Sorcerous Origin - Necrotic Blood

by Frootbat

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Sorcerous Origin: Necrotic Blood

Your blood carries a dark taint, granting you sinister magicks and control of the unliving. You could have been cursed by a deity, a descendant of a great and powerful necromancer, or granted fiendish powers by Orcus himself. Whatever the reason, the dead listen to you alone and the living will follow soon enough.


Starting at 1st level, you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Necro-Magic table. The spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These can't be replaced when you gain a sorcerer level.

Sorcerer Level Spell
1st false life, inflict wounds
3rd aid
5th animate dead, spirit guardians
7th guardian of faith
9th danse macabre, negative energy flood
11th create undead, soul cage

Foul Form

Starting at 1st level, the foul liquid coursing through your veins grants you supernatural resilience, your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. Additionally, you gain the toll the dead cantrip. This counts as a sorcerer cantrip for you, but doesn't count against the amount of cantrips you know.

Champions of the Grave

Also at 1st level, your manipulation of the dead surpasses all, allowing you to twist them into nightmarish abominations. Any undead can understand what you say, regardless of if it can understand any languages.

Additionally, when you reach 5th and 11th level, you gain the animate dead and create undead spells, and can cast them by expending a spell slot or by expending sorcery points equal to the level of the spell. If you cast either spell using sorcery points you can choose to amalgamate your created minions into a grave champion. The grave champion gains the languages, senses, Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma scores of one of the amalgamated minions of your choice. If any of the minions amalgamated have any special traits or actions i.e undead resilience, the grave champion gains them as well. Th grave titan deals an additional damage dice per 3 minions amalgamated. The damage dice of the slam attack equals the highest damage dice of any of the amalgamated minions. You can amalgamate new minions into an existing grave champion. You must recast either spell to maintain control of the grave champion as normal, Counting it as each of the amalgamated minions.
You can only have one grave titan at a time. The amount of grave titans you can have at any time increase by 1 when you reach 10th level in this class, and again when you reach 15th level in this class.

Leech of Life

Starting at 6th level, your corruption extend to all your magic. Once per turn when you deal necrotic damage with a sorcerer spell, you regain hitpoints equal to your charisma modifier.

Additionally, you can spend 1 minute focusing on any of your grave champions to banish the to a harmless demiplane. You can summon the back at any space within 30 feet of you as an action.

Vile Vestige

Beginning at 14th level, you lose your grip on the last of your humanity. You no longer age, you cannot be magically aged, you gain resistance to necrotic damage and you don't need to eat, sleep or breathe.

Additionally, whenever you cast toll the dead on an allied grave champion, it regains 2d10 hitpoints instead of taking necrotic damage.

Whirlwind of Flesh

At 18th level, you gain the ability to transfer your pain onto your works of art. Whenever you take damage, you can use your reaction to redirect the damage to one of your summoned undead.


Images Used - Wizards of The Coast

Grave Champion

large undead, neutral evil

  • Armor Class 8
  • Hit Points equal to the total hitpoints of all the minions amalgamated - your sorcerer level x2
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 8(–1) 16 (+3) - - -

  • Saving Throws the grave champion gains a bonus to Constitution and Wisdom saving throws equal to your proficiency bonus
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
  • Senses -
  • Languages -

  • Might of the Monster. the grave champion gains a bonus to it's AC and the damage of it's slam attack equal to the amount of minions amalgamated.
  • Tragic Magic. the grave champion's slam attack damage counts as magical for overcoming resistances and immunities.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: + your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: ( (-) + 2) bludgeoning damage.


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