Wizard Tradition: Portal Magic

by CoffeeSorcerer69

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Portal Magic

This tradition is based off of the plane shifting powers of Conjuration magic and its applications of cross dimensional travel. No matter your reasons, you've decided to delve into these magics. You command the energies that make the barriers of the dimensions. You warp this power with runes to your whim.

Dimensional Savant

Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a conjuration or transmutation spell into your spellbook is halved.

Portal Runes

At 2nd level, you have a number of portal runes equal to your wizard level carved into your spellbook. As a bonus action you can create a portal within 5 feet of you to a location within 60 feet of you that you can see or have seen. A portal lasts for 5 minutes, until dispelled by you, or a 5th level Counter Spell or Dispel Magic. Remove Curse doesn't work on your portals. When you send a spell or small missile through a portal it counts as 5 feet.

If you or another creature dispel a portal then the portal pushes everything out, dealing Force damage equal to a quarter of your Wizard Level (rounded down), you.

The size of these portals depends on how many runes you spend to make it. You can decide on the appearance of these portals, and at 10th level you can make the portals appear practically invisible.

Small. A small portal costs 1 rune. You can send a cantrip, a small missile, a weapon, or a limb through.

Medium. A medium portal costs 2 runes. You can send spells of 1st to 5th level through, climb though the portal, jump through it if it's on the ground, make a melee attack, a melee spell attack, or a large missile through the portal. Anything that your small portal can send can be sent through your medium portal.

Large. A large portal costs 4 runes. You can send spells of 6th to 9th level through, any missile, 2 medium creatures or one large creature at one time. Anything that your medium and small portals can send can be sent through your large portal.

Huge. A huge portal costs 8 runes. A huge portal can go to any location that you can see, have visited before, or have seen, a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence Ability Score can pass through the portal before the portal dissipates. Anything that your large, medium, and small portals can send, can be sent through your huge portal.

Your portals work both ways, and if you lose your spell book then during a short rest you create a portal for your spell book to come through. If the spell book is destroyed then during a long rest you can imbue new runes onto a new spell book. Anything that targets you spellbook has disadvantage on attack rolls against your spellbook.

Transportation Specialist

At 6th level, your portal range is increased to 120 feet, and you can spend 15 feet of your movement speed to teleport yourself or a target of your choice within 10 feet of you, up to a distance equal to half your portal range. You can do this a number of times equal to half your Wizard Level, you regain half of your uses on a short rest and all on a long rest.

In addition, you can use a reaction to spend portal runes to create a small or medium portal to redirect an attack of its threshold. If redirected to another target, the target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC.

Expert Traveler

At 10th level, your portal duration increases to 20 minutes. And when you cast a spell of the conjuration or transmutation schools, you gain 4 temporary portal runes for 10 minutes with any new temporary portal runes after that sharing the duration. After the 10 minutes are up, the runes dissipate and any portal that uses those runes collapses, any item or creature inside the portal while the portal collapses must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save they are shunted out into their original location, taking force damage equal to your wizard level. On a success, they make it through to the other side of the portal.

Portal Magic Mastery

At 14th level, you can now restrict who can and cannot enter your portals, no matter the scope or power of the being. If a target you don't allow to enter your portals, attempts to do so, they are pushed back 10 feet and take force damage equal to your wizard level.

Creatures you do allow to pass through your portals no longer suffer negative effects of the portals when they dissipate or collapse.

In addition, your portals can now pass through planes that you've been to, and when you or a creature you allow passes through your portals, they gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to twice your Wizard Level, and the creatures gain extra Force damage to their next attack that lands equal to half your Wizard Level.

After a creature gains the benefits of your portals, they cannot gain this benefit again for 5 minutes.


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