Mother of Monsters
"We are no longer Jedi expelled from the Republic's smothering embrace. We are the Jen'jidai, Lords of the Sith."
~Sorzus SynIn the year 6,900 BBY, the Stygian Caldera witnessed the rise of five Dark Jedi in exile to supremacy over its native population of Sith. This marked the beginning of the order of the Sith as we know it. Among these five demigods was Sorzus Syn, grower of living weapons and biological plagues, and the most powerful alchemist of her time.
Many of the most feared Sithspawn abominations trace their origins to her palace laboratories on Ziost, including the dreaded leviathans. Even Karness Muur's infamous talisman was personally forged by her; a prototype for a stronger amulet she intended for herself. She was also an accomplished sorceress; many of the ancient spells of Sith Sorcery that are still used today owe their longevity to the efforts of Syn, who suffered innumerable curses and sacrificed countless droves of her faithful in order to translate and catalog as many of the infernal rituals as she could retrieve.
Depending on the era, the other four Jen'jidai may or may not live, but Syn is the only one whose death was never recorded. It remains a possibility that she could still be out there, alive or in spirit form like her peers were wont to do. Should her hiding place be discovered, those unlucky enough to tread upon her domain will undoubtedly find her accompanied by a horde of mutant abominations, wicked spirits and necromantic wretches. No matter her minions, these unfortunate trespassers can only pray that Syn's favorite pet leviathan has not also survived the passage of time by her side, else their doom is sealed.
Sith War Goddess
"I have waited for someone like you…someone who has served the light and found it empty."
~XoXaanThe only other woman among the five Jen'jidai, XoXaan was the marchioness of the Black Legions during the Hundred-Year Darkness, and later went on to become the most renowned practitioner of dark side healing in history.
After her bodily death, XoXaan bound her spirit to her tomb hidden in the Valley of Kings, where she waited for thousands of years until she allowed herself to be discovered by the wayward ex-Jedi, A'sharad Hett. Under her tutelage from beyond the grave, she moulded Hett into the dread Sith Lord, Darth Krayt, who went on to conquer the galaxy with his One Sith. Even after Krayt perished, XoXaan's spirit remained in her sanctum on Korriban. Now she waits for the next visitor to come her way, be they survivors of the One Sith seeking the guidance of their Lord's teacher, or emissaries of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate sent to snuff out her dark influence once and for all.
Either way, they may be in for a surprise. None have come to know the ways of restoring flesh as XoXaan did, and given the proper resources, if any Sith Lord could rise from death with a body knit anew, it would be her. Even without legions at her command, XoXaan is a formidable combatant, employing her skill with a lightsaber alongside her deadly signature claws. With them, she can cut an enemy's throat at a distance with a flick of her wrist, as if slashed by a phantom blade.
Favored Leviathan
"Krespuckle the Ever-Hungry, my favored Leviathan."
~Sorzus SynAmong the various breeds and mutations of the leviathan Sithspawn that have plagued galactic history, there is one individual beast that has only been spoken of in rumor. It known that Sorzus Syn--one of the original Sith Lords and a pioneer of ancient Sith Alchemy and Sorcery--is the one responsible for the creation of the leviathans. It is also known from her own writings that there existed one such monster that she treated as her favorite, perhaps as a pet. She named him Krespuckle the Ever-Hungry.
What history will not divulge is that either through her own designs or by earning the favor of the Mother of Monsters on its own, Krespuckle was anointed with Syn's blessings. Vile corruptions granted it wings and sharper teeth, unknowable curses twisted the Force around the creature and catalyzed the energies it insatiably fed upon. Like the rest of its kin, Krespuckle can hibernate for millennia underground, preferably in a volcanic region. Because its existence cannot be wholly confirmed, neither can its death, and so the possibility remains that this dread abomination yet sleeps, hidden, perhaps awaiting the call of its master. And when the time comes for it to awaken, its victims will not be ready to face its unnatural fury.
Mythic Trait
The Ever-Hungry (Mythic Trait; Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). When the leviathan is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, the damage creates fissures in its hide, revealing five blister pods in a row on its back. A pod has an AC of 22 and 100 hit points. It is immune to unenhanced kinetic damage, and it is immune to all conditions. If it is forced to make a saving throw, treat its ability scores as 10 (+0). If the leviathan would regain hit points, one of its pods regains them instead. If it finishes a short or long rest, the hide heals, any destroyed pods regenerate, and the pods are covered again. The leviathan dies when all the pods are destroyed. While its blister pods are exposed, the leviathan can hover.
Mythic Actions
If the leviathan's mythic trait is active, it can use the options below as legendary actions for 1 hour after using The Ever-Hungry.
Double Strike. The leviathan makes two lightning strike attacks, one dealing only its lightning damage and the other dealing only its necrotic damage.
Ravenous Bite (Costs 3 Actions). The leviathan makes a bite attack, immediately swallowing the target even if it was not grappled.
Jedi Princess
"Destiny has but one throne, and if the Jedi queen claims it, the Sith cannot."
~High Lord Sarasu TaalonThe daughter of Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo, Allana Solo counts Jedi, Sith, witches of Dathomir, and royalty of Corellia and Hapes among her ancestry. But it is not for the bloodlines that preceded her that she is whispered of by Jedi and Sith alike as a future queen.
The Throne of Balance shows itself in visions to very few Force users, and the visions vary from witness to witness, but those who have seen beyond shadows to behold it all make some similar claims. That whoever they see sitting on it is followed by the whole galaxy, be it in fear or in reverence. In the 40's ABY, after much comparison and deliberation, it became known that only two individuals had ever been seen sitting on the Throne, who were later identified as Darth Krayt and Allana Solo.
Through pedigree and prophecy both, Allana has been the target of many a failed assassination attempt by insurrectionists, Sith, bounty hunters, Moffs, politicians, psychic alien bugs and her own grandmother. Suffice to say, she had to learn very quickly how to take care of herself. To this end, she has made great use of defensive Force powers, sedatives, and bodyguards such as droids or her beloved pet nexu, Anji. Not yet the Jedi queen of legend, this young princess is still a formidable practitioner of Jedi and Dathomiri arts both, and strives to help forge ties between her many peoples and more that will last far unto the future.
Sithslayer Nexu
When she was seven years old, Allana was caught in a skirmish at an annual livestock fair on Coruscant. When the dust settled, a rampaging nexu lay dead, slain by the lightsaber of her grandmother, Leia. Pitying the nexu's orphaned cub, Allana adopted her and named her Anji, taking her back to Hapes as her pet.
The two swiftly grew to be inseparable, and even after having her more dangerous natural features surgically removed for Allana's safety, Anji proved a formidable an expertly trained protector. Most notably, Anji helped Allana thwart one of the many attempts made on her life by clawing out the eye of a Sith assassin.
In the years to follow, the pair have furthered their bond even through the Force, and have grown accustomed to not only helping each toehr survive, but to fight. Many would now think twice before threatening the princess and her faithful guardian, with not even the Force being a reliable enough tool to overcome them.
"These are powerful, primal entites, so they may not always obey your bidding."
~Mother TalzinThe totem elementals of Dathomir are denizens of the spirit realm given presence in the physical realm via enchanted totems. Those who hold a totem in their household are granted the blessing by the spirit inside it, and can call the spirit forth to aid in battle. Some elementals may yet be wild, unbound to a totem and wandering endlessly in the forgotten parts of Dathomir, or guarding ruins once owned by their former masters.
The Sleeper
"It’s the Sleeper, not a Sleeper. It’s ancient. The stories about it go back to the earliest days of my clan. "
~Asajj VentressThe Water of Life is an important substance used in many Nightsister rituals, spells and potions, and the Sleeper is the most integral part of its creation. The two main ingredients used when brewing the Water of Life is a piece of the Sleeper's flesh and water from the pool it lives in. Using the dark side--night magicks--to subjugate the Sleeper's will and force it to carve off a piece of its own body is considered a rite of passage for the Nightsisters, though there are other ways to prove oneself in the clan.
The Sleeper itself is an eldritch being steeped in the dark side of the Force. The dark side is strong in some places on the surface of Dathomir, and it corrupts the creatures that live in those places. The Sleeper is so unnaturally old that it has been completely transformed over time by that ambient dark side energy, granting it the power to produce powerful hallucinations in its prey, and a strong resistance to the light side of the Force.
And yet, despite how deeply touched by evil the Sleeper is, the creature itself is still just an animal at its core. Its will to survive and its propensity to hate are not ingrained into it forcibly, like a Sithspawn; they are naturally borne of its own mind. Be it our of respect for a fellow creature open to the poewr of Dathomir, or simply out of a desire not to deplete their only supply source, the Nightsisters have allowed the Sleeper to live beneath one of their covens' cavern villages for possibly centuries without killing it, despite the number of their sisters it has eaten. Though reports of its demise at the hands of Jedi Master Quinlan Vos have been confirmed, it may yet have survived, or not have been the only one of its kind.