Johto Dungeon Master's Guide

by Varnell

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Johto Dungeon Master's Guide

Table of Contents

1. Welcome to Johto (pg. )

a. History

b. Travel Times

c. Weather

2. Cities and Towns

a. New Bark Town (pg. )

b. Cherrygrove City (pg. )

c. Violet City (pg. )

d. Azalea Town (pg. )

e. Goldenrod City (pg. )

f. Ecruteak City (pg. )

g. Olivine City (pg. )

h. Cianwood City (pg. )

i. Mahogany Town (pg. )

j. Blackthorn City (pg. )

3. Places of Interst

a. Dark Cave (pg. )

b. Sprout Tower (pg. )

c. Ruins of Alph (pg. )

d. Union Cave (pg. )

e. Ilex Forest (pg. )

F. Bell Tower (pg. )

g. Whirl Islands (pg. )

h. Mt. Mortar (pg. )

i. Lake of Rage (pg. )

j. Ice Path (pg. )

k. Dragon's Den (pg. )

l. MooMoo Farm (pg. )

m. Glitter Lighthouse (pg. )

n. Embedded Tower (pg. )

o. Grand Safari Zone (pg. )

p. Johto National Park (pg. )

q. Pokeathlon Grounds (pg. )

r. Rainbow-Gold Wood (pg. )

s. Western Forest (pg. )

t. Magnet Train (pg. )

4. Routes

a. Route 29 (pg. )

b. Route 30 (pg. )

c. Route 31 (pg. )

d. Route 32 (pg. )

e. Route 33 (pg. )

f. Route 34 (pg. )

g. Route 35 (pg. )

h. Route 36 (pg. )

i. Route 37 (pg. )

j. Route 38 (pg. )

k. Route 39 (pg. )

l. Route 40 (pg. )

m. Route 41 (pg. )

n. Route 42 (pg. )

o. Route 43 (pg. )

p. Route 44 (pg. )

q. Route 45 (pg. )

r. Route 46 (pg. )

s. Route 47 (pg. )

t. Route 48 (pg. )

Welcome to Johto



Travel Times

Average travel times assume adult walking speed of 35ft (5ft/s). As such, walking 1 mile takes 15 minutes without taking into account eating, resting, or any other for delays.

Intermunicipal Travel

New Bark Town to Cherrygrove City

Total travel time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

  • Route 29: 2 hour and 30 minutes (10 miles)

Cherrygrove City to Violet City

Total travel time: 6 hours and 0 minutes

  • Route 30: 3 hour and 45 minutes (15 miles)
  • Route 31: 2 hour and 15 minutes (9 miles)

Violet City to Azalea Town

Total travel time: 6 hours and 30 minutes

  • Route 32: 3 hour and 45 minutes (15 miles)
  • Union Cave: 1 hour and 30 minutes (6 miles)
  • Route 33: 1 hour and 15 minutes (5 miles)

Azalea Town to Goldenrod City

Total travel time: 3 hours and 45 minutes

  • Ilex Forest: 1 hour and 30 minutes (6 miles)
  • Route 34: 2 hours and 15 minutes (9 miles)

Goldenrod City to Violet City

Total travel time: 5 hours and 0 minutes

  • Route 35: 2 hours and 15 minutes (8.75 miles)
  • Route 36: 2 hours and 45 minutes (10.75 miles)

Goldenrod City to Ecruteak City

Total travel time: 5 hours and 30 minutes

  • Route 35: 2 hours and 15 minutes (8.75 miles)
  • Route 37: 3 hours and 15 minutes (13 miles)

Goldenrod City to Olivine City

Total travel time: 9 hours and 0 minutes

  • Gold Coast: 6 hours and 30 minutes (13 miles)
  • Route 40: 2 hours and 30 minutes (5 miles)

Goldenrod City to Cianwood City

Total travel time: 12 hours and 30 minutes

  • Gold Coast: 9 hours and 0 minutes (18 miles)
  • Silver Bay: 3 hours and 30 minutes (7 miles)

Ecruteak City to Olivine City

Total travel time: 4 hours and 30 minutes

  • Route 38: 2 hours and 15 minutes (9 miles)
  • Route 39: 2 hours and 15 minutes (9 miles)

Olivine City to Cianwood City

Total travel time: 9 hours and 0 minutes

  • Route 40: 4 hours and 0 minutes (8 miles)
  • Route 41: 5 hours and 0 minutes (10 miles)

Cianwood City to Grand Safari Zone

Total travel time: 5 hours and 45 minutes

  • Cianwood Caves: 2 hours and 0 minutes (8 miles)
  • Route 47: 1 hours and 15 minutes (5 miles)
  • Route 48: 2 hours and 30 minutes (10 miles)

Ecruteak City to Mahogany Town

Total travel time: 4 hours and 15 minutes

  • Route 42: 4 hours and 15 minutes (17 miles)

Mahogany Town to Lake of Rage

Total travel time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

  • Route 43: 1 hour and 15 minutes (5 miles)

Mahogany Town to Blackthorn City

Total travel time: 5 hours and 15 minutes

  • Route 44: 2 hours and 30 minutes (10 miles)
  • Ice Path: 2 hours and 45 minutes (11 miles)

Blackthorn City to New Bark Town

Total travel time: 8 hours and 0 minutes

  • Route 45: 5 hours and 30 minutes (22 miles)
  • Route 46: 2 hours and 30 minutes (10 miles)

Interregional Travel

Goldenrod City to Saffron City

Total travel time: 10 hours and 0 minutes

  • Magnet Train: 10 hours and 0 minutes (120 miles)

Olivine City to Vermilion City

Total travel time: 21 hours and 15 minutes

  • Steam Ship: 21 hours and 15 minutes (170 miles)

Olivine City to Sevii Island One

Total travel time: 11 hours and 15 minutes

  • Steam Ship: 11 hours and 15 minutes (90 miles)



d100 Weather Move Types Affected - advantage of damage rolls
1-25 Harsh Sun, Calm Fire, Grass, Ground
26-35 Harsh Sun, Windy Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Ground, Psychic
36-65 Cloudy, Calm Fairy, Fighting, Normal, Poison, Rock
66-75 Cloudy, Windy Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Flying, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock
76-80 Foggy Dark, Ghost
81-90 Light Drizzle Bug, Electric, Water
91-99 Heavy Rain Bug, Electric, Water
100 Dangerous Storm Bug, Electric, Water


d100 Weather Move Types Affected - advantage of damage rolls
1-15 Harsh Sun, Calm Fire, Grass, Ground
16-25 Harsh Sun, Windy Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Ground, Psychic
26-40 Cloudy, Calm Fairy, Fighting, Normal, Poison, Rock
41-50 Cloudy, Windy Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Flying, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock
51-60 Foggy Dark, Ghost
61-70 Light Drizzle Bug, Electric, Water
71-80 Heavy Rain Bug, Electric, Water
81-90 Light Snow Ice, Steel
91-99 Heavy Snow Ice, Steel
100 Dangerous Storm Ice, Steel

Hail and Sandstorm

Weather Effect
Hail At the beginning of a creature's turn for 5 rounds, any non ice-type Pokémon take ice damage equal to the level of the creature that created this weather, divided by 2, rounded up. If the weather occurred in nature, no damage is dealt.
Sandstorm At the beginning of a creature's turn for 5 rounds, any non rock-, steel- or ground-type Pokémon take rock damage equal to the level of the creature that created this weather, divided by 2, rounded up. If the weather occurred in nature, no damage is dealt.

Legendary / Boss Battles

Occasionally, a DM might want to throw an extra diffucult boss at their players. A giant Onix terrorizing the town? A monstrous Huntail gobbling up fishing boats in the harbor? A Legendary Pokémon at the end of a long journey? Here are some actions and abilities you can give to an enemy to boost their deadliness in battle. (DMs should award extra experience for defeating creatures with one or more of these skills.)

Legendary Grit (X/day)

If this Pokémon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Legendary Resilience

This Pokémon may sacrifice its action to remove a negative status effect from itself.

Legendary Resistance (X/day)

When this Pokémon takes damage from a move, it can choose to halve the total

Legendary Attack

This Pokémon can sacrifice its action now to make two attacks on its next turn. (Or make two attacks now and sacrifice its next action)

Legendary Attack 2

This Pokémon can make two attacks on its turn.

Legendary Attack 3

This Pokémon has a signature move that can be used twice in one turn.

Legendary Energy

This Pokémon can sacrifice an action to regain all PP for a single move.

Legendary Energy 2

This Pokémon has double the normal PP for every move.

Legendary Nimbleness

This Pokémon may move up to its speed without provoking attack of opportunity.

Legendary Speed (X/day)

This Pokémon may double its movement.

Legendary Toughness

This Pokémon's health is based off the maximum hit dice roll for each of its levels.

Legendary Reflexes

This Pokémon can use two reactions in a round of combat.

Legendary Knowledge

This Pokémon can learn moves from anywhere in its move list, regardless of level.

Legendary Armor (X/day)

As a reaction, this Pokémon may increase its AC by (1, 2, 3) if it would cause an attack to miss.

Cities and Towns

New Bark Town

Cherrygrove City


Taorisa and her brother Ty(rese). From Cianwood City far to the West. Both adorned in Martial Arts attire and piercing golden eyes. Cianwood focuses on Tai chi with its origins in Toaism (Yin and Yang). Yin (female, dark, earth, cold) focuses on contraction, when the muscles become smaller and tighter, and Yang (male, light, heaven, heat) focuses on expansion.

Violet City

Violet Gym


Cianwood City

Places of Interest

Dark Cave

Violet Side

Blackthorn Side

Ruins of Alph




Route 29

Route 30

Route 31

Route 32



Route 36


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