Oath of the Five Thorns

by dmmg

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Sacred Oath

Oath of the Five Thorns

Tenants of the Five Thorns

Follow through on your word: Give your word rarely, but follow through when you do.

Further your goals at any cost: Results are all that matters.

Never allow Tiamat's enemies to thrive: Seek death for the enemies of your goddess.

Give shelter to the chosen of Tiamat: Be the shield of those who would further Tiamat's will.

Oath Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Shield of Faith, False Life
5th Silence, Hold Person
9th Fear, Alter Self
13th Death Ward, Confusion
17th Flame Strike, Dominate Person

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Tiamat's Blessing

As a bonus action, imbue one weapon that you are holding with Tiamat's blessing. Roll 1d10 and check the aspect chart to determine damage type. On an attack action add 1d4 + your Charisma modifier to your damage for 1 minute.

At 11th level, add an additional 1d4.

After using this Channeled Divinity twice, you must finish a short or Long Rest before you can use it again.

Aspect Table

Aspect Damage Type
1-2 Black Aspect Acid Damage
3-4 Blue Aspect Lightning Damage
5-6 Green Aspect Poison Damage
7-8 Red Aspect Fire Damage
9-10 White Aspect Cold Damage

Tiamat's Gift

As a bonus action, roll 1d10 and check the Gift Table below. This effect lasts until combat has ended.

You can use this Channeled Divinity once per long rest.

Gift Table

1-2 Draconic Wings
3-4 Dragon's Breath
5-6 Wyrven's Stinger
7-8 Tiamat's Presence
9 Dragon Scaled Hide
10 Tiamat's Soul
Draconic Wings

You sprout large draconic wings of any color of your choosing. You gain flying speed up to 60ft

Dragon's Breath

Your chest swells with energy, roll 1d10 on the Aspect Table to determine damage type. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.

Wyrven's Stinger

You grow a long tail with a poison stinger attached. As an action you can make an attack +5 with your poison stinger. On hit, enemies take 1d12 poison damage and have disadvantage to their attacks until making a DC 14 constitution saving throw at the end of their turn.

Tiamat's Presence

You gain the aura of Tiamat's Presence. All enemies within 30ft must make a DC 13 saving throw or be frightened.

Dragon Scaled Hide

Your body is covered in large dragon scales of any color you choose. Gain +2 AC.

Tiamat's Soul

Invoke Tiamat's Soul and inherit all of the gifts at the same time.

A Dragon By Your Side

Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can’t be charmed while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

A Dragon Lurks Below

Beginning at 15th level, The first creatures to deal melee damage to you during a round of combat can trigger Tiamat's Gift. Roll 1d20, if you roll a 19 or 20 activate Tiamat's Gift.

This feature has a 1 minute cooldown after triggering.

Tiamat's Champion

At 20th level, as an action, you can activate Tiamat's Soul for 1 minute. Activating Tiamat's soul in this way you are transformed into a dragon, become a large creature and can use Dragon's Breath, and Wyrven's Stinger as bonus actions. Melee attacks are made with advantage. Strikes against you are made with advantage.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

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