Utility Magic Items

by LuckyRed

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d100 Flavorful Utility Magic Items

100 Loot
1 Bleeding Heart Dagger. This dagger glows and thrums with the heartbeat of any creature its pointed at within 30 feet, even though walls.
2 Fettlethread. A rope that can repair itself back into one piece over the course of 1 hour after being cut into segments.
3 Terrobolem. A pair of runic stones that spark and flame when set side by side touching
4 Mightiest Pen. A sleek black sword that you can pour out of an ink bottle, and back into the bottle when you are done with it as actions.
5 Wakeup Call. A crossbow bolt that turns into a splash of water when it strikes instead of inflicting damage. It turns back into a bolt after 10 seconds.
6 Utility Chain. A chatelaine that can shrink and carry 5 objects, each weighing up to 10 lbs. Items return to normal size when retrieved.
7 Executioner's Wick. A candle made from the fat of a hanged man that sheds light that only the candle bearer can see.
8 Hedge stones. two stones painted with arrows that when placed in water, always point toward each other.
9 Calling Bottle. While holding this bottle you can use an action to swap its contents with another full bottle within sight. The bottle is not resistant to acid.
10 Calling Box. While holding this box you can use an action to swap its contents with another full box within sight.
11 Gaelin Stache. A small satchel that as an action will bury itself in a patch of dirt within 30 feet. Checks made to find the satchel are made at disadvantage. As an action you can speak its command word and the satchel will unbury itself.
12 Bard's Cowl. As long as your face remains under this hood, anyone who does not know who you are will take extreme interest in you.
13 Fire Ink. Anything written in this ink may have its information stored in a flame by being burned. Should anything else that could normally be written on be heated by the fire, the ink and its info will reappear on that surface. If the fire goes out, the message is lost.
14 Sense Stone. This small stone can be given to an individual. If they choose to accept it (whether they know its effects or not), the stone captures one of their senses at random, making the individual unable to use it. A holder of the stone may use an action to focus on one of the senses the stone has stolen. Destroying the stone causes the senses to return to their original owner.
15 Spatter's Spyglass. While aimed at a humanoid of wisdom or intelligence at least 5, you may see through their eyes without their knowledge. An action must be used to maintain aim. The creature must remain within sight.
16 Portable Potable. A canteen that renders any water safe to drink.
17 Lost Steel. An invisible dagger.
18 Scribe's Dream. Parchment that replaces its text with any text its pressed against.
19 ** A spyglass sees the ethereal mirror of whatever it is pointed at in the material plane.
20 Oasis Reed. A divining rod that points you to the closest body of water.
21 Tracers. Arrows that leave streaks of light in the color of your choice as they fly
22 Instant Message. Arrows that can store a short message that you whisper into them as you fire. The message is released upon striking a target or surface.
23 Mount Mounter. A saddle that can be instantly secured or removed from a mount using a single command word
24 **
25 A quill which writes what it is dictated
26 A hammer that can adjust its size anywhere between tinkerer's mallet and warhammer
27 A sword that can answer questions but only in lies or jokes
28 Regrowing 10 foot vine that can shift from vine form to a sturdy quarterstaff on command word. As a vine it will attempt to curl itself around your body and limbs, but can be stored like rope. It regenerates completely over the course of 24 hours.
100 Loot
29 Bandana of the Northern wind. When raised into the air the bandana will naturally blow in a northern direction, even in the absense of wind.
30 A tiny metal straw that screams if it touches a drink that has been adulterated or poisoned
31 Prudent pouch. A small coin pouch that so long as it has at least 1 and less than 10 coins of a denomination in it, will create 1 new coin of each denomination inside at each dawn.
32 A book that will spell out "yes" or "no" to questions written in its pages. It can answer one question a day taking 12 hours to do so, and can fit 1d100+10 total questions.
33 Alexa's box. A wind-up music box that plays popular ballads on command
34 A chain and collar that, when staked in the ground, will manifest a ghostly watch dog in the collar. The dog barks whenever someone approaches, but does not fight. It vanishes when the chain becomes unstaked.
35 A bird's wing which when rubbed as an action allows you to levitate an object within 60 feet weighing no more than 5 lbs. You must continue using actions to maintain the levitation.
36 Coin of returning. This gold piece will return to your pocket in 1d4+1 hours
37 Stone of returning. This rock returns to your pocket in 1d4+3 minutes.
38 Mirrored Edges. A pair of daggers, each showing the reflection on the surface of the other dagger. Perception checks are made at disadvantage on the surfaces of the daggers.
39 Thug's Mug. A cup that cannot be spilled, even when upside down the liquid will remain inside. Only by drinking or pouring into another vessel can its liquid be emptied.
40 Pocket Library. A set of 2d20 book marks that can be placed into tomes and books. When holding a book marked with one of the bookmarks, you can swap the book for another book containing a bookmark from the set.
41 Infinity Chalk. A piece of white chalk that never loses mass no matter how much it is used
42 Echo keyring. A copper keyring that creates a single identical duplicate of each key placed on the ring at midnight, holding up to 20 keys. If the keyring would overflow, no keys are duplicated.
43 Link stone. This stone attunes to a creature after being in their possession for 24 hours. Afterwards it will grow cold when moving away from the attuned person and warm when moving toward the attuned person.
44 A knitting needle that allows the user to cast the mending cantrip on a piece of cloth by tapping the damage item.
45 Camper's Bedroll. While occupied, the bedroll repels water, insects, and tiny animals at a 1 foot radius.
46 A wand with 1d4 charges each dawn that can extinguish small, non-magical light sources you can see within 120 feet as an action.
47 A tankard that can make any water potable by stirring for 1 minute
48 A knife that can filet a fish on its own in 6 seconds.
49 A three foot strip of cloth bandaging that when applied as an action removes 1 failed death save.
50 A key that scrambles the tumblers and pins in any lock its placed in such that keys that could once open the door can no longer. This key cannot be used to open any doors.
51 Alarm stone. By speaking its command word the stone will attune to you. If you take any damage, the stone begins emitting a loud ringing sound.
52 Feline Feet. Boots that cause you to land on your feet when falling from a height taller than you.
53 A lock pick that can turn into a obviously-forged version of a key belonging to any lock the lock pick has opened.
54 A wand case that when its command is spoken will shoot out and quickly float the wand to its owner's hand.
55 A small keg that fills every morning with the most common alchoholic beverage in the local area
56 3 whistles that can only be heard by possessors of a whistle in the set
57 Dead man's blood. This vial will fill with blood if there is a dead body within 30 feet of it.
58 A magic stone that will glow in a light green hue when you whisper a creature type to it and the creature is within 200 feet
59 A screwdriver that will adjust to any bit size
60 A pair of leather armbands that self-inflate when immersed in water, granting enough bouyancy for advantage on swimming checks.
100 Loot
61 Black Spark Stones. This pouch of magical stones was fashioned by Gnomish guerrilla fighters, and contains 1d4 stones. As an action, you may throw a stone at a point within 30 feet. All creatures with Darkvision within a 10 foot radius of wherever you throw the stone must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute. A creature blinded this way may attempt their saving throw again at the end of their turn. The stones have no effect on creatures without Darkvision.
62 Stun Smoke
63 Brass Sight
64 Phantom Flint. Striking this flint and steel creates no sparks. 1 round after striking the flint, a small flame will appear where it was struck, and burn for 1 round. This flame deals 1d6 fire damage to creatures that start their turn in its space or enter its space for the first time on a turn. Striking the flint and steel twice causes the fire to appear 2 rounds later, three times is 3 rounds, etc.
65 Cold Stone. This small, runic rock will keep creatures and food within 5 feet of it cool, comfortable, and fresh. It can be used to chill a drink, or left in a prepared container to keep food from rotting.
66 Diplomat's Lawbook. This tome of law will automatically update itself whenever new laws are passed or it enters into a new jurisdiction or country.
67 Gyro Guide. This small gyroscopic gizmo will always point up along its y axis and North along its x axis.
68 Floating Bullseye. This small bullseye lantern has a novel clamp and hinge allowing it to stabilize itself on whatever it is attached to. It won't spill any oil or fuel if inverted or shaken.
69 Companion Lamp. This small hooded lantern can be mounted on a backpack strap or helmet. It automatically creates a beam of light in the direction its user is looking, granting them Darkvision out to 15 feet.
70 Jitterbug. This small metal band is engraved to appear like a glittering beetle wrapped around your arm. Once per week, it will unfurl into a clockwork beetle and attempt to alert you if a creature within 200 feet is hidden from you and is aiming a weapon at you.
71 Homing Bones. This set of 1d4 hand bones belong to different creatures. You or your DM may choose what creatures they are, choosing from humanoid races. Dropping a bone on the ground causes it to point in the direction of the nearest creature that is the same race as the bone.
72 Monster Mask. This odd, leathery mask takes on the form of whatever humanoid creature you most recently killed. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to pass off as a member of that race or as that person.
73 Pockets of Holding. 1d4+1 pouches that share an inter-dimensional space. Anything placed in one pouch can be taken out from another pouch in the set.
74 Aloe Branch. This thick root is growing with spiny aloe leaves. It functions as a simple club. The club has 1d4 charges, gaining 1 charge each dawn. After dealing damage to a creature with the club, you may choose to expend a charge and heal them 1d8 hit points.
75 Forever Pot. This large cast iron pot will fill with 2d4 servings of stew over the course of 10 minutes if it is filled with water, covered, and placed over a fire.
76 Sending Paper. 1d4 Sheets of paper that come in pairs. Writing on one piece of paper automatically appears on its matching pair. This writing cannot be erased.
77 Rewound Sash. Placing this sash over ones eyes causes them to be blind and deaf to their current surroundings. While blinded and deafened in this way, they see their current location 5 minutes in the past.
78 Localizing Parchment. Drawing a noteable landmark or feature on this empty parchment causes it to magically fill with a map of the areas surrounding the drawn landmark. This parchment can be cleared again by being placed in holy water.
79 Threatening Trophy. This token appears like the trophy from a gruesome kill, and can be attached or unattached to a weapon's hilt during a short or long rest. It is extremely unwieldy, but terrifying. While attached in this way, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and disadvantage on attack rolls with that weapon.
80 Lune's Sash. While this sash is covering your eyes and the moon is visible, you have Darkvision out to 60 feet. Your eyes grow purple through the sash while this effect is active. If the moon is not visible, you are blinded as normal.
81 Snake Stick. As an action you can throw this stick onto the ground where it will turn into a snake. The snake is not loyal to you, nor does it obey commands. Grabbing this snake by the back of the neck causes it to turn back into a snake.
100 Loot
82 Reducing Chest. You make speak this magical chest's command word to cause it and its contents to shrink in size down to the size of a shoebox. Its weight is reduced by a factor of 10.
83 Mimic Cards. All cards in this set of tarot cards adjust their paintings to depict whoever's fortune is being read. These cards can function as a spellcasting focus.
84 Trench Shovel. Twice per day you may use this shovel to move up to 20 cubic feet of dirt over the course of 5 minutes.
85 Flamesucker
86 Lantern Ring. Clenching your fist while wearing this ring causes your fist to emit bright light in a 15 foot radius and dim light in a 30 foot radius. Pointing your index finger while wearing this ring creates a 5 foot wide, 60 foot long beam of light in the direction your finger points.
87 Sticky Arrow. This blunt arrow deals no damage but sticks to any surface it is placed upon, and can only be removed by whomever fired it or 1000 lbs of force.
88 Baby Mimic. This small mimic-chest (Monster Manual p. 220) is friendly to whoever has belongings inside it. It will only open after being pet on the head. The chest will attack creatures that attempt to open the chest without petting it. Leaving it in one location for more than 4 hours causes it to blend in to its surrounding; checks to find it are made at disadvantage.
89 Coinage Glasses. While wearing these spectacles, you can see all coins within 100 feet as if you had X-ray vision.
90 Pitons of Throwing. A sack containing 2d10 pitons. As an action you may speak up to 3 piton's command words and send them to a point within 50 feet on a non-creature surface, not in the possession of another creature, where they magically attach. They can be removed by a DC 20 Strength check or repeating the command word.
91 Soggy Bog Sandals. These sandals allow their wearer to ignore any naturally difficult terrain, but they always feel and sound soaking wet. You have disadvantage on stealth checks due to the loud squishing sounds.
92 Parachute Pants. While falling you can attempt a DC 14 Dexterity check to right yourself. If you succeed, you are considered to have fallen no more than 30 feet as the pants open up and slow your descent.
93 Feed Bag of Holding. This sack can hold up to 50 lbs of food in its pocket-dimension, but it only holds food. Food does not expire while in the Feed Bag of Holding. It can be attached to a steed like a normal feed bag.
94 Stones of Whisper. This small pouch contains 1d8 + 1 shiny pebbles. When a pebble is inserted into the ear it allows the wearer to hear the whispers of anyone within 5 ft of any other stone of whisper, but they cannot hear anything else out of that ear and have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that require hearing. Pebbles can only be removed during a short or long rest.
95 Dragon Urine. Pouring this vial of smelly fluid causes all animals to stay more than 100 ft away from the location you poured it, but attracts all dragons within 3 miles.
96 Key of Freedom. Whenever this key hears its command word spoken, it will fly over to whomever spoke it and unlock any manacles or locks binding that person. Creatures in its path make a DC 12 Dexterity Saving throw if they wish to catch and stop the key.
97 Treefort. This magical little acorn has some powerful properties. When planted and watered each day it will grow 10 feet each night, up to 200 feet tall. After the tree is 50 feet tall, a small treehouse will appear in the tree the next morning, able to fit 2 medium creatures. The treehouse remains halfwaly up the tree, continually being shrouded and built by branches and leaves. By 100 feet the treehouse can fit 6 medium creatures and provides partial cover. By 200 feet the treehouse can house 20 medium creatures, the ladder can be withdrawn, and provides full cover from attacks outside the fort. When the tree has finished growing, it will drop a single acorn, which can be used to grow another fort. The tree will begin to wither after 1d4 months.
98 Gerry. This small glass bottle contains a small dust cloud spirit that speaks common, his name is Gerry. Gerry doesn't know much more than his owner, but will act as a second conscience. As an action, you can ask Gerry about a course of action you plan to take. The DM secretly rolls a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check for you. On a success Gerry will advise you against a portion of your plan that the DM believes is likely to fail. On a failure, Gerry will advise you against a portion of your plan that the DM believes is likely to succeed.
99 Translator's Quill. Script written with this quill is invisible to creatures who cannot speak the language or understand the symbols that are written by the quill.
100 Backup Plan. A small potion bottle containing a highly viscous, green liquid. When drank, if you would die within the next hour, you take the form of a Homunculus (Monster Manual p. 188) that slips out of the nasal cavity of your former body.

Aloe Branch

Wondrous item, common

This thick root is growing with spiny aloe leaves. It functions as a simple club. The club has 1d4 charges, gaining 1 charge each dawn. After dealing damage to a creature with the club, you may choose to expend a charge and heal them 1d8 hit points.

Baby Mimic

Wondrous item, common

This small mimic-chest (Monster Manual p. 220) is friendly to whoever has belongings inside it. It will only open after being pet on the head. The chest will attack creatures that attempt to open the chest without petting it. Leaving it in one location for more than 4 hours causes it to blend in to its surrounding; checks to find it are made at disadvantage.

Black Spark Stones

Wondrous item, common

This pouch of magical stones was fashioned by Gnomish guerrilla fighters, and contains 1d4 stones. As an action, you may throw a stone at a point within 30 feet. All creatures with Darkvision within a 10 foot radius of wherever you throw the stone must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute. A creature blinded this way may attempt their saving throw again at the end of their turn. The stones have no effect on creatures without Darkvision.

Coinage Glasses

Wondrous item, common

While wearing these spectacles, you can see all coins within 100 feet as if you had X-ray vision.

Cold Stone

Wondrous item, common

This small, runic rock will keep creatures and food within 5 feet of it cool, comfortable, and fresh. It can be used to chill a drink, or left in a prepared container to keep food from rotting.

Companion Lamp

Wondrous item, common

This small hooded lantern can be mounted on a backpack strap or helmet. It automatically creates a beam of light in the direction its user is looking, granting them Darkvision out to 15 feet.

Diplomat's Lawbook

Wondrous item, common

This tome of law will automatically update itself whenever new laws are passed or it enters into a new jurisdiction or country.

Dragon Urine

Non-magical item, rare

Pouring this vial of smelly fluid causes all animals to stay more than 100 ft away from the location you poured it, but attracts all dragons within 3 miles.

Feed Bag of Holding

Wondrous item, common

This sack can hold up to 50 lbs of food in its pocket-dimension, but it only holds food. Food does not expire while in the Feed Bag of Holding. It can be attached to a steed like a normal feed bag.


Wondrous item, common

This small glass bottle is covered in thin runes and sounds like a campfire. Whenever you take fire damage while this item is on your person, you may reduce that damage by 1. Each time you do so, the bottle fills with a small amount of flame that burns inside the bottle. The bottle can hold up to 10 charges. Once it is full, it can no longer reduce your fire damage.

As an action the bottle can be thrown at a target within 30 feet; a character has the same attack bonus with the bottle that they would with a dagger. The bottle deals fire damage equal to 1d10 + the amount of charges stored inside it. It then empties.

Floating Bullseye

Wondrous item, common

This small bullseye lantern has a novel clamp and hinge allowing it to stabilize itself on whatever it is attached to. It won't spill any oil or fuel if inverted or shaken.

Forever Pot

Wondrous item, common

This large cast iron pot will fill with 2d4 servings of stew over the course of 10 minutes if it is filled with water, covered, and placed over a fire.


Wondrous item, common

This small glass bottle contains a small dust cloud spirit that speaks common, his name is Gerry. Gerry doesn't know much more than his owner, but will act as a second conscience. As an action, you can ask Gerry about a course of action you plan to take. The DM secretly rolls a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check for you. On a success Gerry will advise you against a portion of your plan that the DM believes is likely to fail. On a failure, Gerry will advise you against a portion of your plan that the DM believes is likely to succeed.

Gyro Guide

Wondrous item, common

This small gyroscopic gizmo will always point up along its y axis and North along its x axis.

Homing Bones

Wondrous item, common

This set of 1d4 hand bones belong to different creatures. You or your DM may choose what creatures they are, choosing from humanoid races. Dropping a bone on the ground causes it to point in the direction of the nearest creature that is the same race as the bone.


Wondrous item, common

This small metal band is engraved to appear like a glittering beetle wrapped around your arm. Once per week, it will unfurl into a clockwork beetle and attempt to alert you if a creature within 200 feet is hidden from you and is aiming a weapon at you.

Key of Freedom

Wondrous item, common

Whenever this key hears its command word spoken, it will fly over to whomever spoke it and unlock any manacles or locks binding that person. Creatures in its path make a DC 12 Dexterity Saving throw if they wish to catch and stop the key.

Lantern Ring

Wondrous item, common

Clenching your fist while wearing this ring causes your fist to emit bright light in a 15 foot radius and dim light in a 30 foot radius. Pointing your index finger while wearing this ring creates a 5 foot wide, 60 foot long beam of light in the direction your finger points.

Localizing Parchment

Wondrous item, common

Drawing a noteable landmark or feature on this empty parchment causes it to magically fill with a map of the areas surrounding the drawn landmark. This parchment can be cleared again by being placed in holy water.

Lune's Sash

Wondrous item, common

While this sash is covering your eyes and the moon is visible, you have Darkvision out to 60 feet. Your eyes grow purple through the sash while this effect is active. If the moon is not visible, you are blinded as normal.

Mimic Cards

Wondrous item, common

All cards in this set of tarot cards adjust their paintings to depict whoever's fortune is being read. These cards can function as a spellcasting focus.

Monster Mask

Wondrous item, common

This odd, leathery mask takes on the form of whatever humanoid creature you most recently killed. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to pass off as a member of that race or as that person.

Parachute Pants

Wondrous item, common

While falling you can attempt a DC 14 Dexterity check to right yourself. If you succeed, you are considered to have fallen no more than 30 feet as the pants open up and slow your descent.

Phantom Flint

Wondrous item, common

Striking this flint and steel creates no sparks. 1 round after striking the flint, a small flame will appear where it was struck, and burn for 1 round. This flame deals 1d6 fire damage to creatures that start their turn in its space or enter its space for the first time on a turn. Striking the flint and steel twice causes the fire to appear 2 rounds later, three times is 3 rounds, etc.

Pitons of Throwing

Wondrous item, common

A sack containing 2d10 pitons. As an action you may speak up to 3 piton's command words and send them to a point within 50 feet on a non-creature surface, not in the possession of another creature, where they magically attach. They can be removed by a DC 20 Strength check or repeating the command word.

Pockets of Holding

Wondrous item, common

1d4+1 pouches that share an inter-dimensional space. Anything placed in one pouch can be taken out from another pouch in the set.

Reducing Chest

Wondrous item, common

You make speak this magical chest's command word to cause it and its contents to shrink in size down to the size of a shoebox. Its weight is reduced by a factor of 10.

Rewound Sash

Wondrous item, common

Placing this sash over ones eyes causes them to be blind and deaf to their current surroundings. While blinded and deafened in this way, they see their current location 5 minutes in the past.

Sending Paper

Wondrous item, common

1d4 Sheets of paper that come in pairs. Writing on one piece of paper automatically appears on its matching pair. This writing cannot be erased.

Snake Stick

Wondrous item, common

As an action you can throw this stick onto the ground where it will turn into a snake. The snake is not loyal to you, nor does it obey commands. Grabbing this snake by the back of the neck causes it to turn back into a snake.

Soggy Bog Sandals

Wondrous item, common

These sandals allow their wearer to ignore any naturally difficult terrain, but they always feel and sound soaking wet. You have disadvantage on stealth checks due to the loud squishing sounds.

Sticky Arrow

Wondrous item, common

This blunt arrow deals no damage but sticks to any surface it is placed upon, and can only be removed by whomever fired it or 1000 lbs of force.

Stun Smoke

Wondrous item, common

This small explosive ceramic can be thrown as an action at a location within 40 feet. A thick cloud of smoke fills a 10 foot radius around the location it was thrown at. All creatures within the cloud must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn, as electricity crackles through the remnants of conducting material in the smoke.

Stones of Whisper

Wondrous item, common

This small pouch contains 1d8 + 1 shiny pebbles. When a pebble is inserted into the ear it allows the wearer to hear the whispers of anyone within 5 ft of any other stone of whisper, but they cannot hear anything else out of that ear and have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that require hearing. Pebbles can only be removed during a short or long rest.

Threatening Trophy

Wondrous item, common

This token appears like the trophy from a gruesome kill, and can be attached or unattached to a weapon's hilt during a short or long rest. It is extremely unwieldy, but terrifying. While attached in this way, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and disadvantage on attack rolls with that weapon.


Wondrous item, common

This magical little acorn has some powerful properties. When planted and watered each day it will grow 10 feet each night, up to 200 feet tall. After the tree is 50 feet tall, a small treehouse will appear in the tree the next morning, able to fit 2 medium creatures. The treehouse remains halfwaly up the tree, continually being shrouded and built by branches and leaves. By 100 feet the treehouse can fit 6 medium creatures and provides partial cover. By 200 feet the treehouse can house 20 medium creatures, the ladder can be withdrawn, and provides full cover from attacks outside the fort.

When the tree has finished growing, it will drop a single acorn, which can be used to grow another fort. The tree will begin to wither after 1d4 months.

Trench Shovel

Wondrous item, common

Twice per day you may use this shovel to move up to 20 cubic feet of dirt over the course of 5 minutes.

Mightiest Pen

Weapon (any sword), common (requires attunement)

This sword appears like any common bottle of everlasting ink, but as a free action, you may pour its contents into your hand, where they will solidify into a sleek, reflective, black sword. You may pour the sword back into a bottle and return it to its inky form.

Animist's Quill

Wondrous item, common

This beautiful black and red quill was pulled from an adolescent Roc. It's spine is inscribed with intricate runes and sigils. You may speak this quill's command word. When you do, it springs to life, and will dictate what you speak onto whatever parchment it is given, with beautiful handwriting and formatting. You can speak its command word again while it is animated, and it will return to normal.


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