Fighter Subclass: Showman

by Zorlock

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Art Credit:

Ian Wright


Combat Artist

The world of Courrain has experienced a widespread peace since the bloody, smoldering end of the Redwater Standoff. From this peace blossomed technological innovation, education, and new forms of entertainment. Slavery had recently been completely outlawed in Vaeland and veterans weren't exactly jumping at the idea of bloodsports after such a terrible world war. This is where the Cheshovail sisters saw an opening for their peculiar style of performance to make its way into the limelight.

The Cheshovail sisters traveled the world well into their old age, displaying their daring and mystical theater-style duels to bloodsport-starved commoners everywhere. They were so popular that performers and seasoned fighters alike began to learn each others crafts in order to emulate the Cheshovail style. Over the next couple of decades, the Cheshovail sisters had left a permanent impact on the entertainment world with the advent of Combat Arts. Combat Artists train their bodies vigorously, becoming masters of combat who use panache, flair, and confidence to perform and duel with stunning ferocity.

Combat Artist Features
Fighter Level Feature
3rd Seasoned Artist, Signature Act (2 options)
7th Buffoonery
10th Encore, Signature Act (3 options)
15th Roar of the Crowd
18th Standing Ovation, Signature Act (4 options)

Seasoned Artist

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill and the disguise kit. Also, whenever you make a Charisma (Performance) check, you gain a bonus to that check equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).

Signature Act

At 3rd level, your relentless practice has made you a master in two Signature Acts of your choice that can be activated by using a resource called Show Points.

Acts. You learn two Acts of your choice, which are detailed under “Signature Acts Options” below. Many Acts have passive effects, and can also be activated to enhance an attack in some way. You learn an additional Signature Act at 10th and 18th level.

Show Points. You have a number of Show Points equal to half your Fighter level + your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended Show Points on a long rest. Show points are expended when you use the attack action, but before you make an attack roll, unless otherwise stated.


At 7th level, you learn how to use your skills to beguile and distract those around you. As a bonus action, you can make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by a creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be within 60 feet of you, and be able to see or hear you. If you succeed, the target gains a negative bonus to their skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier until the start of your next turn.

Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest, or until you spend 2 show points in order to use it again.


Starting at 10th level, you are able to better retain composure on stage and on the battlefield. When you roll initiative and have less than half of your Show Points remaining, you regain a number of Show Points equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum 1).

Roar of the Crowd

At 15th level, your actions which would usually result in a roaring crowd still imbue you with bravado. When you use your Action Surge, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to twice your Fighter level until the start of your next turn.

Standing Ovation

Beginning at 18th level, your elegance and stylishness become irresistible to onlookers. When you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints, you can choose an amount of enemies within 30 feet of you equal to your Charisma modifier. Those targets must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier or become Charmed by you until the start of your next turn. Targets charmed in this way cannot take reactions, and their attack rolls have disadvantage.

If a target passes this saving throw, they are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Signature Act Options

The Signature Acts feature lets you choose Act options at certain levels. The options are presented in alphabetical order. If an option requires a saving throw, your Signature Act save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Contortion. You can fit into spaces one size smaller than you comfortably. As a bonus action, you may expend a show point to Dodge or Hide.

Dancing. When you make a weapon attack on your turn, your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When a creature within 5 feet misses you with a melee weapon attack, you may spend a Show Point as a reaction to make an attack against the target.

Fire Breathing. You learn the light cantrip. Once per turn, as an action, you can expend a show point to shoot a gout of flames from your mouth. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites flammable objects in the are that aren't being worn or carried.

When you expend a show point to use this ability, you may use up to 8 more show points. The damage of this ability increases by 1d6 for each extra show point used.

Knife Throwing. When you use a thrown weapon to make a ranged weapon attack, you may draw it as part of your attack. By using a Show Point, you gain advantage on your next ranged attack using a thrown weapon.

Shooting. Your ranged weapon attacks against targets within 30 feet of you cannot have disadvantage. Once per turn, by expending a Show Point as part of your attack with a ranged weapon, you may notch or load 2 pieces of ammunition instead of 1. If this attack hits, it deals 1 extra die of weapon damage.

Sword Swallowing. You learn the acid splash cantrip. Also, you can use a bonus action to expend 2 Show Points to coat your melee weapon or ammunition in acid. The coated weapon or ammunition deals an extra 1d4 acid damage for the next minute. This damage increases to 1d6 when you reach 7th level, and 1d8 at 15th level.

Trick Roping. While wielding a rope or whip in one hand, you may attempt to grapple a target up to 10 feet away. You can expend a Show Point to gain advantage on the grapple attempt, and if you succeed pull them 5 feet closer or render them prone.

Tumbling. Your movement speed increases by 5 ft. You can expend a Show Point as a reaction to gain advantage on a Dexterity Saving Throws against effects that you can see.

Twirling. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with melee weapons. As a bonus action, you may expend a show point to make a melee weapon attack as a part of that same action.


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