# Sorcerous Origin
## The Blood Mage
Everyone touched with the gift of spellcraft can feel the dark pull of the power lying just beneath their skin: Blood Magic.
Originally taught to mortals by spirits and demons alike, those more in tune with the way magic flows through and intensifies within living creatures may free themselves from the ties of mana and foci, instead casting their spells through the sacrifice of blood -- freely given or forcefully taken. Some would see this act and the abilities it grants as perverse, monstrous, maybe even evil. But there is a reason the teachings of this ancient art continue to find refuge in the darker corners of the world century after century;
No one can deny its power.
> ##### Caveat
> This particular Origin relies on organic, natural blood present in its user to draw from. Therefore, undead, constructs, and other spellcasters without blood in the traditional sense will have to seek their power elsewhere. Vampires are the only undead exception to this rule for obvious reasons.
### Sanguine Spellcraft
The path of the Blood Mage offers abilties that some may consider...unnatural.
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Sanguine Spells table. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
##### Sanguine Spells
| Sorcerer Level | Spells |
| 1st | *Cause Fear*, *Puppet* |
| 3rd | *Enthrall*, *Ray of Enfeeblement* |
| 5th | *Life Transference*, *Vampiric Touch* |
| 7th | *Shadow of Moil*, *Summon Greater Demon* |
| 9th | *Infernal Calling*, *Modify Memory* |
### Organic Focus
When you take this Origin at 1st level, you gain an innate awareness of the way magic uses your veins like leylines, strengthening your body with arcane force.
You eschew the need for an arcane focus to cast your spells. Your body becomes the focus for your spellwork, so long as you still have blood left in your body. Additionally, your hit die increases from a d6 to a d8.
### Blood Magic.
Starting at 1st level, you begin to understand the stakes of older magicks within the natural world, and how to place yourself as a wager in that gamble.
Any time you cast a spell, you may choose to do so by sacrificing your own hit points, instead of expending a spell slot. This is done at the moment of casting the spell, and no additional action is required to do this. The blood cost of a spell is equal to 5 x the spell's level in hit points.
For example, say you wanted to cast *Burning Hands* at the 1st level with Blood Magic. You would sacrifice 5 of your own hit points to do so. But, if you wished to cast it at the 3rd level, it would cost 15 of your hit points.
Additionally, if you cast any of your Sanguine Spells this way, they do not require any material or verbal components. However, if you are bound or restrained in a way that prevents you from drawing blood, you may not cast spells using Blood Magic.
> ##### A Note on Blood Rituals
> A precendent has been set for the blood of others (however willing or not) being used by a devious-enough Blood Mage to power their spells and rituals. While this Origin isn't going to cover the specifics of how to go about doing this as it pertains to individual spells, it should be said that this is absolutely within a Blood Mage's arsenal.
>If a player has the means to sacrifice or otherwise bleed multiple living creatures at once, then they would have access to some serious magical might. Such rituals, however, are rarely without metaphysical consequences. This is all left at the discretion of the DM.

### Crimson Sacrifice
At 6th level, you have learned to draw power not only from within, but from those who have stood -- and fallen -- in your path.
When you reduce a target to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. These last for an hour. Targets without blood are unaffected.
You may attempt to initiate this siphon on a still-conscious target:
#### Blood Siphon
*Blood Mage Origin Feature*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30ft
- **Components:** S (*15+ hp sacrificed*)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute
As an action, sacrifice 15 of your own hit points. The blood congeals and forms a horrific tether as it attempts to latch on to your target. They must roll a Constitution Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. Allies may choose to fail the save. On a failure, your life force is linked to theirs, and they take necrotic damage equal to two rolls of their own hit die. You gain temporary hit points equal to half of the damage taken. This link lasts a minute, and you may use your action on subsequent turns to force them to take this damage automatically. This link ends if you use your action to do anything else. The number of damage hit die rolls increases by 1 for every additional 5 hit points you sacrifice when casting this spell. Targets without blood automatically succeed their Saving Throw.
### Boiling Blood
At 14th level, your study of sanguimancy has given you finer control over your own blood, and the ability to seek and manipulate the blood of others with greater ferocity.
The hit point cost to cast your spells with Blood Magic has improved. Now you must only sacrifice hit points equal to 5 x half of the spell's level, rounded down (*minimum of 5*).
Additionally, you gain access to the following;
#### Haemorrhage
*Blood Mage Origin Feature*
- **Casting Time:** 1 bonus action
- **Range:** 60ft
- **Components:** S (*20+ hp sacrificed*)
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
As a bonus action, sacrifice 20 of your hit points. Each creature in a 30ft radius must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, their blood begins to boil within their veins, searing them from the inside out. Each creature takes fire damage equal to 8 rolls of their individual hit die and is paralysed until the end of your next turn. On a success, the creature takes half damage and is not paralysed. The number of damage hit die rolls increases by 1 for every additional 5 hit points you sacrifice when casting this spell. Targets without blood are unaffected.
### Ultimate Control
At 18th level, few stand in your path and leave unchanged. Your feats of Blood Magic approach those of legend, for better or for worse.
Any hit points you receive from your Origin features are doubled. Demons summoned through your Blood Magic automatically have disadvantage on their Saving Throws to wrest free of your control.
Additionally, you gain the following feature;
#### Dark Marionette
*Blood Mage Origin Feature*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 60ft
- **Components:** S (*20+ hp sacrificed*)
- **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 hour
As an action, you may sacrifice 20 hit points. Target one creature you can see within 60 ft. They must succeed on Wisdom Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. On a successful save, the target takes 6d6 psychic damage. On a failure, the target's blood comes under your deft command, as if attached to your mind with invisible puppet strings. The controlled target regards you as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. As it is under your direct control, it takes your requests or actions in the most favorable way it can, following your direct orders, and is willing to use its life force for your Blood Magic. On subsequent turns, you must use your bonus action to issue them commands. Non-fiend targets without blood automatically succeed the Saving Throw, and take no damage.
Each time you or your companions do anything harmful to the target, save for drawing blood from it, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts for an hour or until your concentration is broken, you fall unconscious, are on a different plane of existence than the target, or take a Bonus Action to end the effect.
You may increase the threshold of the Wisdom Saving Throw by 1 for every additional 5 hit points you sacrifice in the casting of this spell.
> ##### Art Credits
> * Cover: *Elven Blood Mage* by Nekogoroshi-Sama
> * Corner Image: *Blood Magic* by Nebezial