Magic Item: Seven Leaf Clover

by Witchfire

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Magic Clover

Wondrous item (rare)

This small clover has seven bulbous leaves growing out of it rather than the normal amount. Its distinctiveness is said to bring good luck to anyone that stumbles upon it. When you first find the clover, it appears to have 3 + 1d4 leaves remaining.

When you roll a number on a d20 equal to the amount of leaves left on the clover, you can treat the die as if it had rolled a 20 instead. The clover must have at least one leaf left. For instance, if you roll a 7 while the clover has all of its leaves, you can treat the die as a 20.

Each time you use this item's magical properties, one of the leaves falls off and dies. Roll a d20 at dawn if the clover has no leaves remaining. On a roll of 1 the clover turns to ash, otherwise it regains all seven leaves.

Clover by Art for Game Design

Item by Alice Witchfire