewers of Osmuth that deals primarily with black market goods and slavery, the guards seem to look the other way, probably due to being paid off or being involved in the market

  17. The isle of Aptrgangr off the coast of Herfuria has a single cabin on it inhabited by an old lady who is the leading expert meta-physical research and the geometry of magical circles

  18. Between the rise of The Domain of the Lich-King and its conquering by The Primarch, no living thing had ever existed inside the nation.

  1. The city of Embercairn is home to the “Library of Origin”, the largest library in Innune containing a copy of all known works. The library is divided into a number of sections: The public section, containing the books approved for public consumption; The Arcane Section, a section only available to approved mages, containing a collection of books on various topics concerning magic; The Hall of Records, a section that requires an authorised request for documents by a government official and is dedicated to various scrolls, tablets and other documents regarding the documentation of various things including taxes, various legislations that have been passed etc and The Forbidden Archive, which is an area that can only be accessed by authorization of The Primarch or The Arbiter, and contains a number of books and scrolls that are considered “forbidden knowledge”

  2. The Host-Tower of the Arcane is less of a building and more of a living tower, it is always increasing in size to accommodate its occupants and has been known on occasion to rearrange its floor plan unexpectedly.

  3. There is a popular travelling circus that goes all across Innune called Arraduchi’ has been in business for the past 214 years and owned by the same family since inception.

  4. A business in Kambr called “Ivellhess Gnomeworks” has been working on the technology for sky-ships with recent tests showing promise.

  5. The town of Mistgarde had a notable dairy production before it was destroyed, in particular, there was a manufacturer of boutique cheeses and ice creams that was popular amongst the nobility of Whitehorn

  6. The most popular beverage in Fenikkusu is a mixture of Glacerride spices and the juice of the Qartheen fruit along with sugar. This creates a slightly carbonated beverage that gives a significant energy boost and can be quite addictive to those who do not drink in moderation.

  7. The oldest structure built for the purpose of worshipping a god is a small stone structure within Skadihollow in Herfuria, and was built for the purpose of worshipping Tempus.

  8. There is a Cargo Cult that lives outside the city of Kollavik that believes that by building a graveyard full of open, empty graves, that Bhaal will appear before them and grant them the blessings needed to go out across the land and kill people to fill their empty graves. They have been trying for 20 years to get this to work with no success, digging roughly 2,000 graves. They often visit the city for supplies where they, according to the locals, are the kindest and most well-mannered death cultists they have ever encountered.

  9. On the night of a full moon at the top of the Einarjar Peaks, Norn will appear, and with the appropriate offering, may answer questions on fate.

  10. Deep within the heart of Allanteas sits an artifact known as “The Silmarillion”, which is believed to be the key to passing into The Court of Stars.

  11. The dwarves of Dwarfholme have a secret weapon they call “Boomsticks”, which they have stashed away to protect themselves should anyone attempt to invade their territory.

  12. There is a railway in the underground tunnels that connects all the dwarven citadels together for fast travel

  13. A popular story told to frighten children is the monstrous being that lives in the dark shadows of forests and woods called “Slenderman”

  14. There is a rumour that there is a hut on chicken legs that journeys across the land, kidnapping children

  15. Lake Eberron, Khorvaire Road and the Rivers Khyber and Siberys were named by the mayor Aramor Cannith, who saw visions of a strange world in his dreams, he would pen this world down in a book titled “The Last War”, which described a world where science and technology had come together.

  16. An ancient order of druids, known as “The Oaken Circle” live within Treewall, which, according to them, they grew as a means of protecting a grove sacred to their order.

  17. Popular amongst nobility, especially women, is the weekly collection of rumours and scandals regarding nobles and celebrities published by the famed gadabout and bard, Kingsley Shackle, who rose to prominence after publishing the book “Scoundrels and Scandals”, which detailed stories of tawdry affairs between himself and various men and women of note. While the names were anonymised, it seems that no real effort was made to hide other details which made identifying those involved rather simple. Almost all involved in the book have denied the contents as mere fiction from an “attention-seeking man-whore”.

  18. Neybaris has a yearly eating competition where the contestants are challenged to eat the meat of an entire cow.

  19. The city of Kambr has an embassy to a nation of reptile-folk and Yuan-Ti called Ssethregoran, which lies within the Forbidden Lands.

  20. There is a stone obelisk on the shore of Oaths Crossing which was signed by both The Elder-Seer and Volstus to signify the end of the War of Elven Blades. Despite the war ending thousands of years ago, both signatories are still alive today.

  21. The rise of The Primarch saw the end of all royal lines in Innune, with the only exception being The Shu Province, although they insist they are an imperial line, not a royal line.

  22. The most commonly traded products across nations are Seafood, Animal Hides and Coffee beans.

  1. The migratory bird, Lodden, spends the summer in the Kith Archipelago before migrating across to Gyaralus. Their migration pattern over the years has changed since the rise of The Lich-King as they now go around the coast, not overland. Many sailors watch for the migration of The Lodden as due to the increased distance they leave on their migratory journey roughly two weeks before the temperature shift of the seasonal change, meaning that sailors can get advanced notice of changing temperature and plan their voyages accordingly.

  2. The worship of Shar is frowned upon, but not shunned or disapproved of within Innune, with most places of worship hidden away in the back of homes and places of business so as to not draw unwanted attention to the worshippers.

  3. There have been approximately three major cults formed in worship of The Dead Three, the first was in Kollavik and ended when all of the members went into the Forest of the Draugr to pray to The Dead Three and were killed by zombies (they believed they would have The Dead Three’s protection), the second was formed by con artist in Whitehorn who convinced a bunch of nobles to join and then consume Hemlock as a means of sacrificing themselves to The Dead Three, the con artist then claimed most of their lands and money. The third sprung up in Wolfwater, the cult was ended when the giants destroyed Wolfwater during the War of Elven Blades where the cultists approached the giants and flung themselves onto the giants blades, killing themselves.

  4. There is rumoured to be a secret city underground Kambr that is owned by Drow who have split off from Menzoberranzan and operate as an independent mercenary company.

  5. Estanelion has an arena which plays host to a number of sporting and combat events, most popular amongst them is a mix between the drama of theater and the action of gladiatorial combat. Some people believe that it is all fake, although most disagree, pointing to the various fights and arguments that occur everyday out in the street between the two combatants.

Player Options

The following are player options that are well suited for basing your character in the Ravia world setting.


Soldier of the Primarch

Either through volunteering or through conscription, you have found yourself a member of the Primarch's army, your days of training were long and brutal, and more often than not, the training itself was just a means by which existing soldiers could beat and humiliate you.

The end result of this experience though has strengthened you and made you able to survive terrible hardship.


  • Athletics
  • Intimidation


As The Primarch's armies are made up of only humans, there is typically no need for a soldier of The Primarch to learn any language that humans do not speak.


One of the soldiers. Your experiences and training have led to you being able to interact comfortably with other soldiers or people who serve directly under The Primarch. You can gain information from soldiers and guards much easily and even convince guards to perform certain small favors for you. You also have advantage on any social check made against a soldier or other member of The Primarch's military.


You reject the tyrannical rule of The Primarch, standing on the side of the oppressed either through performing missions for the rebels that see The Primarch's grip weakened or through secretly assisting other rebels by providing supplies, shelter and a place to lay low when The Primarch's soldiers come around.


  • Deception
  • Insight


You gain proficiency in Thieves Cant, a language you use to secretly communicate with other rebels and sympathizers.


We're in this together. You have learned to pick up on the hidden markings that indicate where rebel safe-houses and allies are within villages and cities controlled by The Primarch. When in cities or villages controlled by The Primarch and his forces, you will be able to locate a safe place to lay low and get supplies or an ally who can assist you. However, using the same place or ally too much can bring unwanted attention.


The following are extended languages that appear in the world of Innune and can be used alongside the languages present in the Players Handbook.

Old Herfurian

An ancient language dating back to the origin of humanity on Ravia, quite possibly the first spoken language of humans.


As the world evolved and new nations and cultures rose, Old Herfurian began to evolve by taking on evolutions and slang terminology found in other languages. Over time, the new Herfurian language was no longer compatible with the Old Herfurian Language, and thus, there was a separation and distinction between the two.


The elves of The Feywilds that travelled to Ravia initially came from a city they called Castrovel, and spoke a language they referred to as Castrovellian. Castrovellian is an old language that exists these days only in rare documents and other historical texts originating from those who travelled via the Aiudara to Ravia.


The language most common in Talenveti, although in modern times most people of Talenvet speak the common tongue, Talenveti is still used amongst merchants and traders as a language used to barter or make deals, or by the people to speak insults.


The common tongue of The Shu Province, as the eastern Shu Province exists seperately and outside the sphere of influence of the rest of the world, it is very rare to hear the common tongue in The Shu Province, and chances are that many people of The Shu Province will not understand the common tongue.


Language common to the people of the land of Kithis, now The Kith Archipeligo. Since Duskfall, this language has become less common due to the very small number of Kith left.

Black Tongue

A language only spoken in whispers amongst the followers of The Ebon God, to admit to knowing any of The Black Tongue is to all but guarantee imprisonment and execution.

Playable Races

The following are races specific to the setting, and can be chosen as a starting race.


The thing about Viera, is that on the surface, they seem reserved and kind, but that is just a facade that hides the truth that they are more competent and capable warriors than any other being I have witnessed.

- Razmeer

Tall and elegant, but with incredible speed and skill with any weapon they care to pick up, the Viera have been a primarily isolationist race of people hailing from the Feywilds, and have only recently appeared in the wider world.

The Viera seem to exist as a race of only females, as there is no record or evidence of a males Viera ever existing.

Viera often stand around 6 feet tall, and can grow as tall as 7 feet tall, they are quite light, allowing them to move quickly, but this lightness is deceptive as they are also incredibly powerful, especially in the legs.

Viera also have long, rabbit-like ears that give them superior hearing, especially in nature, where their hearing is their primary tool for tracking and hunting.

Racial Names

Male Names: -
Female Names: Dher, Thos, Valle, Vhazus, Vhendel, Nandizez
Family Names: -

Racial Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and you can select one other score to increase by 1.
Age. Viera enter adulthood at the age of 16 and have a lifespan of approximately 150-175 years.
Alignment. Viera tend towards chaotic alignments.
Size. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Heightened Hearing. Your long ears grant you a powerful sense of hearing. You gain advantage on all perception checks related to sound and hearing.
Natural Claws. You have natural claws on your hands. Your unarmed strikes now do 1d4+Strength slashing damage.
Lithe Movement. Viera have powerful leg muscles allowing them to move with a sudden burst of immense speed. Once per short rest, you may move up to double your movement speed as a move action and gain a climb speed of 20 feet.


If they weren't so self-serving and greedy, the Leng race could have collectively bought and sold the entire planet ten times over.

- Fizzlewick Sparkhammer

Short and stubby, the quick-tongued Leng hail from the planet of Numia, where each person in Leng society is always selling something, and usually doing so in a dishonest manner or trying to con another person out of their belongings.

It's only been in recent years that Leng have discovered Aiudara and a means of crossing into Ravia, where they discovered a whole new planet of people to make money from.

Leng traditional dress usually involves some form of full-body robe with a hood, it is believed that this comes from a desire not to be noticed, as this dress hides noticable facial and body features, making it hard to differentiate the Leng from each other.

The Leng people besides being skilled merchants and con artists are also inventive by nature, and are capable of using whatever is at their disposal to create what they need, when they need it, this has led them to making great strides in technology such as sky ships, although, their sky ships, like most things they create, are usually poorly constructed and barely held together.

Racial Names

Leng do not have the concept of names, instead, their communication relies primarily on eye contact and the reference to ones job or title. This has led to a great deal of difficulty or confusion when Leng try and communicate with other races as their traditional dress is designed to conceal identifying features, meaning most people struggle to differentiate identity.

Racial Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, your wisdom increases by 1 and your dexterity decreases by 2.
Age. Leng enter adulthood at the age of 15 and have a lifespan of approximately 500 years.
Alignment. Leng tend towards chaotic alignment, and it is incredibly rare for a Leng to do something out of kindness or for the greater good.
Size. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Confident Liar. Lying to get what you want is second nature to a Leng, you have advantage on all Deception checks that involve lying to someone.
Eye for Magic. Leng have an innate ability to identify and detect magic. You may cast the spells Identify and Detect Magic at will.
Combat Averse. Leng are averse to conflict if they can avoid it, and are good at making themselves small or finding cover to avoid combat or coming to harm. You may use your allies as a means to hide behind for the Hide action, and while hiding behind your allies you have three-quarters cover.


The following are optional rules around introducing weapon enchantment runes into your game, you do not need to allow these rules at your table, and are merely presented as an alternative.

Item Runes

Item Runes are items (engraved stones, scrolls or other means of conveying runic imagery for copying) that allow you to engrave magical properties onto an item.

The most common type of rune is an Enhancement Rune, which is a type of rune that provides a magical bonus to the item, for example the standard +1/+2/+3 for weapons and armor.

Other runes exist that can provide additional magical properties to items, such as additional elemental damage, increased critical hit range or other benefits. These types of runes are referred to as Enchantment Runes.

Enchantment Runes have limitations on how they can be applied to a weapon, with the number of Enchantment Runes being limited to the enhancement bonus of the item, for example, a +1 weapon can only have one Enchantment Rune, but a +2 may have up to 2 Enchantment Runes. The exception to this rule is mundane, non-magical weapons, which can only have One Rune of any type applied to them, either Enchantment of Enhancement, and only once they have an Enhancement Rune can they then also get additional Enchantment Runes.

Placing a rune on an item or removing a rune is a complicated process that requires specialist skills and tools, as such, you will need to a find a person who is skilled in Runecrafting and Runeworking to apply runes to an item. Runes can be removed, but there is a risk that the rune will be destroyed in the process, should the rune be successfully removed, the item loses all magical benefits associated with that rune and you regain the rune as an item you can place on other items, otherwise, if it is destroyed, the item still loses all magical benefits associated to that rune, but you do not gain the rune back and are unable to place that rune on another item.

When determining the success or failure of a rune being removed, the DM should roll a percentile d100, with the DC set based upon the skill of the Runeworker.

Runeworker Skill Success Percentage
Apprentice 40%
Average 50%
Skilled 60%
Master 70%
Legendary 80%

Available Item Runes

Weapon Runes

Enchanted +0

Cost: 800gp
Item is magic for purposes of damage reduction, does not grant any enhancement bonuses

Enchanted +1

Cost: 2,500gp
+1 Ehancement bonus to attack and damage rolls

Enchanted +2

Cost: 10,000gp
+2 Ehancement bonus to attack and damage rolls

Enchanted +3

Cost: 35,000gp
+3 Ehancement bonus to attack and damage rolls

Lesser Bane

Cost: 1,500gp
You may cast bane on a creature you successfully hit, the save DC is 8 + Proficiency + Enchantment Level (+0/1/2/3)

Greater Bane

Cost: 22,000gp
Select a monster type when this rune is etched onto a weapon, whenever you hit a monster of that type, you may do an extra 2d6 damage.

Feather Fall

Cost: 750gp
As a reaction you may cast feather fall on yourself


Cost: 3,500gp
Extra 1d6 fire damage


Cost: 3,500gp
Extra 1d6 cold damage


Cost: 3,500gp
Extra 1d6 lightning damage


Cost: 12,000gp
Crits on 19/20, crit on 19 must still beat AC and is not an automatic critical


Cost: 7,500gp
When your weapon requires ammo, you can use this ability to magically create ammo, there is no limit to the amount of ammo you can create, this ammo is magical for the purposes of damage reduction but does not have an enhancement bonus, however if this item is enchanted with a rune such as flaming, the ammo gains the effect of that rune.


Cost: 1,000gp
When you attempt a thrown Range attack with this weapon, it flies back to your hand after the weapon impacts an object or creature. If there is no impact, it does not return to your hands. If your hands are full when the weapon returns, it falls to the ground at your feet. The weapon has a max Return range of 1,000 feet.


Cost: 28,000gp
On a successful hit you do 1d4 extra damage to the monsters max hit points, strength and dexterity scores.


Cost: 42,000gp
Weapon with this rune can roll an extra two damage die when calculating damage, on a critical hit, you may triple your damage instead of doubling it.


Cost: 1,300gp
This weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage against undead, if the damage type is radiant, this doubles to 2d6


Cost: 50,000gp
This weapon deals an extra 8d6 damage on hit against a creature of a type specified when this rune is imprinted on the weapon

Spell Storing

Cost: 5,000gp per spell level
Can store a spell of a level equal to the runes storing level (1-9), the spell must be cast by a spellcaster with the ability to cast that spell and with the spell on their spell list at the time the rune is placed on the item, once a spell is placed on the rune, it cannot be changed. You have one casting of the spell per day, and should the spell require material components that the spell consumes then the person attuned to the item must have those components available, using the spell stored in this item uses the same amount of time asc regularly casting the spell.

Armor Enchantments

Enchanted +1

Cost: 6,000gp
+1 Ehancement bonus to AC

Enchanted +2

Cost: 18,000gp
+2 Ehancement bonus to AC

Enchanted +3

Cost: 42,000gp
+3 Ehancement bonus to AC


Cost: 80,000gp
Each day up to 10 minutes per day and used in one minute increments, a creature may as a standard action shift themselves onto the etherial plane


Cost: 25,000gp
Select a type of damage that is not caused by standard melee weapons, you are resistant to this type of damage. This type is selected when the rune is placed on the item and cannot be changed once selected.


Cost: 10,000gp
Upon command, an item with this rune can change appearance to anything the caster wants, however it cannot change size, the armor retains all properties including weight and stealth penalties as well as the time taken to don/doff the armor. A creature with True Sight can see the true nature of this item.


Cost: 30,000gp
While attuned to this item you gain the effect of Aura of Courage. all friendly creatures within 10ft of you are immune to fear effects while you are conscious.


Cost: 12,000gp
Can only be placed on an item that does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks, this item grants an addiontal 1d6 to your stealth check.

Greater Shadow

Cost: 47,000gp
Can only be placed on an item that does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks, this item grants a flat +10 to stealth checks.

Perfect Shadow

Cost: 140,000gp
Can only be placed on an item that does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks, this item grants a flat +20 to stealth checks.

Fortification (Lesser)

Cost: 43,000gp
Grants a 20% chance that a sneak attack or critical hit is negated and normal damage is rolled instead.

Fortification (Moderate)

Cost: 95,000gp
Grants a 40% chance that a sneak attack or critical hit is negated and normal damage is rolled instead.

Fortification (Greater)

Cost: 230,0000gp
Grants a 60% chance that a sneak attack or critical hit is negated and normal damage is rolled instead.

Scaling Items

Scaling Items are items that grow in power and abilities as the player grows, the basic type of scaling item increases its enhancement bonus relative to the players overall character level, however, as the item grows, it can also gain new or improved magical powers and abilities.

The best kind of scaling item is one that is innately tied to the character and their story, and should be an item that is meaningful to them and would make sense for them to hold onto throughout their life.

Creating a Scaling Item

A scaling item should have its enhancement bonus increase relative to the characters level to ensure that the item grows and remains useful to the character as the game progresses and does not become an item they are looking to replace every chance they get. The following table is the general rule of enhancement scaling that should be applied based upon character level.

Level Range Enhancement Bonus
3 - 8 +1
9 - 14 +2
15+ +3
(Optional) 19+ +4

The starting level range is given as level 3 to prevent a player from getting a magical item right at level one, and providing players with a +4 bonus is optional and can be at the discretion of the DM.

Our recommendation is that you do not hand out this items lightly, nor do you hand them out as soon as a player reaches the entry level range, but rather give them to players as makes sense within the confines of the story, even if that means the item comes within a higher level-range and does no start at the beginning tier.

Additional Item Powers

Additional powers go a long way in turning a basic item into a unique item. Ideally, the powers will be thematic to the player and their story, however, if you are not sure, a good place to start would be looking at the available enchantment runes players can place on items, and evolve the powers from there. Some suggestions that you could use are:

  • Bonus damage against a certain creature or creature type
  • Increased enhancement bonus against a certain creature or creature type
  • Damage type changed to a form of elemental damage (e.g. Slashing becomes Fire)
  • A useful and powerful once-per-long-rest ability (i.e. the ability to cast a spell once-per-long-rest)
  • A number of charges for spellcasting

Sentience & Cursed Items

Not every powerful item that grows with its user has the best interests of its user at heart, nor are all items simply inanimate objects to be used. Sometimes items have powerful spirits or entities trapped within them that give the item its power, or sometimes the items present power to the user at the cost of being affected by a powerful curse.

As scaling items should be thematic and specific to the player, the DM and the player should work together to craft the item to be appropriate to the characters backstory.

Some examples or sentient or cursed item traits and properties are below.

  • The spirit of a close family member or friend is within the item, providing guidance and power
  • A powerful entity that has protected the family for generations resides in the item
  • A powerful demon resides in the item, providing power to the user in exchange for some sinister deal
  • An unknown entity deceives the user into believing they are here to help the user but are manipulating them into having the item return to its true master.
  • The item can only be wielded by its one true master and creator, all other users suffer terrible effects or a terrible fate should they attempt to use the item
  • The item feeds off of those who use it, making it stronger. Over time the current wielder will be consumed and absorbed into the item, sealing them forever into the item and making the item even stronger for the next person who uses it.


Due to exposure to psionic energies or through some genetic mutation, you find yourself having access to innate psionic abilities.

Psionic Points

You have a number of psionic points equal to half your level rounded up, these psionic points are expended when you use a psionic ability, and you regain your psionic points after a long rest.

Innate Manifestations

An innate manifestation is a simple psionic ability that you gain access to when you gain access to your psionic powers, these abilities do not cost psionic points to cast.

Innate Telepathy

You gain the ability to telepathically communicate with any creature within 30 feet of you, the creature must have an intelligence score of 6 or greater and you must share a language to be able to communicate.

Innate Telekinesis

You gain the ability to telekinetically move an object. This acts the same as the Mage Hand spell but the hand is invisible.

Innate Mental Defences

Your psionic abilities have strengthened your mind, allowing you to be more resilient to mental attacks, you gain advantage on all saving throws to resist charm effects and you may expend a psionic point as a reaction to gain resistance to psychic damage.

However, should you take any psychic damage, you lose concentration on any psionic ability you were concentrating on at the time without the ability to save, this is in conjunction with standard concentration rules.

Psionic Abilities

You gain access to a number of psionic abilities, use of each ability expends at least one psionic point, and many psionic abilities scale based upon the number of psionic points expended.

Concentration on psionic abilities exerts a great deal of focus, as such, you cannot cast any spells or use any other natural abilities or innate manifestations while concentrating on a psionic ability.

You may not expend more than half your psionic points to scale a psionic ability.

Your psionic ability attack modifier is equal to [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency] and your psionic save DC is equal to [8 + Proficiency + Intelligence Modifier]

Psionic Abilities

Psionic Barrier

You create a wall of force around yourself, as a reaction, you reduce all damage by a number of d4 equal to the number of psionic points you expended to use this ability.

Telekinetic Projectile

You use your telekinetic ability to hurl an object at an enemy. The targeted enemy must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save they take 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for each psionic point they expend to use the ability and are knocked back 10 feet and become prone, or half as much damage on a successful save.

Psionic Blast

You hurl a blast of psionic energy at an opponent, make a psionic attack roll, on hit, the target takes 1d8 points of psychic damage for each psionic point expended to use this ability.

Hold Person

You psionically invade a target's mind, temporarily severing the connection between their mind and body. You may cast the spell Hold Person by using a psionic point, with the duration being a number of rounds equal to the number of psionic points expended to use the ability.

Mental Acuity

You direct your psionic energies into yourself or an ally, providing them psionic protection from mental attacks. The target of this ability gains a bonus to their Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws equal to the number of points expended to use this ability, they also reduce all psychic damage by the same number. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of psionic points expended to use this ability.

Sense Psionic Field

You focus on the background psionic energies emitted by all creatures, you are able to sense all creatures with an intelligence score of 5 or higher within a range that increases by 30 feet for each psionic point expended. You learn the creatures approximate location, the number of creatures in range and the creature type.

Nudge Thoughts

You use your psionic abilities to gently nudge a target's thoughts in a way that you desire. By expending a psionic point you gain advantage on your next Insight, Persuasion or Deception check.

Kithomancy - Runic Spellcasting


Kithomancy is a branch of magic developed by the Kith, a race of human-like creatures from a world called Eios.

Kith arcanists discovered that special runes carved into magically attuned implements such as Mythal or by creating multi-layered magic circles and arranging the runes in a specific order they could manipulate magic and bend it to their will.

The study of these runes, and the rituals and methods were called Kithomancy.

Kithomancy does not channel magic through any source, it is fundamentally different from divine or arcane magic and does not have any roots in the magical energies of nature or the power of great, extra-planar beings, instead, the runes themselves channel the power of the casters will and the intention of the meaning of the runes itself, this allows a spellcaster using Kithomancy to bypass the divine limitations on spellcasting and access magic beyond what is capable through standard means.

Kithomancy ranks spells based upon their tier, which translates to the level of the spell. A 1st-tier Runic Spell would be equivalent to a 1st level spell. Cantrips are equated to 0th-tier Runic Spells, and usually can be cast by drawing a runic symbol in the air.

Every runic spell requires the specific runes to be engraved upon a casting medium that is naturally attuned to magic, these carved implements are called Runestones. The most common type of Runestone was a small shard of Mythal, although powerful spellcasters have cast incredibly powerful spells with shards of a Phlogiston and some necromancers have even used forcibly extracted souls or carved runes into the flesh of an unfortunate victim.

The general rule for casting runic spells is that you require one Runestone per spell tier up until 7th tier, with 8th tier and beyond having far more complex requirements. However, it can also be said that not every spell follows this rule, with some spells of a low tier requiring more Runestones than usual to cast.

Casting 10th-Tier and above spells

A spell that is of 10th-tier or above requires multiple spell slots to cast, the general rule is that for each spell tier above 9th costs one additional spell slot per tier above 9th tier where each additional spell slot is of a level that is one less than the previous.

For example, a 10th tier spell would require a 9th and an 8th level spell slot, an 11th tier spell would require a 9th, 8th and 7th level spell slot and a 12th would require a 9th, 8th, 7th and 6th level spell slot. The following table gives the spell slots which are used per spell tier.

Spell Tier

Spell Slot Level












































The following are a collection of spells available within the Innune campaign setting. The campaign setting introduces a new school of magic called Kithomancy, and as such, some spells will be labeled as such.

Abyssal Prison

9th-level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (Tome of Infinite Madness opened to a page.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The target must make a wisdom saving throw, on a failed save the target is permanently sent to the deepest, darkest corners of the abyss where their soul will be slowly devoured by the infinite demons and other horrors found within the abyss.

While in the abyss, the target does not have access to any magic or magical effects or abilities, and cannot leave or be summoned from the abyss by anything other than someone going into the abyss and finding/rescuing the imprisoned target.

If the target is not released or rescued within 7 days, their soul will be completely consumed within the abyss and the character will be permanently dead with no spell able to revive or resurrect them.

Should this spell be used to send a creature from the abyss back to its plane of origin, that creature does not die, and is instead bound to the abyss for 100 years and cannot leave until that period of time is up.

Arcanum Bolt

3rd level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: M (One Power-Crystal)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A large bolt of force energy strikes the target dealing 5d8 force damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the force damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.


13th-level Kithomancy/Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 30 Days (Ritual)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (13 Kith Stones, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Permanent

The caster imbues themself with power, ascending themselves to the position of a deity.

Use of this spell will gain the attention of many entities who exist to prevent events such as this from occurring, such as the Inevitables and even Lord Ao.

Cartaphilus's Librarium

5th-level Kithomancy

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A book that has resided within the librarium pocket dimension)
  • Duration: 8 hours

One of the runic spells found in the Journal of Cartaphilus Agamemnon, this spell summons a spectral doorway that links to a persistent extra-dimensional library. This demiplane is infinitely large and can be used to store items as the demiplane persists outside of castings of the spell. The caster of this spell always knows the location of anything they wish to find, including the exit, however, those who enter the demiplane without the caster or wander off must succeed a DC17 Intelligence Saving Throw or become lost in the library, those who are lost in the library wander aimlessly, and if not found by the caster within 24 hours become a Shadow that is permanently bound to the demiplane.

The door of the demiplane can only be opened by the caster of the spell, and the door can only be interacted with or viewed by any creature that the caster chooses.

This spell ends after 8 hours, after which time, if the caster is still within the demiplane when the spell ends, they will be ejected into the nearest available space from the point where the door was summoned, any creature that is not lost in the demiplane that the caster chooses will also be ejected, otherwise, they will become trapped in the demiplane.

Convergence of Spheres

11th-level Kithomancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Full-round Action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (11 Kith Stones, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1d4 Rounds

The caster creates a conduit to focus the raw energies of the elemental chaos onto a targeted point. Each creature within a 30 foot radius centered on that point must make a dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d8 fire damage, 8d8 cold damage, 8d8 lightning damage and 8d8 bludgeoning damage or half as much damage on a successful save. This damage is not reduced by resistances, but is negated by immunity.

Cursed Thread of Fate

11th-level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (11 Kith Stones, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 7 days

The caster may magically pull forth the thread of fate of a creature that they touch. The creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a successful save, the spell fails, otherwise the caster draws forth the thread from the creature. This thread exists for seven days before it disappears, and during that time, should the thread break for any reason, then the creature will die. While you hold on to the thread, you are able to manipulate and control the creatures actions, compelling them to do or say anything that you desire.

Devastate Undead

8th-level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A spell created by the evil Arch-Lich Larloch, both to destroy his own minions as a form of punishment, and to extend his own unlife.

All undead creatures within 30 feet of the caster with a CR of less than or equal to 8 must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a successful save their hit point maximum is reduced to half of the original maximum, and the caster receives 1d4 points of healing for each affected creature, or, they may cause damage to one enemy they can see within 60 feet of the caster, dealing 1d4 points of necrotic damage per undead creature destroyed.

Should a creature fail their saving throw, the creature is destroyed and the caster may either gain 1d8+1 points of healing per undead creature destroyed, or, deal 1d8+1 points of necrotic damage per undead creature destroyed to one creature they can see within 60 feet of the caster.

Improved Hunters Mark

1st-level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 1 Hour

You choose a creature you can see within range and mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature.

When used to mark a rangers favoured enemy, increase the extra damage to 2d6.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.

Mielikki's Reflecting Grace

4th-level Illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (Requires the caster to be in possession of and attuned to Rune of Mielikki)
  • Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration)

A large watery-like mirror appears at a specified location within 30 feet of the caster. A creature selected by the caster must succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw or become enthralled with the summoned object, the enthralled creature gets a new save at the beginning of each turn so long as the caster is concentrating on the spell, and should the caster stop concentrating on the spell, the creature is no longer enthralled.

While enthralled, the creature is compelled to move closer to the summoned object and focus on the reflection it sees, and cannot take any actions or bonus actions. Should the creature be attacked while enthralled, it's next saving throw DC is reduced by one for each attack it has suffered while enthralled.

When the creature begins it's turn within 5 feet of the summoned object and is enthralled, it witnesses horrifying visions of the dark truth of a persons character, causing 3d6 points of psychic damage. Should a creature be reduced to 0 hit-points while enthralled and within five feet of the object, hundreds of black hands will extend out from the mirror and drag the creature into the mirror, while grabbed by these hands, the creature has disadvantage on their death saving throws. The creatures will spend three rounds pulling the creature into the summoned object, and after three turns if the creature is not freed or stabilised, the creature is completely consumed by the summoned object, and cannot be brought back by any means including wish or true resurrection.

A creature attempting to free a grabbed creature must succeed a DC17 Strength Check to pull the creature free, otherwise if the creature is grabbed but conscious, the grabbed creature must pass a DC20 Athletics Check to free themselves.

At higher levels. This spell has different effects depending on the spell level, refer to the below table for relevant changes.

5th Level: Increase the range by 10 feet and increase the damage by 1d6
6th Level: Increase the range by 10 feet and increase the damage by 1d6, each time a creature takes damage from this spell, reduce their Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma score by 1, this ability damage remains in place until Lesser Restoration is cast (heals 1d4 ability score damage to one score) or Greater Restoration is cast (heals all ability score damage)
7th Level: Increase the range by 10 feet and increase the damage by 1d6
8th Level: Increase the range by 10 feet and increase the damage by 1d6, each time a creature takes damage from this spell, reduce their hit point maximum by the same amount of damage, should a creature be reduced to 0 hit points and 0 maximum hit points via this method, they are instantly dragged into the summoned object and are permanently killed with no method of resurrection available.
9th Level: Increase the range by 10 feet and increase the damage by 1d6, all hit point and ability score damage is now permanent and can only be removed by the wish spell.

Mind Break

8th-level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (Tome of Infinite Madness opened to a page.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a failed save the target takes 14d6 Psychic Damage and becomes permanently insane, gaining one effect at random from the permanent madness table, the player must also take a permanent -4 penalty to their Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma scores. A successful save causes half damage and the target does not gain any permanent negative effects.

The negative effects can be removed by a Greater Restoration cast at the same level or higher than what this spell was cast at.

Perfect Anihilation

10th-level Kithomancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (10 Kith Stones, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1 Minute (concentration)

A sphere of arcane energy appears and spreads outwards at a rate of 60 feet per round until the spell ends, every creature that ends their turn inside the radius of this spell must make a constitution saving throw or take 15d12 points of untyped damage that ignores all resistances and immunities. Any creature that drops to 0 hit points while in the radius of this spell dies and their body is reduced to a small pile of ash and their soul is wrought from their bodies and destroyed. There is no means by which to revive a person killed by this method without the divine interference of a deity.

Phlogistic Gateway

12th-level Kithomancy/Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 8 hours (Ritual)
  • Range: N/A
  • Components: V, S, M (12 Kith Stones, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1 Minute

The caster opens a small portal in the crystal sphere, allowing a creature to pass beyond the crystal sphere into the Phlogiston. The portal remains open for one minute before closing again, once it is closed, it cannot be passed through unless this spell is cast again to create another portal.


Evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You hurl a bolt of psyonic energy at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 psychic damage.

This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

Purifying Radiance

2nd-level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 ft. radius
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration)

A powerful glow emanates from the caster, washing all creatures in a 30 foot radius in holy light. All enemies who start their turn within range must make a Constitution Saving Throw or take 2d6 radiant damage and be blinded for the duration, or half as much damage for a successful save, and become immune to the effects of this spell for 24 hours. If the creature is a fiend, undead or has the sunlight sensitivity trait, they make the saving throw with disadvantage. A blinded creature may repeat the saving throw at the beginning of their turn. All allies in the range gain 1d4 temporary hit points and advantage against fear and charm effects and are immune to petrification.

Continuing to concentrate on the spell costs a creatures move and bonus action, otherwise, the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Record Time

7th-level Kithomancy/Chronomancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (A Kith Stone, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1 day

The caster touches a single creature, creating a mark that allows them to exactly pinpoint a certain location within time.

Rewind Time

10th-level Kithomancy/Chronomancy

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (10 Kith Stones, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The caster touches a single creature, creating a temporal field around them that allows the caster to rewind time and return them perfectly to the state they were in at the chosen point in time. The chosen point in time must have been marked by the Record Time spell, otherwise the spell will not work. This spell requires as little as a single cell of the targeted creature remaining and can return the creature from any kind of death, banishment or other effect, and is not affected by the limitations of spells that prevent return by any means other than wish or divine intervention. The returned creature returns exactly as they were during the point in time when they were marked, having exactly the same hit points, spell slots and conditions.

After using the spell, the caster must make a d20 roll, on a roll of 10 or less, the caster gains the attention of an entity who cannot allow time to be altered in any way, the result is at the discretion of the DM.

Whispers of Madness

6th-level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (A page of the Tome of Infinite Madness open.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a failed save the target takes 10d6 Psychic Damage and gains one effect from the temporary madness table for the duration of the spell. On a successful save the target takes half damage and does not gain any negative effects.

Wrath of Agamemnon

5th-level Kithomancy

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (A Kith Stone, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

One of the runic spells found in the Journal of Cartaphilus Agamemnon. The caster outstretches their hand, pointing a finger towards their target, the targeted creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 6d12 force damage, a creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much damage. Should the creature fail it's saving throw, it must then make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a failed save all attacks against this creature have advantage until the start of the creatures next turn, on a successful save nothing happens.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 5th.

Spell Component Artifacts

Some artifacts are not only powerful items, but are necessary components and conduits in the casting of powerful spells. The following are a collection of items that are used by some of the above spells.

Kith Stone

Wondrous Item, artifact

A small stone carved with runes of an unidentifiable language that seem to hold immense magical power.

A Kith Stone is required to cast Kithomancy spells, or, can be used in place of material components for any other spell, once used in place of material components, the item is destroyed.


Wondrous Item, Rare

Power-Crystals are fist-sized gems infused with magical energy and are primarily used as the power-source of technomancy machines.

Power-Crystals are volatile, and crushing one will cause an explosion encompassing 20 square-feet, dealing 12d6 points of force damage.

Runestone of Mielliki

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement, Cleric of Mielliki)

A rune-stone taken from the lake in the Grove of the Unicorns and blessed by the goddess Mielliki. This stone marks the bearer as a chosen of the goddess.

Chosen of Mielliki. The number you need to roll under to use the Divine Intervention ability is increased by 5.

Tome of Infinite Madness

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement, any spellcaster)

A book which at first glance seems to be the collected writings of various mad scholars and mages. Upon closer inspection, the writings reveal their authors descent into madness and the horrifying reality that presents.

Void-Touched. The book becomes soul-bound to the person and can be summoned and dismissed at will. While summoned, the book acts as a +3 spell-casting focus. The wielder of the book may read through the increasingly mad writings within the book and make a DC21 Wisdom Saving Throw, on success, they automatically succeed any knowledge checks relating to arcana, history or religion. On a failure, they take 10d8 points of psychic damage.

Tome of the Librarium

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement, Wizard)

A book of forbidden knowledge taken from the demi-plane library of Cartaphilus Agamemnon. Should those who crave power and understand the true scope of the knowledge in this book discover you possess such an item, they will hunt you to the ends of the earth to take it from you.

Forbidden Knowledge. Increase your Intelligence score by 2 and you intelligence maximum to 30. You also gain advantage on all history, arcana and religion rolls to recall knowledge.


All deities listed in the book as well as the character Bruenor Battlehammer, and the locations Mithril Hall, Sundabarr and Menzoberranzan are taken from the Forgotten Realms setting and are property of the respective license and copyright holders.

Siberys, Khorvaire, Khyber and Eberron are taekn from the Eberron campagin setting and are property of the respective license and copyright holders.

The names of most of the Fey Lords and the Animal lords are taken from Kobold Press's books Creature Codex and Tome of Beasts and are property and Kobold Press and the respective license and copyright holders.

The names of the days of the week are taken from Paizo's Golarion world setting and are property of Paizo and the respective license and copyright holders.

All images, maps and content unless otherwise mentioned is the sole property and copyright of the author, all rights reserved.

A World on
the brink

Welcome to the continent of Innune, a place where a brutal tyrant has conquered most of the known lands, and those untouched, are ruled by ancient dragon demi-gods and horrifying Lich-King's from another reality.

Brave the frozen tundra's, cities ruled by devils and a fortified island ruled by pirate lords to carve your place in history.

On the cover: An image of what was once Aerilon Astarthe during the height of the great Osmanti Empire.


Cover image taken from blackultra8t on DeviantArt

All images, maps and content unless otherwise mentioned is the sole property and copyright of the author.