Longbow of the Golden Stag

by AndrewRP8023

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Longbow of the Golden Stag

Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)

This longbow is a gift from the Golden Stag of the forest and is presented to those who would protect nature. This bow is made of a rare and unknown light wood. The string is iridescent in the light and will not break.

This bow provides a +1 to attack and damage rolls, as well as 1d4 radiant damage to any target it strikes in addition to the longbow's normal damage.

This bow has 6 charges and regains 1d4 charges at dawn.

Ensnaring Strike. As a bonus action, wielders of this bow may expend a charge to cast the spell ensnaring strike at 1st-level (DC 15). The wielder may expend additional charges to increase the spell level by 1 per additional charge spent, up to 6th level.

The DC also increases by 1 for each additional charge expended to increase the spell level, up to 20 with maximum charges (all 6).

Guiding Bolt. As an attack action, wielders of this bow may expend 2 charges to cast the spell guiding bolt at 1st-level. The spell may be cast at a higher level for an additional 2 charges per level increase, up to 3rd level with maximum charges (all 6).

When guiding bolt is cast in this manner, drawing the bowstring back and releasing it as if loosing an arrow replaces the somatic component of the spell.

"Blessings to the Golden Stag and the forests which it protects. May nature be ever blessed under its care."

Art: Auriel's Bow from The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard by Bethesda Game Studio


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