Relics of the First King

by Matthew

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Relics of the First King

Cover Art: NetEase


Born out of the purest intention to unite the dwarish people under one banner. The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords is a thing of legend. To many, the gods are more real than this fabled artifact. It was forged from not just one or even two significant items, but four legendary tools; all created by the same nameless noble. While many dwarves know the histories of what happened to the Lords' Axe once it fell from king, to queen, to emperor, to despot. What few have questioned, and even fewer know, is what happened to the relics that crafted myth.

These are troubled times for the stout folk and the Axe has seemingly vanished from the world. As such we may not look to it for salvation, but rather forge something new to unite the clans.


The gender of the crafter is not entirely known. As they would later be called the "First King" by many historians we assume a "He/Him" pronoun, but linguistic tradition for elder dwarfish leans it toward a more neutral tone. This means the First King, and thus the Relicmaker, may have been a woman or neither. For the purposes of this account, we assume a "They/Them" due to uncertainty.

brutal pick

Weapon (War Pick), Legendary (requires attunement by a dwarf)

The first of the Relics to be mentioned is that of Thenklynbar or The Brutal Pick as it is known in the common tongue. The Relicmaker had this implement before they delved into the deep dark of the forgotten volcano. Before they discovered the Earthheart Forge, this war pick had sent countless horrors to the hereafter and it became instrumental in uncovering the materials needed to make the Shaping Hammer and the Anvil of Song. It was a companion like no other and as such a weapon of this legacy will be need found if we are to garner Moradin’s favor once again.

The appearance of the Brutal Pick is that of a dark meteorite grey miner’s pick with countless dings, scratches, and imperfections. No matter how much it is cleaned or maintained, both pick ends always have caked on goblin blood and it’s handle feels well worn.

Brutal Pick is an adamantine magic weapon that grants a +2 bonus to hit and damage. It also have the following properties.

Ancestral Grudge. When the pick attempts to hit a Giant or Goblinoid, its magical bonus becomes +3 and deals 2d6 additional necrotic damage.

Depth Sense. The one attuned to the Brutal Pick grants Tremor Sense out to 10 feet and they automatically know their depth when they are underground.

Greedy. The wielder may concentrate for one minute and after such time they know the nearest cache of precious ore, minerals, or gems within a ten mile radius. So long as the wielder concentrates on the cache they know it’s general distance and direction.

One of Many. The Axe of the Dwarfish Lords, The Anvil of Songs, The Earthheart Forge, The Shaping Hammer, and this item are all considered the same item for the purposes of attunement slot.

Timeless. Beyond being an adamantine weapon, the Brutal Pick is indestructible and would require the Shaping Hammer to unmake it.

Artist: Dark Souls III

Earthheart Forge

Facility, Legendary (requires attunement by a dwarf)

A forge without equal and lost to time, there is no soul alive or dead that knows who created such a place. Wherever this complex is, only Moradin knows. Inside there's tale that any tool a crafter would need exists within its bowels. Its beating heart is fueled by an enslaved volcano and tireless elementals are at a crafter's beck and call.

Visions of this forge were granted to the Relicmaker and it was by their own power and Moradin’s grace that they were able to find such a hallowed place. To enter the Earthheart Forge you must bear one of the four Relic of the First King.

The Earthheart Forge is not an item that can be picked up or moved, but it is a place that can be attuned to. While attuned you gain the following benefits.

Divine Access. You can enter and leave the Forge without incurring the wrath of its guardians or the gods. You can grant the selfsame permission to up to five other creatures, but your guests must be on their best behavior or least they offend the Forge.

Hearth Home. You may teleport yourself, without error, back to the Earthheart Forge from any location so long as you are on the same plane of existence asthe Forge. Once teleported, you can not do so again until the next dawn.

Molten Heart. You gain Fire Resistance and Acid Resistance.

One of Many. The Axe of the Dwarfish Lords, The Anvil of Songs, The Brutal Pick, The Shaping Hammer, and this item are all considered the same item for the purposes of your attunement slots.

Productive. You can make any item, magical or not, up to legendary in rarity in half the normal time. This feature stacks with any other ability that allows you to craft items in less time.

Tireless. You recover from one level of fatigue at the end of each short or long rest.

Artist: Juhani Jokinen

Artist: Bethesda

Shaping Hammer

Weapon (Light Hammer), Legendary (requires attunement by a dwarf)

Many assume a large hammer must have been used to create the mighty dwarvish axe, but a smith would tell you that it takes tools of all sizes to produce perfection. The Shaping Hammer is a delicate instrument constructed to aid the Relicmaker in refining ores collected by the Brutal Pick and shaped the materials transmuted by the Earthheart Forge. Any crafter worth their trade would weep to have such a tremendous tool at their disposal.

The Shaping Hammer is a magic weapon that gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls. It also has the following abilities.

Making. When you use the hammer as a part of a roll that applies your Mason’s, Smithing, or Tinkering Tool proficiency then you gain advantage on the roll.

Shaping. The weapon has 8 charges that can be used to cast the following spells without the need for components.

Heat Metal (1 charge), Dispel Magic (3 Charges), Elemental Weapon (2 Charges), Stone Shape (1 Charge), Transmute Rock (2 Charges), Wall of Stone (2 Charges).

All spells are cast at their lowest level. The Hammer’s spell DC is 19 and spell casting modifier is a +4. The Shaping Hammer regains 1d6+2 charges at dawn.

One of Many. The Axe of the Dwarfish Lords, The Anvil of Songs, The Brutal Pick, Earthheart Forge, and this item are all considered the same item for the purposes of attunement slots.

Returning. When this weapon is thrown it will return to the wielder at the end of each attack. If the wielder’s hands are full then it will land at their feet. Additionally, if The Shaping Hammer is not on your person you may recall it to you as a bonus action. It has a fly speed of 90ft and can hover. It will travel the shortest distance to you, but won't go through closed doors or walls. The hammer can be recalled so long as it is within 300 feet of you.

Timeless. The Shaping Hammer is indestructible so long as the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords still exists.

Unmaking. When striking an structure or inanimate object, this weapon deals ignores any resistances or immunities it may have. The Shaping Hammer also acts as a Mace of Smiting.

Anvil of Song

Equipment, Legendary (requires attunement by a dwarf)

We are unsure of how the Anvil was constructed. Was the Relicmaker a bard and did they compose a song that pleased the very steel of the Anvil, or did Moradin infuse but one measure of the song that he sung when creating the dwarven race? Whatever the means, we do not know what the Avil of Song looks like or what materials it is constructed from. We do know that the Relicmaker forged it as the last piece needed to bring forth the Dwarfisg Axe to life.

The Anvil of Song is not something easily moved or carried around. It weighs over 400 pounds with a wide surface to offer plenty of space to those who would work on it. Only those with a strength of 16 or higher and are attuned to the Anvil can even attempt to lift it. To all others, save the gods, it is immovable.

Once placed in a proper forge area the Anvil and the command word uttered it will plant itself and begin to hum with a dull, deep, resonance. While active it has the following properties.

Melody of Making When casting any spell that creates or modifies a creature or object it may be cast without the need for material components, including costly ones. This ability does cover spells that would bring a creature back to life, but not unlife.

Once used the Melody cannot be song for seven days.

Notes of Creation. While attuned you have proficiency in any and all tools that are used to create an object. The Anvil can also be used as a tool kit for any proficiency that crafts or manufactures an object.

One of Many. The Axe of the Dwarfish Lords, The Brutal Pick, Earthheart Forge, The Shaping Hammer, and this item are all considered the same item for the purposes of your attunement slots.

Spark of Wonder. When using the Anvil to make a non-magical object, you may call upon its power to imbue the finished object with magic. Consult Chapter 7 of the Dungeons Master’s Guide on how to create magical items. The rarity of the newly minted magical item cannot be higher than Very Rare.

If all four Relics of the First King are used in the creation of the imbued object, than the rarity of the magic item may be of a Legendary or Artifact quality.

Once performed, the Anvil cannot imbue the Spark of Wonder in an item again for one hundred years.

Timeless. The Shaping Hammer is indestructible so long as the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords still exists

Worker’s Passion. While actively working on a project that includes The Anvil you do not need to sleep, eat, or breath. You may even finish a long rest without needing to slow down or stop your work. You still only may take a long rest once per 24 hours.

___________Artist: Games Workshop


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