Path of the Samara

by NotTheSmoooze

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Path of the Samara

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Samara never have a destination in mind, instead preferring to wander, led only by spirits of the wind and sky. In battle, a strong wind surrounds the barbarian, guiding each of their steps and transforming them into a whirlwind of steel and fury.

To a samara, rage and calm are two sides of the same coin, and neither can exist without the other. Rarely does a samara search for a fight, but if one finds them, they're often quick to remind their opponents just how rapidly a gentle breeze can transform into a fearsome hurricane.

Whirling Samara

Beginning when you choose this path at 3rd level, you fight with the grace of a falling leaf. You can draw up to two melee weapons when you enter a rage, and while you're raging, you can use two-handed melee weapons with one hand. If you use a versatile weapon in one hand while raging, it deals damage as if you were using it with two hands.

Once on each of your turns when you use the Attack action and attack with a melee weapon you're holding in one hand, you can make one additional attack against another creature with a different melee weapon in your other hand as part of the same action. You don't add your ability modifier to the damage of this attack, unless that modifier is negative.

You can't engage in two-weapon fighting and use this feature to make an attack on the same turn.

Wind Speaker

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to speak, read, and write Auran, a dialect of Primordial. Knowing this language allows you to understand and be understood by those who speak its other dialects: Aquan, Ignan, and Terran.


Created By: u/NotTheSmoooze. You can find more of my work here, and support me here
Created Using: GM Binder
Artwork By: Bo Chen

Free Spirit

Starting at 6th level, when you use Reckless Attack while raging, your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks until the end of the turn.

Leaf on the Wind

Starting at 10th level, you can float on the breeze. When you fall and you aren't incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from the fall when you calculate falling damage, and you can move up to 1 foot horizontally for each foot you descend.

Additionally, when you jump, you always count as having a running start. When you make a jump while you're raging, the distance you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to your proficiency bonus.

Wind Blossom

Beginning at 14th level, while you're raging and wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand, a hostile creature that enters your reach with either weapon for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes damage equal to your Strength modifier if you're not incapacitated. The damage is of the same type dealt by either weapon you're wielding.


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