Paladin: Oath of the Restless

by kingstarman

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Sacred Oath

Oath of the Restless

Tenants of the Restless

No Deed Left Undone. You will fulfill very promise you make even if you must crawl your way back from the grave.

Yield no Ground. You are the first and last line of defence and you will let none pass you.

Even the Dead Have Their Dues. Those who have died before paying their debts must be rectified even if you must bring them back.

Oath Spells

At 3rd level, and when you reach certain levels in this class, you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Restless Spells table. You always have these spells prepared, they do not count against the number of spells you prepare each day, and they count as paladin spells for you.

Restless Spells
Level Spells
3rd Bane, Inflict Wounds
5th Darkness, Shadow Blade
9th Animate Dead, Fear
13th Death Ward, Shadow of Moil
17th Cloudkill, Negative Energy Flood

Channel Divinity

When you take this Oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Injury is no Excuse: As a bonus action, you channel the unending stamina of your god to protect your body. You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Paladin level plus your Charisma modifier.

Promise of the Slayer: As a bonus action, you can channel your divinity to brand a creature with your intentions to guide them to death for 1 minute. When a marked creature attempts to make a weapon attack against a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the marked creature.

Eyes Wide Open

At 7th level, your walking speed increases by 10ft and you no longer need to sleep and can’t be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as reading and keeping watch. Additionally, you can invigorate yourself to relieve the effects of exhaustion. When you gain a level of exhaustion you can choose to loose 1 level of exhaustion. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Not Till You Are Finished

At 15th level, if you are reduced to 0 hit points or are killed outright you can instead drop to 1 hit point. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. Additionally, when a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack you can, as a reaction, cause that creature to take necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Revanent Soul

At 20th level, as an action, your skin grows cold and pale as your body adapts purely to the hunt of those who have wronged you. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute.

  • You gain resistance to all damage types.
  • Your movement speed is doubled.
  • When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Art Credit

  • Ariduka55 -

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