Salt Gnome

by WetNoodle

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Salt Gnomes

Salt gnomes are similar to other gnomes, save for their love of exploration and the oceans of the world. They are well accustomed to life on the ship and by the sea, making them an invaluable member of any aquatic expedition.

Ability Score Increase.

Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Diver's Talent.

You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes and you have a swimming speed of 25 feet. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Athletics skill.

Part of the Crew.

You have proficiency in one of the following tools of your choice: Cartographer’s tools, Cook's Utensils, Navigators Tools, or Vehicles (Water).

Art Credit:
Tranquil Cove art by Jonas De Ro
Noole (Gnome) art by Eric Belisle