Chapter 5: Perks
A "perk" is a useful trait that gives you a mental, physical, or social "edge" over someone else who otherwise has the same abilities as you. Each perk has a cost in character points. This is fixed for some perks; others can be bought in "levels", at a cost per level (e.g. Acute Vision costs 10 points/level, so if you want Acute Vision 6, you must pay 60 points). Perks with "Variable" cost are more complicated; read the perk description for details.
You can start out with many perks as you can afford – although some perks are forbidden to certain kinds of characters. You can also add perks in play, if the GM permits. For instance, all the beneficial social traits in Chapter 3 (Status, Wealth, etc.) are perks, and you could realistically acquire any of these in the course of the game. Magic and high technology can often grant perks as well. For information on adding perks in play, see Chapter ?.
Types of Perks
Perks fall into several broad categories, each of which has affects who can possess those perks and how they work in play.
Exotic, Supernatural and Mundane
Exotic perks are traits that ordinary humans cannot have without ultra-tech body modification or similar tampering; for instance, extra arms or death-ray vision. Non-humans will often have exotic perks on a racial basis, but this does not entitle them to add such traits freely. You need the GM’s permission to add exotic traits that do not appear on your racial template (see Chapter ?).
Supernatural perks are impossible in nature and cannot be justified by science – or even "super-science". They rely on divine intervention, magic, psionics, etc. The classic example is magical talent (see Magery). Supernatural traits differ from exotic ones in that anyone might be supernaturally gifted – even a “normal” human, if the GM permits. Having a trait like this does not automatically mark you as an alien or a mutant.
Mundane perks are inborn or learned edges and knacks that anyone might have. There are normally no restrictions on who may possess a mundane perk. They are available to anyone with the GM’s permission. This last point is important! Some mundane traits are intended for cinematic campaigns (see The Cinematic Campaign); the GM may forbid them in realistic games. Cinematic traits are always clearly indicated in the text.
Perk Origins
When you select exotic or supernatural perks, you must also choose an in-game justification for those abilities: biology, high technology, a divine gift, etc. Explaining your capabilities in terms that have meaning in the game world will give you a better "feel" for your character and give the GM some additional "adventure hooks".
Origins are usually just special effects. For instance, if you can sprout claws, they use the rules under Claws whether they are natural, cybernetic, or a gift from the Tiger God. Sometimes, though, you will encounter things that can only affect or be affected by a specific class of abilities. Furthermore, the GM may rule that talents with certain origins are more or less effective in a particular situation. In those cases, it is important to know how your perk works.
Most characters have only one origin for all of their abilities, but you may choose a separate origin for each of your perks if you wish, subject to GM approval. The GM sets the origins available in their campaign. Examples include:
Biological: Inborn features (unique to you or part of your racial makeup) and mutations. Medical science can detect and analyze these traits, and – at higher tech levels – add or remove them through genetic engineering, implants, or surgery.
Chi: Powers that originate from the "inner strength" of martial artists and yoga masters (also known as ki and prana). Disease and similar afflictions can sometimes weaken such abilities – for instance, by throwing your yin and yang out of balance.
Cosmic: Abilities that emanate from the universe itself or otherwise defy explanation. This is reserved for gods, powerful spirits, supers, etc. If your ability produces effects that only other cosmic powers can counteract, this is an enhancement; see Cosmic.
Divine: Gifts from the gods (if you are a god, use Cosmic). In areas of low “sanctity” for your god – e.g. the temple of a rival god, or a foreign land where your god is unknown – you might find your abilities reduced or unavailable.
High-Tech: Non-biological implants in biological characters, as well as all abilities of cyborgs, robots, and vehicles. Sensors can detect and analyse such traits, and certain high-tech countermeasures might be able to neutralise them.
Magic: Talents that draw upon magical energy, or mana. You need not be a wizard yourself; this category includes such lasting sorcerous effects as personal enchantments. If your gifts do not function at all in areas without mana, and function at -25 to die rolls in low mana (like spells), then this is a limitation: Mana Sensitive, -10%.
Psionic: Perks that originate from the power of the mind. In most settings where psi powers exist, there are drugs, gadgets, and specialised anti-psi powers that can detect and defeat them. As a result, they are bought with a special limitation; see Chapter ?.
Spirit: Abilities enabled by invoking spirits. You only seem to be the focus of the effects; in reality, invisible supernatural beings are doing your bidding. Obviously, if the spirits cannot reach you, your abilities do not work.
Turning Perks Off & On
An perk that never inconveniences you (e.g. Intuition), that has to be on at all times to be of benefit (e.g. Resistant), or that reflects a permanent trait of your species (e.g. Extra Arms) is always on. You cannot turn it off.
Most other perks are switchable: you can turn them off and on at will. To do so requires a one-second Ready maneuver, with activation or deactivation occurring as soon as you execute the maneuver. Unlike certain skills and magic spells, this does not require concentration; switching a perk is second nature, and cannot be "interrupted". The default condition (while sleeping, unconscious, etc.) is "on".
Attacks – notably Affliction, Binding, and Innate Attack – are only “on” while you are attacking. A perk like this requires a one-second Attack maneuver to use; you cannot switch it on continuously without a special enhancement.
Exceptions to these guidelines are noted explicitly.
What’s Allowed
The GM determines which exotic and supernatural traits are allowed – and to whom – in his campaign. In a futuristic “transhuman” game world, the GM might declare that it is possible to add specific exotic perks via surgery or genetic modification, but rule that supernatural perks simply do not exist. In a 1920s horror game, the GM might allow many supernatural abilities, but no exotic ones. And in a supers campaign, the GM could let the players buy anything they have points for, vetting troublesome traits on a case-by-case basis. Players should develop the habit of reading exotic and supernatural as “requires GM permission.”
Potential Perks
You will sometimes see a perk you would like to have but that would not make sense at the start of your career – or that you cannot afford on your starting points! Or you might just want to start your adventuring career with unrealized potential, like countless fictional heroes. In either situation, the GM may choose to let you set aside 50% of the cost of a perk as a “down payment” against acquiring the perk later on.
When you take a potential perk like this, sit down with the GM and work out the in-game conditions under which you will acquire the desired trait. When these conditions are met, you must use bonus character points to pay the other half of the price as soon as possible; see Improvement Through Adventure. The GM is free to assess partial or uncontrollable benefits befitting the trait until you finish paying for the full, controllable perk.
Examples of potential perks include:
Heir: You stand to inherit wealth or a title. The GM decides when you will come into your inheritance. At that time, you acquire Status, Wealth, or other social privileges worth twice the points set aside for this trait. Until then, you enjoy extra money, reaction modifiers, etc. equal to half what you stand to gain. For instance, if you stood to inherit +2 to Status [50] and Comfortable wealth [50], Heir would cost 50 points, and give +1 to Status and a 50% bonus to starting wealth.
Schrödinger’s Perk: You can specify that at some critical juncture in an adventure, just when all seems lost, you will suddenly discover a new ability – worth twice the points you have set aside – that will help you out of trouble. You must immediately pay the remaining points to use your new ability. This is a powerful option. To keep things fair, points set aside this way provide no benefit until you discover your hidden talent.
Secret Perk: You have a perk you don't know about! The GM picks a perk or set of perks worth twice the points you have set aside... but he will not tell you what it is, or even give you a clue! The GM will reveal the truth at a suitably dramatic moment. Until then, the perk provides the usual benefi|ts – but it isn’t under your control, so you won’t be able to rely on it. The perk functions normally once revealed and paid for.
Perk Index
M/P/Soc tells whether a perk is mental, physical, or social.
X/Sup tells whether a perk is exotic or supernatural. A dash in this column means it is mundane.
Perk | M/P/Soc | X/Sup | Cost |
360° Vision | P | X | 125 |
Absolute Direction | P | – | 25 |
- 3D Spatial Sense | P | – | 50 |
Absolute Timing | M | – | 10 |
- Chronolocation | M | – | 25 |
Accessory | P | X | 5 |
Acute Hearing | P | – | 2/level |
Acute Taste and Smell | P | – | 2/level |
Acute Touch | P | – | 2/level |
Acute Vision | P | – | 2/level |
Affliction | P | X | 10/level |
Alcohol Tolerance | P | – | 5 |
Allies | Soc | – | Variable |
Altered Time Rate | M | X | 500/level |
Alternate Identity | Soc | – | 25 or 75 |
Ambidexterity | P | – | 25 |
Amphibious | P | X | 50 |
Animal Empathy | M | – | 25 |
Animal Friend | M | – | 5/level |
Arm CORD | P | X | 12 or 16/level |
Arm STR | P | X | 3, 5, or 8/level |
Artificer | M | – | 10/level |
Autotrance | M | – | 5 |
Binding | P | X | 2/level |
Blessed | M | Sup | 50+ |
Brachiator | P | X | 25 |
Breath-Holding | P | X | 10/level |
Business Acumen | M | – | 10/level |
Catfall | P | X | 50 |
Chameleon | P | X | 5/level |
Channeling | M | Sup | 50 |
Claim to Hospitality | Soc | – | 5 to 50 |
Clairsentience | M | Sup | 250 |
Claws | P | X | Variable |
Clerical Investment | Soc | – | 25 |
Clinging | P | X | 100 |
Combat Reflexes | M | – | 75 |
Common Sense | M | – | 50 |
Perk | M/P/Soc | X/Sup | Cost |
Compartmentalized Mind | M | X | 250/level |
Constriction Attack | P | X | 75 |
Contact Group | Soc | – | Variable |
Contacts | Soc | – | Variable |
Cultural Adaptability | M | – | 50 |
- Xeno-Adaptability | M | – | 100 |
Cybernetics | P | – | Variable |
Damage Resistance | P | X | 25/level |
Danger Sense | M | – | 75 |
Daredevil | M | – | 75 |
Dark Vision | P | X | 125 |
Deep Sleeper | P | – | 5 |
Destiny | M | Sup | Variable |
Detect | M/P | X | Variable |
Digital Mind | P | X | 25 |
Discriminatory Hearing | P | X | 75 |
Discriminatory Smell | P | X | 75 |
Discriminatory Taste | P | X | 50 |
Doesn't Breathe | P | X | 100 |
Doesn't Eat or Drink | P | X | 50 |
Doesn't Sleep | P | X | 100 |
Dominance | M | Sup | 100 |
Duplication | M/P | X | 175/copy |
Eidetic Memory | M | – | 25 |
- Photographic Memory | M | – | 10 |
Elastic Skin | P | X | 100 |
Empathy | M | – | 75 |
- Sensitive | M | – | 25 |
Enhanced Defenses | M | – | Variable |
Enhanced Move | P | X | 100/level |
Enhanced Time Sense | M | X | 225 |
Enhanced Tracking | P | X | 25/level |
Extended Lifespan | P | X | 10/level |
Extra Arms | P | X | Variable |
Extra Attack | P | – | 125/attack |
Extra Head | P | X | 75/head |
Extra Legs | P | X | Variable |
Extra Life | M | X | 125/life |
Extra Mouth | P | X | 25/mouth |
Fashion Sense | M | – | 25 |
Favour | Soc | – | Variable |
Fearlessness | M | – | 2/level |
Filter Lungs | P | X | 25 |
Perk | M/P/Soc | X/Sup | Cost |
Fit | P | – | 25 |
- Very Fit | P | – | 75 |
Flexibility | P | – | 5 |
- Double-Jointed | P | – | 15 |
Flight | P | X | 200 |
Fur | P | X | 5 |
Gadgeteer | M | – | 125 or 250 |
G-Experience | M | – | 5 to 50 |
Gifted Artist | M | – | 5/level |
Gizmos | M | – | 25/gizmo |
Green Thumb | M | – | 5/level |
Growth | P | X | 50/level |
Gunslinger | M | – | 125 |
Hard to Kill | P | – | 2/level |
Hard to Subdue | P | – | 2/level |
Healer | M | – | 10/level |
Healing | M | X | 150 |
Hermaphromorph | P | X | 25 |
High Manual Dexterity | P | – | 5/level |
High Pain Threshold | P | – | 50 |
Higher Purpose | M | Sup | 25 |
Honest Face | P | – | 5 |
Hyperspectral Vision | P | X | 125 |
Illuminated | M | Sup | 75 |
Improved G-Tolerance | P | – | 25 to 125 |
Indomitable | M | – | 75 |
Infravision | P | X | 0 or 50 |
Injury Tolerance | P | X | Variable |
Innate Attack | P | X | Variable |
Insubstantiality | M/P | X | 400 |
Intuition | M | – | 75 |
Invisibility | M/P | X | 200 |
Jumper | M | Sup | 500 |
Language Talent | M | – | 50 |
Legal Enforcement Powers | Soc | – | 25, 50, or 75 |
Legal Immunity | Soc | – | 25 to 100 |
Less Sleep | P | – | 10/level |
Lifting STR | P | X | 3/level |
Lightning Calculator | M | – | 10 |
- Intuitive Mathematician | M | – | 25 |
Longevity | P | – | 10 |
Luck | M | – | Variable |
Perk | M/P/Soc | X/Sup | Cost |
Magery | M | Sup | 5 + 10/level |
Magic Resistance | M | Sup | 2/level |
Mana Damper | M | Sup | 50/level |
Mana Enhancer | M | Sup | 250/level |
Mathematical Ability | M | – | 10/level |
Medium | M | Sup | 50 |
Metabolism Control | P | X | 5/level |
Microscopic Vision | P | X | 25/level |
Mimicry | M | X | 50 |
Mind Control | M | X | 250 |
Mind Probe | M | X | 100 |
Mind Reading | M | X | 150 |
Mind Shield | M | X | 4/level |
Mindlink | M | Sup | Variable |
Modular Abilities | M/P | X | Variable |
Morph | P | X | Variable |
Musical Ability | M | – | 5/level |
Neutralise | M | X | 250 |
Nictitating Membrane | P | X | 1/level |
Night Vision | P | – | 1/level |
No Hangover | P | – | 5 |
Obscure | P | X | 2/level |
Oracle | M | Sup | 75 |
Outdoorsman | M | – | 10/level |
Parabolic Hearing | P | X | 20/level |
Patrons | Soc | – | Variable |
Payload | P | X | 5/level |
Penetrating Vision | P | X | 50/level |
Penetrating Voice | P | – | 5 |
Perfect Balance | P | – | 75 |
Peripheral Vision | P | – | 75 |
Permeation | P | X | Variable |
Pitiable | Soc | – | 25 |
Plant Empathy | M | – | 25 |
Possession | M | X | 500 |
Power Investiture | M | Sup | 10/level |
Precognition | M | Sup | 125 |
Pressure Support | P | X | 25 to 75 |
Protected Sense | P | X | 25/sense |
Psi Static | M | Sup | 150 |
Psychometry | M | Sup | 100 |
Puppet | M | X | 25 or 50 |
Racial Memory | M | X | 75 or 200 |
Perk | M/P/Soc | X/Sup | Cost |
Radiation Tolerance | P | X | Variable |
Rapid Healing | P | – | 25 |
- Very Rapid Healing | P | – | 75 |
Rapier Wit | M | – | 25 |
Reawakened | M | Sup | 50 |
Recovery | P | X | 50 |
Reduced Consumption | P | – | 10/level |
Regeneration | P | X | Variable |
Regrowth | P | X | 200 |
Resistant | P | – | Variable |
Sanitized Metabolism | P | X | 5 |
Scanning Sense | P | X | Variable |
Sealed | P | X | 75 |
Security Clearance | Soc | – | Variable |
See Invisible | P | X | 75 |
Sensitive Touch | P | X | 50 |
Serendipity | M | – | 75/level |
Shadow Form | P | X | 250 |
Shapeshifting | P | X | Variable |
- Alternate Form | P | X | Variable |
Shrinking | P | X | 25/level |
Shtick | M/P | – | 5 |
Signature Gear | Soc | – | Variable |
Silence | P | X | 5/level |
Single-Minded | M | – | 25 |
Slippery | P | X | 2/level |
Smooth Operator | M | – | 15/level |
Snatcher | M | Sup | 400 |
Social Chameleon | M | – | 25 |
Social Regard | Soc | – | 5/level |
Speak Underwater | P | X | 25 |
Speak With Animals | M | X | 125 |
Speak With Plants | M | X | 75 |
Special Rapport | M | Sup | 25 |
Spines | P | X | 1 or 3 |
Spirit Empathy | M | Sup | 50 |
Stretching | P | X | 30/level |
Striker | P | X | 25-40 |
Striking STR | P | X | 5/level |
Subsonic Hearing | P | X | 0 or 25 |
Subsonic Speech | P | X | 0 or 50 |
Super Climbing | P | X | 15/level |
Perk | M/P/Soc | X/Sup | Cost |
Super Jump | P | X | 50/level |
Super Luck | M | Sup | 500 |
Supernatural Durability | P | Sup | 750 |
Talent | M | – | Variable |
Teeth | P | X | 0, 5, or 10 |
Telecommunication | M/P | X | Variable |
Telekinesis | M/P | X | 5/level |
Telescopic Vision | P | X | 5/level |
Temperature Control | M/P | X | 25/level |
Temperature Tolerance | P | – | 5/level |
Temporal Inertia | M | Sup | 75 |
Tenure | Soc | – | 25 |
Terrain Adaptation | P | X | 0 or 25 |
Terror | M | Sup | 150 + 10/level |
Trained By A Master | M | – | 150 |
True Faith | M | Sup | 75 |
Tunneling | P | X | 150 + 25/level |
Ultrahearing | P | X | 0 or 25 |
Ultrasonic Speech | P | X | 0 or 50 |
Ultravision | P | X | 0 or 50 |
Unaging | P | X | 75 |
Unfazeable | M | – | 75 |
Universal Digestion | P | X | 25 |
Unkillable | P | X | 250 to 750 |
Unusual Background | M | – | Variable |
Vacuum Support | P | X | 25 |
Vampiric Bite | P | X | 150 + 5/level |
Versatile | M | – | 25 |
Vibration Sense | P | X | 50 |
Visualisation | M | Sup | 50 |
Voice | P | – | 50 |
Walk on Air | P | X | 100 |
Walk on Liquid | P | X | 75 |
Warp | M | Sup | 500 |
Weapon Master | M | – | Variable |
Wild Talent | M | Sup | 100/level |
Zeroed | Soc | – | 50 |
Perk List
360 Degree Vision
125 Points
You have a 360° field of vision. You have no penalty to defend against attacks from the sides or rear. You can attack foes to your sides or rear without making a Wild Swing, but you are at -10 to hit due to the clumsy angle of attack (note that some Technical Unarmed Strike techniques do not suffer this penalty). Finally, you are at +25 to detect Shadowing attempts, and are never surprised by a danger that comes from behind, unless it also is concealed from sight.
Extra eyes are merely a special effect of this trait – you can have any number of eyes, but the point cost remains the same.
Special Limitations
Easy to Hit: Your eyes are on stalks, unusually large, or otherwise more vulnerable to attack. Others can target your eyes from within their arc of vision at only -30 to hit. -20%.
Absolute Direction
25 or 50 Points
You have an excellent sense of direction. This ability comes in two levels:
Absolute Direction: You always know which way is north, and you can always retrace a path you have followed within the past month, no matter how faint or confusing. This ability does not work in environments such as interstellar space or the limbo of the astral plane, but it does work underground, underwater, and on other planets. This gives +15 to Body Sense and Navigation (Air, Land, or Sea). (Note: The navigational sense that guides migratory creatures to their destination is too crude to qualify; treat it as a 0-point feature.) 25 points.
3D Spatial Sense: As above, but works in three dimensions. This ability is useful in deep space – although it does not help you if you travel across dimensions. You get the skill bonuses given for Absolute Direction, plus +5 to Piloting and +10 to Aerobatics, Free Fall, and Navigation (Hyperspace or Space). 50 points.
Special Limitations
Requires Signal: You rely on signals from a navigational satellite network (like Earth's GPS) or similar system. Your ability does not function in the absence of such a system, and it can be jammed. -20%.
Absolute Timing
10 or 25 Points
You have an accurate mental clock. This ability comes in two levels, both of which are somewhat cinematic:
Absolute Timing: You always know what time it is, with a precision equal to the best personal timepieces widely available in your culture (but never better than a few seconds). You can measure elapsed time with equal accuracy. Neither changes of time zone nor sleep interferes with this ability, and you can wake up at a predetermined time if you choose. Being knocked unconscious, hypnotized, etc. may prevent this advantage from working, and time travel will confuse you until you find out what the "new" time is. 10 points.
Chronolocation: As above, but time travel does not interfere – you always know what time it is in an absolute sense. Note that things like Daylight Savings Time and calendar reform can still confuse you! When you travel in time, the GM may tell you, "You have gone back exactly 92,876.3 days,"" and let you – or your character – deal with questions like, "What about leap years?" 25 points.
5 Points
Your body incorporates a tool or other useful gadget (e.g. a siren or a vacuum cleaner) that provides minor, non-combat benefits not otherwise covered by a specific advantage.
Acute Senses
2 Points/Level
You have superior senses. Each Acute Sense is a separate advantage that gives +1 per level to all Sense rolls you make – or the GM makes for you – using that one sense.
Acute Hearing gives you a bonus to hear something, or to notice a sound (for instance, someone taking the safety off a gun in the dark). 2 points/level.
Acute Taste and Smell gives you a bonus to notice a taste or smell (for instance, poison in your drink). 2 points/level.
Acute Touch gives you a bonus to detect something by touch (for instance, a concealed weapon when patting down a suspect). 2 points/level.
Acute Vision gives you a bonus to spot things visually, and whenever you do a visual search (for instance, looking for traps or footprints). 2 points/level.
With the GM’s permission, you may also buy Acute Sense advantages for specialised senses such as Scanning Sense and Vibration Sense.
You cannot usually buy Acute Senses in play – raise your Perception instead. However, if you lose a sense, the GM may allow you to spend earned points on other Acute Senses to compensate. For instance, if you are blinded, you might acquire Acute Hearing.
10 Points/Level
You have an attack that causes a baneful, non-damaging effect: blindness, paralysis, weakness, etc. This might be an ultra-tech beam weapon, a chemical spray, a supernatural gaze attack, or almost anything else. Specify the details when you buy the advantage.
By default, Affliction is a ranged attack with 1/2D 10, Max 100, Acc 15, RoF 1, Shots N/A, and Recoil 5, although you can apply modifiers to change these statistics.
If you hit, your victim must make a DCX 95 FORT check to resist. Increase the DC by five times the level of the Affliction (so Affliction 1 gives a DC 100 check). The victim gets a bonus equal to their DR unless the Affliction has one of the following modifiers: Blood Agent, Contact Agent, Cosmic, Follow-Up, Malediction, Respiratory Agent or Sense-Based. To reduce the effects of DR, add the Armor Divisor enhancement. The DC drops by an additional +3 if the victim is beyond 1/2D range.
If the victim makes their FORT check, then they are unaffected. If they fail, they suffer the effects of the Affliction. By default, they are stunned. They may make an additional FORT check once per round to recover, but once again at a penalty equal to five times the level of the Affliction (DR has no effect on this roll).
If your Affliction causes an effect other than stunning, this is a special enhancement (see below). You can inflict more than one effect by giving your Affliction multiple special enhancements. These effects occur simultaneously, except where noted.
Successive Afflictions that produce the same effects are not normally cumulative. Use the single worst effect.
Use the special enhancements below to create specific Afflictions. Many Attack Enhancements and Limitations are also logical. For instance, a blinding flash is Sense-Based; most drugs have Follow-Up, Blood Agent, or Contact Agent; supernatural attacks like the "evil eye" use Malediction; and touch attacks call for Melee Attack.
If an Affliction produces two or more effects due to the special enhancements below, some of these effects may be secondary. Secondary effects occur only if the victim fails the FORT check by 25 or more or rolls a critical failure. A secondary effect is worth 1/5 as much; e.g. Secondary Heart Attack is +60% rather than +300%.
Once you have chosen all the modifiers on your Affliction, describe the nature of the attack as detailed for Innate Attack.
Special Enhancements
Advantage: The victim immediately experiences the effects of a specific physical or mental advantage. Advantages with instantaneous effects affect the target once, as soon as they are hit, if they fail their FORT check; e.g. Warp immediately teleports the subject. Advantages that can be switched on and off (such as Insubstantiality) are automatically "on" for four rounds per point by which the victim fails their FORT check, and are not under the subject's control. This is worth +10% per point the advantage is worth; e.g. Insubstantiality would be +800%! If the advantage comes in levels, specify the level.
Attribute Penalty: The victim suffers temporary attribute loss. This is +1% per -1 to STR, FORT, WILL, or CONF, +2% per -1 to CORD, REF, or INT and +1% per -10 to APP. For instance, an attack that caused CORD-15 and INT-10 would be +50%. Lower all skills based on reduced attributes by a like amount. STR penalties also reduce lift and damage. Secondary characteristics are not otherwise affected; for example, FORT reduction does not affect HP or SP. Penalties last for four rounds per point by which the victim fails their FORT check.
Coma: The victim collapses, profoundly unconscious, and will likely die in days unless treated; see Mortal Conditions. +250%.
Cumulative: Repeated attacks are cumulative! You must take this in conjunction with Attribute Penalty, or with an Advantage, Disadvantage, or Negated Advantage Enhancement that inflicts a "leveled" trait. +400%.
Disadvantage: The victim temporarily gains one or more specific physical or mental disadvantages (but not self-imposed mental disadvantages). This is worth +1% per point the temporary disadvantages are worth; e.g. Paranoia [-10] is worth +10%. If a disadvantage comes in levels, specify the level. The disadvantages last for four rounds per point by which the victim fails their FORT check.
Heart Attack: The victim suffers an incapacitating heart attack, and will die in minutes unless treated; see Mortal Conditions. +300%.
Incapacitation: The victim is incapacitated for four rounds per point by which they fail their FORT check. After that, they are stunned until they can make the FORT check (roll once per round). If you combine Incapacitation with other effects (such as Irritant), those effects occur after the Incapacitation wears off; they replace the stunning and last for the same length of time the Incapacitation did. Incapacitation can take the form of any of the following: Daze, +50%; Hallucinating, +50%; Retching, +50%; Agony, +100%; Choking, +100%; Ecstasy, +100%; Seizure, +100%; Paralysis, +150%; Sleep, +150%; or Unconsciousness, +200%. See Incapacitating Conditions for the game effects.
Irritant: The victim suffers an impairing but non-incapacitating condition instead of being stunned. It lasts for for four rounds per point by which the victim fails their FORT check. The possibilities are Tipsy +10%; Coughing, +20%; Drunk, +20%; Moderate Pain, +20%; Euphoria, +30%; Nauseated, +30%; Severe Pain, +40%; or Terrible Pain, +60%. For definitions, see Irritating Conditions.
Negated Advantage: The victim loses a specific advantage for four rounds per point by which they failed their HT roll. There is no effect if the victim lacks that advantage! This enhancement is worth +1% per five points that the advantage is worth. If the advantage comes in levels, you must specify the level negated.
Stunning: May only accompany Advantage, Attribute Penalty, Disadvantage, or Negated Advantage. If the victim fails to resist, he is stunned (per an unmodified Affliction) in addition to the effects of the other enhancement(s). +10%.
Many fictional heroes have partners - loyal comrades, faithful sidekicks, trusted retainers, or lifelong friends - who accompany them on adventures. These partners are "allies".
The other PCs in your adventuring party are, in a sense, "allies", but they can be unreliable allies indeed. Often they are chance acquaintances, first encountered at a roadside tavern only hours ago. They have their own hidden goals, ethics, and motives, which might not coincide with your own.
An NPC Ally, on the other hand, is wholly reliable. Perhaps you fought side by side in a long war, trained under the same master, or grew up in the same village. The two of you trust each other implicitly. You travel together, fight back-to-back, share rations in hard times, and trade watches through the night.
Your Ally is usually agreeable to your suggestions, but he is not your puppet. He will disagree with you from time to time. An Ally may try to dissuade you from a plan that seems foolish to him - and if he can't talk you out of the plan, he may refuse to cooperate. An Ally may even cause problems for you: picking fights, landing in jail, insulting a high noble... Of course, the Ally will also try to bail you out when you make mistakes.
The GM will not award you bonus character points for any play session in which you betray, attack, or unnecessarily endanger your Ally. Blatant, prolonged, or severe betrayal will break the trust between you and your Ally, and he will leave you permanently. If you drive your Ally off in this way, the points you spent on him are gone, reducing your point value. Leading your Ally into danger is all right, as long as you face the same danger and are a responsible leader.
The point cost for an Ally depends on their power and frequency of appearance. Only PCs who take NPCs as Allies pay points for the privilege. Two PCs can be mutual "allies" for free, as can two NPCs – and NPCs never pay points for PCs as Allies. An Ally is specifically a skilled NPC associate for one PC.
Ally's Power
Consult the following table to determine how many points you must spend on your Ally. "Point Total" is the Ally's point total expressed as a percentage of the PC's starting points; "Cost" is the cost of the Ally. If the Ally’s point total falls between two percentages, use the higher.
Point total | Cost |
25% | 5 Points |
50% | 10 Points |
75% | 15 Points |
100% | 25 Points |
150% | 50 Points |
Allies built on more than 150% of the PC's starting points are not allowed; treat such NPCs as Patrons. Exception: The progression above extends indefinitely for non-sentient (INT 0) Allies; each +50% of the PC's starting points costs a further +25 points.
Allies built on no more than 100% of the PC's starting points may also be Dependents. Add the cost of Ally and Dependent together, and treat the sum as a single trait: an advantage if the total point cost is positive, a disadvantage if it is negative.
Ally Groups
You may purchase as many Allies as you can afford. Each Ally is normally a separate advantage, but you can treat a group of related Allies as a single trait to save space on your character sheet. For a group of individuals – with their own unique abilities and character sheets – add the costs of the individual Allies to find the cost of the group, adjust the total cost for frequency of appearance, and then apply any special modifiers.
For a group of more than five identical and interchangeable allies that share a single character sheet – for instance, an army of low-grade thugs or a swarm of robot drones – find the point cost to have one member of the group as an Ally, and then multiply that cost as follows to find the group cost:
Size of Group | Multiplier |
6-10 | x6 |
11-20 | x8 |
21-50 | x10 |
51-100 | x12 |
Add x6 to the multiplier per tenfold increase in number (e.g. 100,000 Allies would be x30). The GM may require an Unusual Background if you wish to have hordes of Allies, or even prohibit groups larger than a certain size – although they might permit an army or other large group as a Patron. Frequency of appearance multipliers and special modifiers (if any) apply to the final cost of the entire group.
Frequency of Appearance
Choose a frequency of appearance. If your Ally appears at the start of an adventure, they accompanies you for the duration of that adventure.
Frequency of Appearance
Whether you pay points for a useful relationship with an NPC or collect points for a troublesome one, it is unlikely that the NPC will be a constant presence. Each friend or foe has a frequency of appearance, and will figure into a given adventure only if the GM rolls less than or equal to that number on 1d100 at the start of the adventure. How the NPC interacts with you if the roll succeeds depends on the nature of the relationship.
Frequency of appearance multiplies the point cost for an Associated NPC after determining power level and group size (as applicable), but before you apply any special modifiers:
Constantly (no roll required): x4. The NPC is always present. This level is reserved for NPCs - usually Allies - that are implanted, worn like clothing, or supernaturally attached.
Almost all the time (roll of 95 or less): x3.
Quite often (roll of 75 or less): x2.
Fairly often (roll of 40 or less): x1.
Quite rarely (roll of 10 or less): x1/2 (round up).
Allies in Play
As with Dependents, the GM will adjust your Ally's abilities in order to keep his point total a fixed percentage of your own as you earn points. This will keep his value as an advantage constant. The GM decides how the Ally evolves, although he might ask you for your input.
If your Ally dies through no fault of yours, the GM will not penalise you. You may put the points spent on the deceased Ally toward a new Ally. The new relationship should normally develop gradually, but the GM might allow an NPC to become an Ally on the spot if you have done something that would win him over (e.g. saving his life). This is especially appropriate in cultures where debts of honor are taken seriously!
There is no penalty for amicably parting ways with your Ally. You may use the points spent on him to buy a new Ally met during play. At the GM's discretion, you may trade in any remaining points for money, reflecting parting gifts.
Wizards, telepaths, and so on are often supernaturally linked to special Allies known as familiars. These are usually animals or spirits.
Work out a familiar's basic abilities with the GM, starting with the racial template of an ordinary creature of its kind. If its racial INT is 30 or less, raise it to at least 31. Consider buying off Cannot Speak, if applicable. Most familiars have supernatural advantages: Extra Lives for a cat (it has nine lives, after all!), Mindlink and Telesend for a familiar that can transmit its thoughts, etc.
Once you have determined the familiar's abilities, work out its point total and its base value as an Ally. Select frequency of appearance as usual. This may be how often your familiar is available (on a failed appearance roll, it is sleeping, reporting to a demon lord, etc.) or how often its powers work (on a failure, it is no more capable than an ordinary member of its species, and cannot use or grant special powers) – your choice.
This kind of Ally usually has one or more special modifiers. Minion, Summonable, and Sympathy are common. Unwilling is typical of demonic or otherwise evil familiars. Take Special Abilities only if your familiar grants you powers; e.g. extra Fatigue Points with which to fuel spells or exotic or supernatural advantages that emulate the familiar's own abilities (such as Flight, for a bird). You have no access to these abilities on a failed appearance roll; if your familiar is stunned, unconscious, or dead; or in areas where your special link does not function (GM's decision). Buy these abilities with a -40% Accessibility limitation: "granted by familiar".
You can apply the following enhancements and limitations after calculating group cost (if applicable) and multiplying for frequency of appearance:
Special Enhancements
Minion: Your Ally continues to serve you regardless of how well you treat him. This might be due to programming, fear, awe, or lack of self-awareness. Examples include robots, zombies, and magical slaves. You are free of the usual obligation to treat your Ally well. Mistreatment might result in an inconvenient breakdown (mental or physical), but the Ally will not leave. See Puppet for additional options. +0% if the Minion has INT 0 or Slave Mentality, as the benefits of total loyalty are offset by the need for close supervision; +50% otherwise.
Special Abilities: Your Ally wields power out of proportion to his point value. Perhaps he has extensive political clout or access to equipment from a TL higher than your own; perhaps he grants you exotic powers. Don't apply this enhancement simply because your Ally has exotic abilities. If his powers are very uncommon, you will already be paying extra: your Ally requires an Unusual Background, which raises his point total and his value as an Ally. +50%.
Summonable: You conjure your Ally instead of rolling to see whether he appears at the start of an adventure. To do so, take a Concentrate maneuver and roll against frequency of appearance. On a success, your Ally appears nearby. On a failure, you cannot attempt to summon him again for one full day. Dismissing your Ally is a free action, but you may only dismiss him if he is physically present. +100%.
Special Limitations
Sympathy: If you are stunned, knocked out, mind-controlled, etc., your Ally is similarly affected. The reverse is also true, so you should take special care of your Ally! -25% if the death of one party reduces the other to 0 HP; -50% if the death of one party automatically kills the other. If your wounds affect your Ally, but your Ally’s wounds don't affect you, reduce these values to -5% and -10%.
Unwilling: You have obtained your Ally through coercion (e.g. blackmail or magical binding). You do not have to treat him as well as you would a normal Ally. However, he hates you and is likely to act accordingly, reducing his overall reliability level. If you endanger such an Ally or order him to do something unpleasant, he may rebel (GM's option) if the consequences of doing so would be less severe than those of doing your bidding. An Ally who rebels is gone, along with the points you spent on him. -50%.
Altered Time Rate
500 Points/Level
Your rate of time perception is faster than that of a normal human. The first level of this advantage lets you experience time twice as fast as a normal – that is, you experience two subjective seconds for each real second that passes. Each level past the first increases this ratio by one: three times as fast at level 2, four times as fast at level 3, and so on.
Each level of Altered Time Rate lets you take three additional action on your turn in combat, allowing you to cast spells quickly by taking multiple Concentrate actions, run very fast by taking multiple Move actions, etc. Your turn doesn't come any sooner, however! This advantage affects how fast you move when you react, but not how quickly you react in the first place.
Out of combat, Altered Time Rate allows you the luxury of extensive planning, even in crisis situations, as everything seems to happen in slow motion. You may always attempt a Sense roll, or an INT-based skill roll to make plans or recall information (GM's decision), at no penalty to additional actions.
In order to do anything that depends on someone else's reactions, you must deliberately "slow down" and function at his speed. This applies both when making a Feint in combat and when making an Influence roll out of combat. For instance, if you choose to Feint, that consumes one third of your actions. (On the other hand, you could make an All-Out Attack followed by an Attack in order to beat down their defenses through sheer blinding speed!)
Alternate Identity
25 or 75 Points per Identity
You have multiple, seemingly legal identities. Each time you purchase this trait, your fingerprints (or other biometrics used to verify identity in your world) are registered under another name, and you have an extra set of identity documents (birth certificate, licenses, passport, etc.) good enough to pass close inspection. These identities may also have valid credit cards and bank accounts, but you must supply the money – additional wealth is not included in the package!
If an intelligence or law-enforcement agency attempts to identify you with no clue as to your name – for instance, using biometrics or photoanalysis – there is an equal chance for each of your identities to come up. The search will stop... unless they have reason to believe you are a ringer. If the search continues, your other identities will eventually surface, and you will be unmasked. Once a government agency determines who you really are, your Alternate Identities are lost for good.
There are two types of Alternate Identity:
Legal: Some spies and undercover policemen and, in settings where they are backed by the government, even supers may have a legal Alternate Identity. This requires at least 10 points in Legal Enforcement Powers, Legal Immunity, Police Rank, Security Clearance, etc.; the GM sets the precise prerequisites. If a super has official permission to conceal his original name (e.g. to protect his family) and to hold property in his "super" name, then that is a legal Alternate Identity combined with a Secret Identity. 25 points.
Illegal: A criminal or foreign agent may have an illegal Alternate Identity. This has the advantage of being completely unknown when you first start out, and of course it cannot be revoked by the government. On the other hand, should it ever be discovered, you will face a stiff fine, a jail sentence, or execution, depending on the time and place. 75 points.
25 Points
You can fight or otherwise act equally well with either hand, and never suffer the -20 CORD penalty for using the "off" hand. Note that this does not allow you to take extra actions in combat – that’s Extra Attack.
50 Points
You are well-adapted to movement in the water. You do not suffer skill penalties for working underwater, and you can swim at your full Speed. You still require air (but see Doesn't Breathe). Typical features include smooth, seal-like skin and webbed fingers and toes.
If you can move only in the water, take the Aquatic disadvantage instead.
Animal Empathy
25 Points
You are unusually talented at reading the motivations of animals. When you meet an animal, the GM rolls against your INT and tells you what you "feel". This reveals the beast's emotional state – friendly, frightened, hostile, hungry, etc. – and whether it is under supernatural control. You may also use your Influence skills on animals just as you would on sapient beings, which usually ensures a positive reaction.
This ability frequently accompanies some level of Animal Friend (see Talent), and often Sense of Duty (Animals) or Vow (Vegetarianism).
Animal Friend
5 Points/Level
You have a natural aptitude for the Animal Handling, Falconry, Packing, Riding, Teamster, and Veterinary skills. You gain the following benefits:
- A bonus of +1 per level with all affected skills, even for default use. This effectively raises your attribute scores for the purpose of those skills only; thus, this is an inexpensive way to be adept at small class of skills. (Generalists will find it more cost-effective to raise attributes.)
- A bonus of +1 per level on all reaction rolls made by animals. To receive this bonus, you must demonstrate your talent – most often by using the affected skills.
- A reduction in the time required to learn the affected skills in play, regardless of how you learn them. Reduce the time required by 10% per level of Animal Friend; e.g. Animal Friend 2 would let you learn animal-related skills in 80% the usual time. This has no effect on the point cost of your skills.
You may never have more than four levels of Animal Friend.
Fashion Sense
25 Points
Your look is always one step ahead of the crowd. You have the ability to create a fashion statement out of the cheapest and most nondescript materials. This gives +5 to reaction rolls in social situations when you have a chance to plan your attire in advance. You can also give someone else a +5 reaction bonus when you put together the outfit.
25 Points
Something about you makes people pity you and want to take care of you. You get +15 on all reaction rolls from those who consider you to be in a position of helplessness, weakness, or need (which never includes those with the Callous flaw). Taken in conjunction with above-average looks, Pitiable means you are "cute" instead of "sexy"; in combination with below-average looks, it means you are "appealingly homely", like a basset hound.
Trained By A Master
150 points
You have been trained by – or are – a true master of the martial arts. Your exceptional talent means you have half the usual penalty to make a Rapid Strike (see Melee Attack Options), or to parry more than once per turn (see Parrying). These benefits apply to all your unarmed combat skills (grappling, striking, etc.) and Melee Weapon skills.
Furthermore, you can focus your inner strength (often called "chi") to perform amazing feats! This permits you to learn Flying Leap, Invisibility Art, Power Blow, and many other skills – anything that requires this perk as a prerequisite (see Chapter 4).
The GM is free to set prerequisites for this perk if they wish. Common examples from fiction include Grappling (Technical), Striking (Technical), Melee Weapon skills, Philosophy, and Theology.
This ability is definitely "larger than life". The GM may wish to forbid it in a realistic campaign.
Weapon Master
You have a high degree of training or unnerving talent with a particular class of muscle-powered weapons (swords, bows, etc. – not guns).
Available classes are:
All muscle-powered weapons. 225 points.
A large class of weapons. Examples: all bladed weapons, all one-handed weapons. 200 points.
A medium class of weapons. Examples: all swords, all ninja weapons. 175 points.
A small class of weapons. Examples: fencing weapons (main-gauche, rapier, saber, and smallsword), knightly weapons (broadsword, mace, shield, and lance). 150 points.
Two weapons normally used together. Examples: broadsword and shield, rapier and main-gauche. 125 points.
One specific weapon. 100 points.
In all cases, if a weapon can be thrown, the benefits of this perk also apply when throwing that weapon.
When using a suitable weapon, add +1d10 per three dice to basic thrust or swing damage if you know the relevant weapon skill at 75+. You also have half the usual penalty to make a Rapid Strike (see Melee Attack Options), or to parry more than once per turn (see Parrying). None of these benefits apply to default use.
You are familiar with – if not proficient in – every weapon within your class. This gives you an improved default: CORD/Easy weapon skills default to CORD-5, CORD/Average ones to CORD-10, and CORD/Hard ones to CORD-15. Note that these skills are no easier to learn, and may not be "bought up" from the improved defaults in order to save points.
Finally, you may learn any cinematic skill that names this perk as a prerequisite (see Chapter 4) – e.g. Blind Fighting and Power Blow – if you could reasonably use that skill with your weapons of choice. The GM is the final arbiter in all cases.
This trait is best suited to a "cinematic" swashbuckling game. The GM may wish to forbid it in a realistic campaign.
Chapter 6: Flaws
Flaw List
Mistaken Identity
-25 Points
You are often mistaken for someone else. Your "double's" allies approach you and tell you things you don't want to know, and his acquaintances will treat you in strange and irritating ways. His enemies are after you, too! You might eventually get things straightened out, but not without some effort.
If every member of your race looks the same, your race qualifies for a bizarre feature, but you do not have Mistaken Identity.
Odious Personal Habits
-25, -50, or -75 Points
You usually or always behave in a fashion repugnant to others. An Odious Personal Habit (OPH) is worth -1 points for every -1 to reaction rolls made by people who notice your problem. Specify the behaviour when you create your character, and work out the point value with the GM.
Examples: Body odor, constant scratching, or tuneless humming would give -5 to reactions, and are worth -5 points apiece. Constant bad puns or spitting on the floor would give -10 to reactions, worth -10 points apiece. We leave -15-point habits (-15 to reactions) to the imagination of those depraved enough to want them!
The reaction penalty for an OPH applies only to members of your race. It is up to the GM to handle the reactions of other races. A constant drool will irritate other humans, but a Martian might not even notice – and a troll might think it was cute! Of course, an entire race can behave in a manner repugnant to most other races. These "Odious Racial Habits" are priced identically to OPHs.
Unnatural Features
-25 Points/Level
You are superficially "normal" but have one or more disturbing cosmetic features. To qualify for points, these must be unnatural for your race. Pointed ears and eyes like hot coals would be unnatural for a human, but not for a demon from Hell! You must specify the origin of your Unnatural Features: magical curse, ultra-tech surgery, rare disease, etc.
Unnatural Features need not be unattractive (if they are, you can also claim points for below-average appearance), but they make it easy for others to identify you and hard for you to blend into a crowd. Each level, to a maximum of 25 levels, gives -1 to your Disguise and Shadowing skills and +1 to others' attempts to identify or follow you (including their Observation and Shadowing rolls), unless almost everyone else in the crowd happens to share your features.
Thank you for playing Stormchaser
The Stormchaser Roleplaying Game is a product of over fifteen years of experience designing and running pen-and-paper roleplaying games.
If you have enjoyed this game, please consider subscribing to the Stormchaser Roleplaying patreon.
Art Credits
Cover: "Surreal lightning over the ocean"
by Imgur Gallery 3CpCAad
Extra thanks to my dedicated patrons and the members of my discord for their playtesting, feedback and critique!
Special mention goes to:
- Chip Llewellyn who over the course of over a decade pushed me to hold my mechanics to a high standard.
- Deity tier patron Kane Taylor, aka "Zombie Cat ASMR".
and of course my beloved wife Nadine, for putting up with me all this time.