Barbarian - Path of the Feastmaster

by Mozziconi

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Path of the Feastmaster

A Feastmaster is one who, above all else, enjoys a good meal. To hunt and vanquish your foe is to add another wonderful recipe to the repertoire. Some may argue about the ethical quandaries of this, as some of the consumed meals are of sentient creatures. And indeed, many Feastmasters make a conscious effort to avoid feasting upon the flesh of creatures that would violate their own moral codes. But some? Some consume the flesh of these creatures for the thrill of knowing without a shadow of a doubt that they are the hunter, and that all should fear their arrival.

Bonafide Cook

Starting at 3rd level, you understand that most of the meals you intend to eat would probably kill you if eaten raw. You gain proficiency with cook's utensils. In addition, you are immune to disease.

Acquired Tastes

Beginning at 3rd level, you have understood that to waste your kills is foolish, and as such have learned how best to prepare and subsequently consume them. When you slay a non-humanoid creature, you may harvest a single portion of their flesh for future consumption. You may not harvest more than one portion per creature. The flesh lasts for 24 hours. You may cook one portion the flesh over the course of a short rest or two portions over a long rest to make it viable for consumption. You must use cook's utensils in order to prepare the flesh into a meal. A cooked meal lasts for 7 days before becoming inedible.

Either you or another creature may consume the meal as an action, gaining benefits depending on the creature type table listed below. You may only benefit from consuming one type of meal at a time. Casting a spell in the manner listed through these consumptive benefits may be cast while you are raging. A mention of barbarian level always references your own. The benefits last for 10 minutes.

Saving Throws. Some of your consumption benefits require targets to make saving throws. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier

Creature Type Consumption Benefits
Abberation You sprout a tentacle somewhere on your person, which can be used as though it were a third arm. In addition, you can cast arms of hadar once at 2nd level.
Beast You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your barbarian level. In addition, you can cast speak with animals once.
Celestial You gain resistance to radiant damage. In addition, you can cast cure wounds once at 2nd level.
Construct The meal is largely inedible. You must make a constitution saving throw or take 1d10 piercing damage.
Dragon You sprout scaled wings and gain a fly speed of 30 feet. In addition, you can cast dragon's breath once at 2nd level.
Elemental You gain a damage resistance had by the elemental. If they did not have a damage resistance, you gain resistance to a damage type of your choice.
Fey You gain immunity to the charmed condition. In addition, you can cast charm person once at 2nd level.
Fiend You gain resistance to fire damage. In addition, you can cast hellish rebuke once at 2nd level.
Giant You can cast enlarge/reduce once at 2nd level, but only to enlarge yourself.
Monstrosity You gain proficiency in unarmed strikes. They deal 1d6 + your strength modifier piercing or slashing damage (your choice).
Ooze You can use your reaction to reduce damage you would take by half once.
Plant You heal for 1d10 + your barbarian level. In addition, you can cast lesser restoration once at 2nd level.
Undead You gain resistance to necrotic damage. In addition, you can cast ray of enfeeblement once at 2nd level.

Consumptive Preferences

By 6th level, you have learned exactly in what way you most enjoy consuming your meals. You gain one of the following features of your choice.

Glutton. You may benefit from consuming two types of meals at a time, and eat two meals as part of the same action.

Gourmet. Any damage dealt or healing given by your consumptive benefits increase by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier.

Picky Eater. Your consumptive benefits last for 1 hour instead of 10 minutes when consumed.

Once you have chosen a feature, you may not change it for any reason.

Artisan Chef

At 10th level, your meals are significantly more potent. The level of any spell cast as a result of your consumptive benefits increases by 1.

In the case of consuming a construct flesh based meal, it now deals 2d10 piercing damage.

In the case of consuming a monstrosity flesh based meal, your unarmed strikes now deal 1d8 + your strength modifier piercing or slashing damage (your choice).

In the case of consuming a plant flesh based meal, you cast greater restoration instead.

The Finest Cuisine

Beginning at 14th level, you have mastered the art of cooking these unique ingredients in tandem with one another. When you would cook one portion of flesh, you may instead cook two portions simultaneously. Doing so imparts the benefits of both pieces of flesh into the newly cooked meal, and consuming this meal grants all aforementioned benefits.


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