Iarlkarse's Guide to the Lost

by Flugum2point0

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Iarlkarses Guide to the Lost


Barbarian: Path of the Alchemist .....1

Bard: Collage of Plagiarism .............2

Cleric: Dream Domain......................3

Druid: Circle of Tremors................. 4

Fighter: Tribal Warrior...................5

Monk: Way of the Tentacle...............6

Paladin: Oath of the Chain..............7

Ranger: Titan Slayer.......................8

Rogue: Mnemeklept........................9

Sorcerer: Ooze Born......................10

Warlock: Pact of the Terrene..........11

Wizard: School of Golemancy..........12

Credit: N-Deed

Path of the Alchemist

Not all barbarians draw their power and rage from primal origin. Some turn to the ideas of science and make concoctions of mind and body altering power. You use these concoctions to undergo a horrid transformation.

Alchemical Hypothesis

When you join this barbarian path at 3rd level you have been able to tamper with your rage and the power it possess, your rage is now a bottled concoction nothing about the rulings regarding the expending of a rage changes. You can try to extend your rage when it would typically end by passing a DC 15 Intelligence check, on a fail you rage ends, on a success your rage lasts another 30 seconds, you cannot extend the same rage twice.

Genetic Tampering

After extensive research, you have become able to alter the effect your rage has on you and your body allowing you to make potions with new and dangerous effects. At 6th level, you gain the ability to make several potions equal to your half your Int mod every short rest. You can choose from the list below which potions to create. All unused potions will expire by the next short rest. When you use one of these potions the amount of time remaining for your rage is halved.

Potion of Agility You make a potion that allows you to overcharge your reaction times and speed. You gain advantage on all Dexterity saves and checks for the duration of your rage. Your movement speed doubles, and you gain an extra attack during opportunity attacks. At 18th level, your movement speed triples and you gain two extra attacks during an opportunity attack as opposed to one.

Potion of Endurance You make a potion allowing you to overcharge your resilience and stamina. You gain advantage on all Constitution saves and checks for the duration of your rage. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Barbarian level + your Intelligence mod. Any attempt to knock you prone is made with disadvantage. At 18th level, you gain immunity to fire, lightning, cold and poison damage.

Potion of Accuracy You make a potion allowing you to overcharge your vision and targeting, as well as allowing you to anticipate oncoming attacks. You gain advantage on all Intelligence saves and checks for the duration of your rage. You can add your Intelligence mod to your attack rolls and AC. At 18th level, you gain dark vision up to 120ft and ignore range increments for ranged attacks.


At 10th level, you splice your genetics with that of a creature that you have fought. At 10th level, you can take a sample of a monster's genetics and you can influence your genetic makeup allowing you to gain new monstrous additions to your rage. You can only choose one of the following alterations and have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) rolls while raging.

Monster Claw When you rage your hand grows into a grotesque limb of your styling. Your unarmed melee attack on one of your hands now deals 2d8 of a damage type of your choosing. This damage type must be reflective of the monster genetics you used. eg. Poison damage from an insects claw. When you are not raging there are still traces of your transformation eg. white hair on the forearm from a yeti’s paw.

Monster Instinct When you rage your eyes and face contorts into a form more reflective of your mental state. Your attacks become more brutal and less caring for human life. You gain the multi-attack feature allowing you to use a bite attack in addition to the other attacks on your turn this bite deals 3d4 piercing damage, You can also communicate and understand basic ideas with other monsters. When you are not raging there are still traces of your transformation eg. more animalistic mannerisms.

Monsterous Movement When you rage your legs split into many smaller legs or combine into a tail or fin, or you sprout insectine wings. You can move quicker and in diffrent ways. You gain a new movement speed equal to your walking speed this speed can be anyone of your choosing depending on the DNA used, eg. serpent tail from a naga. When not raging there are still traces of your transformation eg. tarantula hair on your legs

Fractured Psyche

Your mental and physical transformation is complete and you have been completely ruined mentally by the torment you have endured, your human side has completely given in and you have fully transformed into the monster you always were. At 14th level, while raging when you lose all thought and morality, you can reckless attack on all attacks and do not give advantage to enemies. Any creature within 60ft of you must make a DC 17 Charisma save or become frightened until they are more than 60ft away. When your rage ends you must roll a charisma save DC20 or lose control, the DM then controls your character, you will attack anything in sight and will only exit a rage if reduced to 0 hitpoints, the DC increases to 25 if you have used any of your barbarian path abilities during the rage. When your rage ends you lose all memory of your actions.

Credit: Lorenzo Mastroianni

College of Plagiarism

Not all bards are original with their music some choose to instead sample their sounds either from the world around them or other bards songs. The bards of the College of Plagiarists are widely hated and are usually believed as being some of the worst bards to walk the realm. What a lot of people don't consider is the skill involved in learning and mastering many styles although not your own being able to perfectly mimic another bard's songs is a feat unto itself. Bards of the College of Plagiarism will often try to pass off other bards songs as their own and in some cases will even pretend to be well-known bards adopting mannerisms and speech patterns.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Plagiarism at 3rd level you gain proficiencies in 3 languages of your choice.

Audio Mimicry

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to mimic the voices and sounds of those around you. You can mimic the voice of a person you have heard speak for 1 minute or repeat a sentence you heard them say in their voice. You can also mimic sounds that you have heard before (these sounds cannot be deafening such as a thunderclap).

Guise of Perfection

Additionally at 3rd level, you can pretend to have a proficiency in any skill sometimes to a remarkably masterful degree, when you roll any skill check you can choose to use your deception modifier in place of the normal skill modifier, you can use this feature once per long rest.


At 6th level, your forgery of songs extends to recreations of magical requirments allowing you to copy support spells you see cast. On your turn you can cast a spell you have seen cast in the last round of combat by someone other than you of a spell slot level you can cast, this spell doesn't have to be on the bard spell list, but must be a supportive spell either through healing or modifier buffs. The requirments for the spell are as normal and will still take a use of a spell slot. You can use this ability every long rest for a number of times equal to your Charisma mod (minimum of 1).

Remove Signature

Starting at 14th level, as a reaction you can magically change the target and origin of an attack. When an enemy within 60ft of you that you can see targets a creature with a damaging spell you can change the target of the attack and the space from which the attack is taken to any other space within 60ft of the original attack. The attack doesn't change in any way and has the same attack and damage rolls. You can declare that you wish to use this ability after the attack has been rolled. You can only use this feature again after completing a long rest.

Credit: Rich Carey

Dream Domain

Many desire to manipulate dreams as an escape from the harsh reality of life wishing they could sleep forever among gods of powerful origins and dream. No need for the bitterness of living and impure dreaming. Others wish to send those they hate to dimensions of malice and nightmarish horrors. Those who wish for either of those things will fit right at home under the guidance of gods of dream.

Dream Domain Spells

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Dream Domain class feature for how domain spells work.

Dream Domain Spells
Cleric level Spells
1st sleep,fear
3rd detect thoughts, enthrall
5th catnap, enemies abound
7th evard's balck tentacles,compulsion
9th dream, synaptic static

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Stealth.

Day Dream

At 1st level The toils of sleeping are no more as at 1st level you need no longer sleep, ever but are near constantly half-asleep or really tired. This does not negate forced sleep. If you would lose concentration on a spell by taking damage you gain advantage on the check to maintain concentration. You still must rest to regain spell slots and class abilities.

Channel Divinity: Planar Dream

At 2nd level your divinity can allow you to walk on many planes, in your dreams of course. When taking a short or long rest and sleeping you can travel to a place you have seen before or meet someone you have met before as a translucent and incorporeal being, you cannot speak or interact with anything or anyone while in this state, but you can still hear and see as normal. The journey lasts as long as you slept for and acts like any projection spell. If you wish to travel to somewhere undecided on. Roll a d20 on the table below, the exact location is decided by the DM.

Planar Dream
d20 Location
1 Ysgard
2 Limbo
3 Pandemonium
4 The Abyss
5 Carceri
6 Hades
7 Gehanna
8 The Nine Hells
9 Archeron
10 Mechanus
11 Arcadia
12 Mount Celestia
13 Bytopia
14 Elysium
15 The Beastlands
16 Arborea
17 The Outlands
18 Ethereal Plane
19-20 Material Plane

Drowsy Touch

Your knowledge of sleep and peoples tendency to like it allows you to force those who oppose you to sleep with a swift strike. At 8th level, you gain the ability to imbue your attacks with lethargic energy. The recipient of the attack must make a saving throw against your spell save DC. Upon a failure, the target falls asleep for 1 minute and you can choose one of the following effects. If succeeded the target just falls asleep for 30 seconds. You can use this feature again after you finish a long rest. If the creature is attacked the creature wakes up early and the spells effect ends.

Dream The affected recipient lies peacefully and does not stir except for a low dreary murmuring. The target is charmed for 1 minute after the attack or until you or your allies attack them.

Nightmare The affected recipient falls to the ground spasming frantically and screaming for help. The target takes 3d8 psychic when they awake, this cannot be induced from forced awaking from attacks or similar effects.


At 17th level, your control of dreams benefits you in many ways so why not stack those benefits. When you witness someone die or go unconscious you can spend your next action to walk over to them and harvest their dream energy by touching their forehead. This energy comes in colorful strands that can be stored in any glass chamber the color of these strands correlate to their use and are decided upon by rolling a d6 on the table below.

d6 Energy Type
1-2 Blank
3-4 Dream
5-6 Nightmare

Blank Once you place this milky elixir into the bottle it glows lightly and becomes much whiter. When you listen to it you hear radio static. Sniffing it gives you the smell of air and carpet. When you speak the command word this liquid still in the bottle blasts out a beam of white light stretching forward 60ft only shutting off when you speak the command word again. Throwing this bottle at an enemy causes it to crack and break exploding with light and dealing 5d6 radiant damage. You can stack only 3 of these bottles.

Dream Once you place your golden elixir into the bottle it liquefies and becomes much smoother. When you listen to it you hear laughter and carousels. Sniffing it gives an overpowering smell of sugar and hot pastries. Someone who drinks this liquid grows happier and more lively they are restored 6d4 hitpoints. You can stack only 3 of these bottles.

Nightmare Once you place this pitch black elixir into the bottle it congeals becoming thicker. When you listen to it you hear screaming and crying. Sniffing it causes you to recoil in disgust at its abhorrent smell. Pouring this onto your weapon causes the black goop to grab at the weapon till it absorbs itself into the blade, tip or head. You can also pour this onto a quiver of arrows. The weapon now deals 3d6 extra psychic damage the weapon attack counts as magical. Your weapon can be enchanted in this way for up to a minute. You can stack only 2 of these bottles including the one in your weapon.

Credit: Unknown

Circle of Tremors

The Circle of Tremors is an order of cave-dwelling and underground people. Druid of Tremors will typically be quite unkempt and care little for personal hygiene. It is said that there are large cave systems and caverns dug by the circle where they dwell discussing as much as you can know from underneath several meters of earth and stone. Druids of Tremors are simple when it comes to strategy and planning usually going for the most straight forward and logical approach.

Subterranean Wildshape

At 2nd level, you can choose to wild shape into a creature with a digging speed. Additionally, you gain Darkvision up to 30ft if did not already have the feature.

Seismic Sense

At 2nd level, you can sense the earth around you and can notice disturbances using an echolocation like aura. You notice any non-magically hidden rooms or creatures in a 60ft radius even if it is not in your line of sight. This uses your passive perception. You can also sense the location of targets when you dig underground in a wild shape.

Burst from Earth

At 6th level, you can exit the earth with an explosive burst. If you start your turn underground you can choose to reemerge with a large blast, when you reemerge anyone in a 10ft radius must make a dexterity save. On a failed save they take 2d6 damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save they take only half damage and are not knocked prone. The damage is taken increases by 1d6 when you reach 8th (3d6) 11th (4d6) 17th (5d6) You can use this feature once per short or long rest.

Crack Earth

At 10th level, you can split the ground in front of you burying those who fall into the chasm. On your turn you can choose to divide a straight line of earth up to 60ft in front of you with a width of 20ft and depth of 30ft, anyone caught in the range of this feature must make a DC16 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the ravine. As an action you can close the ravine on your next turn, anyone still inside must make a Strength saving throw or take 6d12 force damage. You can only use this feature once per long rest.


At 14th level, you can tunnel even when you are not wild shaped. You can move half your movement speed making a 10ft diameter tunnel. With this feature, you can choose to collapse any section of the tunnel at any time at the cost of an action. Anyone inside that section of the tunnel must make a Strength save or take 6d12 force damage taking half damage on a successful save.

Credit: Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Tribal Warrior

Fighting styles come from many origins well the idea of a knight or gladiator may jump to mind in times past and countries far warriors were born fighting with ferocity and power. The Aztec and Incan warriors who fight in the jungles and forests of Peru and Mexico. These warriors are just as common in the planes of the Forgotten Realms.

War Cry

When you join this subclass at 3rd level, you gain the ability to unleash a blood-curdling scream terrifying your enemies and bolstering your teammates fighting spirit. On your turn as a bonus action, you can choose to scream causing any enemy in a 60ft radius and can hear you make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw becoming frightened of you for the next minute on a fail or half as long on a success. Any ally in 60ft who can hear you gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your fighter level. You can use this feature once per short or long rest. The range of this ability increases to 120ft when you reach level 10 in this class.

Warrior of the Jungle

Also at 3rd level, your knowledge of fighting in a forested environment has made you adept at climbing and striking from the shadow of trees branches. You gain a climb speed equal to your movement speed and can hide as a bonus action.


At 7th level, your skill as a melee combatant has rendered you near impossible to hit while moving. Moving out of a creature's space doesn't provoke an opportunity attack.


At 10th level, you have learned to strike the wounded with lethal force. You deal an added 1d8 damage on an attack of opportunity and disengaging will not prevent your opportunity attacks. You can do this a number of times every long rest equal to your Dexterity Modifier (Minimum 1) The added damage becomes 1d12 at 18th level.

Sacrificial Ceremony

At 15th level, you can sacrifice your enemies to keep your fighting spirits high. On your turn when you deal damage to a bloodied target you can choose to deal an added 2d8 damage if you kill the target you or an ally in 30ft gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt and advantage on their next attack. You can do this a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier (Minimum 1).

War Chief

At 18th level, you can use the power gained from the deaths of your enemies to become more powerful. You deal an added amount of damage equal to double the number of enemies you have killed since your last long rest.

Credit: Donald Phan

Way of the Tentacle

Monks of Tentacle are seen as monsters or even cursed by many, living in underwater temples where they hone their fighting style and skills. They are adapted to their watery environment with slippery skin and gills.

Tentacle Arms

When you join this subclass at 3rd level, you make an unnatural transformation your arms change to become longer and more slick growing suckers and a sticky exterior. Your melee unarmed-strike range grows to be 10ft.

Underwater Adaption

Also at 3rd level, you are adapted to the water and moving in it, you gain the ability to breath water and air as well as a swim speed equal to your movement speed.


At 6th level, your grapple strength and speed is increased, you can grapple as a bonus action and anyone targeted by your grapple must survive a DC 16 Strength check or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, any roll to escape your grapple is made with disadvantage. The damage your grapple deals increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 2d10 at 17th level.

Quick Catch

At 11th level you are fast enough to grab an enemy in a single movement, you can grapple as a reaction during Attacks of Opportunity. When ever you are targeted by a melee attack You can choose to spend 4 ki points to grapple the attacker as a reaction.

Multi-arm Grasp

At 18th level, you have been transformed even more growing another pair of tentacles, you can now make 2 more unarmed strikes on your attack action or grapple 2 targets at once. You are not capable of wielding more weapons than you typically would.

Credit: Unknown

Oath of the Chain

Not every Paladin oaths are taken willingly some are forced upon Paladins in penance for their crimes. Oath of the Chained Paladins are usually criminals and prisoners, whether they show remorse for their crimes is incidental, they atone for their sins with their zeal and destruction of their imprisoner's enemies.

Tenets of the Chain

The tenets of the Oath of the Chain are often set by the prison warden or judge who assigned the paladin their oath, but generally emphasize the following tenets.

Stoicism Whether by own volition or by sure regimented habit. Paladins of the Chain will rarely show extreme emotion.

Enslave Do unto those as was done unto you. Many Paladins of the chain will imprison others for their breach of the law, by contractual obligation or for the joy of forcing others to endure their life of incarceration.

Order Prison life is strangely logical with there being a clear hierarchy and unspoken rulings, many Paladins of the Chain will respect authority and people of power choosing only to that hierarchy disrupt in moments they see as just or deserved.

Patience Serving one's sentence is the main priority of these Paladins, long periods pass like seconds in manacles.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Paladin Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Ensnaring Strike, Entangle
5th Arcane Lock, Hold Person
9th Glyph of Warding, Summon Lesser Demons
13th Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine
17th Dominate Person, Planar Binding

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Tether You can use your Channel Divinity to magically link yourself with another enemy, as a bonus you choose an enemy in 30ft of you, they must make a Wisdom Spell Save or be chained to your soul until they pass the check on their turn. any time you take damage it is halved and the other half is dealt with the tethered target. The tethered target has a disadvantage anytime it tries to attack you.

Enslave You can use your Channel Divinity to enslave weaker enemies in servitude to you, as a bonus action you can choose one enemy of CR 1 or less, they must make a Charisma Spell Save or chained to your will for the next minute if the target is a fiend or undead they automatically fail. The enslaved target will act as your companion attacking only if you use your bonus action to command it. The spell ends if any of your allies or you attack the enslaved target. At 15th level, the CR increases to CR 3.

Aura of the Chain

At 7th level, you gain an aura of chains stretching 10ft from you shackling all in its range and preventing them from moving. Any caught in its range must make a Charisma Spell Save or be restrained until they succeed or they are no longer in your aura. At 18th level, the radius of the aura extends to 30ft.

Immovable Bindings

At 15th level, you can use your chains become locked in place, As a reaction, you can choose to not be knocked prone or be pushed back less than 10ft, you can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum 1).

Unrelenting Release

At 20th level, you can break your chains for a brief period of time allowing you to unleash all of your power without your bindings. As an action you can exert all of your power to break your chains, gaining the following effects for 1 minute. Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

  • You have advantage on all saving throws.
  • Your movement speed doubles and cannot be reduced by any means.
  • You cannot be targeted by any attacks of opportunity.
  • When spell you cast with a DC the target has disadvantage.

Credit: pamansazz

Titan Slayer

Some rangers specialize in killing monsters much larger than them. No task too daunting or monster too big, rangers of this conclave love David vs Goliath match ups striking with precision and accuracy on unsuspecting enemies.

Titan Slayer Spells
Ranger Level Spells
3rd Feather Fall
5th Enlarge/Reduce
9th Slow
13th Staggering Smite
17th Bigby's Hand

Chink in the Armor

When you join this subclass at 3rd level, you become adept at fighting targets larger than you. You can take the Climb Enemy action as a bonus action. You do not treat a climbed enemy as difficult terrain and the enemy has disadvantage on rolls to shake you off.


Also at 3rd level, you can hide behind or on the back of other creatures, you can use another creature as cover or take the hide action in their space, you can do this even if you are not climbing said creature. Any attack made on you by a creature in your space is made with disadvantage.

Mounted Strike

At 5th level, you can attack a climbed creature when it tries to move somewhere you dont want it to. You gain an attack of opportunity when a creature in your space moves on their turn.

Felling Blow

At 7th level, you have learned to use larger creatures' weight against them and strike them knocking them off balance. When you attack a creature larger than you you can choose to force them to make a Constitution Saving throw or be knocked prone. You can do this a number of times every long rest equal to your Dexterity Modifier.

Climbing Restraint

At 11th level, any enemy you are climbing is treated as having the grappled effect.

Target Weakspot

At 15th level, while climbing an enemy you can hit it in a weak spot. When you attack a creature you are climbing you can choose to hit it in a weak spot. You score a critical hit if you pass its AC no matter the roll. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Credit: Jakub Rozalski


Mnemeklepts are rogues who specialize in taking less material objects instead, focusing on taking one's memories or knowledge replacing it with falsities or just leaving their victim as husks incapable of even remembering their name.

Mind Thief

When you join this subclass at 3rd level you learn how to read or alter an enemy's memory. As an action, you can penetrate the mind of one creature. You may learn one thing this creature has seen or heard. This is taken completely out of context from a location or the voices speaking. You may do this once per short or long rest.

Alter Memory

Also at 3rd level, you can change someone's memories to alter their understanding of events and relations. As an action, you can choose one creature you wish to alter. You may make them friendly to you and your allies or alternatively, you can make them aggressive to another person or group. After 1 hour they will awake and revert to their original state. They will have no memory of their actions or even how they were tricked and by whom. You can do once per long rest.

Disappear From Memory

At 9th level, you can remove the memory of your existence from the mind of your enemies. As a bonus action you can choose an enemy that you can see, this enemy loses all memory of you and cannot target you with an attack until your next action or until you attack it. On your next turn, you gain advantage on any attack roll against this enemy. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

Mind Break

At 13th level, you can give people memories of horrible events they haven't experienced. On your turn as an action you can choose a target, they must make a DC 18 Charisma Save or take 8d6 Psychic damage. You can do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier.


When you reach 17th level, you completely demolish someone's psyche removing all memories they had and leaving them as a shadow of their past. Choose one enemy they must make a DC 12 Wisdom save or you learn all of their memories. They will lose all memories except for one word, object, or person decided by the DM. You can do this once per long rest, any memories learned from a target are forgotten the next time you attempt to do this to a different target. A creature affected in this way can eventually regain these memories but with great difficulty over the course of 1d4 weeks.

Credit: pindurski

Ooze Born

Oozes although not inherently magical are certainly of magical origin or creation. Oozes may not have their own form of magic but it is said that they hold untapped magical powers or used to be a powerful race lost in time. Ooze born sorcerers have ooze blood coursing through their veins and as such they possess magic not even they truly understand the limits of.

Malleable Form

At 1st level, you are different from most of your race less solid and sticker. You can become an ooze person for brief periods. As a bonus action, you can choose to enter your ooze form, you can fit through areas only accessible by a size of tiny or larger and you gain resistance to piercing damage. You remain in this form for 10 minutes, you can end the effect early as a bonus action. You can only do this once per short or long rest.

Slime Movement

At 1st level, you are not fully solid and are incredibly sticky. You can disengage as a bonus action and gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, you can climb and end your turn on a sheer surface or upside down.

Gelatinous Regeneration

At 6th level, your lack of real organs means you can shrug of normal damage, if you have taken any damage you can as a bonus action heal 1d6 hit points spending a sorcery point adds another d6 to the healed damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier.

Goo Mitosis

At 14th level, you can split into two identical duplicates. As an action, you can spend 4 sorcery points to split your self into two separate clones. These clones become half your height and reduced by one size level. They have half the amount of hit points you had when you split rounding down and half your movement speed. They deal half damage but each take a different turn on the same turn you had originally. They cannot both cast the same spell on their turn. They may reform as an action by rejoining their pair in the same space. If one of your clones die you must spend a long rest to reform back to your usual size. At 18th level, can spend a further 4 sorcery points on both clones again each becoming 2 Tiny clones with a quarter of your hit points, move speed, and damage. To a maximum of 4 clones.

Absorb Magic

At 18th level, you can change the energy from a magical attack into magical energy. If you are ever targeted by a spell that fails to hit you you can use your reaction to turn the spell into half the number of sorcery points needed to make the spell's spell slot level. You can do this a number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum 1).

Credit: Sebastian McCoy

Pact of the Terrene

Your patron is the world you stand on, you are unsure whether it is a god of the planet, a being trapped within the planet or the will of the planet itself. You work tirelessly to groom and protect your patron using the elements and the earth itself to aid you in your quest to obey your patrons commands to keep the inhabitants of their being in check.

Terrene Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
2nd Gust Cloud, Dust Devil
3rd Call Lightning, Elemental Weapon
4th Control Water, Ice Storm
5th Cone of Cold, Wall of Stone

Knowledge of Old

Starting at 1st level, you have a vague knowledge of cities dating back to the beginning of this world. You do not know specific people or factions but instead, know when a city was first built or how an ocean became a desert, you gain proficiency in History if you did not already have it and gain advantage on any History check related to geography or environment.

Worldly Soul

Also at 1st level, Your allegiance to your worldly patron grants you a markings akin your master and a knowledge of geography. Your gain tattoo like markings shaped like the continents of your patron. You can never become lost unless by magical means. You gain a +1 to AC.

Call Upon the Elements

At 6th level, you can alter the surrounding environment, changing the weather or other effects. You choose an area of 20ft you can see within 90ft. You change that area to one of the following biomes with differing effects. The effect lasts 10 minutes and the healing or damage only affect creatures who were in the area when it was activated. You can use this feature every short rest a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum 1).

Desert The area becomes filled with sand and becomes incredibly hot. Anyone within that area must make a Dexterity Spell Save or take 4d6 fire damage and suffer the effect of extreme heat attempting the check every minute as opposed to every hour. The damage increases by a d6 as you level in this class. 5d6 (10th), 6d6 (14th)

Jungle The area becomes filled with trees and greenery. Anyone within that area heals 2d6 hit points and gains total cover. The healing increases by a d6 as you level in this class. 3d6 (10th), 4d6 (14th).

Ocean The area is flooded with water seeping in through cracks in the ground. Anyone within that area must make a Dexterity Spell Save or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage and suffer the effect of strong wind. The damage increases by a d6 as you level in this class. 5d6 (10th), 6d6 (14th).

Swamp The area sinks in and becomes a boggy, muddy terrain. The area becomes difficult terrain and acts like Quicksand, having the same rules.

Tundra The area freezes over becoming unbearably cold. Anyone within that area must make a Dexterity Spell Save or take 4d6 cold damage and suffer the effect of extreme cold attempting the check every minute as opposed to every hour. The damage increases by a d6 as you level in this class. 5d6 (10th), 6d6 (14th).

Orbiting Movement

At 10th level, you can choose to not be bound by the planets orbit, You gain flying speed of 60ft. You can hover in this flying speed and move forward by flinging yourself with the planets orbit.

Tectonic Shift

At 14th level, you can summon the powers of your patron's core to crack the earth and flood the ground with lava. Choose a 20ft circle of an area within 60ft that you can see. For the next minute, the area is filled with lava. All creatures in that area must make a Dexterity Spell Save or take 4d10 fire damage on a fail or half as much on a success. Any character who ends their space in that area must make a save on every turn until they leave or take the same damage. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Credit:Phil Berry


Golemancy is the study and creation of golems and other constructs. Golemancers unlike necromancers are capable of animating components instead of forcing the soul back into its flesh to become a loose mimicry of a person. Golemancers possess the ability to create sentient life or at the very least companions and servants. Unlike Battle Smiths golemancers still study spells and are more interested in creating servants than soldiers.

Construct Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to create a construct are halved.

Spark of Creation

At 2nd level, you make your first golem. You can spend the same amount and time to copy a spell into your spell book to create a golem from any non-living material, the appearance of the golem is determined by the creator, but they must have limbs of somekind. They can do mundane actions such as carrying an object or giving you something without command but for actions like attacking or helping another character, you must use your bonus action to command it. If they die you can create a new one on your next long rest.

Animating Sigil

At 6th level, you can animate random objects giving them sentience and free will. As an action, you inscribe a name in any language on an object that fits in a 2.5ft cube. You then speak this name, for 1 hour this object becomes a minor golem. You can end the duration early by speaking their name again or removing the symbol. A minor golem can do simple tasks such as carrying an object or moving without assistance but you must use your bonus action to command it to take the Attack, Hide, Dash or Disengage action. You can do this while you still have your golem active. At 10th level, you can animate an object that fits in 5ft cube.


At 10th level, you have been able to augment and improve your golem and orient them toward a specific purpose. When you create a golem choose one of the following golem types. You may change your current golems type every long rest.

Defender The golem now has an AC of 18, their range of block damage becomes 10ft. At 18th level, they gain resistance to all damage.

Mobile The golem now has a movement speed of 60ft, they can now carry up to 2 people on their back. At 18th level, they gain a flying speed of 60ft.

Offense The golem can now attack twice, they can also use a powerful eye laser. At 18th level, they can Detonate as an action on their turn, doing so will destroy the golem.

Sentry The golem now has darkvision up to 120ft, they can telepathically alert you if they sense anything you would perceive as a threat. At 18th level, they gain truesight up to 60ft.


At 18th level, you have honed your skill and are now capable of stretching your talent to new heights. You gain two golems of different models.

Your minor golems now last until you end their duration and you can now make a number of minor golems equal to your Intelligence Modifier.



Medium Construct, Creators Alignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 5d6 + Creators Intelligence Modifier + Constitution + Half creators level.
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 5(-3) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (0) 6 (-2)

  • Condition Immunities Poisoned, Charmed, Frightened
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Understands its creators language but cannot speak

Construct Nature. This creature doesn't need to sleep.

Pack Mule This creature counts as one size larger for the purposes of carry weight.


Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9 (2d6 + 2)

Eye Laser (Offense Class Only) Ranged Spell Attack +5 to hit, range 120ft, one target. Hit 28 radiant damage (4d12)

Detonate (Offense Class Only) Area of Effect Spell Attack Creators Spell Save DC, Range 20ft. Anyone within the range must make a Dex save or take 8d6 fire damage


Block damage This creature can choose to impose disadvantage on any melee attack made by a creature it can see, not targeting a creature other than it within 5ft.

Minor Golem

Tiny/Small Construct, Creators Alignment

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 2d6 + Creators Intelligence Modifier
  • Speed 20ft.

12 (+1) 3 (-5) 12 (+1) 5 (-2) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)

  • Condition Immunities Poisoned, Charmed, Frightened
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
  • Senses passive Perception 6
  • Languages Understands its creators language but cannot speak

Construct Nature. This creature doesn't need to sleep.

Revert Can transform into its original form and back into a golem as a bonus action.


Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 2)




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Cover Art: kkukjk99

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More Credits

Credit to all those in my family and freinds who helped me, workshop these ideas, and than you to r/UnearthedArcana for giving me critisim to help balance these subclasses.


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