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## Wayfarer's Pub Houserules ___ ___ Spells that follow a pre-determines rule to make the spell’s effect permanent will be handled differently for the Wayfarer’s Pub. ___ Time is a fickle thing to handle when it comes to the flow of the Pub, but the mechanics of it, even us GMs want to make sure there is some sort of rule to follow. Based on how the game is played, we decided to find an alternative to help not only speed up the game mechanic but also find a what we believe to be a fair compromise for it. ___ **New houserule:** Spells that can achieve a (semi-)permanent effect has part of the text requirement altered to fit how the Wayfarer's Pub runs. Instead of taking each and every day to upkeep the casted spells, a caster can achieve the perma-effect at a shorten time with the necessary components that would be needed. Doing so this way would mean a costly one time cast with components and anything else that is required for it. ___ Follow the listed cost for each spell to determine what is necessary to cast it in this new way. ___ (Components can be bought through our #magic-item-shop in our Discord or through our GMs.) ___ ###### Spells effected: - Nystul's Magic Aura (2nd level / Wizard) - Private Sanctum (4th level / Wizard) - Teleportation Circle (5th level / Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard) - Guards and Wards (6th level / Bard & Wizard) - Forbiddance (6th level / Cleric) - Temple of the Gods (7th level / Cleric) - Mighty Fortress (8th level / Wizard)
\columnbreak ### Spells and their new changes **When casting these individual spells, the components and gold required for the spells will be consumed when used.** ___ **Nystul's Magic Aura (2nd level):** - Semi-Perma Cost -- 15 sq. yd. of silk (75 gp) The casting time of __one month__ will stay for this spell for it to be (semi-)permanent. ___ **Private Sanctum (4th level):** - Perma Cost -- An amount of thin sheet of lead worth 145 gp, a piece of opaque glass(fluff), an amount of wad of cotton or cloth worth 45 gp, and powdered chrysolites (25 gp peridot base price) worth 9,125 gp (A year; total cost 9,315 gp) Reducing the one year daily cast to __a month__ of daily cast. ___ **Teleportation Circle (5th level):** - Perma Cost -- Any amount of chalks and inks infused with precious gems and gold totaling 18,250 gp Reducing the one year daily cast to __a month__ of daily cast. ___ **Guards and Wards (6th level):** - Perma Cost -- Burning incense worth 185 gp, a small measure of brimstone and oil 3,650 gp, a knotted string of length of 2,500 gp(or 50 silk rope), a small amount of umber hulk blood, and silver rods (2 lb of silver metal) worth 3,650 gp (Total cost 9,985 gp) The casting time of __one month__ will stay for this spell for it to be permanent. ___ **Forbiddance (6th level):** - Perma Cost -- A year's worth of holy water 9,125 gp, rare incenses worth 185 gp, and powdered ruby worth at least 30,000 gp (Total 39,310 gp) Reducing the __one month__ daily cast to a single cast. ___ **Temple of the Gods (7th level):** - Perma Cost -- An amount of holy symbols worth at least 18,250 gp (50 gp min x a year) Reducing the one year daily cast to __a month__ of daily cast. ___ **Mighty Fortress (8th level):** - Perma Cost -- (52) diamond worth at least 500 gp (Total cost 26,000 gp) Reducing the one year daily cast to __a month__ of daily cast. ___ \pagebreak ### These noted spells can be counted as it’s permanent effect by fulfilling these criteria: - Contact a Proprietor or Innkeeper about the desired spell that you are about to cast; from there our teams will discuss and figure out if it will be well suited for the place. We will try to work with you if we find issues. - You must be able to cast the spell or find someone that can; seek out NPCS, ask PCs and even go out and explore and gain it by your own hard work. - Pay the cost; this is no cheap task. Instead of paying the down pay as if you casted it once per
, you would need to spend the amount of gold/material cost/etc. that would sufficient the total as if casting it for a year’s length. - Make a dedicated subreddit post for the spell cast(and etc); Now, you all have characters that has their own connections, stories and lives. Maybe there are things kept in secret. Who knows. ~~except for the GM~~ What goes in the spell post can be anything and can include everyone, or no one, as long as the post is dedicated to the topic. In depth information and anything to do mechanics and story will be kept between GMs and player. (Unless the player informs others, of course.) - Can I get other Teleportation Circle glyphs from
? Sure, go and explore for it. - Can I relocate where the spell is casted if I do not like it? Nope. Gotta think hard on this since this isn’t something to wave around to cast. - If I already casted one of the listed spells, do I need to do anything with the new rules? No. You have already gone through the necessary procedure at the time of the casting of the spell. You do not need to pay any extra cost to upkeep it. ___ >**Spells that must follow the printed text duration:** > > ##### Clone > >We find that this spell requires the printed wait time for the clone to fully mature and take hold of the full effect of the spell.
# Credit #### Wayfarer's Pub | | Link | Credit | |:---:|:-----------:|:----:| | **Image link** | [Link]( | Artist: Unknown | | **Water Color Stains** | [Imgur Link]( | By: /u/flamableconcrete | |**WCS Guide** | [Link]( | By: /u/flamableconcrete |