Credit: hellajimbles@twitter
Fairy Elf
Fairy Elves, often just known as felves or elflings, are both the smallest and rarest of the elven subraces. Often mistaken for unusually slender and graceful gnomes, they rarely reach above 3 feet of height or weight above 30 pounds.
Aside from their lithe size, what really makes them stand out is the colorful insectoid wings they adorn upon their back, usually retracted and hidden under their clothing until they use them.
Fairy Elf Traits
As a fairy elf, you are native to the feywild, though rarely some of you venture outside with your natural thirst for adventure.
While as unpredictable and chaotic as eldarin, you're also much like your wood elf cousins. You have keen senses and intuition. You carry yourself quickly and stealthily through your native forests, sometimes gliding from tree to tree. You have a love for stories and dance and all kinds of life.
Curious to a fault, you're sometimes treated as a bit of a child by your elven cousins because of your playful nature and small size.
Fairy elves' skin are found in all natural hues, often with more colorful undertones matching that of their wings like green, yellow or even pink. Their hair follow the same pattern in color and grows thick upon their heads, often kept long and styled with braids and colorful beads or flowers. Their eyes are wide, the irises taking up much of the space almost making them look a bit bug-eyed, with colors all across the rainbow.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1.
Small And Lithe: Fairy elves are rarely above 3 feet in height. Your size is Small. You have a walking speed of 25 feet.
Fairy Wings: You adorn colorful insectoid wings upon your back. These wings can be retracted out of sight and easily hidden under your clothes.
You are always under the effect of feather fall, unless you're unconscious. Additionally, You have a gliding speed of 30 feet, though you drop 5 feet or more in height for every 10 feet you glide.
When you reach level 3 your wings have grown strong enough to carry you for a limited amount of time. Once per long rest, you can use your wings to fly freely for up to 10 minutes when you're not wearing medium or heavy armor. Your flying speed is 40 feet. If hurt in any way while in flight, you must make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, your movement speed for the following round is 0 as you must use your movement to regain balance in the air or fall.
Feywild Native: You can speak, read and write Sylvan
Innate Magic: You know the Druidcraft cantrip.
Deep Into The Woods
Deep into the woods you may find them if you're lucky. Often they are shy and frail, but if you make them your friend, maybe you'll even get to see them dance and sing, swirling around with their colorful wings, one with the forest and the wind.
Homebrew: Fairy Elf V. 1.3
This subrace was designed by Taima.
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Credits & Thanks
- Thank you to my Patreons and friends for support and feedback.
- Emilija who gave me the idea to create this subrace, and allowed me to use her illustration on page 1.
- Frontpage art by Taima.
Special thanks to my $10+ Patrons at the time of creating this subrace
- Patrick Feeney - https://threetrollsandadryad.tumblr.com
- Egg Infinitum
(Note: my patreon has since been disabled as of 2023 due to lack of time)