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## Roguish Archetypes ### Fey Stalker Many rogue's thieves' guilds are on the Material Plane, where the consequences of failure are merely prison. For those who walk the wilderness of the Feywild, they suffer the chance of much, much more. You are an expert. You are an adept of stealth, charm and deceit. On the Material Plane, these traits will win you fights before you even draw your dagger. #### Fae Allure Starting at 3rd level, you have gained the tongue of the fey. You know the *friends* cantrip. When you cast it, the creature does not realize you used magic on it until 24 hours after the spell ends.
In addition, you can speak, read, and write Sylvan if you don't already. #### Faerie Friend Also at 3rd level, you've picked up a little friend from the Feywild. You can cast the *find familiar* spell as a ritual.
When you cast the spell, the creature's type is fey. You can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: blink dog, faerie dragon (red), and sprite. #### Tricky Mind Upon reaching 9th level, you've become accustomed to the machinations of the fey. You can't be charmed and magic can't put you to sleep.
You also have advantage on ability checks to detect invisible creatures, illusions, and lies.
In addition, you are immune to effects that would read your mind or compel you to tell the truth and any magic that would determine if you are telling the truth, indicates you are truthful if you so choose. \columnbreak #### Touch of Mist By 13th level, you have learned to turn the
minds of creatures to your will. As an
action when you touch
a creature or when you
hit one with an attack, you
may attempt to infect that
creature with fey mist. That
creature must make a Wisdom
saving throw (DC 8 + your
Charisma modifier + your
proficiency bonus). Creatures
that can't be charmed are
immune to this effect.
If the creature fails, you become
invisible to that creature and the
creature forgets you exist for the
duration. If the creature was hostile
towards you, the duration is 1 minute. If the creature wasn't hostile, the duration is 1 hour.
You may use this ability once and regain the ability to do so upon finishing a short or long rest. #### Blink Step At 17th level, you have mastered the ability to reposition when an enemy lets their guard down. When a hostile creature misses you with an attack, you may use your reaction to teleport, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to a space you can see. This movement does to provoke opportunity attacks.
> ##### Credits > ***Created by:*** u/Dragoborn93 > ***Art:*** Bottom - *Feywild* by Tim Shepherd, Top-right - *Gnome Bard* by Wizards of the Coast