The Master of Fate

by Shott

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The Master of Fate

The Master of Fate

For the past year, bandits have repeatedly ransacked a rural town, striking fear into the hearts of the residents who pray to their gods for a hero to rescue them. One day, out of seemingly nowhere, a young half-elf arrives in town, standing his ground against the bandit clan. Raising his hand skyward, the crimson insignia on it pulses as a beacon of blinding light pierces down from the heavens. When the light dissipates, in its place is a blond man in shining gold armour. His eyes, as crimson as the insignia on his master's hand, glance across the clan before him uninterested. The bandits retreat slightly, momentarily feeling the same fear they had struck into the hearts of the townsfolk for so long, before charging at the gilded spirit. The half-elf's insignia pulses again and the spirit snaps his fingers. From behind him, a magnificent collection of glowing portals materialise, captivating the bandits before they are skewered by the weapons flying from the rifts in space.

Their town saved, the villagers rush towards their golden saviour who strikes one down, scolding the mongrel for daring to touch him. A wicked smile spreads across the half-elf's face as he truly understands the power he wields.


Masters are the designation given to magic users who were chosen by a higher power to receive command seals, allowing them to form contracts with heroic spirits. By providing them with magical energy, masters are able to summon heroic spirits after completing an initial ritual involving a token associated with the selected spirit. After the spirit is summoned, a contract between the two is formed and the spirit swears allegiance to their master until death. A master is always a master, regardless of whether or not they have a servant, and may enter into contracts with a new servant whenever possible if they do not already have one.

Heroic Spirits

A Heroic Spirit is the embodiment of an individual whose feats in life were so renowned and/or significant, that their presence lingers even after death. Heroic Spirits may be summoned as servants by masters and retain most of the abilities they had in life. A heroic spirit may come from any point in time, be it the past or future, even to a time where their physical form is still alive. Heroic spirits rely on their master to survive in the physical realm as without the constant flow of magical energy provided by their master, heroic spirits are unable to maintain any sort of form. As such, they are indebted to their masters, though may still act independently. The more well known a spirit is, the more powerful they are.

Similarly, the closer to their homeland a spirit is the stronger their abilities become. Although in servitude to their master, servants remain independent beings with their own personalities, alignment and desires which can cause a servant to act against their master if the relationship between the two breaks down.

The Servant Classes

Heroic Spirits are divided into seven Servant Classes. These includer the Saber class, the Archer class, the Lancer class, the Rider class, the Caster class, the Berserker class and the Assassin class. Each Heroic Spirit falls into one of these categories based on the skills they had during their lifetime, as well as skills they are regarded as having. A Heroic Spirit may fit within multiple classes but may only exhibit the traits associated with the class they are representing when summoned.

Creating a Master

As you create a Master, the most important question to consider is which Heroic Spirit that you have summoned, and how they came to summon that Heroic Spirit. What item or ideology ties the two together? Or perhaps the two were simply brought together by Fate?

Once you've chosen a Heroic Spirit, consider your Master's relationship to their Servant. How does your character interact with their Servant? Do they see it as simply a tool? Or do they treat it like a trusted ally? What are your character's ultimate goals? Do they allign with that of the Servant? Or are have the two struck an uneasy alliance, fully aware that when the time comes their relationship will decay?

Quick Build

You can make a Master quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or whatever you feel would be appropriate for your chosen subclass. Second, choose the Noble or Sage background.

Part 1 | The Master
Master of Fate
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Command Seals, Servant Class
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Summoning, Noble Phantasm 2 2
3rd +2 Master's Understanding 3 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 4 4 2
6th +3 Heroic Feat, Noble Phantasm Improvement 4 4 2
7th +3 Servant's Respect 5 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3
9th +4 - 6 4 3 2
10th +4 Heroic Feat, Noble Phantasm Improvement 6 4 3 2
11th +4 Master's Authority, Servant's Respect Improvement 7 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 3 3
13th +5 - 8 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Noble Phantasm Incarnate, Noble Phantasm Improvement 8 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Magus Regeneration 9 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 3 3 2
17th +6 - 10 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Noble Phantasm Improvement 10 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 11 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Hunters of the Grail 11 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As a Master of Fate, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Master of Fate level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Master of Fate level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: Alchemists' Supplies
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, History, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, and Religion

Part 2 | Class Features


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple weapon, or (d) any martial weapon (if proficient)
  • (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail (if proficient)
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, or (b) a hand crossbow and 20 bolts (if proficient)
  • (a) a priest's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
  • a legendary artifact relating to your chosen heroic spirit

Alternatively, you may start with 5d4 × 10 gp to buy your own equipment.

Command Seals

When this class is selected, a number (equal to your proficiency bonus) of command seals materialise on the back of your right hand. They are dark red in colour and their design is determined by your Servant's Class.
Command seals act as additional spell slots and can be expended in place of them. Their max spell slot level is also equal to your proficiency bonus. Expending a command seal costs an action unless stated otherwise or for the purposes of casting a spell, whereupon it follows the usage indicated on the spell. You regain all of your command seals following a long rest.

Servant Class

Choose one Servant Class from those listed: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Berserker or Assassin. Each Servant Class is detailed at the end of the class description and you may select a heroic spirit to act as your servant. The chosen heroic spirit must be from your chosen Servant Class.

Your choice grants you Servant Class spells and other features when you choose it at 1st level. Servant Class spells do not count when calculating spells known.

It also grants you additional ways to use your Command Seals feature when you gain it at 2nd level, and additional benefits at 6th, 8th, 14th and 18th level.


As a conduit for the power of your Heroic Spirit, you can cast Master of Fate spells. See chapter 10 in the PHB for the general rules of spellcasting and the bottom of this pdf for a selection of Master of Fate spells.

Spell Slots

The Master of Fate table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your master spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell cure wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast cure wounds using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Master of Fate spell list.

You learn an additional Master of Fate spell of your choice at each odd numbered level thereafter. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Master of Fate spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Master of Fate spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots

Each subclass provides an additional spell list. These spells are automatically available to you once you meet the level requirements and do not count against your number of spells known. If a subclass grants you a spell (or cantrip), these do not count against your number of spell (or cantrips) known.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Master of Fate spells. You use your Charisma whenever a Master of Fate spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Master of Fate spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You can use your servant's legendary artifact as a spellcasting focus for your Master of Fate spells in addition to a regular arcane focus.

Part 2 | Class Features


At 2nd level, you are able to summon a heroic spirit after completing an initial summoning ritual. To complete the initial ritual, you must spend a long rest attuning to a legendary artifact associated with the given heroic spirit. After completing the summoning requirements, your contract with the heroic spirit is complete and they are now your servant.

Servants remain independent beings. The only way to exert absolute authority over a servant is to expend one command seal and state the order you wish for the servant to follow. The servant must complete this task to its completion, or until you say otherwise, but forcing a servant to perform a task they are against may cause your relationship to break down entirely.

Servants have both a physical form and a spectral form. A majority of the time, servants will be in their spectral form as they are not required. When in their spectral form, servants act as Unseen Servants (unless specified otherwise). Servants may not attack or be attacked in their spectral form and lack a physical form of any kind, meaning they are invisible under all circumstances. Additionally, your servant may move as far away from you as you require them to. As a bonus action on your turn, you can evoke your Servant - which has either a verbal or somatic component - causing its physical form to materialise in the space in front of you (though you can share a space with your servant). When in their physical form, servants act as Familiars (unless specified otherwise) and are proficient in the weapon listed in their subclass. They have a movement speed equal to yours and take their actions independent of yours (though you share initiative). Additionally, your servant also benefits from any resistances, immunities or proficiencies you have gained directly from this class. When you summon your servant you can choose for it to remain in the material plane maintaining concentration (as per concentrating on a spell), however this does not count as concentrating for the purpose of casting concentration spells.

Your servant dematerialises early if you use this ability again, you dismiss it on your turn (no action required), or you lose concentration (if choosing to keep it summoned).

If a servant's hit points reach 0, they will dematerialise and can only be summoned again after a short rest or by expending a command seal. If you run out of command seals, your servant's physical form will dematerialise at the end of your turn and may not be summoned until you have at least one command seal. However, they function in their spectral form as normal.

Servants regain all of their Hit Points during a Long Rest. On a short rest, your servants have their own hit dice, the quantity of which is equal to your max amount. Servants regain expended hit dice on a long rest and their hit dice are equal to the tier specified for their HP rolls. Servants use your spellcasting modifier for attack and damage rolls. If a servant must make a saving throw or skill check it is made using your stats, however only the servant will be effected unless you are also targeted (in which case you must roll separately). You may also recall your servant to your space as an action, even if you are on another plane of existence or are otherwise unable to reach them by regular means.

Noble Phantasm

Noble Phantasms are powerful abilities wielded by servants that define who they are and can change the tide of a battle. All damage dealt by a noble phantasm (or by a servant during the course of its effect) is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. These abilities are available for use at 2nd level and improve at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level.

Some Noble Phantasms require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your Master of Fate spell save DC unless otherwise specified.

Master's Understanding

Starting at 3rd level, the bond between you and your servant has deepened. You may now see what they see and may cast spells as if you were on the same space as your servant and vice versa. Additionally, any spells that have a range of "Self" may also be cast on your servant as long as they are within touching distance.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th Level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn. This class feature also extends to your servant.

Heroic Feats

When summoning a heroic spirit, the two of you share a magical bond resulting in the gaining of some of their abilities. You gain Heroic Feats at 6th and 10th.

Some Heroic Feats require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your Master of Fate spell save DC unless otherwise specified.

Part 2 | Class Features

Servant's Respect

Starting at 7th level, your servant respects your authority. Once per long rest, you may use a Heroic Feat that would normally expend a command seal without doing so. At 11th level, you may use this ability twice per long rest.

Master's Authority

Starting at 11th level, your servant has fully accepted you as their master meaning they are less likely to disobey orders.

Additionally, you may summon the servant to your space as a bonus action. You may also summon your servant to your space as a reaction to being attacked. When doing so, they take the attack for you unless you would both be hit.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate

Starting at 14th level, your servant has remained in the physical realm long enough to return to their full strength that they wielded in life. By expending a command seal, you may permit your servant to wield their noble phantasm continuously in combat. The specific effects of noble phantasms are detailed within the respective subclasses but all follow the basic rules of Noble Phantasms unless specified otherwise.

When wielding their noble phantasm, a heroic servant crits on a roll of 18 or higher. All effects of noble phantasm incarnate persist until the end of combat unless the servant's hit points reach zero or they use their noble phantasm class feature, unless stated otherwise.

Magus Regeneration

Starting at 15th level, you now regain expended command seals on a short rest.

Hunters of the Grail

At 20th level, you and your servant are the perfect partnership. You have advantage on constitution saves to maintain concentration on your servant and, on a fail, may expend a command seal to force a success.

Additionally, you embody the power of your servant. Select one ability score. That score increases by 2 and the maximum for that score is now 22.

Part 2 | Class Features

1. Saber - Arturia Pendragon

One of the three knight classes, the Saber class is often considered to be one of the strongest classes. Amongst the heroic spirits belonging to this class, the strongest is undeniably Arturia Pendragon, more commonly known as King Arthur. The legendary hero of Britain became king after pulling the mythical sword, Caliburn, from stone. Disguised as a man, Arturia acted as King of Britain for her entire life until she eventually perished failing to protect her kingdom, becoming a heroic spirit in a bid to atone for her past mistakes. Her legendary artifact is the scabbard of her second mythical blade Excalibur, Avalon.

Honourable to a fault, Arturia will rarely disobey orders from her master even if she actively disagrees with their methods.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Medium
HP: 1d10 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate level after first
AC: 15 + your dexterity modifier (max 2)
Excalibur (Unawakened): 1d8 Slashing (2d8 Versatile)

The Saber Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
2nd Heroism, Compelled Duel
5th Aid, Prayer of Healing
9th Water Walk, Beacon of Hope
13th Aura of Life, Aura of Purity
17th Dispel Evil and Good, Mass Cure Wounds

King of Knights

Starting at 1st level, you gain resistance to radiant and necrotic damage. You also gain proficiencies in medium armour and martial weapons.

You also learn the Sword Burst cantrip.

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Arturia use an action to summon her noble phantasm the holy blade Excalibur.

You can command Saber to make an attack roll on a target dealing an additional 1d10 Radiant damage on a hit. Additionally, regardless of whether or not the attack hits, a blinding blast emits from Excalibur. You may target a number of creatures up to your spellcasting modifier who see the light (including the initial target) to make a wisdom saving throw. On a fail, the creature is blinded. They may repeat the throw at the end of each of their turns. Saber cannot move or perform actions of any kind on the turn after she uses her Noble Phantasm.

  • At 6th level, the radiant damage increases to a d12. If the target is larger than Arturia, she deals an additional 1d5 of force damage.

  • At 10th level, you may add an additional damage dice when rolling radiant and force damage for this feat.

  • At 14th level, if the target is larger than Arturia, they are knocked prone.

  • At 18th level, you may add an additional damage dice when rolling radiant and force damage for this feat.

Heroic Feat: Soul of Avalon

At 6th level, the magical properties of Avalon awaken. By expending a command seal you may heal yourself or Arturia for a number of d6 equal to half you levels in this class (rounded up).

You may only use this feat if Arturia is within 10 feet of you (physical form) and Avalon is on your person.

  • At 10th level, the dice increase to a d8.

  • At 14th level, the dice increase to a d10.

Heroic Feat: Patron of Water

At 10th level, the Lady of the Lake blesses you. You and Arturia no longer incur any penalties from being in or underwater and may partake in combat as you would on land.

Additionally, Arturia may commune with the Lady and become like water. As a reaction, she may impose disadvantage on a melee attack made on her or an ally within 10 feet of her.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Invisible Air

At 14th level, you may expend a command seal to allow Arturia to wield Excalibur continuously. When Arturia attacks with Excalibur the blade is invisible, granting her advantage on attack rolls against creatures who cannot see through the illusion. After landing an attack on a creature who cannot see through the illusion, they make a Wisdom (perception) check against your Spell Save DC. On a success, they have figured out the length of your blade and you no longer have advantage on attacks against that target. On a fail, the effect persists. If Arturia leaves the line of sight of the creature, the effect continues as normal for attacks on that creature as they have lost track of Excalibur.

Additionally, when Arturia attacks a target you may add an additional 1d8 of radiant damage.

Part 3 | Subclass Options | Saber - Arturia Pendragon

2. Archer - Gilgamesh

One of the three knight classes, the Archer class contains one of the most powerful heroic spirits of them all: Gilgamesh. The demigod King of Sumeria is the origin of all heroic spirits and contains every treasure to have ever have existed in his great vault, including the noble phantasms of other heroic spirits. Seeking immortality, Gilgamesh searched the land for a herb that would grant his wish. Upon discovering the herb, it was eaten by a snake and Gilgamesh was forced to live out the rest of his days as King of Uruk, with his trials becoming the first stories of the world and creating the first heroic spirit. Despite his title as a hero, Gilgamesh more often only appears as a servant to cure his boredom and rarely accepts his master as a superior being. His legendary artifact is fossilised snake skin.

A king above all else, Gilgamesh rarely follows orders from his master especially if they believe themselves to be above him. However, if the task can somehow quell his unending boredom, he may be inclined to oblige.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium
HP: 1d10 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate Level after first
AC: 18
Sacred Treasures: 1d10 Piercing (Range: 150/600)

The Archer Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
2nd Guiding Bolt, Shield
5th Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon
9th Fly, Dispel Magic
13th Dimension Door, Death Ward
17th Flame Strike, Hold Monster

King of Heroes

Gilgamesh is the king of all heroes and the world is his garden. Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in all ranged martial weapons. At 6th level, you may ignore the reloading property of weapons. You also gain the Sacred Flame cantrip.

Noble Phantasm: Gates of Babylon

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Gilgamesh use an action to summon his noble phantasms by opening the Gates of Babylon.

All manner of golden portals materialise in the air, with a different shining gold weapon protruding from each. You may target a number of creatures that you can see equal to your spell casting modifier and have them make a dexterity saving throw. On a fail, the target takes 2d6 of radiant damage as the weapon launches towards them. On a success, they take half that. This noble phantasm is considered a ranged spell attack and ignores cover. A creature may only be targeted once per use. Gilgamesh will refuse to use his Noble Phantasm on the turn after it has been used.

At 6th level, you now deal 2d6 thunder damage.

At 10th level, you now deal 5d6 radiant damage and 5d6 thunder damage.

At 14th level, you now deal 10d6 radiant damage and 10d6 thunder damage.

At 18th level, you now deal 15d6 radiant damage and 15d6 thunder damage.

Heroic Feat: Strength of Enkidu

At 6th level, Gilgamesh is reminded of his loyal ally. When either you or Gilgamesh has to make a strength or constitution saving throw, you may expend one command seal to forcefully pass the check. This feat may not be used for the purposes of maintaining concentration on your servant.

Heroic Feat: Blessing of Ishtar

Gilgamesh is a child of the gods. At 10th level, you may expend one command seal to force one dice result to be its maximum. This Heroic Feat only effects rolls of radiant or thunder damage.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Sword of Rupture

At 14th level, you may expend a command seal to allow Gilgamesh to wield the strongest noble phantasm of all, Ea, continuously. Gilgamesh can now make a melee attack with Ea dealing 1d10 piercing damage and 1d10 force damage. Additionally, Gilgamesh's ranged attack is now considered a noble phantasm and deals an additional 1d10 radiant damage. He may wield both weapons simultaneously. Additionally, Gilgamesh may use his reaction to dispel any magic within 20 feet of him, negating any spell cast on anyone within the area. If Gilgamesh were to be transported to a different location against his will while wielding Ea, the effect is negated.

Part 3 | Subclass Options| Archer - Gilgamesh

3. Lancer - Cú Chulainn

One of the three knight classes, the Lancer class is home to the legendary irish Hero Cú Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster. Travelling seeking valour, Cú Chulainn met a powerful sorceress named Scathach who bestowed upon him a number of magical runes as well as his demonic spear Gae Bolg. Using these newfound skills, Cú Chulainn defended his homeland of Ulster for years until he was defeated facing an entire army. Determined to survive, Cú Chulainn tied himself to a post and continued to fight until his death and transition into a heroic spirit. His legendary artifact is a silver earing.

While respectful of his master's wishes, Cú Chulainn will not be insulted by having to perform dishonourable acts.

Allignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium
HP: 1d10 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate level after first
AC: 12 + your dexterity modifier
Gae Bolg (Unawakened): 1d12 Piercing (Reach)

The Lancer Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
2nd Longstrider, Zephyr Strike
5th Spike Growth, Spider Climb
9th Haste, Plant Growth
13th Freedom of Movement, Death Ward
17th Commune with Nature, Wrath of Nature

Hound of Ulster

Cú Chulainn is Ireland's greatest hero and one of the fastest heroic spirits. At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all weapons with the Reach attribute.

Additionally, you gain +5 movement speed (increasing by and additional 5 at 6th and 10th level) and may disengage or dash as a bonus action when wearing light armour. You and Cú Chulainn may impose disadvantage on a projectile attack they are a target of by using a reaction.

Noble Phantasm: Gae Bolg

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Cú Chulainn use an action to summon his demonic noble phantasm Gae Bolg.

Placing the spear on his foot, Cú Chulainn launches it towards a target of your choice (Range 30). This attack is guaranteed to hit and deals 1d6 piercing damage. Additionally, thorns spread out from the point of impact and create an area (radius of 10 feet) of Spike Growth. Cú Chulainn may not use this noble phantasm again until he retrieves Gae Bolg. The Spike Growth disappears a minute after Cú Chulainn retrieves Gae Bolg or a minute after Cú Chulainn's physical form fades. Cú Chulainn is unaffected by any effect of this noble phantasm. If the target would negate damage from Magic Missile, the initial attack from Gae Bolg is negated however this does not negate the Spike Growth effect.

At 6th level, the damage increases to a d10 and the radius of the bramble increases by 10 feet. In addition, you may add your spellcasting modifier to the damage roll.

At 10th level, creatures who enter the bramble or end their turn there must succeed on a constitution save or be poisoned.

At 14th level, the bramble area increases by an additional 10 feet and the damage dice increases to 3d4.

Finally, at 18th level the demonic power of Gae Bolg is unleashed upon the initial target as thorns grow through their body. The target must succeed a DC 20 strength check (which they may repeat at the end of each of their turns) or be restrained. Additionally, targets have disadvantage on the constitution save to prevent poisoning.

Heroic Feat: Teachings of Scathach

Cú Chulainn remembers his master's lessons. At 6th level, for the purposes of overcoming resistances, Cú Chulainn's weapons are now considered magical. Cú Chulainn may also use an additional reaction per round and gains the uncanny dodge class feat.

Heroic Feat: Warp Spasm

At 10th level, Cú Chulainn's Berserker persona bleeds into his Lancer form. You may expend a command seal to allow Cú Chulainn to add half your proficiency bonus to any damage rolls he makes until your next turn. If Cú Chulainn is below 50% hp, you may also add half your proficiency bonus to his attack rolls.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Bearer of the Curse

At 14th level, you may expend a command seal to allow Cú Chulainn to wield Gae Bolg continuously. Any target hit by Cú Chulainn's attack must make a constitution saving throw or become poisoned, repeating the save at the end of each of their turns. If the target is immune to poisoning and fails the save, they take an additional 1d10 of necrotic damage.

Part 3 | Subclass Options| Lancer - Cú Chulainn

4. Rider - Alexander the Great

Though all classes are considered somewhat adept at riding, by far the most skilled heroic spirits reside within the Rider class. Among these heroes is the King of Conquerors: Alexander the Great. Born in Macedonia, Alexander used his godlike strength to cleave the Gordian Knot in two and was gifted two divine bulls by his father Zeus. After ascending to the throne, Alexander set out conquering all neighbouring lands and marched East towards India in search of the ocean. After returning to his homeland, Alexander died and transitioned into a heroic spirit. His legendary artifact is a crimson cloak.

A warrior first and foremost, Alexander respects a master who will join him on the battlefield and encourage his quest for conquest.

Allignment: True Neutral
Size: Large
HP: 1d10 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate level after first
AC: 14 + you dexterity modifier (max 2)
Sword of the Kupriotes: 1d8 Slashing (Versatile 1d10)

The Rider Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
2nd Heroism, Comprehend Languages
5th Aid, Find Steed
9th Tongues, Animate Dead
13th Freedom of Movement, Find Greater Steed
17th Geas, Dominate Person

King of Conquerors

Alexander conquered the majority of the known world on his mount. At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Animal Handling and all land vehicles. Additionally, you gain proficiencies in medium armour and all martial weapons.

Noble Phantasm: Ionioi Hetairoi

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Alexander use an action to summon his noble phantasm Ionioi Hetairoi.

Raising his sword to the sky, all creatures within the area (10 foot radius) around Alexander must make a charisma saving thrown. On a success, nothing happens. On a fail, they - along with Alexander - are transported to a desert demiplane housing Alexander's army. The creatures remain in the demiplane until the beginning of your next turn, whereupon they return to the exact space they were teleported from (if occupied, both parties take 1d6 force damage). For every turn the creature other than Alexander is in the demiplane, they take 1d4 of bludgeoning, 1d4 of piercing and 1d4 of slashing damage as Alexander's army ravages them. Alexander must wait until his next turn after returning to use this noble phantasm again as his army recovers from the battle. You may only transport a number of creatures equal to your spell casting modifier with each use of this noble phantasm.

  • At 6th level, the effect of Ionoi Hetairoi lasts an additional turn.

  • At 10th level, the radius of the AOE increases by 5 feet. Additionally, the damage dice from Alexander's armies increases to 1d6 of piercing, slashing and bludgeoning.

  • At 14th level, you may select one creature effected by Ionio Hetairoi. While in the demiplane Alexander will battle that creature himself, dealing an additional 1d8 of lightning damage and 1d8 of bludgeoning damage every turn they remain in the demiplane as he ravages them with his chariot.

  • At 18th level, the damage dice from Alexander's armies increase to 1d8 of piercing, slashing and bludgeoning.

Heroic Feat: King's Conviction

Nothing will stop Alexander's thirst for adventure. At 6th level, you and Alexander have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. When a creature fails to frighten you or Alexander, you can use your reaction to force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they are frightened for 1 minute, repeating the save at the end of each of their turns.

Heroic Feat: The Ocean in our Hearts

Your king commands you to live. At 10th level, you may expend a command seal to grant either you or Alexander immunity to non-magical damage for 1 minute. If either of you falls to zero hit points, the effect ends regardless of which of you were effected.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Gordius Wheel

At 14th level, you may expend a command seal to allow Alexander to ride upon his divine chariot the Gordius Wheel continuously. The Chariot is pulled by two divine bulls (with the same stat block as war horses) and has a movement and flying speed of 60 feet. Only Alexander may command the vehicle and may step off at anytime. While riding the chariot, Alexander may use his noble phantasm Via Expugnatio to charge in a straight line as far as possible, preforming attack rolls on all creatures in his path and adjacent spaces. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and 5d8 lightning damage.

Part 3 | Subclass Options| Rider - Alexander the Great

5. Caster - Gilles de Rais

Of all the heroic spirits contained within the Caster class, Gilles de Rais - better known as Bluebeard - is perhaps the most peculiar. Serving under Joan of Arc during the 100 year war, Bluebeard fell into ruin after her death and preformed unspeakable acts on children in an attempt to spite God for stealing Joan from him. Eventually, Bluebeard was executed. Bluebeard's appearance as a heroic spirit is an anomaly and there is no way to deliberately summon him. Additionally, he himself is not a particularly powerful caster and heavily relies on his noble phantasm, as well as his master, for his magic. His legendary artifact is not a physical item but the parasitic bond between he and his master itself.

Any master unfortunate enough to summon Bluebeard should be cautious of his potential for evil, particularly when left alone to wander cities in the dead of night. However, if they are to join him on his escapades then Bluebeard's loyalty is unrivaled.

Allignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: Medium
HP: 1d8 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate level after first
AC: 10 + your dexterity modifier (max 2)
Textbook of the Sunken Spiral Castle (Closed): 1d4 Bludgeoning

The Caster Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
1st False Life, Bane
3rd Ray of Enfeeblement, Gentle Repose
5th Animate Dead, Summon Lesser Demons
7th Shadow of Moil, Summon Greater Demon
9th Raise Dead, Contagion

Demon Marshal

Bluebeard is pure evil. At first level, you learn the Toll the Dead cantrip. Additionally, due to your connection to Bluebeard's Noble Phantasm, your casting abilities have improved. You follow the spell (slots) progression of the Sorcerer cast rather than this one.

Noble Phantasm: Textbook of the Sunken Spiral Castle

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Bluebeard use an action to open his noble phantasm the Textbook of the Sunken Spiral Castle.

When his textbook is open, Bluebeard gains the ability to cast spells (including cantrips) on his turn. He may only cast spells you gain from this subclass and uses your spell slots.

At 6th level, Bluebeard is able to unleash the true power of his book of horrors. As an action, Bluebeard may summon a number of Horrors equal to half your spellcasting modifier with the same stats as a Chuul (unless otherwise stated). The Horrors' AC is equal to Bluebeard's and they have 15 HP (increasing by 10 HP at 10th, 14th and 18th level). They share your initiative but move after Bluebeard's turn. They disappear when their HP reaches zero or a minute has passed. Bluebeard must keep concentration on Horrors as this ability acts as a concentration spell. This ability may only be used once per long rest.

At 10th level, you may summon an additional Horror.

At 14th level, Bluebeard may use his Noble Phantasm twice per long rest.

At 18th level, Bluebeard need no longer concentrate on the Horrors.

Heroic Feat: Ryuunosuke's Wisdom

At 6th level, Bluebeard believes in the cruel nature of God. You gain resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, spells cast be either of you ignore resistances to necrotic damage.

Heroic Feat: Fallen Hero

At 10th level, Bluebeard is reminded of his heroic past, all be it briefly. By expending a command seal, Bluebeard may use his reaction to force a reroll of a 1 or a 20.

He may also cast the Heroism spell without expending spell slots once per long rest.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Harbinger of Horrors

At 14th level, you may expend a command seal to allow Bluebeard to unleash the full power of his textbook.

Bluebeard is now able to cast any spell you know.

Additionally, Bluebeard ignores immunities to magical damage types while wielding his noble phantasm.

Part 3 | Subclass Options| Caster - Giles de Rais

6. Berserker - Heracles

Though all classes have their own strengths and weaknesses, undeniably the strongest class of all is the Berserker class and standing as the greatest of them all is the Raging Destroyer: Heracles. Likely the most famous Heroic Spirit, the tale of Heracles is known throughout the world causing him to have greater power than most servants could ever dream to possess. The demigod son of Zeus completed many deeds which enabled him to gain the King of Thebes' daughter Megara's hand in marriage, with who he had a family with. However, Hera resented Heracles and sent him into a blind rage, causing him to massacre his family and leading him to begin his legendary 12 tasks in search of attonement. Despite his redemption, Hera still resented Heracles and arranged his poisonous death, though his heroic had been enough to assure that he would become a god beyond death. His legendary artifact is a stone slab from one of his temples.

Berserkers are the most difficult servants to command due to their wild nature and Heracles is no exception. His only reason for being is to destroy and so he struggles to follow many simple commands that other servants handle with ease.

Allignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Large
HP: 1d12 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate level after first
AC: 10 + your dexterity modifier + your strength modifier
Axe-Sword: 1d12 Slashing (Heavy, Two Handed)

The Berserker Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
2nd Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite
5th Crown of Madness, Immovable Object
9th Call Lightning, Feign Death
13th Stone Skin, Death Ward
17th Circle of Power, Banishing Smite

Raging Destroyer

Heracles' rage defines him as the berserker class. At first level, while you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Strength modifier. You can use a Shield and still gain this benefit.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in martial weapons.

Noble Phantasm: God Hand

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Heracles use an action to activate his noble phantasm God Hand.

When Heracles is hit with an attack, he gains resistance to that damage type. Heracles remains resistant to that damage type until his next turn whereupon if hit by a new damage type, he may resist that instead. Otherwise, the effect continues until you select a new damage type or combat ends.

This noble phantasm has no effect on spells higher than 8th level or noble phantasms. Though he may still gain a resistance in response to these sources of damage, they themselves ignore the resistance.

At 6th level, if Heracles would become resistant to any non-magical damage due to God Hand, he is resistant to all non-magical damage for the duration of the effect.

At 10th level, if Heracles would becomes resistant to non-magical attacks he is instead immune for two turns, after which the effect of God Hand continues as normal.

At 14th level, if Heracles would become resistant to any magical damage due to God Hand, he is resistant to all magical damage for the duration of the effect.

At 18th level, if Heracles would become resistant to magical attacks he is instead immune for two turns, after which the effect of God Hand continues as normal.

Heroic Feat: Mad Enhancement

The benefits of the berserker class overtake Heracles. At 6th level, you may expend a command seal to grant either you or Heracles advantage on Strength Checks and Strength Saving Throws for the rest of combat.

Additionally, when Heracles makes a melee weapon attack while this Heroic Feat is active, he gains +2 to damage rolls. This increases by an additional +2 when below 75%, 50% and finally 25% hp.

Heroic Feat: Heart of a Warrior

Despite his berserker instincts, Heracles remains a hero. At 10th level, you may expend a command seal to grant either you or Heracles advantage on any saving throws to prevent or break free from a status condition.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Twelve Labours

At 14th level, you may expend a command seal to allow Heracles to access the full power of his God Hand. At anytime during combat, you may transfer an amount of your own hit points to Heracles by using your reaction. If Heracles' hit points were to reach zero, you may transfer your hit points to resurrect him and grant him immunity to the damage type that caused his "death" for the duration of this Noble Phantasm.

The effects of this Noble Phantasm last until the end of combat unless Heracles' hit points reach zero and he is not resurrected using this feat.

Part 3 | Subclass Options| Berserker - Heracles

7. Assassin - Hassan-i-Sabbah

Though most classes prefer to battle their opponents head on, there is one class that adopts more secretive methods, namely the assassin class. The ninteenth individual to hold the title of Hassan-i-Sabbah, Hassan of the Hundred Faces grew to become the leader of the organisation due to his unique affliction of Multiple Personality Disorder, allowing him to act as an assassin with no true identity. As the organisation's name is the root of the word Assassin, simply bearing the command seals of the assassin class is a sufficient catalyst for summoning Hassan during the summoning ritual.

The Hassan-i-Sabbah operate under a strict code of loyalty and will complete any task given to them by their master to the best of their ability.

Allignment: Lawful Evil
Size: Medium
HP: 1d8 (+ con mod) per Master of Fate level after first
AC: 12 + your dexterity modifier
Acinaces: 1d6 Slashing (Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60))

The Assassin Class Spells
Master of Fate Level Spells
2nd Disguise Self, Feather Fall
5th Mirror Image, Blur
9th Nondetection, Feign Death
13th Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain
17th Far Step, Mislead

Old Man of the Mountain

Hassan is the 19th leader of the league of assassins. At first level, you gain proficiency in Stealth. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses this skill when you are wearing light armour.

You and Hassan may also hide or disengage as a bonus action when wearing light armour.

Noble Phantasm: Delusional Illusion

Starting at 2nd level, you may expend a command seal and have Hassan use an action to activate his noble phantasm Delusional Illusion.

Splitting his psyche, Hassan is able to summon 1d4 bodies each representing one of his many personalities. As long at least one of his personas remains alive, Hassan has advantage on stealth checks and creatures have disadvantage on perception checks to locate Hassan if one of his personas is in their line of sight. The personas have no hit points but must be hit with an attack to be destroyed. Their AC is 12 + your dexterity modifier and their movement speed and ability scores are equal to Hassan's. They are unaffected by the Extra Attack class feat. Hassan may use his action to command his personas to attack a number of targets of your choosing, with each dealing 1d4 piercing damage. Hassan must maintain concentration on his personas as if he were focusing on a spell. Hassan may only use his noble phantasm when there are no active personas.

The turn after the last of Hassan's personas has left the battlefield, he may not use his noble phantasm.

At 6th level, the number of personas Hassan may summon is equal to 1d6. Additionally, Hassan's personas benefit from the effects of Master's Understanding.

At 10th level, Hassan's personas do not consume Hassan's actions when he commands them, however he may only command them once per turn.

At 14th level, Hassan's personas now deal 1d6 piercing damage.

At 18th level, the number of personas Hassan may summon is equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting modifier.

Heroic Feat: Hundred Faces

Hassan's multiple personalities are each specialised in a unique skill. At 6th level, you can add half your Proficiency Bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your Proficiency Bonus. You may only use this heroic feat if Hassan is within 10 feet of you (spectral or physical form).

Heroic Feat: Scourge of Persia

Hassan's abilities as an assassin were unrivaled. At 10th level, when you attack a surprised enemy you may expend a command seal to double the damage dice if Hassan lands the attack (unless you would already do so). The effect continues until Hassan misses an attack or Hassan does not make an attack on his turn. Hassan need not attack a surprised target after the first turn you use this heroic feat.

Noble Phantasm Incarnate: Zabiniya

At 14th level, you may allow Hassan to access the full power of his Delusional Illusion.

By expending an additional command seal when utilising noble phantasm: delusional illusion, you may allow Hassan to summon the maximum amount of personas available. Additionally, when his personas are first summoned they are considered hidden. Additionally, the personas may benefit from Heroic Feat: Scourge of Persia but missing an attack does not stop the effect. Similarly, only Hassan can extend the effect's duration.

Part 3 | Subclass Options| Assassin - Hassan-i-Sabbah

Master of Fate Spell List

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Acid Splash
  • Blade Ward
  • Chill Touch
  • Control Flames
  • Create Bonfire
  • Fire Bolt
  • Frostbite
  • Guidance
  • Gust
  • Lightning Lure
  • Minor Illusion
  • Poison Spray
  • Primal Savagery
  • Ray of Frost
  • Resistance
  • Sacred Flame
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Sword Burst
  • Thunderclap
  • Toll the Dead
  • Word of Radiance
1st Level
  • Absorb Elements
  • Bane
  • Bless
  • Burning Hands
  • Cause Fear
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Color Spray
  • Command
  • Cure Wounds
  • Earth Tremor
  • Faerie Fire
  • Guiding Bolt
  • Healing Word
  • Ice Knife
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Mage Armor
  • Magic Missile
  • Protection from Evil and Good
  • Puppet
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Shield
  • Shield of Faith
  • Silent Image
  • Sleep
  • Sudden Awakening
  • Tasha's Hideous Laughter
  • Tenser's Floating Disk
  • Thunderwave
  • Witch Bolt
2nd Level
  • Aganazzar's Scorcher
  • Augury
  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Blur
  • Cloud of Daggers
  • Continual Flame
  • Crown of Madness
  • Dust Devil
  • Earthbind
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Enhance Ability
  • Flaming Sphere
  • Gust of Wind
  • Hold Person
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Levitate
  • Magic Weapon
  • Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
  • Melf's Acid Arrow
  • Mirror Image
  • Misty Step
  • Phantasmal Force
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Scorching Ray
  • Shatter
  • Silence
  • Snilloc's Snowball Storm
  • Suggestion
  • Web
3rd Level
  • Bestow Curse
  • Dispel Magic
  • Enemies Abound
  • Erupting Earth
  • Fear
  • Fireball
  • Flame Arrows
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Magic Circle
  • Major Image
  • Mass Healing Word
  • Melf's Minute Meteors
  • Phantom Steed
  • Protection from Energy
  • Remove Curse
  • Revivify
  • Sleet Storm
  • Slow
  • Stinking Cloud
  • Thunderstep
  • Tidal Wave
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Wall of Sand
  • Wall of Water
4th Level
  • Banishment
  • Blight
  • Compulsion
  • Confusion
  • Death Ward
  • Divination
  • Elemental Bane
  • Evard's Black Tentacles
  • Fire Shield
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Ice Storm
  • Phantasmal Killer
  • Stoneskin
  • Storm Sphere
  • Vitriolic Sphere
  • Wall of Fire
  • Watery Sphere
5th Level
  • Cloudkill
  • Commune
  • Cone of Cold
  • Contact Other Plane
  • Dominate Person
  • Dream
  • Enervation
  • Geas
  • Greater Restoration
  • Hold Monster
  • Immolation
  • Legend Lore
  • Mass Cure Wounds
  • Mislead
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Scrying
  • Seeming
  • Skill Empowerment
  • Steel Wind Strike
  • Synaptic Static
  • Wall of Force
6th Level (Caster)
  • Chain Lightning
  • Circle of Death
  • Disintegrate
  • Eyebite
  • Flesh to Stone
  • Globe of Invulnerability
  • Guards and Wards
  • Investiture of Flame
  • Investiture of Ice
  • Investiture of Stone
  • Investiture of Wind
  • Mass Suggestion
  • Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
  • Otto's Irresistible Dance
  • Sunbeam
  • Tenser's Transformation
  • Wall of Ice
7th Level (Caster)
  • Crown of Stars
  • Delayed Blast Fireball
  • Finger of Death
  • Fire Storm
  • Mirage Arcane
  • Mordenkainen's Sword
  • Plane Shift
  • Power Word Pain
  • Prismatic Spray
  • Project Image
  • Whirlwind
8th Level (Caster)
  • Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
  • Antimagic Field
  • Control Weather
  • Demiplane
  • Dominate Monster
  • Earthquake
  • Feeblemind
  • Incendiary Cloud
  • Power Word: Stun
  • Sunburst
9th Level (Caster)
  • Astral Projection
  • Gate
  • Invulnerability
  • Mass Heal
  • Meteor Swarm
  • Psychic Scream
  • True Resurrection
  • Weird
  • Wish
Part 4 | Spell List

The Master of Fate was created by Shott2506

Art Credits

Front and Back Cover Art: Ufotable
Page-2: Phoenix Shasha
Pages 3-6: Ufotable
Page 7: Pixiv
Pages 8-10, 12: Takashi Takeuchi
Page 11: French Marie
Page 13: KURO

Class Inspiration

The Summoner by u/NewPageOfSwords
The Arcanist by u/Jfelt45


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