College of Playful Mockery
(Bard College)
Bards of the College of Playful Mockery are playful tricksters who prefer to taunt and mock their foes into submission rather then directly fight them. They are known for speaking uncomfortable truths, in a way that playfully mocks the target of their jokes, so that people can laugh about it and see the truth behind their taunts. They especially revel in targeting social stigmas set up by those that seek to control the way people speak, and through that the way people think. Their jokes cause people to laugh about these stigmas, which lessens their control over them. This ultimately results in a more open and free discussion on how to improve society.
The College of Playful Mockery was set up by an ancient copper dragon, who at first merely sought to teach others his skill at playing tricks on people. However, over time he began to understand the importance of unrestricted humor in mortal society, and how laughter can be used as a tool for the greater good. Even if their jokes walk the fine line between being mean and being playful, calling out the uncomfortable truths in the world has done far more good than harm. As such they will never allow their voice to be silenced, nor those of others.
Truth Sayer
When you join the College of Playful Mockery at 3rd level, your gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, then you can choose a different skill.
All spells that deal psychic damage count as bard spells for you, regardless of class restrictions. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points through psychic damage, then you can choose to immediately stabilize it by complimenting its performance.
In addition, you know the vicious mockery cantrip if you don't already know it. The first time that those affected by this spell deal damage to other creatures, without involving an attack roll, they must roll a die equal to your inspiration die and subtract it from the damage dealt (targets that fail their saving throw against your vicious mockery spell count as being affected by this spell until the end of their next turn).
Playful Mockery
Starting at 3rd level, when you land a line, you're on a roll; when you cast vicious mockery, and the target fails their saving throw, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to unleash your lyrical genius to...
Aggrandize Yourself: Roll the inspiration die and gain temporary hit points equal to its result + the damage dealt by your vicious mockery spell.
Double Down: Roll the inspiration die and the target takes additional psychic damage equal to amount rolled, and also has disadvantage on its next saving throw against your vicious mockery spell within the next minute.
Make it Personal: If the target attempts to attack anyone other than you, then it must subtract an amount equal to your proficiency bonus from all its attack rolls. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.
You can only benefit from one of these effects when expending a use of your Bardic Inspiration.
Sick Burns
At 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals psychic damage, you can add your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) to one damage roll of that spell, and it ignores psychic resistance.
Additionally, whenever a creature misses an attack that suffered disadvantage caused by your vicious mockery spell, you deal a verbally devastating follow up dealing psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), provided it can hear you.
The Voice of the People
Also at 6th level, your ability to communicate transcends barriers of language. You can communicate basic concepts with creatures that don't share a language with you as long as that creature speaks at least one language through intonation, body language, gestures, attitude, and swaggering about.
Using this method you can get information such as how much something should cost, where notable locations are, who the toughest person or thing around is, and which paths or alleyways should be avoided, as well other things your DM might find appropriate for you to be able to learn from them.
Spitting Fire
Starting at 14th level, you can deliver verbal components to spells with blinding speed and precision. You can expend a use of Bardic Inspiration to cast a spell with the cast time of one action as a bonus action as long as it has only verbal components.
Whenever you would deal psychic damage to creatures who are immune against it, you deal force damage instead.
When you cast a spell that (normally) deals psychic damage, you can increase the spell's damage dice by 1 step. For example, d4 to d6, d6 to d8 etc. (maximum of d12).
You also know the message cantrip if you don't already know it, you can cast it as a bonus action, and you only require verbal components to cast this spell.