Level 21+ Swank

by Almaity

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The Frostfire Phoenix

Blessed by Divine and Sherian, the Light and the Dark, Justice and Deception, Fire and Ice, one would think his purpose is to bring balance between the two, have them work in harmony; Unfortunately there is no time for that just now, so Yelin has been focusing combining both for as much destructive power as possible.

Child of Sun & Shadows

Yelin learns to use his connection to the Sunwell to turn his spells Radiant, and his connection to the Lord of Deception to turn his spells into shadows that deal force damage.

  • Radiant Spells apply stacks of Guiding Light to the target, preventing it from becoming invisible. Each attack against it is made with advantage and consumes one stack.
  • Shadow Spells apply stacks of Dark Betrayal to the target. When an affected creature is damaged, a stack is consumed and the creature takes 1d8 additional force damage; 1d12 if it is a Sherian creature.

When a creature affected by Guiding deals damage to a creature, Yelin may use his reaction to consume stacks of Guiding and have the divine energy retaliate, attempting to deal the same amount of damage back, up to 10 damage per Guiding Light consumed.

When a creature affected by Dark Betrayal makes an ability check, saving throw or attack roll, Yelin may use his reaction to consume stacks of darkness and reduce the result by 2, or 1d6 if it is a Sherian creature, per stack consumed. If the creature is making multiple attacks in the same turn, Yelin may repeat this on the other attacks without requiring another reaction.

Arcane Entropy

Yelin's mastery over his elements allows him to have them co-exist on the same creature. Fire and Frost stacks no longer cause Thermal Shocks until Yelin wants them to (no action required).

Thermal Shock consumes Guiding Light and Dark Betrayal stacks as well. If all four conditions are present, it deals maximum damage instead of rolling.

Yelin may use a bonus action to flare up his frost and fire applied to a creature within 60 feet. Burning immediately deals damage, Frost is consumed to reduce speed by 10 until it reaches 0, at which point the creature is restrained unless it succeeds on a strength saving throw.

Sugar Uncle

Yelin's realized he has one of the wealthiest and most powerful beings on these worlds as a patron, and learns the Wish spell. The Wishes have to be within Vasir's ability to execute, and Yelin may receive bills for any expensive material components consumed.

Of Heaven & Hell

Once per short rest, Yelin may fire all of his Minute Meteor's as an action.

When Casting Meteor Swarm, Yelin may rise high into the air and come crashing down as an additional meteor, and have all of his minute meteors come crashing down with him, expending them all to deal their damage in a 20 foot radius around Yelin's impact.

When using the Sunbeam spell, Yelin may choose to infuse creatures with divine light instead of damaging them, causing them to add its damage on the next successful attack.

All Grown Up Now

As Yelin follows in Lanka's footsteps and becomes one of this worlds greatest defenders, some more of Lanka's power awakens in him..

Yelin gains the Aura of Protection, Aura of Courage, and Divine Smite paladin features.

Divine Smite may be used on all spells that hit or creatures fail their saving throw on, deals elemental damage the same way his spells do and applies the corresponding conditions.

The Auras have a range of 15 feet.

The Blind Seer

"Guess it's time to die... But not for me!"

- Salvador to the Sherian, 2000 PD

The Sifter of Spaghetti

Salvador becomes better at sifting through the various timelines in the Great Bowl of Spaghetti™, enhancing his prophetic abilities.

  • Salvador Gains the Portent feature from the Divination Wizard subclass. When casting Precognitive Perception, he may spend 1 mana to reroll a Portent die and regain its use; he may do so for both dice.
  • When Salvador casts Precognitive Perception, he may choose to roll with advantage or disadvantage, rolling twice as many dice and keeping one half.
  • Salvador may use his reaction and expend one use of Portent or Precognitive Perception to use his Reset Turn feature again.

Sideways Reverse Gravity

"That's... not how that works." - Some Wizard

"It does now." - Salvador

Salvador gains an additional 8th and 9th level spell slot and learns the following spell:

Sideways Reverse Gravity

9th Level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a blue and a purple Ganean Iris petal)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

Choose a point within range. Gravity changes in 50 foot cube above that point in a direction of your choosing, and also increases fourfold. Creatures must make a strength saving throw to hold on to something (assuming there is something to hold on to) or fall in the new direction of gravity. They must repeat that saving throw at the end of their turn to continue holding on.

Jump distances are quartered and falling damaged quadrupled to 2d6 per 5ft fallen. Creatures with below 13 strength have their speed halved, and creatures with below 20 strength consider the area difficult terrain. Creatures that rely on wings lose their flying speed, other creatures flying speed is left up to the DMs discretion. Flying gained through pure magic tends to work normally.

At the beginning of your turn, gravity in the area reverses.

Let's Slow Things Down

When casting Time Stop you roll an additional d4+1 for it's duration, and Salvador may reduce its duration by X turns to make X creatures also have time stopped for them. During such a time stop, Salvador may use his Delayed Spell metamagic as a reaction to apply it to any action taken by a character that joined him in the Time Stop.

Unwilling creatures may make a Charisma saving throw to resist either effect.

Too Old For This Shit

Salvador, being done with this shit, may use his reaction to disappear from time until the start of his next turn. This feature requires 3 sorcery points for every time it has been used since the last long rest.

Salvador gains an additional Bonus Action. He may give it to another creature for 2 sorcery points, but must specify what it does with it.

Salvador may use his reaction to use his Delayed Spell metamagic on another creatures spell that he can "see". If it isn't willing, it must succeed on a charisma saving throw to prevent this.

Dream Trawler

Salvador may use his action (Can be Quickened Spell'd) and a 3rd level spell slot to quickly sift through a creatures "Dream" / Information and ask the DM three questions about it that can be answered in a short sentence. ("How much HP does it have? What are it's vulnerabilities? What's it's AC? Does it like pineapple on pizza?")

A non-legendary creature investigated that way has disadvantage on all saving throws against Salvador, and if Salvador were to replace any of its rolls using Portent or Precognitive Perception, he gains the roll he replaced to use with those features.

Salvador, while investigating the mystery of Roben's platinum pocketwatch in the Dream, has frequently stumbled upon another path the pocketwatch took, and has figured out a way to conjure up memories of the past.

Salvador may as an action use an 8th level spell slot to conjure a dream-shadow of "Big" Chungus Komin (in whatever state he is in currently in roll20. If he has below half hit points, put him at half hit points instead.) Chungus rolls and acts on his own initiative, but may immediately rage and then either enlarge or fire his cannon upon being conjured.

APDs Finest

Lethal Force

Detective Perry hones his skills and gains the Rogue class features for every level beyond 20. Check the player's handbook for details on those features. Perry can no longer be flanked*.

Detective Phin gets to make a 2nd attack when he takes the Attack action, and his damage bonus to his favored enemies becomes 8.


Through Phin's dabbling in magic, questionable substances and Ganean Roses, Detectives P & P have found a way to strengthen their spirit bond and alter Blue Roses magic.

  • Blue Roses damage dice become d12s. Special ammo loaded into Blue Rose have their damage dice increased by 1 category.
  • Detectives P & P can choose to exclude creatures from Blue Roses area effects. The range Blue Roses lightning can bounce at is doubled.
  • Phin may expend any amount of his own mana or mana within Blue Rose to charge its chambers, and it can be spread between different chambers.
  • When charging a chamber in Blue Rose, Phin may expend half that amount of mana to charge Perry's next attack with the same effect. Area effects caused by Perry this way have their range halved.

Lock and Load

Once per short rest, Phin and Perry may magically mark a target and fully focus their on attention it. The mark lasts until they take a short rest or the creature dies.

  • All attacks by Detectives P & P against the marked target have advantage and critically strike on 18s or higher.
  • All attacks by Detectives P & P against other creatures have disadvantage.
  • The marked target has disadvantage on all attacks, ability checks and saving throws against Detectives P & P.
  • The advantage and disadvantage of this ability cannot be counteracted by other sources of (dis)advantage.
  • Detectives P & P always know where the target is.
  • Detectives P & P only expend half your movement while moving directly towards the target.
  • Detectives P & P know how many hit points the target has, it's AC and speed.

If the target dies within one round of having taken damage by Detectives P & P, they get advantage on all attacks and critically strike on 10s or higher for the next turn.

Lock and Load is less effective against Legendary creatures, depending on just how legendary they are.

Rogue Platypus
Level Sneak Attack Features
21st 2d6 Sneak Attack, Elusive, Unflankable*, Roguish Archetype
22nd 4d6 Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Roguish Archetype Feature
23rd 6d6 Stroke of Luck, 2x Roguish Archetype Feature

Faux Divine Gear

Detective Phin's managed to get the Iron Angel engineers to make some gear for him and Detective Perry, including building a custom Light Iron Angel suit so that he can use their weaponry. The Light Iron Angel suit requires 10 mana to operate for 10 minutes (Liquid mana works too), if it isn't powered it reduces Phin's speed by 15 feet as it is difficulty to move.

Light Iron Angel Suit

Light Armor, 15 AC

The Light Iron Angel has mechanical wings that grant a flying speed of 80 feet.

While the suit is active, it grants the Powerful Build feature (Count as a size larger for strength related things) and increases Phin's Dexterity by 2.

Phin may attack with a wing, which is a finesse weapon with 1d10 slashing damage. When taking the attack action, Phin may make a single wing attack as a bonus action.

As a reaction, Phin may block attacks with a wing, granting him +5 AC until the end of the turn.

Iron Angel Marine Rifle

+3 Assault Rifle, 2d8 piercing damage (range 200/1000, magazine (30), Devastating Recoil)*

When attacking with the IAMR, you may expend 1 mana per attack to infuse it with gravitic energy, accelerating the projectile to deal 1d8 additional damage and passing its gravitic energy onto its target on a hit.

You may choose to have the energy either:

  • Push the creature 15 feet away from you. If it is prone, it takes collision damage instead.
  • Knock the creature prone. If it is prone, you may have the gravitic energy attempt to keep it on the ground, grappling it. If it is already grappled this way, it is restrained. A creature may make a Strength saving throw either as an action or at the end of its turn to end the effect.

These effects are, as usual, less effective against larger creatures.

When using the Barrage ability of Assault Rifles, you may spend up 2 mana per creature you strike with it to apply two attacks worth of gravitic energy to the damage rolls and push or knock down creatures as described above (2 effects on a failed saving throw, 1 on a succesful saving throw)

Devastating Recoil: This weapon requires a combination of two of: above 20 strength, larger size than medium and/or mechanical support to use

Weeping God Kit

Detective Perry gets a toolkit from the Iron Angels that allows him to use his action to unleash an effect of God's Tears magic as an action. The kit has 2 charges of every color, and must be recharged at Valeir's 1st Spear. The kit's save DC is 20.

  • Gravitic Surge: All creatures and objects within 15 feet of the kit are either pushed away or pulled towards it, unless they succeed on a strength saving throw. (Blue + Black for push, Blue + White for pull)
  • Gravitic Chains: Perry launches a blast of gravitic energy from the kit at a creature within 15 feet, restraining it and knocking it prone unless it succeeds on a strength saving throw. (Blue)
  • Gravitic Barrier: Perry creates a 10ft semi-circle energy barrier with 50 hit points, as if created by the Reinhardt's Protective Barrier spell. (Blue)
  • Empower Spell: Perry may make a creature he touches with the kit increase the level of the next spell it casts by 5. (Red)
  • Strength: Perry either increases or reduces the strength of a creature he touches with the kit by 10 until the end of the next turn, incapacitating 0 strength creatures. (Red + Black to reduce, Red + White to increase)
  • Speed: Perry alters a creatures perception of time by touching it with the kit, Slowing or Hasting the creature for a minute. An unwilling creature may make a wisdom saving throw at the end of its turn to end the effect, or as a legendary action. (Yellow = Haste, Yellow + Black = Slow, Yellow + White = 3rd level Moment of Glory)
  • Life: Perry may restore or sap a creatures Life energies by touching them with the Kit. An unwilling creature may make a constitution saving throw to halve the rolls. (Green = 5d8 healing. Green + White = 10d8 healing. Green + Black = 10d8 necrotic damage)
  • Sap Magic: Perry may attempt to dispel a magical effects on a target within touch range as if casting Dispel Magic at 5th level, or use his reaction to Counterspell at 5th level with a range of touch. (Black)

Collateral Damage

Detective Phin's Mom alters the enchantments on Blue Rose, further increasing its power. Shots fired from it now pierce a target, allowing it to hit a 2nd creature in a line behind the first per attack. The disadvantage attack roll is used against the secondary target.

Detective Perry got a grenade belt from somewhere that can carry 3 grenades and has, apparently, been practicing throwing grenades as he can now do so as a bonus action at a range of 40 feet. People are becoming concerned.

The Man of Many Spears

Long Sticks and Pointy Ends

B'wan has mastered certain spear techniques that extend his reach with all spear-like weapons to 10 feet. He also gains the Polearm Master feat, and the Spear-quiver may attune to an additional spear.

Heart of the Storm

B'wan spends his downtime talking to the Stormbringers when they are around and helping out at the soup kitchens and refugee houses, strengthening his bond to the Stormmother.

  • B'wan's Stormwolf form has an unlimited number of uses, and he may change which storm he embodies at the start of his turn, before triggering any effects from his previous form.
  • B'wan's walking speed increases by 10 feet.
  • While caught within a storm, B'wan gains immunity to all of its effects and a 60 foot flying speed.
  • B'wan gains all damage resistances from Storm Soul instead of just the one for his current form. (Still only gains immunity for his current form's passive.)
  • The Stormspear may deal B'wan's current stormwolf forms damage type instead of lightning, and gets charged by any damage type Storm Soul grants resistance or immunity to. (Gains charge equal to damage prevented)
  • B'wan may mix up this class feature with several blizzard titles.

Shield of the Swank

B'wan has mastered shield combat, granting him the Shield Master feat, with the following changes:

  • If B'wan chooses to push a creature away with a shove, he can push them up to 15 feet.
  • He gains the bonus to Dexterity Saving throws against area effects as well
  • When using his reaction to take no damage from a dexterity saving throw, he only takes half damage on failure. If this is used against an area effect, he provides people behind him with 3/4 Cover (i.e. +5) to their Dexterity Saving Throws and they take no damage on a successful save against the same effect, or half damage on a failure.

B'wan may use his shield as a weapon. He may blood rite it (And it is automatically rited in Stormwolf), may use it as a 1d8 bludgeoning damage weapon with a magical bonus to hit and damage equal to its magical bonus to AC.

When B'wan takes the attack action, he may make an attack with the shield as a bonus action.

If the shield has a blood rite on it, B'wan deals his blood rite damage on succesful shoves and twice as many dice on shield charges as well.

The Red Wolf

B'wan has hung around the Red Mother and her creepy horrid knights for a while, and the Red Mother has given him the ability to shift into a Red Wolf instead of his Stormwolf form.

When shifting into a Red Wolf, B'wan's skin becomes a tough carapace similar to the Horrid Knights, increasing his AC by 2, and his fur becomes Ganean flower petals. B'wan may spend any number of hit dice as mana dice at that moment to charge the flower petals, allowing him to use up to two Petalcasting abilities/elements. Look at the Horrid Knight sheets for effects. (The Elements are: Thought, Strength, Speed, Endurance, Growth, Decay, Gravitation, Flow, Heat, Light (not written into any Horrid Knights atm; may create light or darkness, enhances perception, illusion memes))


B'wan has spent a lot of time with Metal to learn how to make Spears, and even went around to some of his new allies to ask for help.

B'wan builds a +3 spear with powerful effects of his choice, potentially replicating abilities of extraterrestrial allies such as the Horrid Knights or Iron Angels, or from Sherian he has collected materials from, such as Forge Knights or Light Sherian. B'wan does not need to use an attunement slot to attune to that Spear.

(Can also be a different item type than a spear)

Blade of the Elves

Greater Multitasking

Aymer studies the Dream, improving his control over the shadow elves and allowing some of their collective spellcasting mastery to bleed over between the wielders of Drasglaif.

All shadow elves may cast Signature and Mastered spells as if they were stance spells (i.e. not free).

If a Mastered or Signature was already a stance spell, that shadow elf benefits from the Spell Mastery and Signature Spell features for that spell.

If a Signature or Mastered spell is altered by one of the currently active Stances or a Spell Glyph, Aymer and all Shadow elves may used the alternate version of the spell by casting it at its normal level. (Can still be cast as bonus actions if they are Stance spells.)

If you cannot concentrate on spells due to Drasglaif, you may cast concentration spells without disrupting Drasglaif's abilities, but such concentration spells end at the end of the turn they are cast on.

Arcane Mastery

Aymer studies the book, focusing more on traditional wizardy disciplines, delving into journals and spellbooks of powerful wizards and sorcerers preserved by the Moran and Zimyan libraries.

Aymer gains the Signature Spells Wizard feature, and two additional 1st or 2nd level spells for Spell Mastery. Aymer may choose higher level spells for those features if any Stance would reduce them to an eligible level as part of being a Stance spell.

Mastered and Signature spells that have a casting time of 1 action or less may be cast as bonus actions as long as they can only target a single creature.

Divine Mastery

Aymer studies the divine, and the paths his ancestors took following the gods, and follows in their footsteps.

Aymer gains the Aura of Protection feature, using his Intelligence ability score instead. Domyr gains it as well.

Divine Smite now rolls d10s instead of d8s.

Aymer may prepare any level of Paladin spell and use them as if they were Wizard spells. (Spell Mastery and Signature Spells cannot be used with spells that restore hit points)

Aymer's Lay on Hands pool increases to 50. Domyr may use Lay on Hands as well, using the same pool.

Physical Mastery

Aymer studies the body and the mind, doing a training montage to gain the following benefits:

  • Aymer gains an Ability Score Improvement
  • Aymer's wizard hit dice become d8s, increasing his hit points by 1 per level.
  • Aymer's speed increases by 10 feet.
  • Aymer gains proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.

Drasglaif Mastery

Aymer studies the blade, unlocking the full potential of the final glyph on Drasglaif: His own.

Magehunter Stance

  • If a creature attempts to Dispel or Counterspell you, they must make the ability check as if they were targetting a higher level spell regardless of the spell slot used. They make that check with disadvantage.
  • Creatures have disadvantage on all concentration checks you cause.
  • If a creature within your reach attempts to cast a spell, you may cast Booming Blade as an attack of opportunity against it before the spell resolves. On a hit, it must succeed on a concentration check in order to finish casting that spell.
  • You have advantage on all saving throws against spells and are considered proficient in all saving throws against spells.
  • When you cast Counterspell, you may choose to instead try and catch the spell with Drasglaif, making the saving throw with advantage at risk of being affected by the spell. You must have been targetted/affected by the spell, and you may do this when being affected by an ongoing spell when it would affect you. The spell is then unleashed the next time you hit with the sword. Area effects become cones, spells that target multiple creatures (like Slow) only affect creatures struck by the same attack or spell using Drasglaif. (i.e. use GFB or Steel Wind Strike)
  • Stance Spells: Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Thought Erasure, Detect Magic, See Invisibility, Absorb Elements

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