Artificer: Cyborg

by Jek

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Artificer: Cyborg

Some men see their lives, their abilites, and even their bodies, and are not satisfied. An Artificer who specailizes as a Cyborg uses the knowledge they've gained to go beyond their maximum potential through technological modifications and enhancemnts on themselves. On occaisons to a disturbing level to most others.

A Cyborg's motivation to change themselves can come from many places. Some do it out of neccesity from a wound or disease they've been given. Others do it for simple research or ammusement. And some do it to go beyond the limits that mortal life present's them, so that they may see the end to it all.

These few Artificers that are Genius enough and possibly insane enough to become a cyborg, have typically been rebuked by most others for their outlandish experiments. Some even consider it sacrelige almost as if they are trying to become a God or say no to death's doors.

Technological Immanist

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith’s tools. If you already have this tool proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

You also gain proficiency with Medicine and you may double your proficiency bonus on Medicine checks.

Cyborg Spells
Artificer Level Spell
3rd Chromatic Orb, Armor of Agathys
5th Hold Person, Scorching Ray
9th Fireball, Major Image
13th Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
17th Cone of Cold, Antilife Shell

Cybernetic Enhancements

Starting at 3rd level, your knowledge of increasing the abilities of an individual has finally brought you merit. You may use your body's cybernetic enhancements as a spellcasting focus.

Also, you can choose one of the following Cybernetic Enhancements.

Integrated Protection: Integrated into or onto your body are metal plates and devices that give you extra protection. Your Armor Class increases by 1. Also, while you have this enhancement active, you gain proficiency in heavy armor.

Integrated Weaponry: Integrated into or onto an accessible point on your body such as your legs, chest, or arms, is a system of simple weapons you may use. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with these weapons. You have a simple melee weapon that deals 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. You also have a simple ranged weapon which deals 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier. At the end of a long rest you choose whether the melee weapon does bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing, and you choose if the ranged weapon deals acid, cold, fire, poison, or lightning damage.

Enhanced Limbs: Due to either a robotic exoskeleton, implants in your limbs, or other means your limbs have been greatly improved to match peak athletic ability. You gain proficiency in athletics and if you already have this proficiency you may choose another skill that uses dexterity. Your High jump and long jump range increases by 10 and your movement speed increases by 10.

Improved Oculus: Your vision has been greatly improved due to a device installed into or onto your head. You gain a darkvision radius of 60ft. If you already have darkvision, it's radius increases by 60ft. Also, you gain proficiency in perception and dim lighting doesn’t give you disadvantage on perception checks.

Upon choosing any of these Cybernetic Enhancemnts, your body weight increases by 75lbs.

Customized Robotics

When you reach 5th level in this class you gain the ability to change how the robotic portions of your body function. You gain half-proficiency in 3 skills of your choice. Once, at the end of a long rest, you may choose to get rid of one of those skill proficiencies to gain proficiency in a different skill. Also your original choice from the Cybernetic Enhancements feature, becomes more powerful.

Integrated Protection+: As a reaction, you may choose to gain resistance to one type of damage of your choice for one minute. Once you use this feature, you may not use it until you finish a short rest.

Integrated Weaponry+: The weapons are now +2. When you are using these weapons, you are considered to have the extra attack feature. Meaning that you may make 2 attacks per action with either of these weapons.

Enhanced Limbs+: You gain expertise in athletics and proficiency in strength saving throws. Also, you are not affected by non-magical difficult terrain. Also, once per long rest, as a bonus action, you may enter a state in which you are able to dash as a bonus action, and have advantage on strength and dexterity checks. This state lasts for a minute.

Improved Oculus+: You are not only able to see incredibly well, but you are able to quickly analyze things and learn this information much faster than others. If you need to make a check as an action, you may do it as a bonus action. During initiative, you may choose to analyze your opponent. As a bonus action you can analyze an opponent making an intelligence check versus their dexterity or strength check. If your check is greater, then you roll your next attack with advantage. This lasts until the end of the opponent you analyzed next turn.

Increased Cybernetics

At 9th level your constant tinkering on yourself has brought about more space and flexibility in your cybernetic enhancements. Once, at the end of a long rest, you may choose to gain 1 more ability from the Cybernetic Enhancements list other than the one you initially chose. At the end of your next long rest you may choose to keep this ability, or to remove it in exchange for another feature from the Cybernetic Enhancements list. You also gain the following benefits:

You may attune to items that require attunement by a warforged such as an armblade.

Items that you attune to can be attached to your body if you choose so. In this case, that item cannot be removed from your body against your will.

More Machine Than Man

By the time you’ve reached the 15th level, most of your humanoid body parts have been replaced by technology and cybernetics. The inside of your body and perhaps even the outside is beginning to resemble more of a Warforged than your race. You gain the Constructed Resilience and Sentry’s Rest feature from the Warforged race. Your body weight also increases by 40%.

You also gain new abilities to account for your cybernetic enhancements. When you use your Increased Cybernetics feature to gain a feature from your Cybernetic enhancements, you may instead gain the upgraded version from the Customized Robotics feature. For example, if you used your Increased Cybernetics feature to gain Enhanced Limbs, it would now upgrade to Enhanced Limbs+.


Once you reach 15th level, whenever you cast an artificer spell of Fourth level or higher and use your cybernetic body as a spellcasting focus, you are forced to make an intelligence saving throw DC20. On a success your machinery goes into a special state called overclock and on a failure you take 3d12 lightning damage. During overclock, your entire body becomes overloaded with magic and your cybernetics work stronger than they ever have before. You gain the following benefits based on your current cybernetic enhancemnts

Overclocked Integrated Protection: For the 1d3 rounds, your magic infused metal skin becomes harder than anything you've ever created. Your armor class increases by 2 and you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, cold, fire, thunder, lightning, poison, and acid damage.

Overclocked Integrated Weaponry: For the next 1d4 rounds, your weapons become magic infused and unstoppable. When you are using the overclocked weapons, you may make 3 attacks per action with either of the weapons.

Overclocked Enhanced Limbs: For the next 1d4 rounds, your advanced limbs bring your physicality beyond peak human. During this time, if you take the dash action enemies may not make opportunity attacks against you and your armor class increases by 2.

Overclocked Improved Oculous: For the next 1d3 rounds your accuracy is pinpoint and your strikes are true. You gain truesight 30ft, and all of your attacks gain a +3 to hit.

You may only overclock twice per long rest. However If you cast another fourth level spell or higher you still must make the saving throw and on a fail take 3d12 Lightning Damage.

Art Credit



@Wzboss#6900 on discord.

Wzboss helped me balance a couple features aswell as revise the class quite a bit.

theDURRRRIAN on DeviantArt

theDURRRRIAN was the creator of the art I used on the front page.

Jek#0575 on Discord

cuz me.


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