Visir’s Sumptuous Spells & Novelties - Volume I

by Bishop

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Spells & Novelties

volume i

Visir's Magic Items

Just walk in already!" A frustrated Visir urges his simulacrum counterpart. "I am sure this time will work!" Visir #2 peers down into the haversack. "The last one of us you sent down there ended up in Hades. Are you sure it's re...wha, whoa!" Visir #2 is pushed into the bag, landing at the bottom of a staircase with a hard thud. "Well?" Visir asks peering down the sack; "Are you in Hades?" Visir #2 responds while rubbing the back of his head. "Yes, I think I have been in Hades all along."


Visir’s Haversack of Repository

Wondrous item, rare

This Haversack looks like an ordinary backpack and always weighs 5 lbs regardless of its contents. As an action, you can place the haversack on the floor, open it and step inside. Your feet will find stairs. A small 10ft room with many shelves and compartments fill every wall with the small ladder in the center. You can store up to 200lbs of items here.

As with many other magic storage objects such as bags of holding or portable holes, placing a Visir’s Haversack of Repository inside the extra-dimensional space created by such an item destroys both and opens a temporary portal into the Astral Plane that sucks in any creature within 10 ft of it.

Visir’s Haversack of

Visir’s Ring of Talking Portal

Wondrous item, rare

A silver ring adorned with a clear rectangular diamond. As an action, you trace a circle in the air in front of you with the finger that is wearing the ring, activating it. A portal appears. You can call the name of a creature who you have spoken with before and a portal will appear in front of creature. The image is blurred and no sound can be heard from the creature until a response is received in return.

The creature can see and hear from you during this period. After 15 seconds, if there is no response the spell ends. If the creature does respond, for the duration of 1 minute you can see and speak with the creature.

Once this property is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Visir's Returning Ring

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

A gold ring with an emerald affixed. It's made of fine craftsmanship and can be valuable to sell. However, after 48 hours (assuming the ring is intact), it will magically teleport to it's bonded owner, disappearing from wherever it was.

Mostly an item for rogues or other characters who might need a quick way to acquire some... additional resource.

Visir's Potion of Spell Restoring

Potion, rarity varies

This shimmering blue liquid is created using the essence of magic. When you drink this potion, you gain a number a points you can use to regain spell slots you already used. The number of points depends on the potion's rarity, as shown in the spell restoring potions table.

Spell Restoring Potions

Potion Rarity Points
Spell Restoring Uncommon 1d4+1
Greater Spell Restoring Rare 2d4 + 2
Superior Spell Restoring Very Rare 3d4 + 4

In the following table you can see how many points you need to spend for recovering a spell slot. When you use the potion, you must distribute the points immediately. You can recover any number of used spell slots if you have enough points to do so, and every point left is lost. You can only recover slots of 5th level or lower.

Spell Slots per Points

Spell Slot Point Cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 7
Visir's Superior
Potion of Spell Restoring


Visir's Spells

Well Visir #2" Visir speaks enthusiastically, with his back to his simulacrum that is busy putting books away on a shelf. "I think we just may have done it!" Before him hovers a mouth-shaped parchment, reading from a thick tome in a loud voice. Visir's simulacrum looks over, peering at the animated piece of parchment. He whispers under his breath, placing another book on the shelf; "About time, hopefully we can take a break. The odor in this tower is unbearable, you need a bath."


Visir’s Bulwark

4th-level abjuration

  • Classes: Cleric, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Sight 60 ft. (15 ft. Dome)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

If you or a creature you can see within range is hit with a ranged weapon or spell attack, you can use a reaction to create a dome centered on a point you can see within range. The dome lasts for the duration of the spell or until it is broken. If the dome cuts through a creature's space when it appears, the creature is shunted to a side of the dome of your choice.

Nothing can physically pass through the dome. The dome also extends into the ethereal plane, blocking ethereal travel. It has 30 hit points.

The dome absorbs damage from attacks and spells until its hit points are reduced to zero, shattering it. Excess damage from ranged weapon attacks or spell attacks carry over onto a creature(s) and objects inside the dome.

Visir’s Script Howler

1st-level conjuration

  • Classes: Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action (Ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a blank sheet of parchment)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You create a floating talking mouth made of parchment called a Script Howler. For the duration of the spell, the Script Howler can be instructed to read any text for you. If you break concentration the mouth unfolds and the spell ends.

Visir’s Secluded Grimoire

1st-level conjuration

  • Classes: Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a leather strap and an owl feather)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This spell sends a book into an extradimensional space, where it remains safely tucked away indefinitely. When you cast this spell, the target unattended book you touch dissolves into quickly fading lines of energy and runes that reflect all of the information stored within.

As an action, you can retrieve any single book pocketed with this spell, causing it to reappear in your hands or in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you.

You can store up to 5 books in this way. No other creatures or objects accompany the books you send away. If you cast this spell to store a 6th book, a random book from those already stored is replaced by it and the previously stored one appears in the nearest unoccupied space to you. If you die while you have books stored with this spell, all of them appear neatly stacked in your space.

Visir’s Vision of Anamnesis

4th-level divination

  • Classes: Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Minute (Ritual)
  • Range: Sight (30 ft Cube)
  • Components: V, S, M (a handful of black powder worth 50 gp, a flammable item from the scene and a hint of smoke.)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You target a 30-foot cube that you can see. The smoke created by your material component begins to animate into a reenactment of anything the caster would like to see from the previous day. (i.e. "noon" or "when the king first entered the room.") The image has no colors and makes no sound. You can use a bonus action to switch to a different time in the day.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at higher levels, you can increase the time you can look backward. 7 days at 5th level, 30 days at 6th level, 1 year at 7th level, 100 years at 8th level, no limit at 9th level.

Visir's Sumptuous Spells & Novelties Volume I

In a tall tower atop the Trollskull Tavern is a Aasimar Wizard who has been tirelessly working for several weeks on a great many items and spells to bring along on his next adventure. Visir and well... Visir #2, have been hard at work creating some arcane flair that I am sure any arcane caster would find as a useful utility. Many of these spells have been created out of necessity or by the inspiration of other travelers the Trollskull Troublemakers have met on along the way. Enjoy!




Balancing, Additional Writing, Editing:

Holt (Tordel)
The Many Isles Community

Cover Art:

Lily Morran

Interior Art:

"Confront the Dragon"

"Travel Backpack"

"Small Items Potion Vial 3"

Made with "GMBinder"
created by /u/iveld