The Pirate
A Rogue Subclass
Have you ever wanted to be a pirate? Maybe you have always dreamed of living a life on the high seas, searching for buried treasure. It could be that your only escape was to join a band of not so merry men on their ship or suffer a cruel fate at the hands of some landlubber you offended. Or maybe you just like to fire cannons. Whatever the reason for sailing the seas with a gang of scoundrels, you are always on the lookout for merchant ships, chests full of gold, and a good bottle of rum.
Buccaneer Know-How
3rd-level Pirate
Your ship is your home so you learn everything you can about it, including how to sail in any conditions while you travel across the seas. At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Vehicles (Water).
One with the Sea
3rd-level Pirate
A pirate should always know how to swim, just in case things go poorly. Also, at 3rd level you gain a swim speed equal to your movement.
In addition, you can hold your breathe for twice as long as normal.
Master of Moves
9th-level Pirate
Life on a ship moves fast and you have to keep your feet under you in all sorts of conditions, whether that be in rough seas, a slippery deck or under cannon fire. At 9th level, you have advantage on all ability checks and saving throws against being shoved or knocked prone.
Abandon Ship
13th-level Pirate
There is no shame in running when the odds are stacked against you. Starting at 13th level, when you take the Disengage action, you can immediately move up to half your speed.
Aye, Captain!
17th-level Pirate
By 17th level, you may not be the captain of your own ship, but you got the swagger to be one. As a bonus action on your turn, you can command one of your allies. Choose an ally within 30 feet who can hear you and you give out an order. They can then use their reaction to move up to half their speed, take the Dodge action or take the Help action. You can do this a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all spent uses on a short or long rest.
Art Credit - Paizo Inc.