Campaign Handbook
2022 UPDATE: This version of the handbook is since depreciated! Please visit for an updated link to the book, migrated to Google Drive and as a downloadable PDF.
Includes Disclaimers, Changelog, and Credits
4Part 1: Beings of Runeterra
Welcome to Runeterra! Please use this book in conjunction with the rules and source material of Dungeons & Dragons 5e to craft your own League of Legends-themed campaigns. This particular handbook contains information useful to both players and Dungeon Masters. Whether it be to inspire player characters, design quest routes, or to simply read more about the lore of League of Legends, I hope this comes in handy. Thank you for reading!
2022 UPDATE: This version of the handbook is since depreciated! Please visit for an updated link to the book, migrated to Google Drive and as a downloadable PDF.
This is a fan-made handbook. detailing a League of Legends campaign setting for play in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. It was made for personal, non-commercial purposes.
League of Legends is owned by Riot Games, Inc. Dungeons & Dragons is owned by Wizards of the Coast LLC. No copyright infringement intended.
The D&D5e League of Legends Campaign Handbook was created under Riot Games' "Legal Jibber Jabber" policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.
This document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
You are welcome to use this handbook for noncommercial reasons as long as you do not claim it as your own.
2022 UPDATE: This version of the handbook is since depreciated! Please visit for an updated link to the book, migrated to Google Drive and as a downloadable PDF.
V.1.2, 5/26/2021 - Adventure hooks for all regions completed
V.1.1, 12/1/2020 - Balance, formatting, and wording revisions (including specifying ranges and fixing page layouts. Note: on a web browser, this book is best viewed on Chrome.)
V.1.0, 11/11/2020 - Initial book released, up to page 55 (omitting Part 3: Running Runeterra)
This book was created by Isa, @orkidian.
- League of Legends Wiki
- Universe of League of Legends
- League of Legends: Realms of Runeterra Official Companion
- D&D Beyond
- D&D Wiki
- Fantasy Name Generators
- Naming New Champions - League Nexus
- Ultimate 5th Edition Japanese Weapon List
- 5e Monks Subclass: Path of the Weapons Master
- A Dungeonmaster's brief guide to Runeterran languages (DnD x LoL resource) by /u/Songbirdur
- The Art of League of Legends
- League of Legends Wiki
- Transparent Champion Renders by /u/batcut
- Full page watercolor stains by /u/flamableconcrete
- Guide to Image Manipulation in Homebrewery
- Book created/formatted using GM Binder
- 5e Guide to Homebrewing Races by /u/JamesMusicus
- Further instances of credit are given as necessary throughout the text.
Special Thanks to:
- Ate: Thanks for introducing me to League. Love you!
- The Sin Bin: My friends, your encouragement is everything. <3
- Pedro (@PenguinParticle), for your vital D&D feedback.
- Cal Women in Gaming
- Board Games at Berkeley
Beings of Runeterra
Chapter 1: Races
THE LAND OF RUNETERRA IS VAST AND varied. Naturally, so are its inhabitants. From the great deserts of Shurima to the frigid fields of the Freljord, beings are shaped by the places from which they hail. In turn, they shape the land according to their ambitions. This chapter details races for a Runeterra campaign.
However, depending on the campaign, some races may be unsuitable for play. For instance, the Ascended race or the Demon (Spirit subrace) are less suited for lower-level campaigns, and may instead be more appropriate to one that is more high-level or high-powered. Dungeon Masters, use your discretion when deciding which races are playable.
Races Summary
Race | Description | Subraces |
Ascended | Once-human beings that meld with a higher magic. |
Shuriman Ascended, Targonian Ascended, Darkin |
Celestial | Ethereal beings from the Celestial Realm, come to guide mortals. | ----- |
Golem | Constructions, manmade or natural, crafted in support of a goal. | Inorganic Golem, Organic Golem |
Human | Mortals, diverse in culture and physiology, who inhabit almost all areas of Runeterra. | Bilgewater Human, Demacian Human, Freljordian Human, Ionian Human, Ixtali Human, Noxian Human, Piltovan & Zaunite Human, Shuriman Human, Targonian Human, Void-Altered Human |
Minotaur | Powerful, humanoid bovines, known for their warrior-like qualities. | ----- |
Spirit | Supernatural entities that often exert some otherworldly influence on the mortal world. | Demon, Yordle |
Troll | Massive, monstrous beings inhabiting Runeterra's ice and sand deserts. | Frost-troll, Sand-troll |
Vastaya | Chimeric humanoids with animalistic traits and connection to nature-based magic. | Landwalker Tribes, Tribes of the Sea, Tribes of the Sky |
Ability Score Increases by Race
Ability | Races (+2 Increase) | Races (+1 Increase) |
Strength | Golem, Minotaur | Darkin, Demacian Human, Noxian Human, Frost-troll, Landwalker Tribes |
Dexterity | Ascended | Bilgewater Human, Shuriman Human, Sand-troll, Tribes of the Sky |
Constitution | Troll | Shuriman Ascended, Organic Golem, Freljordian Human, Targonian Human, Minotaur |
Intelligence | Yordle | Inorganic Golem, Piltovan & Zaunite Human |
Wisdom | Celestial, Vastaya | Ionian Human, Void-Altered Human, Demon |
Charisma | Spirit | Targonian Ascended, Celestial, Ixtali Human, Tribes of the Sea |

THE ASCENT IS ALL BUT IMPOSSIBLE, A GRUELING test of every facet of a climber’s strength, character, resolve, willpower and determination ... Only one thing is certain - those who return are changed beyond all recognition.
Transformed by an ancient, divine disc or merged with a celestial power, the Ascended are elevated beyond their mortal states into legendary, powerful beings. Physically, they are indelibly evolved, made more powerful, more swift, and more resilient. Their minds are changed as well; indeed, due to their exalted station, they are concerned with matters far above the day-to-day matters of mortals. From protecting the noble tenets of justice and truth to pursuing world-ending revenge, the nature of an individual Ascended depends on their life as a mortal and the nature of their Ascension. No matter the motivation, the presence of an Ascended points to universe-altering events to come.
Beyond Mortal Bounds
Extremely rare, the Ascended are some of the most powerful beings to roam Runeterra. With inhuman speed, strength, and stamina, the Ascended are called to commit themselves to otherworldly, far-reaching causes.
The physical form of such a being shows undeniable evidence of their Ascension. The Shuriman Ascended fuse with the image of an animal, assuming a beastly and noble quality. The Targonian Ascended, though human in likeness, may have characteristics that reveal the celestial that resides within them. For instance, Leona, the Aspect of the Sun, seems to physically shine with the power of the Sun, and her eyes burn with its brightness. The Darkin warp the bodies of their mortal hosts, slowly decaying the form through corrupt energy and blood magic.
Although immune to most natural causes of death, the Ascended can be defeated in some manner. Particular weapons and magics exist that can maim or kill Shuriman and Targonian Ascended, and the Darkin can be sealed within their weapons so long as they are without a host.
Ascended Names
As both the Shuriman Ascended and the Darkin reached Ascension during the reign of the Shuriman Empire, their names are based in the Ancient Shuriman language. The Darkin, according to their leader Aatrox, frequently have doubled vowels in their names. The Targonian Ascended tend to keep their mortal, mundane names rather than assume the identity of the celestial aspect within them (see Targonian Humans).

Shuriman Ascended Names: Az'ravi, Bahatek, Esh'kai,
Ishtaka, Nacrath, Nixa, Retekta, Sek'riza, Xeyush
Darkin Names: Aalrut, Ceheltox, Khaal, Ma'almar, Nek'xast,
Rhelaas, Seltaava, Shalteeya, Taltarus, Virresh, Xuust
Ascended Traits
Your Ascended character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Prior to becoming Ascended, these beings age according to their mortal life. After Ascension, their aging slows and their natural lifespans are drastically increased, spanning millennia.
Alignment. The Ascended are steadfast in their ambitions; without personal appetite and vigor, their Ascension would undoubtedly fail. As such, they are rarely of totally neutral alignments. Targonian Ascended tend toward good alignments, while Darkin tend toward evil.
Size. Some retain their human frame when becoming Ascended, and others are altered in size and shape after the transformation. As such, Ascended vary from about 5 feet to over 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ascended Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox.
Subrace. The different processes of Ascension divides the Ascended into Shuriman Ascended and Targonian Ascended. From there, the Darkin are formerly Shuriman Ascended who have been corrupted through war and betrayal. Choose one of these subraces.
Shuriman Ascended
Millennia ago, during the height of the Shuriman Empire, Shuriman warriors of exceptional loyalty and ability had been selected for a rite known as the Ritual of Ascension. Through the power of an ancient, colossal artifact known as the Sun Disc of Shurima, these warriors had been imbued with mystic energy.Based on the ideals they uphold and Shurima's culture of symbolism, they are merged with an aligning animalistic spirit. These beings harbor great physical strength, stature, and resilience. Indeed, when the sun had not yet set on the Empire of Shurima, these beings made up an Ascended legion, the Sunborn, charged with protecting Shurima and Azir.
In the days of the empire's decline, the Ritual of Ascension had failed with greater frequency. Unsuccessful Ascensions either killed those who participated in the ceremony or produced failed, scarred Ascended called Baccai. Furthermore, most of the Ascended of ancient times had been destroyed in battles with the Void and in civil wars. Nonetheless, the recent resurrection of the Shuriman emperor Azir and his following Ascension reveals that the
Sun Disc may yet claim the worthy for its sacred transformation.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Blessing of the Sun Disc. The transformation has gifted you with a unique ability based on the studies and nature of your life as a human. Select one from the list below or work with the DM to craft a blessing of similar power:
Possible Blessings of the Sun Disc
Blessing | Description |
Ascended Fury | When successfully landing an attack that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can channel Ascended Fury to cause that attack to deal another 1d6 + STR damage. After using this blessing, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. This damage die changes when you reach certain levels. The die becomes 1d10 at 5th level, a 1d12 at 10th level, and a 2d12 at 15th level. |
Ghost of the Soldier | As a bonus action, you can conjure a Sand Soldier within 15 feet of you and in an empty space with 5 feet on all sides. - It can make a melee spear attack for 1d6 + DEX. - Your movement can be used to move the soldier. - The soldier cannot perceive anything. - The soldier has hit points equal to 1d6 + CHA. - The soldier dissolves after 1 minute or if you are not within 15 feet of it. After using this blessing, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. This damage die changes when you reach certain levels. The die becomes 2d10 at 5th level, a 2d12 at 10th level, and a 3d12 at 15th level. |
Life Siphon | As an action, roll 1d6 + CHA against a creature you can see. You take this amount of hit points away from the target and add it to your own. The target may make a DC 13 CON saving throw to resist, losing half the amount of hit points on a successful save. This has no effect on Constructs or Undead. After using this blessing, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. This damage die changes when you reach certain levels. The die becomes 1d10 at 5th level, a 2d12 at 10th level, and a 3d12 at 15th level. |
Desert Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in desert terrain, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you are not hindered by difficult terrain.
Extra Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Ancient Shuriman and Modern Shuriman.

Targonian Ascended
The peak of Mount Targon exudes celestial power. The apex is the apparent portal between the physical world and Targon Prime, a celestial realm where beings known as Aspects live. But the mountain is nigh impossible to scale. Hidden by a layer of clouds, its rocky paths shift constantly—the land itself altered by a higher magic. Even reaching the top of the mountain is not a guarantee of one's success. Some may find empty ruins at the mountaintop, reflecting their soul's unworthiness. The ascent is the ultimate challenge of one's endurance, skill, dedication, and spirit.
Most mortals lose their lives in the climb. But for the few that make it—and for the fewer that the mountain finds worthy—they are rewarded with heavenly magic. The stellar Aspects, who embody concepts and constellations, may bestow some of their power unto a deserving mortal. Or, the Aspect may even fuse with a mortal, leaving the celestial plane and elevating the mortal into an almighty host.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Blessing of the Aspect. Scaling Mount Targon has convinced an Aspect to grant you their power. Consider your bond with this Aspect; have they bestowed you a shred of their abilities? Or have they fully merged with you, erasing your previous identity? Select one from the list or work with the DM to craft a blessing of similar power:
Possible Blessings of the Aspect
Blessing | Description |
Aspect of Destiny | While out of combat, you may use this blessing to alter the threads of fate. Predict and describe events of the next three in-game minutes. The DM can determine if these events will be Easy (DC 10), Medium (DC 13), Hard (DC 17), or Impossible (DC 20) to occur. Then, roll 1d20. On a successful role, events happen as described. After using this blessing (on a success or fail), you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest. |
Aspect of Health | As an action, you may invoke your Aspect to heal yourself or another willing creature you see for 1d6 + CHA. After using this blessing, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. The dice changes when you reach certain levels. The die becomes 1d10 at 5th level, 1d12 at 10th level, and 2d12 at 15th level. |
Aspect of the Messenger | You can establish a link of telepathic communication between yourself and any creature or entity that you have met before, across any distance. They must be able to comprehend a language you share. The link lasts for 5 minutes. In order to maintain the link, the rules of Concentration apply. After using this blessing, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. |
Aspect of Revelry | When prompted to make a Charisma check, you can use this blessing to add +10 to the roll. After using this blessing, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest. |
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write in Targonian.
Mountainous Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in mountainous terrain, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you are not hindered by difficult terrain.
The Distance of Ascension
Ascended rarely live amongst mortals. Whether it be out of a desire to protect them from afar or out of a belief in Ascended superiority, the Ascended tend to keep their distance from mortal affairs.
Celestial. "We owe our power to some of them. But we Ascended make that power into something better, something unimaginable."
Golem. "In a strange way, golems and Ascended are alike: wholes greater than the sum of its parts. But we are vital. Golems are disposable."
Humans. “Like ants marching ceaselessly to and from their colony, humans persist in their passions and loyalties for as long as their short lives allow.”
Minotaur. "Imposing and intimidating—to a mortal's eye. To mine, minotaurs are simply a semblance of what we can be."
Spirits. “The spirits and the Ascended are alike in our near-immortality; however, the similarity ends there. Where we are arisen, glorified, the spirits might be denounced, reviled. Base and depraved abominations."
Troll. "I have yet to meet a troll equal. Monstrous strength does not mean monstrous power."
Vastaya. “The vastaya might be admired for their noble loyalty to the natural world, and to the animal within... but it is a shame that their mortal blood muddies the waters."

Darkin - text
Once god-warriors in the Ascended legion of the ancient Shuriman Empire, the Darkin are Ascended who have fallen far from grace. Several horrors and betrayals led to their irreversible corruption.
Fighting off the Void from consuming Runeterra exposed them to unspeakable abominations and catastrophic brutality. The fall of the emperor Azir and the collapse of the empire caused infighting in the Ascended legion, leaving many to feel purposeless, adrift. In this conflict between the Ascended, known as the Darkin War, those that would become the Darkin developed blood magic, forming and reforming their bodies. This war raged over Runeterra, with the Darkin taking countless mortal lives to fuel their magic and heal their wounds.
But ultimately, the Darkin were sealed away due to the intervention of the Targonians, particularly the Aspect of Twilight, a Targonian Ascended. The Aspect of Twilight taught mortals the magic necessary to entrap Darkin beings within their own weapons, if not outright destroyed. The Darkin War ended with the Darkin being suppressed and scattered; as centuries passed, the knowledge of their world-ending existence and capabilities fell into obscurity. But in recent times, mortals have found these once-hidden weapons and sought to wield them—potentially reviving these apocalyptic beings. When a mortal picks up a Darkin weapon, they are almost always instantly destroyed, their body overtaken and morphed into the Darkin’s physical host.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Blood Magic. The Darkin created and perfected the arcane power of blood magic, called hemomancy. As a bonus action, you can use this knowledge to heal your wounds for 1d6 + CHA hit points. After you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest. The dice changes when you reach certain levels. The die becomes a d10 at 5th level, a d12 at 10th level, and a d20 at 15th level.
Sealed Weapon. All existing Darkin are inseparably tied to their weapon of choice. You are proficient in this weapon. In order to roam the world, the Darkin requires a mortal to take hold of the weapon and become their host. In doing so, the host's mind and identity are erased, and their body becomes possessed by the Darkin. The weapon must remain within 10 feet of the Darkin at all times. Without a host, the Darkin’s consciousness is plunged in darkness, without the ability to see or feel until another mortal attempts to wield them.
Vengeance of the Darkin. The Darkin have an appetite for bloodshed; using your sealed weapon, you can critically hit on a 19 or 20. When you critically hit with the sealed weapon, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Extra Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Ancient Shuriman and the native language of your mortal host.

SORAKA FLOODED THE DEAD FLESH WITH ALL THE power she could give, pushing through the pain. Coils of emerald light wound their way up the girl’s arms. The spear dropped to the ground. As Soraka worked, she watched the skin fade through black, red and purple to its proper dusky color ...
The girl turned away. She was silent a long time.
“Where, then?” she said at last, her voice rough. “I can’t go home. I can’t go back to them. Where else would I go?”
Soraka smiled. “The world is vast. Your paths are many. I can help, if you let me.”
HOPE. WONDER. INSIGNIFICANCE. IMAGINE WHAT they'll feel when I complete the stars.
Old as the universe and just as powerful, Celestials cross the boundaries of mortal possibility. With vast ranges of abilities, such as the power of creation, healing, or omniscience, Celestials demonstrate great providence over the physical realm. However, most Celestials are inhuman, bordering on eldritch in appearance, utterly disconnected from the mortals they ostensibly oversee. While most Celestials choose to remain in the Celestial Realm, content in their incomprehensibility, a select few decide to descend into the mortal realm. But these Celestials almost never come in their pure, godlike forms. Instead, they typically sacrifice some condition of their sublimity in order to better interact with mortals. Or, they may even imbue their essence within mortals, merging with someone worthy and willing.
Hands of Fate
Celestials are the weavers of destiny, with the power to guide fate toward its course. From the domain of the Celestial Realm, fully-powered Celestials exercise the breadth of their influence. Celestials, knowledgable in the different threads of fate, aim their efforts in preserving the multiverse's longevity. This might be interpreted as goodness or benevolence, but it is perhaps more accurate to acknowledge Celestial actions as being beyond mortal grasp. Indeed, some Celestials pursue more ambivalent strands and developments, such as creating change for change's sake.
Aspects and Visionaries
A specific type of Celestial exists, residing and originating in a plane called Targon Prime, known as Aspects. The Aspects personify a concept, such as war, justice, or change. These concepts evolve through mortal affairs. At times that necessitate widespread transformation, or if a mortal proves themselves worthy in the ritual of Ascension, an Aspect comes down and merges with a mortal. In this form, an Aspect can be destroyed by a being of equal power, or the Aspect may choose a different mortal host.
Humanity's Guardians
Some mortal faiths are based in the worship of Celestials. But most followers have not born witness to an actual Celestial, nor have they seen their direct influence. Nonetheless, Celestials may take a hands-on or hands-off approach to helping humans. Stories around Mount Targon spread of a Celestial who sacrificed her immortal, animalistic form and exchanged it for corporeality—embracing all the weaknesses of humanity to better serve them. For all the cruelty of mortals, it seems there are entities dedicated to saving them.
Stellar Influence
Celestial agency takes different forms. The mythos of the creation of the Ascended claims that Celestials made them as weapons against the Void's corruption.
Another type of Celestial exists, called Celestial dragons. These beings manipulate the stars and suns themselves. These dragons may explain the existence of celestial bodies and universes as creations by a higher being. In either case, Celestial power seems tied to the stars, and thus Celestials have appointed themselves as the guardians of all that the stars cover.

Celestial Names
Celestial names are based in the language of Celestials. Names are oft derived from the names of celestial bodies, heavenly, grandiose, and carrying much weight. Due to their unearthly forms, names are not typically gendered.
Celestial Names: Aktia Sial, Dusara, Fyrses, Govias Ma,
Ildos, Lynir, Muockthos, Nydis, Phaara Nayin, Ulone,
Vophin Sey, Xeytzin, Zeleraka
Perspective of the Protector
In the eyes of some Celestials, heavenly wisdom creates a sense of fondness for the beings that inhabit the physical world. Others welcome their detachment, like apathetic masters of fate. Consider your Celestial character's relationship with or view toward mortals (particularly humans, minotaurs, trolls, and vastaya).
Ascended. "We are the cause and source of their power: a holy covenant between human soul and Celestial energy. Yet some have strayed too far from our light."
Golem. "To have inhuman construction and motivation, but without the whole breadth of mortal emotion... is that a blessing?"
Humans. “Oh, to be human, the embodiment of mortality: temperamental, vulnerable, adrift. I've known some of my kind to envy such a life.”
Minotaur. "Minotaurs have faced the brunt of human cruelty and exploitation. We Celestials have witnessed the shift from the dignified Minotaurs of old to the current captive of man."
Spirits. “Spirits are immaterial and enduring, much like us. But they are far from divine."
Troll. "Mortals may think of trolls as monsters, but there is something impressive in their single-minded pursuit of survival."
Vastaya. "The vastaya carry the wild of the world in their blood, yes... but who created the wild? If they believe they are much different from mortal humans, they are sorely mistaken."
Celestial Traits
Your Celestial character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Celestials are ageless creatures. However, by coming to the physical realm, they make themselves vulnerable; they can be destroyed through war, subjugation, or bloodshed.
Alignment. With an eye for the continuation and preservation of fate, Celestials tend toward lawful and/or good.
Size. By descending from the Celestial Realm, most Celestials appear similar in build to mortals. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Celestial Knowledge. You have proficiency in the History and Religion skills.
Radiant-Born. As a being created from the stars and heavens, you have immunity to radiant damage.
Sacrificial Healing. As a bonus action, you can take from your own health pool to heal a willing creature you can see, so long as doing so will not make you fall unconscious. Roll 1d4, and you can choose to add your Wisdom modifier to the roll. You lose that amount of hit points, but your chosen ally gains them. After using this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
This dice changes when you reach certain levels. The die becomes 1d6 at 5th level, a 1d8 at 10th level, and a 1d10 at 15th level.
Sacrificial Shielding. When a creature you can see takes damage, you can use your reaction to redirect half of the damage to yourself. After using this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox and Celestial. The language of Celestials sounds melodic, but it features sounds and grammatical patterns that are incomprehensible to mortal understanding.

ground, hovering over the Sump-level buildings. My overlapping metal plates groan as they strain against the weight and I concentrate all my efforts on holding myself together. If I fall, the Howl falls with me, along with all its passengers.
While locking my arm onto the support beam, I slide my arm down the pillar. We drop ten feet and the cabin sways precariously before stabilizing again.
“Sorry about that!” I shout. Statements of empathy can be reassuring to humans in moments of crisis.
I must try again. I must be strong.
In a land as rich in magic and technology as Runeterra, people have utilized such tools to create constructions. Furthermore, the innate power of the natural world sometimes births sentient constructs, made up of the raw materials from the runic wild. These beings, collectively known as golems, often commit themselves to the service of others. Indeed, the existence of some golems are predicated upon the completion of tasks granted by others. Whether it be undying loyalty to the master who created them, or an exclusive sense of duty to the land from which they emerged, a golem can be counted upon for their unflinching dedication.
Constructions, Categorized
The classifications of golems can be specified further. Golems made of machinery and technology, also known as robots, are programmed by the realm's best artificers and technomancers. Other golems can be crafted from more natural substances, like flora and rocks imbued with magic.
While most of these golems have a single master who can be credited with their creation, golems also emerge naturally in the wild. These golems, called sentinels or stone-golems, vary in area of origin and level of sentience. They might be founded from the arcane, living rocks of Ionia to the petrified bark found in Valoran. However, such beings are more comparable to beasts in terms of intelligence.
Golem Names
As constructions, golems do not follow the same naming conventions as their human counterparts. Inorganic golems are given a name by their creator. Organic golems often derive their names from the materials of which they are created.
Inorganic Golem Names: Consider where your creator
came from and craft a name. It might be based on the
regional names of your creator's heritage (see Humans by
Region) or it might be based on what your creator finds
Organic Golem Names: Beltrite, Cancrite, Duopsion,
Incron, Ionase, Kogatz, Mannabar, Marevite, Noremite,
Phoelite, Resphur, Sovalt, Surasite, Valile
Golem Traits
Your golem character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. Golems are not born as mortals are, and they do not age as mortals do. They are constructed, so your character's age is based upon when you were created or emerged from the wild.
Alignment. Golems, especially inorganic golems, are generally programmed to carry out the will of their creators. Therefore, they tend toward lawful alignments.
Size. The most powerful golems—particularly those constructed by legendary artificers or borne of fabled, magical sources—may tower above mortals. However, most appear more human-like in size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Natural Armor. You have an armor bonus of +1 when wearing armor. When you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 10 + your natural armor bonus + your dexterity modifier.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox.
Subraces. Golems can be separated into two subraces, based on their source and materials from which they are made. These categories are inorganic golems and organic golems; choose one such subrace.
Inorganic Golem
Inorganic golems refer to beings that derive power and energy through man-made means. They are typically made of metal, plating, or other machinery. Such golems might be motorized and made sentient through steam power, electricity, artificing, or even technological magic (called technomancy).
Inorganic golems are sometimes found throughout Piltover and Zaun, where the blooming culture of invention encourages their construction. Outside of these sister-cities, however, some debate the morality of creating life unnaturally.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Extra Language. You are programmed with the ability to imitate another language perfectly. You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.
Knowledge Programmed. Your creator designed you with certain competencies. You are proficient in any combination of three skills or tools of your choice.
Machine's Mastery. You are programmed with a practical function or apparatus; choose one trait from the table below.
Trait | Description |
Climbing Picks | You have a climbing speed of 30 feet. |
Darkvision | You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. |
Drills | You have a burrowing speed of 30 feet. |
Water Engine | You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. |
Wheels | Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. |

Organic Golem
The pure magic coursing through Runeterra sometimes materializes into elemental or organic golems.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Golem's Muscle. Your size category is Medium, but you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Nature's Knowledge. You are proficient in the Nature skill.
Natural Weapon. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 + STR damage on a hit.
Mask of the Wild. Your body, constructed of naturally-occuring materials, allows you to easily blend into the environment. You can attempt to hide when you are only slightly obscured by folliage, tree bark, or rock walls.

"BUT THE WORLD'S A DIFFERENT PLACE NOW. WHAT worked then don’t work today. No point dwelling on it.”
At last, the shell cracked, and she placed the broken kernel into a bowl on the grave.
“See, there? Used to be able to open these with my hands alone, now I need a knife. The young me would’ve fretted about it, damaging the nut like that. But that me don’t matter, because she don’t have to live in the here and now.” The old woman nodded kindly, then went back to her singing.
at all.
Coming from nearly all major lands and inhabiting all walks of life, humans are the most common peoples of Runeterra. All humans are thought to have originated from either the First Lands—which would later be known as Ionia—or the Freljord, thousands and thousands of years ago. Humans have therefore shaped millennia of ancient and contemporary history. Through countless generations of migration, warfare, unity, regression, progress, and other seeming contradictions, humans have created institutions and civilizations that define life on Runeterra.
Human Traits
Your human character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Age. The markers of adulthood vary by the cultures of Runeterra, but it is generally agreed that humans are adults by their late teen years. They typically live up to a century.
Alignment. Humans vary in personality and loyalty. As such, they lack a tendency toward any particular alignment.
Size. Humans differ in build and physique, generally ranging from 4 feet to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox and the language of your region (see Chapter 3: Locations and Languages).
Subraces. The humans of Runeterra can be assorted by regional lines. Each region grants a character different traits. See below and choose one such region from which you hail. Or, the Dungeon Master might work with you to combine regions and traits, creating dual heritage.
In the southeastern reaches of Runeterra lie the Serpent Isles, encompassing the port city of Bilgewater and indigenous island cultures. The Bilgewater area is notorious for its lawlessness, piracy, gambling, and trading. The chaos of Bilgewater often leads its people to seek fame and fortune—but they must be prepared to brave the deadly waters and even deadlier rivals.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Extra Feat. You have the Tavern Brawler feat.
TAVERN BRAWLER (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Accustomed to rough-and-tumble fighting using whatever weapons happen to be at hand, you gain the
following benefits:
• You are proficient with improvised weapons and unarmed strikes. Your unarmed strike uses a d4 for
• When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target.
Vehicle Proficiency. You have proficiency with water vehicles.
Bilgewater Names: (Male) Dover, Dunstan, Glade, Harlan,
Jackwin; (female) Bellamy, Henrietta, Maye, Nanie, Raven;
(gender-neutral) Artie, Brooks, Cyd, Rossa, Roxa;
(surnames) Drachen, Godwin, Hawkins, Hammond, Lynley
Buhru/Indigenous Serpent Isle Names: (Male) Amakoa,
Halloa, Hekilli, Keoi, Okao; (female) Illhia, Kalia, Kaioni,
Makama, Meitu; (gender-neutral) Ioelu, Laotl, Luhklu,
Noelu, Waiolal; (surnames) Allani, Eilikapao, Iakouros,
Kapele, Mei Mele

Located in the west side of the continent Valoran, the mighty kingdom of Demacia prides itself on its dedication to justice. That sense of justice, however, is often defined in direct opposition to mages and sorcery. The monarchy of Demacia might call upon its citizens to act in service to and defense of its decorated military history.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Demacian Bravery. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Extra Feat. You have the Mage Slayer feat.
MAGE SLAYER (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
You have practiced techniques useful in melee combat
against spellcasters, gaining the following benefits:
• When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.
• When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration.
You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.
Demacian Names: (Male) Erhard, Filivere, Merten, Orlon,
Percivale, Terrin; (female) Agathe, Allena, Emaura, Madlyn,
Nariella, Sarra; (gender-neutral) Arwynn, Evra, Heike,
Jacklin, Jesmin, Rylin; (surnames) People of common birth
generally do not have last names, and they instead
distinguish themselves by using the name of their hometown (ex: Quinn of Uwendale). However, nobles do have
surnames, examples of which include: Hadwise, Hellissent,
Roseaman, Salbourne, Vendereye, Winefred
The Freljord, the relentless tundra of the north, is home to tribes of warriors, marauders, and survivors. Despite the fact that its people are divided into numerous war bands and sects, the frozen expanse cultivates a universal culture of resilience and endurance. Furthermore, a rich mythology of primeval gods and elemental worship spreads through the Freljord’s traditions. However, a civil war brews and braces among three primary factions of the Freljord, prompting Freljordians to venture from the security of their home clan.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in arctic terrain, you gain advantage on the following skill checks, related to navigating, traversing, or examining the terrain: Intelligence (Investigation, Nature); Wisdom (Perception, Survival).
Extra Feat. You have the Savage Attacker feat.
SAVAGE ATTACKER (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total.
Variant Trait: Heritage of the Freljord
Though exceedingly rare, some Freljordians are born with magic in their blood. Depending on the type of heritage, this bloodline allows them to manipulate one of the following elements: fire, ice, or storm. Your Dungeon Master might allow you to take up this variant trait. Doing so would replace the Freljord human’s Extra Feat trait. Choose one type of heritage, listed on the next page.

Heritage | Description |
Fireborn | Thought to be near-extinct after the fall of the forge god Ornn and his followers, the Hearthblood. You know the Produce Flame cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier. PRODUCE FLAME (Source: 5e Basic Rules) Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self, ranged Components: V, S Duration: 10 minutes A flickering flame appears in your hand. The flame remains there for the duration and harms neither you nor your equipment. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again. You can also attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell. When you cast this spell, or as an action on a later turn, you can hurl the flame at a creature within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage.This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). |
Iceborn | As a human who can touch and manipulate True Ice, you know the Ray of Frost cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier. RAY OF FROST (Source: 5e Basic Rules) Evocation cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, it takes 1d8+CHA cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). |
Storm-born | The Stormborn hail from the Ursine clan, which boasts human shapeshifters. They also follow the storm deity Volibear. You know the Shocking Grasp cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier. SHOCKING GRASP (Source: 5e Basic Rules) Evocation cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack against the target. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes 1d8+CHA lightning damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). |
Freljordian Names: (Male) Dwenmïr, Hekstrum, Jurhle,
Roluf, Skavolf, Stauv; (female) Esju, Irhild, Maikenna,
Sylda, Vivrunn, Yannette; (gender-neutral) Katele, Kerdyl,
Magne, Rukeve, Synne; (surnames) Rather than surnames,
Freljordians tend to take up the name of their clan to mark
their background [ex: Ashe of the tribe Avarosa].

An archipelago on the eastern side of Runeterra, Ionia is best known for its harmony with nature, magic, and spirituality. But beneath this ostensible tranquility, burgeoning among Ionia’s picturesque forests, is darkness. Displaced by Noxian invasion and wartime infighting, several groups and factions have emerged—each with their own vision for the future of Ionia.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Extra Feat. You have the Sentinel feat.
SENTINEL (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
You have mastered techniques to take advantage of every drop in any enemy’s guard, gaining the following benefits:
• When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn.
• Creatures within 5 feet of you provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach.
• When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against a target other than you (and that target doesn’t have this feat), you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.
Ionian Weapon Proficiency. You are proficient in one simple weapon and one martial weapon from the following list. Choose these weapons from the table below.

Ionian Weapons
Name | Cost | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Simple | Melee | Weapons | ||
Kama | 1gp | 1d6 slashing | 2 lb. | Light |
Kunai | 1sp | 1d4 piercing | 1 lb. | Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) |
Simple | Ranged | Weapons | ||
Shuriken | 5cp | 1d4 piercing | 1/2 lb. | Finesse, thrown (range 20/60) |
Chakram | 1sp | 1d4 slashing | 1/2 lb. | Finesse, thrown (range 20/60) |
Martial | Melee | Weapons | ||
Dao | 10gp | 1d6 slashing | 2 lb. | Finesse |
Jian | 15gp | 1d8 slashing | 2 lb. | Versatile (1d10) |
Martial | Ranged | Weapons | ||
Daikyu | 30gp | 1d8 piercing | 2 lb. | Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed |
Ionian Names: (Male) Akoz, Fong, Maien, Rasmar, Sinan,
Wakiya, Yamu; (female) Ashyi, Cai, Chisa, Haruno, Rika,
Sunja; (gender-neutral) Ilkiri, Nava, Rojung, Seong, Sumio,
Zhenya; (surnames) [In some Ionian cultures, the surname
is presented before the given name.] Huifeng, Jian, Keihao,
Tsongma, Wanthi, Xia, Yimuna
Hidden within the deep jungles and sprawling wilds is the land of Ixtal. East of Shurima, Ixtal stayed hidden for millennia, observing the happenings on Runeterra and choosing to stay isolated. Instead, Ixtali civilization, technology, and social hierarchy has developed in accord with the area’s potent elemental magic.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Extra Feat. You have the Elemental Strike feat.
ELEMENTAL STRIKE (Source: Homebrew by LeonidasTDD)
You have learned to harness elemental energy and channel it into your weapon attacks. Choose one of the following damage types; acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
When you hit with a weapon attack (melee or ranged), you can choose to channel that element into the strike, dealing an additional 1d6 damage of the chosen type. This additional damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level.
You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short rest.
Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in swamp (or jungle) terrain, you gain advantage on the following skill checks, related to navigating, traversing, or examining the terrain: Intelligence (Investigation, Nature); Wisdom (Perception, Survival).
Variant Trait: Elemental Adept
If your character is an Ixtali human spellcaster, it may be more beneficial to take this variant trait. Doing so would replace the Extra feat trait; therefore, instead of Elemental Strike, you would have the Elemental Adept feat.
ELEMENTAL ADEPT (Source: 5e Basic Rules) Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
When you gain this feat, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
Spells you cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals damage of that type, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
If gaining a feat through leveling up, you can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different damage type.
Ixtali Names: (Male) Etalpa, Ixyo, Montezu, Nemenan,
Tenyan, Yazatl; (female) Amaxa, Catli, Citlali, Itotia, Izessa,
Nelli; (gender-neutral) Izel, Eleuia, Ezqui, Meztli, Nelnolli,
Yolti; (surnames) Calilai, Ohmkatl, Parenthali, Tepeu,
Xolenpil, Zitlamina

A military powerhouse, the empire of Noxus is a proud, mighty entity. With a grand history of conquest and domination, Noxus has made its mark on Runeterra through warmongering and invasion. Within the Noxian empire itself, the political landscape is ripe with intrigue and conspiracy. However, their civilization is a staunch meritocracy—allowing anyone of any creed to rise through its ranks.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Extra Feat. You have the Battle Tactician feat.
BATTLE TACTICIAN (Source: My Homebrew)
You are smart and savvy in the art of war, gaining the following benefits:
• You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
• At the start of an encounter, you can choose to do one of the following:
--Swap your own initiative roll with one hostile creature.
--Swap the initiative rolls of two of your allies.
Noxian Force. You are proficient in Intimidation and Persuasion.
Noxian Names: (Male) Amdry, Dyrron, Falmis, Jonik,
Markhann, Syrhos; Velvohr, (female) Adahva, Corrina,
Liselotte, Marreike, Ravona, Sorathea, Sylvha;
(gender-neutral) Elinn, Heikhe, Ikhe, Katrin, Lutzin,
Marrin, Valevin; (surnames) Brackstom, Clasven, Leverenz,
Salazehr, Seirend, Tessrich, Weivand
Piltover & Zaun
The sister city-states of Piltover and Zaun are known as preeminent places of progress. The nature of progress can be juxtapositional: both forward-thinking and potentially dangerous. Such contrast, of course, applies to Piltover and Zaun. Surrounded by invention and urban advancement, Piltovans and Zaunites often seek improvement of both themselves and the world they inhabit.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Extra Feat. You gain your choice of one of the following feats: Linguist, Skilled, or Observant.
LINGUIST (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
You have studied languages and codes, gaining the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You learn three languages of your choice.
• You can ably create written ciphers. Others can’t decipher a code you create unless you teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check (DC equal to your Intelligence score + your proficiency bonus), or they use magic to decipher it.
SKILLED (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
You gain proficiency in any combination of three skills or tools of your choice.
OBSERVANT (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:
• If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips.
• You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.
Inventor's Gadgets. Your are proficient with Tinker's Tools and your choice of another set of artisan's tools. Choose one from this list: Alchemist’s Supplies, Brewer’s Supplies, Calligrapher's Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Cartographer's Tools, Cobbler’s Tools, Cook’s Utensils, Glassblower’s Tools, Jeweler’s Tools, Leatherworker’s Tools, Mason’s Tools, Painter’s Supplies, Potter’s Tools, Smith’s Tools, Weaver’s Tools, Woodcarver’s Tools
Piltovan & Zaunite Names: (Male) Callum, Jamarion, Jett,
Kason, Kierin, Lukkas, Mastian; (female) Aubria,
Bellamine, Carissa, Laranine, Midenna, Olyvia, Thalia;
(gender-neutral) Blair, Brynn, Haiden, Danni, Jona,
Maddox, Saller; (surnames) Barrera, Burris, Haridson,
McLaudris, Reedman, Santian, Searrs

In generations past, Shurima was a sprawling empire—a land of golden palaces and prosperity. But millennia have gone by since the empire's fall, and now Shurima consists of numerous cities spread throughout the desert. Within these assorted cities, diverse in culture and custom, trade and artisanship thrive. But move beyond the ports and cities, and the Shuriman desert holds endless, trecherous plains. But the badlands teem with evidence of a bygone empire, calling to explorers and mercenaries alike, who may find rumors of the great Shurima rising once more.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Desert Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in desert terrain, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you are not hindered by difficult terrain.
Extra Feat. You have the Dungeon Delver feat.
DUNGEON DELVER (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Alert to the hidden traps and secret doors found in many dungeons, you gain the following benefits:
• You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to detect the
presence of secret doors.
• You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps.
• You have resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
• You can search for traps while traveling at a normal pace, instead of only at a slow pace.
Shuriman Names: (Male) Anotu, Dagan'kai, Enlikan,
Hadad'ya, Marduun, Shalumin, Su'nye; (female) Emesya,
Ishtel, Liliyah, Nuhaya, Su'ha, Tiamtu, Vil'ava;
(gender-neutral) An'zet, Il'hu, Melzari, Menkara, Ouza,
Sentet, Tanizir; (surnames) Aluvar, Chatahmu, Merapis,
Nempetsu, Ran-kheper, Salhair, Ves-khemet
Surrounding the awe-inspiring Mount Targon exist several tribes, who center their survival and faith around the mountain and the area's boundless celestial lights. The largest of these tribes is known as the Rakkor. The mountainous ranges are harsh and sharp, requiring great tenacity from its people.
In order to endure and revere the sacredness of Mount Targon, tribes tend to be deeply religious. Indeed, Targonian society focuses on theocratic hierarchies. The prevailing faith of Targon is the Solari, a group that worships the holy light of the sun. But their mirroring sect, the Lunari, worships the power of the moon, hidden in darkness.
No matter the faith, however, warriors, acolytes, and magicians of Targon often look to protect their clan or the mountain.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Celestial Faith. The people of Targon are intensely faithful or spiritual. Your character is either a Solari or Lunari worshiper; choose one and gain the faith's traits from the table.
Faith | Description |
Solari | Extra Feat. You have the Sunstrike feat. SUNSTRIKE (Source: My Homebrew) You can channel the power of the sun into your attacks. When you roll damage, you can deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage. This additional damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short rest. Sunlight Protection. You gain resistance against necrotic damage and radiant damage. |
Lunari | Extra Feat. You have the Skulker feat. SKULKER (Source: 5e Basic Rules) You are expert at slinking through shadows. You gain the following benefits: • You can try to hide when you are lightly obscured from the creature from which you are hiding. • When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. • Dim light doesn’t im pose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight. Lunari Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. |
Mountainous Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in mountainous terrain, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you are not hindered by difficult terrain.
Targonian Names: (Male) Ermis, Iamdros, Ignatios, Korolos,
Matthaios, Paneles, Vasilaes; (female) Alkessia, Edvoxia,
Iphgene, Natasa, Phrodanna, Sotiria, Yanna; (gender-
neutral) Aleke, Athanas, Leteris, Serafeim, Spiro, Valenti,
Zissa; (surnames) Balleli, Cosmea, Euterou, Remerea,
Sarkas, Tantalis, Xenelles

The Void, a dimension of unfathomable horrors and depths of nothingness, bleeds into the realm of Runeterra. Thousands of years ago, warfare brought the dreaded abominations of the Void to the surface, maddening or decimating most who had witnessed it. Over time and continued survival efforts, the Void has been mostly suppressed and stamped out from the physical realm. However, Void rifts still exist in uninhabited pockets, such as in the desert barrens of Shurima, the frozen wastelands of the Freljord, or in the suffocating pitches of Runeterra's oceans.
Most humans who find fissures of the Void are driven to insanity—the fragile, mortal mind immediately succumbing to unspeakable terrors. Or, their bodies are near-instantly destroyed, taken by the Void's tendrils and all-consuming abyss. But for the rare, exceptional few, an encounter with the Void brings not destruction, but creation. Instead, the Void might bring unimaginable power, whether that be uncanny knowledge or otherworldly perseverence.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Void Black Magic. Your exposure to the Void has imbued you with necrotic magic. You know the Sapping Sting cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you know the Toll the Dead cantrip. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Arms of Hadar spell once per day. This spell does not take up spell slots. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
SAPPING STING (Source: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount)
Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You sap the vitality of one creature you can see in range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 necrotic damage and fall prone.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
TOLL THE DEAD (Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
ARMS OF HADAR (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
1st level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (10 foot sphere)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You invoke the power of Hadar, the Dark Hunger. Tendrils of dark energy erupt from you and batter all creatures within 10 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 2d6 necrotic damage and can’t take reactions until its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, but suffers no other effect.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Void-Altered Names: The Void does not birth humans; any
humans who are changed by the Void hail from elsewhere.
They most commonly come from Shurima, since most rifts
to the Void are found there. Consider where your character
comes from and choose a name from that region.

THE NOBLE WARRIOR ALISTAR WAS RESPECTED among all the clans. Out on the mountain peaks, his roar could scatter even the bravest trespassers, leaving only the foolhardy to face him in combat. Even so, in the moot halls he would always urge his kin to forge greater bonds with other mortal races. Many saw minotaurs as little more than beasts, which soured any interaction and kept them firmly as outsiders.
In the wilderness neighboring human civilizations, one might hear the terrifying roar of a minotaur. Especially in the caverns of Noxus or the petrified forests of Demacia, minotaur clans make their claim. Some often dismiss minotaurs as mindless creatures—but it is a fool's flaw to write them off as such. These beings, particularly adept at the art of combat, are very much concerned with the protection of their homelands and their own.
Bovine Beings
At first glance, some humans mistake minotaurs for the horrors of nightmares. Standing heads tall above humans, with massive horns and bodies covered in fur, minotaurs appear as humanoid bovines. With animalistic features, they are sometimes mistaken for vastaya or Shuriman Ascended, but it is important to note that there is no such relation.
Moreover, minotaurs boast much more intelligence and sentience than their ox or cow counterparts. While their societies are largely secretive and exclusive, they are nonetheless complex and self-reliant.
Dignity and Strength
Across Runeterra, minotaur clans uphold the order and unity of their tribes. Minotaurs maintain a simple social hierarchy within their societies. The strongest warriors, conquerors, or protectors are often looked to as leaders. But minotaurs stand by a strong sense of honor and communal strength. The weakest of them are not ostracized, but safeguarded and cared for.
Indeed, at the core of minotaur survival are the values of kinship and self-sufficiency. Minotaur clans in a particular region are often interconnected by accords and agreements. With these arrangements for trade and exchange, minotaur tribes rely on each other instead of seeking assistance from other mortal races.
A Fraught History
Historically, minotaurs have a dark history with other mortals. For their intimidating stature and isolated lives, minotaurs are often seen as perpetual outsiders. Some humans go so far as to call minotaurs monsters, nothing more than senseless animals. This is a perception to which many minotaurs take offense. However, most do not find the worth in attempting to change such misconceptions, instead preferring to stay in the withdrawn safety among kinsen.
Yet in recent times, many minotaur clans have been conscripted to join national armies, particularly those of Demacia or Noxus. In warlike Noxus, however, those who opposed Noxian invasion were enslaved and made to fight in gladiator pits for entertainment. Such minotaurs are exploited for their brutality. As a result, many minotaurs around the Noxus area distrust mortals, and they actively resist the Noxian regime.

Haughty and Headstrong
Minotaurs can be rugged around the edges due to lives led largely in autonomy. As such, they face others with a healthy amount of skepticism.
Ascended. "The holier-than-thou Ascended, come to save us mortals, eh? Well, we don't need saving."
Celestial. "Some claim they've been blessed by a celestial, but since when have they cared for us?"
Golem. "Piles of fancy rocks. I can carve my own weapons, build my own halls, grow my own crops. What would I need them for?"
Humans. “I've met some humans in my travels—cowards, the lot of them, and the rest think themselves brave. They should mind their own rather than stick their fingers in too many pots.”
Spirits. “Never known a trustful spirit. Far too wily, dancing around the forests, thinking they own the place."
Troll. "Humans think us animals? They haven't met the blade of a troll. Trolls hold no regard for precision... or any regard at all."
Vastaya. “Vastaya can be a bit too volatile for my tastes—and that's coming from a cow."
Minotaur Names
The names of minotaurs are quite guttural in sound, accounting for beast-like vocal chords. However, they are still based in Noxian script and pronunciation. Minotaurs do not typically have surnames, as they do not track lineage as humans do. If they need to identify themselves, they might do so by affixing the name of their clan to their title.
Male Names: Anaidax, Dengrim, Erkiras, Huntruk,
Morefrad, Rethmek, Syrathun, Trareus, Wryestair, Zhaben
Female Names: Andeha, Belrada, Gneveru, Konatia,
Mentsis, Phigea, Shesen, Silzera, Vottian, Xamara
Gender-Neutral Names: Agsan, Gremerdes, Konden,
Lerrenes, Mazeph, Maulivar, Ramonis, Rhosin, Vrivir
Minotaur Traits
Your Minotaur character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Minotaurs age at a somewhat faster rate than humans. They are considered adult at around 15 years, and they can live up to 150 years.
Alignment. Minotaurs vary in alignment. Usually, minotaurs are lawful and loyal to the functions of their clan. However, some have dedicated themselves to causes outside of their kin, such as the noble armies of Demacia or the chaotic fighting pits of Noxus.
Size. Minotaurs stand tall and burly, ranging between 6 to 8 feet on average. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Horns. Your horns are a melee weapon that deals
1d6 + STR piercing damage, and you are proficient with your horns.
Charge and Gore. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target, you can then gore it with your horns. On a successful charge and gore, the target takes an extra 2d6 piercing damage.
GORE (Melee Weapon Attack)
Proficiency bonus + STR to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 1d6 + STR piercing damage.
Menacing. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Stomp. As an action, you can stomp the ground around you. Each creature within 5 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature falls prone and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature stays upright on a successful save. A creature that is hovering or flying is not affected.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox and the language of the region from which your clan hails. Minotaur clans are found throughout Runeterra, typically in the mountains of Noxus, the woods of Demacia, or the sea caves around Piltover (so your character might speak Noxian, Demacian, or Piltovan, respectively).

Nine crowns adorned nine heads.
One left to scratch upon their mounds,
The crow, alive and dead.
— old Demacian poem, author unknown
CALL ME KING, CALL ME DEMON—WATER FORGETS the names of the drowned.
Spirits long precede the existence of human societies and history. Tied intrinsically to realms beyond mortal understanding, spirits are mystical and magical. Spirits draw some sustenance from the mortal world, though that sustenance takes different forms and extents. Demons, for instance, survive on negative aspects of mortal experience, gorging on the resulting manic, charged energy. Meanwhile, Yordles sometimes seek mortal companionship out of natural sociability. In either case, spirits bring supernatural influence to Runeterra.
Drawn to Emotion
Some spirits, particularly demons, are born directly from mortal emotion—embodying strong, collective feelings like fear, rage, sorrow, or desire. Others might be summoned by arcanists or cultists, and these spirits may then rely on mortal temptation and ensnarement for survival.
Other spirits, like yordles, may come from their enchanted homeland of Bandle City out of admiration or curiosity regarding the physical world. These more pleasant of these spirits tend to be genial, contributing to human societies and advancements. The more unpleasant of these spirits, however, might be more impish and potentially harmful.
Predator and Prey
For different reasons, spirits are often considered unwelcome in Runeterra's civilizations. Demons are abhorred as horrid predators, and mythos often emerges about these demonic menaces. As such, these spirits rarely engage in human affairs, instead preferring the cover of night to find isolated victims.
Yordles, with their unnatural appearance or their less-than-predictable motives, are frequently considered threats to some human societies. Some extremists have taken to hunting yordles without exception. However, some of these spirits have utilized their magic and ingenuity to create glamours. This allows them to appear much more palatable to society and continue interacting with the mortal world.
Spirit Names
The names of spirits do not follow the traditional naming conventions of mortals. Demon names typically stem from what mortals might call them, giving their fears or anxieties identity and physical form. Or, a demon might choose a name from past victims, assuming a different name as time goes on. Contrastingly, yordle names tend to sound friendly and welcoming, with double letters or simple syllabic counts.
Demon Names: (Demonic names) Asha, Damethus, Faltas,
Redmurne, Yeboros; (Names from mortals) Pick a name
from the human or vastaya races, based on one such
Yordle Names: Bicey, Cheelie, Eearey, Fayan, Grari, Jilni,
Ledrey, Meevo, Pimmer, Perret, Wultz, Yorro, Zefo
Spirit Traits
Your spirit character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Spirits age at a much slower rate than humans, and their lifespans are drastically higher, lasting millennia.
Alignment. Spirits can be wily and unpredictable; as such, they are rarely of lawful alignments. Demons are often evil in alignment, while yordles tend toward good.
Size. Spirit forms vary. If you are a demon, your size is Medium. If you are a yordle, your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Living Spirit. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Also, instead of sleeping, you enter a sleep-like state. You need to remain in it for only 4 hours each day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Mystical Awareness. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Spirit Realm's Refuge. As an action, you can teleport into a pocket of the Spirit Realm. The pocket is about 20 x 20 feet, and you can remain there for one hour. When the hour ends or when you choose, you teleport back to the exact location you were in prior to entering the Spirit Realm, or in the nearest unoccupied space. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete three long rests.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox and Sylvan, the language of the Spirit Realm.
Subraces. Spirits are generally divided into two groups. Demons are malevolent, feasting on the turbulent emotions or desires of mortals. Yordles tend to be more amiable, traversing Runeterra with wellmeant mischief. Choose one of these subraces.

The appearance of a demon differs wildly. Some accounts claim to have seen a humanoid catfish haunting the gambling halls of Bilgewater. Other legends abound of a lustful demoness who takes whatever form her targets find desirable. Less powerful demons might assume a physical form with which to interact with mortals. Upon the destruction of that form, the spirit returns to the Spirit Realm for recuperation.
Unholy dwellers of darkness, demons wander the world in search of mortals to make prey. While the intentions demons hold can be hard to pinpoint, they can be assumed to be evil in nature. After all, their specialty might be in consuming and corrupting souls.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Evil Insight. Once per long rest, you can look into the weaknesses of a creature you can see. As a bonus action, you can target a creature. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check against that creature's Charisma (Deception). Upon success, you gain advantage on the next attack roll against that creature. Also, you learn the creature's damage vulnerabilities, if any.
Demonic Darkvision. Being a demon, you are much accustomed to prowling in the dark. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Light Aversion. You are vulnerable to radiant damage.
Small and lively, yordles tend to have mammalian features. They have a range of physical characteristics, with male yordles typically appearing more furry while female yordles appearing with smooth, brightly-colored skin.
Yordles may be one of the most misunderstood beings across Runeterra. Some underestimate them as harmless little creatures without their own ambitions. Others drastically overstate the dangers that yordles pose. Somehow, yordles persist, chasing their aspirations, whether that be making technological advancements in the mortal world or causing ruckus in one's wake.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Magic Mischief. Yordles are inherently magical. Once per long rest, you can use your bonus action to do one of the following:
• Impose advantage on the next spell attack by a willing creature other than yourself.
• Impose disadvantage on the next enemy spell attack.
• Change the damage type of your next successful spell attack.
Yordle Ears. Yordles tend to have large, sometimes fluffy ears. As such, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

TROLLS ARE, FOR THE MOST PART, HULKING AND brutish creatures, found in many of Runeterra’s least hospitable environments. Though not invulnerable, they are blessed with a hardy constitution and the ability to heal more quickly than other mortal races—especially the feeble humans. This means they can endure extremes of climate and scarce resources merely by out-surviving their rivals, and this is the most likely reason some of the largest known tribes still call the mountains of the Freljord home.
OUTSMART ANYONE YOU CAN'T BEAT, AND BEAT anyone you can't outsmart.
Imposing, lumbering creatures, trolls battle for survival in Runeterra's harshest areas. In the worst that the wastelands have to offer, strength reigns supreme: trolls are rigid in their need to suvive. They trample over those perceived as weak, and they relish the routines of raiding, plundering, and hunting.
Badland Behemoths
Mirroring the rough lands in which they live, trolls' appearances are quite grisly. Ranging between 6 to 8 feet tall, trolls are natural predators in their environments. They also have huge mouths with many sharpened teeth; dull skin tones in blues, greens, and browns; and bulky bodies covered in warts.
Trolls tend to band together in the badlands in local tribes. They haunt the harshest places in commanding groups, using their striking statures and barbaric weapons to take what they need.
Survival of the Fittest
Trolls may not be Runeterra's smartest—though exceptions exist, as some trolls prove an unexpected amount of intellect and cleverness—but they are certainly Runeterra's hardiest. By necessity, they prioritize survival of the fittest. Most frequently, to be the fittest means to be the largest, the strongest, or the most vicious. These are recognized as signs of a true, tenacious troll, so these trolls are often informally appointed as chiefs.
As a result of living in unforgiving worlds, and lacking in structured societies that prevent bloodshed, it is rare for trolls to live to their full age. In fact, trolls regularly partake in actions that other civilizations deem taboo, such as cannibalism or indiscriminate murder. Ultimately, it takes incredible endurance and stubbornness to survive among trolls.
Troll Names
Troll names are two syllables long, with simple arrangement and pronunciation. As troll societies are quite primitive, they do not use surnames. This is also due to the fact that the rate of survival is extremely low among trolls, so names are not considered important information to memorize for long.
Male Names: Balzim, Detid, Gamja, Hammo, Kaijab, Kelraz,
Lagbo, Rabash, Sesdu, Silbo, Tarmek, Vutza, Zulkaz
Female Names: Bunjin, Dulyu, Gilta, Helthra, Kritzel, Morgo,
Rangi, Rasha, Shakba, Tezza, Wrathro, Yashbi, Zenma
Gender-Neutral Names: Boryan, Bruddle, Damar, Madras,
Ronja, Teddar, Tizzal, Vannro, Yasho, Zhonlo, Zinjel

Troll Traits
Your troll character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Trolls age at a slower rate than humans. They are considered adult by age 50, and they can live up to 300 to 350 years.
Alignment. Most trolls tend toward neutral or evil. Survival is first and foremost on their minds, but trolls have recently come to relish the practice of war.
Size. Trolls are intimidating in stature, compared to humans. They typically stand between 6 to 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to living in dark areas, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.|
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Troll Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Quick Healing. As a reaction to you taking damage, you can roll 1d6 + CON and recover that amount of hit points. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
Languages. You can speak Va-Nox, but you cannot read nor write it.
Subraces. Trolls are split into two main subraces, based on where they are from: frost-trolls and sand-trolls. Choose one subrace.
Beyond the boundariess of human civilizations, frost-trolls thrive among the frigid glaciers of the Freljord. In Freljordian villages, parents often tell cautionary tales to their children, warning them of the boogeyman trolls who scavenge among the frozen barrens. There are elements of truth to these stories: frost-trolls have been recorded to attack human settlements in search of food and supplies—and concerningly, to spread their conquest.
Indeed, in recent times, rumors have spread of the frost-trolls rallying under the banner of a single troll—a phenomenon previously unheard of. While these whispers of unification are unconfirmed, however, frost-trolls remain their savage selves: happy to feast and wage war to their hearts' content.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Arctic Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in arctic terrain, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you are not hindered by difficult terrain.
Frost-troll Weapon Training. You have proficiency with mauls, war picks, and warhammers.
In the deserts of Shurima and the bordering fields of Ixtal, sand-trolls scavenge beneath the sands and trees. They live in extreme secrecy, more so than their frost-troll counterparts. They nonetheless have similar tenacity, thriving in an environment with scarce food sources and bleak weather.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Desert Terrain Familiarity. When traveling in desert terrain, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks, and you are not hindered by difficult terrain.
Sand-troll Weapon Training. You have proficiency with greataxes, morningstars, and scimitars.

bosom generally unexplored by cartographers who were not born upon its vast shores – I endeavored to find something utterly beyond my scope of expertise. Something wondrous, and magical, and beautiful, and terrifying.
Once I discovered the vastaya, I knew I had found that which I sought.
Though it walked on two legs like a human, its features were a chimeric combination of several other creatures I had seen either in books, or on my myriad travels: it had the long whiskers and pointed nose of a cat, the scales of a snake all over its body, and the physical strength of a Bilgewatrian salt beast ...
THE VASTAYA NAMED THE WORLD. WE NAMED THE trees, the wind, the mountains. We know their power.
Tribes set in the deep wilderness, animalistic features and temperaments, innate connection with Runeterra's magic; the vastayan peoples are unified in these traits. However, the vastaya are diverse and far-reaching, just as the tides of nature itself are chaotic and uncontrollable.
Blood of the Wild
The vastaya have differing degrees of animal-like features. Some appear more human-like, with few chimeric traits to distinguish them from their mortal peers. Others are fully animal in appearance. Some even develop combinations of distinct animal characteristics, embodying amalgamations of bestial characteristics in a single body.
Depending on the tribe and connection to ancient magic, vastaya have various levels of shapeshifting ability. Most vastaya maintain a shape that incorporates both animal and humanoid features, with special care for matching the animal ancestry of their tribe (for instance, a vastaya of the reptilian Strig tribe would likely retain their reptilian features.)
Ancient Heritage
Vastaya trace their lineage to ancient times, particularly to the intermingling of humans and a primeval race called the Vastayashai’rei. As legend states, the Vastayashai’rei originated in the First Lands, which would come to be called Ionia. In a primordial war with titans who rained hell from the skies above, the Vastayashai’rei absorbed the land's natural and spiritual magic into their bodies, becoming vastly powerful.
Thousands upon thousands of years after this war, the vastaya emerged as descendants of these ancient peoples. The vastaya evolved into different brances and tribes, forming their own societies, languages, and civilizations across Runeterra. Now, most vastayan tribes reside in Ionia, a land which still carries inherent magic that gives the life to the vastaya.
Vastaya Names
Vastayan names are typically drawn from the vastayan language, but some might be based in Ionian script. Names are given at birth, by parents or by tribe elders, depending on clan traditions.
Male Names: Akrato, Brekan, Draclo, Gongram, Ishkan,
Marok, Neyerdan, Redalish, Strago, Vilom, Watong
Female Names: Ahlana, Elmi, Hanni, Irroa, Lakaia, Meian,
Neirin, Ohrila, Raini, Sedlani, Sheilah, Viyana, Weeva
Gender-Neutral Names: Alekhan, Belnani, Halansa,
Jerivahn, Mahni, Narene, Rantloa, Songna, Weivam

Vastaya Traits
Your Vastaya character has the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Age. Vastaya reach physical maturity at around the same rate as humans, but they stay youthful for longer and have more prolonged lifespans. They can live to be up to 600 years old.
Alignment. Most vastaya care not for the laws of mankind, instead aligning themselves with the chaos of nature and magic. As such, vastaya tend toward chaotic alignments.
Size. Vastaya are comparable in size and weight to humans, ranging between 4 to 6 feet tall, depending on the subrace. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Innate Shapechanger. You can cast the second-level spell Alter Self, without expending a spell slot. Once you cast it, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
ALTER SELF (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
2nd level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hour
You assume a different form. When you cast the spell, choose one of the following options, the effects of which last for the duration of the spell. While the spell lasts, you can end one option as an action to gain the benefits of a different one.
Aquatic Adaptation. You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Change Appearance. You transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use this spell to become quadrupedal, for instance. At any time for the duration of the spell, you can use your action to change your appearance in this way again.
Natural Weapons. You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural weapon of your choice. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose, and you are proficient with your unarmed strikes. Finally, the natural weapon is magic and you have a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls you make using it.
Knowledge of the Wild. You are proficient in the Nature and Survival skills.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Va-Nox and Vastayan. The Vastayan language has many dialects originating from the split of different tribes.
Subraces. There are numerous branches of vastayan heritage and forms, but they can be generalized into three tribal groupings: Landwalker Tribes, Tribes of the Sea, and Tribes of the Sky. Choose one such subrace.
Landwalker Tribes
As the category suggests, the Landwalker Tribes are made up of vastaya who tread the earth. Generally, Landwalker Tribes are the most numerous and common groups of vastaya found in Runeterra. Landwalker Tribes include branches like the goatlike Fauhwoon, the birdlike Lhotlan, the monkeylike Shimon, and several others.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Climbing Speed. You have a climbing speed of 30 feet.
Innate Spellcasting. You know the Druidcraft cantrip.
DRUIDCRAFT (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous
Whispering to the spirits of nature, you create one of the following effects within range:
• You create a tiny, harmless sensory effect that predicts what the weather will be at your location for the next 24 hours. The effect might manifest as a golden orb for clear skies, a cloud for rain, falling snowflakes for snow, and so on. This effect persists for 1 round.
• You instantly make a flower blossom, a seed pod open, or a leaf bud bloom.
You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as falling leaves, a puff of wind, the sound of a small animal, or the faint odor of skunk. The effect must fit in a 5-foot cube.
• You instantly light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
Mask of the Wild. Used to traversing forests and wilds, you can attempt to hide when you are only slightly obscured by folliage, tree bark, or rock walls.
Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.

Tribes of the Sea
Tribes of the Sea inhabit Runeterra's seas and oceans, able to survive in depths untouched by humans. As a result of living in the oceans, separate from human intervention, they are the most in-touch with Runeterra's natural magic—flowing in its watery depths. They tend to be the least human-like in appearance, needing aquatic traits like gills and fins to thrive in water environments. Tribes of the Sea include the mermen-like Marai, the Makara, and the Raylu.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Amphibious. You can breathe on land and in water.
Innate Spellcasting. You know the Shape Water cantrip.
SHAPE WATER (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet (5 foot cube)
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You choose an area of water that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You manipulate it in one of the following ways:
• You instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of the water as you direct, up to 5 feet in any direction. This movement doesn’t have enough force to cause damage.
• You cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate at your direction. This change lasts for 1 hour.
• You change the water’s color or opacity. The water must be changed in the same way throughout. This change lasts for 1 hour.
• You freeze the water, provided that there are no creatures in it. The water unfreezes in 1 hour.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
Swimming Speed. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Sea Weapon Training. You have proficiency with spears, tridents, and nets.
Tribes of the Sky
Tribes of the Sky vastaya live far above the lands of humans, in the skies, trees, and mountains. Tribes of the Sky include the Besheb, the Strig, the Chyra, and other unidentified tribes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Innate Spellcasting. You know the Gust cantrip.
GUST (Source: 5e Basic Rules)
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You seize the air and compel it to create one of the following effects at a point you can see within range:
• One Medium or smaller creature that you choose must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
• You create a small blast of air capable of moving one object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs no more than 5 pounds. The object is pushed up to 10 feet away from you. It isn’t pushed with enough force to cause damage.
• You create a harmless sensory effect using air, such as causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.
Talons. Your have talons, which can act as natural weapons and be used to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Wings. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You must be in a space wide enough to accommodate your wingspan to fly. Your wingspan is equal to twice your height. You cannot fly if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack not specially tailored to your wings.

Chapter 2: Classes
ADVENTURERS ROAM ALL OVER THE LAND of Runeterra, bringing with them peace or havoc as they see fit. These heroes, or potentially villains, leave the comfort of their home in search of greatness. Driven by their own ambitions, adventurers hone their skills in specific classes to best reach their potential.
All 12 classes outlined in the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Player's Handbook are available for play in this campaign setting. Below is a chart with the class basics and recommended races for each class, which are based on racial increases and common character thematics. It may help decide what kind of character you’d like to play, but as always these are just recommendations.
Classes Summary
Class | Description and Recommended Races | Hit Die | Primary Ability | Saving Throw Proficiencies | Armor and Weapon Proficiencies |
Barbarian | A fierce warrior of primitive background who can enter a battle rage Rec. Races: Darkin, Freljordian Human, Noxian Human, Minotaur, Frost-troll |
d12 | Strength | Strength & Constitution | Light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons |
Bard | An inspiring magician whose power echoes the music of creation Rec. Races: Celestial, Human |
d8 | Charisma | Dexterity & Charisma | Light armor, simple weapons, handcrossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords |
Cleric | A priestly champion who wields divine magic in service of a higher power Rec. Races: Targonian Ascended, Celestial, Ionian Human |
d8 | Wisdom | Wisdom & Charisma | Light and medium armor, shields, simple weapons |
Druid | A priest wielding the powers of nature—moonlight and plant growth, fire and lightning—and adopting animal forms Rec. Races: Organic Golem, Ionian Human, Ixtali Human, Vastaya |
d8 | Wisdom | Intelligence & Wisdom | Light and medium armor (nonmetal), shields (nonmetal), clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears |
Fighter | A master of martial combat, skilled with a variety of weapons and armor Rec. Races: Any |
d10 | Strength or Dexterity | Strength & Constitution | All armor, shields, simple and martial weapons |
Monk | A master of martial arts, harnessing the power of the body in pursuit of physical and spiritual perfection Rec. Races: Shuriman Human, Tribes of the Sky |
d8 | Dexterity & Wisdom | Strength & Dexterity | Simple weapons, shortswords |
Paladin | A holy warrior bound to a sacred oath Rec. Races: Celestial, Targonian Human |
d10 | Strength & Charisma | Wisdom & Charisma | All armor, shields, simple and martial weapons |
Ranger | A warrior who uses martial prowess and nature magic to combat threats on the edges of civilization Rec. Races: Human, Vastaya |
d10 | Dexterity & Wisdom | Strength & Dexterity | Light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons |
Rogue | A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies Rec. Races: Noxian Human |
d8 | Dexterity | Dexterity & Intelligence | Light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords |
Sorcerer | A spellcaster who draws on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline Rec. Races: Demon |
d6 | Charisma | Constitution & Charisma | Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows |
Warlock | A wielder of magic that is derived from a bargain with an extraplanar entity Rec. Races: Ixtali Human, Void-Altered Human, Demon |
d8 | Charisma | Wisdom & Charisma | Light armor, simple weapons |
Wizard | A scholarly magic-user capable of manipulating the structures of reality Rec. Races: Inorganic Golem, Piltovan & Zaunite Human, Yordle |
d6 | Intelligence | Intelligence & Wisdom | Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows |
World of Runeterra
Chapter 3: Locations and Languages
Because the people of Runeterra are extremely diverse, the regions and languages which they create are varied as well. Noxian war cries yelled in the heat of battle, Ionian sung in festivals celebrating the harvest, Freljordian chants belted in funeral rites—these are some examples of the languages heard in Runeterra.
In this chapter, you will find the basics of what you need to know about each area of Runeterra. The sections below include an at-a-glance description as well as major factions found there. These portions are included as references for players in character creation, as well as for Dungeon Masters in world-building.
Common Languages
Language | Description | Typical Speakers | Script |
Demacian | Emphatic language spoken throughout the kingdom of Demacia. | Demacians | Demacian |
Freljordian | Straightforward language spoken in the Freljord and within Freljordian colonies. When spoken, it features hissing sounds and harsh consonants, like ice sliding across itself. | Freljordians, Frost-trolls | Freljordian |
Ionian | An aged language of many dialects, and with character-based script. | Ionians, Vastaya | Ionian |
Ixtali | An ancient language, and quite rare to most mortals. Originating in the deep jungles of Ixtal; often used in the study of nature magic. | Ixtali, Sand-trolls, Vastaya | Ixtali |
Piltovan | Not a far departure from Va-Nox, but includes jargon and slang generally unknown to populations outside of Piltover and Zaun. | Inorganic Golems, Piltovan and Zaunites | Piltovan |
Va-Nox (Noxian) | Harsh and gutteral-sounding. Spoken by most in Runeterra (except in Ixtal) due to Noxian expansion. | All Races | Noxian |
Shuriman | Quick, choppy language with hard consonants. Used often in the study of ancient history and magic. | Shurimans | Shuriman |
Targonian | Spoken from the stomach. Typically pronounced loudly, as Targonians would need to yell to be heard over mountain wind and storms. Frequently used in magic or ceremony that calls for divine intervention. | Ascended, Celestials, Targonians | Targonian |
Exotic Languages
Language | Description | Typical Speakers | Script |
Ancient Shuriman | The language spoken and written millennium ago, in the ancient times of the Shuriman Empire. While sharing some script and pronunciation with modern Shuriman, it typically would not be understood by Shurimans today. | Ascended | Ancient Shuriman |
Celestial | A language nearly incomprehensible to mortals, though melodic in sound and script. | Celestials | Targonian, Celestial symbology |
Druidic | Secret language of the druids. | Druids (only) | Ionian, Ixtali, Druidic symbology |
Indigenous Serpent Isle | An umbrella of indigenous languages spoken throughout Bilgewater. Examples include Buhru and Helian. | Bilgewater peoples | Bilgewater script |
Sylvan | Spoken or telepathic language known by most spiritual and natural beings. | Spirits, fairies, fey, animals, plants | Ionian, Ixtali, Sylvan symbology |
Thieves' Cant | Secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows thieves to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. | Thieves (only) | Noxian |
Vastayan | A mix of mortal language, magic incantation, and animalistic communication. Comes in multiple dialects, based on region and different vastayan tribes. | Vastaya | Vastayan |

The pirate bay of Bilgewater boasts Runeterra's notorious, gun-touting criminals. Mercantilism, pillaging, and piracy flourish without state oversight. Instead, Bilgewater politics is ruled by gangs and mobs, constantly feuding with one another for power.
Indigenous tribes inhabit the surrounding isles of Bilgewater. Called the Blue Flame Isles to most Valoran outsiders, the archipelago is a prime destination for trade, fishing, and exploration. However, the Buhru know these islands the Serpent Isles. In Bilgewater seas, monsters lurk in the depths, and turbulent tides sink unsuspecting sailors.
Bilgewater at a Glance
Bilgewater Universe Page; Bilgewater - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Bilgewater, Bilgerat |
Description | Lawless port city |
Government | Gang syndicates |
Terrain | Tropical archipelago |
Languages | Va-Nox, Buhru and other indigenous languages, Noxian |
Mythos | Kindred (Lamb & Wolf), Nagakabouros, Tahm Kench |
Level of Technology | Medium |
Attitude towards Magic | Employ |
Bilgewater Factions
Jagged Hooks
"I'll burn it all down if I can't have it."
A long-standing pirate gang, swindlers, raiders, and fighters alike make up the Jagged Hooks. Members of this faction are loyal to the pirate captain Gangplank, also known as the Saltwater Scourge. Many are employed upon his ship, The Dreadway.
Alignment. Neutral Evil.
Beliefs. (1) One should rarely forget, and never forgive; (2) a turned back deserves a knife; (3) the newer, emerging dock gangs of Bilgewater need to learn their place.
Goals. Regain power in Bilgewater in the name of Captain Gangplank.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Soldiers of Fortune; The Order of Shadows; Noxus; other pirate gangs.
Soldiers of Fortune
"Out here, there's no justice but my justice."
Despite being a relatively new crew of pirates, the Soldiers of Fortune have quickly risen to power in Bilgewater. After causing Captain Gangplank's fall from grace, the Soldiers of Fortune seek to maintain their hold through cutthroat ruthlessness and smart business. The Soldiers of Fortune man the pirate ship known as The Syren, under the leadership of Captain Sarah Fortune.
Alignment. Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Use all of your tools to your advantage: including allure, negotiation, but most importantly, guns and gunpowder; (2) those who even think to harm the Syren will face swift vengeance; (3) the old world of Bilgewater can't keep up with us, so they should be kept underfoot.
Goals. Maintain power in Bilgewater in the name of Captain Sarah Fortune, also known as Miss Fortune.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Jagged Hooks; other Bilgewater pirate gangs.

In the western side of the continent Valoran, the long-standing kingdom of Demacia reigns, dedicated to tenets like justice, pride, and dignity. With an ironclad and robust military, Demacia has long stood strong in the face of adversity. Indeed, the country was created as a sanctuary against magic, after the Rune Wars of centuries ago.
But now, Demacia is under siege—by itself. The state, historically, has declared magic as the enemy. Using a natural resource called petricite that stifles magic, the monarchy of Demacia monitors, imprisons, and oppresses mages within its walls. These dubious practices, a new controversy surrounding the succession of the throne, and increasingly isolationist policies are inching Demacia towards a revolution—and a potential civil war.
Demacia at a Glance
Demacia Universe Page; Demacia - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Demacian |
Description | Proud military kingdom |
Government | Feudal monarchy |
Terrain | Fertile countryside |
Languages | Va-Nox, Demacian |
Mythos | Kindred (Lamb & Wolf), The Protector, The Veiled Lady |
Level of Technology | Medium |
Attitude towards Magic | Deny |
Demacia Factions
The Demacian Military
"Victory for our allies, defeat for our enemies, and justice for all."
The military of Demacia is the nation's paragon of justice, honor, and morality. The military is a central pillar that upholds Demacian civilization. They are charged with protecting the monarchy and noble families, suppressing magic users who might threaten the throne, and defending the land when it comes under invasion. All people who are able to serve in the military must do so for at least three years.
Within the Demacian military are specialized, elite branches, tasked with distinct missions. The Dauntless Vanguard is the militia's highest subdivision, which carries out especially dangerous or important objectives that serve Demacia's interests. The Demacian Rangers are the nation's agents of foreign intelligence, venturing behind enemy lines to spy on or eliminate hostile forces.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. The handbook of the Demacian Military, The Measured Thread, describes the ideals to which all military personnel are held: (1) Death is inevitable; one can only avoid defeat; (2) To fight for justice in the name of Demacia; (3) Victory for our allies, defeat for our enemies, and justice for all; (4) When Demacians march forth, ridding Valoran of the evils of selfishness and greed under the pristine banner of justice, we know who we are and what we fight for, unapologetically; (5) In our eternal forward march, we must stomp out evil all across Valoran wherever it may grow. Leave no stone unturned: the roots of one ignored weed will inevitably corrupt the whole of the garden.
Goals. Uphold Demacia's laws and society; defend Demacia from invasion; protect the royal and noble families.
Allies. Arborkmark (a small nation at Demacia's border); Mount Targon.
Enemies. The Mage Exiles; Freljord; Noxus; Shadow Isles.
"For justice, and all things bright."
Openly, the Illuminators are a charity organization that helps the needy, in and around Demacia. Some members actively work in the military, while others join as volunteers.
In secret, the Illuminators accept and enlist magic users into their ranks, helping them hide their powers and escape persecution. Some Illuminators are also called to defend Demacia's borders.
Alignment. Neutral Good.
Beliefs. (1) The world has seen enough darkness; (2) take courage in magic and in the light; (3) one day, we need not deny who we are.
Goals. Help impoverished and ailing people; protect and defend Demacia; support mages and shield them from unfair Demacian laws.
Allies. Demacia.
Enemies. The Mage Exiles; Noxus; Freljord; Shadow Isles.

"Protect our kingdom by ridding it of magic, whether abroad or within."
The Mageseekers are Demacia's primary police force, entrusted with the tasks central to sustaining Demacian law: find and control mages. If need be, they also apprehend, imprison, or even execute magic users. Sometimes, they are called to be temporary guides and guards for guests to Demacia that have magic powers. The Mageseekers act in accordance with the decrees of the throne, in pursuit of principles like order and security. Mageseeker officers wear a half-mask made of petricite, called a Graymark. The Graymark symbolizes their duties and station as Mageseekers and protects them from arcana.
Interestingly, the Mageseekers are said to employ mages, particularly those whose abilities aid in finding magic. Pledging loyalty to the name of the Demacian royal family, it is the one organization where it is lawful to be a mage.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. As the Mageseeker handbook outlines, the organization believes that (1) magic is undeniably dangerous and must be contained; (2) arcane items have undeniable intrigue, but these objects of power are best left to the capable hands of Mageseeker experts; (3) the petricite Graymark is one's primary safeguard against magic, a symbol of our responsibilities, and a reminder to others of our authority. Honor it above all else.
Goals. Carry out the throne's ruling: protect Demacia against magic; quash the mage rebellion and prevent the state from devolving into war; limit magical threats from abroad.
Allies. Demacia.
Enemies. The Mage Exiles.
The Mage Exiles
"Those who wait to be freed do not deserve freedom."
Supporting Sylas of Dregbourne, this small band of mages and sorcerers have fled Demacia. In search of ways to contest the kingdom's oppression of magic users, this particular gathering of mages have faced the worst of Demacia's subjugation. As a result, their ideology tends toward radical and oftentimes militant. They are considered enemies to the state of Demacia.
Alignment. Chaotic Good—Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Tradition is a crutch for the mindless; (2) a man who seeks the subjugation of others is a man who must die; (3) once one has seen the truth, one cannot keep living the lie.
Goals. Rebel against Demacia's oppression of magic users; liberate mages in bondage; seek allies to aid in their cause.
Allies. Freljord (Winter's Claw).
Enemies. Demacia (especially the Demacian Military and the Mageseekers).

Miles of icy mountains and frozen depths make up the merciless landscapes of the Freljord. Dangerous still are the politics and warfare of Freljordian tribes, which routinely put its people into cycles of unsteady peace or bloody battles. Indeed, dozens of tribes make up the Freljord, each vying for survival or power.
While the tribes of the Freljord are diverse in thought and culture, some generalizations might be made about their ways of life. The human tribes tend to be matriarchal, following a leader called a Warmother. The tribes also tend to worship one or more gods of the Freljord.
Freljord at a Glance
Freljord Universe Page; Freljord - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Freljordian |
Description | Harsh frozen land |
Government | Tribal matriarchy |
Terrain | Icy tundra |
Languages | Va-Nox, Freljordian |
Mythos | Gods of the Freljord (including Anivia, Ornn, and Volibear), Kindred (Lamb & Wolf; called Farya & Wolyo), Cult of the Three Sisters |
Level of Technology | Low |
Attitude towards Magic | Venerate |
Freljord Factions
Note that the tribes below are the major clans of the Freljord; there are numerous tribes that exist throughout the land.
"Clan or tribe, they will join us. This is the will of Avarosa."
Led by the warmother Ashe, the tribe of Avarosa values peace and unity—in stark contrast to the Freljordian traditions of war and and raiding. They honor the legacy of Avarosa, one of the Three Sisters whose ancient legends have shaped the faiths and societies of the Freljord.
The creation of today's Avarosans stems from a story of betrayal, death, and rebirth. The original tribe had been attacked and slain while Ashe herself toiled in search of Avarosa's Throne. Later, Ashe saved a tribe known as the Ebrataal from the wrath of her own battlesister, Sejuani. In setting herself apart from the violence of Sejuani's tribe, Ashe arose as the leader of a new way of life. Ashe then adopted the Ebrataal as her own people, reforming them into the new tribe of Avarosa. In recent years, these Avarosans have successfully brought together smaller clans through truces and mutual accords.
Alignment. Lawful Good.
Beliefs. (1) The tribes of the Freljord are of the same blood and can all be united; (2) mercy and diplomacy are strengths, not weaknesses; (3) violence should be used only as a defense or a last resort.
Goals. Unite the Freljord under a banner of peace and cooperation; honor the teachings of Avarosa, one of the Three Sisters.
Allies. Tryndamere, the Barbarian King; some Freljordian tribes (including the Ebrataal, Ice Veins, Red Snow, Stonepicks, and Snow Followers).
Enemies. Winter's Claw; Frostguard.
Winter's Claw
"We are the war cry of the wind, we are the strength of the mountains."
Prowling across the blizzard fields of northern Freljord, the Winter's Claw upholds the conventional practices of nomadism and warfare. Led by the battle-hardened Sejuani, the Winter's Claw knows that strength is imperative to survival in the Freljord, so pitiful weaknesses like compromise or gentleness have no place within their ranks.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Survival is the privilege of the strong, and perishing is the destiny of the weak; (2) let the Freljord be ruled by domination, not diplomacy; (3) our survival persists through any means necessary.
Goals. Maintain the warring, pillaging, and raiding that has proven the Freljord strong; dominate weaker Freljordian tribes; expel any Noxian, Demacian, or Freljordian forces that threaten our way of life.
Allies. Ursine.
Enemies. Avarosa; Frostguard.

"So many secrets buried in ice. This world has forgotten true power."
On the surface, the Frostguard travel the Freljord as priests, clerics, and divines, offering healing and faith. The Frostguard spread the religion of the Cult of the Three Sisters, an ancient lore that disavows the old gods of the Freljord.
But at the far north of the Freljord, where the frozen expanses are truly impenetrable, the Frostguard practice extreme secrecy. Their base, the Frostguard Citadel, is concealed deep within the white curtains of snow and storm, impossible to find without knowledge of how to navigate the harsh landscapes. Within the Citadel's walls more enigmas abound, and even the most devout followers may not know of the true nature of their own tribe.
And their own leader, a mysterious Ice Witch, intends to keep the privacy. From her frozen fortress, she orders the covert destruction of evidence of the old gods and the persecution of heretics. Her shamans and preachers travel through the Freljord, bringing healing, yes, but more importantly, gathering intelligence on the rises and falls of other tribes that might threaten her narratives. The most vital yet secretive duty, entrusted only to her most trusted, seems to be the gathering of True Ice and the Iceborn who can wield it—though to what end she plans to use them, none know but her.
Alignment. True Neutral—Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Only the Frostguard know the true dangers of the Freljord, and the land would be best under our domain; (2) battles and peacemaking alike are frivolous attempts at power, and the other Freljord tribes are beneath us; (3) control is best achieved through disguise, sabotage, and subversion—like a slow, creeping freeze.
Goals. Protect and maintain faith in the Cult of the Three Sisters; undermine the false power of the Gods of the Freljord; collect and gather True Ice and all Iceborn beings to serve the Frostguard Citadel and the Ice Witch.
Allies. Trundle and his warbands of trolls.
Enemies. Avarosa; Winter's Claw; Ursine.
"Let the storm follow in my wake."
Rampaging the Freljord's northern frontiers, the Ursine live in worship of the spirit god, Volibear. A tribe of hunters and shamans, the Ursine are more deeply connected to the wild, natural, animalistic ways of the old Freljord. All members of the Ursine are Spirit Walkers: people with the ability to shapeshift into animal forms. In worship of the storm spirit Volibear, these Spirit Walkers take the form of bears.
Deeply attuned to the old traditions and violence of the Freljord, the Ursine see the current fighta over the Freljord as weak and tame by comparison. The Volibear actively seeks the carnage of ages past, when gods and spirits spilled blood openly upon white snow—and his followers devote themselves to his ancient, viscious call.
Alignment. Lawful Evil.
Beliefs. (1) The great Volibear, reckoner of men and bringer of storms, guides our wild ways; (2) Freljord's people have forgotten the ways of untamable violence, and we will remind them; (3) the form of animals is more sacred than the form of man—we choose to remain in our wild state.
Goals. Serve the wills and whims of Volibear, the bear spirit-god who communes among us; return the Freljord to the age of gods through upheaval of current civilizations.
Allies. Winter's Claw.
Enemies. Avarosa; Frostguard.

Historically a land of natural and spiritual balance, Ionia is home to various peoples, villages, and schools of thought across its archipelago. Wild and otherworldly energy runs freely through Ionia's landscapes, and so Ionian culture and daily life has evolved to center around the land's magic. As the birthplace of the vastaya, Ionia holds multiple sacred sites and gateways into the spirit world.
For centuries, Ionia had basked in neutrality and isolation. Governance is split by localities, with provincial powers, monasteries, or orders overseeing their proximal regions. However, war and invasion by Noxus had left Ionia deeply fractured. Some powers were decimated utterly by colonization. Other factions arose from the ruins of warfare, distinct in philosophies and approaches to recovery, each looking to align Ionia with their ideals.
Ionia at a Glance
Ionia Universe Page; Ionia - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Ionian |
Description | The First Lands |
Government | Regional provinces |
Terrain | Magical (varied) |
Languages | Va-Nox, Ionian, Noxian, Vastayan |
Mythos | Akana, Azakana, and Kanmei (demons/spirits); Kindred (Lamb & Wolf; called Ina & Ani) |
Level of Technology | Low |
Attitude towards Magic | Harmonize |
Ionia Factions
Hirana Order
"Feral instinct guides our fist."
Based in northeast Ionia, the monks of the Hirana Order seek inner harmony and spiritual growth. Upholding generations of pacifism, the Hirana Order practices impartiality in conflict and self-discipline in personal philosophy. They look to the natural world—flora, fauna, and spirts—for meaning and purpose. Still, when their hands are forced, as they were during the Noxian invasion, they will readily defend their monastery with great martial prowess.
Alignment. Lawful Good.
Beliefs. (1) All conflicts can be solved by looking inward; (2) peace with oneself and peace with nature are synonymous; (3) the pursuit of physical strength must be accompanied by the pursuit of spiritual understanding.
Goals. Uphold the peace and spiritual harmony of Ionia; collaborate with other pacifist monasteries to further Ionian teachings.
Allies. Shojin Order.
Enemies. Noxus; Navori Brotherhood; Order of Shadow.
The Kinkou
"Balance in all things."
Balance, order, and restraint: the Kinkou exercise these ideas in order to achieve accord between the physical world and the spiritual world. One of Ionia's most well-established factions, the Kinkou have seen and traveled into the veil between realms for several generations. They are often called upon throughout the provinces as mediators in supernatural affairs and conflicts. The Kinkou function primarily in central Ionia, among many temples and sanctuaries they manage.
The principle leadership of the Kinkou falls upon three guiding figures. The main chief is known under the title of the Eye of Twilight; currently, the warrior Shen holds this role. He assumed this title after the death of his father Kusho, who had been slain by Zed, a former Kinkou acolyte and now the founder of the opposing Order of Shadow.
The Eye of Twilight is then supported by the Heart of the Tempest, currently fulfilled by the yordle Kennen, and the Fist of Shadow. Together, these three decide the best courses of action and disperse orders among Kinkou clans, honoring neutrality and equity above all.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The spirits beyond our realm and the people of our world can live in harmony; (2) our paths transcend the scale of good and evil; (3) justice is achieved when giving an eye for an eye.
Goals. Maintain the spiritual balance of Ionia by intervening when humans and spirits clash; protect Ionia from invaders and powers that threaten her.
Allies. Xan Irelia.
Enemies. Noxus; Navori Brotherhood; Order of Shadow.

Order of Shadow
"Brave the shadows, find the truth."
Harnessing a dark, powerful magic that dominates the weak-willed, the Order of Shadow works through assassination and stealth. They draw their name and their power from the Tears of Shadow, a substance that occurs naturally as run-off from Ionia's excess flow of magic. These Tears are dangerous in large amounts, capable of overcoming and corrupting the meek and careless. As such, the Order of Shadow employs only those who can withstand its control, and who would sacrifice themselves and their passivity in the name of Ionia.
An assassin called Zed had created the Order of Shadow after renouncing his place in the Kinkou. Believing that Ionia needed more radical, revolutionary action to combat the Noxians, Zed broke from the Kinkou's teachings of balance. Due to this history of betrayal, disowning, and animosity—the details of which are known only to leaders in the Kinkou and the Order of Shadow—the clashes between the two groups run deep.
After the war with Noxus, the Order of Shadow maintains its severe, hard-line ideology. In pursuit of Ionian unification, they consider it necessary to use and harvest all of Ionia's resources. This includes harvesting Ionia's supplies of nature and magic, an act which most vastaya oppose. They work towards Ionian militarization and mobilization, ideally a large force based in subterfuge and punishment from the shadows. In Ionian, the Order of Shadow is known as the Yanléi.
Alignment. Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) It is our duty and right to use all of Ionia's magic in her defense, even magic thought of as taboo or sacred; (2) operate from and with the shadows, with death and violence as our tools; (3) the assassination of one may be necessary to save the lives of many.
Goals. Create a unified, militaristic force to defend Ionia from invaders; achieve our ends through the use of shadow magic and Ionia's natural magic; slay in silence those who oppose us or threaten Ionia.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Noxus; the Kinkou; Navori Brotherhood; Vastayan rebellions.
Shojin Order
"The dragon blazed my trail. I merely walk it."
Staunch monks and martial artists who seek internal harmony and external resilience, the Shojin Order honors Ionia's customs of peace. Acolytes of the Shojin Order push their minds and bodies to their limits, practicing extreme discipline and punishment in search of enlightenment.
During the war with Noxus, the Shojin Monastery had been destroyed and rebuilt. The Shojin monk and master Lee Sin had successfully safeguarded the Shojin Monastery from Noxus by freeing and embodying the spirit of the Dragon. In doing so, he demolished the temple itself. Still, he demonstrated the spiritual strength of Shojin teachings, and afterward he assisted in the process of rebuilding.
Shojin martial arts centers around the form of the Dragon, which combines sharp, powerful movements with precision and grace. The leaders of the Shojin Order each assume a part of the Dragon, namely the Eye of the Dragon, the Horns of the Dragon, the Claws of the Dragon, Scales of the Dragon, and the Tail of the Dragon. These members work in tandem to represent and impart the Teachings of the Dragon, outlined below.
Alignment. Lawful Good.
Beliefs. The Teachings of the Dragon are as follows: (1) A student must listen with focus, for the Dragon roared the first sounds, and blessed our young spirits with the gift of magic; (2) a student must act with compassion, for the Dragon nurtured the First Lands, and graced them with warmth and life; (3) a student must think with clarity, for the Dragon draws the sun across our skies, and reveals the world around us; (4) a student must strive with all their might, for the Dragon pulled the earth from beneath the waves, and gave us a land to call home; (5) a student must move with grace, for the Dragon's breath created the wind and waves which brought motion to our world.
Goals. Seek perfection and understanding in mind, heart, and body; defend Ionia and Ionian traditions from those that bring harm.
Allies. Hirana Order.
Enemies. Noxus; Navori Brotherhood; Order of Shadow.

Protected by dense jungle and ancient, nature-based magic, the jungles of Ixtal remain closed and hidden from most of Runeterra. Most outsiders see the region as a desolate wilderness, inhabited only by dangerous fauna and sprawling flora.
In truth, Ixtali civilization is among the most ancient in Runeterra, peers to the bygone empire of Shurima. For thousands of years, the Ixtali have practiced extreme isolation, suppressing all evidence of their existence. By developing and utilizing a broad practice of elemental magic, quashing invaders, and silencing explorers, Ixtal maintains total autonomy.
All aspects of Ixtali life center on nature, as well as a strict social hierarchy of division by class. The architecture of their central city, Ixaocan, integrates the jungle wilderness into its construction. Their schools of learning are colleges of magic, each dictating a certain element; see the Ixtal Factions below. Finally, their primary belief system reveres the material world and encourages its control.
Ixtal at a Glance
Ixtal Universe Page; Ixtal - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Ixtali |
Description | Perilous eastern jungles |
Government | Magical autocracy |
Terrain | Tropical rainforest |
Languages | Va-Nox, Ixtali, Vastayan |
Mythos | Axiomata |
Level of Technology | Unknown (alchemical) |
Attitude towards Magic | Control |
Ixtal Factions
Below are some of the elemental arcologies within Ixtal. They function as both settlements and institutes of magic. Each of the arcologies study the Axiomata, an index of principles applied to nature-based magic.
Cardinal Arcology
Located in the city of Ixaocan, the Cardinal Arcology is the principle site of authority and arcana among the Ixtali. The highest caste and governing power of Ixtal, known as the Yun Tal, reside here. Below them, student shamans, mediums, and sorcerers study the use of elemental magic.
Within the Cardinal Arcology is the Vidalion, a site where only the most accomplished and gifted students can prove their ability. Here is the rare place where one might move between social castes; a test in the Vidalion can justify one's entry into the Yun Tal.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The natural world is our salvation and our weapon; (2) the Nasiana, the World Beyond, is our greatest threat; (3) we must take whatever measures necessary to hide and protect our homeland.
Goals. Cultivate students in the art of elemental magic; continue concealing outside knowledge of Ixaocan.
Allies. Magma Arcology, Water Arcology.
Enemies. Invaders of Ixtal.
Magma Arcology
An institute based in Ixtal's mountain ranges, the Magma Arcology specializes in the study of fire, earth, and magnetic-based magic. The Magma Arcology is smaller, compared to the other colleges.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The natural world is our salvation and our weapon; (2) the Nasiana, the World Beyond, is our greatest threat; (3) we must take whatever measures necessary to hide and protect our homeland.
Goals. Cultivate students in the art of elemental magic; continue concealing outside knowledge of Ixaocan.
Allies. Cardinal Arcology; Water Arcology.
Enemies. Invaders of Ixtal.
Water Arcology
Along the Serpentine River lies the Water Arcology, which trains elementalists in the magic of water, ice, and steam.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The natural world is our salvation and our weapon; (2) the Nasiana, the World Beyond, is our greatest threat; (3) we must take whatever measures necessary to hide and protect our homeland.
Goals. Cultivate students in the art of elemental magic; continue concealing outside knowledge of Ixaocan.
Allies. Cardinal Arcology; Magma Arcology.
Enemies. Invaders of Ixtal.

A nation valuing viciousness, strength, and domination, Noxus brings battles to their enemies and fosters pride within its people. Noxus' history of invasion and conquering spans thousands of years and continues into the present. Between tensions with Demacia in the west, settlements in Shurima in the south, and previous bloodshed with Ionia in the east, Noxus boasts the most expansive military in Runeterra.
Yet Noxian culture also admires merit and talent; all positions of power within the empire are gained by proving oneself and rising through the ranks, regardless of personal or social background.
Noxus at a Glance
Noxus Universe Page; Noxus - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Noxian |
Description | Brutal expansionist empire |
Government | Expansionist empire (legislatures & stewardships) |
Terrain | Inhospitable steppes |
Languages | Va-Nox |
Mythos | Kindred (Lamb & Wolf) |
Level of Technology | Medium |
Attitude towards Magic | Weaponize |
Noxus Factions
The Black Rose
"The Black Rose shall bloom once more."
The most esoteric organization in Noxus, and perhaps all of Runeterra, the Black Rose manipulates Noxian politics from the shadows. Even older than Noxus, the Black Rose deals in only the highest intrigues of Noxian affairs.
Black magic arcanists carry out the will of the Black Rose's matron. Most members learn not of the matron's name, appearance, or history. The cabal operates through deception, trickery, suggestion, and exploitation over time. By tempting nobles with wealth or military officers with strength, the Black Rose preys on the ever-shifting power dynamics in Noxus, as well as on the ambition of Noxian people. Still, the links of the Black Rose's power are difficult to discover—so entrenched are they in the formation of Noxus and its throne.
In recent years, however, the leadership of Noxus has strayed from the Black Rose's apparent intentions. Jericho Swain overthrew Grand General Boram Darkwill, who was a puppet in the Black Rose's plans, and instead founded the Trifarix. The Trifarix seeks a shift from secrecy and corruption to a more balanced, accountable host of power... which might contradict the Black Rose's goals, if their matron does not find a way to make them work for her, first.
Alignment. Neutral Evil.
Beliefs. (1) We are Noxus' true and only seat of power; (2) we deal in secrets and sabotage from the shadows; (3) puppets and figureheads can serve our ends and take our blame.
Goals. Serve the whims and plots of our founding matron; use the most powerful figures in Noxus for our own gain; extend the influence of the Black Rose beyond the borders of Noxus.
Allies. The Crimson Circle; some Noxian noble houses; some commanders in the Noxian military—allyship with the Black Rose is offered on an individual, rather than institutional, basis.
Enemies. The Trifarix.
The Crimson Circle
"One suffers, another thrives."
A clique of Noxian socialites, the Crimson Circle follows one Lord Vladimir. Himself a charismatic public figure and a gracious host, the Crimson Circle revels in high-society gossip and gatherings. Under Vladimir's tutelage, the Crimson Circle practices hemomancy, the magic of blood manipulation. Some consider the Circle to be a cult... which would not be far from the truth, considering the group's blood rituals and their obsessive allegiance to Vladimir.
Alignment. Neutral Evil.
Beliefs. (1) Lord Vladimir is the height of Noxian nobility; (2) hemomancy is our venerable art and lifeblood; (3) we must keep our public appearances, but we do our true work from the dark.
Goals. Serve the whims and plots of our founding patron; continue the art of hemomancy.
Allies. The Black Rose (for now, as Vladimir remains a patron of the Black Rose.)
Enemies. The Trifarix.

The Noxian Military
"Forever strong!"
The most aggressive and expansionist military in Runeterra belongs to Noxus. As long as one is loyal and dedicated to the Noxian war machine, anyone can join its ranks and climb its ladder.
While many soldiers revel in the brutality and savagery of warfare, Noxus' military is still one of the most organized and coordinated forces in the world. Several branches exist in the Noxian military, with different degrees of authority. See below for a table detailing the military's ranks, titles, and branches.
Alignment. Lawful Evil.
Beliefs. (1) All are equal in the warhost of Noxus; (2) war is our way of showing our strength; (3) surrender only as a last resort.
Goals. Wage war to claim territory for Noxus; enlist people into the Noxian military.
Allies. Shuriman and Ionian colonies.
Enemies. Bilgewater; Demacia; Freljord; Ionia.
Military Branch | Description |
Warband | The smallest military unit. Often consists of soldiers with similar skillsets. Led by a Captain. |
Warhost | A collection of warbands that seize small territories. Led by a General. |
Legion | A collection of warhosts that seize larger territories. Led by a Commander and a Lord Commander. |
Navy | Branches specializing in naval war and trade. Led by an Admiral. |
Warmasons | A branch specializing in scouting, particularly for infrastructure, pathing, and mapping. |
Bloodrunners | A branch of mages specializing in hemomancy. |
Trifarian Legion | The top branch in the Noxian military. Elite and exclusive, each member is hand-picked by its leader, Commander Darius. |
"The sun's out, the crowd's ready, let's reckooon!"
Noxus' bloodiest form of entertainment, and the most popular, is its infamous fighting arenas. Reckoners are the gladiators that fight for their lives in no-holds-barred brawls. Some Reckoners battle by choice, seeking fame, fortune, or the chance to show off their skills. Others are forced into the pits as punishments for notable crimes against Noxus, such as rebellion or attempted desertion. No matter the reason for entering the arena, only bloodshed and triumph brings them out.
Alignment. Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Bask in the glory of the crowd; (2) strength is the only ticket to fame or freedom; (3) violence and bloodshed serve my purpose.
Goals. Fight to the death in the gladiator pits.
Allies. Varied (depends on the individual Reckoner).
Enemies. Varied (depends on the individual Reckoner).

Piltover & Zaun
Amid a bustling coast and intersecting trade lines, the twin city-states of Piltover and Zaun reside. The two districts are connected not only by location, but more importantly by a shared history of and strife over hextech advancement.
Piltover, called the City of Progress, is the busy cultural core for all things mercantile, and industrial. Brightly built and cosmopolitan, Piltover is perched on high cliffsides, where a peninsula links Valoran and Shurima. Merchant and aristocratic clans exercise the most power over the city's direction, prioritizing profit and development over all else. But Piltover is not all towering spires and turning gears; progress comes at a price that few Piltovans like to acknowledge. Wealth and safety are privileges enjoyed by few, and the grand hextech that powers the city produce pollution and profiteering beyond the city's control.
Zaun, called the City of Iron and Glass, is the murky foil of unlimited experimentation and evolution. Located in cliff gorges and canyon hollows, Zaun is forever blanketed by layers of smog and smoke. Black markets, hardy industrialists, and criminal syndicates seek power and profit through seedy deals. Underneath the topmost parts of the city is a network of sewage and runoff, making an uninhabitable, dangerous underworld. Still, from the iron alleyways arise brilliant minds and a culture of resilience and invention.
Piltover at a Glance
Piltover Universe Page; Piltover - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Piltovan |
Description | Thriving coastal city |
Government | Aristocratic oligarchy |
Terrain | Coastal metropolis |
Languages | Va-Nox, Piltovan |
Mythos | Church of the Glorious Evolved, Kindred (Lamb & Wolf) |
Level of Technology | High |
Attitude towards Magic | Commodify |
Piltover Factions
College of Techmaturgy
"Order, entropy, a never-ending cycle!"
One of the shining spires that rises above the Piltover cliffs, the College of Techmaturgy is a central hub for hextechnical and techmaturgical developments. The college specializes in research and experimentation, looking to lead Runeterra into a progressive era of science and mechanization.
Alignment. Lawful Good.
Beliefs. (1) Scholarship is the best way to right society's wrongs; (2) information should be gained fairly and ethically; (3) intellect and wisdom can come in many forms.
Goals. Continue development of hextech; educate scholars and researchers; pursue knowledge for knowledge's sake.
Allies. Piltover Explorers Guild; Piltover Wardens.
Enemies. None.
Piltover Explorers Guild
"True explorers follow the compass in their heart."
Esteemed archaeologists, pioneers, and adventurers might seek membership in the Piltover Explorers Guild. A network sponsoring the research of and expeditions to ancient sites and uncharted regions, the guild is the largest union of explorers across Runeterra.
Alignment. Neutral Good.
Beliefs. (1) Freedom is exercised through exploration; (2) curiosity is our source of motivation; (3) shy not away from risk, for the rewards of treasure are great.
Goals. Map all of Runeterra, no matter the dangers; record history through archaeology, archival, and discovery; support fellow explorers through opportunity and aid.
Allies. College of Techmaturgy; Piltover Wardens.
Enemies. None.
Piltover Wardens
"Piltover enforcer, on the scene!"
The Piltover Wardens uphold the law in Runeterra as the primary police force. They investigate threats to Piltover's status quo through detective work and law enforcement.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The Wardens' duty is to the law; (2) safety is

ensured through regular inspection and occassional force; (3) the Wardens should set an example for civilian behavior.
Goals. Keep Piltover safe and orderly; squash criminal organizations from gaining power in Piltover; protect the interests of merchant clans.
Allies. College of Techmaturgy; Piltover Explorers Guild.
Enemies. Piltovan & Zaunite criminals, Noxian spies.
Zaun at a Glance
Zaun Universe Page; Piltover - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Zaunite |
Description | Polluted undercity |
Government | Industrial oligarchy |
Terrain | Urbanized (toxic) |
Languages | Va-Nox, Piltovan (Zaunite dialects) |
Mythos | Church of the Glorious Evolved, Janna, Kindred (Lamb & Wolf) |
Level of Technology | High |
Attitude towards Magic | Exploit |
Zaun Factions
Note that there exists many factions and organizations in Zaun beyond the two listed here, with most groups being criminal or mercantile in nature.
Gray Nails
A scraggly and lawless gang, the Gray Nails look to make profits and not much else. They serve Zaunite chem-barons in different turns, doing the biddings of whomever gives them money. They draw their name from the grime that coats their fingernails when handling hazardous chem-tech.
Alignment. Chaotic Evil.
Beliefs. (1) Disorder is the natural order of Zaun; (2) money's hard to come by, so do whatever it takes to get it; (3) people outside the Gray Nails are obstacles to our success.
Goals. Use the wealth of chem-barons to survive the harsh streets of Zaun; arm ourselves with chem-tech and Piltie toys to keep our faction running.
Allies. None.
Enemies. The Lost Children of Zaun; Piltover.
Lost Children of Zaun
"No one keeps me down."
Childhood is itself an ordeal, but it is made much worse by the threats of Zaun. A group of Zaunite orphaned youths, calling themselves the Lost Children of Zaun, have banded together in an attempt to protect one another. Their leader is a teenager named Ekko, a sharp inventor who makes gadgets and weapons to defend themselves from the syndicates and police who seek to do them harm. The Lost Children are resourceful, crafty, and quick, surviving the streets of Zaun by using whatever tools and scraps at their disposal.
Alignment. Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Adults have shown themselves to be a danger to us; (2) everything we need to survive is in ourselves and in each other; (3) sometimes, laws need breaking so we can endure.
Goals. Persevere in the streets of Zaun; keep other Zaunite kids as safe as possible from people that would use or harm them; find and use scrap parts to make hextech tools.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Piltover.

Shadow Isles
Eons ago, the lands that would come to be known as the Shadow Isles had flourished with verdant landscapes and rich civilizations. Old accounts by natives of neighboring islands had referred to these lands as the Blessed Isles, as it was once a paradise on Runeterra, fueled by nature and smiled upon by the gods. That is, until the tale of its sudden and irreversible ruin.
No living soul knows the story of how the Shadow Isles came to be. Some claim that a rift to the underworld opened there by chance. Others believe it is the dark domain of malicious gods, come to ravage Runeterra. And some speak the tragedy of the last king of the Blessed Isles, the Ruined King, who wrought the isles' downfall in grief.
In any case, exploring the isles is impossible. The Shadow Isles are veiled in a magical, deadly air known as the Black Mist. The Black Mist corrupts the bodies and minds of those within it, drawing out their souls and subjecting them to eternal suffering. The Mist and its malevolent spirits hunger for the living; every year, during an event called the Harrowing, the Black Mists extend their reach beyond the Shadow Isles, taking the souls of the foolish and feeble-minded.
Noble and courageous groups attempt to fend off the grim evil of the Shadow Isles. Native clerics of the Serpent Isles, namely the disciples of Nagakabourous, exercise rituals that keep the Black Mist at bay. The Sentinels of Light dedicate themselves to fighting the encroaching dark, channeling their own souls to overcome the blight. But the Black Mists show no signs of diminishing; left unchecked, its darkness may eclipse all of Runeterra.
Shadow Isles at a Glance
Zaun Universe Page; Piltover - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | None |
Description | Lands shrouded by the Black Mist |
Government | None |
Terrain | Cursed archipelago |
Languages | None |
Mythos | Lost souls, the Ruined King |
Level of Technology | Low |
Attitude towards Magic | Suffer |
Shadow Isles Factions
Sentinels of Light
"Light should teach us to not fear the dark."
The Sentinels of Light are the first and foremost group in the fight against the Black Mist. They draw their roots from the Blessed Isles, as people who survived the original ruin. Ancient and resolute, the Sentinels combat the Black Mist throughout Runeterra by eliminating the undead and chasing back the Mists.
To be a Sentinel of Light requires a lifetime of training. Sentinels manifest their soul as light energy through their weapon, a ritual and technique that needs complete purity of the self. They are currently based in Demacia as a safeguard against black magic.
Alignment. Neutral Good.
Beliefs. (1) Fight in the darkness, but do not lose yourself to it; (2) we know no national lines—anyone can fight the Mists; (3) the darkness cannot be resisted alone.
Goals. Prevent the Black Mists from consuming the souls of the living; hunt and slay the wicked undead; find a way to heal and restore the Blessed Isles.
Allies. Demacia.
Enemies. Thresh, the Chain Warden; the Ruined King.

The Empire of Shurima, at its peak thousands of years ago, had been the greatest imperial power that ruled Runeterra. With the power of the grand Sun Disc, an army of Ascended, and an ancient royal family, the Shuriman Empire seemed untouchable. Yet Shurima collapsed inward, bringing its own eventual downfall. The final emperor, Omah Azir, had been crossed and killed by his closest companion. The Void, heralded into Runeterra during a rebellion by the city-state Icathia, tainted the minds of even the greatest Shuriman warriors. The Ascended themselves fought against one another in the Darkin War—one of the most catastrophic wars the world had ever seen.
The Empire never recovered. Instead, countless tribes formed and fell over the centuries. These days, Shurima is home to a diverse range of peoples, governments, and clans. Shuriman culture centers around trade and travel, as the barren deserts do not provide much in the way of sustenance. Raiders and marauders thrive in the hard lands and ancient ruins. Beyond civilization. the uninhabited wastelands of Shurima hold untold histories and unmatched dangers. Creatures and monsters roam beneath the sands, eager to eat unsuspecting explorers. Dilapidated remains of the empire hold treasures and traps from ages ago.
Despite its fall, the gloried times of Shurima are not completely gone. Rumors abound of a miraculous resurrection of the last Shuriman emperor, perhaps foreshadowing a new era of Shurima.
Shurima at a Glance
Shurima Universe Page; Shurima - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Shuriman |
Description | Fallen desert empire |
Government | Divine empire |
Terrain | Arid desert |
Languages | Va-Nox, Shuriman, Noxian, Targonian, Vastayan |
Mythos | Ascended, the Great Weaver, Kindred (Lamb & Wolf), Rammus, the Void |
Level of Technology | Unknown |
Attitude towards Magic | Covet |
Shurima Factions
Many tribes and factions exist in Shurima, generally based in culture, religion, trade, or cause.
Cult of the Void
"Bow to the void! Or be consumed by it!"
The Cult of the Void welcomes Runeterra's destruction and invasion by the Void. Members are recruited and indoctrinated by the Prophet of the Void, Malzahar. Receiving visions of the Void or witnessing the void rifts throughout the world have led many to give themselves up to its unimaginable power. Using black magic and human sacrifice, the Cult of the Void seeks to satisfy the Void's dark hungers.
Alignment. Chaotic Evil.
Beliefs. (1) All must see the might of the Void; (2) the Void is both our devastation and our salvation; (3) mortal life is worthless in the eyes of the Void.
Goals. Usher in the coming of the Void; appease the Void by offering sacrifices.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Runeterra.
Disciples of the Armordillo
"Rammus be with me, I pray to you."
The cryptic myths surrounding the Armordillo called Rammus have spread throughout Shurima, becoming legends among children, philosophers, and priests of faith. Some believe it is an elder and unknowable god. Some call it a benevolent monster, bringing fortune and good luck. In all, Rammus had gained a large following and mythology. In fact, the Shuriman city of Nashramae holds an annual festival in celebration of Rammus, in which followers roll around in mimicry of the Armordillo.
Alignment. True Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The Armordillo is a great and powerful god; (2) the armordillo protects us from the desert's dangers; (3) when in doubt, pray to Rammus.
Goals. Worship and revere Rammus, the Armordillo.
Allies. None.
Enemies. None.

Suns of Bel'zhun
"We will not trade the yoke of one empire for another."
Bel'zhun was a Shuriman port city before its occupation and annexation by Noxus. Now, it is a Noxian tradepost and provider to the war machine. Yet a rising rebellion of Bel'zhun citizens, calling themselves the Suns of Bel'zhun, resist Noxus' control. They are a militant group, defying Noxus at every turn.
Alignment. Chaotic Good.
Beliefs. (1) Noxus is a blight upon our city; (2) if invaders use violence, so shall we; (3) rely first on fellow Suns and the sun that shines upon Shurima.
Goals. Resist and remove Noxian influence from Bel'zhun; arm Bel'zhun citizens against Noxian rule.
Allies. Clan Medarda of Piltover.
Enemies. Noxus.
Celestial, radiant, hallowed: Mount Targon is a site of great spirituality and myth. Its great peak is a subject of much interest and exploration; travelers and natives alike seek to scale its unforgivable slopes. As the ultimate test of one's character or to commune with the Celestials said to inhabit its highest point, climbing Targon is a deadly, though rewarding, ordeal.
Targon is itself a holy place for pilgrimage and worship. The tribes, architecture, and religions of Targon center around revering the celestial bodies that surround Targon. The primary tribe of Targon is the Rakkor, a peoples of resilience and devotion. They are a majority Solari faith—worshippers of the Sun. But in the mountain's shadow, forced into secrecy, are the Lunari, worshippers of the moon.
All aspects of Targonian life require perseverance. The cold mountains are a hard place to call home. Dangerous animals walk the hills and valleys, unafraid of human presence. Clashes between the Solari and Lunari are rare, but violent, showing a deep well of resentment. As a result, Targonians tend to be insular: protective and dedicated to themselves and their ideals.
Targon at a Glance
Targon Universe Page; Targon - League of Legends Wiki
Demonym | Targonian |
Description | Sprawling western mountains |
Government | Tribal theocracy |
Terrain | Harsh mountains |
Languages | Demacian, Shuriman, Targonian, Va-Nox, Vastayan |
Mythos | Celestials (Aspects) |
Level of Technology | Low |
Attitude towards Magic | Aspire |

Targon Factions
"Follow no false light."
Under the cover of night stands the Lunari, a group who worships the celestial power of the moon.
It is said that, centuries ago, the Lunari worshiped openly. But enmity and subjugation by the Solari have bound the Lunari to the darkness. The Lunari have thus made a home in the dark, inhabiting the recesses of Mount Targon in deep caverns and ancient sanctuaries. From hiding, the Lunari are willing to use secretive methods like assassination and espionage in defense of their beliefs.
But perhaps the most vital branch within the Lunari are their seers and oracles. Using spiritual magic and energy gleaned from the moon, Lunari seers try to prophesize the future and recover the past that the Solari have erased.
The Lunari's spiritual leader is Diana, the Ascended representative for the Aspect of the Moon. One of the Lunari's prominent military leaders is Cygnus, who directs an elite party of assassins.
Alignment. Chaotic Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) The moon is our source of power and guidance; (2) each Lunari has their own course that they must find, called their orbit; (3) the survival of the Lunari requires watching out for one another.
Goals. Worship the tenebrous moon; protect Lunari lands and beliefs; resist persecution by the ignorant Solari.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Solari.
"The sun always rises."
In the blazing light of day, the Solari devote their whole beings to honoring the sun. For as long as the sun has shined upon Runeterra, Solari priests and worshippers have revered its life-giving power.
The Solari boast a great order of warriors, called the Ra'Horak or the Followers of the Horizon. They are faithful to protecting Mount Targon, providing for those in poverty and hardship, and combating heresy. Indeed, their primary enemy is the Lunari, whose worship of the moon is nothing more than false idolatry; the Solari know that true illumination comes from the sun.
Leona, the Aspect of the Sun, guides the Solari as a paladin of light and strength. The Ra'Horak also answer to their commander, the soldier Rahvun.
Alignment. Lawful Neutral.
Beliefs. (1) Evil is smote by the divine power of the sun; (2) as the sun shines with open and unapologetic light, so do the Solari; (3) as the sun creates life, we provide for all members of our society.
Goals. Worship the radiant Sun; defend Mount Targon from harm and invasion; suppress the heretic, false faith of the Lunari.
Allies. None.
Enemies. Lunari.
The Celestial Sisters
Targonian legends tell of two sisters: the Golden Sister and the Silver Sister. Said to be the embodiments of the sun and moon, respectively, the sisters wage eternal, celestial war. Their strife is thought to bring the daily passage of day and night.
However, whispers of ancient history, asserted by very few, claim that the sisters were once a single being. These whispers also insist that the Solari and Lunari worshiped in harmony, together. But these beliefs are surely blashpemy.

Chapter 4: The Planes of Existence
Many planes and realms exist beyond Runeterra. From the celestial and spiritual to the corruptive and eldritch, the multiverse are sites of chaos and otherworldliness. Environments and creatures beyond mortal understanding might be found by traveling away from Runeterra's physical plane.
This chapter details the several dimensions that inform Runeterra's reality. It is recommended that interplanar travel be saved for higher-level adventures. The planes by name are the Physical Realm, the Celestial Realm, the Spirit Realm, and the Void.
Physical Realm
EVEN WITH HIS LIFE ABNORMALLY PROLONGUED BY the magic he is exposed to, Ryze cannot afford to rest, for rumors of the World Runes have begun to emerge once more, and the peoples of Runeterra seem to have forgotten the price of wielding them.
The primary world of Runeterra is set in the Physical Realm. The majority of its inhabitants are mortals, subjected to laws of physics and impermanence. Still, magic is deeply embedded within the Physical Realm's formation. Runeterra's cosmology asserts that the world was created by Celestials using the World Runes.
Major countries and areas within the Physical Realm, as described in the previous chapter, include Bilgewater, Demacia, the Freljord, Ionia, Ixtal, Noxus, Piltover, Zaun, the Shadow Isles, Shurima, and Targon.
Celestial Realm
was already ancient before the rise of the mortal races of Runeterra Crest icon.png Runeterra. Born in the first breath of creation, he and those like him roamed the vast nothingness of a pristine celestial realm, seeking to fill this canvas of incalculable breadth with marvels whose twinkling spectra would bring fulfillment and delight to all who witnessed them.
A dimension of starfall, infinite galaxy, and sublime godhood, the Celestial Realm houses celestials and creators of worlds. The realm manifests as a sea of endless sky, dotted with stars, suns, moons, and other celestial bodies crafted by divine forces. Creatures made of stardust roam here, bounding between and coursing the heavens. Some Runeterrans believe that the activity in the Celestial Realm echoes in the Physical Realm, in the designs of constellations, polar lights, and meteoric showers.
Targon Prime
The bridge between the Physical Realm and the Celestial Realm lies in Targon Prime. Located at the peak of Mount Targon, it is where celestials meet with one another and with the rare mortal worthy of their power.
Bathed in pure light, Targon Prime is also known in human language as the City of Gold and Silver. Extending beyond the cloud layer, it is by extraordinary circumstance that a mortal reaches it. The celestials and powers that inhabit Targon Prime are capricious and unknowable. As such, they may afflict mortals who make it to the Celestial Realm with one of the following effects:
Celestial Interactions
Credit: Some effects are adapted from the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Madness effects.
d20 | Effect |
1 | A celestial banishes you from Targon Prime, setting you immediately back at the base of Mount Targon. |
2-8 | The vision of a star creature stuns you for 1 minute. If in combat, you can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of your turns to end the effect on yourself. |
9-10 | The sight of a celestial makes you speechless. For 1d10 minutes, you are incapable of normal speech and spellcasting. |
11-12 | A celestial shows you visions of the stars. For 1d10 minutes, you experience vivid hallucinations and have disadvantage on Ability Checks. |
13-14 | A celestial overpowers you. For 1d10 minutes, you must do as a celestial tells you to, as long as it is not obviously self-destructive. |
15-18 | Entry to the Celestial Realm hurts your soul and mind. Take 1d10 radiant damage and 1d10 psychic damage. |
19-20 | A celestial Aspect grants you a boon or blessing, determined by the Dungeon Master. |

Spirit Realm
BANDLE CITY, LULU'S HOME, WAS A BIZZARE AND magical place that defied logic, where time was meaningless and the natural laws of the material realm did not wholly apply. And yet the Glade was a place stranger still—it existed long before yordles came into the world, and it was perhaps from the Glade that Bandle City itself sprung. A place of raw primordial magic, it was hidden away so deeply that no yordle had ever found it... until now.
Parallel to the Physical Realm, the Spirit Realm is a dimension of vast forests, temples, and magicks. Ethereal and spellbinding, the Spirit Realm is not restrained to the same laws or principles of the material world.
Otherworldly beings of all kinds arise from the Spirt Realm. From malevolent demons to mischievous fey, the Spirit Realm sustains multiple entities in the same space. Indeed, the Spirit Realm also houses the souls of the dead. Dark corners and dazzling expanses alike are found in the Spirit Realm—often melding beside and within one another.
Bandle City
Bandle City is the supposed home of yordles, though it is near unheard of for a mortal to confirm such a claim. Yordles might describe Bandle City as a vibrant, enchanted woodlands, where the stirrings of magic run freely and playfully. Time, gravity, and aging are impermanent in Bandle City, which may explain yordles' everlasting youth and boundless energy.
Entry into Bandle City from the Physical Realm is possible through rare portals and gateways. However, these gateways seem to appear at random, as indiscernible patterns or markings on wood, stone, or even water. Mortal children playing in nearby forests claim to see these portals often, giving rise to fables that caution wanderers from getting lost—lest they be taken to another world.
Optional Rule: Time Warp
Time in Bandle City does not pass linearly, as it does in the Physical Realm. Spending what seems like a day in Bandle City can instead be any measure of time in the material plane. When a creature(s) leave Bandle City after spending at least 1 day there, one of the following effects may take place. The wish spell can be used to remove the time warp on up to ten creatures.
Bandle City Time Warp
d20 | Effect |
1 | Days become seconds |
2-3 | Days become minutes |
4-7 | Days become hours |
8-13 | No change |
14-17 | Days become weeks |
18-19 | Days become months |
20 | Days become years |
Death Realm
The souls of the departed come to rest in the Death Realm. Some theorize the realm to be a world of eternal suffering: cold, desolate, devoid of life and color. Some see hope in death, as a place of repose among fellow souls. In truth, both realities exist.
Inside the death realm is a kingdom called Mitna Rachnun, forged by the dark sorcerer Mordekaiser. In his mortal days, he caused mass death in order to enslave souls into a grand, undead army. These lost souls, and other spirits who stray too far into the kingdom, reside here in continual torture, awaiting the day they can inflict their pain on the living.
In the greater Death Realm, souls and spirits have some influence on the plane's space. A soul might relive their mortal days, carve out their own pocket of the Death Realm, or simply fall to endless sleep. Still, they must remain cautious. Demons and fiendish creatures come to the Death Realm to prey on souls, fears, and regrets.
The Glade
The Glade is the wellspring of elemental magic. No mortals, alive or dead, seem to inhabit this dimension. Instead, ancient landscapes run rampant, breathing and changing the elements. Elementals, beings made from the collisions of potent and primordial energy, are birthed here. Great gusts of air, chasms of lava, geysers of water, or outcroppings of earth manifest in the Glade.
Marus Omegnum
In the shadowed edges of the Spirit Realm lies the Marus Omegnum, a sacred Lunari temple. For its own safety from Solari persecution, the temple is largely inaccessible from the Physical Realm. Only during lunar convergences, occuring once every few centuries, does the Marus Omegnum materialize in the hidden caves of Mount Targon. Lunari tradition dictates that only one seer or sorcerer is allowed into the temple when it physically manifests. Grand, imposing, and made of quartz and moonstone, the Marus Omegnum houses Lunari artifacts and symbols of faith within its silent walls.

The Void
THERE IS A PLACE BETWEEN DIMENSIONS, between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To those that truly know, however, it is called the Void. Despite its name, the Void is not an empty place, but rather the home of unspeakable things - horrors not meant for minds of men.
To call the Void a plane of existence is, perhaps, misleading; the Void is a realm of unmaking, of non-existence. Whether the Void is itself an intelligent, hungering mass, or a bleak reality of apocalypse, is unknown. The Void consumes all who come into contact with it, a blinding horror of black and violet abominations.
The Void bleeds out into the Physical Realm through void rifts. These portals are typically found in remote places, such as ocean gorges, desert wastelands, or frozen barrens.
Optional Rule: Void Madness
The visions and creatures of the Void can undo even the strongest of minds. Once per day in the Void, a creature not native to the Void must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature is afflicted with one of the following madness effects; roll 1d6 to determine which effect.
After finishing a long rest, a creature can attempt to overcome any void madness effects with a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. The effects can also be removed with the calm emotions spell, or any spell or magical effect that removes curses.
Void Madness
d6 | Effect |
1 | Paranoia. You have disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks, and you gain the following flaw: "I am going to die in this place." |
2 | Agitation.. You experience uncontrollable tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on Attack rolls, Ability Checks, and Saving Throws that involve Strength or Dexterity. You gain the following flaw: "I can't control myself." |
3 | Amnesia. You suffer from partial amnesia. You know who you are and you retain Racial Traits and Class Features, but you do not recognize other people or remember anything that happened before the madness took effect. You gain the following flaw: "I don't know who is around me or why I am here." |
4 | Nihilism. You have disadvantage on death saving throws and on Dexterity checks for initiative, and you gain the following flaw: "Survival here does not matter." |
5 | Repetition. You feel compelled to repeat a specific activity over and over, such astouching things, praying, or counting coins. You gain the following flaw: "I can only focus on this one thing." |
6 | Cruelty. You feel compelled to harm those around you, and you gain the following flaw: “I’ve discovered that I really like killing people.” |

Chapter 5: Gods and Deities
In a world directly impacted by divinity, Runeterra's mythos is vital. Many attribute Runeterra's creation to the work of celestial, higher powers. Many more draw magical ability or personal comfort from the presence of gods. It is nearly impossible to deny the presence of good, evil, and neutral forces at play in the shaping of Runeterra and its people.
This chapter lists the deities, demons, and other holy figures found on Runeterra. When crafting your character, you may ask yourself: is my character faithful to a god or gods? Does my character receive anything in return for their worship? Work with your Dungeon Master to determine your characters relationships to the pantheon of Runeterra, if any.
Gods of Runeterra
God | Alignment | Domain(s) | Symbol(s) | Notes |
Anivia; Freljordian god of winter | NG | Life, Tempest | White or blue bird wings | --- |
The Great Weaver; Shuriman goddess of fate | N | Knowledge | A woman's face in a full moon | --- |
Janna; Zaunite goddess of storm, wisdom, and harmony | CG | Knowledge, Tempest | Small, blue bird over sea waves | --- |
Kindred; the Eternal Hunters | N | Death | White mask of the Lamb and black mask of the Wolf | Also called Lamb & Wolf, Ina & Ani (in Ionia), Farya & Wolyo (in the Freljord) |
Nagakabouros; god of life, ocean storms, and motion | CN | Life, Tempest | Serpent head with tentacles | Also called The Mother Serpent, The Great Kraken, or The Bearded Lady |
Ornn; Freljordian god of fire and forge | LN | Knowledge | Flaming hammer | --- |
The Protector; the Aspect of Justice | LN | Light | Flaming sword | Worshiped in Demacia |
The Veiled Lady; the Fallen | CG | Knowledge | Dark, angelic wings | Worshiped in Demacia |
Volibear; Freljordian god of storm | CE | Tempest, War | Bear claws | --- |
Aspects of Runeterra
Aspect | Alignment | Domain(s) | Symbol(s) | Notes |
Diana; Aspect of the Moon | CN | Knowledge, Light | All phases of the moon | Leader of Lunari |
Leona; Aspect of the Sun | LN | Light, War | Sun with rays | Leader of Solari |
Pantheon; Aspect of War | LN | War | A shield and spear | --- |
Taric; Aspect of the Protector | LG | Light | Shield emblazoned with gems | --- |
Zoe; Aspect of Twilight | CN | Trickery | Spiral encased in a circle | --- |

Demons of Runeterra
Demon | Alignment | Domain(s) | Symbol(s) | Notes |
Evelynn; the demon of bliss and agony | CE | Trickery | --- | Can apparently change form to attract victims |
Fiddlesticks; the demon of fear | CE | Trickery | A scarecrow | --- |
Nocturne; the demon of nightmares | CE | Trickery | Two horizontal claw marks | --- |
Raum; the demon of secrets | LE | Knowledge, Trickery | A black crow | --- |
Tahm Kench; the demon of addiction | LE | Trickery | Catfish inscribed on a gold coin | Also called The River King |
Akana, Azakana, Kanmei; minor demons and spirits | N | Nature | Demonic masks | Mythos of Ionia |
Churches and Cults of Runeterra
Church | Alignment | Domain(s) | Symbol(s) | Notes |
Church of the Glorious Evolved | CN | Knowledge | Image of the Gray Lady | The church of machination and evolution without limit |
Cult of the Three Sisters | LE | Knowledge, Trickery | Three women encased in a diamond | The three sisters are Avarosa, Serylda, and Lissandra |
Cult of the Void | CE | Knowledge, War | Violet eye | Led by Malzahar |
Disciples of the Armordillo | TN | Nature | Turtle shell | Worshippers of Rammus |
Lunari | CN | Knowledge, Light | All phases of the moon | Targonian worshippers of the moon |
Solari | LN | Light, War | Sun with rays | Targonian worshippers of the sun |

Running Runeterra
Chapter 6: Adventure Hooks
Adventures of all kinds are to be found across Runeterra! This chapter lists numerous plot hooks by region and planes, including hooks for every level group. These adventure hooks also come with flavors of fantasy, or suggested genres and gameplay pillars that might guide the tone of the adventure. These hooks serve to inspire, not dictate, your campaigns; DMs, as always, consult with players on what you would all love to play.
Bilgewater Adventures
The rough docks and waters of Bilgewater attract only the most savvy swashbucklers and captained crews. Adventures in Bilgewater often feature sailing, raiding, treasure hunting, bounty collecting, and other tempestuous pursuits—usually in the name of coin, coin, and more coin. Because of the difficulty in getting to Bilgewater, its aggressive pirate gangs, and its dangerous sea creatures, Bilgewater is recommended as a mid-level region.
The Upturned Ship
One night, in a rowdy pub, a drunken sailor recounts his recent attempt to explore The Frozen Rose, an upturned Freljordian warship floating on Bilgewater Bay. Decades ago, says the sailor, the crew of The Frozen Rose came to Bilgewater to plunder its riches, but so unused to the unpredictable waters of Bilgewater were they, that they crashed into a cliffside and upturn the ship. Rumor has it that their Freljordian gear and treasures are still aboard the ship... but the crew haunts the boat as ghosts, with more ferocity than the most bloodthirsty sea monsters. The sailor would know; he saw them with his own eyes, honest!
It may be a load of hogwash. The ship is likely swimming with rats and giant spiders... but the whisper of treasures from across the sea or the visions of a ghostly crew may be too intriguing to ignore. At the very least, the sailor is offering some generous coin to the poor, unfortunate souls who dare seek the ship!
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Swashbuckling, exploration, dungeon-
Notable Factions and NPCs: - - -
DMs Decide: What treasures are actually in the ship; the
sailor's reward; possible connections for later exploration
in the Freljord (ex: diaries, objects, ghostly encounters)
Suggested Starting Regions and Planes,
by Level Group
Level Group | Regions and Planes |
1st-4th | Ionia, Piltover & Zaun |
5th-10th | Bilgewater, Demacia, Freljord, Ixtal, Noxus |
11th-16th | Shadow Isles, Shurima, Targon |
17th-20th | Celestial Realm, Spirit Realm, The Void |
Favors for Fortune
Listen up, scurvy dogs: Captain Fortune offers an opportunity unheard of across Bilgewater Bay. Captain Fortune graciously agrees to write letters of marque for any crew that helps her hunt down troublesome raider ships. These raiders have repeatedly gone against Captain Fortune's orders. They've attacked innocents, broken terms of parlay, and destroyed water graves along the White Wharf.
These ships are marked by their patchy sails, printed with the image of a grinning catfish. Sinking about five of these ships should put a dent in their operations. A bigger reward will be given to whomever can find out who's running and supplying these raider ships.
(Optional) The image of the grinning catfish is tied to an infamous demon of Bilgewater, Tahm Kench. Have these raiders made a dirty deal with a devil? Are they backwards worshippers, gone overboard? If their crew can be reasoned with, or if their ships can be traced, one might find answers.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Swashbuckling, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Soldiers of Fortune; Miss
Fortune; Tahm Kench (optional)
DMs Decide: Captain Fortune's rewards for sinking raider
ships; the raiders' ties to their supplier

Fury of the Saltwater Scourge
Captain Gangplank, the former Reaver King of Bilgewater, once ruled over the region's piracy with an iron fist. After a bloody and brutal war in which the seas never knew peace, Captain Gangplank was overthrown by Captain Fortune. Now, he looks to take back the empire that was once his, in a vow that is sure to rain cannon fire and bloodshed over Bilgewater.
Players have several options: side with Captain Gangplank and his ruthless Jagged Hooks; ally with Captain Fortune and her ambitious Soldiers of Fortune; or even form and recruit their own pirate gang to rival these two. It is up to the players to investigate the grisly history between these captains and decide who should be Bilgewater's undisputed power.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Swashbuckling, combat, social
Notable Factions and NPCs: Captain Gangplank and the
Jagged Hooks; Captain Fortune and the Soldiers of Fortune
DMs Decide: The terms of Captain Gangplank and/or
Captain Fortune's surrender (capitulation, death, etc.)
The Trial of Nagakabouros
A great storm builds over the Serpent Isles, its eye looming dark over all of Bilgewater. The Kraken Priestess, Illaoi, has communed with the god Nagakabouros and came away with a commanding message. She claims that the storm will subside if Nagakabouros is appeased through a trial of Bilgewater's strongest souls. "Long has Nagakabouros watched and pitied the waters of Bilgewater," says Illaoi, "The Mother Serpent is dissatisfied. She will bring reckoning to these isles, unless souls of boldness can confront her and prove themselves."
First, the party must prove themselves to Illaoi, herself an unflinching and relentless teacher. This might be done through retrieving an artifact from the depths of a temple to Nagakabouros or delivering a prayer rite in ocean caves deep below Bilgewater. Then, Illaoi will send their souls to a pocket of the Celestial Realm, where Nagakabouros resides and the trial takes place. In an otherworldly world of roaring waves and shaking isles, Nagakabouros will test mind, body, and soul. Nagakabouros will pull from their pasts and try their resolve; bombard them with unyielding seas and monsters; and show them sights that could destroy the psyche.
(Optional) Consider how successful the party was at completing Nagakabouros' trials. The storm may subside upon their return to Bilgewater, or braving the storm may be their final test. In the latter case, a ghastly, starving kraken will surface at Bilgewater Bay—an agent of the god's will.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Swashbuckling, exploration, combat,
Notable Factions and NPCs: Illaoi
DMs Decide: Illaoi's and Nagakabouros' trials
Demacia Adventures
The land of Demacia is a historic kingdom, inviting adventurers dedicated to causes of justice—so long as they are non-magical. Because of Demacia's extreme hostility toward mages, it can be exceedingly dangerous for mages and magic users to stay for extended periods of time. As such, Demacia is recommended as a mid-level region.
The Hunters of Uwendale
The northeastern village of Uwendale celebrates an annual festival to celebrate "The Slayer," a folk hero who saved many rural Demacian villages from woodland beasts, monsters, and marauders. The village welcomes adventurers who wish to participate in the festivities; hand-crafted gear is promised to those who venture into the nearby wilds to hunt animals in the name of The Slayer.
But this year, the beasts seem more aggressive, with farmhands reporting frequent and extended attacks by packs of wolves. It may be necessary to delve deeper into the area's surrounding mountains and caves to curb the source of these attacks. Possible explanations might be a direwolf pack leader prompting more encroachment; a wild bandit group commanding the wolves; or even a mysterious magical artifact bleeding evil intentions into the surrounding wildlife.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Poppy (optional)
DMs Decide: The reason for more aggressive wolf attacks;
how much the party learns, if anything, about "The Slayer"
(which, unknown to the Uwendale villagers, is actually the
yordle Poppy)
Paths of Illumination
In an attempt to address the harm caused by Sylas of Dregbourne's mage revolution, the Illuminators call for more volunteers. The Illuminators seek to aid all Demacians through goodwill and charity work.
Luxanna Crownguard, a senior Illuminator, is charged with guiding the party and sending them to help those in need. These missions mean traveling across Demacia to different towns, villages, and cities. Duties may include helping local governments solve puzzling crimes, helping displaced towns recover from natural and magical disasters, or delivering resources from the Great City of Demacia to other areas.
(Optional) One mission may include finding a young mageling: a child just discovering their powers. Demacian law dictates that they be reported to the Mageseekers immediately... but Lux seems reluctant to report them. The party might investigate what, exactly, the Illuminators' or Lux's relationship to magic is.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Political intrigue, social interaction
Notable Factions and NPCs: The Illuminators; Lux
DMs Decide: How much the party discovers about
Demacia's history with magic

The Dawn of Demacian Civil War
In recognition of non-magic users' achievements in the party, the ruling monarchy of Demacia offers the members a collective title of magistrate. As magistrates, the party would be leaders over a small collection of villages in northern Demacia. As part of receiving the titles, the party is invited to the capital of Demacia for inauguration and celebration. During their time in the capital, the party may meet distinguished individuals from Demacia's noble houses. If they are lucky, they may even meet the esteemed heir apparent of Demacia, Jarvan Lightshield IV.
During and after their time in the capital, magic users in the party will be contacted covertly by mages in support of Sylas of Dregbourne and the mage liberation. These mages will attempt to sway the magic users to their cause. If there are no magic users in the party, these mages will attempt to sabotage the party's magistrate promotion.
While in northern Demacia, the party will find that the villages in their jurisdiction are under fire. Sylas has allied himself with the Winter's Claw of the Freljord. At Demacia's border, the party may decide to stifle the mage revolution, or if successfully convinced by Sylas and the Mage Exiles, to bring it to Demacia's heart.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Political intrigue, war and strategy
Notable Factions and NPCs: Jarvan IV; Sylas; the Mage
DMs Decide: How feasibly the party can either join the mage
rebellion or uphold anti-mage law; siding with Sylas in
revolution or with Jarvan in order may be party dependent
—reliant on the balance of magic and non-magic users
The World Rune's Strike
A great power blares below Demacia: a World Rune reawakens. Mighty artifacts from the Runeterra's creation, the World Runes possess incredible magical properties, promising ruin for even the strongest sorcerers and warriors.
The archmage Ryze seeks the party's help in containing a World Rune. One has materialized far beneath Demacia, in magically-formed catacombs he says. The vasts forests of petricite trees around Demacia absorb magic—but the World Rune has drained that magic into itself. Only now is that magic traceable. Left untamed any longer, or put in the wrong hands, and the World Rune would threaten not only Demacia's destruction, but Runeterra's.
Not even Ryze knows the exact capabilities of this World Rune. The hazards it will present are unknowable. It may conjure great armies, made of fascimiles of the mages whose magic was taken. It may construct unnavigable, deadly landscapes of pure arcane energy in an attempt to hide itself. In any case, Ryze urges caution: the World Rune will tempt the mightiest hearts to take and use its power.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: High fantasy and magic, exploration,
Notable Factions and NPCs: Ryze
DMs Decide: How the World Rune behaves and the threats it
presents to the party; if and how the Demacian government
responds to the World Rune (such as opposing the party or
offering aid)
Freljord Adventures
Only the most battle-hardened adventurers can brave the Freljord's warring clans and hostile landscapes. Exploring the Freljord requires constant attention to survival and great caution in the politics of its people. However, as one of Runeterra's most storied lands, the Freljord offers untold mythologies and treasures. Those who can withstand the frozen depths will find grand histories of Runeterra, tenacious Freljordian comrades, and adventures to last a lifetime. Due to the dangers inherent in traversing the Freljord, precarious standings between hostile factions, and potential encounters with Void rifts in the Freljord's far reaches, the Freljord is recommended as a mid- to high-level region.
Brewery A'Bumbling
A humble couple of brewers at Demacia's border looks to create trade lines with small villages in the Freljord. But their past several deliveries have gone poorly. From broken carts, to runaway draft animals, to deliverers running off with drinks, the couple is down on their luck. Still, they're determined to get their business up and running. They just need to get a barrel of beer from their home base in the southern Freljord to a neighboring village some miles away.
While the brewers are willing to pay decent coin to get it done, danger lies in the delivery. Tough Freljordian beasts can stand in the party's path, difficult terrain can throw them off course, and Freljord bandits can look to steal their brewed bounty.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat, surival
Notable Factions and NPCs: (Optional) Gragas, legendary
warrior in the Freljord who searches for the perfect, potent
pint of ale
DMs Decide: What the party encounters on their delivery

The Troll King's Trick
In the west, matriarchs of small Freljordian clans report an uptick in confrontations with troll warbands. The matriarchs are no stranger to these raids; survival in the Freljord requires a certain level of roughness. What the matriarchs don't anticipate is Trundle, who claims to be the king of the trolls.
With Trundle leading the attacks, the trolls appear less berserk—more strategic. Instead of rampaging their towns all at once, the trolls seem to do so in waves. To some clans, the trolls even offer alliance, trade. Most alarmingly, however, to some clans he brings complete annihilation. These scenes are gruesome, grisly; he somehow turns his enemies into ice.
What does the Troll King seek from these plunders and these alliances? How does he have the destructive power to wield ice? Answers may be gleaned by encountering Trundle during a raid or investigating the cave-homes of the trolls.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, investigation, social interaction,
Notable Factions and NPCs: Trundle, the Troll King
DMs Decide: If Trundle react to the party with allyship,
violence, or both
Fate of the Freljord
Years of tension between two chief Freljordian tribes are approaching war. The Avarosa, led by Ashe, promote unity, diplomacy, and peace throughout the Freljord. The Winter's Claw, led by Sejuani, maintain Freljordian traditions of dominance and armed conflict.
The party might become involved in their rivalry through either side. Ashe may employ them as diplomats, sending them to negotiate peaceful alternatives to invasion. Sejuani may engage them as marauders, looking to assume authority over her enemies. In either case, confrontations between the two will escalate, until one prevails as matriarch of the Freljord.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Social interaction, war and strategy
Notable Factions and NPCs: Ashe and the Avarosa; Sejuani
and the Winter's Claw
DMs Decide: Who, between the Avarosa and the Winter's
Claw, reaches out to the party first
By the Frostguard's Fall
The Watchers, terrible creatures of the Void, are an ancient scar upon the Freljord's history. Matriarch of the Frostguard, Lissandra, has endeavored tirelessly to erase their presence from modern memory. To the vast majority of the Freljord, the Watchers are a bygone threat from a primordial world.
But in truth, the Watchers have been trapped beneath the monolith of the Frostguard Citadel. Held there for eons by the power of True Ice, the Watchers seek to make their apocalyptic return.
That return nears, now.
The hold of the Frostguard wavers. The True Ice, against the widely-held notion of its infinite coldness, is melting. Without warning, a monstrous, colossal entity emerges from beneath the Citadel. One of these watchers is enough to level miles upon miles of the Freljord. Any more would spell destruction of the Freljord, and soon, Runeterra.
Void rifts are opening and reopening across the Freljord. There is no telling how many Watchers may arise again. Lissandra is loathe to work with mortals, but if any warriors prove themselves capable of holding back the Watchers, she may make an exception. To prevent Runeterra's downfall, the party must venture to and into these Void rifts to close them. Then, they must strike at the primeval Watchers below the Citadel. Venturing within an icy, morbid underworld, where the chasms of the Freljord meet the abyss of the Void, the party must ensure that the Watchers retreat, forever.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, boss-rush combat, survival,
survival horror
Notable Factions and NPCs: Frostguard
DMs Decide: Optional inclusion of prominent Void creatures, such as Cho'Gath or Vel'Koz

Ionia Adventures
Ionia's archipelagos possess an enduring world of natural magic. Adventurers might pursue physical and spiritual betterment among Ionia's sprawling landscapes or long-established temples. Yet all must be on their guard; Ionia's underbelly grows in the form of warring clans and malevolent spirits. Ionia is recommended as a low-level region. The land's inherent magic and multiple factions can introduce players to the environment of play and exploration in Runeterra.
Reconstructing Shojin
In the aftermath of the Noxian-Ionian war, the Shojin Order has made constant efforts to rebuild their monastery. The humble monks of Shojin welcome and encourage assistance from benevolent sources. Locals who volunteer their time might be asked to pacify spirits to allow space for rebuilding or gather supplies from local forests.
More dangerously, the Navori Brotherhood has declared themselves an enemy and threat to the Shojin Order. Brotherhood footsoldiers grow more aggressive toward the people and acolytes of Shojin. In response, capable defenders are called upon to investigate and prevent Brotherhood encroachment.
(Optional) As thanks for assisting the Shojin Order, the monk Lee Sin may offer the party Shojin artifacts and/or weaponry. He may also offer to train the party in new martial techniques (which might be equivalent to gaining proficiency in a new Skill or learning a Feat, depending on the party's level).
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat, social interaction
Notable Factions and NPCs: The Shojin Order; Lee Sin;
the Navori Brotherhood
DMs Decide: Reward(s) for helping the Shojin Order
The Boss' Gauntlet
Come, all iron-gutted, and watch fighters gut each other with iron! The pit fighting scene is prospering across Ionia as a brutal, bloody, and lucrative pastime. Some fear the spectacles of violence that the pit fights indulge. Others revel in the novelty and marvels of brazen bloodbaths.
The party might be introduced to the pit fights through either perspective. Large townships may enlist them to squash the rings in and around their city. Or a recruiter may approach them with promises of glory and riches if they fight through the gauntlets. In both cases, prepare for nonstop combat in no-holds-barred battles, with warriors from all over Runeterra.
(Optional) Scale the scope of the pit-fighting system according to the party's average level. For lower levels, there may be only a few arenas; for higher levels, the rings may be a national-level scheme. For added challenge, Sett, the infamous boss of these rings, may get the party to do less-than-savory tasks to fund the fight pits. These might include stealing weapons from Noxian settlements or collecting debts from bettors. Of course, Sett and his lieutenants would bring an explosive fight—but be careful; they're undefeated.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Sett
DMs Decide: How the party becomes involved in pit fighting
The Kinkou and the Order of Shadow feud upon the fields of Ionia. On one side, the Kinkou uphold Ionia's physical and spiritual balance as one of the region's oldest organizations. On the other, the Order of Shadow rejects a reliance on tradition, using shadow magic to militarize Ionia.
Now, a supernatural wonder reignites their conflict. An ethereal artifact has emerged in the Spirit Realm. This artifact responds to the intentions of its wielder, and it would amplify both clan's respective powers. For the Kinkou, the artifact would allow them to channel and replicate the abilities of spirits they encounter. For the Order of Shadow, the artifact would produce an endless supply of Tears of Shadow, as well as allow them to use shadow magic with less repercussions.
Both organizations strive for possession of the artifact. The party may be approached by either clan, each attempting to convince them that their causes are more worthy. The party is urged to brave the dangers of the Spirit Realm, including spirits, demons, and envrionmental hazards—all to claim the artifact in their name.
This rivalry represents many ideological discords: old versus new, spirit versus shadow, balance versus commitment. It is time to decide which sides will prevail.
(Optional) The artifact may appeal to the party, offering some insight or power that is specific to their needs. If they decide to use and keep it for themselves, the party would become enemies of both the Kinkou and the Order of Shadow.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: The Kinkou (including Shen,
Kennen, and Akali); the Order of Shadow (inclcuding Zed
and Kayn)
DMs Decide: The nature, appearance, and power level of the

The Rise and Fall of Ionia
The dark sovereign Syndra had promised the destruction of Ionia. Monks in their temples had feared her power and stifled her magic, and Noxians had attempted to exploit her abilities for their own strength. But as one of the greatest sorceresses to grace Ionia, Syndra would not be suppressed or manipulated. For a time, she had carved out a retreat amongst the stars and skies. On an island floating above Ionia, suspended by her will, Syndra bided her time.
Her hour of devastation nears. The reincarnated spirit of Ionia, a woman called Karma, sees visions of annihilation by Syndra’s hands. Her island will come crashing upon Ionia. Now, Karma calls upon great adventurers to protect the land from Syndra's power.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, interplanar travel/exploration,
high-powered magic
Notable Factions and NPCs: Karma; Syndra
DMs Decide: The appearance and threat of Syndra's island
Ixtal Adventures
An ancient, living wilderness, Ixtal hides one of Runerra's eldest civilizations. A nation of elements, Ixtal poses great threat to the unprepared. From labyrinthine woods, to dangerous volcanoes, to powerful elemental dragons, Ixtal challenges even the most experienced adventurers, As it is a vast jungle of hostile environments and wildlife, Ixtal is recommended as a mid-level region.
The Petrified Mystery
Villages at Ixtal's borders whisper of strange happenings at night: their pets, cattle, and even their children are lured to the rainforests and turned to stone. The petrification is curable, fortunately, through the use of flower nectars found around their villages. However, it is an alarming phenomenon that needs stopping. The villagers, without the elemental power or organization seen at the Ixtali capital, lack the strength to guard or investigate for themselves. As such, they turn to any sources of help—even outsiders.
(Optional) There can be many causes for petrification. A young druid might be practicing their earth magic. A vengeful stonemage might be punishing villages for a past wrong. Sentient plants might be emitting an odor that turns beings to stone. In any case, for examining the problem, the villagers will reward the party with herbs and flowers for potent potion-making. Or, the villages may offer a warden to guide the party further into Ixtal.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Investigation, exploration
Notable Factions and NPCs: ---
DMs Decide: The cause for petrification; the reward for
assisting the villagers
The Arcologies' Tests
The Magma and Water Arcologies of Ixtal are powerful institutions in Ixtal. As colleges of elemental magic and defenders of Ixtal, they rarely accept outsiders into their ranks. Yet in an unprecedented opportunity, mage teachers of the arcologies offer mentorship to anyone who can tame their environments.
The arcologies offer tests to challenge survival. Arcology elders have hidden an artifact in the deepest part of their respective climates. The Magma Arcology has placed an artifact within the caves of a large, active volcano. The Water Arcology has buried an artifact in the freezing depths of the ocean. Any who can retrieve these artifacts and return them to the arcologies will be rewarded with Ixtali magic and weaponry.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, survival, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: The Magma Arcology; the
Water Arcology
DMs Decide: The difficulty and rewards of retrieving the
Stranglehold of the Seedswoman
Across Ixtal, deadly flora are sprouting with growing frequency. These plants are carnivorous, consuming all animals and beings they encounter. Usually, the magic and saturation of busy cities and tradespots keep the plants at bay. But as of late, these plants encroach on populated territory. Devouring even small amounts of sustenance turn the flora into monstrous super-vines, sprawling and immune to many types of magic.
Tribes and clans of Ixtal need help in repulsing the stranglethorns. At their root is the seedswoman Zyra, a living embodiment of ancient Ixtali arcana. Finding and defeating Zyra and her flora will bring the party through an adventure bounding through Ixtal.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Zyra
DMs Decide: Where the stranglethorns emerge (consider at
the capital city of Ixaocan, the outskirts villages of the
Kiilash, the hazards of the Amarantine Coast, etc.)

Elder Drake's Storm
Tenacious elemental dragons roam the countrysides and jungles of Ixtal. In temple wreckage and city ruins, drakes generally settle in uninhabited areas. But an encounter with even a single dragon would bring ruin to great swathes of people and civilizations.
Dragons are sentient, with their own motivations and methods of survival. Rarely do they associate with humans, considering them lower life forms. Now, the dragons declare battles akin to war, threatening Ixtal's preeminent elemental mages and colleges. Even the Yun Tal, a high governing body of Ixaocan, rise against the dragons' reign of terror.
But why do the dragons attack? The Elder Dragon, an exceedingly powerful drake and the potential mastermind of these barrages, may provide answers—if it can be bested in battle.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, exploration, high magic
Notable Factions and NPCs: Qiyana
DMs Decide: The types and quantities of dragons
Noxus Adventures
Noxus prides itself on its severity and stoutness. Its jagged mountains and spartan walls protect Noxus from most natural predators and hostile entities. But adventurers may be drawn to the region for its myriad chances for social gain. Boasting Runeterra's most expansive military and a surprisingly cosmopolitan capital, Noxus rewards the ambitious. Still, old threats and powers maintain influence from Noxus' shadows. Ancient cabals and unyielding noble families hate to see their leadership shift, so all new blood must be cautious in navigating Noxus' fraught politics. Both new opportunities and long-established menaces await in Noxus' darkened palaces and alleyways; as such, Noxus is recommended as a mid-level region.
Can I Get Your Autograph?
A fan dedicated to Noxus' star-studded celebrities seeks assistance! Only the autographs of Noxus' preeminent fighters can soothe this devotee. Namely, the fan wants autographs from Draven, Noxus' unequalled pit fighter, as well as Samira, a fearless daredevil. But Draven is too often inaccessible in the lauded gladiator pits, and Samira battles on the front lines of secret Noxian missions... but no matter! This fan's willing to pay any expense for acknowledgment from their favorite combatants.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Social interaction, exploration,
(optional) combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Draven; Samira
DMs Decide: How, when, and if Draven and Samira will
grant autographs; the reward for getting autographs
The Dilemma of House Du Couteau
A nondescript nobleman looks for hired muscle to retrieve a stolen family artifact. This artifact was long ago taken by a thief of House Du Couteau, another prominent noble family. Recent intel places the artifact in a faraway Du Couteau estate. The same intel calls this estate, essentially, a vacation house. Unable to stand for such an affront, this nobleman will have his artifact returned, and he is willing to pay handsomely to put it back in his possession.
In truth, the chateau is far more than a vacation home. Behind opulent Noxian architecture are storerooms of Du Couteau relics, weapons, and secrets. Each darkened floor is heavily guarded, extending to underground rooms and passageways. The nobleman's artifact can certainly be reclaimed, among other important heirlooms and evidence pertaining to Noxian history—should the party choose to take them.
(Optional) Several twists might be employed to complicate the adventure.
• Knowing the artifact would be taken, the Du Couteau heirs—Katarina, Cassiopeia, and Talon—use it as bait to attract their foolish enemies.
• Impressed with the party's ability to infiltrate the vigilant estate, the Du Couteau heirs employ the party to help find the missing General Du Couteau.
• The nobleman might be an agent of house Du Couteau, charged with finding sellswords brave enough to challenge the house.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat, social interaction,
political intrigue
Notable Factions and NPCs: Cassiopeia; Katarina; Talon
DMs Decide: The nature of the nobleman's artifact; the
reward for retrieving the artifact
The Trifarix's Will
The party, having achieved much prestige and power in Valoran, has drawn the attention of the Trifarix in Noxus, the three-party system of governance. Each face of the Trifarix solicits the assistance of the party in contracts. These contracts illustrate the triple principles of Noxian law: Might, Vision, and Guile.
Contract of Might: Darius, the Hand of Noxus, leads Noxian armies across campaigns to protect the motherland and gradually gain new territory. From Darius' decree, an opportunity arises to lead warbands across Noxus to Shurima and suppress rebellions in Noxian-retained colonies.
Contract of Vision: Jericho Swain, the Grand General of Noxus, acts as the principle analyst and theorist of Noxian policy. He offers a contract to conduct diplomacy among Noxian noble houses. The party would oversee the settings between government and nobility, ensuring the best in all arbitrations and festivities.

Contract of Guile: The anonymous third representative of the Trifarix, personifying Guile, corresponds to the party regarding a contract of espionage. Guile specializes in sewing discord among Noxus' enemies. As such, this contract involves infiltrating enemy lines—particularly in the Freljord, Piltover, and Ionia—to create disharmony between its leaders and prominent figures.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Political intrigue, war and strategy,
social interaction
Notable Factions and NPCs: Swain; Darius; the Trifarix
DMs Decide: The specific details of each contract (NPC
contacts, steps for completion, and rewards)
Resurrection of the Undying
For millennia, the dread magelord Mordekaiser has bided his time and power in the Spirit Realm. Constructing a realm of death, he has corrupted the souls of the dead, shackling them to fulfill his apocalyptic designs.
Now, he is come to unleash hell upon Runeterra. Emerging from beneath Noxus' Immortal Bastion is an outpouring of damned souls, wreaking death and devastation. The fate of the world rests upon those who can wrest Mordekaiser from his throne, overcome his necrotic sorcery, and defeat his undead army.
(Optional) Dark cabals come to light in the face of eminent destruction. The public-facing Crimson Circle steps forth, with their eccentric patron Vladimir wielding hemomancy unparalleled. The cryptic Black Rose finally unmasks, promising magic and connections to survive Mordekaiser's wrath. Can they be allies in the war against the monumental undead? Or will they use this decimation to seize power for themselves?
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Dark fantasy, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Mordekaiser; the Black Rose; the Crimson Circle
DMs Decide: The size and scope of Mordekaiser's army; the
involvement of Noxian cabals
Piltover & Zaun Adventures
Districts situated on a shared cliffside, Piltover and Zaun exhibit Runeterra's most cutting-edge technology and magical integration. Piltover, touted as the birthplace of hextech, welcomes curious adventurers to its worldly marketplaces and schools. Zaun, a city shrouded in the dusk of pollution, offers the determined and resourceful a place to practice their wildest experiments. But the tension between breakthroughs and breakdowns is always felt in Piltover and Zaun. Despite its seeming transparency and idealism, the few of true power in Piltover maintain a greedy status quo. And danger abounds in Zaun, where dank rot and wolfish chembarons prey upon the unsuspecting body and spirit. As settings of progress, profit, and fallout alike, Piltover and Zaun are recommended as low- to mid-level regions.
Stop Those Thieves!
Thievery occurs in the bustling boulevards of Piltover markets! A band of robbers target sellers of automaton parts: gears, gadgets, and other machinery are unsafe from these bandits. Even junk, with little apparent value, is getting swiped. Humble Piltovan merchants have reported such robberies to authorities; Caitlyn and Vi, the sheriff and enforcer of Piltover, respectively, enlist help to deal with the thieves.
Caitlyn would appreciate a thorough, proper investigation. This includes questioning merchants about the thefts, finding witnesses, reporting all investigative milestones, and apprehending the thieves to bring them to justice. Vi encourages more vigilantism: find the thieves through whatever means necessary and get the stolen goods back to merchants as soon as possible.
Possible reasons for the thefts include:
• The thieves are amateur artificers who need parts for their machines.
• The thieves are members of the Church of the Glorious Evolved, stealing parts to perform self-augmentation.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Investigation, combat, steampunk
Notable Factions and NPCs: Caitlyn; Vi
DMs Decide: Why the thefts occur; rewards from Caitlyn, Vi,
and/or the merchants for retrieving stolen goods
Surgical Precision
A privately-owned hospital has propped up in Piltover. In the months it has been in operation, it reports extremely positive rates of recovery and wellness, as well as considerable profits. Many praise the hospital for its fast-acting treatments, and public inspectors have verified its practices as secure and safe.
But skeptics and sharkish competitors have their doubts—with a few grievances to inspire hesitation. First, the hospital does not allow or invite medical students to shadow their operations. Second, it is extremely difficult to gain a working position there, with no public records of recruitment, retention, or qualifications. A surprising critic of this institution is Jayce, an honored hero of Piltover, who believes the results are too good to be true and too under-reported. As such, he calls for a covert inquiry into the hospital.

The party's task is to conduct this inquiry. By finding documents, interrogating workers and previous patients, and exploring the hospital, truths will be revealed. In actuality, the hospital is meticulous about appearing legitimate, with careful forgeries and nefarious connections. They operate with unapproved technology and mechanical enhancements to experiment on their patients. They have even devised a method of memory alteration to cover their tracks. Secret passageways and illicit clinics, if followed, lead all the way down to Zaun. At its core is Viktor, working within Piltover and Zaun's shadows to usher in an era of machines—under the guise of healing the world from the burdens of flesh and humanity.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Investigation, exploration, sci-fi
Notable Factions and NPCs: Jayce; Viktor
DMs Decide: (Optional) Combat—Viktor has automatons at
his disposal
The Chem-Baron Atrocities
With a stranglehold over Zaun, the terroristic chem-barons stop at nothing to keep their power in every district. They exercise a mafia-like structure, with warring gangs and unending brutality made to maintain territorial lines. They have even resorted to kidnapping and coercing, injecting people with fatal chemicals and promising antidotes only with compliance.
Toppling these chem-barons would require a concerted effort. Infiltrating and freeing victims would be of the highest priority. It would also be necessary to redistribute their resources and power among the common people of Zaun. The genius inventor Ekko and his band of youths, the Lost Children of Zaun, already oppose the chem-barons at every opportunity. They may be convinced to become allies—easily, if the party are youths, as well—but only if they can prove to have Zaun's best interests in mind.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, exploration, sci-fi
Notable Factions and NPCs: Ekko; the Lost Children of
DMs Decide: Allyship or antagonism by the Lost Children of
The Chemical Demise
The goddess Janna appears to the party in a vision, heralding possible catastrophe. She warns of the horrific chemist Singed, who years ago invented bombs and weapons for the Noxian-Ionian war. Since then he has iterated upon such creations, making explosives and chemical weapons that would devastate entire regions.
It is already too late, she laments. He has unleashed one upon the lowest levels of Zaun—but its detonation is held back by, temporarily, by Janna's power. She cannot hold it forever. She needs the party to journey to Zaun's most hazardous mines and polluted valleys to stop Singed. And it must be soon, lest his chemical warfare be wrought upon Runeterra.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, exploration, sci-fi fantasy
Notable Factions and NPCs: Singed; Janna
DMs Decide: How much time Janna can provide before
Shadow Isles Adventures
Only the most exceptional adventurers and voyagers can approach, let alone survive, the calamitous Shadow Isles. Those who wish to see its shores should grasp that their return is unlikely. Voyaging to the Shadow Isles is the ultimate test of solitude, resilience, and resistance. Indeed, few records exist of the Isle's sunless landscapes. Voracious souls, claimed by the Isles' dark energies, hunt and harm the living. Of course, these energies, called the Black Mist, are the most perilous feature of the Shadow Isles. Blanketing the islands in everlasting dusk, it reduces the mind, body, and spirit to shambles. Radiant or otherwise anti-necrotic magic is a necessity. Weapons bathed in silver or holy power may also prove useful against phantasms in the dark. Because of the region's innate dangers and constant pressures of destruction, the Shadow Isles are recommended as a high-level region.
Odyssey for an Artist
An artist has spent a lifetime traveling Runeterra to paint landscapes of every region. But one region escapes him: the Shadow Isles. Far too fragile to make the journey himself, he enlists the help of any interested parties to travel there in his stead. The artist has requested little: observations of the isles from a distance. First hand sketches, as evidence. With any luck, the travelers will be ignored by any hostile sea creatures or wayward, dark entities looking to feast. But let it be known that the Shadow Isles are not known for their luck.
(Optional) The Sentinels of Light, an organization dedicated to combating and dispersing the Black Mist, may provide some assistance. Themselves conducting reconnaissance on the Isles, the Sentinels can bring the party around the islands. However, they require heavy convincing that it is a worthy venture and not the foolish conceits of an artist. The Sentinels may ask the party to conduct additional actions around the isles, such as light lanterns or collect samples.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, (optional) combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: (Optional) The Sentinels of Light
DMs Decide: How treacherous the Shadow Isles will be;
who, if anyone, will sponsor travels to the Shadow Isles

Guiding Souls
Alighting upon the lands of the Shadow Isles is a trial of character. Most will attract hungering, long-lost souls, starved for new blood to steal and devour. The benevolent few will attract benign, wisping spirits, tethered to sanity only by their own goodness. These souls seek and speak of peace—looking to be laid to rest and for the Shadow Isles' ruin to be dispelled.
As revealed by delving further into the Shadow Isles or communing with these souls, there is one who apparently endeavors to rid the Shadow Isles of its corruption. He is called Yorick. He commands decaying cadavers and grotesque ghouls. Claiming to extend their lives toward an honorable cause, he is an ostensible shepherd of souls. But can he be trusted? Or has the impurity of the Shadow Isles rendered this man hopeless?
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, exploration, social interaction
Notable Factions and NPCs: Yorick
DMs Decide: Souls that approach/engage the party; Yorick's
level of hostility toward the party
Vile and Villified
In the gorges of central Shadow Isles, a great, spiraling tree stands amid the fogs of Black Mist. Its branches extend like bone-white hands, and its base swathes the land in rich and twisting roots. In the brief silences of the Isles, without the wallowing of souls or the howling of winds, it could be beautiful.
But if one ventures close, one might see eyes, hundreds of them, hiding and scuttling about the tree. Peer closer, and one might see body-shaped hangings from the branches, enveloped in gossamer.
The tree itself is an entrance to a winding labyrinth. Long petrified by the stagnant Black Mist, it houses necrotic, shambling monsters and venomous spiders. And deep in its serpentine caves lies an elder evil. To some foul minds, it is a god, a herald of destruction. If its existence was known more broadly, it might be recognized as a poison that thrives in the Black Mist. In its habitat, it feeds on flesh, offered to it by its most loyal servants. They call for Vilemaw's immortality, tempting it out from its caverns to wreak havoc across Runeterra. Others demand its slaughter as a bastion of the Black Mist's evil.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, dungeon crawl, dark fantasy,
eldritch horror
Notable Factions and NPCs: Vilemaw; (optional) Elise,
worshiper of Vilemaw
DMs Decide: The layout of Vilemaw's tree and caves
The Final Harrowing
Ruin, chaos, and death: these are the promises of Viego, an ancient king who is resurrected upon his ravaged Shadow Isles. He roams the Isles as a cursed wraith, consumed by the restless and tragic love he held for his wife, Isolde. As he did in life, he seeks her revival from an untimely death. With the full force of the Black Mists at his disposal, he will scour across and raze Runeterra in search of anything to bring her back. Alarmingly, the Mist even has the power to warp and steal souls, bending them to Viego's will.
Only a concerted effort will see Viego's defeat. Many will rise to prevent Viego's return to reign. Lucian and Senna, Sentinels of Light, can organize or provide information on Viego's whereabouts. They might also look to uncover the history of Viego's and his kingdom's destruction. In this impending apocalypse lies a tale of a monarchy's downfall, cruel betrayals, and damned love.
The Shadow Isles were not always the hellish wastes they are now. It was Viego who caused the fall of the Blessed Isles and the blight of Black Mist. He wrought ruin across the Isles, and without intervention, he will do so once more, in all Runeterra.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, dark fantasy
Notable Factions and NPCs: Viego; the Sentinels of Light
DMs Decide: Who is ruined by the Black Mist; how much is
revealed about Viego and his fallen kingdom, Camavor

Shurima Adventures
The unruly adventurer might call Shurima a haven. A land of desert horizons and cascading sunlight, Shurima is the relic of bygone empires. In Shuriman cities, politics are dictated by shifting, decentralized hosts of power—until now, as it seems rulers of ages past rise again. In uninhabited areas, the arid deserts and roaming creatures encourage tense struggles of survival and combat. As such, Shurima is recommended as a mid- to high-level region.
The Bladesinger Bounties
The battlemistress Sivir carries a formidable reputation across Shurima. Her skills in combat are remarkable, and whispers across the desert claim that she is the descendant of Shurima's imperial line.
Sivir seeks to dispel those rumors. After a grueling treasure hunt of her own, she wants to return to her more humble roots. She is recruiting a new band of bandits she calls the Bladesingers, made solely for living the joys and profits of bounty-hunting. Adventurers will know they've caught Sivir's eye by receiving an ancient Shuriman coin as well as a parchment naming a discrete meeting location.
She will assign and oversee all missions. All profits must be reported to her, and she will ensure their equal distribution. To join the Bladesingers, Sivir requires only two qualifications: first, be a bounty hunter for revenue, and only revenue. Second, tell no one about membership—and keep secret her status as its leader.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, dungeon crawl
Notable Factions and NPCs: Sivir
DMs Decide: The nature of the bounties Sivir assigns;
rewards for completing bounties
Dance of the Great Weaver
A nomadic clan of cloth and wool weavers spread mysteries throughout their travels. One is of their visions of the Great Weaver. The Great Weaver is a moon-associated goddess and protector of their people. They claim she dances beneath Shuriman sands, swaying even the earth in her grace.
These stories might simply be enjoyed as a new folktale and an attempt to explain earthquakes. But on full moons, when the sands gleam silver, the nomads swear they see portals, widening maws of woven stone and desert. They believe these are openings to caves where the Great Weaver resides.
Taliyah, a native of this nomadic tribe, has returned to investigate these happenings. But there seem to be too many portals to investigate alone.
Entering and traveling into the portals could result in any of these outcomes:
• The Great Weaver truly dances beneath the sands. Upon being found, she graciously confers boons of elemental magic.
• The shaking earth and portals are the work of a minor void creature. It must be slain, lest it bring destruction above ground.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, survival, mythic fantasy
Notable Factions and NPCs: Taliyah
DMs Decide: The nature of the shaking earth; (optional) rewards and boons from the Great Weaver
The Price of Knowledge
The party sleeps and enters a realm of astral projection. Their spirits stir in a make of an ancient Shuriman temple, vast and gilded with the tapestries and riches of empires past.
“Make no mistake,” says a voice, deep and echoing with wisdom. “This is a site of challenge. Horrors await in the corridors of this temple. As does the history of our great empire, waiting to be rediscovered. Should you fall, the repercussions on your spirit would be dire. But should you rise, the wealth of knowledge you gain would be limitless.” The voice does not speak again, and it is nigh impossible to tell its identity or who sent them there.
Within this astral temple are monsters of Shuriman legend: a beast made wholly of fire; hybrid creatures of the Void and desert; a similitude of Shuriman Ascended. Temple guardians challenge the party’s resourcefulness and intellect. But alongside these terrors are endless vaults of knowledge. Any question can be answered, and indeed, the true legacy of Shurima can be learned here.
In truth, it is the Ascended being Nasus who crafted this projection. He did so in preparation of the empire rising once more—along with its ageless conflicts and wars.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, combat, dungeon crawl
Notable Factions and NPCs: Nasus
DMs Decide: The layout and challenges of the astral temple; rewards for progressing through the temple

The Emperor’s Return
Rise, Shurima, and be glad: an era of revival is upon us. The empire’s last ruler, Azir, has been resurrected in his Ascended triumph. With him, the Sun Disc, a radiant power that cultivates Ascension and the empire’s prosperity, has arisen as well. Divine waters run through Shurima’s rivers again, and its oases are full. Azir will foster not only the rebuilding of Shurima’s central power, but also restore the land’s ambitions of conquest and colonization.
Yet this brings modern Shurima great dismay. Most have long passed the desire to expand, rightly ruling in autonomy and equality. A return to empire is not what the people desire.
Furthermore, the magus Ascended, Xerath, has also come back in his arcane terror and power-hunger. He brought the empire’s devastation, long ago. He now wants to establish dominion over Shurima, promising complete control and unquestionable force.
Can either of them be fit to rule? Or must they finally be put to rest?
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: High magic
Notable Factions and NPCs: Azir; Xerath
DMs Decide: —
Targon Adventures
As Runeterra’s highest peak, Mount Targon naturally attracts the daring. Many attempt a pilgrimage up the mountain’s slopes, and few make it far in the biting climate and hazardous reaches. Fewer still—an individual in a generation, if that—make it to the extreme top, beyond the cloud layer and threads of the cosmos. But these resilient people are said to be greeted by beings weaved of galaxies, the world’s creators and weavers. For its hazards and connections to the celestial, Targon is recommended as a mid- to high-level region.
A Feast for Celestials
Villages at the base of Mount Targon celebrate an open, week-long festival. As Solari worshippers, they hold feasts in the name of solar entities. Celebrations involve ritual hunting of beasts who graze at the mountain’s foundations and surrounding forests. The Solari hunt during the day. However, they welcome outsiders to hunt at night, to continue the endless worship of the Sun.
But hunting at night, one might find others stalking on their own. Namely, the Lunari forage and search for food in the moonlit dusk. One such Lunari, a silent assassin named Aphelios, protects a faction of Lunari hunters. If given the chance to explain, he writes that the Lunari are simply looking for sustenance to survive a harsh, isolated season. While the Solari revel, the Lunari suffer. They would accept help, but only with the promise of secrecy from the Solari, who would slay them without hesitation.
Suggested Levels: 1st-4th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat (beast hunting), social interaction
Notable Factions and NPCs: The Solari; the Lunari; Aphelios
DMs Decide: The Lunari’s level of hostility toward the party
To Heal and Help
A Rakkor township falls ill with a strange, unnamed illness. The areas most gifted healers cannot ascertain or relieve their sickness. A traveling healer, Soraka, has found them and attempted her best. But her magic will not do, she says. She needs conduits for her healing to take root, and states that these conduits exist in the form of minerals, deep in the caves of Mount Targon.
Retrieval of these conduits is no simple task. Scaling any length of the mountain is a test of survival and determination. Cave monsters reside in the depths. Lunari warriors guard the crystals, but they might be reasoned or bargained with.
Suggested Levels: 5th-10th
Flavors of Fantasy: Exploration, survival, combat
Notable Factions and NPCs: Soraka
DMs Decide: Rewards for healing the township
The War’s Eclipse
Every century, a total lunar eclipse occurs, and the moon is darkened from view. It is a time of extreme dread for the Lunari, and a day of blessedness for the Solari. On this day, the Solari plan to mount an attack on the blasphemous Lunari.
But the party receives visions from celestials that this war cannot come to pass. If the Lunari are made to surrender, a delicate balance between light and dark will be unmade. The celestials are willing to lend their guidance and providence, if both the Solari and Lunari are convinced to listen.
Suggested Levels: 11th-16th
Flavors of Fantasy: Combat, social interaction
Notable Factions and NPCs: Diana; the Lunari; Leona; the Solari
DMs Decide: —
Scaling Targon
The skies and winds of Targon ring energetic with the aurora of change. It is time for new legends to ascend its slopes and claim their celestial Ascension. This time will be more challenging and grueling than all others that came before it. Ghosts of failed climbers, crystalized in rock, battle all challengers. Celestial guardians judge character and skill in every step.
At the mountain’s peak, one can be welcomed and tested by any number and nature of celestials. One might be Aurelion Sol, the dragon-crafter of stars and galaxies. Recently freed from forced servitude of the Solari, he might promise magic of creation in return for waging revenge against his captors.
Suggested Levels: 17th-20th
Flavors of Fantasy: Survival, high magic
Notable Factions and NPCs: (Optional) Aurelion Sol
DMs Decide: Challenges and enemies faced on Targon; rewards and boons for scaling Targon

Ch. 7 & 8
Champion and Creature Statistics:
In Progress!
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Exploring Runeterra is best done with friends! Gather your party, and with your Dungeon Master at the helm, enjoy all that the lore and universe of League of Legends has to offer.
The D&D5e League of Legends Campaign Handbook was created under Riot Games' "Legal Jibber Jabber" policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.
This document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Created by Isa, @orkidian.
Cover Art: Season Six Cover Art, Riot Games Inc.