Paladin: Oath of Starlight [v1.6]

by LuxArc

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Oath of Starlight

The Oath of Starlight calls out to Paladins who wish to guide the lost and protect others. The light of the stars see all as equal and worthy of its healing embrace. Paladins under this vow are tasked with enforcing its ideals by spreading healing warmth and shielding others from darkness, while also dissuading those who seek to cast shadows, by force if necessary. Known to the people as Fireflies or Lightbringers, it is not uncommon for these Paladins to paint their armor with prismatic colors or to decorate it with stained glass, constellations, or starmaps. The are often found as vanguards for mercy missions and guiding lost travelers at night.

Tenets of Light
  • Radiance: You are a luminous bastion against those who seek to block out the light. Your words are your most powerful asset, and while you should always strive to find a peaceful solution, you know sometimes evil must be burned away.
  • Guidance: A light shining in the darkness guides those who are lost, and so shall you. From an abandoned child to a parent stricken with grief, you strive to deliver all who are in need to the healing comfort of the light.
  • Warmth: Like the radiance that flows through you, you should heal the wounded, provide for the needy, and protect the world around you. Let your luminescence presence provide warmth to all, especially your friends.

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Oath of Starlight Spells table.

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Guiding Bolt, Faerie Fire
5th Moonbeam, Mirror Image
9th Lightning Bolt, Mass Healing Word
13th Resilient Sphere, Fire Shield
17th Dawn, Wall of Light
Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Shooting Stars. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to conjure miniature shooting stars that orbit around you for 10 minutes. When you use this Channel Divinity, and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can expend one shooting star and make a ranged spell attack against any creature you can see within 90 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage. The number of stars that orbit you are equal to half your Paladin level, rounded up. At 7th level, you can launch two stars each time you choose to attack with them; this increases to 3 at 11th level, 4 at 15th level, and 5 at 19th level.

Healing Motes. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to conjure motes of light that orbit around you for 10 minutes. When you use this Channel Divinity, and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can expend one mote to heal a creature you can see within 90 feet of you for 1d8. The number of motes that orbit you are equal to half your Paladin level, rounded up. At 7th level, you can launch two motes each time you choose to heal with them; this increases to 3 at 11th level, 4 at 15th level, and 5 at 19th level.

Starlit Nebula

Beginning at 7th level, your power of incandescence manifests as an aura of protectve starlight, which you can emit or suppress as a bonus action. Starting at 7th level, when an allied creature within 10 feet of you takes damage, the damage they would take is reduced by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). The aura also acts as an extension of yourself; each creature other than you within the aura are considered to be touching you for the purposes of targeting with paladin spells or features.

At 18th level the range of this ability increases to 30 feet.

Stellar Sentry

Starting at 15th level, the luminous power that runs through your body allows you to see even in the greatest darkness. You cannot be blinded, and you can see perfectly in magical or non-magical darkness.

A Light Shining in Darkness

Finally, at 20th level, you become grossly incandescent, and a beacon of hope to all of those around you. As an action, you become a being of pure starlight and gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • The die size for your Shooting Stars and Healing Motes increases to 3d8.
  • You can have both your Shooting Stars and Healing Motes active at the same time.
  • You shed a bright light for 60 feet that cannot be suppressed in any way, and a dim light for another 60 feet beyond that.

Changelog & Author's Note

Version 1.6

  • Massive reworks to all of the abilities in the subclass to hopefully bring it more in line with other Paladin subclasses.
  • Luminous Being has been replaced with Healing Motes, hopefully to provide this subclass a more distinct role as a ranged healer and a ranged damage dealer.
  • Shooting Stars damaged has been reigned in, though the scaling has been kept. There aren't really any other Paladin Channel Divinity's that work this way, but it scales similar to a first level spell so it should be balanced.
  • Stunning Aurora has been replaced with Starlit Nebula, though the only real change is that the resistances have been removed.
  • Stellar Radiance has been completely reworked into Stellar Sentry, bringing it more in line with other 15th level abilities.
  • A Light Shining in Darkness has also been completely reworked to provide more synergy with the Channel Divinity options.
  • Gravity Sinkhole has been replaced with Ice Storm, since stellar ice is a thing and it fits with the damaging Oath Spells being area of effect spells.

Version 1.5

  • Sanctuary has been replaced with Faerie Fire. First level healing that the Paladin can't access is hard to come by, so instead I went with a utility spell. This is also up for change though, to be honest.
  • Prayer of Healing replaced Calm Emotions, since I don't want this class to step to heavily on the toes of the Oath of Redemption.

Version 1.4

  • Guardian of Faith has been changed to Dimension Door. I wanted each set of Oath spells to have one damaging spell and one healing/utility spell, to match with both how the Paladin in general and this subclass in specific straddles the line between damage and healing. Dimension Door seemed like an interesting pick to me, since it both fits with the space theme (folding space to get somewhere faster), and also pairs with the enhanced Lay on Hands ability.
  • Swift Quiver changed to Mass Cure Wounds. Picking only two 5th level spells was hard, since unlike 4th level, there are lots of spells that fit the theme of this class. Mass Cure Wounds is a fantastic spell, and despite really wanting to put Dawn on this list alongside of Conjure Volley, I wanted to stick to the one damaging one healing trope. Since I'm talking about it, COnjure Volley is one here to mimic a meteor storm, even though Dawn might be a better fit.
  • Stellar Radiance has been changed to ten times your level, instead of eight. I think it fits better with the class, though honestly I'm still kinda torn on this ability as a whole.
  • The wording on Channel Divinity: Luminous Being has been changed to fit the theme better, and the hit points restored were changed to twice your paladin level. To balance this, however, they were made temporary hit points. Also, the advantage on the next Charisma check was also removed.

Version 1.3

  • Stellar Radiance has been changed to increase the size of your Lay on Hands pool. Reasoning: Having two, different healing skills was sort of redundant, so instead this is a passive ability to bring it more in line with other Paladin Oaths. Also, it helps reinforce that you should be using your Lay on Hands often as this class.
  • Reworded the 'Tenets of Starlight' so that there was less overlap between them.
  • Fixed wording and syntax to make it sound more like the PHB (Thanks so much to the folks at the Unearthed Arcana discord for helping me!)

Version 1.2

  • Channel Divinity: Meteor Shower was moved to be a basic class feature, Meteor Shower. Reasoning: There was a decent amount of concern that making it so being able to use a ranged divine smite would make the other option difficult to pick. Moving it to a class feature makes the ranged damage more consistent, and allows for a greater choice between healing and ranged damage with the two Channel Divinities.
  • Channel Divinity: Shooting Stars was added, as a replacement for Channel Divinity: Meteor Shower. Reasoning: With Channel Divinity: Meteor Shower gone, something needed to be added in its stead. Taking some inspiration from Melf's Minute Meteors and Crown of Starlight, this is what I was able to come up with. Now the question is more "Do I think we're going to need more healing, or do we need more damage" when it comes to your Channel Divinity.
  • Stellar Radiance was modified so that your Charisma modifier limited how often you could use it per short/long rest. Reasoning: Stellar Radiance didn't really have a limiter beforehand, only requiring you to sacrifice a bonus action or your movement. Now, players can only use it a max a five times, making it a resource that has to be monitored, and also allowing it to effectively serve the place of a 5th Level healing spell.
  • A Light Shining in Darkness gained extra features. Reasoning: All other Paladin capstones increase movement somehow, and A Light in the Darkness did not. Now it does, and the movement does not trigger attacks of opportunity (because you are moving at the speed of light, being a being of pure light). I am torn about whether it should provoke reactions as well, though that feels overpowered.
  • Typos were corrected (again), wording was made more clear, and some more flavor text was added. I'm slowly starting to understand how to use GM Binder, though the style options still beguile me.

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