Barbarian: Path of the Chained Behemoth

by kingstarman

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Primal Path

Path of the Chained Behemoth

Long ago the chains of Carceri sought out those in the material plane whose latent potential put the natural order at risk. Now only those who walk the Path of the Chained Behemoth can break free of those chains and regain their former strength.

Infernal Lore

When you choose this Primal Path at 3rd level, you learn Infernal if you don't already know it.

Chains of Restraint

Additionally, at 3rd level, while raging, you grow to large size if you are not already so or if you won't fit in the room you grow till you fill the space. The chains that wrap around your body become visible. When you gain this feature, choose fire or cold damage as your chains damage type; you cannot change it later. Your chains obey you command and grant you the following benefits;

  • As a bonus action, you can attempt to grapple a creature with your chains within 30ft of you. Any creature thats ends its turn while grappled by your chains takes 1d4 fire or cold damage.
  • As an action, while you have a creature grappled by your chains you can have that creature make a Strength saving against your Chain Save DC. On a fained save, the creature is either thrown 15ft or dragged 15ft towards you and takes 1d8 fire or cold damage.
  • Additionally, when you successfully hit a creature using your reckless attack feature you can push that creature up to 10ft away from you.

Chain Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Constitution modifier

Cage Match

At 6th level, as an action, you can spread out your chains into a 10ft radius circle with you as its center for 1 minute. You choose a number of creatures equal to your Constitution modifier and have them make a Wisdom saving throw against your Chain Save DC. On a failed save each creature becomes under the effect of the compelled dual spell and cannot move outside the area of the chains or be forcibly pushed outside it. On a successful save, the creatures are pushed outside the area of the of the chains. You can do this once per short rest.

Veil of Carceri

At 10th level, as a reaction, when a creature attempts to hit you with a weapon attack your chains bind your body. Your AC increases by your proficiency modifier, your movement speed becomes 0 till and you gain immunity to either cold or fire damage depending on the damage type chosen from your Chains of Restraint feature until the end of your next turn. You can do this once per long rest.

Unchained Monster

At 14th level, while raging, you grow to huge size if you are not already so or if you won't fit in the room you grow till you fill the space. While you have a creature grappled by your chains you can wield that creature as a weapon, as an attack action, you can melee attack roll against a creature within 30ft of you using your strength modifier. On a successful hit, the grappled creature is hurled into the target creature and deals 1d8 bludgeoning per 10ft the creature is hurled (Minimum 1). Additionally, when you successfully hit a creature using your reckless attack feature you can push that creature up to 20ft away from you.


Wizards of the coast - Angrath, Captain of Chaos


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