Legendary Gear - Legendary Shield

by AndrewRP8023

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Legendary Gear: Legendary Shield v1.0.3

The Legendary Shield is a weapon granted to the Shield Hero, Naofumi Iwatani, from the Manga, Anime, and Light Novel: Rising of the Shield Hero. (Japanese: 盾の勇者の成り上がり, Hepburn: Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari)

Legendary Shield

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement)

This simple looking steel shield has a large green gem in the center. The shield feels warm to the touch, and your fingertips tingle slightly as you run your hands over it.
Legendary Shield Proficiency. Attuned wielders of this artifact gain proficiency in its use as a shield and a weapon.
Shield Bash. Melee weapon attack: +(STR+PROF) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4+1+STR bludgeoning damage.
No Other Weapon. The shield may not be used while the wielder has a weapon equiped.
Magical Shield. The shield has a magical +1 AC.
Charges. At 2nd level, the shield gains charges used to power abilities.
Duplicate Shield. At 2nd level, the shield may expend charges to copy and use the abilities and appearance of other shields.
Shield Mastery. At 2nd level, the wielder gains the shield mastery feat.
Air Strike Shield. At 3rd level, the shield grants the ability to summon magical barriers.
Shield of Holding. At 5th level, the shield gains the function of a bag of holding.
Teleportation. At 7th level, the shield gains the ability to cast teleportation.
Chain Shield. At 13th level, the shield gains the ability to cast force cage.
Price: 5,000,000gp


You must attune yourself to the sheild before it's abilities, beyond the initial +1 AC bonus, may be used. Attunment to a new user resets the shield's level to 1, but if a previous user re-acquires the Legendary Shield, they may use it at the level they last had it at.

Leveling Up

You may level up the Legendary Shield by absorbing an amount of material worth a certain gold value into the shield and expending a certain amount of experience from your character during a short rest. This material is gone for good and may not be recovered.

You may not expend this experience if it would drop your character below the required amount for your current level.

This material may be in gems, gold, equipment, food, or trade goods, as long as the average market value of the materials absorbed equals the required amount necessary to reach the next level.


The Legendary Shield grants the wielder special abilities as it levels up.

Legendary Shield Proficiency

Anyone who equips the Legendary Shield may use the shield as a weapon as if they had proficiency.

Shield Bash

The shield may be used as a weapon. Damage begins at 1d4 and increases as it levels. The attack bonus with the shield begins at +1 and increases with its level.

No Other Weapon

Although you may pick up and carry any number of weapons, the abilities of the Legendary Shield cannot be used while you are wielding any other weapon. Anyone weilding a weapon and the Legendary Shield may do so, but they only gain the AC bonus from the shield. The Shield Bash may be used, but as an off-hand bonus action.

Anyone wishing to use a weapon must first put away the Legendary Shield.

This ability is not affected by an antimagic field or dispell magic.

Legendary Gear: Legendary Shield

Magical Shield

The Legendary Shield grants a +1 AC bonus at level 1, +2 at 6th, +3 at 11th, and +4 at level 16. This is in addition to the natural +2 AC bonus from the
standard shield.


At 2nd level the Legendary Shield gains 2 charges that must be used to activate abilities. The number of charges available increase as the Legendary Shield levels up.

Charges recharge at the rate of 1d4 during a short rest, and 2d4 during a long rest.

Duplicate Shield

Beginning at level 2, the Legendary Shield can scan any shield and then duplicate that shield's appearance and abilties when this feature is activated.


To scan and store a shield within the Legendary Shield requires a short rest where you focus on the shield to be duplicated. After this short rest, you must make a DC Intelligence check based on the rarity level of the shield to be duplicated. A successful check means the duplicated shield has been successfuly scanned and may be summoned from the Legendary Shield. A failure means it was not scanned, but you may attempt again with that same type of shield after at least 24 hours has passed.


Activating this ability and summoning a scanned shield is a bonus action and uses 2 charge per rarity level level of the shield to be duplicated. This ability lasts until the wielder deactivates it as a bonus action, or is rendered unconscious. At this point, the shield immediately returns to it's Legendary Appearance and abilities.

DC to Scan
Shield Rarity DC (INT) Charges to Summon
Common 14 2
Uncommon 16 4
Rare 18 6
Very Rare 20 8
Legendary 22 10
Artifact 24 12

When the duplication ability is in effect, the Legendary Shield changes its appearance to look like the scanned shield. It also takes on the abilities and functions of the scanned shield. The exception is the AC bonus, which takes on the strength of whichever shield is strongest. The AC bonuses do not stack.

Example: The Legendary Shield at level 6 grants a +2 AC bonus. If the Shield Hero uses its Duplicate Shield ability to turn it into a battering shield with a +1 AC bonus, the wielder may use the features of the battering shield while still receiving the +2 AC bonus from the Legendary Shield.

Legendary Gear: Legendary Shield

Legendary Shield Ability Chart

Level AC/Attack Bonus Damage Ability Charges GP
to Level
to Level
1 +1 1d4 Legendary Shield Proficiency, Shield Bash, No Other Weapon 0 0 0
2 " " Duplicate Shield (1 max) 2 50gp 150xp
3 " " Air Strike Shield (1 max) " 100gp 450xp
4 " " Duplicate Shield (2 max) 4 150gp 1,350xp
5 " 2d4 Bag of Holding " 250gp 3,250xp
6 +2 " Duplicate Shield (3 max) 6 400gp 7,000xp
7 " " Teleportation " 650gp 11,500xp
8 " " Air Strike Shield (2 max), Duplicate Shield (4 max) 8 1,050gp 17,000xp
9 " 3d4 " 1,700gp 24,000xp
10 " " Duplicate Shield (5 max) 10 2,750gp 32,000xp
11 +3 " " 4,450gp 42,500xp
12 " " Duplicate Shield (6 max) 12 7,200gp 50,000xp
13 " 4d4 Air Strike Shield (3 max), Chain Shield " 11,650gp 60,000xp
14 " " Duplicate Shield (7 max) 14 18,850gp 70,000xp
15 " " " 30,500gp 82,500xp
16 +4 " Duplicate Shield (8 max) 16 49,350gp 97,500xp
17 " 5d4 " 79,850gp 112,500xp
18 " " Duplicate Shield (9 max) 18 129,200gp 132,500xp
19 " " " 209,050gp 152,500xp
20 " " Duplicate Shield (10 max) 20 338,250gp 177,500xp


The legendary shield may only store a number of shields equal to half its level (round down). You may replace a stored shield with a new one during the scanning process.

It's other abilities cannot be used until it has been returned to its original form.

If the Legendary Shield is ever dropped or removed from your grasp, it reverts back to its original form.

This ability may not be activated in an antimagic field, but it does not revert to its original form if duplicating another shield.

Shield Mastery

At 2nd level, the wielder gains the feat Shield Mastery as long as they are wielding the Legendary Shield in any form.

Air Strike Shield

At 3rd level, the Legendary Shield may be used to create a magical barrier in the shape of a shield. At 8th level, a second magical barrier may be created in addition to the first. And at 13th level, a third magical barrier may be created.

The cost to summon the shields are 1 charge for the first, 3 for the second, and 5 for the third.

This functions as the wall of force spell, but it's shape is limited to a shield, and the additional shields need not be connected to the first. Additionally, each barrier may be destroyed if it takes damage equal to 10 HP per caster level (AC 12).

Example: The Shield Hero at level 7 summons an Air Strike barrier with 70 HP. If the Shield Hero is level 13, he may summon two separate Air Strike barriors, each with 130 HP.

If you have already summoned your limit of Shield Strikes barriers, and attempt to summon another, you choose one to dismiss before another is summoned. You may never have more than three Air Strike Shields in existance at one time.

Legendary Gear: Legendary Shield

Shield of Holding

At 5th level, the Legendary Shield can function as a bag of holding, and store any item placed on it's surface. The wielder wills the items to be stored or retrieved.


At 7th level, the Legendary Shield grants the Shield Hero the ability to cast the teleportation spell.

This ability requires 5 charges to use.

Chain Shield

At 13th level, you may enclose an 20 ft. diameter area with shields and chains, creating an impenetrable ball of shields, trapping anyone caught in the area. This functions as the force cage spell, except the appearance is that of a circular ball of shields with chains around them.

This cage has AC 14, 500 HP, and requires 8 charges to summon.

Rising of the Shield Hero

Curious about Rising of the Shield Hero? (Japanese: 盾の勇者の成り上がり, Hepburn: Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari)


Homebrew by: AndrewRP8023
Made with: Homebrewery by Scott Tolksdorf and GMBinder.


Legendary Shield, pg1 by: Shield Hero Fandom Wiki
Air Strike, pg2: Jacob Bairey
Homebrewery Stains, pg2: Aeron Drake
Rising of the Shield Hero, pg4: Unknown (Lost link)


This work, Legendary Gear: Legendary Shield, is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Version History

  • v1.0.0 - 20200606
  • v1.0.1 - 20200606
    • Tweakes some minor spelling errors and grammar.
    • Added 'Charges to Summon' to DC to Scan list under Duplicate Shield ability.
    • Added a clarifying sentence to the Duplicate Shield - Activation section.
    • Added 'same type' to Duplicate Shield - Scanning section.
    • Moved 'ac bonuses do not stack' from example block to Activation paragraph.
    • Added detail to Air Strike Shield limit.
  • v1.0.2 - 20200607
    • Added disclaimer notice to credits.
  • v1.0.3 - Formatting and text tweaking. - 20210427

Upgrades for later?

  • Expanded Shield of Holding at later level.
  • Increase scaled shield damage
Legendary Gear: Legendary Shield

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