Gunsmith Artificer Revised
The Gunsmith is a cool expansion subclass published on Arcane Artillery and created to the first version of the Artificer.
However, after a lot of changes present in UA and Eberron, the class now have an official version on Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and I decided to adapt Gunsmith to match this.
Arcane Artillery gives some proficiencies and new spells to everyone. Before jumping into the Gunsmith updates, let's just revise the proficiency addictions to all the Artificer class:
Giving Classes Guns
Artificers start with proficiency in longarms and sidearms, given the fact that they are the ones who probably invented it at some point in history.
Ok, point number two: spell list. The first version of the Artificer could not cast cantrips or 5th level spells. Well, now both the Revised one and Eberron one can, so we need to update the list of added spells:
Artificer Spell List
- Blood-Lightning Bullet
- Wall of Denial
1st Level
- Ice Bayonet
3rd Level
- Elemental Bullets
4th Level
- Bubble Shield
- Drop Shield
- Ghost Bullets
5th Level
- Conjure Firing Squad
Finally, lets create some new infusions to combine with the new feature of the Artificer.
Gun of Thrust
Prerequisites: A non magical weapon with the Misfire property
The gun no longer fails to the shooter, if you are using the Misfire optional rule, this weapon now have Misfire 0.
Prerequisites 4th level: A non magical Single-Handed ranged weapon
When you shoot with that weapon, you can see a trail of magical energy coming from the ammunition in mid-air. On a hit, you can choose to make a Sleight of Hand check contested by an Strength save to disarm the creature.
When you disarm a creature with it, you can choose to keep the weapon attached to your Hookshot or drop it 5 feet next to you. If the weapon is light and you have one free hand, you can instantly attack with the weapon as a bonus action.
Alternatively, you can force the target to make a Strength saving throw or get grappled. While grappled, if the target is of your size or smaller, you can use an action or bonus action to engage at Contested Strength save: if you win, the creature are pulled 10ft toward you. If the target is a creature or object larger than you, then you can be pulled to within five feet of it in a straight line.
You can also target a small object with the hookshot and pull it to you. Objects will receive the attack damage as well as creatures.
The ammunition for the shot is always destroyed on the first impact with the target, the hook is just a magical link.
Tag Tracker
Prerequisites: 4th level, A non magical ranged weapon (requires attunement)
When you hit a creature using what weapon, you can mark the target, as long as it stays on range of at most 300ft of you. The mark lasts until 2h after the impact. You can mark up to 3 creatures at the same time.
While marked, you can use your concentration to keep track of the target. When you do that, you can see the contour of it's silhouette through any object or material, as if there was nothing between you an the creature. You can just keep track of 1 target at a time, switching tracked targets between the marked ones is a Free Action.
Elemental Damage
Prerequisites: 6th level, A non magical weapon (requires attunement)
Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Instead of dealing it's normal damage, the weapon now deals the chosen type. You can learn this infusion multiple times.
Gunsmith Subclass
Artificer Specialist
Gunsmiths are Artificers who choose to take up the engineering of firearms are able to forge guns made from their scientifically brilliant minds and infused with powerful magic. You are a master of crafting firearms, and your brilliance gained from your trade allows you to make them in no time at all.
Tool Proficiency
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
Gunsmith Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the GunSmith Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | Fog Cloud, Delayed Chromatic Blast* |
5th | Pyrotechnics, Spiritual Firearm* |
9th | Searing Smoke*, Rotting Shot* |
13th | Fire Shield, Fireball |
17th | Quick Load*, Steel Wind Strike |
(*) Spells from the Arcane Artillery expansion
Arcane Ammo Pack
When you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you have forged a set of tools and ammunition for your guns. This includes powders, lead, and other materials you need for gun maintenance and ammo crafting.
You can use your Arcane Ammo Pack to magically produce rounds for your guns. At the end of each long rest, you can magically produce mundane rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier x 10 (minimum 1). If you lose your Arcane Ammo Pack, you can make another one at the end of a long rest, at the cost of 25gp worth of resources and raw materials, such as leather and lace.
Experimental Rounds
When you reach 3rd level in gunsmith, you learned how to channel magic into special bullets that only you can use.
On a short or long rest, you can attempt an experiment to enchant a number of rounds created from your Arcane Ammo Pack equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). This number increases to your Intelligence modifier x 2 (minimum 1) at 14th level.
Make a DC 11 spellcasting ability check. If you succeed, roll on the experiment table to decide the result of each of your experimental rounds. If you fail, the experiment only produces one experimental bullet. Roll on the table to decide what that bullet is. Only you can use these high powered rounds.
d8 | Effects |
1 | Slaying Round. The round deals an extra 2d6 damage of its type to a single creature type of your choosing. |
2-3 | Protecting Round. The round no longer deals damage. Instead it adds +1 AC to a creature friendly to you for 1 minute when shot at them. (Does not stack) |
4-5 | Elemental Round. The round deals an extra 2d4 acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder damage (your choice). |
6-7 | Armor Breaking Round. The round no longer deals damage. Instead it reduces a target's AC by 1 for 1 round when successfully shot at them. (Does not stack) |
8 | Heartseeking Round. The round attacks using a creature’s unarmored AC (or it’s AC without unarmored boosts, such as natural armor or unarmored defense). |
When you reach higher levels in this class, you can attempt to increase the max potential damage that damaging experimental rounds can deal, but the DC of the spellcasting ability check goes up by 1 for every d6/d4 the damage deals higher than 2d6/2d4: 9th level (up to 4d6/4d4), 14h level (up to 6d6/6d4) and 17th level (up to 8d6/8d4).
The same applies to the AC for protecting and armor breaking rounds, except the DC increases by 2 for every value higher than 1: 9th level (up to 2 AC), 14th level (up to 3 AC) and 17th level (up to 4 AC).
Arcane Shooter
At 5th level, you have become more adept at magically producing and infusing ammunition for your guns. Any ammunition you create with your Arcane Ammo Pack is considered magical.
In addiction, when you attack using one of your experimental bullets, you gain a bonus to your Attack Roll equals to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
Arcane Reload
At 9th level, you master the ammunition enchantment at the point to do it on a snap. As a bonus action, you can spend a spell slot to enchant number of rounds created from your Arcane Ammo Pack equal to half your Proficiency Bonus (rounded up). Roll on the table to decide the effect for each bullet.
All the experimental bullets created this way uses the default extra damage or AC buffs/debuffs of the table, regardless of your level in this class.
Handmade Firearm
At 15th level, you learn how to use your artificer infusions to customize firearms. Using the Infuse Item feature, you can apply the effect of Custom Parts (from Arcane Artillery's Custom Parts table) into non customized firearms.
Each use of Infuse Item can apply one Custom Part effect to one firearm at a time and while infused, the firearm can't be customized with other parts. The prerequisites for the infusion follows the Custom Part's usable firearm type.
Attachments doesn't interfere with this feature: you can infuse firearms with Attachments and placing/removing Attachments into infused firearms.